_ VOLUME Ht. "PROSPECTUS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN as And Weekly Advertiser. "Mary By SCAB Me. Jo~ ree H. F. DOUGLASS, ; Editors. I, D. SHADD, | _. The Provincial Freeman will bedevotedto Anti- Slavery, Emigration, Temperance and General Literature. [t will opeu its columns to the views of men of different political opinions, reserving theright,as an independent Journal, of :u ] ex- préssion on wl] questions or projects affecting the people in a political way; and reserving, also. the right to express emphatic condemnation o. all projects, having for their object in a great or remote degree, the subversion of the principles Aa ss re eres = -------- "SELF-RELIANCE IS THE TRUE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE." _ CHATHAM, CANADA WEST. GEORGE KERR, ri } HARDWARE MERC RAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LRALER IN Heavy. and_ Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, §c., &c., Pratt's Block, Chathain, C. w. November 22, 1855, 30-Ly = ANDREW HENDERSON, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant No. 32, Yonegs Servet, Toronto. , References--T homas Clarkson, Esq , President of the Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co.; Messrs. Howard & Kitch; Messrs. D. Crawford & Co. ofthe British Coastitution, or of British rule in »,e Provinces. Bp ea. Net.committed to the views of any religious Tey x sect exclusively. it will carefully uckes the 2 pes a a <be : See tights of every sect, at the same time that a reser SELLER AND STATIONER, ration shall be made in favor of an existing dif: No. 54, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ference of opinion, as to the views or actions o! British and American Works imported and fur phe Sects respectively. As an advertising medium, as a vehicle of in sale at the smallest possible advance upon the RO tat wholesale prices. firmation on. Agriculture,--and as an enemy t vice.in any and every conceivable form, anda promoter of good morals, it shall be made worth of the patronage of the pithblie. CHARLES MARCH, . House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, ait Lerrers, to receive attention whether fo: Grainer, Glazier, and Paper Hanger, publication or on Business, must be addressed, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAINER. pist-pare Lo D. Suapp, Chatham, C. W. No. 29, Kino Street Wesv. Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win THE dow Glass andLooking Glass, for Sale, at the lowest Cash prices. PROVINCIAL FREEMAN | 'resets SP aaeet hee aed NOTICE, "EVER Y' SATURDAY MORNING. | rryiij: Members of JONES' SAXHORN =i P ee ATIUNE DRE OF THE RAPES: BAND, ane prepared ic play fo CON- a je. By I. Do Saadd & Co., CER?TSs, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, 7 King St. West, Opposite the Market. FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terms. For ou CILATILAM, C. W information apply to. anes FF. ¢'. JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dec. 26th. 1856. y3-n19 = TERMS: | DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. D. FARRAR & Co., IMPORTERS AND WHOLKSALR "DEALERS IN Groceries, Wines, Liyuors, §c., No--45,-DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. * = wal, * ' Rares oF ADVERTISING. - *lix te tenelines, first insertion, +. - ich subsequent insertion, - - Over ten lines, first insertion, per line Hach subsequent insertion, per line, er A discount allowed when advertisoments "eontintied over three months, 'Massrs. R. P. & ADAM CROOKS, 2 Barristers-at- Law, Merchants, and others, contracting for | ATTORNEYS) AND) SOLICITORS, n advertise on advantageous terms. WELLINGTON. STREET, TORONTO. «4g -All Givertisevrents, without iastraction a =e ee densth of time, @ tl be inserted until forbid, ~ harge. accordingly. Ses <i MBS.,..S. WILKINS, ; BOARDING 1IOUS8, Nov168,. PINE_SPFREWT, PHILADELPHIA. ; November 1355. ----_ i =? 6: ole, elo Cd UST tle FF RINTING OFFICE, Meing iSireet West Opposite the. Murket, CHATITAM, C, W. SSPE OWE LAE OER TBE TEP W STORE i 'Tinarawsd PT. