Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 22 Aug 1857, p. 2

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Se FREE Pea eel TES ese ceca Citta Sa Sit SI CE PORT OTS ae EB HE take DO ok ages" ------ TT roe, ame FAC ca SS Scentdmieidicita TIRE a aaeste2 secs Sis ars Ss S97 FREEM LAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER. o,f PR OVINCLAL eras = oe ts Bess : a se % | portunity to state to the afflreted the be Se as - SS : ra = = a= ; ea i asce'- enefit F, ---- in that: direction, hoping to tind sometittng Mr. WiLLtaMeWHipee i-- }eommunication between the Hastern an | tion of Mrs. Cu sningha' m, inord -e.to dnivederived frum tis ssst6l Dee Gre > Ee Ea: a ae << ae. : tain toa further ceriaisty if suc hed regent- © Dre. Green's Oyyge. to retract from what we said in Brantford. Dear Sor:---We the under* ; Western ELemisiheres, which will bear on its = ' ° : ie. t ] ee F aro iy given birth toa chtd, reported ebit Mrs. ae 'ed Briters, and to recomine nd hem so ovhere, 2 ; ( ¢ Sarva oe eo cee paih. | - o that end we took the pi ains to look ovet is lyr ned Committee do respectfull ly Invite you borom the rich jeontributions of the souih, Cunningham ch: im. lio be sick, and vbject- For two years 1 Rave b.on: troubled with indiges r a whole box full of Ae SSUES, bu: instead ou behaif of the residents of Dresden and | counting wp the great "TPacher of W. fers, ed tu the eX. cme iLiotk being made. # eSiere- {0a and its attend: int evils, flatulency, constips Jt ey : A . ae. eae . , sei er a C € t of its altering 'our Opin ion, weowere more Vreiniiy 1G partcipate widifus i ¢clebrating | passing throuch Lake Mie. Jan Ww ul afnite amaiked=to "thw: Oa my. part do not Ph 4 e.g ae cks of- diahorsa a, aceompanied SSS SoS a ee : ; sees = a ' , '4 lie a of my | wi,h water-brash at the stom. ch, a O( eee Se eS then ever convinced of the correctness of | Agirt uf Auanern Dresden, Cow, ae the great mining and avricultaral pre 142 oypect = havin it oe by advice of my a Se 7 ch re anes ee ; uclons ae L.ke Superior ai ine 11 ts COMMS Lain St cio ag sh, strength, and spirits so low that I wa Ct WAG i nh KA MAN, cur po-ttion. In the back wumbers of that pa- EL. DAMRELL, SSE ee | = nee 25S, Louisiana, Advbama, Arkansas, = iiealy 906: tor aos PROVED pathway I applicd to severay p VV OROSBY ; es oe" sf é » vears. S 2 per we fird: numerous lett s from souther a : oo M. Crosby, 'Tennessee, Kentuc ky, Méssowi,.. Kansas, KF A fine ttue boy ayed ine years, ae physicians, from whom [ obtained only temporal BORIS a a x . Es & L a 7 ai Baptist Ministers ary tes a pl cious tine L Bicua Se a ova facia Minesota, Wistansia and. of Mr. Wistiam W alive ly, was drownes a ry relief. ant finding in askort time my discase - A. HIGHGATS airman. i ast. CHATHAM, SATURD AY, AUGUST 25, Isai, they are having in the Jand of Bibles blood- 2 2 pee = : "Wer Majesty's'? Northern possessioits. Ue duek at lagara om Satuahsy be | returning in all its malignity. 1 concluded with : = |= J B. LotpeNswortTn, Sec'y. - PAceidait wasnot scen, bat Haws -supposed:| ee = ads acd cance Red "hand screws Flaw D 1, Jal h. 1857 li we take a more local survey of the we) advice of friends, but without the least faith ip ~ bee 2 a uf S resde uy ach, 1857. bright prospects that surround you in this he was playing ta boot and fel overboard heir efficacy. to try the Ocygenaled Bitlers, from iladelphia RP. Aw; the Lord has peen shuwerios his blessines rs 2 = ee he H Wea hess. eee : a : aoe ; ter Mr: sce sail Sec ee = . -- showering his blessings CoLuMBIA, JULY 25th, 1857. garden of the West, the County of Kent ee . the second © -- ae ch Iker! = = | jhe use of which L found immediate relief,shay- s authorized Ta rece : jupon the head of these American woman- vad the misfu:itune to have had drown: Dees Baa AGE ra HSE naper, and give Receipts for the same. ed c Messrs. A.dlie@atre, Je Bid botuens- 2nd Lampton will Rei the-rich behests of Lee She ee ee iaz no retarn of water.brash after taking the firs ¢ { whilppers--upon the murderers of fathers or H dD AERO) er Cre ae D Sa "Pp rov idence prove es be a paradiscal Eden {ne Same p ace, VWitbin e€ é | pc ortion. | continued it according to the direction a ; : ADMRELL Vi M. 3 a -- /y, re Me Isaae N. Cary, es street Toronto and inothers. Its pages laden with down-|.