Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 20 Sep 1857, p. 2

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las = EEE, se AEE -- eR a £ : { ) aon e OEE : ee ee nt eae a ee OCs: i Tee a) > as =e Gry ae eae ES G 2g ---- = : ae we color stained P _ te a | ae SR a a See ae rs = ES LATION money reception, Ayre the obh- for men of, and D ea, Re) mt er Reont B: ints ae--the <i Wetherloe, the proof of the running off, the | erty, birck me Reonlar Bapti tse--the rege. ative Oo 0 letters: ane' ie = baad wrilin gay 1 was} chan white? aastif reiwion the latter being foudd 'sat is ¥. 4 S. a de eee : ; Sebi i 5 pred eee) Sy 3 ay, 4 ple } f ee ions | -6¢ fy). } 09928 i : ge "Sia fully iventified" aS si el v. Tt the essere of they wiefed as pro- LE CAMLNEK 5 Ip list paper publigie, a yp . : he coe ty . 7 : es NT Wee > a eee he The case secupted t cter Hat white men shall be, ye (ne time. be | N York, an Lin nearly.ailthe Ba ; 2. Eope proveda good chy : Roni hb: suffeicnt, a te sefagalns : wr te evicenced igainst 4) m MeRiK ol 4 5OL : was leld to bail »p aca 6f felon.----Phe bail wee « swer oy yey ; : aE Ae etwas committed. a . . 5 = 3 a erieagLristauns, ani Se mito buy and : a them, '0 j beines, or list Publieatioas of the Free States Caowe | hy pate their bo- no longer L82)--- Ne said Biee Misstoy So ciely was established in May 1853, by anti- slavery Baptists, who had resisted Revd. Dr. Spencer ie Gane. -- bir Johnson, (a whip and 12° fan e them latter, the JAE , pity nor given, ap" us vO... : icc £ivilized soviet y beasts --w hich e not allow fo be Te ae = Ga s "marched to the place of meeuny. ee ee was a neat new building erected at. con- i 8 £ o< gaye! id@rable expense and with great | vu pa platform for the spakers, who 'furnish intellectual food, and shel-. @eatabic to hold the the ststentazton of the body. As the pro- substantials for cession neared the building Jones Brass Band of Chatham, who had een previously ND WEEKLY ADVERTISER. This lefian their chainsyand deprive 'cent ofstheir hoard for freedom, by the bad abor | faith of their pretended delivercr,--Mi ss S.C, c 3 = aS ' : a |. | gentleman has both the intellectual ability 2 dof thie : last = 4 Es 2 "> Rev. Thouias Kinard as been ap- pointed by the B;itish Methodist Episéopal" Church to the pastorate of their cong: ega- tion at London. The appotutment will no doubt give great satisfatetion, as the Rev. ETN a MA PROVINGIAL FRE fy ite STN PN RAR ANAL A Se ee CHATHAM, SATURDAY, SUPT. 16. 1887 SS NTS : RNAS ; PROGRES RRR eee AA ye Mr. is authorized : *aaper, aud give Rece a : SJMiaw oda Hi, of Philadelphia f bscriptivas: for William sui receive su ipts for the same. Gary, Front strect Tot eo 53 4 efoe this pape': : ees } ju 'yl ag ge Mr. George Hamilton, is our locel for Halifax, Nova Scotia. A le SALA SY RRA I ENO UNS RNAS SPRSIAL NUTIGES. SILBSCLIBERS, EDI LORS, POSTMAY wubecriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREE MM, tor which twenty per cent will be allowed. pavers' will be sentuntil the eash is reveived. Ithe terms of the Frecman are paymen zadvance, and no paper will be sent longer paid for. GrPeciMEN DUMbers Will be sent gratis UJ vaepplication. ADDRESS LD. SHADD, Chatham, Ga <2 © @ REMITTANCES. All subscription monies for this jour enclosed in letters and duly registered, which can be done at any Post Oilice payment of two cents in addition to the po: age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Su seribers will obli_e us and relieve us. fr many difficulties by forwarding their si scription money by mail, as the troublea expense of collectiong through the coun as Mery creat.--1.D.s. 2ne Wabsote esas. Wen 18 RON Poe in bn Wre have seit t @. Xe ae gare eR OF ahi oie kg) ee i ebotbard ol ered C ANY Ao SQL N-G. + aoe: slessrs. I. D. Shadd & LI. F. Douglas both of this: office, will visit many of t] townstind cities in Western and Fastei See : dt : | for the purpose a pr Wosine the tictefest and prospects of this p per. andthe "eausetof humanity general Mr. Shaddillactas. clin yasser &e., whi Mr. Douglass, who i ustihes urned from tour in the Western states, yl spoken svith great acceptanes,- Here he h: Z ee aS extensively as well as cai¥ass,-and' we know : it . + satisfactorily. Bothare yours men, and are Jabouring, in the cause of human ris hts, and fer the spread of intelligence among Canadi- "yn refugees. © 'We hope the Liberty-loving people of ghese Provinces and the States will give them aid in their work.