THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1930 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page 7 Lieut. Sanford McKee Passes at | Elk Lake Illness Contracted While on Ac- tive Service Finally Proves Fatal to Officer (Special to The Haileyburian) On Thursday last, June 12th, Elk Lake lost one of its promi- nent citizens, Lieutenant Sanford Elwood McKee, elder son of Col. H. E. McKee, for the past 21 years a resident of the village, and one of the many thousands of young Canadians who return- ed from the Great War grievous- ly impaired in body, with strength to hold on to life for a few years, growing weaker 'and weaker to finally yield to the grim conque- ror. a Sanford was born in Barrie in Simcoe County on the 24th of March, 1889, and came to Stur- geon Falls with his parents in 1295. At the end of 1908 the family moved to Elk Lake where they have since been resident. Both Sanford and his younger brother were members of the 97th Algonquin Rifles for several years before the German Emper- or attempted his world conquest, and at the first call to arms, en- listed in the Canadian forces a- long with their father. The younger son went overseas with the First Division and saw stren- uous service with the 15th High- landers and other regiments and had a part, attached to "A" Corps British Tanks in the breaking of the Hindenburg Line in the Fall of 1918, fortunately coming through with nothing worse than a couple of slight shell wounds and the numerous shocks of ac- tive service. Sanford assisted in the recruiting of various units and in the beginning of 1916 was granted a billet as a senior subal- tern in the 159th Regiment. With many others he contracted pneumonia while training in a damp skating rink in North Bay, but gradually began to regain strength during the regiment's sojourn at Camp Borden. Unfor- tunately he was ordered overseas in the early fall of that year and had not been long overseas, in the +aw autumn weather of the Bri- tish Isles, when he was again at- tacked with pneumonia, from the effects of which he only partly "recovered and was returned to 'Canada a hundred per cent. disa- bility. In spite of his condition, the took his share in the life of the community and for thirteen years "carrie} on" in his little home in Elk Lake, winning the love and esteem of his fellow citizens, by his unfailing cheerfulness and op- timism. In the early days of the war he had married Miss Claire Holtom; and his wife and young son, Norman, made up the little household. He lived to see his son reach the age of fourteen years before the call came. For the last year his friends noticed that his strength was failing and a couple of weeks ago Temiskaming ® Northern Ontario Ratlway TRAIN SERVICE The CONTINENTAL LIMITED, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vancou- ver, daily, operating through Sleeper between Cochrane and Toronto. These trains use Canadian National Railways station at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 46 and 47--Through ser- vice daily, between Toronto and Timmins, al- so to Rouyn and Noranda, Que., operating Par- for Cafe Car Service between North Bay and Timmins. Through Sleepers operated be- tween Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These Trains use Canadian National Railways sta- tion at North Bay. TRAINS Nos. 17 and 18--Daily except Sunday service between North Bay and Coch- rane, operating through Sleeper between Tim mins and Montreal. These trains use Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at North Bay. LOCAL SERVICE between Cobalt, Foun- tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jct. for ELK LAKE daily except Sunday. Connections at Englehart for CHARLTON daily except Sunday. Connections at Swastika daily with Nipis- sing Central Railway for KIRKLAND LAKE, LARDER LAKE, CHEMINIS, ROUYN, and NORANDA, Quebec, and Intermediate Points. Connections at Porquis Jct. for IROQUOIS FALLS, daily. Improved service on the Porcupine Branch, making close connections