¢ Geatleme pany ey traveller. ee | until | had taken eight or ten bottles, which have = DMITH:-- Gentlemen: On authorized to act as agent for this-paper. Satie Sale Coiptenpla. Z tirely cured mes ~ Myoweight : right Blusplemy and aging else. Os Yo it kind favor of the k1th*inst. is re= | bam - a ae oe - an Le Ax EXTRAORDINARY pated -- Cox @ thirty fi ae = es ue HP ite SNA a DE ae i » z Ww ' ' . 5 é as, a orea natura atbwa or com-= ! come irtystives pounds; an m e Le Mr Bg Bowser, Muscatine, Jowa, slavelolier is not only &erubber, bat~-1 mare 1, 4 behalf of By it a tabree, oe "a § ap : ad & Mack viCTSs.--On Mond ay, was given at Lloyd,s | ee y P if 1.2 h fy" = 3 H r > > , 2 t oY ge Te a elve. 4vi ing me in eDalt oO your CHOW ource is found in arwic that her Majesty's Gov Dat required a | perfee ean tra y say that. I consider the Ys 18 #n auihoy ized agent of this pape derer, an atheistical monster, towering inthe: possiny..through. Brooke, Zone, Dawn and Sombra, where it unites with St. Clair, the ecpire link in the chain of the North Ameri- genaled billers the best. tonic extant. I [have re. commence t them to several Ww AS Tae invariably citizens, with them i @ele™ to" participate ship immediately "to carry" 400 matecon-4 --~ jimld-night blickness of his orime, sbove the victs from England to Freemantle, Western' brating 'tlre Ist of Augustin Dresden, Can | Vilest' wreich that ever insulted. God, as a ty iy West ait eg h Australia. Perhaps a wore rémarkabls set | found great benefit from their-use. ae ; | Ae est. can dan r con a 1¢ fine Umber : : reese ee 3 siOnument of bis forbearanee on: earth.-- | Pa be Ant ere | and fruittubeot rth ae ae ea of con-victs never left t e country at one Yours: respectfully, | . 7 ' . ree % 7 me G a yr - ° = 04 What is he but an intelectual | STROSS SO i eae : a Q y ee than wil-go-out in this ship... Amongst CALEB PARKER, : reasoning ern braneh from Bossanquet, (the ancient rome of the Indiaus) passing' through War- wick, Plympton, Moor, and Sombra, finding duties associating with you on that luistoric Occasion; 'SETH W. FOWLE & CO., 1388 Washington Stroet, Boston, Proprictors, 5M by their agent veery where. will Ceprive me of the privilege of e 400 will be found Sir John Dean Paul, eee and Bates, the fraudulent bankers, Robson, the Crystal Palace forger, Redpath, "SUBSCRIBERS, EDLORS post MAS®E- ERS and TTHAC Hick US gare invited to obtain subscriberstothe PROVINCIAL F'R EEMAN, brute? and enemy of his speices, and the boldest traitor against the Government. of : : "rhe allow al _No. Ste Sa feiss elias : 3 aes routebhy oan aeeretedhr vette tit TE THe bot pape 0 hl Ore Sey SPEEA aS) - ~ Se alot wich (webby per a <= et js received. God. rettnhesé Canadian Baptists dare fel- ms : : é ~at W allacebur 2 where the who aes the forgeries on tie Great "papers will be sent an ee a8 : have assembled to commemorate, has not | united streams form a volume or-watero7_ = : The terms of the Freeman are payment a | lowship euch inbunan wonster-, and at the : feel deen Cana bieot beanie secccls ot 000 | NOMiier Bend rag: Cangine and Agar, the Opinion of the Prominent Dr ugygists ie advance, and no paper will be sent longer than . Soe only bee me sacred to the affections and pace ea Ong vessels ot] railway gaurd, oie committed the great Cincinna'i Same tin.e claim to be Chistian men. Or). ~ burthen, from ithenee through the Lakes an : 2 : ae aid fe } ss % : paid for. Sie feelings of the people, but has created an], ia > . . | gold rubbery on the South-Eastern Railway We, the undersigne|, Drugzits of this cit ° i] be sent gratis upon Fj 3 he river Menai : 5 ory. ' gned, 33S of this cit SpeciMEN numbers will be s g position is tis! [Le who fellowships a horse the river St. Lawrence to the Atiantie |: | Bhi oe Ree : hae -- Cc. W | hief, | i hi k ho b | event, that has become interwoven with her | Qeean, and from thence to the Old World | oe notorious bank lorger Barrister Saward | have been acquainted with, aul suldfora year ae SHADD, Chatham, ©. W. | thiet, knowing bim tu be such, isnu better) : es : SSAE pe ces '| allas