PROVING EE MAN A'\f AP HED CIAL FR LLLP ON ee 2 ! ' For the Provincial Freeman, ( The Communication fron C. He: ae eee Charity--a Idressed "11, . D. the s'anderer ,"? : Cll PONTCLES OF TIE ' "SOUTHERN INDIGNATION we must respectfully decline, because of the = Mik TiN Ge" exeeedingly weigar aru abusive character ot : op samen ithe same. Mr. Charity hopes it may be in- | Cys wre AN. MEM serted, as it is his first a.tempt to senda Communication to the Freeman. It is very é ters of the nation made ready a feast, to unfortunate that his first attempt should be y : which all tbe childrea of Israel were invited. 9 As couched in terms so offensive to: good taste ; 2 Now then it came to pass, when they Y,. AUGUST 95, 1857. PRA as tu oblige us, to with hold it from it we would as cheerfully give space toa letter were all assembled, that there arose one of CHATHAM, SATURDA ERNE FO in : our reiders as were otherwise : : : ee ee : | é * the Chief Priests, and siid many truths Mr. William Suill,.of Philadelphia PJs .. is authorized to receive subscriptions for this naper, aud give Receipts fur the same. : Se which made them wax wrotl from Mr. Charity or any other enemy to the : Sen : 3. And there was at that time a Pharisee, enterprise, if decently written, though it con- | G ee ee hb "3 _ Isaac N. Cary, Front! strect Toronto |, . who was Gray in sin and who in wrath be- Leg Mr. Isaac yy > tain censure--severe censure of the conduc- y : : : 2 » authorized to acl as agent for this paper. gan to speak against the Hich Priest, and por Mr B. Bowser Mustaine, jlowa, thorizgedegemt of this papers } tors of this paper, as from a firend. EE <2 8 (<= Dr. Cross and the Kent Advertiser rail at hiin. 4. And he called the pe ple together, is un au ea and spoke to them coacerning the things eee the fligh Piiest said of them at the feast, 5 Then the multitude waxed wroth, and reviled the Elioh Priest, and commanded "yy 4 that he should be brought before them that E SUBSCRIBERS, EDLPORS, POSTMAS 'they might slay Lin, 1. And it came to pass that the Daugh- AND WEEKLY A Arrival Of The "ATLANTICN @ New Yor August of: The Collins steam hip Aédantic arrived at 63 o'clock on Sunday moining, from Liver - pool, Pra. m.,on the 19:h inst. She re- ports having passed tle steamer Lurops on the 20tb, signalled the Persza an the 24th, aud saw the £ulcon off Cape Race on the 29th. The stermea Asia arrived at Liverpool at 8 a.m., of the 16th. The news by this arrival is unimportant. The Directoss of the Atlantic Telegraph Company were fo hold a special meeting in London on the day Adlantic sailed, to con- sider whether the attempt should be renewed in October. or deferred ul] another summer. ERS and TEACHERS, are invited to obta subscriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREEMA for which twenty per cent will be allowed. J "3 Sid OES siaaeis = ses ae rio on ie s iia, , Phe terms of) the advance, and no pape paid for. SPECIMEN numbers will b application. Appress I. D, SHADD, Chatham, C, 6. Then one of the faithful servants open 'ed bis mouth and spake saying: "'Lyke heed -- ------ S18 Se ab Bye U Pie Freeman are payment willbe sent longer 7 "Phen the | | | RE 5 5 : and | re arcs a great tum], ap e sent gratis uj yhe cry went forth "Pat him out," "Put bh im vut," and the assembly was swayed to and fro. 8. with difleulty restrained themselves from --~2 @ "REMITTANCES, | And the ery wasso creat that {they from violen'ly lay'pe hands on those faith- } | | | | | ful servants of the High Priest. Ly | = of 1s Ww All, subscription monies for this jour : : 9. And one and an or of these fat enclosed in letters and duly registered ther of these faithfuy which can be done at any Post Office pavmeat of two cents in addition ta the pr age--are at the risk of the Publisher. 5 | servants of the High Priest spake to them, 'but they would not hearken, and turned a deaf ear tv,them. r 10 And so by reason of their violence : ? fureed to hold their scribers will ablice us and relieve us fi te many diiiculties by forwarding their s ~ | these servants were Seription money by mail, as the trouble | pecec, Lt. Then did these wicked servants heark expense of evllectiony through the cour 8 very great.--t. D. s. en to foolish counsel, and they ayain come manded -that the Llizh Priest misht be brousht belore then thit they might BILLS! BILLS!! BILLS!!! ; scourge and slay him, r 12. Now whea the High Priest heard a how these We have sent a large number of bill Subscribers and hope they will remitt at the earliest possible moment, as our scriptions are our only dependence. wicked servants were arrayed mediately summoned al! QUT CANVASSING nd nto Messrs. 