Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 8 Aug 1857, p. 1

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~ VOLUME IIL} CHATHAM, os toe a2 PROSPECTUS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser. Mary A. .S. CARY; : _H..F.. DOUGLASS, -----3 The Provincial Freeman will bedevotedto A nti- Slavery, Emigration, Temperance, and.General Literature. It will opeu its colunins to the views ef men of different political opinions, reserving théright,as an independent Journal, of ta }ex- pression.on al] questions or projects affecting the people in a political way; and reserving, also. the right to express emphatic condenination o, all projects, having for their object in a great or temote degree, rhe subversion of the principles of the British Constitution, or of British rule in the Provinces. Not committed to the views of any religious sect exclusively, it will carefully observe the rightsof every sect, at the same time that a reser vation shall be made in favor of: an'existing dif: ference of opinion, as tothe views or actiens o! phe Sects. respectively. Editors. As an advertising medium, as a-vehicle of in formation on Agriculture,--and as an enemy tc vice in any and every conceivable form, and a promoter of geod morals, it shall'be made worth: ef the patreuage of the public: autLerrers, to. receive attention. whether for publication or on Business, must be addressed, gee-paia TD. Suanp, Chatham, C. W. THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weelrly Advertiser, 18 PUBLISHED EV:R Y SATURDAY MORNING. AT THN CEFICE OF THE PAPER, King St W st, Opposite the Murket. GIA AM,-C..W : TERMS: : ONE DOLLAR AND. A EDALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Raves or ApvarRvising, 8.) Ds 4x te ten Jines, firs! insertion, - +. -3 .4 Eich sabsegitent insertion, Sees OAD Over ten lines, first insertion, per line - 0 «4 Mich swhseqtent insertion, per live, - OF oP: gg A discount allowed. when advertisaments re continue! ever three months. te Merchants, and others, contracting for pace cat) adVertise on advantageous terms. | er vAl) advertisements, without instruction as d» bangth=<oftime,?,.1]1 be inserted, watik forbid; aad charged accordingly, , SF LSI OT ss St FRINTING OFFICE, King Street IW-st, Opposite the Market, CHATILAM,. C. W. THE PROPRIETORS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN eurd itiferm their' Friends and the Public, that their M@icain supplied with all the Requisites: tor the : execution of every description of REDS &UOE PaLewrurer a, INCLUDING PAMPIHLETS, BILL, MKADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, FUN EAD LETTERS, LABIES, INVITATION CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, ee STAGE BILLS, CONCERT BILLS, e PROGRAMMES, ; pesrTixne BILLS, LAW BLANKS. MAND BILLS, BANK CHECQUES, DEEDS PROMISSORY NOTES, MORTOAGES. MEMORIALS, ey he, &e.; de, Bad avery description ef LELTER-PRESS. PRINTING in the best and handsemest style, with aceuracy--and: despatch, Ft .PRINTING!IN COLORS AND BRONZES, £9 LAW, RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Subscribers who.do not give express notice t the contrary, dré considered as wishing to con- tinue their subscriptions. It; Subscribers > order! the. "discontinuance .o; their papers, the publishers may continue to senc them lil! all arrears ate paid up. ifSbscribers'neglect or refuse to take 'thei: papers fram the ofhee ito which they are directec. ghey are, held. responsible, Lill they. have settlec their bills, and ordered their papers to be disvon- ginued. Tr Subscribers remove te ether-places, withouv * yntoruting, tht Publishers, afd the paper is ser' io the former direction, they ave held responsible. .Basiness, Directory... 'STONE & TURNBULL, | CHATHAM CLOTHING TALL , DRY Coops; *" Grocery Establishment, KING STREET, 0.1, CUATIIAM, C: W, Septemberbih, 1895. 201. Cloihes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. OW, T7? HUMBURT TOULD respectfully announte to the Citi- Ve izéhs. of Windsor;sand surrounding coun- try, that.he is: prepared to MAKE, RiePAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and 'in the most satisfactory manner. ' Having- had ample experience in his line of business in he Cities of Charleston, 8. C., and Boston, Mass., he flitters himself that, by diligence and strict atteritioy to business, he will be able to eee 23 Windsor,C. W.,Sept. 9, 1854. GEORGE KERR, HARDWARE MERCHAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VEALER IN Heavy and Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, &c., §-c., Pratt's Block, Chatham, C. w. November 22, 1855. 