Jem the Penman, the putter up of all) or iw s ticle Sami diel | Avpibimas iD | | national policy, and embo.lied in her history Who tn contemplation of the rich and no- ; P Pa or Iwo past, an article uf Family Medicine , the great robberies in the metropolis for the last twenty years, also goes out in this ship, which will leava i neland on the 25h prox known as Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, and we would assure the prblic that in. every than the horse thief. When Elder Campbel, | : ape Se Eat eh ee LE a P| as one of the proudest and noblest achieve- | 2' advantages your position presents, shall Fi: dare that the descendants ol slaves In this land shall not produce disitn- > . ne ANCES. of Chatham, invites a slaveliolder to his pul. to predict | | ments that mark the records of time Lie 5 ' ; instanee, so far as we know, it has given the best RE RIET | pit, his garments all stained with tne warm blood of vutraged humanity, Elder Campbel | Di view the pales act of leg siation: | guished } epres entatives In the sclences, arts ee oie eely (cls hepa | fe - ibs panels ey _ We can recom- All subscription monies. for this journal lt becomes an accomplice of the theif. When UN i vad eS Pe ne "hull a Ply mouth. = | Eee 2 ne a Paice oe aRTIUT : ees opistoreds=i| | i d fe = _ | was not intended to lessen fasks, but to handed duwn to succeeding gyenerauons, as ie slap | OF G oe ak S 2 ne ae enclosed in fetters anc y 5 i itider Piper im turn invites Campbell-to his eopnhected witli tie events thitempdilisha A Goop:lonn --=W mi ells awn: ter Indeed, We never knew an article of Medicine chanve laskmaslers--to destroy the de potic oy ol BO on e557 5 x at any Post Ot tice become so decervedly popular ia so short 'a time which can be don thepast- pulpit , they all intuin become involved in ee Fhe cies are nation's history, embalined in the affect.ons | colored orator, who ds not so black as some ons : i fei By « payment of two cents in addition fo tn | the sin of slavery. SQVerel ene Oh Ae TMI aU POMS ebeeut | of a grateful josierity. Who shall dare 14) white men. told a very goo! story at the Ab which is proved by the factof its extensive sale : : | eS eee : a Aas Bn oray ERI i Berane age--ire at the risi of the Publisher. Sub | We can readily «ccount for the sympathy | °? wills, as the land mark to guide vur fu- | essert that some youth who may b> eduea- | ington celebration on Saturday. Ova steam - und Consially Werasige sour / Signers: ee AGS if Gin 626 S a J c | 6 3 5 Pes ram / J | . . aleert a men ini : "menece lay : ' J Deane zhty will ebli-e us and velieve us from ' poo. a7 ture destiny. Tt was not intended to lessen | ted here, while asccuding the bil of scienee,) buat on Caynia Lake the other day he went | JD. Park, J.D. Donzhty, scribers | that exists between the Christian Alessenges : Imiy not beeane'the fortunate di er, | : : Chas. Coilins, Abia Felt 1 x . ; ~ : >} (SCE Te } Or 2 scOVerer, | P: . z an = ; vey Hoy nysse : : many difficulties. by forwarding their sub- | Side al sivicd Pit Culdred Bact labor, but. to ancrease it. Even physical | Eee SS to the breakf.si tole with the other passen Setf. Parnin, A. D..Scovill. af : i Scipio ane An nd the seu-styic ist Colored _ baptist J b hb ros Ae only of the true cause of miasma, andi s | wers... Just.as he took his seat-a--dark-e-|- Wie dM. Gurdon, ie inna } n money by mall, as the tro a rad gery ma e increased thes uct ol i ee > Se = scriptto ' ; : Lae | of of Chatham, As for the letter that recéitly 2 J ee Y [2 cts on the "unin system; but the means _ored white incn called a@ waiter aud asked Ge Bates; 185.65 Reakit,. 