Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 25 Jul 1857, p. 4

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er eo PPL, ylilk undersigned begs to y inform the public generally, I that is prepared todurnish the follow ing articlss by helesile and Retail : AXE LLANDLES, *PICK AX!' HANDLES ADZE HANDL ES, BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &e¢., Made in the best manner. ALSO, BY RETAIL, SS : at New BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, in oe order for service. Also, Axes realy Handled Handles put into Axes. and other Tools. Es SMAL LWOGD'S Saw Factory, York Street, No. 88. '"m@he Children's Paper." PUBLISHED AT TORONTO - foe ee 2 copies' monthly, per annum-- one dollar, eighty cents. 1U O eoples hone ars, Sent post free through- out the British Provinces. NG: subseriplions for issued in ayable 14 per annim-fifteen doll Jess than twelve copies received,--tIs 'oronto on tht fr of each month, p a dvance. Po st Cil & Di rs, Canada, and recommended as 2 72 nO 1 Stratford, Dee; 10th 1856. Vo-b2l {! ANNY JA CKS SON, of Brantford, Can- : ada West, having heard. that Mary Jennings, of Berks County, 2 ing, Pennsyleat is. dend, brother-in-law, bring the chi con to Brant January; 23rd; 1857. y) Wa Aira | é David yal Consisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Stcél of all kinds; Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvils, screw Plates, Diesand Taps; Carpenter's' Fools, Shocmaker's Tools, Nails ef.all kinds and sizes; ieee (un Spedes, Shovels, Scoups, floes, anes Garden Rake Ss, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of all kinds; Harrow Teeth. Cultivator Teeth, Patent Punips, Pump chain wand Gearing , Pots. Pans, and Ketlles ; Wace and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Llames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Screws, Hinges of all kinds' Knives, Forks and Spoons of every description; Brushes of all kinas ; MU Ei LY Mi ILL SAWS sCirenlariSaws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Fi es "PAINTS, GILS AND COLORS, with 1 other aslicles quite too numerous to men 'tion. Ele will also, in a few days, have a large quantity of MACHINE: BELTING, Sf allawidths. Allo{ which he wilisell at prices that-defy 'competition. A. CURRIE, Next: Siete to D:R. Vaw Allenjs King Street, C 'hathainC. W. Chatham: June 13th, 1856. 6m ON and ARTE STATIONS SS ye RE EXPRESS. MORNING EXPE Diy i ce orders payuble to LT. Nelson : "ur Cys lak a) -GMbesers. Nelson's Works and "Chiluren's Pape? are weil known in Britain, aud in faithful and pure.) ° ° e Princeton 2... { Arrive ( Depart 5 , depar do. ns H u e e r, depart P ii ee Belle River... . Baptiste Creek. Chathamesc<.. 'Thamesville Bothwell... Newbury.. ; Glencoe... Brkinids =.=: Mt. EIGSES: Arrive Depart Waubttnoc.:... iidwardsburgh Ina -- res e ~MIXED,, -@ 66 19.85 ° 2550 (Su) © =) ooo A ze lls, i QV1O)-« ws ccewe YI ° e oy STATIONS. coerce een ee oeevee e000 e VEecs ( Vep: at arrive LYLLVININI NPIL LILI IDI ni AL He or Or gO oe or on ° ~ | aad pe et wt penance ie re Gi a MIXED. DAY EXPRESS. iMORNING EXPRESS eoeeee P amsy. lee. 7 Peewe 6s ric bare pls tet ° Niagara Falls, depart.. Port Dalhousie Junction 'horold REREH Spe reas eee ee .arInes cooeoee ceoeooee eoeeee Ohne Se ete ee ATTIVCG «sa: Depart Dundas=. vee fhe | | P.M. Ke ey ° a4 Oo oOo ° oa -- CO In sy > ° or as @ oo CO . 5 ND eet Or @> CO © wm (co) RD -= ° Or OOO © pe @ pt CG Om Tw eo © & Go "ret PROSPECTUS, ay oS & it ae cS Re ee i, fo es a ay AY WS By A NEW. FIRST CLASS (aides many NSYITSIDA DSPs Devoted to News; Literature, Science, and the Arts to Entertainment; Improvement and Progress. PUBLISHED WREKLY, aT $2 a YEAR. 2s FOWLERS & WELLS, «308; Broadway, New York. Es {t is-@ ir purpose to furnish a journal, which bound 10 bo patty, sect,--or theory, embracing everyhuman intégést, 'and furnishing food for all the faculties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide circulation, -- = SY UREA TERK, in the form EF Origitval-"Hssays, Historical, Bio- graphical, and Descriptive sicetches "of Travel aad Adventure, Poetry, Painting, Music, ana Sculpttire, etc. Hom the pens of our best writers, with choice selections from the leading -periodt- cals of Europe, will form a prominent feature. 