1. D. Shadd & H. I. Doud both of this: office, will visit many of towns aad cities in Western and Ea Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pmotine the ixterest and prospects of thi ese of humanity gene did PY sday BOth, sday, ing, Pport solu- for ance from ues- n of , the f the ossed 'lud- ding or a 1d in eles on- mined Che ra ovate t, and The D shall iy pie- parents hare of bny real re child dims to fo any ngham these has de- b. Bur- | be to doctor! wondet bay she d that i, my. brethern, for ye know not what ye do." | o Dr been | The London Star says it is estimated that i the outside loss the Company will sustain | will be about £25,000 It is fully expected that at least one half of the sunken cable will be recovered. All that is within 400° fathoms will be got up, but that portion iu decp sea will, in ail pro. bability never be recovered. The proceed ns of Parliament were un- interesting. Tne recent stowms and floods had. done various parts of England, but ¢ry weather had prevailed during the three days preced- ported that the effects of the rain would be much alleviated. The London Times says a merchant re cently deceased at Liverpool, is said to have i left liabilities reaching £30,000, of which | | } £100,000 are through forged aceeptances to bills of exchinge. | The Liverpooi Pos! pronounces the story | -a_ hoax. The nail steamer firIu ia would siil cn the 19th of August, aud would take out | £250,000 sterling in slyer, The Fetes Nap 'eon. ep the 15th of An- i gust, p ssed off weil, althonsh the outdoor arrangements were marred by wet wether. It is believed that France wi'l demand ol | England the extradition of Lediu Rollin, _and it is stated tbat he igabout to emigrate | to the United States. The Paris Correspendenee af the Times mentions, the departure from Paris to) Mar seilles. of General D, Oregone, and predicts -surgents of | ethi before November. It was | he who stirred up the last burmese ~ war. "Phe same correspondent says that the Trench Government-contemplate sendiny a naval and military expedition to Cochin China, to demand satistaction - for an insult offered to the French represntation of tbe _ Emperor. He also says that it is proposed to forma. maritime and commercial post in the Bay of Tormine tn Cochin China. LATER BY THE VANDERBEP. Sanpy lloop, Sept 2d, 57. The steamship Vauderbilt from Havre and Southsmpton on the 22d, has just ar rived off the point. By this arrival we have imoortant news trem India. General Barnard and dir Hen- ry Lawreace are dead. 'The Europeans at Skemonedose had been massacred, and that place recaptured. More Inylish troops had arrived at Cal- cutta. The rebels tad been defeated in three engagements. The syeamer "Transit"? bad been fost in the straits of S-nda. The crew and troops by her weye saved, An officer of the 39th Regiment in Mon- treal, Ensign Blennerbasset, was? arrested on Monday last for assaulting some bailiffs who attempted to seize upon bis goods for debt. T'he officer's conduct,as reported by the Montreal papers, was of a very disrepu- table nature, for which he well deserves pun- ish ment. An embezzlement of seventy has heen detected in the Mechanic's Banking Asso- craton of New York. The delinquent. it is said, holds an offee of trust and res ponsi- | bility inthe bank. About thirty-five men are now engaged vat the Burlington Heights, excavating fora |new road way to the iemporary bridge. which is to be built at the West side of the Heights, until the permanent one shall have een erected instead of the late Suspension leap ca ee Brilge. Accounts fiom Liberia announee that the co'onists were suffering severely from want of food. The failure of the rice crop and lack of industry on the part of the emi- grants fron the United States seem to have produced a sorry stzte of affairs in the Col- ony. fe" The misery of the poor at Rome is very vreat. J3read Is represerted to be ex ecedingly dew, and grain is exported in large quantities, while its importation is pro hibited. Receutly two ships arrived at Civ ita Vecchia laden with grain, The news soon rcached Rome, and the price of grain fell immediately, and the Romans ex ected io have cheaper bread in comscquence, but they were terrible cisapointed; for it ap- pears that the brothers Antonel'i and Mes- srs. Feoli and Silenzi, who are the corn dea lers of the place, managed tosend theze ves- sels to Leghorn, and food remained as dear as before---LO0. considerable dunage te the erops, etc., in | DV 4 ing the A/dantic's departure, and it was re- | | : i C'S this published i that be will be found at the head of the in- | YO NAR RAEN ftw The Savanah News has later advi- ces from Nassau and -Inagus, 'Two thou- 'sand bushels of salt had been raked up to 'the Ist of August, At Turk's Island a million of bubels were on hand, and i was se ling at ten cents per bu-shels.