at Porquis Jct. with Trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, west, north and south. This service will be in addition to Trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will provide three trains each way on Sundays. The: establishment of this service will enable those desiring, to conveniently make round trip from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. TRI-WEEKLY SERVICE between Coch- rane, Island Falls Jct., and Coral Rapids, leav- ing Cochrane 8.30 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arriving Coral Rapids 2.55 p.m. same day, returning leaving Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arriv- ing Cochrane 2.30 p.m.same day. See current Time Table or apply to any T. @ N. O. Rly. Agent for full particulars. A. J. PARR, a complication set in which led to his death. Arrangements were made to take him to Chris- tie Street for special treatment, but the sands of life were almost out and the train on which he was travelling had only gone a few miles from Elk Lake when he died, and the kind-hearted trainmen turned back and brought the worn out body to the home station, where his mortal re- mains were taken in charge by loving hands. His wife, who was with him when he died, was almost prostrated with the shock, but bravely did her part till his father and mother and his sister, Mrs. H. L. Donaldson, who had been waiting to join him at Co- balt, motored in to the house of mourning.-- The dead young officer was, at the time of his death, Master of the L.O.L. at Elk Lake and the members of that Order arranged the funeral ceremony, and with the help of the Fire Ranger Pat- rol, worked strenuously to pre- pare a part of the new cemetery for a burial ground, where, on Saturday afternoon, his body was laid to rest, in the shade of the Banksian pine and poplar--the first interment in the new ground Although no public announce- ment had been made ,hundreds attended the funeral service, which was held in the United Church and conducted by the Rev. Mr. Watson. About sixty cars were parked in the vicinity of the Church and followed the hearse, | wreaths having been sent from the Public School Board, of which deceased was.a member; Canadian Legion, Cobalt; The tinges of the forest growth. | Kiwans Club of Cobalt; the Wo- men's Association of the United Church, the "Merry Makers" Club of Elk Lake; the Elk Lake Bridge Club; the Young People's Club of the United Church; the Women's Guild of the Anglican The large pulpwood drive of the J. R. Booth Company has been passing the Elk Lake swing large Union Jack and masses of|There are about a half million{now fully equipped for the teach- flowers, which made a beautifullpieces in the mass. The firm hasjing profession in which she in- The|island of color amid the green|another drive in charge of Mr.jtends to engage. Murphy in the lower river, be-! ede ge Indian Lake and Latch-| Elk Lake Public School closes ores jon the 19th, the building being {required for the Departmental Miss Isobel Mills has arrived. Examinations. This gives the bridge on its way from Matache- home from North Bay Normal|staff a few days extra to add to wan for the last couple of weeks.|School for the Summer holidays,|the Summer vacation. Church; the Public School staff; his former commanding officer, Col. Armstrong and Mrs. Arm- strong, and many others from loving friends and relatives. _ A particularly striking floral piece was a broken arch from the Orange Lodge, Elk Lake, which crowned the mound of flowers covering the grave. Relatives from a distance, who reached Elk Lake in time for the funeral were his younger brother, Norman McKee and wife, who LOOK FOR CENTRAL Mares Corner Georgina and Blackwall to buy your fresh and Cured Meats at Low Prices We Deliver any place in town BEEF motored from Ottawa: Thos. E. Sh ha McKee and wife, North Bay; Dr. pe Pope and Sirloin -------- ae Fred. McKee and son Terence,| prime Rib Roast aaa == Qe North Bay; Master Graham Mc-|choulder Roast ---_-__ "Page Kee and