--az, a.s.c. be we "RRS SUR YY Taxe Norice.--Persons addressing TeD: Shadd & Co, must prepay their letters, oF no attention will be pajd them. wk (We acknowlebge receipts per Elder Wm. P. Mewman, for the following: Peter J. Jackson, for W. Edwoods, 61 00 Samuel Reese, 1 50 "THE CHURCHES AND SLAVERY. ~- --THE REGULAR BAPTISTS-- of the Christian religion ?--Is it to turn the bungry and needy from your door Is it to despise the bed of What is the essence sickness, even of the proflizate and abandon- eed ?- Is it tosee the needy naked, of what- ever kind of person; and not to provide some kind of help to have them clothed? Isit to of mankind,--whether make merchandize white or black, red, ye low or bronze? Who created 'the earth,--and origi- "nally tormed all things therein, animate and inanimate ?--A being, a soul of life, a ercat- ed being, exists on the face of the earth, who in' cominon speech called "man" and also twomaN."--is he, or is she, to bepermitted to buy and sell, and to hold, as property, men and women of any country ?--Is a pro- fessing christian man to be permitted to traf fick in the body and soul of another profess- ing ¢/ristianman? Tas the Almighty Cre ator of this universe decreed that white men apart | «pratifier Vill Taec ture | slave] 1 '< } froin celagions | | t } p-by cruel } | Is it_ thes esse ties, d&c., will be compelled to reveal the WwW are the parties who wt'lnoet stand up: bol selves as they are and what they are. thoagh modestly, for the truth, 'but' w quake tremble, and sigh and look downwat when they face a professing minister of liyion?. Who are they? 'The truth shou make us free, and only then js it. that many adopt the sayings and resolutions of man like themselves, who fails to put befo them the detailed proof, with names ar dates ? "man'?'? or "woman" He is not worthy of the nsme who will' receive statement as true, without proof--proof § apparent that the almost child can see it. We will state a truth, a fact, and theret give a chance to all the readers of this There is body of Christians in the Northern ar western states of the adjoinin see it js really and truly one. g slaveholdir republic which js called tie Biprisrs rather as we take it the Regutar Baprisi and as some have it, "rue Norturrn Ba Tists, and also some call it "THe AMER cAN Baptists," and there is also a body Reguiar Baptists called (commonly) Fre Mission Barrisrs--the latter being repr sented in the well conducted publicati called the "American Baptist," publishe weekly at. New York, the Rev. W. Walke edtior, and a good anti-slavery Baptist pape itis. The latter body is styled "Free Mis sion" from the title of their Missionary Se the Secretary Is the Rey. A. Z, Post, of Mon Free Mission Society,' and Curtiss, of Utica, N. Y., and the' other- of figers may be known at 115 Nassau stree Room 31, New York. Now the 'Fre Mission Baptists" are also "Regular. Bay tists" but they'are strongly opposed toS/ very,and their every act and movementshoy a complete distinction 2 principle, from th : ; ae Meat Ana ale ae he eae | _| shall universally hold in bondage and as pra- vacilating slavery fellowshiping and blood ciety, whch is--"The American Baptis Chie trose Pennsylvania; the Treasurer is. Geo /pliced upon the Platform, . struck: up ene') ing the meral qualities so signally lacking Mr. Kin- nard, like Paul, will work with his hands ioider,) Thom s Stocks, (another slave _ L.. of their spiiit-stiring pieces, and continued in some clergymen now-a day. papother) nnd playing until the company was seated. Rev. Wm. King, the indefatigable mission- at his proftession--he is a practical Dentist ary of Buxton, then took the chair, and cal and stood high in his calling amongst the led to order. We noticed upon the piat- form, Rev. Dr-trvine of Hamiiton," Mr. T: W. Strniger of Buxton, Reve Dr. Willisof | Poronto, Loid Althrope of the British Par- "Tiament, Dr. M. RR. Delany of Chatham, Mr. Proban of England, A. McKeilur Esq. of Cuatham, Mr, Win. H. Day of Cuatham Philadelphians especially the Friends.or Quakers. .Mr. K. has set an example to the ministry that- we hope more will follow ameanwhile-.thecitizens of --bondon™=wili patronize bim Inberally we-trust.