Ontario Community Newspapers

The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 5 Dec 1929, p. 1

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fi McGillivray, R. 299. Jan 30, E HAI a YBURIAN _ Vol. 25, No. 35 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1929 Subscription Rate: $1.50 per year i j Takes Action to Disqualify | W. Charbonneau as Mayor | | Jos. A. Legris Commences Proceedings to Have Mayor-Elect Un- seated; Claims Disqualification of Candidate and Election by Acclamation q The expected action on the part of Jos. A. Legris to have Mayor Charbonneau disqualified if he should win the contest on Mon- Over Half Million in day was taken yesterday morn- New Building for Year ing, when Mr. Legris took Quo Warranto proceedings before His|Fire Loss Greatly Reduced and Honor Judge Hartman in the lat-| f{azards Removed, Says Re- ter's chambers at the court house. | port of Fire Chief Mr. Legris claims that the Mayor| is ineligible to hold office because he did not have his taxes paid on : me the day of nomination and he is | issued, showing a total value os seeking to have the election' set|MEW construction of $529,100, aside, the Mayor unseated andjone ot the features of the annual himself declared elected by accla-|report of the Haileybury fire mation. z chief submitted on November In the ordinary course of pro- 29th to the mayor and council. cedure, Mr. Charbonneau will be| This is one of the biggest years served with notice of the action| business in the building line that and, after eight clear days have the town has seen since the re- elapsed, the case will be heard by construction period which follow- His Honor. This, it is expected,/ed the big fire in 1922. The Ro- will bring the action up for hear-}man Catholic Church and Bishop's ing about December 16th. The | Palace, and the new hospital now grounds for the action are defin- | being erected by the Sisters of itely set forth by Mr. Legris ina| Mercy, are 'responsible for the statement published last week in/greater part of the valuation The Haileyburian, copies of which|placed' on new construction, but were distributed through town. |there are also the community Mr. Legris stated to The Hail- hall addition to the arena, several eyburian that his position in the|new houses and the large ware- matter is perfectly clear. He | house built by McCurdy & Sim- says that he is not disqualified in jard on Main Street. any way from acting as the) The fire chief's report town's chief magistrate, while he|that the brigade responded to 25 is just as emphatic in declaring|calls during the year. Five of that his opponent ineligible. |these were "silent calls" in which His action is taken solely in the|no general alarm was sounded, interests of the town and his in-|but to>which men of the brigade tenton is to carry it through to|responded and did good service the end. Oe : in the way of prevention. The The situation is something new |total loss from 'fire is placed at for the town of Haileybury and/$2600, which is among the low- all citizens will await the out-/est in the town's Instory. In the come with considerable interest-|report submitted by Chief Mar- cella last year, after six months as head of the brigade, showed that there had been "17 fires, with When Rink Opens on [a estimated loss of $8,760. The building permits for the 6 month \ Récord Early Date' period covered in last year's re- |port were 17, with a total value The first skating of the season|of $19,805. was available for patrons of the Twenty-seven building permits | is states | is | Kiddies Given 'Treat : ; Analyzing the catises of the yee. ne we Saturday ev-|fres which have occurred during ening last, when e arena WAS |the re i WV cell : e past year, Chief Marcella opened by the local fire brigade, | tates that seven were» chimney the members of which have se-\¢ Batt a Bt ; ; \fires, two were ft explosions cured the management for the Pee ee We ce inne e 2 (a Chil te Ae y\n furnaces, while four were caus- s sor nhildren were alrowed | oe 5 pth] S een z "led 'by overheate stovepipes. on the ice free of charge, and this Tess are i ate oe ni Aber | brought them out in crowds | ' eae ne the bat ene tI ee 1 : 1 mon causes of fires in homes, but that, with the older people WhO) during. the year there were joined in 'the opening of the], é < : . sport, there was little idle space caused 'by clothing being hung ie ipl pate PCa cate Pace! t6o-close to pipes in attics. . Of cee ge Pe ae 2 : hott an |the remaining number of alarms, = 2} < as se « 5 | aoe s c s perfect, it was nevertheless Tak pair h a aaeee eaeet a floor fire, two : 6 : jwere wall fires caused by rubbish| fair shape for the time that has|," Ags i : ; ' peluins 4 being ignited, one is given as a been spent on it and the OPEUINE kein entrants MudeecaTicedubt Ay ° . as o » one yas Ca Sec ry on Saturday is believed to be the : Ste; : ae la short circuit in the engine of a sc Six ir Hold Turkey Stag on Friday, December 20 Preparations Going Forward for Big Event to be Held For Charity Open Here Monday' One Criminal Action and ae, Civil Cases to be Heard by | Justice Garrow The date of the charity turkey stag, which is to be held under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus here, has been definite- for Friday, December Great preparations are un- Three, cases, only one of which is of a criminal'nature, have been set down for hearing at the sit- ting of the Supreme Court of Ontario, which will open here on , Monday next, December 9th, with Mr. Justice Garrow presiding. This will be His Lordship's first the] visit to the North Country in his event one that will be long re-jofficial capacity and (the light membered by the men of Hailey- docket is likely to make it a short bury. The women have no part one. foot ' in this entertainment, except that! The criminal charge is laid a- they will be called upon later to' gainst Lewis R. Burton, of Kirk- cook the turkeys which every {land Lake, who was arrested man who attends will win (?) three months ago and has spent The event will wake «place on, the intervening period in the dis- the date stated at the Columbus} +S! jail here. ly fixed 20th. der way under the direction of aul Morrissette, to make - G ! 