. . | : ter a little arguing the net was ute before the bell sounded Stan|custard pie. However, one reads Windermere, the other from|ticton, and the return, via the Haileybury hcereases repaired and the score stood. <Be-' worked through again and rung|bite off more custard pie than|Field to Lake Louise. Theve ula line. ; fore the period ended Lemon, up another, making the score 6-4/ one might comfortably chew. will be a steamer voyage on Koot-| For the illustrated booklet giv- Central Group Lead conte Haileybury's first goal and cinchiyg the game for Hail-| ney Lake, Puget Sound and the jing all the details, commumicate when he got right through and eybury. The line up: Usually Lemons-are sour-but creat Lakes. The full extent of with: Lix,O, Tremblay, Distr ict eae a TAS Te ae scored from close range, New Liskeard--Tice, goal; Me-! Qn, boy! our Stan is sweet ! the Canadian Pacific Rockies will} Passenger Agent, Canadian Pac- be traversed,the going trip vialific Ry., North Bay, Ont. or Dean the Kootney and Okanagan Val-|Sinclair Laird, MacDonald Col- leys, stopping at Nelson and Pen-Jlege, P. Q. The local Juniors climbed an-|_ Haileybury tied the score early Knight and Hoge, defence ; Coop- other step up the ladder in their) in the second frame when Pritch ooo es Woods, right wing; quest for championship honors ard chased the rubber into the Donohue, left wing; subs, Hall when they defeated New Lis- corner and passed out to Lemon and Wicket. s, keard on Tuesday night on the in front of the Liskeard net. is ge eee peak Fae Farmer's own ice by a score of|keard again took the lead when' Maurice ane AT Ay, pee six goals to four. They are now! Woods shot from outside the de-| Leman. centres De poRnent wie This boy McKnight is a real| Orange Pekoe Biend Aiways ; 3 } : 1-1 Pritc a . s Gr solidly entrenclied at the top of | fence and Burns in goal mis- (Pritchard, left wing; subs, Gregg 1 t Fe hockey player and would' be a the Central Group and if they can judged the drive! Then Dolan!*™4 poe: Asselstine, Cobalt handy man to have around any ' win one more game, or if Cobalt! made it three all and right from] SaaS gots ier vere hockey team. Joses one, the local boys will meet! the face-off Stan Lemon put the! : aa eee Falls i Haileybury has to win just one more game to cinch the group honors. Here's hoping. they do it in Cobalt on Friday night. 000-000-000 cece os 0050000 t cece eS cee eeee ees es seco e coos Troquois in the play-offjlocals ahead with a nifty goai., N. @. H. A. CENTRAL GROUP "games. The period closed with the score| Across Canada and Back ? mere The game on Tuesday night;4-3 for- Haileybury. | FEBRUARY aa served at any meal makes it a banquet, and the price is turned out to he a corker. Sioa In the third stanza Liskeard| 4 }Jajleybury at Cobalt A wonderful tour, including all reasonable.. More cups of good tea to the pound than to start, both teams soon settled started off with a bang and were! SRG Taeteardeat Haileybury | expenses, the fourth under the brands 'down and. dished up some fast| finally rewarded when McKnight! 11--Cobalt at New Liskeard. direction of Dean Laird of ies For Sale by The Haileybury Supply Store and C, E. Flem- hockey. Liskeard dothinated the|shook eff several checks and, : , Donald College will leave Toronto | ing, Haileybury, Ont. July 25th, by Canadian Pacific a : oi Jul | Try a pound and be conyinced you neVer tasted better Railway special train, through to = iE N ae cutvereid cia ne eee } The DALY TEA CO. LIMITED, lYead Ottice Napanee, Ont. OC ey otes | Stops will be made at all im-| oe+ceccececcecccccecesee cece esses teers sseste sere fro mWood's shot. Then Woods to get the odd goal. Toward the! A | portant places' enroute including} --~--_____-- 3 put the Farmers two up when he close Lemon took the puck from! E jsuch noted beauty spots as Banfi, burned in a high one from a diff-, his own defence and after stick-| Reports from Iroquois Falls in-, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake and 7 Z ol Y : ; ; : a Scult angle. The local boys claim-' handling through the entire Lis-|dicate that the Northern group, theYoho Valley. | Fe enreedonata ang