--S VITAL STATISTIES |ANOTHER STRIKE FOR HAILEYBURY Sa eee ie The vital statisties for the first two months of the second quarter of 1912, show an increase over the first quarter figures. The births especially show a favorable in- crease over the figures for the first three months. During April 24 births were registered in the town clerk's offices, while last month 20 births were registered and it is not thought that al! the births have been recorded, as many ofthe residents of the town do not obey the laws in respect to the filing of birtns of children. The total births of the first three months of the year while high, were only 34, 10 more than the number for the month of April. Thirteen. marriages were performed in town during the two months, six in April and sevenin May. The death list was 10, as compared to 14 for the first three months. Of the deaths, six occurred in April and four in May. Of thetour May deaths two were heart failure, one tuberculosis and the other an infant a few weeks old. One of the heart failure deaths occurred in Silver Center but thee remains were interred here. During April there were two cases of heart failure, two of premature birth one of old age and a year cld ba- by with tuberculosis of the bowels. Of the 10 deaths during April and May, four children were under one year, and the ba- lance were adults over 30 years of age. The statistics for the months of April and May and year to date are: is} WH 1D) April 24 OO) May ZONE / eee: Total for year TA We 28 S24 a --_--- , Accident on St. Lawrence aot fhe ets a Cornwall, Ont., May 27.--This evening the steamer Imperial, an oil carrier b-longing to the Standard Oil Company, bound from Sarnia to Montreal, smash- ed through lock seventeen, the breaking of her hawser being the cause of the accident. The upper and lower gates were car- ried away, the former by the rush of water from above the latter by the Imperial. The water inthe canal has dropped six feet, and the ground below lock seventeen down to the river is completely submerged. There is just now no way of estimating the damage, the full extent of which will not be known urtil the water is let out of the canal for the purpose of repairing the gates. The street railway and seyeral of the industries will be shut down until the canal is once more in its normal conditicn. The canal should be in shape to be used to-morrow if there has been no damage done below the water line. If there is. two days will be required to put things in shape. There were a number of nar row escapes when the great rush of water came down at the lower end ofthe canal. People were walking along the edge of the bank and had to run for safety. No fatalties were reposted. W, A. Stewart, Superintendent and Frank Lally, overseer of the canal, had a gang of men on the job immediately, starting the work ot repairing. Spare gates areon hand at the foot of the canal, which will help in the early completion of the work. =r 'NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION. Township of Bucke Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the hearing of appeals in con- nection with the Assessment of the year 1912, will be held at the Court House, North Cobalt, on Wednesday June 12, 1912 t 10 a.m. HERBERT A. DAY, Clerk ceuamenl ~ ON TOUGH CLAIMS Free Gold in Plenty on Swastika j Property boston -- Another rich strike has been reported from the Tough claims at Kirkland lake in the Swastika district. While trenching on"the properties the Tough Syndicate discovered a new vein of excep- tionally rich quartz containing free gold for the distance of sev- eral hundred feet. At places through the vein the gold is very prominent and streaked along the vein-for a width of about six in- ches. t is said that 100 samples have been taken from this vein, all of which contain free gold and the taking of which has not impaired the showings in place to any' extent. The valuable find just made on the Tough claims is only four or five hundred feet north of where the Messrs Tough made their previous important Gold find a short time ago, and is situated in Teck, near the boundary between La'Belle, The samples have a remarkable fine showing of free gold. ee Another Alleged Incendiary Fire Following right on the heels of a supposedly incendiary fire on Saturday eyening, and mak- ing the fifth similar suspicious firein a month, an unoccuppied shack on Meridian avenue, just south of Second street was burn- ed to the ground Monday night. Like the fire on Saturday, thé alarm was turned in exactly at midnight, The flames were noticed first by the watchman at Foster's mill who sent in the alarm through central. By the time the fire brigade made the lone run the building was just falling in and all the brigade accomplished was to keep the flames from