Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 13 Sep 1857, p. 4

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ake "tee 'sa ee op Se ET SASS Serer RR TE LIne NI INP RL RL cI NL lL al A APN NLA LL LPP P INL PAP OA OS Ot e ¥ ey 'on on fy NE undefsighed begs to inform the thats prep ared to furnish the following articles by jiotesule and Retail : AXE HAND! LES, PICK AXt "HANDL Es, ADZE HANDLES BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &c., Made in the best manner. ALSO, BY RETAIL, New BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, in complete order for service. Also, ae aree iandled, Also, s Axes, and other Tools. fee ey yy. SMALLWOOD S$ Saw Factory, York Street, No. 88. oun sia a Ny : SS "The Children' s Paper. PUGLISHED AT TORON 5) ay Ba & BHI BAS SUne. annumM-- --12 copies' monthly, per month at eighty ceils. 100 copies, ollars, Sent post fr one No sut asel iption s for s isstied 7b TERMS 'one dollar. ranniun--fitteen d lee British Provinces. twelve copies rec eeived.--is ae oronto on tht first of each month, payable io advance. Post @ilice orders payable to 4. Neison & do oo (Mi Nelsov's) Works and "Children's Pati. ¢ re weil knows in Britain, and in 'anada. and recominended ag faithful and pure. ) Canada, and recommended as | i Strap = ade ig, 10ih I856. yon ™T FRA 5 : NOTICE. ANNY JA .CKSON, of Brantford, Can- in Mary Jennings, of Ber ada West, having he ard that her sister ks @onty, near Read- her ing, Pennsylvania, is dead Wishes brother-in-law, David James Jennings, to oT: bring the children to Br anttord C. W. January; e3id, 8a v3-122-tf. having recvived is prepared to offer TAA. SUBSORID: SPRING SL€ the public, the eee CHE APEST AND BEST _ASSOR' MEN' Or ried SBD) ATA AY ARs "Tee 2 BX, 3 hy 2 ose) ae "ever brought to Chatham, Alt Wholesale or Retail! Consisting in. part as follows, Vi: ae! and Steel of all \ kinds; Blacksmith' s Bellows, Anvils, Screw -Plates, Diesand Taps; Carpenter s Tools, Shoemalker's Tools, Nails of all kinds and sizes; Spades, Shovels, oe Toes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Se ythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of all kinds: Harrow Yeeth. Guiltivator Teeth, Patent fondness chain and Gearing , Pots. Pans ana ee d Tinsmi ue Ss! eaiehars an SADDLER Tames, Locks, Bol 1S, all kinds; Knives, For description ; Brushes o : q RT MU LL* y Cirenlar Saws, : PAINTS, . awith other articles quite loo dion, He wi ill also, in a few days, have a large Ne antity of MACHINE BELTING, all widths. Ail of which he wilisell at prices thinly competition. and Pitt Sake: BL es AND COLO?S, namerous to men CG iS uf {fp je Ss o 1 & ils AFI YET A. CURRIL, Next door-to.D. R. Van Allen,s King Street, Ghatham, C. W. . 6m "Chatham, June 13th, 1856. pocuaaiee > PROSPEC ar CPUS : j A NEW FIRST CLASS . est ad Borat INF SW SiDAim Sirs Devoted to News, Lilerature, Science, and the Arts © 45-Enlertainment, Improvement and Progress. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT $2 A Yrar, BY_FOWLERS & WILLS, "308, Br oadway, New York. It isonr' "purpose to furnish a journal, ed -boutid~ 1o~no party, Sect, or theory, embracing everyhuman interest, an d furnishing food for all the fagulties of the mind, shall merita world-wide "circulation. LITERATURE, m of Original Lissays, Historical, Bio- BONS and Descriptive Sketches of 'Travel od Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Musie, anu Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, swith choice selections from: the leading pertodi cad 'of Europe, will form a prominent. feature. fine greal field of "SCIE NCE, in ae aise departments, will be explored, and all new: discoveries laid "before our readers in a popular torm,. Tae Ars, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, and Manufactures, will receive attention, and no invention or improved process will escape our "nolice. ( RECULT