THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1929 THE HATILEYBURIAN Page 7 of the North } ®'not as yet a proper health de- ler vision of an efficient health de- f . partment, those rural areas , partment. Health Service | which are not as yet being served | Questions concerning Health, addressed to : . { by full-time health units, should ; the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College of the Canadian Medical te themselves if they can afford | Street. Toronto, will be answered. Fashion Fancies | Notes to miss what others now enjoy.: - _ Mr. : get oe See : \ Association Each individual should remem-) Tonight, last showing of "Sub- > "ee a - fa A ry en With: You MRS, : ber that personal and family pro-,marine" at Broadway Theatre. 30 gia pee i tO ee : tection against disease rests} Management highly recommends Ce as sity ed pnts a vhat |Jt rests with yow if joy or care WHAT HAPPENS largely upon living under the sup- this picture. can be done here in the cultiva- peeve The need for and value of a tion of vegetables and fruits. With you to tune your days to The plants did not receive any], mapa Pel oe Properly staffed health depart- special care, in fact are grown in o force, no foe, can maké you}ment with an adequate budget from the afternoon sun and yet wholly fail have been referred to on many a plot where they are shaded occasions. It has also been the fruit is perfect and plenty eects the issue: victory, de-|pointed out that, through the or- more to come.--Cochrane North-| py, h i-4 .,,| ganization of County and Rural land Post. ough it is true the wide}Health Units, the whole Domin- world gives renown, ion could secure the same high It rests with you to make your|type of health service-as now pro trials sweet . vided for the residents of the And wear your weight of trou- larger. cities. : T. A. Jamieson, a_ brother of Geo. Jamieson of Kamiskotia fame, was in town last week on ik . business and had samples with Dieolitee a ccover. Just what this means is' clearly him that would seem to indicate|]t rests with you. The wise have shown by the experience of the that T. A. has fotind an import= always' known ; City of Toronto in Tuberculosis. ant gold property in the Kamis-| 'There is no magic spell to In the year 1918, out of every kotia district. He has 14 claims charm delight 100,000 persons in that city, over in the township of Byers, about|No potent potion lange rer arta 100 died of Tuberculosis, whereas ten milés from the Hollinger's can own in 1928, the number was 54. In Kamiskotia properties. The Byers} To flood his path with loveli- other words, the actual number claims are gold ones and Mr. ness and light. of deaths in 1928 was but half of Jamieson's many samples from what it would have been if the Mail the coupon for the property suggested that there] With you, then, all the price of same conditions as existed ten this valuable book of is the right geology and forma: |triumph lies years previously had persisted. recipes, many illus- % tion with every chance of making) When gladness out of niece This represents the avoiding of f trated in natural a big mine.--Porcupine Advance. you wrest at last, approximately 300 deaths in a wade va ct Wess wane A} colors. It tells how to As when beneath the sullen au-|"78!¢ Year from orie disease. | sugiMbatesl si make creamy soups rr 7 : ; R. W. Bro. L. H. Saunders, tumn skies, | Results such as these can be Ph = The coolest color in the rain-)Grand Master of the Grand Or-| The falling leaf takes on its|S¢cured all over Canada. They Ribs Bo web AE I and sauces, tasty bow--the daintiest, sheerest fab-|ange Lodge'of-Ontario West will Plivestienet afé not arrived at by chance, but Fe ook breads, tempting sal- ri¢é imaginable! What could be|pay an official visit to Sowth Tém- =A are the direct result of a trenien- MAREE Ue. ca dderacieedcacs ads, delicious desserts more entrancing undér a summer] iskaming County Orange Lodge Ol : dous effort, carried) along on and candies, all of moon than this evening frock of |No_ 60 on August. 10th. d Friends proper lines and . consistently : them more nourishing bluebell tulle sketched above? The meeting: will be held in the maintained year after year. Such h made with And, best of all, this model is|Orange Hall, New Liskeard at 8|Though it is often well to get a-|Tesults represent the expenditure 6 bad * delicate as a gossamer spider's|o'clock in the evening. Deleg- way of a considerable sum of money. doubly-rich St. web, but at the' same time, sléek| ates are expected fron every|From dull routine tHat rules us| This actual expenditure, however Bordens Charles Milk. and tailored: Orange Lodge in the County and day on day, is considerably less than it would The secret of its achievement|invitations are being sent out to}When I leave home I miss such have been necessary to spend on is told with the revelation that|Lodges of the L. O: B. A:, True faithful friends, the care of cases in attempting the entire dress is cut in three|Blue and Orange Young Britons|I'm happiest the day my journey |tO cure them if their occurance ; layers of tulle--the circular skirt,|to meet the Grand Master.