ae winners regard the champions of; Two magnificent motor trips| pits SNe : herel on - ed that the puck had entered in a keard team, waltzed in on Tice to MACDONALD & SMITH = hole in the side of the net, but af-'score his fourth counter. A min-jthe Central group as so much will be included, one from Banft} FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE | INSURANCE play in the early minutes of the stickhandled right in, giving, game and drew first blood when' Burns no chance to save. Play 'Cooper, their aggressive little speeded up with both sides back- centre man, scored on a rebound checking well and working 'hard, PHSSSL SCOTS CEST OSESOS OSS OOS Oe + ' ) Q veseero ecee eed ans Got ean" Wnt TRCE aR OT Oo DEAE CDS NESTLE'S fe 4 r cee Qur MOE ep SERVICE" | BO .. MACDONALD BLOCK : FERGUSON AVENUE | CS Peeesoesessecrcesoe seco roo eseeee a | G-0-0-o-S's'0-6- 00-6000 000-6666000- 000006600088 S CFCC SOSS COSTS S 7 q ei ae -- q ; | stecercrccccesseccsccseneeeeey i , : i | B § Half SOLD Well BOUGHT is Ha LD! mo) | | PERMIT US TO QUOTE YOU ON YOUR BUILDING } z | REQUIREMENTS AND GET THE BENETTI ; 4s : 2 asa: Ba fad ten pte A? Ti { | Sia. aL == Simply mail coupen order for six (value 75c.)PREE. Nestle's Milk is | TEN TEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD, i cans of Tail size Nestlé's Evaporated over twice 38 Beh i ae re ae CREO-DIPT STAINED SHINGLES, | BRICK } : Milk or three cans of Hotel size. Gea ue es ae hme ae Rigen comern Ts } a = Re oreegiie : ang cocoa CY COOKING. aking | . « . 4 5 un receipt of this ezder we will 5 , = Bee et et a all household uses. + MaleybuUry LUIMDEr LO. LIMITED | send you a post card which will 5 5 f "s : ¢ {howsa Ss women if he) : . entitle you to veceive pons ane Alaa eae eee Haileybury, Ontario i 3 meat ps ge Exe) ' at Use Hy Bens} atica a Be L ; ale =A | 4 Py BP ois LE took advantage of this offer. Mail Box 250 Phone 16 ; ( Sey a a ete < ie r | % Mill at the your coupon to-day for the Nestlé's | ep eweeneccccccccesscec eee cece eee e sees en seen ete ss eee Nestle's doub til and free double egg beater. \ ere N ORDER i NESTLE'S FOOD Co. i ¥ Haileybury Hotel, Haileybury, Oat. i H | LDhereby order through my iocal grece:, fH THE MAIN Sao R Baber MERCHANT | | Re ee ve nc 5 ee a shoes Engicnggen ses chew eedBigge ota | I = mae | ' Telephone 2 for Prompt Service and Best Quality Goods |; ie F ny a F | | Special on i Be i ch} of Nestlé's Evaperated-Miik, for, which I agree to{ pay my grocer his regular | . a : . = fee RE eS SS AO oso ae i Domestic Shortening : This order is given with the understanding that + wi receive one Nestlé's Double Egg Beater | ii 2 ae : | without cost to me. f For One Week Cnly if : | -- | [SCART ORT ae ae. cae -c eetcemerorce 4 Sree se ERNE gE ROP ets a SLES yc | ith eetcict, te ae Re Boe | PRA RCSSS eee to, Rem ema R eet aM 2. RAG n-ne nnlneterp --~ Phaaiecareceyceo= ost as/sPereraaiznn ented ses ; i BAU AUS oc) vava. ie aia os map « ' 55c i j De not send any Money 'his Coupon his Se Ns eae ma cae Pine | , ¢ a z si rae ae } b pails... cee etree reece § $1. | | Coupons will not be redeerned unless received by February Sth. : ZO-Mb pails... . sss es ese e ee eeeteeee +. $3.30 | 3 CAti> HOTEL SIZE 7 6 CANS TALL Sic NEW LAID EGGS COOKING EGGS | (; BUTTER, Creamery and Dairy, very best grades at Low- |: it est Market Prices il x gag~ A REAL BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST "3g 16 Bars of White Naptha Sozp, and 1 6-qt. White Exiamel Sauce Ran (Om soa ces hs Se ee ve oeeS $1.39 PURE JAMS, 4-Ib Pails Gooseberry, Black Currant, Plum, Green Gage, Apricot 65¢ ALL KINDS OF FLOUR AND FEED SPECIAL PRICES ON ELECTRIC BULBS TREMEn Ete prin iain evr T TTT vToe Te TBCTOTT Sa TTe es eC | eae? 5 Setsarmneee Kd H. A. CARLSON ia me ere TTS LADIES' AND GENTLEMAN'S TALLOR NESTLE'S FOCD reeveeey CO. OF CANADA, a i LIMITED. ; Makers of f Nestlé's Baby Food. We alwavs have the most up-to-date and f sedsonable gouds to choose from H Patterns and Styles to Suit Every Taste Fit and Workmanship of the Best CLEANING AND PRESSING 7 ee te Hoes ; et FERGUSGH AVE. Ligzetts' old stant | Creamy to the Last Drop - | yet € +116 Es Pate /