2CLION D roug @ i Femanchyation as Were > Case» | ispellina it fr op awa _ ana i eer sire expense of collectior i / appeal 'edin that paper over the siynature of | Cl} » and i is Were not the cases | of ce spelling rit from you SWamMps , OF nOxe | colored persons: were admitied to the tabie Wade, Bukstein & Co. gxery, creates Dek some Codlers, Daubers Ash carters & broken | Why Is it that we are taught to expeet ine | ee nd daring genius shail eclipse fas ol | with white folks. The waiter did not know Dear Sir :--i became your agent witheut fel i : . i eS ae 4 a 3 vie ee : F E ne AD se Oe nonce é ee | dow n beg ga.s,who have grown grey in ivigal | c eased productions from the soil by (thé = wiblin, Fulton, and Morse, by diseove ering | exactly what to sav,so he called the Cap- ing any iuterest in the medicine, bat! soon be S ? : : : 3 e-trues i Fi ats : i nt ¢ Wey dOr , red : . Psubstiiution of (ree-over slave labor. te dat ive re Soret of circumnavigatag the air. | tain, who on entering the oe aes d caine very much interested. a pen 'seeing the hap, 2 Ls! BILLS! BILLS!!! law. we pats bat litle to Say Of éourse we | : A AEG OVEN SLY SAVOT '* |) Kvery-ageand almost every nation, trom the | or hi "4 Vr. DILES! - gio Korie tee te [oe See : kijoriine bho fannie f "tal | Jee Sy ee ust Cyl agit 2 ®\ who bad called for him. I. said 1 py effect it had upon many persons, »The> in ; { sae fouadatio Qs -bhesh ¢ E D- - ie eee Se (Be Fe a 3 Es = " Z < iknow that they Cid'nt' write it, for not one | se TOU ALOO OT lea ik Ane nation | most flourishing period ol Heypuan history | B;o0», peintinz-to-the dark aun rE de sree pees eeewave aisle oatonis Wel . a te se numbe ev of bile to 'i | ae : BS Ree ae 's | 9) creased Sales in" this State-are rely sstopishing : n x - at weait an ft ise sosperous Con- | : }e PVesei Nome: t 31h | 5 < e P a e have se ; ' ae hef the pretended Comimittee hnve. brat:s | ab weait, then the present (prosperous con ie to ue ee pire poe COE sire to know fit is your custom to allow: 4 inight have collected any number o. ccrtificates will remiit {6 us | =e a : 4 5 ivphtenec > the custrrpnuons ASE CEY Ne Lon Aah nlece he peaular te sy US! oo 9 See Subseribers and | rope they w | enous Jb: to. nt ten, 0: ds together grammati7 | dition of the vee over the sary states, must | ly itened ely ; eRe BE Tee a MGan | colored people at the rr galar table? ING ar ac rout poo, in relieving pain, af Thad at : < | eenlus, a { waded *-UYVEIP-HIG Us EY. vs ay) »Hlie : 1c , yer at the earliest possible moment, as our sub- be lly Yanvdto: suppose' thum.to-be"the-aduhor | have been the result of the greater quantity Se j : the ik adh Jee ah i : pesos ue plied. that, no objection had ra tended to it al the time the curestame under my tare | Cc ! SUD DOSE ly eG uue Ub | h any Oo ye alba yous names a1 OT Rae | 1p aide Before i seems 2 ark scriptions are our only dependence. : oa : as well as quality of labor an eaten J ey Ee a A been made be fore, an Pesfeing the dark icervuisn, 'The least Lean say lor the Pain of the article refered to, would be perfectly. | ' nem. ment lustory, were the descendant of a par-| wiire man evidently annoyed in' spirit, ap- Kiileiese that ig ; h of anohiG § ot Ailler is, that fully answers "the purpose lo a are | The siavery everywhere in-! entage whose pecuatuy codition is similar pealed to the geverusity of the colored ora- Guiceh ict eeuim nein creases the task of the emancipated, by call- jou review the bistory of Mr. Brown fi- ~ OUT CANVASSING. : toyour own. IT ; tor, to allow him to remain, oe Be Se ee oe We suppose the poor miserable, con: | ricei cs a etl find-that sioes and ie . A.W. AASTCH, Druevist, Milwatkiee hte 3 fine Into action their moral, mental and reli- MNS past, you will Tin BANE BLN) LENSE Se nally consent ed sind at this turn-of affairs Sold } i) Medici Dei ae "Pox SaaS Ena. \ SPO PS : : eee aeeaas ea ee er rae Peau ee oe ee td by all Medicine Dealers. Z : : ' | pempti de, Peppy 7 W hose toois they fu e | lis ious facul tic Ss in iddi io to their : b < al descendants of S:aVes, aye been deeply | the W hite man, w ho Wis SO blacks ns to be : 5 ct e ' z ay: | y° ' Pes Wee S TaOu LG ¢ L i { DE te SeTe ae S = ess Ba ; Saco ay Eye sree. Sook . ee lessrs. 