URE' & HORTICULTURE, in which so large a portion of our people are en- gaged, will 'demand at our hands special con- Silexation, We shall endeavor to elevate stil] invre 'the standard of MecuanicaL Inpustry, and lo devstop and bring to light the latent talent ; and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans, a é PHYSIOLOGY and the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- sical development and the promotion of health will have a prominent place in our columns, 3 EDUCATION, in its broadest sense wil! be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, eugaged in teaching g in col- "lege, school, and shop, we shall try to render the "pursuit of knowle! lge easy and attractive. NEW BOOKS . Svill be earefully and candidly noticed, and where their importance seeins to demand il, eritically reviewed. In the depaftinént of _ GHNERAL NEWS, we shall be progggpigeaitt Uggitic, and full, giving a paretully prepared summary of passing events. poth foreign and domestic, and recording all signs - of progress in. every department of life. Tie "Markers. will be carefully reported, and such general, commercial, and financial intormation "<-giveé as the interests of our readers demand. 4 THE IMILY CIRCLE, "Weshall make our . ipet_a Welcome and value: yisitor at every isaside. Tur Suipren will fiat neach number, siug cornei set apart for thei musementand ins ruction : pablic generally. TE NOC As SAT T SIT "PRO V VINCLAL GREA TOWES He CF Gt LTERAT Sais ON and AP PER DAY next, the GOIN MON ea fale ee ate py LS a els ae "OF {teu NE HA (a Ne) NON ION PN ONIN NI NPR IPN PS NOLO PPO a ON Net Oa il Zo Wo e pe BS SS % E r y TIME. TE Pe ALLW AY Trains will run as follows :-- rey 4 or IT OS e fs R ae = I r3 A I 2 a as a Bl Be a QA TIT yt Ri > Se Se ' A SiA TIONG =) & fa - b4 et 2 zi . a i 2 3 = A ae 3) = z, oi a = : é A a | # toe SS ain. Se ee eee Be ees So Se eae ALM A.M. Pp. M. P.M. Windsor, depart. za \<| tie » 6.00. 11.00 | 11245 4.00 7.30 UCC cts sete ewes | Sono B58 Aare ery eocre Deltas Rivering Fok 8 7st tos 6! 35 135 12.35 es 8.05 Baptiste Crccle. y ines @68d bees PM. Pokd ecee eit et Cig hunt ois Sacaata os Sone 71.35 12.40 205 5.20 9.05 Dem ésville sab heel iris 8.08 moos 2.50 eens _-- Douiwell sc 2 5 et 8.25. Ja 3230 aes. bese Need le 8.37 1.45 4,00 15 | 10.08 CACO ay arcoe Soe | es S52 --. 4,25 Ss % Sues UG ee ee en 9.14 2,30 5.00 Se. ae WE PY doe' 2 Sue 9. 2.39 5.20 ee cece Gone ars scone 9.34 2.48 5.55 ecee 1202 Lande, ATIVE .s40 |) GAM, 10.04 3:10 6.15 T.%5 Ll a27 Departt....]° 6.00 | 10.10 3720 ae 7.80 | 11.40 NWWarnbund 2 oe Seek 6.14 eee. Ses Ss Sune eee. Edwards J = ee 620 ae 38.43 ee Boas A. M. Lneersdllescdc § eek 6.40 10.46 4.04 Sear, 2. 20 [2 SCQCHVIEG 4. 5 Fe tac, 6.50 |-10.55 4.14 Ses cree Ssh Veoeustock.. == (200) 1 OF 4,26 eaecase See. 12.41 Vist WO0d> =<. ok i. LO eee PBS ae ee ones Aimmoldlin S25, Fe 24 Soe wae Soe reese oc oe Pyinceto =.=... Te 29 11.40 4.52 poo 8.45 coe. bined Arrive CUO Od wo SAGO | P.M. Oo 6 SG55 OOO 6 eoeee ~o-Deualtac.n.. 1 4.40 12500 Dee 12 sara 1.50 1.31 P.M. Preston, depart <5 5. 115 rice 4.39 S15 ofa see Galt dO lS 1 30 = 0) 4.55 See nen cree Gall anive ,.....0. | 11-00 3.10 ea) 30 re: cee. PICS on, G0, 2, LE ee 28 8.05 Bee ees wees "aa Parse. | 8 10 To 25 aay eee ee et oe lyniden es, ee 8 ies 6.45 ee ee es Copetown 43. 828 Sous oes ua Sisiclte ao =e Pemb Ono. eo 8 On ee os aa aS eres bid at Dundas: Selwones eel 1623.9 2.50 6.03 aoe aes see Hanilton § AVWIVE se. 9.00 ia ee) 6.23 ee 10.00 2.40 ( Depart Aen 95:20 be 1.540 6.30 AGG 10.05. 2350 OWID eg ee) O45 Se 6.55 Ree Wee ee ee GHUDS Dyess ces! 10.00 | 22 7.06 ae feels coe Beamswile . 2.g)-..,2| 10.15 | Sar dew I eiseass Gord coer J Orda -35 ees. 7 or, | 10230 hee us | LoD Soa ook ee St Catialiies=: <2. .1 1 OL52 | Ae DO) Sis pee Ne BD) NGNGlGiee 6 ae a | 11 08 Ee 2 OS 8.05 ee epics 405 Port: Dalhousie Junction)... | ams. 8.10 Siete ee Se oer: Niagara Falls, arrive ve .