spreading to to aeighboring buildings, The hose was attach- ed to the hydrant at the corner of Meridian and Albert and the entire 1200 feet of hose carried on the hose wagon just reached the scene of the fire. No one seemed to know whose house it was that was burned, as it had not been occupied for over a year, The firebug, who is believed to be responsible for these fires, has been doing a lot of work in Haileybury during the past month. Exactly a month ago to- day a vacant shack on Blackwall street was badly gutted by fire. No cause, other than incendiary can be assigned to the blaze. The night afterwards the Tem- iskaming Navigation Companv's lake shore office was burned, while a few days later a yacant residence on Amwell street just eastof the rink, was destroyed by fire. On that occasion the fire broke out in a _ building which had not been used for a year and it was a very wet night. No more fires occurred during the balance of the month of, May but on Saturday night a shack occuppied by five Italians on Main street was badly gutted. The Italians claim they had no fire in the building and from all appearances the building was seton fire, Last night similar conditions prevailed. Three weeks ago the town council offered a reward of $25 for information leading to the conviction of the guilty party or parties, but as soon as the notice was on the street there were no more fires for the time being. On each occasion of this nature the local police force has made strict exomination into the causes but so far have been un- able to lay their hands on the guily parties. Englehart's Disappointment The editor of the Englehart Courier gives expression to his feelings as follows: "Well boys, Haileybury got the County Seat,and.if we were to ex- press our opinion of the shabby treatment accorded us as a town and the disgraceful imposition perpetratea upon the district, it would scarcely be fit to read: One consolation, we can in a few years be living in a town witha good population and a substantial, and prosperous growth and tuture, while the County buildings will perhaps adorn the hillside of rocky . Hail- eybury with no feed coming from the town of Cobalt, and nothing but a few greedy lawyers not to say any thing of genial "Bob" Shillington com- ing to town with big "yarns" of box factories, etc. to soothe the drooping! wo will resort to voting for a Socialist rather than pap ted, bottle-sucking politician. However, we didn't start out to ridicule Whitney Administration orthe actions of a Cabinet of unmitigated gall and absurd practices catering to graft and pull rather than right. Englehart has stood on its own {bottom and can do so without the aid of Government officials that hoodwink the people with buy- ing property trom "blue prints" of a townsite and architectural drawings of County buildings drawn six or seven yearsago. The citizens of Englehart have resources and can with verv little outlay induce some manufactur- ers to locate here that will build up the town. Offer suggestions andthe columns ot our paper will ever be open to propositions that must be placed betore the public. It you have any suggestion to make fell us, we will dothe rest. The News editor is not quite so easily moved as his confrere,and his condemnation of the course pursued by the Government is mild: "Since the announcement last week as to the placing of the County Seat at Haileybury, the people of that town have een celebrating, and the people of no other town are blaming them for doing so. The blame does not lie with the Haileybury people, but with the members of the Cab- inet of the Lieutenant Governor, who will by politicial favoriteism do injury toa whole district. It is well known that Haileybury is nearthe southern end of the new Judicial District of Temis- kaming, and people from Engle- hart and all the north will have to travel to almost the extreme south east corner if they want to do any business at the County Seat. The worst feature of the case is that after the county buildings are built they cannot be moved to another town without enorx- mous expense and waste uf mon- ey, and no matter what sort of a town Haileybury. may become, 'they are there for all time. It is an understood fact that towns surrounded by good agricul- tural land 'are more permanent than any others, and as both New Liskeard and Englehart are good agricultural sections, either of these would have been much better forthe judicial centre than others. | The merits and demerits of the different towns were not consider- ed or else the thing was granted as apolitical plum, and all are inclined to consider the latter to bethe case as there has been plenty of time to look over the merits of each and eyery town in the district. However, being a good agri- cultural c?ntre, Englehart in