1. D. Shadd & H. EF. Douglass, | thought he did his work wéll when he ie. bk? PeysiCa" | versed in classze lore, masters in Divinity,! passed fora negro, left the table in utter 7~ { | exertions. been once a | . Phat e we were furced | 2 | deem 800,Cv0 human beings from the dark Sculpture, painting, Astronomy, and medical skill. Mven in the Untted States, where legislation, and religion Lave associited to MARKICTS. int York C'y disgust, and unable to speak his thoughts. | -- Boston Traveler. ee both of this office, will visit many of the towns and cities in Western and Tastern ferred to the fact of us having ; illustrious act. was Intended to re- barber in Cleveland, beeaus Get Oat Chatham Markets--Prices lntrepidity is almost cammensurate.w th the globe we inhabit, and forms a crowning monument in the history of the AnzloSaxon race. We hope the Liberty-loving people these Provinces and the States wiil give them active requisition. The Mayor in formed his visitors that he _was afraid he eould not protect them uf they | prolonged their. stay, and for their slaves. it- was out cf the quection. See- should I to those ave mistaken its spirit, and be AB Yy- LA Wi. To authorize the Subreription by the County ot Bent of Two Lhousand Shares of the | Committee. -at Dawn, and - the We have t re P ly fpat instructed to the contrary. I appee adiir though thereto. een informed the heir -work.--M, AS. Ce. : | aid int celebration was an interesting heroic noble-minded men aud women who as eetting 'Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pro- | ia our poverty by American prejudice, to gc. 1 f barbari l hey 7 erish, their manhood, aad eotom> themintee While the two Southernes were In se- | Ereimsn Orrice, May 16, p07. = zy PEO JO " 5 5 aT Oars 'phere as The (Cee 3 San a Yor pre - 5 s moting the interest and prospects of this pa- | cept the humble but honorable calling of a pers Oui wubelc hey ie LE fCck | jects, the burning crater of ther venius like) cret eonference, with the Mayor, a Jarge ne- -- is = z , : 3 eee E . Aas ( Inyprisuned by ¢ 295 > ehristiz oe Fen ee ee ae Weare SOarenin& =| Aes : Vool, pet feud # per; and the cause of humanity gener ally. barber in order to get our honest living.-- | in\prisoned by a professedly christian nation. some modern oe ne ee ero Stationed . imself on he ne ): ye a a Wiheal; pet blishel,- e V4 9 0 be ee f . apla y ake : Sed RS Saya | fustre hat surroundec . while its ag- street, r \ (nner : Oats. per haste 3.6 i Mr. Shadd will act as canvasser &c., while Poor fellows! we do from our very soul Meyoere ken fog iene Ne, eae ey is ee F =| i eile MS 8 Ale vs f 7 = : ae ee ae ay ie ' = = Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from a i them in their poveity.to find fan't. .wi slavery, and ushered into the light of a Jib. DOA eS Se ee of a quarter of an ee i - nee as T:20 S 8.0 r- Dougiass, WHO Das Jus ply n taclr poveity to tne fan.t with RA hor! vivid ightuay iuminating the whole fir- | 300 and 400 excited. blacks gathered, and ees eas Bet a ot % weagen any a = = = : 7. 3 . 5 i H au sUriSdanity as o s s te Ss Per sne b tour in the Western states, Se he has a 'Provincial Freeman. Ii is said that, erty, cn iUzation and ebristianity as glorious | ament. matters began to wear a syts lly aspect. Co ee : ee ce : 3 ° St Gan UN etre tele ences Fe Re a PD * ae : : as us s 2 I if spoken with great acceptance, will uecture contempt has the property of desee nding, 'as-the worldhas yetseen. May they learn Be encouraged my friends os though poor, They were in this cily sume fen days Beet, per LO0 Ib, 40 0.4 40 0 : l 'ou are not left without charact . ¢ advice concluded to" Pork, per 100 bb a) Oa g wD 0 extensively as well as canyass, and we know | bnt it would die before it could reach them: "to appreciate us rich blessings, and fullill the | ye eee C cer, for the | since, and after taking advice conciin eae fee Us a eee ee { = Lheapapbeias wovernme most dignified enconiups have been bestowed | ey to chatham, Peher criminal clurges per > Sst : "e factoril Path are yours men, and are |H..F.-p. | duty t! ey OW to dremselces--to vernment : ie rumen nba Jat oe See : : 5 : utter, per dh 2 0: <a O20 "satis d J: sae? Cod. Von you by distingurshec merican states- | against them, and have them roueht tO patieny per 1o0tb On ly 56° 0 7 : | ) aa ( | te : . Zi Seba en ee oe ee : ED; haat Aabouring, ia the cause of human ri,hts, and ° bho, Pos! ele ee jinen: bey oe iate on the unexampled tis euy under the Ashburton Preaty, vhen Chickens, per pair, 18.30 3 0 for the spread of intelligence among Canadi- THE CELEB TION ALT DAWN. | If there be those who have dreamed that | grouth and pros;erity of the Americon Re-| the disguise could be