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, execution of every description of SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, ROCK & FOB Pawel ews, _ OPPOSITE THE MARKET, me ban-en. EOE _A nd lately erected by Messrs. Mvore > Rolph, Well saw. s PAMPHUOETS, ap A coe aU VILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS. ORO Orta VisPUNERAT LETTERS, LABELS, G a ogy a s ra) STR Ui s - 2 = = oe Mpc STAGE BILLS, COSURRT BILLS. | PYAE SUBSCRIBER would inform: his ie gta PROGRAMMES, old and numerous Customers and Friends, POSTING BULLS, LAN\V CL. Ss, that he has again 3 n HAND BILLS, BANK CHEECE ; ot s4 ahem abe. PROT DERDS. >): PROMISSORY NOTES. DW pSneQ Wrist nMsSsS2s5 gee ee CUR As, With a Large and éntire New Stock of 74% = ide... ro Ab CG, § nd dver Be ses ; rey oS STING { y description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING |. ; \] '" oe in the best aud handsomest stvle, with' D R \ GOO LS & GROCH R LES | accuracy and degpatch. Fife PROPRIETORS OF THE VINCIAL FREEMAN nform their Frienis and the Publie, that their ~ {9@Ricess:aupplied with all the Reyttigites tor the 5 % ; yo es See) BRONZ ES: ty fle thanks them for past favors, an| hopesto -- EQ : = receive of them and the Pu lic at larze, and ]; ] x wey = Z AAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS] | \BERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE 2 et ktieeie "Se 3 ps s - ubscribers who do not give express notice t he 'contrary, are considered as wishing to con- 4Ainue their subscriptions. It Subscribers order the discontinuance o casa. . F Lonion, Jan. 7, 1656. Fhe Sub-eril ec is. determined to soll as Low as possible B. JONES. 36 'STONE & TURNBULL, CUATIAM CLOTHING HALL rata AND pe? = Grocery Establishment, VANKOUGHNET & BRO., a MING STREET, Barristers, Attorneys. §¢.,8¢., : CHATHAM, C. W. September6th, 1855. 201- Ofiges a SUE il PH) seine FE A Over "The City Bank" ee: ne South i, ' ° : t. Andrew's Church, Nothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. elt ouacee Aw. L. HUMBURT NOTICE. | / ILD res ectfully announce to the Citi- intots iy neneeed onianieae waoae wv} tat ne Is prepared to MAKI. REP : 5 7 or CLEAN CLO THING, at the shurtest notice, ERSONS affiicted with Ue ae hpi in the most satisfactory manuer. Having AGU or ay Oba eer HATTON Miige' experience in his line uf business in speedily cured by app yes fae fl q¥ataiear Cities of Charleston, S.C.,and Boston, Mass., | Shoemaker, Bronte, Jownship oF al €flatiers himse f'that, by diligence and. stric | Halton County, Canada West. se, v Mlention to business, he will be able to please. ings currency. : JOHN Ha : Vindsor,C. W., Sept. 9, 1851, 25 Bronte, July 17th 1855. t7-tt. sheir papers, thé publishers may continue to senc them till all arrears are paid up. gE Le is "Ht Sabseribers neglect or refuse to take. thei' NES sPapers from the oitice to which they are directec, A. B. JO ' i ue held responsible, till they have settlec DEALER IN heir bills, and ordered their papers to be diseor ° Ne, Sane. a. ey "| Grocerics and Crockery Ware, If Subscribers remove to other places, witl Ss : apes bers sr places, withot = a ae anforming the Publishers, and the paper is ser} NO. 811-2, DUNDAS STREET, Vo the former direetion, they are held responsible Fo kbuN eG AE LS es ee eee ase eee coe ee 6 eee SE ¢ ' 3 Grit 2 Se) T N - N | nN N usiness Directory. CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, &e,, &, Ofice--Cuurcu Srreer, next doar to the Cvuurt House, TORONTO. WILLIAM CAYLEY, : MALLHEW CKOOKS CAMERON 'aimee = J. R. BROWN, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOE MAKER, No. 90. King Street West, TORONTO. MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Stereotypers, Print.sg, and Winders, PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS, No. 5, PARK ROW, Opposite Astor House, New York, And 107, Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y¥ C.nN MILLER --WM. ORTON,--E. MULLIGAN. NORTH STAR SALOON. No. 40, Jefferson Avenue. i R. JOHN WILLIAMS has just fitted up his splendid DINING SALOON, where all kinds of Choice Eatables can be had at any hour. Superior drinks always on hand. Friends give a call and full satis- faction will be given. JOHN WILLIAMS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3-n21-ly ADAMS HOUSE. c NOW OPEN at No. 38 Jefferson Avenue, for the accommodation of Co ored Visitors to this City. C. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do a in their power to make Boarders comforta ble, and give general satisfaction. Cc. W. ELLIS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857, van2l-ly Mmitoe D. FRENCH, M. D., D. DS. ie" Office, cor. of Bay & Melinda Sts., 2 LO 2OS LO, Ga Wa REFERENCES: BartiMonre Rer.