30-1 ANDREW HENDERSON, Auctioneerand Commission Merchant, No. 32, Yoneg.Seregr, Toronto. References--Thomas Clarkson, Esq., President ot the Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire, Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co.;,Messrs. Howard & Fitch; Messrs. D. Crawford & Co. CHARLES: FLETCHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No, 54, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. British and American Works imported and for sale at the smallest possible advance upon the wholesale prices, CHARLES MARCH, House, Sign, and Ornamental. Painter, Gratiner, Glazer, and Paper Hanger, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAINER. No. 29, Kine<SrPrReet WEST. Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win dow Glass andLooking Glass, for Sale, at the lowest Cash prices. Toronto, 10th April 1854. 4 NOTICE. HE Members of JONES' SAXHORN BAND, are prepared to play, for CON- CERTS, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terms. For information apply to. Fo 'ty JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dec. 26th.:1856. vo-n19 D. FARRAR & Co, IMPORTERS AND aeRO LES RUS OB ALERS In Grocerivs, Woies, Lujuors, §e., No, 15,,DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. Masses. R. "P. & ADAM CROOKS, Barristers-at- Lav, ATTORNEYS AND? SOLICITORS, WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO. Reo eS ; : DEALER IN - Groceries aud: Crockery Ware, No. 314, DUNDAS STKEET, LONDON, C. W. CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, &¢., &e., Ofice--CuuRcH Street, next door tothe Court flouse TORONTO, WILLIAM CAYLEY, MATTHEW CROOKS CAMERON. VANKOUGHNET & BROTHER, ¢ 2. Barristers, Attorneys, §c., Ofice--Cuorch STREET, Over" The City Bank" Agency, two dyorsSouth of St. Audrew's Church, TOKONTO. NOTICE. ERSONS. afflicted ;with the FEVER.and AGUE or the CHILL FEVER, canbe speedily cured by applying to JOHN EA Iron, Shuemaker, 'Bronte, 'Township of 'Tratalgar, Halton Gounty, 'Canada West. Price ten «shil- lirigs currency. tre Geo Brente, July 17th, 1856. 14-t. se MRSv:S. WILKINS, BOARDING EOUSB, No...168,, PINE, STREET, : PHILADELPHIA. "November 1855. 30 THRVAO Vy : ihe 48), S70 LV Si Oss ue IN THE COMMERCIAL, BUILDINGS, SOUTH 'SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET,| And lately erected by Messrs. Moore g- Rolph, Ow Osta ue SISBSCRIBER would inform' his old' and numerous Customers: and 'Friends, that he has again "OH 5 OpMened Tamsimes=. With a Large and éntive New Stock of | DRY GOODS & GROCERIES! He thanks them for pasts faxors,.and. hopesto receive of them and the Public at large, and LIBERAL. SHARE OF PATRONAGE. The Subscriber is determined' to soll as Low as i possi bie Faye ' B.- JONES. iF 3G London; Jan. 71656. . WANTED IMMEDIATE LY: smart, active and intelligent boy about fourteen years of ave. Apply at this Office. One able to read and write pre- ferred, satisfaction."' =x - ste Governmext Hocss, Toronto, Jan. 15th, 18 7.--"Dr.M D. French, urgeon Dentist, hes hoth Extracted and Stop ped teeth for me. with perfect success, and with less pain fo myself than 1 thought possible. "--A. P. DouGLass, A.D | Rev. Dr. Burns, : Rev. A. Fyfe; A. W. Strachan, Esq , Dr. Scett, Dr. F. Baugley, Dr. N. Bethune, Dr. Herrick, Dr. J. Richardson, Dr E. Clarke, Ifon, Judge Burns Rev. H. J. Grassett, Hon. Judge McLean, Dr. F. A. Cald- well. Offee hours from 9 A. H, to 6 P. H. se TERMS CASH. vo u37-Ly, Rliscellaneons. RPI IDG LID PPD OL DOOD NNO et A VINDICATION. To the Christian, Messenger. Mr. Epiror,--* Wherein thou judgest another, thou 'concemnest thyself; for th u that judvest doest the same things." » Rom ii.2. Inthe Provincial freeman, of May 16th and 30th, are editorials, so. palpabiy fulse and abusive, and withal, reflecting so much upon the first Culor d Baptist Congre= vation, In Chath m, that, that body has ap- pointed us, whose names are undersigned, to prepare astatement in reply, The editori- als referred.to, are headed "More Begging ! KKlder Pier, Free Mission, Baptist Mis- sionary at Chatham ! 