Miss Mary McKee, Of|tambure Stents ea eKoue Seige: North Bay; his sister, Mrs. H. L.!Gtewino Beef _-_______ Gap Donaldson, Cobalt, Mr. and Mrs. = 0 PRS SET TOT ee Dickson, of Gowganda, and Mrs. eYech Harn PORK Pe R. J. Oliver of Haileybury. There Trimmed Loin C were cars from Gowganda, 'Bes: mmed Loin Chops ------- 35c Shoulder Roast which was filled with flowers, tel, Cobalt, Haileybury, New/|¢. ; Liskeard, Englehart and other Side Pork Bere aon aaa 27c points. A short service was held at the a perc Paseo ares cesses ~ grave by Rev. Mr. Watson, which She ld ae hae Taare eee Ha was followed by the impressive Fresh Po: Esai SSs5 Se CeremotiateOsRtheMmUodeeamencigae . ons pence hata 2 bers. Choice Creamery Butter 35c The casket was covered by @/pyre Lard, 1-16 prints _--_- 18¢ JASPER NATIONAL PARK Ze PACIFIC COAST and ALASKA Enjoy alow cost trip to the West this Stop off at Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies. famous Mount Robson. A thousand beautiful sights. A new thrill mile. Take the Triangle Tour Route via Prince Rupert... with its 600 mile cruise to Vi Real nice Green Gages, 2 cans 27¢ Lombard Plums, 2 cans for__ 25c In order to give you prompt ser- vice on Saturday would appreciate receiving your orders early; Sat- urdays are awfully busy with us and we are out to give you the best service in town NUMBER 15, O4 Sell It by Advertising ! Consistent Advertising in The Haileyburian will Bring Business Want Ads. Bring Results LONGER FISHING DAYS... with Johnson Sea-Horses Fishing days were meant for fishing--not for wasting time rowing out and back--or losing time trying to start a balky motor. Fishing Sea-Horse fashion gives you the cream of the pleasure--none of the annoy- ance or bother attendant to other ways. Hang your Sea-Horse on the transom, start instantly and you're off--in comfort. Quiet, vibrationless and away from the gas-filled air ashore. Al] the room in the boat is for you--the motor's out of the way. When you're ready to come back--a quick- starting motor helps alot. No more starting back early to "make allowances." No more pulling oars to spoil the end of a day's fun. Nine great features make Johnson Sea- Horses stand out in the outboard motor field. They are responsible for more people buying Sea-Horses than all other outboard motors combined. There's a Sea-Horse for every need, includ- ing electric-starting models, with auxiliary rope-starter, $155 to $500 f. o. b. factory. Partial payment terms. Let us demonstrate them for you. Hear the amazing story of their performance--of their records. Let us give you the new illus- trated catalog, in colors. Features That Only Sea- Horses Possess! JOHNSON SEA-HORSES dy Temiskaming Boat Co. Ltd. Call Bill Short, phone 66 to September 30. Tours may be made by various routes. 'These fares are in effect from May 15, anadian ational Meg eee Eros fipearing Gasluaaeet PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, experiences, Agentfor attractive aa CJ 'o Wit:-- TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA SETTLE zen he must "settle up." is the subscription to the easily forgotten. "forget," the publisher is accounts. it comes due. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt., North Bay, Ont. DOES MAN OR DOWN? HEN man reaches that stage in his existence where the urge for, "home" dominates his thoughts he is suffering the first stages of the "settling down" process. house and all that goes with it, and realizes that before he can settle down and become a Solid Citi- Now this "settling up" business should be indulged in at regular intervals by most of us. There's al- ways some little account that if not paid promptly when notice is sent, will be allowed to stand indefi- diatély has to put on pressure to collect the $2.00 There is one sure way of keeping "settled up" with your newspaper--watch the label every week. Af- tr your name the date on which your subscription expires is printed plainly. Make sure of it now. "LOOK AT THE LABEL" No. Street Lot Browning == =2== 