the years tocome is bound to be- come athriving town and will not need the County Seat as much as Haileybury, and soon the strife overthe question will all be forgotten." spirits of those} SS, HSS 2 AFTER DIAMONDS IN THE FAR NORTH ----S Stay Mr. W. -A. Muir The Well-Knowa Haileybury Prospzetor on Trip ------ "Mr. W. A. Muir, the wellknown Haileybury prospector who did considerable staking in the Por- cupine district, started recently, accompanied by tour others, for the James Bay region, to pros- pect for diamonds, which it had been learned had already been discovered in that vicinity. His trip will probably last the entire summer and he has been well-fit- ted out for an exténded trip, the parties financing the syndicate being Ottawa and Montreal men. ae St. Paul's Church Rector Rev. J. C. Popey Ist Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m. Holy Communion. II a. m. Matins, Litany and sermon 2p. m. Young Men's Bible Class. 2.15 p- . Sunday School. 4p. m. Holy Baptisms and Churchings. 7. p, m. Eyensong and Sermon. TUESDAY, FESTIVAL OF ST- BARNABAS, A. M, 8, am. Holy Communion, 8,30 a. m. Matins. 5.30 p. m. Children's Service. 7.30 p.m Evensong and ad- dress. Other daily services as usual. WEDNESDAY The Ladies Guild will provide a Tea in Parish Hall. Notice of Special Meeting TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting of the shareholders of the CALUMET COBALT MINING COMPANY LIMITED (No personal liability) will be held at the Offices of ARTHUR G. SLAGHT inthe Union Bank Building, at Haileybury, Ontario, on SATURDAY, the 8th day of June, 1912 at the hour of eleven o'clock, in the forenoon, for the purpose of the election of Directors, and considering and confirming a by-law of the company pro- viding for the leasing of the Company's min- ing lands, and for the transaction of such other busméswiaewieay~come before the mee- ting. DATED at Haileybury this 23rd day May, 1912. of JAMES F. GILLIS PRESIDENT. Notice of Special Meeting Take Notice that a special meeting of the shareholders of the Coleman Development Company Limited (No| persoral liability) will be held at the offices of Arthur G. Slaght in the Union Bank Building, at Haileybury. Ontario, on Saturday, the 8th day of June 1912, at the hour of eleven o'- clock inthe forenoon, for the purpose of the election of Directors, and con- sidering and'confirming a by-law of the company, providing for the leas- ing of the Company's Mining Lands, and forthe transaction of such other businees is may come before tha meet- ing. Dated at May, I9I2. Haileybury this 23rd of JAMES F. GILLES. President, Notice of Special Meeting Take Notice that a special meeting of the shareholders of the Pan-Silver Mining Company Limited, (No per- sonal liability) will be held «t the of- fices of Arthur G. Slaght in the Union Bank Buildings, at Hailerbury, Ont- arioon Saturday, the 8th day of June, 1912 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of the election of Directors, and considering and confirming a by law of the Company providing for the leasing of the company's mining lands, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Dated at Haileybury, this 23rd day of May, 1912. JAMES F. G|LLIES. Presidsnt. Taylor & Pringle Belfast Ginger Ale Lemon Sour Birch Beer, Soda and Mivaeral Waters Apple Juice and Refined Cider Paid-up Capital, Rest ead Conta Rot 68,181,970 Total Assets (Over) $58,000,000 If you haven't a Saving: come in and open fone. Cobalt Branch--H. © It would be much safer in the Union Bank of Canada--less likely to be spent--and instead of being idle, would be earning Interest night and day. Don't Waste Interest and risk the principal itself by keeping a lot of money in your house or your pockets. s Bank Account already, Haileybury Branch--G. A. Bagshaw, Manager ollette, Mana er Englehart Branch--@. P. Turnbull. Manager New Liskeard Branch--@. B. Taylor, Manager LONDON, ENG., BRANCH, 61 Threadneedle, St., E.C, G. M. C. B F. W. ASHE, Manager. Assistant Manager. ART SMITH, Custom Sawing on short notice. N% Lot 4 LUMBER and SAWING Iam prepared to fill all orders for Pine Lumber or WM. BRAY, Tp. of Firstbrook HARDW For Prospectors And the well k Sole Agent for S. NORFOLK ARE. and M ners Supplies Findley Ranges Chestnuts and Old Town Canoes nown PAROID ROOFING Cheddite S. NORFOLK opposite Maple Leaf Hotel. THE ATTORIMEY JOHN FENNESSY, Proprietor Be ie Tir a It has all and the best of service is assu number of guests. "The Enlarged Attorney" is a First-Class Hotel in every respect, and has accemmodation for a large modern conveniences red. Its Dining Room Service is as good as the best. S Rol BS MOD Biades HoTrEeEL VENDOME E. E. Lawrence, Manager Haileybury's Leading Hotel All Modern Conveniences and the Best of Accommodation. . RATES NEW LISKEARD, ONT $2.00 UP