| 11.25 a[oss 3 - 20 '8.30 ee [i830 | 4.20 GO i N G Ws Sip. ie a Zz é a : e ss 2 ti STATIONS s = S S S 3 5 4 . = 4 Z Z < Z me A fa : SMe en aan A.M. P.M. Pp. M. PM. Niacara Falls; departs.) +++ (508 1-30 2.00 4.00 9.45 Port Dalhousie Junction) ©.... 7.50 fue Seite ae eS a BIN POEs as oe ee foe Lo B4s | PioM. 9230 A. 22 | 10.14 St. Caglaniies- <6.) cs a 8-01 12 *00 2-40 4.32 Sits g Be toe | a | Sel erey i 00 a siehe Bean TR VAC eres eo tea pe Gs so) eres Sees 5 se Grimsby... ween eee) | 8.35 ge Ea a oO = $f. 3 Onmtarioves s6aacen ee | S. 4: Belk 2, 5.30 11.20 Tamitt ALPIVG «sti pees | 9. 10 1.05 4D 5.59) 11.30 pees Dee EERAR DE 9,25 is 5.00 6.05 coat Pa aS re oneness: ca0hsce ee | OE AT sib ot catie 6.30 Soe Elam bOrO 14% «sions. « be saree Oe Dd cies afsrik 6.40 ee Copetown' 6.69. .vuk Be 10.07 ees 45 6-20 oe LMI Aas Se oeeA eRe ARES 10.18 eae reer 1.03 acess PAVVIGdUr ei seis ame| oes LOT OD 8 6.20 7.13 a. Dicslos, depalte sre: o | oe! 1.15 dean ee 4.30 8.15 Galt Chee ry ae 6.30 LoBO Se ee: 4.55 siaste Gall, arrive 4. eh 11.00 3.10 ae bl 7 30 8.30 Prestomy dO -g:30:03-- =|. 6.50 11.20 3.00 ae _ 8.05 wees | A.M. VAIS: 2s ocerece enc ete oe eee, 10559 2.50 7.00 FAG) 12.52 IPRENGEION G6 bana 66 Gac fee eh a 1225 8.00 eee NTNOMUS es oe oc eel ee Sans Sires sleet 8.06 os HastMOOd «oe sce oe ae E337 FREY .ia5 8.20 A. M. Wioodstock =. <......- ee: 147 o.30) 8.00 8.40 1.40 lpcaGliyll Ges casscc oes 6 ee 2 ae 11.56 Sees ooo 8.50 pease Ingersoll... ss. 5... 3. Doce T2206 36 OD 8.45 © 9.02 9.02 Kdwardsburg........ ese ee 12.24 cee. ecce 9.22 sisteee MWeWORIN@ 65 ea bees es oe ese S255 9.28 oe INGE Mec gcncal Ase | 12.44 4.40 9.35 9,42 DA? London } Bonar ccc, ay | 1.08 | 4.50 | 10.46 ee ) omelet ed | be PO Soe 2.55 Me. Brydodsh. 25. .% | § 82d | 1.46" 5.24 eae oe 3.30 Hlgid fib... ene ht Oils 1.50 D347 133 oeaes Siete GlenCie. es... ee 10. 00 Ss ie BD) Pp. M. J ieteks lage ING WD DB e errors Fee 10295 De G10, | 1226 Hb. 4.20 Bothwelle.... ce, LOe DS Bo Ga Sh oc cece cic tes Phamesville .. 4270. ..4 11530 2.53 sees Son oes P.M. ae Cliathanyree. seas. rs oe ee20 822d 7<10 1 50 ae 525 Baptiste: Creek! 32.444 372 1.20 se ec 2.30 ose ae BiOU=s AURRU Paso oe 2.40 4,25 8.10 Be HO AL 6 GE Windsor Almve.sce..|- oF 10 De 20 8.50 4.10 Socc 20 wn A a * Flag Stations. RPE PERE IIOIOIOIIOIOIOIOIOU PRIDIAOAERLINOa> 'he Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of C.J. BR YDGES NEW DRUG STORE. | CENTRAL MEDIC AL HALL A. T. AUGUSTA ¥ REGS to announce to his Friends and the b Public generally, that he has OPENED he Store on Yorge Street, one door south ot lia Street, with a "New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFES, &c., and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accu ately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and 'Teeth extracted. (he Proprietor, or a competent Assistant, always in attendance, Toronto March 20, 1°" * 6-ly REAL rN it, G. W. BRODI ESTATE tom Rosne AND SII AGE the Stations. Managing Director. NT General lutelligence Ofice. ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, Corner of King and William CHA PHAM, C.W. Streets, (a Please Call before you Buy. £3 15th August, 1845. 18-tf COTTAGE FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. fX culars apply to D. LEONARD, at the J. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., Rankin's Building. oilice of Chatham, June 6th ,1856, For parti- | E practices in Teor Diseases, BEMAN AND WEEKLY AD )VERTISER. : SLE LP LP ee of ONL ee | DOCTOR. DELANY, eee eee 5 ES BET PHYSIGIAN & SURGEON, AS. permanently located his Office and Re- sidence on MURRAY. STREET: First door East of .the corner of ADELAIDE PIRES, -- and the Diseases of Women and Children, in par- ticular. REFERENCES: J.P. Gazzam, Esq. M.D., Grores M. Coon, Esq., M. D., Late Prof. of Surgery in the W ashington Medical College, Baltimore, Md. --Pittsbuigh, Pa. Chatham, March tet, 1857 41-t Nontreal Boot & Shoe Store. vome One !