-M. A-S.6 EL Monsizur Govtisr, will be plesed | Rev. Mr. Mills, school superintendent, Rev ene : : | : zo Ss BE NOO LSU 2 We™- tu give instructions in the French languaye, | | | | | te 2 7 j / *: d 1 wl) 2 al %6 . G ° | Dr Reid Mr, "Jemieson of the "Grammar | on the guitar and Book-keeping,to classes or | school, A. Knapp Esa. and-others, among : individuals, on + easonable terms. Residesce them, a number of the fuir sex, residents Sool "and Sen gers: | The Exercises were--I1st. Music by the 'Baud 2d, address to children by Rey. Dr. svine; 3d singing by the sabbath schoul, | i 4th. addess ty the Parents by Rev. Dr.| (<= Mr War, UH Day inatgurated the Wilis, preside. t of Knox College, To- | winter seison entertainments by delivering rento; Sth.-singing by the Sabbath school; 6th Dinner. | races of France and Spain to a larve auli- dresses weie delivered i1 the fullowing | order :--16t. - Lord AathrOes *=2a4 Ni: | | Stringers Buildings. M..Goutier.is-thoroagh ly versed inthe branches he proposes to teach ,and is in every way worthy of alarge SS M.A 5 C. patronage. or 4 t a highly finished lecture on the proscibed - = After dinner, interesting ad- ence on Thursdiy evening list. EE OS Oe | Willitms#E. Dayss 3d. Mr. Boban; 4th. | 22 Seetings of sympatty Dr. Delany; 5ih. Rev. Mr. Mills; 6th, Rev: | Dr. Reid; 7th. Concludixg, Remarks by Rev. Wm. Kine; after which the Bened:e- tiun was pronou.ecd, and the assembly dis: bioody Sepoys of India are being held in New York city. Horrible! --_-----® 8 ie (> Thirty-seven persons were poisoned ir | id. | in Pike county, Alabama, on the Sunaay per-ed. c preceding Six have ded. September, 23th by a_ colored Want of spice will not permit us to evok. The cook was bu:nt Give a synoy sis of the Remarks mide, but The 'children appeared well and were a credit lo the Sabbath school. The Pic-Nic, | y | Dinner, more properly speaking, was one of a = and the instigator a TLunzartan will share a all were earnest, and well received. en tae : <e€ fate, @ or A Favorite Remedy.-- There is no. med- icine so extensive y and favorably known as the 'niecst sub stantials and delicacies abound Parry Davis, Vegetable P sin Kae ts 1a . . ° . s . C . ed. he table capible of accommodating | rapidiy incroasing sale im South America one bandred and twenty-two each time was} [ndia:and Eurepeis ample proofiof its -suc- three fimes crowded. and- then for want of-}cess in those countries. . Sold by mradicine time for the speeches the balance of the; dealers throughout the United . States and i Canida. _| people who had not been fed "retired to the kitchen (so called) to sapply thamselyes-- Vo = = | Bs al g 7 : . . | Phe best. forder prevailed; and tie arrange- The astonishing success.of: the Oxygenat- », ments made> were worthy of ail praise. It ed Bitters in the worst cases of Dyspepsia, \ > 6) 1 - ' e a5 fal ry } 7 5 » " ave t ' se 2 | y was atime long to be remembered by all | js owing touts pecuiw tonic prope ties, aid | { present. The Chatham delegation of Ladies and gentleven returned home in the evening, being entirely free. from alcobolic-st mulaute produces no reaction or unpleasait sensa- | tions. | escorted by the Band and expressed them- - | RK, FOR THE MONTIL, WO selves highly delighted with the entertai- ment.--Com. EXAMINE "OUR TREES. It is surprising to see how ready farmers are to pay cash for trees, and to plant them well, and-how earetess. they are' of their af ter treatments They take it for.granted that the crop of fruit is sure, as svon-as the'tree WHAT WE PROPOSE, TO. DO IN FUTURE,-- Having called upon. those indebted to us to favor us wilh.amounts. due, with but pvor results, and as we owe large amounts which | ; : is set. It isnot so.