3 Qa Wlattie sea See ine UG) 3. Main --- Seapets Lo AeeeViaineeee nae Spine See Vigne sceee none pt. 6 GaeeAmwell 222-220 -25---= 15 7 See Ari elas tea sf) 8. Meridian Ave, ---- 20, 21 Oa Miew? spss een eae 9 i). AWE Se Se 12 Ti geNiew .2ssee eae 308 12amGecilt =. esse See 330 13. Meridian Ave. -------- J 14. Meridian Ave. ~------- 2 He begins planning a [Saga@obaltis es ¥ 28 16. Niven --- 123, 135, 147, 158, 159, 171, 172, 182, 183 17Ghamplain: =2--==-- 121, 133 18. Seton 19> eelhinde== 21. Georgina Ave. 60, 122, 123 Piz, Veteybigd ee ee 116 nitely. One of the most unfortunate in this respect B. Sees corer ne ad newspaper. The amount 25. Georgina Ave. ---- 13, 14 is small and comes due but once a year; so it is But when a thousand subscribers Bos (Seo yi Gl aor ee 20 in a bad way and imme- 97 bug on ee 139 33. Albert 34. Browning 35. Georgina Ave. ~--~ 92, 93 36. Latchford S 37. Latchford 38.. Florence 39 weleatebtord pases ens 183 Pay it promptly when Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Arrears of Taxes DISTRICT OF TEMISKAMING, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HAILEYBURY BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of Haileybury and the seal of the Corporation of the said Town, bearing date of the 26th day of May, 1930, and to gne directed commanding me to levy upon the sevetal parcels of land hereinafter described for the ar- rears of taxes respectively due thereon, together with all costs thereof, I hereby give notice that pur- suant to the provisions of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1927, Chapter 238, and any amendments thereto I shall on the 15th day of September, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Munici ail Offices, Ferguson Avenue, in the Town of Haileybury, proceed to sell the said lands or so Piet thereof as may be necessary to discharge such arrears of taxes and all costs thereof unless such ar- rears and costs have been sooner paid. pale Plan Arrears Costs Amount Names and Addresses M-13F 111.14 5.38 11652 CC. H. Burton, Rouyn, Que M-131 157.93 6.56 164.49 L. Reilly, Rouyn, on M-131 248.16 881 256.97 N. Abraham, Haileybury M-13 J 159.47 660 166.07 C. H. Burton, Rouyn, Que. M-13M 174.35 697 181.32 Mrs. H. Brown, Wiseton, Sask. M-130 182.21 7.16 189.37 R. Bruce, Haileybury M-13R 712.23 20.41 7.32.64 Fennessy Estate, clo John Shine 302, 311 Adams Bldg, Sault Ste Marie. 46 110.31 5.37 115.68 A. Bouchier, Haileybury. 81 70.48 4.37 74.85 Mrs. Stark, Boston Creek. 81 58.63 4.07 62.70- Mrs. P. Ogle, clo J. Ogle, Hail- eybury. 73 50.13 3.86 53.99 Fred LaForest, So. Porcupine 73 103.88 5.20 109.08 Chas. Phelps, Maidens P.O. 83 104.13. 5.21 109.34 J. Corrigan, Rouyn, Que. 83 336.63 11.02 347.65 J. Gutcher, Haileybury 50 362.05 11.66 373.71 Mrs. M. Piche, Haileybury 105 1095.99 5.00 1100.99 Theo. Schmeler (deceased) 105 10.38 2.86 13.24 <A. Sweet, New Liskeard. 105 6.80 2.86 9.66 Mrs. I. Duffy, (deceased) 128 4.26 2.86 7.12 J. Farmer, Haileybury 128 9.37 2.86 12.35 John Guppy Estate, clo E. Gup- py, Temagami. 128 7A Nop he Be Gy lls 24.76 <A. Camley, Haileybury. 128 845 2.86 11.31 A. Camley, Haileybury. 128 18.90 3.08 21.98 A. Camley, Haileybury. 128 BO Olea ae 40.14 Mrs. R. E. Davis, Haileybury 77 9.37 2.86 12.23 Mrs. A. B. Turnbull, Hollyburn P.O., Vancouver. 77 4.68 2.86 7.54 Guppy Estate, clo E. Guppy, Temagami. 77 13.98 2.95 16.93 Wm. Scott, Haileybury 58 12.05 2,91 14.96 E. Marion (deceased) 48 102.79 518 107.97 P. McGinley, Haileybury 48 104.58 5.22 109.80 St. Germaine (non-resident) 48 76.38. 4.52 80.90 J. Farmer, Haileybury 48 46.46 3.77 50.23 Driscoll Estate. 48 Zit (3:33 32.44 Driscoll Estate. 37 156.13 6.51 162.64 R..Abraham, Timmins, Ont. 37 650.74 18.88 697.62 Geo. Nottle, Haileybury 54 7913 4.59 83.72 Mrs. A. Hogg, Noranda, Que. 54 179.89 7.110 186.99 D. Furlong, Haileybury 54 28AZ S31 31.43 H.C. McCluskey, Cobalt, Ont. 82 46.68 3.77 5045 Bruce Jemmett, clo A. E. Moy- sey, Kingston, Ont. H. CLIFFORD, Treasurer. Dated at Haileybury this 11th day of June, 1930.