--Come All! CORNELIUS OH. CHARITY OULD respectfully announce to his nu- merous Customers, and the Public gene- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Suor ESTABLISHMENT of his Brother, J. H. Cuariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS of every fesctiption, and of the latest style, suit able for Spring and Summer wear. He will keep constantly on haxd, a large stock of his own Manutacture, of every description. Measures wil! be taken, and work made to order. LADE 2S? WisAk Will be keptiu endless varietics, amd of the lates fashi nable style, viz.-- Boots, Gaiters, Bustans, Shoes, Shppers, Mrench Ties, &e. Having a thoroneh and practical cnewitteg o} t' e business, he feels prepared to render satistae- t 'onto all uho nay favor him witha cal}. SULMCIRG LORCA eS ne to purchase, by wholesale, will find it c their advantage to call, as he can supply them sheaper than any other Establishment in this part of the Province. Repairing cone with neatness and despateh. fe Callat Corneutus H. Cuariry's, pust four i doors below the Royel Huchange Motel, King St Co CHARITY Chatham, March 7th 1856. 43-1 PRO SP ECTUS FOR THE "18F56 ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4ra, 1821. Lid:tion between 80,000 anc 90,000 N issuing their Prospeetus for 1856, the propri- etors of the -Posr take it foi granted, that the public are aiready tolerably w lla. quainted wi h the character of a.paper that has grown strong during the storms and sunshine of TEHIRTY---- FOUR YEARS. - 'Their object always bas been as it remzins to be, to publish a weekly paper for the family cirele, which shall notonky amuse but also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. To accomplish this o ject, the best artiy cles are selected orcondensed frou foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original articles of an instructive character, procured when possible. _ Letters from Forcign Lands; the most interest- ing portions ofthe Weckly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character ; Se lecied and Original= Articles upon Agriculture; Acccunt of the. Produce and Steck Marke sts 3 and | a Bank Note List are included among the 'solid formation to be constantly found ip the Pos, But the mind requircs a wider range--it has faculties which delight inthe humoroys and lively the imaginative and po-tical, These faculties also must have their approoriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in tcllect beeomes narrow and one-sided, ablete take an enlarged and generous view o human natureand its destiny. 'lo satisfy thes Heaven-implanted cravings of our mental being we devote a fair proportion of the Post ty FIC TION, POETRY, and HUMOR. Among: oureontribators.in. the first tao of the above departinents, areseveral of the wost gited writers inthe land. We also draw freely tor Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in this country and Great Britain. We design eom- mencing a.New Story by Mrs. Souraworra author of " "The Deserted Wife," " Miriam," &¢@ in our first paper tor January next. Engraving s--illustrative ofimportant paces and actions, of Agricultural and other new In en: tions, with others of a Humorous, though refined character, are also freely given. he Postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or ye early in advance at the oftice where it is received, is only 25 cents a-year. Terms.--The Terms of the Posi are Two Dollars, if paid in advanes; 'Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, one copy. is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, -..052 oe es 8 do (and I to the 13 do , Gand: lto the 20 do (and 1! to the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in Bridish North Anerica mus remit twenty- five cents in addition to the subs 3crip- tion price, as we have to prepay the Uniied States postage. perannum $ 5 | LICLONS TO Che uBs.