dropped, and thet ee per = oy 0, a at fh : ey 5 : : nee . "os, per dow O 4 oe : | In another ee we give a letter of 'In, | the act of emancipation, was inlendedto rece puble: "whose commerce floats on every most Just and humane of all enactments the. Soot ' Jone cua eee, yn refugees. eee Ri ee aie dodclin ys ay sea, and whose matchless enterprise, & S| w, could be brought into: = of }Yitationto Mr. William Whipper, from a! them from obligations of duty or action, they » and whose mi prise, fand | Fuitive Slave Law, coul Ee ---- So -- i | i t | You came bere as: hunted: outcasts, ond now assembled ; who fired with the spir somewhat marred by the ualy conduct o¢ | are Stock an the Sti Clair, Chi - Road j e, UBTy uct of | ee ---- _ Stock in the Sti Clair, Chathum § loa <M rN TOR é . . : ; -et unsvlicited on y our pert, your-psssports | ing the crowd the men were only to glad to: : ee . THE CRISTIAN MESSEN GER the occupants. of the. Dawn Institution i it of freedom have Liamdi ato themselves |? °° 2 P J ees Pere ee : Ree eee oe Ship Canak sree ony Ce ag pie Fr : : bave gone before you. "bearing the sisia- | e-cape and come back to this side, which | <0 000: : + ml { ees rm ae . yee ar . "yi 5 FE apt ye fe : : ' Ge <3 SLANDER Ge. grounds.' The Committee of Arrange- independent of Itepublican governments, OF | tores of the proudest statesman that ever) they at the very be-t spec xd, The adven- 5 ments omitted ture was a foolhardy asa desp ricab'e one. -- | Whereas, by virtue ofthe Net ofthe Pra Detrod~F vincial Parliament of this Province 20 Vice, = 5 chaps 57 entided an**Act to dncorporate the Stavenotpers Wire Snare Srroks | yy, Chatham and Rond Eau Ship Canal it wis erected, without which in their view,; AFTeR Uaem.--We leain from a private Conipany," a duint Stock Compan bas been the principle of liberty it implantted, and | source that the good peuple of Chatham eon oenie or the purpose of construeting the acheivements it consummated, must} bad quite an excited time "Puesday morning _a Ship Canai between the waters of the Ri- have remained entombed in the nicht of ages; | onSequent upon the introdustion ef an agi- | ver St. Clair & the ond Eau Harbor on and pow my dear friends, you who have | tating element, into that peaceable town mn! Pike Erie, # proved to be such a national 'b essing to a the shape of. two. brave-hearted red-hot; TA nil Wihetaslthe County ak "Kent i i people who have 'robbed and plundered vou, ® slaycholders. M 'terested in the propased work & deeply im aud wrested Jrom: you all the blessings due | > hes. accordingly Bem oteh Monliegnd pressed with the bencfits which mustrestlt to our common humanity, how much "more spotte d? seven chattels that had formerly | _ aanereiees ee ee grateful oucht you to be the country of apne oe son eer evel e : southern, the earliest commencement and cumpletion your adep'ion, where you have the exalted | CUM®: Pheir plans were Jaid before the: of the same by taking stock therein, priviege of possessing and enjoying all the | = Parliamentary legislation, whose resolute] trod the sil, who boidly asserts that you and your fathers were tou the American Repub- | lic what Jesnz CArist was to the Christiin ehurch;-- The chief st-npe on which} the 'name of John Scoble, from their pubtished bills as speaker, and VADUne. = INO: We understand that the "Christian Mes- ~-senger" the organ of the Pro-Slavery Bap- "tist Church of Canada, has thought proper to open the vial of it pious wrath, and pour its contents upon our devoted: head. We are charged with the enormous crime of For oe and in what, did we We merely asserted and determined wills, guided by: the North € Star, have brought you to-this true liberty- loving Eden of the New World. because cf that omission we. are told tha corner they would not permit the people to cele- You whose brate in the Dawn Grove or on the lands -- "The selfish old codgers!"' force respect where not deserved! arms have been the great asricultural levers A new way to that have rais-d for the southern states of Fortu nately Mr. ELollensworth opened his ground, this Union, one of the most powerful oligar- The cotton, Pe oe | chies on earth. rice, tubaceos eg and hemp you have