--The work. is only pean only be met by ascorrespouding outiay | welt beguny °Lrees stvould:be treated as (on our -part, "we shail depute --Mes- | personal friends, looked to. visited? and®* flats tered with particular atientions. Inquire after their health, and a response: will come from the bark, the twigs, aud the leaves. Is the trunk smooth, indicating that the owner has applied strong soap suds 'recently, »and routed. the moss and the countless. p:.ogeny of scale bugs? There is sawdust around the collar perhaps. Investigate the hole with a fatal dore under the fifth rib. | srs. Turner and Anderson of this olive -to | colléct: and. receive? subscriptions &c, to | pry off debts contracted for paper labor and incidentals on bealf of those whon we the trouble and expense vf callino-forthe same. And as have asked in vain to save us Is the new wood strong and healthy ; and the foli- age luxuriant and glossy? You will find many curled and dead leaves,perhaps, and rvithin the folds a whole brood of "eygs or a crawling grub. Kill him, as you hope for fruit next year. 'Turn pigs into your or- ichard to e.t up the early dropping fruit. 'Every wo:meeaten: apple is a pestzhonse, idesiroy it. Serape off the old bark, that iserves asa refuge for the moths and their eggs; and bear it in mind, that all these la bors and appliances. will but. imperfectly do the work of birds. a paper,--an organ is a necessity when be obliced to suspend till we make such col- we can not get on without, we shall lections and then on again ; for the debts must be paid. ! | 6 Ee TREACHERY, We copy letters from a Kentucky paper 7 THE TIMELY SAVING OF SEEDS. Do not wait till they begin to shell from the pod betore you eather them, 'They are perfect even betore the pod. or husk ts dry and the dryiag process will go on quite as well under an open shed as_ on the stalk. Cabbages, turnips beets, and some other vegetables have already for med_ their seeds, and should be immediately secured- Have y ay ror q a place for them, and let them be bagged, and labeled, as soon as they are sufficiently dry. DRYING SWEET CORN. As you are luxuriating this month in that delicious compound, succotash. remember the dearth of next winter and lay in a gen- erous supply of this inspissated article. The beans willtake care of themselves well enou2h, but the corn requires skill to evapo rateits water, and leave behind 1: tie kernel sugar, starch, and gum and those essential oils which lend their. charm-to'the dish of corn and beans. Take the corn when in its best condition for this purpose. If tooo d upon the stalk, it will be too old next win 'ter when, dried Juicy, plump ears, when the 'milk is richest should be selected. The, | may be dried in a green state or boiled anc hen dried. ..Jn either case serape the corm from the cob and dry upon sheets in bright sumny weather, and finish off in pans in the oven or over the.stoves Wien the drying is once commenced the evaporation shoud be kept up until it is finished. Sweet corn, the foll with the | 'by Dr. Geo. B. Greén, and ca soured in the drying. is ruined. . Tbe lixon 8 gnat Speaks ingly of the grain crops-ine [Turo mense fall of rain having blaste peared tebe farmers wel : Of an excellent and abund discourag. , an im- d what ap- grounded hopes ant harvest. ENGLISH IT Eas. Among the tragic ferhaps none is imore Bars Die Sur fate of Capt Skene, the the Jhan i district, an] events of the revolt touching than the Superinteadant of of his ife with an officer named a persons, shut the themselves up i a ae round tower, and gallandy resisted he : tack of a body of rebels. The wife | - , the revolvers for her HUsDaad ang his fi - and they kept up a fatal Gre killing thine seven ofthe miscreants, Bort HISAR bee ol the latter. was oxermhelming acd began to swarny into lid eee wey that all was lost, aud nobly resolved = =f His" wifé from the atrocities pernehe ee the savages upen every Englishwoman a happy enough to fall into their hands. H clasped her in a last embrace, - gay "h é last kiss, and shot her dead: ie tri Bh ing In'the thie thought that he had ree d her who was most. dear to -him»from ec utterable brutalities of the assailants 'rs turned the weapon on hims-If, drew the ve ger and fell a corpse upon the body of fis wife. The bloodihirsty fiends couldy ba wreak their malice on senseless clay. ¥ SSaaeme e Suctal Notices. 