--Any person having sen the money aud names for a Club, inay add new names to it af ihe same rate, provided the latter will allow their subsctiptions to end at the same time those of the mein distdo. We will willing- ly supply the biek numbers, if we have them. Our object is lo heave all the subscriptions in | each Club end atthe same time, and thus prevent contusion. The money for Clubs must always be sent in advance. Whenthe sum is large,a dralt should be procured if possible--the cost 'of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one address, when they cane co conveniently. The papers to Clabs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for w hich they have sabeci 'ibed. A New ArranceMent;--Our subscribers will take notice that we now have no collecting agents out of this State. 'Vhey will therefore please reinit to as direct. Ail persons addressing letters to us should be caretul to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live. Ad 'Tellers must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper charged, will please give the Dame of the Post-Office to be changed from, aswell as the Post-Office they wish At hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Pos Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantag® of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsibl] : persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &c, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66, South Third Strect, Philadelphia fae" ~ N.B.--<Any Person desirous of recewing copy of the POST, as a sample, can be accomm dated by novifying he jf whlisher § bu letter , (po paid) SATURDAY EVENING POST) and is: nor | getter up of the Club) $10) &. tler upof the Club) $15 | oe 1856 NEW SPRING Goobs. We take pleasure in announcing to our 'asia THAT THE FIRST LARGE STOCK OF New Spring Goods Were brought into this market by C. MONTGOMERY & Co. SUCCESSORS TO BROOKE & MONTGGMERY, And they are determined that extra inducements shall be offered to. their Customers in all the de- partments of | : STAPLE AND FANCY. DRY GOODS, ANU OU BIR 5 : GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &¢,, Our Stock is now in first-rate. Trim, and we can show the Handsomest, the Cheapest, and the most Complete Stock ever brought into this Towu. It is our determination that our -prices shall be SS : ~ 1 AP REWMSLY LOW, And if our friends from the Country and Town, will bear in mind that there i ish = 's (More money made by gabing it, than thexe ig in earning tt."" No doubt our Store will be crowded by those wishing: -to- Make the most of a pollar?!! We advise an early call, as those who come first, will eet the first Bargains!! C. MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposile the Royal Eachunge. KING ST., CHATHAM, C, W. Chatham, May 2nd, 1858. ly. oe MPs! LA MPS! Lamps of a superior kind and patent om hand, and for call at this office --Also fluid oite samme at the low price of ¢1. per il-as= Gall FOR: SALE for Sase cou casy terms. For yatihis Office. S eee partic ar Ppty Na Ww GROCERY PROVISIU STORS. GROCERY HE Subseriber having openeda G E and PROVISION STORE. on : QUEEN STREET, (Third door East of Diamoner,) patronage. Ele willendeawrer,by selling Che ap, | Ness, bw: merit ibe coensli fener oft b AGH ¢ *S34 public. ¢ MWKPEY, Toronta C 2¢e, D-; (New ee Noricke--1856--No. ey Slavery--Republicanism. Ne ee Tn the name of Humanity I make this" APpPsKAL to CANaDrans! Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Perind- | ieals, &e., &e: frome of them incor er "EOpTes) | of the Socteies and Religious bodies in the Unrren Strsres, which are named below, are circtlates and sold in Canada. (hook cairiers) by Tract Societies and by others. remitlingly forsome time past, publicly depoune- | ed and-proved, as Pro-Siavery.or Sinenr, and - such. principles to our Brivisu Though inany of these Societies, & SHAMED as il Were, (sinee religious hamanéland! God wise principles are apparently trampled 'tn- der foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in-: hamane practices, ina Ereeand a Barris Pro- vince, yet Lam Jed to believe that clandestinely or otherwise, and encouraged, Riou Ue pos.d to the sinand curse of Suavery, and who | hail our noble Province asa land and an asylam fur the free,--for the oppressed,--and for the Fu- | gilive trom American Christian slavery, --to-aid | ada, the circulation of sueh books, and having any fellowship with snch societies ale Sucieties referred to are:-- The American 'Traet Society--New York. ry The American Suaday School Union, Phil- ade 'Iphia. 3. The Presbyterian. Board. of Publicatio Chesnut strect, Philad elphia. Book concern, 200 Mulberry street New York. 5. The American Baptist Publication Society, --Philadelphia,--and American Baptist Mi-sion- ary Union, Boston.--[Alb Baptists of Unitec States, except the "Free Will" and the ' Free Baptists," are either pro-siavery or s//ent--see * facts for Baptists Churches,,' pp: 403.] 6. American and Foreign Bible Soci-ty, [Bap- tist,} and the American Bible Eee [ Baptist, ] Nassau and Broome streets, N.. 7. American Bible Society, ee Place, New York,--with many others,--of whose pro- slavery and silent character reliable information can be obtained at 48 Beekman street, New York. Let the touchstone question be put: " What " books, tracts, &¢., do you publish. circulate, or 'sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles circu- "tated amongst the bond and the tree'--and let proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have i been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in Canada, J have been deceived--sin- tully So. J.J. E. LINTON. Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. (VALUABLE BOOK ) FACTS FOR BAPT.ST CHURCHES, OLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed by J Revds. A. 'T. Foss and E. Maruews. [Free Mission Baptists.] pp. 408--Utica, N. Y. Pub- lished by the American Baptist Free Mission Society-- [with portrait. ] "This 1s a book which No Baptist in Canada, --lay or clerical.--should be with at. It shews the support given to Slavery by the American Baptists. The " Free Will Baptists" and " Free Mission Baptists" are exempted from that charge, as they openly denounce oo and receive not its bloody gains."--J. J. E. L. July 1856. ° (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada Tract Society ---Slavery.' FRENUE Public are notified that colporteurs from this Society, (Yonge street, 'Toronto,) con- trary to all just and honest expectations,--are perambulating the strects, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books 'of the pro-slavery Silent American Tract Society, of Nassau street,, New York. J, i iY. } 56. ay) tratford CW. July titi Would respectfully solicit a share of public | such eyil ptaclices are continued | I therefore appagan to_all LayMsn in Canada,-- in disc ountenancing in our free Province of Can- , tracts, &c., | 4. The Meitho list Episcopal Chareh, [north] , NAT COTTAGES with Garden attached | f | i tor Cash, te malee W aia sriliecenact tto purchasers ; 'o give him.a.call, ane lby stiriet & tention to bewsie | i , Supply of chosee ENGLISH AND FRENCH PICTURE "ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF sug nie fe _ JUST RECEIVED, t bergige AT ALFRED MOORE'S MUSIOHAL- Fw DOORS EAST OF THE 'POST OFFICE}! CHATHAM. a 2 ae ins TS 08 ee oC, : cig Spwlemeitiat Albwumas -- In Morocco arid Gold Bindings. -- ad | ELE GANT ANNUALS, ie] Or Naw Yea's Present Bot: ie bln every variety of stvle. from $1 to $6 each, | A.2 G © map ese S re y ; 'From %- 10 afi lie Coa = to me ee wat 3 wy ep. «Te From $2 to iad oe Har ps, Guitars, Tambor ca a 'd