produced have been the _slander that paper? We said.an a speech at Brantford though the pathway had to be made through great.stay of American commerce, and ren_ dered you the great barometers of finance a ripening fieldof grain--a, r. gs . a truth. that the Regular Bapust Church was Pro- "Slavery, and tuat the Christian Messenger, ¢ LO a al e = : a : i s as Tue Proeramms, of Winter operations } for the civilized world. at ae A RTS a ae See os . ; . which we proposed tovoive last week is. to Cities have been constructed by your me Mayor-of Chatham, on "Puesday morning. _its orgap, had carefully excluded from its | establish first, reading circles of not more chanism, and the ponderous edifices have | Vivine and civil atiributes per'aining to life, Nut the colored gene were as keen sig htead | "Aad Whereas, the said Act hath, under %, columns, whatever of Anti-Slavery that | than twenly members each. Secondly, a! been carried on your shoulders. Those who liberty, and the pursuit of heppivess; where | ** we He nee ee ee Core NAS a cue " : svould give offence to. its brethren in the | series of cheap lectures--not free lectures-- | | have pene such magnificient homes for |? 41 c.. ee us di alees au ee ene : Pee ee eae : eee ay a No, States. This was simply what we said: twice per week, at least. Thirdly, to pat. a bod Lured, = eon as morta) Currin, wl say "no gee Ey eae Crown Lanps DEPARTMENT.--_ : Z = ue 6 : y ae ees : é es ae ; | yranis, fed, nurtured, and sustained them | what tex battle our liberties may Ww ee Se Fy of shares of stock tn the sat ompany, by drawing the inference as we had a right to | ronize extensively the usual lectures given; in such pomp and splendor, have little to | have been cloven down,--no matter wheth- q e uacerstan a Je Sta Or Cbteete @ the Municipalites (iverestca in ine construe do that it had a 'circulation in the Southern | and Instly to attend such religious denomi_ | fea wr from any obstacles they may meet with | ¢* 29 Aftican or an American sun have cn Se ee: oe Serv it ieee the s a work, and the peal Wins : eo 5 F aaa | 5 < 'i Vien : ra ) : a2 : SA SOR TE | Ss: > States. In proof of our position, we cited | nations only as can tolerate anti-slavery and | in this country. shown upon you, let the altars and the re- Assistant Co Rulsell, | bean ce deca a pee invether in the dust; and let yours abroad in the majesty and i strenath of your divine natures, bee iuse you | stand forth redeemed, rewenerated and dis- I | publics sink its refusal to publish any of the excellent | other needful reforms also.--a. F. 8. 'letters of that neve eee christian gen_ tleman, Mr. J. J. 14. Linton of Stratford -- "We also ianer and we challenve the : editor to disprove the fact if he can, that not one single word had ever been said in that "paper from the time it was first established up to the time we made our second speech, Frem the spot where you are now assem - Iisq. 'to thatthe sad County, Council of Kent Surveyor Goerts 7 MieBayche te | should subscribe for two thousand shares of Inspector of Woods and Forests Branch | Stock in the said Company, aud that deben --Mr. Dawson, tures on the credit of the said County Superintendant Of land sales = ir should be issued, payabl2 in the manner and Spragge iat. the times hemeingics mentioned, and Aceountant--Mr.F ord. 'that a special rate should be levied and If this inteligence be correct, the depary- | | raised for the payment of the said sums and, ment bas got a most excellent sub-cheif Mr. | the interest thereon, on the whe le rateable SOS alle bled, you can cast your eyes over the broad Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer pos_ sesses virtue, landscape and point toa bright and glorious which not, alone removes pain enthralled by the irresistible genius of Brit- jnstantly but regulates the stomach, ' - ish emanelpation. I remain yours 'n the cause of Justice and Freedom, WILLIAM WHIPPIER. future. You can contemplate the prospects gives | 1} ofar railroad connecting Lakes Erie and Hu- es Worth: fo whose starting peint will be the lian, following the Town line, strength, tone and vigor to the system. is one of thoses medicines which Rond more than gold. whieh divides