4 5 ALA ON NN enna ETO MARA Se Ns They NADH YEEAALIAAN A letter from Rey, Charl2s Hibbart Mis- lonary in Burmah, to his father, Joseph Robins ls Cj ony Esq., of thrs city, has been: handed. tous for publication, from which we make Owing extracts--Porvidence Journal. Tt Pn ode al 'a 13 i > NEwron Maulmain, June, 6 185%. Dasar Farger,--- Will you | NT av) : Mr. Davis that Mrs. Hibbard and myself, and indeed, T might 'add all us, fee ler he eave us'when we left our n Hes O Ie aieey 1 9 for Burmah. T have used it for coughs colds. violent internal. pains burns, bruises, aad with pasm of the for the sting of scorpions success, uniform The only severe: Mrs. Hibbardi has had in Barmah, was instantl the Pain Killer. stomach which ¥ relieved by We always. keep it.where we ean put our hands on it in the dark,sifneed | be.* Although [took Mr. Nesbit's box when he returned 30 America, yetit is all.gone but hree or four bottley,and that. would have ! : avis 7 oe een gone Jong, ago, had -T not «refused part with it.) Vhe Karens.are begining tox learn its value, and call for it, but.I-bave to deny them, except could not -think tin dose, for we } of being without it. 2 8 Ee : DROHLE. MOOKKHaL, A SKIPUL PLy- SICIAN OF NEW. YGRE-C: TY. In his remarks onDyspepsia, saysi----Thy most effectual mediciae to invvrove the tone and energy of the stomach, iw that prepared led the' Oxyge- nated Bitters, ork @ " P'would publish the recice for preparing this valuable. medicine, if Lknew whatit Was, but'as Ido not; I ean only rceeomendi its be. It seems to me to be improperly cabled CBit- ers," at least in the properarcce tation? of the term, for it contaiis* io @leshol cr other spirit and is rather sour than bitter. Thongh bere by the'way [ cannot to earnestly cattion the dyspeptic sufferer against using "Bitters" the 1 bagisof which is alchol or other ardent spir- its. They no more inipart real energy to the stomach, than a whip 'gives strength to a horse." The stimulation whi¢h they excite is only temporary, aud-sure to be folowedeby a reaction, which at last will Thevitably wear ont the stomach. "The medicine of which [ am speaking, obviates these objections. SETH, W. FOWLE & CO, 138 Wash- ingten "Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywnere. -- rs ea (api Maas 5 New Advertisenterts. PLRALDPALPDYIYYY YO ADL DAPLPPPD POY' ese bee PERSONAL. George Sampson, and Polly Ann Sampson, of Short ereek Harrison County Oxio, would like to know the whereabouts of Mrs.Tempy- Artis. The gampsons arefrom North Carolina. Al- so Mr. Lewis Artis. Luformation left at this of fice will be thankfully received. A BY-LAW. To avthorize the Subreription by the County of Kent of Two Thousand Shares of the Stock an the St. Clair, Chatham & Rond Eau Ship Canal Company' amounting to £50,000. Whereas, by virtue of the Act of the Pro vincial Parliament of this Province 20 Vice, chap., 57 entitled an "Act to incorporate the St. Chatham: and Rond- Eau Ship Canal Company," a Joint Stock Compan bas been incorporated fur the purpose of constructing a Ship Canai between the waters of the Rr ver StiClair & the Roid: Eau: Harbor on Lake Erie. : And Whereas, the County ot Kent is in- 'erested in the proposed-work & deeply.im nressed with the benefits which must result to it therefrom, and is desirous of promoting ihe earliest commencement and completion of tho same by taking 'stock therein. And Whereas, the said Act -hath, under certain reqsifements as expressed in 'the 20th and 21st clauses thereof made full and effi- cient provisions for the' taking of amy No, of shares of stock'in the ssid Company, by the Municipalities interested in the construc ion ef the said work, and; the requirements of the saido statute have been compled with; and it isnecessary and expedicnt thete io that the s.id) County;Council of Kent kindly ~say te" who came out. with - el very grateful for the box of Pain Kile | ative. land . summer <combplatts,"

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