Banjos, Flutes, Pifes; Pual sh Fla ceolets, Clarionetts ; Peolin and Cae Strings, Music Books , LVote Books, 2 Music Paper, Sheet. Music, 'And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on h, md Oi} Paintings, in God Frames, . anid School Books & Stationery. CARD BOARD. anal LVovels and Miscellaneous Wr Orhs Bua! eal Pic torial, Bolles? Dollar Monthly . Flag of our Tuion, Brother Jonathan, dilu strated American New SNOT, Frank Lislie's Gazette Of Fashion, G Frank Eeslie's New Work Dourwol: ad New York Pic ayreme. Boston Inter rreshiomeal I tem Yaikee Notions, Guder' s Ladys Bovt,, va Harper's Magazine, §-).,, Fe. _ RECEIVED AS SOON AS' PUBLISHED, © Catholic and P; 'olestant "Boake Framed: and Glazed. wits Blamis Boone, 9 ALMANACS FOR 1856. ees READY-. DS ClLOTUTNe. CASSIMER ES, VELYVETEENS,. eS SATTINETTS; JEANS, TW EEDS, 3 &C., OC, we Lee ) HARDWARE, AND TREACLE. God Save the Queen ?- bee December. 1855. 3H (es ane ea ae. BE re ae CREE ESOS CE ie sees = OD Ar IR 1D s PERS. BURLEY, (2ATE MAS, JACKSDN,) EE fons antly on hand, at her Reatetee. A 3s: 2, Sesth Minth Stree' » beloin | € there, 3 Hesh Medicines, Ointments, Pitts; kt, | | 3 SPECT Fi OUNTM ENT, , Sprams, by colportears | ! { Uhese American societies and hodies | have un- som (il not all) formed specially ona Rercsie | can Basis, or foundation, and Opposed even on | , bave been | j t | | ! ' to all men and women of Huminery who are op- i \ | | | | 1 which she will Warrant to vive: Sattistaction, | Amome vehieh are 'the NEMVINE CORDIAL, 'depending on Nerves ~ for the eage ot Diierases- _ Debalinxs the ALSFER AT PVE, tos, Pos itving | Blau. Serodala., Sewrvy. &; and the INDIA! for Piles. Old Sutes, Biaises,, Chilblains, Chapp- do Shin, 'Letter, Salt Rhea, Scald: Lesit; Posted. teitvbe, &¢c.- Give them atiehe a Perapauruta, Now, 20, 1855. 30. te LARD A gy WHLESALE, AND PRET, HE SUBSCRIBER, es fi; Sila, choi: @ selection of TMeavy and Shelf Tlardware, AMONGST WHICH WHE BF no' of every description, ' 'ast, Blister! Sand Sleigh Shore Tk He Se Wrought, and Horse WN ALLS... Coil, Trace, an: Plough CHAINS AN VILS, VICES, and BELLOWS, An excellent assortment of © TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. Carpenters', Joiners' §: Cabinetmakers? Toals AXES, of thesbest deseriptions, Wai ranted. rau NBS With an assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, ' which is not tovhe surpassed in Town, and whi- is offered tor Sate" Cheaper than-ever tr Gasat je". Bayers will find it te their relvantagayi@ call belure purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE KER RK. Chatham. Nov. 22. 1X55. "30 ty BUKTON GROCER RY STORE IIE Subscribers would intimate to theb Friends, that they are reeciving, aad ae ont,an Extensive Assortment of : Srosariess, of superior quality, suitable: for Country 'T rale, which they will sell at the lowest Temtns. rative prices. Produce will be take-n in exchange fin) Gece ies. (4 Call and see our Stes ks R. VANBRANKEN & Os. Bay C.W., Dec. 1, 1855°, 'Siete HOUSE AND Lor FOR SALE. LL. that Easterly part of Lot 24, situated on McGregor's Creek, being sixty 'by thirty--- nine feet. Also, a Two Story Frame, Houser consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four Rooms and a Closet. There is an excellent Well of water in the yare, fg For Terms, apply to MRS. M. STEWARD, On the Prenrises, North of King Street, between William.and Princess Street, Chatham, C.VW* 31 Jin NE BOARDING HOUR, BENJAMIN TOLBERT Rionieork ¢ announces 10 'the citiz:n? of DETROIT, and the Public iseiietaly, 'that he 'has recently fitted. up the loomtuet house formerly known as Wilson's Boarding' House Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Hee DETR Ory, where he will enaeavour to. give adtihiee hose who may favour him wih their 'patronage Detroit August 21 1855. "=D :, 1st. 1855:

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