-- Jb. Ra The New York€ 'Imes says :--Ber- nard McKenna, aged 4U years, made a wa- ger with a friend on saturday that he would clim bto the top mast of the schooner He- lew lying at the foot of Wall-styect, and re- turnin safety. He reached the top, but when about to lower bimself, Be became diz zy and fell head foremost to the deck, He died immediately.-- Colonist. t4- Tne London Post. in ce-cribing the arrival of the Emperor and the Impress in the Reine Hortense off Osborne,~ sard:--As the Prince Consort approached the Tmpe- rial yacht, the Emperor, in his anxiety te yreet.his Itoyal Highness, ascended the piddlebox, and on stepping down hastily to meet the Prince, missed 'his. fuotins and fell vioiently on the deck. I'is Majesty was much shaken, and grazed his face slight ly, but, instantly recovering himself, warm- ly embraced the Prince Consurt.---- Jd. Mr. Brydges of the Great Western Rail- way is to be entertaised at a public dinner in Hamilton on the 5th inst., by the em- ployees of that road, previous to his depar- ture, whither he goes on a visit. The Executors of the late Adam For- rie, who was killed at the catastrophe at the Desjardins Canal bridge, have sued the Great Western Railway Company for dam ages. 'The compensation sought is £15,- 90). 2 Se UNMARRIED WoMEN 1N GREAT Britain --It appears from the census of Great Bii- tin of 1951, that ty that year, there were in the country nearly six milion ef woman above twenty years of age--of whom one moillion seven hondred and sixty-seven thovand were enmarried, and seven hundred and ninety-five thousand widows. a GO The Sothern wing of the New Sc! 00 Presbyterian Cluch, U.S, which seceded from the inain body in consequence of the anti-slavery action of the Gen-ral Assemb'y held at Clevaland last Spring, are now held ing a convention at Richmond, Virginia, to conclude what they shali do under the err- cumstane.s, There seems tobe little but 'thet ibey wall totally disconnect from the ultra New School. -- ee a O ee Fa Anti-Gautows.--Mr, Chirleos; Philips the emminent and veteran Loidon barrister a pamphlet, in which he avows the epinion, t' e result of has long and varied experience, thit capital punishment, s) far from cCiminishing, only imereases erime, and its effects is b uteliziog tv the ast upon soc'ety. { eo We have inteligence fromHav na to the 24 hult. A lively sgituion was yoing on in that islind in favor othe abo rion of sla- very; but the co' me cial news were the most important. 'There was a crisis in finan- cial affairs, and thesugar market was stag. nait, with prices declining, Bahia, also. and other pl ces in South America, the pri- ces of sugar were cong Cownwards. The speculation in sugarshas evidently reached the turniug point, and many who invested peavily in the article will be likely now ta suf r by the charge, oe ee cet fe Col. Benton has written a review of the Dred Scott decision. Ile takes ground with Judges Curtis and McLean, and against the majority of the: Court, 'The boek is now in press --_ ------ Spel Notics. SE EN Ne NR EAN Bite of a Ratllesnake cured in five minuted Messrs Perry Davis & Son--Gents:--A merchant of Linnnes, inthis Sue, informs me that recently one of his sons was severly bitten on the |g by a ratilesnake, from the effects of which he suffered most creadfully. 'The family chancing to have some of Perry Davis' Pain: Keillr in the house imm diately commereed batcing the bitten Without knowi:g whether it would or nut, afford the lest relief, bu surprising as it may seem, the posion was svon plaee, ovserved to exude from the wound, and in five or ten minutes the young man feil asleep, en- tirely free from pain, or any ctfect froin the bite except the flesh wound, which healed very soon By gi designed for southern and and such countries as poisonous reptiles more or less abound, it might serve the cause of hu- manity and be the means of supplying an article the want of which has long been experienced, Yours respectfully, H. BLAKSLEY, S Louis, Mo. ving publicity to this fact in your pamphk t t e CASE OF ASTHMA. The following letter from Hon. Myron Lawrence of Belchertown is valuable testi- mony in faver of the Oxygenated Bitters:-- BELCHERTOWN, March 16. Dr. Green.