--New ends. had not been prevented. Add to @ " i the peplum, and the tiny bertha]Liskeard Speaker. : 'The firelight greets me herethe cost of sickness, the value of cap which flutters long in the when I gét back, human life, the broken homes, back to lure a summer zephyr. Hollinger Consolidated direct- Its flames aglow with lights all the children left fatherless or ors and Premier Ferguson got strange fires lack, motherless, and it is plain to be SG Hats Crown the Summer very much closer this week on And in my corner of the ingle- seen that the investment in health ; Teed the project fo build a railway nook work pays a very real dividend in BV G from Timmins' itito Kamiskotia:|1 find my well-worn chair, my|™0ney and human happiness. co Sten = Signs were that atly day would dearest book. Those communities which have * |see a settlement of the poirits of|And here upon the mantel-shelf a - - - f | difference between them and an|,_ voice, : re ' announcement of an' early start}"Tic-tock, tic-tock," that makes 1 \ F = |onthis. new branch of the T. & N. my heart, rejoice; @ O. Railway. The clock whose steady accents ar a i The government has adopted only seem _ the stand that it is willing to-con-|To add fresh quiet to this tran- . : - |struct the line and operate it at quil dream. Bud er Aids | cost, if necessary, provided the|Old friends they are, friends hon- wy : gold mine does not ask Ot aoa WE ee true and ee : ; § a of the province to take a loss on en I go out to wander far and < | lit, The Prime Minister has re-}_ wide o Over 100,000 Ontario Women mained firm in this attitude. So much I miss their notes from shop daily at Dominion Stores, ) |--Northern Miner. life's refrain, z } a 'fee' Pm gtaddértesvhenseitn taking advantage of the con- Information received by. Town home again! sistently low prices on high- Clerk Harrington in reply to his é « . letter to the Old Age. Pensions quality food products in making Board at Toronto asking for the Crea, and application has been proper forms for use, stated that|made through him for the remis- the Jéinisasife Old Age Pens-|sion of fines in certain cases. ion Board will be comprised of R.|~-Englehart Times. R. Woods, of New Liskeard, 5 ae Ee. John Clark, of Englehart and A-| Kittiand Lake i F e is to havea B. Rober si) Se {ne|Pipe Band! This was decided at SSRSECtELALY- e retter), recent meeting of the Kirkland written by Dr. D.. Jamieson, . chairman of the Mother's Allow- dead the cesta et the ance Board, intimated that ap-|hand is now underway. At the : plicants for pensions should take! ,resent time there are seven or ) their applications direct to mem- eight pipers and two drummers yr Z y bers of the district board--Cob-]entolied and practising. The Milady no longer finds golden alt Nosphern »News: committee in charge are desirous of securing a bass drummer and tresses her crowning glory, es- wegerl residents of the Town- Sad ecate" oro proces ecially during the dinner hour.|Ship of Ingram were arrainged|_- = ae fe aie Ani se Catia before Magistrate Atkinson at Kirkland Lake Northern News. : . _|Police Court on Tuesday for il- heads now in the most exclusive|jegally having moose meat in restaurants. is a smart, small hat.| their possession during the close Infant Welfare When it takes on the sophisticat- | season. One pleaded not guilty ed gesture of the turban, the sum-|anq was dismissed, one wed let CLINIC mer diner may be-blase with good] out on suspended sentence, and EACH THURSDAY up their family budget. CAMPBELL'S KELLOGG'S iv» SOUPS Kins Was 25¢ Krispies 2Pkts.25¢ : ROBERTSON'S GOLDEN SHRED Cc REG. i ce Marmalade 12-02. 2 1 c ocosne® > 5 Ir OLEANS EVERYTRING SINGAPORE SLICED (Reg. 15c' Tin) Charm .. Pkt.Qe e THE IDEAL HAND CLEANER Pineapple 2™25¢|| chap 2 Tins 35e LILY BRAND Post'sBran2""23¢ || chicken taddie», 23 COOK'S FRIEND BEAVER BRAND Baking Powder' 33"29¢ Blueberries Tin25c¢ FINEST SHREDDED OR DESICCATED meason. the rest were find. Game Ward- Capping a flowered chiffonjen Wm. Armstrong prosecuted. een pS 4 i ; Preserving Needs frock with a snug fitting little}We understand the matter has COLUMBUS HALL Millionaire Sardines = Tins 29¢ hat of some brilliant material--]been taken up by Hon. Chas. Mc- 3 to 4 p.m. Crown Fruit Jars both brilliant in color and tex-| D L Gold ¢ Ti 18 SMALL D ture--is the essence of chic. Just omino Golden Lorn An c $1 1. as think how fashion-wise you'd feel | | 205 > °) rs in the bright green lacquered 2) Fancy Quality Beets Tin 23c poz. set ' on mesh turban sketched above ~ if you wore it with a green and black chiffon dinner dress. NURSES' TRAINING COURSE : ae a Jar Rings Gold Seap . . . . 108 39 Rubber 3 Doz. 25¢ McLaren'sCreamCheese # 15¢ | zine Doz. 17¢ H. A. CARLSON LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S TAILOR Chippewa County Memorial Hospital is prepared to give a 2% year course of training to women desirous of becoming professional nurses. 'Applications must be made to Miss Anna B. Northrup, Superintendent of Nurses, Can-|) didates for adinission: to School must be between 18% and 35 years of age and have had at least two years' high school training of its equivalent. This is an accredited school and |; has full time instructors. For further information, ad-}, dress Superintendent of Nurses,|| Miss Anna B. Northrup, clo Chip-| |= pewa County Memorial Hospital, | ) | ' Horne's Custard Powder i% 27c |CERTO 3" 30¢ one. JELL WIUIMIVIN EVI Post Toasties . . . 2 Pkts. 23 | parowax 2Pkts.25¢ Muffets For Breakfast 2 Pkts. WHOLE MIXED s- 2D¢ Pickling Spice 29c Ib. Diamond Toilet Flush . . Tin 23c | courovrs Gillette Razor Blades 3 Pkts. $1 sg er 39¢ Ib. BLENDED SPIRIT OR CIDER Lux Toilet Soap... 3 Cakes 23c | Vinegar Gal. 50c DOMINION STORES LIMITED 550 STORES "OUR ADDRESS IS EVERYWHERE" 550 STORES We always have the most up-to-date and seasonable goods to choose from Patterns and Styles to Suit Every Taste Fit and Workmanship of the Best CLEANING AND PRESSING FERGUSON AVE. Liggetts' old stand DVN NNO) \OWYNONO) @ © 00 00 600000010 0 OOO OO 00 0000000 8HHHHHHHHTHOCEO Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. sug 7-3-c | \, /B\i/D\i(B\/BN'/ BDV NUAAN DAV NN WD NDNA :