--Chapin A. Herris. A. M.. M. D., DI D. S., fhomas KE. Bond, A. M., M. D., Phillip H. Austin A.M .M.D., D. D.S.. Washington R. Handy. M.D., Pro fessors Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Dr. Fe CH hug the honor of publishing the tollowin: recommendation trom the Lord Rishop of Toronto, anc also oi referriny tothe following gentle men:-- Toronto, Oct I8th, 1856.--"'The best recommendatior that Lcangive of Dr. M.D. French Surgeon Dentist, is that he has been employed in this family and given mucl satisfaction." JOHN TORONTO. GoverRnuENT Hovus¥, Torouto,Jan. 1th. 18 7.--°DrM D. French, surgeon Dentist, hes both Extracted and Stop pel teeth tor me, with perfect success, and with less paid to mysel! than 1 thought possible."--A.P. DouGLass, A.D Rev. Dr. Burns, Rev: A. Fyfe, 4. W Strachan. eq Dr. Scott, Dr F. Baagley, Dr. N Bethune, Dr. Merrick Dr. J. Richardson, Dr E. Clarke, Hou, Judge Burns Rev. H J Grassett, Hou. Judge McLean, Dr. F. A. Cald well, Office hours from 9 A. M., to 6 P. H. £2" TERMS CARE, v3 n37-ly. CY 6 FZ LEDo RS BURLEY, (late Mrs. Jackson,) is no j -prepared to supply the public with be CUUGH SYRUP, an invaiuavle remedy fog coughs and consumption, It has won a_ wid¢ reputation for its great curative powers, having eff-cted cures when all other remedies have failed Mrs. B. would alsc recommend her AL.TERA TIVE, an excellent remedy tor Scrofula, Impu raties of the Blood, scurvy, Eruptions, and all Diseases of the Glands and Sxin. It has cured in cates of many years standing. To be had of 'Mrs. Maria Burley, No. 8'6 South Ninth St,. below Catharine, Philadelphia August 15, 1857--lL y 47 SSS JJoctry. AU WAFS PIS PIII INNIS THE WILL-O-THE WISPS From the Irench of Beranger. O summer night, O himlet stil, Clear sky, soft perfumes, gurvling rill; Ye lent a charm to my tender age; Now all that,s all changed my grief assuage Sick of the world, relief I tind; Ali here my childhood brings to mind-- All--ay. the will 0' the- wisps to night, That. once was glimering dancing light Had turned my steps tnhasty flight, Ah, happy ignorance--~mine no more-- Will-o.the-wisps, dance as of yore? Tales of their mocking spite were told In the long long winter nizhts of old: How that those metors guarded fast Wonders afield, and treasures vast, | Ghosts and Houbgobligs--demon fry-- Scorer and bags of evil eye-- These were the creed, in days gone by, They taught me; whilst in faney's view Huge dragons round the turrets flew. But age has spoiled Iilusion's retzn-- Will-o-the-wisps, dance, dance again! One evening--I was sareeiy ten-- Wandering--oh! how L trembled then-- [ saw you glimer through the damp, And haie: itas old Gan uy's latsp. 1 knew a piece of cake was there; And ran, and ran with joyous air, 'Till shepperd's voice cricd out "Beware! That light rash boy--no more advance Lights up a ball where corpses dauce!" Ay, 'us of life an emblem true-- Will-v'-the-wisps, dance anew. fee SATURDAY, SEB Again by me, when just sisteen, O'er the old Vicar's tomb was seen That night: my words found sudden way "Your Keverence, for your soul ['ll pray! Wher-auick, methought I heard him say, "Q hapless child, hath Beauty,s school Made the so young, a dreaming fool /" That evening, taken by surprise, 1 didbelieve in anery skies. Oh, speak; Pll listen as before-- Will-o'-the wisps, dance, as of yore. In love with Rose the guitless-hearted, | A litle gold has bliss imparted; Lo! one of these same metors lured me AS though a treasure it insured me. I followed, bold--but a>! I found A pond wes ho!lowed in tie ground ; And tumbling in, crept out half drowned. "Langh not the goblins at thy fall!?? Methinks, IT hear the witless eall. No--but Rose took a luckier swain-- Will-o"-the-wisps, dance, dance avain! My sonl from thousand errors freed, I'm old before my time, indeed: V apours, that but some moments shine, See you tis bleached, this head of mind? Sages perchance have opened my eyes; But more IJ loved the morning's rise, When less familliar with the skies. The torch of knowledge wi] Ccestroy Those darling syIph our childhova's joy. Ab! that I still were scared by you-- Will-o'-the-wisps, dance dance anew. ONE DOLLAR