1 <Ciothes for the Fugitives 11" With respect to the beg- ging charged upon Wider Piper, by. the Freeman, we are authorized to say this much: that he wil! unite with us in condemn- ing the " begging system" fur the Fugitives in Canada: 'because' he believes, as he stated, in. his.article referred to by the Freeman, that " the morals of the colored people are goud, as a general thing, and their temporal condition, and proseepts' en- couraying," but, being requested by a So- ciety of Ladies, formed to aid the Fucitives, that shou'd he see any cases of . necessity, not otherwise provided for, to inform them. He accordingly informed 'them that. a box was needed, (not "boxes," as" falsely pnb- lished by the Leeman), therefore he . was not obnoxious to the chirge of reviving the '"" begging system," or even to be called "the beggar" in' this' case. ~The Editor of 'the Freeman wust have a very treacherous mem- ory, or.else be obnoxious. to. tbe charge mide Jy the Propbet Je emiah,. against some of his time, © thit they taught" thetr tongus to speak lies."° "Por'when ~ she said, "a collection: of $15 was taken in his (i1- der Piper's) chureh, for Mr. Lull, a worthy she uttered a falsehood, and conveyed a false impression. 'be collection was about $10, and was'given by a conereeation, com- posed of Methodists, Baptists and other citi- zens belunging to neither Society. So when she suid, when speaking of a member of the Methodist Church, who had lost his anti-slavery man from the United States," | ADVE D TO INDEPENDENCE." ATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1857. TERMS: } oT ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN: ADVANCE: )NUMBER 47 "household goods" by fire, the " Methodist congregation volunteered $44 to him as their quota of the very liberal donations, to the same end by the citizens generally, so that his pecuniary stateis better than be: fore," she told just one trath, viz: that he was burned out. He received in all $17 69c. while his loss was some $300. Query ; if tne citizens generally, gave very hberal donations to that amount, how much did the collection of Methodist Church amount to? So when she said "Elder Piper preacn- es to, encourages, and and beys for separate | Churches and Schools," she should haye said, that the church to which Elder Piper preaches, had an existence prior to any white Baptit Church, in Chatham. Had she told the rediders of the Ereemaa' that Elder Piper started a school when urged todos 5 a school in which no distinction of color are made. She had told the 'truth; thoush her friend Metyger, 'whoicame to Chatham to teach the prescribed Government. School should not. bave thesupport of a false state- ment to prop up his claims. We are ata oss to knowwihat she means, when she says 'a few colored'people aided © by their Mis- sionaries: from the United Ststes, petitioned v the Canadian Government, that their bildren might have the Separate Schoul riviege thea desired*by™ them and _ their rayer was granted." entire people? ..As for ourselves,. we know we should be quite as much _ benefited by Mr. Douglass, if he were now employed at his business as a barber, in Cleveland, as we are by the inteligence he diffuses' among 'us. We believe Mrs. Cary to be. the enemy. of the Cross of Christ and when she villifies the names of the tried friends of the slave, we are not surprised, She keows how to ap- plaud.the enemies of the: Refugees--such as Col. Prince, and to abuse their - friends. But we look upon the wholesale begging, for the Provincial Freeman asa low and seandiilons act, as we belihve. it is only to benefit the' Proprietors, and not us: 'be- cause we believe a.good paper .devoted to the interest cf the. "Canadian Refugees" ought to be, and would be sustained, by the more than forty thousand, with the aid it would get: from the rest of mankind. As thé paper is now. managed, we think it an.injury rather than a bletsing, to those to whom.it professes to plead, and we most emphaticaly declare,'that' we are nt benefitted by the labours..of -Messrse 'Shadd .and---Doidotass, however much they may spread inteligence abroad. - We. make these. statements. in good faith, and if Mrs. Vary chooses to de- ny them, we 'will defend them 'openly in a public asserablyin: Chathamwheri 'such as- sembly is. called -by. hers) H In behalf.af the First. Coloured Baptist Congregation, in Chatham. M. F. Battery, €. He Cusrity, M. Av Jounson,: JAMuS SNYDER, BazzeL BELL, o J.C. Brown. Chatham July 4, 1857, j bo: esis H. EF. Doucuass, one of the 'editors: of: the Provincial. Freeman (C. W) has been lecturing, ofate, ih Delaware County: Pa. Ve have yet to learn, who those "petition- rs" were and what "Missionaries from the United States," aided them to