Sold by druggists genera J- [larwich _ far. as the " Christian Messenger," : eerned. in the United States. Thig was the head and front of our offending, so was con. We would have noticed ere this - what was intended by its very astute anu "accomplished editor, as an annihilator, bul . for this reason, we had no desire to do in- justice to the editor of that paper, and in "order to meet him fairly, we put it off, hoping to make it convenient to pay Brant. ford 'a visit. In°this we have been disap- pointed, nevertlicless we have not been idle comprising the names of distinguished Mer- chants and Statesmen, attesting the superi- ority of this medicne for the cure of Dyspep- sia in all its forms. Passmore Wituiamson.--The Philadel: phia Worth American says that Passmore W ILLIAMSON instituted legal proceeedings on Saturday, against Chif Si istice Levis of the poe Court of Pensylvania, for il- egally refusing to grant hin a writ of ha- beas corpus during the period when he was irbitrarily detained in prison by Judve ald terminus at the foot of Lake Huron, cunnect- DOCTORS. proceedings in this ease on of the 19th century, The Grand Trunk fiail- ing itself with that mammoth enterprise - | * Phe' further ane! : Thursday were not important, and are tl road which forms a bridge over land and | -- oe iS d ees ; : 3 summarized : water for up vards of a thousand miles and : The anvestigation a3 ol the la = water for upwards of a thousand miles and ue : fe conspira cy for. which Mrs. Cunningham and others with the Atlantic | have been arrested, was res Samed yesiend: 5 connects Lake Huron. Ocean. Nor is ycur prospect less brilliant | morning. Dr. Catlin having turned. State's by water than land communication with the eeu aS aided in further exposure of Ship Canal the plot, will be.used by the Distriet Attor-. ney asa witness. Drs. Dewees and Barker, pas sing: through the region I have described | \ ho were sent by the Justice and: Distri a world. 'The prospective -whose able report on the Hudfon Bay ques- tion we had oeeasion to mention not long since, spoken of for the place, for which Hie was well fiited.--[ Montreal; Gazette, = from Howard, and Camden fron | nte a Ae e the Wah ly throughout the United States and Canada. ae , THE BURDELL HETR Russel is and old, faithful, talented and | property ol the said County, which amounts jn May 1857, in condemnation o g eau Cbatham, until it reaches the point where | most efficient: servant 'of the: Crown, and'! t6*gue million one hundred:and nineiy. two b re ; . r MRS. CUNNINGHAM REFUSES TO sTBY ; he stt "heartily. « : a and bloody crime of theological cradle A valurble Tonic. Phe Oxygenated | you now stand, passing onward through | IBS. CUNNINGHAM RB FUSES TO STEMIT 70 Tone to whom we codl@ Most ffenriily. otter thousand three -handred. and twenty three je : ls ; me ; : Fa AG ees fee = A MEDICAL EXAMINS p rratulations. We h: ar als = plundering, carried on by the regular Bap- | Bitters have received weizhty endorsements | Dawn, Enniskillin, Moo~ and Sarnia to its | : SC our congratulations, We had hear d, also, pounds currency. Hi Mliiteh LER SHAMS DETECTED BY TIE} Ms, Dawson,-another most efficient officer, Ist. Beit therefore and il is hereby enaeted, by the County Council of the County of Kent, under"and by virtue of the said above in part reaited Act, and the Upper. Canada Municipal Corporations Act of 1849, and Sucial Notice ~ OX YGENATED -- hae" Read the following letter from Carrs Pawker, Esq., of Concord, N. H., a may hono- red and esteméd by all who knew hin: Ana IRADRARADARAOAWARIAN Gentlemen :--W ith no disposi-. ISANE. if completed, will be the great channel of | Attorney Hall to make a medical examina- 2) by-and with the congent of the majority: of the qualified Electors of the County, as pro- vided by the Statute, that the Warden of | the said County of Kent for the time being, be and is. hereby authorized and empowered ta subscribe for, and in the name, and be- half of the County of Kent two, thousand shares of the Capital Stock of the' Sit. Clair, Chatham and Rond Eau Ship. Canal, Com- tian to make my name conspicuous, I take the oc pany, pe

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