'One civil non-jury case is a all, Ma Street, where the 5 i ete s Sree aoe wail be adh at 7.30 : claim by Walter and Gertrude Sage | : see ed Fairhurst against the Town of The entertainment will be something of.a surprise, as only the faintest echoes are to be heard from the conferences of the committee which is working under Mr. Morrissette's direc- tion, but this much assured, there will be ample opportunity to secure one of the favorite birds for the Christmas dinner. There will be no other prizes. The man- agement will "talk turkey" to anyone who mentions fowl of any other species and the men are warned to be on their guard a- gainst any breach of this rule. Cobalt, for damages of $6,000 for the flooding of their property, which they allege was due to negligence on the part of the municipality. The third caes, which -will be heard by jury, is an action brought by Joseph Zuk, of Gow- ganda, against Charles Berdux, of Elk Lake, in which the plain- tiff asks" $5,000 damages for alie- Sa of his wife's affections. fi is ------------_ Good progress is being made on the addition to the arena buil- ding, which is taking the form of a community: hall. Several ma- sons and bricklayers are engaged in the erection of the walls, which aré of tile with brick pillars and 'stotte trimmings. Anyway; -there, will be plenty of fun for all who attend, plenty of music and other entertainment and, above all, plenty of turkeys to go around. Remember the date and the place and. be on hand for the big event. , Good winter weather has heen the rule during the past week. ing bylaws, thus removing' six}Temperatures have hovered a- definite fire hazards from. the|round'the zero mark. with no town. The whole report, which|sign of a recurrence of the ¢x- will be dealt with by the council|treme cold of late November, and at its next meeting, is a very sat- fe indication of anything-in, the isfactory one. io al tet MEN eof a thaws y Highgrade Shoot Uncovered at Morrison Mine, Gowganda Vein Running Two to Four Inches of 3,000 ounce Ore on 475-foot Level of Property Operated by Mr. H. F. Strong is Considered Highly Important A strike of high grade silver to be a very conservative esti- on the 425 foot. level of the Mor- mate. With the downward ex- ison Mines in Gowganda, which tension of the other known was made on Thursday last, caus- shoot still to be tapped, the de- ed some stir among the mining velopment of the mine is show- men in Haileybury on'Monday, ing great promise. when Horace F. Strong, who is The whole structural condition Supreme Court Will _ Given Large Majority in Election For the Mayoralty Vote is Overwhelming in Contest on Monday Between Mayor Charbonneau and Jos. A. Part in Fight, Claimi Faithful Dog Tries to Assist Dying Master Stricken Prospector Warmed by Canine Friend in Cold Cabin Near Gowganda Stricken with pneumonia in his lonely cabin, eight miles from Gowganda, at the Haultain Mine, Jim Fletcher, old timer of the Northern mining camps was so far gohe when his plight was dis- covered by Harold Parker, trap- per, that he died some thirteen hours later. He was found by Harold Parker, stretched on his bed in the cabin, covered witha single blanket, and with his faith- ful dog lying across his body giving the only warmth to the suffering man that was available. The bedclothes had slipped from the bed, the stovepipes in the little cabin had fallen down and the unfortunate man was so far gone that Dr. G. R. Crann sum- moned from Gowganda, could do nothing to save his life. He died without regaining consciousness. So far as could be ascertained, Mr. Fletcher had been suffering for some days: When Mr. Park- er passed through the Haultain property he saw no sign of life and went to the shack, where he forced the door in and discover- ed the suffering man. After get- ting a fire on in the stove he went to summon help and Dr. Crann and D. Hellens came quickly from the Castle-Trethe- wey Mine. The latter remained with Parker, after the medical man had. done all he 'could to re- lieve the stricken prospector, un- til death occurred. Fletcher was 57 years of age. ' The late Mr: Fletcher was born in» 1872 at Point levis, arid came to the North,Contry 25 ago. He was employed at the Trethewey Mine when he first arrived in Cobalt, and in 1907, he went into the Gowganda district. He enlisted with the 228th Batta- lion for service oyerseas. On his return he went back into Gow- ganda. For the past three years he had been caertaker at the Haultain. His wife died ten years ago. Two sons, Angus and Herbert, both working at Amos, survive. eel W. Lent, formerly of Hailey-~ |bury, and now engaged in the founding of a muskrat farm in Firstbrook.township, reports this years} Legris; Latter Takes No ng Mayor Disqualified In a quiet election contest on Monday, W. Charbonneau, who 'has been mayor of Haileybury for 'the past 18 months, was givena \majority of 282 over his oppon- 'ent, Jos. A. Legris, ex-mayor jand former member of the coun- 'cil. The voting did-not stir up jany undue interest, Mr. Legris having declared