obtain such 'privileges." She says "if C, Brown bas lefied any one, to say he has ever sent for Id clotnes or wanted any," it C. Brown de les this statement aw foto , and: says: ha bas d. ne the deed, compiained of, and will a itvagain, when heeshaill have»vccasion to 0-80. But, the great offence of Elder Piper is us, in. saying "f anythiny is done, either itellectuail, or morally, here to bless the olored people, it must be done by a niis- on sustained by' the frienus 'of 'the colored In the Chester Republican: we find the fol- lowing notice of his labours in that 'place: jovity--and a working majority--in the Constitutional Convention. We would counsel no rash and imprudent measures: but the least the Republicans cando in that Convention, in honour to. themselves and in defence of the future State, wi!l be to every fuyitive and to person claimed as such the rights inviolate -of habeas - corpus and trial by jury. Let us build a wail of adamantine law around the "Sfate "that blood-thirsty kidnappers cannot climb over. * Letius make our soil frea and our schools free, our homes and hearts, our prairies, wood and water free--free |as air--so that if a> ki 'napper shall presume to invade our North-Western Asylum of liberty, he shall be headed off and hurled back to his native slave-den in an ir- resistible hurrricane of isses. Minnesota must be free---free: not merly by non-indult gence in Slavery, 'but -by utter non-compli= city with it' or: she will. be unwortliy » the name she bears.of "The Northern Star' .of . the* epublic -- St. Paul Limes, 23d ult. -@ 66 v NovTninG BuT aA Niccer"--In the St ces > . . . iS Louis Lepublican--a singular misnomer for : ine Wij : ; " Oid Line Whiz Buchanan sheet--of Monday, we tind an offer.of "seven huodred doilars reward" 'for the apperhension and return 0! re ino Mdeseyipi . of tlre following described human chattels, : Marshals-and their deputies wilf please notice: "One bright mulatto boy, named Will am about 22 years of age, Aair nearly straight. One boy named Lewis; 19-years oli, bridhter colorured than William, Aaor straight. A girl named Mary Jane,.14 years oli, a. pate face, hair light colourt A boy named Ned 8 «years: old) rather darker than the others.? - But" the Strangest part 'of this stranoe eventful. history. to! our Northerii men who have been taught that slaves are so superias tively happy and contentcd, and tiat even the Canadian fuyitives lons to return-. to: their masters' "fhesh pots.' we read further - on, that the master. un. We believe this statement -to be wrrect as a general truth, and in proof, rould ask why did not Mr. Metyger sue- edo in. getting a-private scheol in. Chat- am, when he failed to secare tuhe Govein ent School? Hider Piper took himself tof the way honorably and publicly.-- flrcre is but one reason: 'he cvlored peo- yle were notable to meet the expense ; and yet_we suppose his terms were as low as be could afford. As long as the colored citi- Chatham -pay taxesto support the "Notwithstanding the extreme heat of the weather, the [all was well filled with both sexes, who gave close and attentive audience trum the coinmencement to the close of his remarks. 'I'he speaker pointed: out the evils of slavery, showed. their eifects. upon the peopleof the North,. whom be . censured wore for its contiuuance aud support than those of the South, and denounced, in the most: earnest language; that extensive class among us, called doughfaves, on whom, more than apy others, the slavelolders rely for me io support the institution, We have er héard more truthful 'and earnest Ian- ge thanthat which fell from the'speaker's , When recounting..the wrongs intlicted nis.race. Le was bold,. eloquent, man- nd defiant in hs language, and. demon- ted clearly every ponit: of his subject. came among us, he said, to make con- s'to the cause of ireedoiw: and he*spoke nly of slavery, it was because: he felt nly upow a subject that rovbed. him,of nanhood had sought to degrade him, and reduced "him tothe Condition of "a tel.' Heshad been born m'Virvinia, the her of. Commonwealths and statesmen-- tate which gaye birth-to the Father of ou ntry, and was the home of the Father Democracy, the author o! the Declaration lndependence,- which © proclaimed Ife; mty and the pursuit,' of. happiness: the cnable rights of min --yet were a citizen o there, or to any other slave State, and cise the liberty of speech, proclatn the hs he now: dtd: here, be would® find him- dangling to the nearest tree... For more an hour the speaker, continued to deal lows with powerful effect upon the in- tion of Slavery and those who uphold it, trating with appropriate' anecdotes many ie strong points of bis-argument, in-a ner which: carried. conviction to bis ers.'