'The great field of SCIENCE, in all #8*departments, will be explored, and all mew discoveries laid before cur readers in-a popular torm.)! Ti (Ares, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, seek anieal Industry, and iWVeanufacuires, will yeceive attention, and no invention or improved pick JES W ill esCape our notice. AGR ICULCUBE § HORTICULTURE, in which so large a! portion of vur people are en- gaged, will demand at our han sideration. (We avin endeavor to elevate stil! more the standard of Mecuanicat Inpusery, and to dev-lop and-brin& to light the latent talent and skill of our intelligent and Joey arlisans. -PHYMOLOG and the Laws of. ile, in their ee to phy- sical tee opment aud- the a motion of health will have a prominent place in-our-colunins. EDL UCA ART} sense will ei. ecouraged, and, in its bidadest aided by contributors, lege, sehoc yt, and s} pursuit of knowl acHine in col- will be ¢ pheir weve! cal acomaimn el' give Dye ore iate Teshallmnatkeiour pera wolcome and. valued visilor afévery ieoside. Van Caitpren will find reach nuniber, s1ug cornel 3ef apart ior their Lip ussmei fF and ins ructi Preston, depart. ANP. EMIGR 2500 2230 2.40 8.00 8630 4.15 5.00 5.45 aee(9) Owed T MATE. a NIGE PM Des 45 a Af Qo. he | cles are selectcr domestic e periodicals, and ACCOM. Sketches of Life, Adventure and Characte or Se- lecied and Original Articles upon Agricul Ilure ; Account of the Produce and Stock Markets; and a Bank Note Kist are included among the solid SOLES IS me OF "Tt lhe imaginative and poctical. These eae also must havetheir appropriate food, else they 1 On ©) Ka) tellect bec: ages narro w and one-sided, and is not able to take an' enlarged and generous view oO human nature and its destiny. 'Yo satisfy thes Tieaven-implanted cravings of our mental being Gr Cr Or es [o> TION, PORTRY; and HUMOR above departments, are several of the wrost gifted writers in the land. We.also-draw freely for oe) nd Poetry upon the ybest paviddicald in this country and. Great Britain. Wee design com- ds Ss; ecial con- arrive e ee oe ee ° 2° ° oe ° oe « ae ee e ee ° ee ee Ndwardsburg W adubunds¢s «a. Arrive. Depart IOmO io... Mt. Brydges. Rk thide.. os Glencoe... . Ce ad apt 'iste » Crook Belle RW er sais * Flag Stations. e e e AMVC... 2 OLLI IIIs = 'The Compar e ° mencing ee DOCTOR DELANY. RYSUGIAN. SURGEON ' ticular REFERENCES: JR: GazzaM, Ks 4 M.D, Gr Esq., Come One!--Come All! CORNELIUS @. CHARITY <i lly, SPABLISHMENT of his Brother, JoH. Cuarity, ee he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assoriment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBEERS of evry description, and of the latest style, suit able tor Spring and Saminer wear. He will keep constantly on hasd, a large stock of his own Manufacture, of every description. Measures: will be taken, and work made to order, RADE 8h WP CoD Havers votes Gad will be kept 1n endless varieties, and of the lates fashicnable style, viz-- 2) ra gy © BOR A Fc f 'Beara y gk 6. SOFT 079 AIGSIUS, Ci Gti CTS isuskins, Rt. Jy PS MILERCH 4 eS, Tlaving a thorough and practical knowledge oJ tc business, he feels prepared to render satisfac- t ion to all who may favor him witha call. SVE Getes vishing to put a, by w Holesile, will 'ind c¢ their adv vantage to call, as he can supply Heh reaper than any other mstablishment in this part the Province. Re ee ing done with neatness and despatch. foe" Callat Connenius EE SS jst four eS doors eee he foyal Exchange Hotel, King St : 17 2 a oa BEA Ve H. CHARITY et a Nedis2 4€ atham, March 7th, 1856 43-1 A IN eee TOT fh 47H, 71821. Yat 7 ] IO AAI \ AA ALY OAD VY €€; bebween 80,000 ana 990,00' e Post take it for reacy tolerably wel of a paper that tise ins and sunshine i al the character TON during } of TELE FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been as it remains to be, to publish a weekly paper for the family cire le Poa shall not only amuse but also instract and improve, those who mae, read it. 