through the |press that he considered himself elected by acclamation and would take no part in the election Mh spite of this there was almost \two thirds of the number of votes polled that was the case at the last mayoralty contest in Janu- ary of this year, when Mr. Char- bonneau defeated Mr. Pipe. The number at that time was 635, while on Monday there were 400 votes polled. polling subdivision there was a majority for "Mr. Charbonneau. The vote war lar- ger in proportion to the last con- test at the south end of the town than in the north and the centre, but the figures were pretty much in the same proportion. In every When the returns were handed in to the Town Clerk, as return- ing officer, in the evening, there were only a few citizens present. These included Mr. Charbonneau, who received the congratulations of those in the offices. The votes by polls was as fol- lows: Poll Charbonneau Legris dprartaeg" 6 orate 95 2. \2 ariceer seer 60 12 he Bhat ee ciong hea oa 106 11 Sada O, ovaiec ees 80 12 341 59 The majority is probably the largest ever given a mayoralty candidate in Haileybury. There seems to be no doubt that Mr. | Legris'-stand in the matt*p pre- vented a portion of the from exercising their and the question of the tration of the town's afi, the next year is not settled. In addition to the dispute over the mayoralty, there are still three councillors to be elected, as only three filed their qualifications land were declared elected by ac- |clamation last week. Ss roadwa y Theatre TO-NGHT - Last Showing earliest date on record for skat-| ing in a covered rink in town. to} be available. With the continued} hard frost, the firemen have been} able to complete the work of| building a good foundation and} it is likely that there will be no| interruption in the skating, ,un-| less a heavy thaw occufs, Hockey practises have already been started and there will be no lack of sport on the ice this |there have been three chimneys fe Gok ata mieee oe rea to | OPetating the property, brought . . . in a bune f samples showing Cobalt: to which the brigade re- eee h DD Samp es st NY Ds : the high quality of the discovery. sponded ee str sad ™)In the samples shown here the overcoming a bad blaze on ©angs | silver-can be plainly seen and the Street. ie 4 - é E i formation in which the shoot was As a result of. hief Marcella S| uncovered is such that everyone activities as building inspector,|who has seen it is greatly enthus- ed over the prospects of the pro- perty.' The. strike was made while in town condemned. and rebuilt during the year and three other new chimneys have been con- . jof the mine, according to Mr. Strong, is much better on the 425 foot level than was the case |nearer the surface. There is now lat least one million ounces of ore known to lie above 400 feet and there is talk of getting the Tono- |pah mill into operation, with the |further development of the pro- |perty. At present there are ten fia) engaged in the work for the week: that his stock of-the fur- bearing animals is in. fine shape for the, winter and he has good } prospects of some return daring NCQ the coming year. | The Greatest Motion Picture ever made ah's Ark Ue Ue UE EE OE EE Pe UE OS OE ee eS eK winter. structed to conform with build- Christmas Gifts ONLY 16 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT ge000 Why not make your sélections now from our great display of Gift Goods suggo We are showing a splendid assortment of-- TOILET SETS GIFT STATIONERY KODAKS Beautiful Articles in LEATHER and IVORY, Etc. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES and SMOKERS' SUPPLIES of all kinds CHOOSE YOUR GREETING CARDS NOW! eceecsescosoe Bryan-Knechtel Pharmacy "The Prescription Druggists" FERGUSON AVE. PHONE 58 HAILEYBURY |shoot runs from 2 to 4 inches of|and was quickly snapped up, and drifting on the 425 foot level|Morrison Mines Limited, and the with the object of intercepting |development has been carried on another shoot \which had been|since July 1st. struck on a_ higher level and| The property, which was form- which extends downward. At alerly operated by the Tonopah point 40 feet short of the location|Mines, lies on the southern edge where the other shoot would|of the Miller Lake Basin in the have been cut, the vein of high|Gowganda section. Mr. Strong grade was uncovered. It ex-|has every confidence that it will tends a couple of feet above the|become a producer in the near level, is making downward and | future and is bending his ener- has been:opened up for-about 20|)gies toward that end. A small |) feet. Mr..Strong.says that the |block of stock was offered locally 3,000 cunce ore, and to the lay- man who examines the samples brought out, this. would appear arrangements for the further | financing of the development are jbeing made. Tea and Produce Table Under the 'Auspices of St. Paul's Church Guild Saturday, December 7th from 3,to 6 p.m. AT THE HOME OF MRS. J. H. STITT * Corner Probyn Street and Lake Shore Road perhaps as news of the their happiness, joys every week in the news will appreciate The H anything else. "As Good as a Le To That Friend Far Away The Most Acceptable of Gifts for $1.50 To those who have made their home far from their "ain folk" nothing is quite so acceptable doings of the boys and girls they used to know, and sorrows as reflected . newspaper. Your boy or gifl, sister, brother or bosom friend It will be a of you 52 weeks in the year [IESE EPS ME UO EE HS OK ROK TG EE UES UG BR RE TR ER RU UR "old home town'--the columns of the local aileyburian more than constant reminder tter From Home"

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