? LAVERY IN MINNESoTA.--It is ano- bus fact, that negro slaves in-a consider- number-are now owned and worked in nesota.' ~~ A'man, 'anda man of means, who! has once:received 'the. votes'of his w. Democrats for the, Legislature, holds rangs of of slaves over on,the Mi-nesota y, which he works upon his farms in open lity to pubdhe "sentiment, 'bnt'in' beauti+ harmony: with the oWemocratic:; Dred t..decision: en bave passed through our city with r slaves several times durmg the W inter less thin "four weeks ago a 'Southern leman took rooms at» cue of our firest- OW LE nay i Will' pay: $200°' for the "apprehension and delivery in. this city of Louisville; of the father of the children, om his cony for running Off said slaves.' . The said' Louis' having from the: advertiser, and: (734 «Ves GACH 6 We "I ms The mother, 1s,.now paying for» herself, ahd™ {therefore Wish to punish such tude." lab) = ' He . Lhe tather of these "bright complexioned pale faced straight haired" | chattles should: certainly be punished for the "base. ingrati- 42? . . . 7 > 5 : tude' of buying himself; SO we say to our fugitive law- offieials everywhere, "bestir yourselves, the Union is endangered!' Save! ee Ee 3 Ob, save?' -- Greensburg (lnd.) Repub. iction, #* bought himself = base ingrali -- GENERAL WaLK:R IN THE Sovuty,-- William Walker, the extinguished man of destiny,: is moving along the shore ofthe Gulf of; Mexico.,..lfe. was..at.Mobile-Jast week, where he eluded a committee of Alas oo. bama patriots reparing to the steamer. to weleome his artivel, and lodged " himseif at _ the Battle | louse; at which heowas overhaul ® ed by.the committee, and persuaded to-de#om liver himself upon the baleony of sundry.ey| pressions of his confidence that. the "war Southern hearts of his 'audience were with him," and' that© the present seedy state of Nicaraga, fillibusterism would sooner or later: pass away. . Altera brief stay. he.departed from Mobile for New Orleans, between which cities he seems at present to be runn- ing anexpréss --N. Y. Eve. Post. Diseraceeuy TREATMENT OF A' Fa THER BY HIS Son.--<A. poor oldimaneall- ing himself Alex., Young totterd. into.. ovr office a few days ago, solici:ing money to prosecute lis search of an unfilial son, who had stolen $245 in-cash from him, and left for parts'unknown. "The money: he' said was the hard earnings of the family; and was intended for the purchase of-a span of farm horses for his plice near Goderich. The son absconded with the money on the 8th -of July,-sinee which time, no traces of him bane beemfound.:.\The poor-old father, thouzh deeply injured, still, more charitable than just, seeks to extenuate the conduct-of his son, and says, 1fnot tempted by a vicious companion named' Jo instcm, the boy would never. have 'stolen the money. 0 Lt is 'suppos: et Johnston-and the boy ;bavedeft forthe mtates; but the tather still thinks bis sen will return to him with at [east a portion of the nvoney, could he escape the meshes of his vile companion. s hotels, registering . his, name.as servants." Jie had five of the animals. he St. Louis boats have repeatediy and fently "bee manned in part by slaves the St. hows -anarket, aud some such our levesalinost.every day. id it is generally reported--we kuow ow, truly--that a slave is being held in ater and will continue to be held 'in hoce of the Minnesota law; for the avow urpose of provoking another Dred Scott ision from the five imimo:tal slaveholders be Supreme Bench. Now, Minnesota is coming into the Union a State. 'Lhe Republicans have a ma- See cam AE Pork A fat shogyis: the'very: quintes- sence of scrofula and carbonic acid gas; and he who eats It, must not expcet thereby to build up a sound physical organism. | While it contributes heat, there is nota twenneth part of itnitroven, the base of muscle." This is sound. practical truth. . Fat pork was nover_ desizned for . human. ford: it is material for breath, and nothing more, see Liebis and other organic chemists and phy- riologists; it makes no red meat or muscle; the prize fighter is not allowed to eat it; all that is not consumed by the lungs, remains, to clog the boby with fat,

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