--I take great pleasure in in- forming you of the resulte of the Orygenated Bitters you had the kindness to s2nd me. For sometwenty years I had suffered with Humoal Asthma. I was cowpelled to sit-up one-third of the nights, without going to ted at all: and the restof the time my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of coughing, and great diffculty in breathing. In all my attendance upon our courts, I never went to bed in Northampton in twenty years, but twicé, and then was compelled to get up, Now 1 lie in bed without difficulty, and sleep I took your medicine according The violent symptoms im- in the profoundiy, to directions. mediatcly abated, and pegseverance use of the remedy has remoxed all its trouble- | * NSU ara POD RA LD AA AP rere some consequences... Phe value of sucha remedy is incalculable Respectfully yours. Mraon Lawrencn, SETH W. FOWLE & CO., 138 Wash. ington Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents every where. MARKETS, Chatham Markets--Prices in York Cy May 16, 1857, ISReEMAN OFFICE, Ss D Ss D W ool, per Ib 2 eet 0 0 Wheat, per bushel, 3202-4 9 Y Oats, per bushel, 32 Oa 4 4% Barley per bushel, 10 0 @ 12 9 Rye per bushel, fee | ae 8 0 ' Potatoes. per bushel, 6 0 a 7 0 Corn, per bushel, SS a 5 6 Beef, per 100 Ib, 40 Ua 40 9 Pork, per 100 Ib, 56 0 a 60 @ Mutton, per 100 1b, 48.0 4 56.0 Butter, per 1b, 2 0 a ee) Tallow, pex 490 tb, 95 0 a. 96° Q Chickens, per pair, T38 a ** 390 hayes per tom, 26 0 a 120 0 Eggs, per doz, a ee Joan Smuru, Marlet Clerk, Stearate cts ls New Advertisements. RRADRDRACRAA ALO ------ LOLOL Tue ILLustratem Gymasivm.--This is the title of a new book by R. PT. Trans, M. D. now being' published hy xp Wes, New Yors, The work compre- hends conside:ably moro than. the title ex- presses; for it containsnvt only an exposi- tion of Gymnastic proper, but also the ap- plications of Gymnatic, Calisihenic, and°Vo cal Ixereises to the development of the whole body, the proper. training of weak and defective organs, aad to the cure of disease, gpecial Medical Gymnastics for particular aliments and infirmities have a prominent and important place. Ling's system af Kiy- ESIPATHY, aS developed by Ms author-and practised by Roth, Georgie, and others, is extensive y treaied of. Brief instruetions are given ia the variuus "manly exersises," Swinming, Sailing Rowing, Riding, ete.; and not the least valuable part of Wt isthe analysis of the rudinental soumds of. tne En- vish language, with the instructions 'predi- cated thereun, tu erable the student to ob- tain full command of the respiratory appa- ratus, ad acquire fluency and power of Voice «ai Speech. Sidepa tuents of the: work are profuse- ly illustrated with engravings. ft is a buok for the Indi-idaal, the fan y, the Club, and the School. de be wil compicted ta two unm. bers, Price for the work com, lete, $1 25, Address Fawtuer anp Werets, 2O8 Broad- way, New York, ae NEW H\ND-BUOK FOR HMB IM- PROVEMENT, HEW TO DO BUSINESS, A New Pocxer Manuanof Practical A tiirs, and t t western distribution | Guide to Sucecss in the various: Pursuits of Life. | In'rae Countine Room, For THE CLERK, In ras Spore, For rah APPRENTICE, | lx ras Suop, For ruk farMer-Bor For tan Boox:Acent i Iv rue Suop, | On rae Fare. EVERY WHERK, 'Hlow To Do Business, now ready, elo. ses. our first series of Hand-Booksefor Lome For aut Business Mex! FB; Everysopy. Lnprovement.' It is" the., most, complete work of the kind ever pubiished, embracing the Principles of Business--How tu Choo e a Pursuit; Natural Qualifications required for Differeat kinds of Business & KE dheation; How to buy and Sell; How' to Get*Cassto- m rsand Keep Them; How to manage a Faim or a Trade; How to Canvas atid Get Subscribers; 'I'he Gauses of Failure; How to Suscced; Buok-Kee;ings "Commercial Forms; Praetical, Rales, Hints Maxime 'etc. Pree, post-free, any Post Office, by FOWLER. AND WELLS, No 308 Broad way, New York, or 142 Washington street | Boston. | How to Write, How to Talk,' ' How to Behave, How to do Business,' sauie price The four books, in papcr, sent for $1; in, In one vol, muslin, $1,50. £Otf x muslin, $1,759. Po Aue oe. A BY-LAW. To authorize the Subreription by the Counly of Kent of Two Thousand Shares of the Stock in the St. Clair, Chatham § Road Eau Ship Canal Company amounting to £50,000. Whereas, by virtue of the Act of the Pro vincial Parliament of this Province 20 Vics chap., 57 entitled an"Act to incorporate the St. Chatham and Rond Eau Ship Canal incorporated for the purpose of constructing a Ship Canai between the waters of the Rr ver St. Clair & the Rond Eaa Harbor on Lake Erie. o-- And Whereas, the County of Kent !s 0 terested in the proposed work & deeply im pressed with the benefits which must result to it therefrom, and is desirous 'of-promoting the: earliest conameneement and completion of tho same by taking stock therein. Aud TWhgseas, the said Act hath, undet certain reqsigements as expressed in the 20t and 23st clauses thereof made full and ell: | cient, provisions for the taking of amy NO) | of shares of stock in, the said Company, by | r the M unicipalities interested in the consttu' | !yion of the said work, and the requiremenl | of the said statute have been comp i" with; and it is necessary and expedient ther? 8 to that the said County*Council, of Kent | | Company," a Juint Stock Compan has been | | |