'To accomplish this object, the best artiy { orcondensed from foreign and- | original articles of an instructive character, oe when possible. y the stor Letters from Foreign Lands ; the most interest- ing portions of the Wee kly News of the World; Ra information to be constantly found in the Posr. 5 But the mind requires a wider range--it has faculties which deen in the humorous and lively become enfeebled, and, as a copsequence, the in we devote a. fair proportion of the Post to FIC the Aimong our contributors inthefirsttwo of } "Yr OY New Story by MRS. SOUTHWORTH ~y ~7 ho D> we ats Jt CO..N9 © 0) tre ° co e ime Tables ean be obtain -00 22d ce eee Cx 8 00 ¥ 8 ® 45° . 9.35 FO. 4G ¥ 10.50 eee 11.35 P.M. 2.20 se oe Leo 2.30 =O» £0 4.10 EOP PRADA on AUB NEAH CH at any Dollars, if paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. for Five Dollars, in advance, one copy is sent Due years. . We continue the lollowing lew terms fer Clubs, te be sent, in the eity, to ene addiess, and, ia the e@untry, te one remit dwently-five cen/s in addition to the su bserip- non plice, as we have to prepay the United States postage ee money and names for a Club, may add new Ww vill allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listds. We will willing- ly supply | the back pur els if we have- them. bed i contus ion. advance. ¥. of the Stations. be) procured 1 i Managirg Director would confer a favor by having them sent to one in NEW DRU announce Pri SU Yor ge st , with a "New art 'he Proprietor, or acompcte attendance, He) mS 5 GW. BRO DIE, address, when they ean dea. conve niently. talre notice that we now ha ve no 9 collbetie agents remit to u nee, and punetual orted Waile,'" Miriam," é&e yer for January next. illustrative ofiimportant paces , of Agri icultnrai aud other new ln en PS ¢ umorous, though refined given. ie, ost to cM part of ryearly in adv i Feds 1S only 20 cents Terms.--The Terms of the Post are Two Post Office. WEEKLY ADVERTISER. AS permanently located his Office and = idence on MURRAY STREET. First of the corner. of -ADELAIDE LTE practices in Chronic Dees ses, ed the af Diseases of Women-and Child ; in par- WAT OULD respectfully announce to-his nu- W ae Customers, and the Public gene- hat he has boaghe at the ve ee SUOE 1856 NEW SPRING GOODS. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends 3S Peewee THAT THE E PIRST LARGE STOCK OF "ONE THOUSAND PIECES oF Sign oe . New Spring Goods JUST RECEIVED, t Were brought = a market by ee Le MOORE'S. Musi) HAL RIANIMN AU ED % ¥ tS EAST OF 7 3 C, MONTGOM ERY & Co., : baie 'OFFICE,| SS ee ot 1G SUCUESSORS TO Siplemings i 'Alibteng | BROOKE & MONTGC IMERY, In Morocco and Gold Bindings,' i 3 And they are determined that extra inducements ELEGA Ne ART NUALS " e shall be offered to their Customers in all the de- Or New Paw s P , partments of ey resent Roc. : See a 1gtD-every-Vvariety of st fi STAPLE AND FANCY yle, from $1 to $6 ¢ nO A / tos AOND AN C y Oy YS & Ee hae ' i MS 1 2 © xy, DRY GOODS, aoe ae , inn WE & he AU MIG ITN IR, Frou a $3 to ae Se | ) GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &,, : 1 & Wy i Our Stock is now in first-rate Trim, and we Ei pre oa ee can show the Elandsomest. the Chea pest, and the arps, Guilars, Tambo oe most C omplete Stock ever brought into this Town. Banjos, yh : raneg ee is our oe that our prices shall be a ee Lifes, Pret "g ft '4 y; ; LG igeolets, Clavionetts - a YR : Violin, G g. 1 L ) : And : our Tae from the Counti NE and Musi : he ae a MEUSIL Books, LVote Books, OSS 1GF 'Town, will bear in mind that there is Mires Pp «(Move money made by gab thoy FUSUC £-Oper,~ Shee it e bn gating tt, than these | Cae © a 2e0£ Misia is tw ear ning tt." ete % , always one wn No doubt our Store will be crowded b Gil Paintings in | y 9 old 'Frames, those wishing to SE Make the most of a pollar!! School Books § Stationery. ses CARD BOARD. ee al Merchandize AT os Iyic oY AA YLT at] S be | ve advise an early call, as those who) /Vopels and Miscellan ; come first, will get the first Bargains!! es Worn' 4 ; C. MONTGOMERY & CO: Bullous' Pictorial, Ballou' Dillan Mompy Opposite the Royal hang Pago ea Univn, Brother Jonathan, " py sue the. Leoya Ltchaunge. Iu strated American Newspaper, 204 KING Sf, CHATHAM, C-Ww. Ree. Gazelle. of; Fashion, ae. rank Leslie is Chatham, May 2nd, 1856, ly. New York P Bic oe New York Journal,' FF . oe Boston Dulernational J em wl, ankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Mavdzinvh » §C., Gre 4 RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHES" Catholic and P, rotestant Bonke. ENC G Is ry ae a ha Pee Se LN 1B Sf AND FRENC CH PIC 'UR, nh Framed and Gl: : iZe nd Vicinity, that he is Elli inals TRS e ae: is 2 waza Ah a : - srders in the above line, . = POU Se iso keeps constantly LMANACS FoR' 1856, { DOTS at id SHOH'S, otf beeee DE CLOT = VELVETEENS, ANS, TWHEDS, &C., &o > S&C YO hee STT ae aes hird Poor below Elin, oe Side, EGS lez Ave to inf form th UBER en OI9 BV TaN ET # HEARN DWAR Le, AND TR EA (Gy Le. e PSs aes Gag} GA eS ey te ek Sa ; eriber having oneneda GROCERY eos j criber having onened a Gord eee ng oa Pie eee S OCIERN OF GEE Queens | yV December. 1355, g coo 2 33t Ee ap! BY) : patfonage, i y I for Cash. to mé be, Saad 6 a Gal awd by SERS: CLARE BRS. fea : " 7 pipe ness, to merit the confidence of | 1h} Aes cons antly on hand, at her Resid-nee, : - JOH?! M URP ED Y= HA 902, South Ninth Siree!, below ¢ 'atherine, a Toronts -L 2e, 23. 7854 SUPply Ol choige Fler Bladioin . ° é ? ere Medicines, Ointments, Pills, &ty, faets Tr Te eer ai fee us "hic a ti ; ie (New Notice --1856--No. 10.) Which she will warrant to give satistaction, = Among whi ' , = : : vot é ich are ibe NERVINE CORDIA Repu blic CaRnism. | for ay cure of Diseases 'fepinliee on Nerva i 3 nae Bou the ALTERATIYV Ki, for P Hying the In the name of Humanity I make this SPECIE ke Scurvy, &e.; and thea DIAN APPE: AL to CAaNaD1 Ans! i or io - payee 'Shy } pens Bruises, Chilblains. C : ; Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Period-| 'fetier, $a}j Rheum, Se ald Hoan eee bine leals; &e_, c&c., (sor ne of them ineorr-et copies) &c. Give them a Wiac of the Societies and Religious bodies in the Py SS : eat : Unirep States, which are named below, are {a a, Now ae 1855. 30-1y ' circulated and seld in Canada, by cOlponlenis 4 = (book €arrie rs)by "Pract Societies and by others. These American societies and bodies | have up- Ss E> W remnittingly forsome time past, publicly denounc- Ee A R A RR eda av proved, as PRoeS. very OF SILENT, and aR some (i! not all) formed specially ona Repusni- CAN Base or foundation, and epposed even on such principles to our Bririsa isstivations. 'Though many of these Sac iéties, G&e , have been SHAMED as it were, (since re ligions. ht inane aes BSCRIBE R offers for Sale, Gad wise prine iples are appare nthy. trampled wn- choice cig tron of der foot,) to discontinue theic sinful and in- Feg nd Sh lf H (| , ; ud. 3D yf bamane-practices;in a eer ani a Biren Pro- AVY dl U ay Ware, | or bil yet am led lo believe that clandestinely AMONGST WHICH WIL! BR FOUND, or otherwise, aie evil practices are continued iR ON, of every dese iption. nd encguragec Cast, B ' 5 2 2am J olester, and Sle eigh 'He a thereforeappagkan to RH LiayMen in Canada.-- : ea Shoe STEML, to all men and' women of Humanipy who are Op- slavery ---- WHOLESALE AND pepgy, ty | HE SU} a Wrox ght, and Horse Bethe oil, Prace, and Plough i TAINS. A \a tot = CY } = posed to the sin urse of & a wah wie LN peneetd iD aod cu of SLAVERY, and who AN v ILS, VICES, ant ELLOWS hail our noble Provinee asalandand an asylum ; ae g for the free for the oppressed,--and forthe Fu- = ie : : TABI mp Ns Nt) pO 1" rp gitive trom American Christan slavery,--to aid PADI AWN DPOC OBE i Cun, . ie in dive ; rt £ Peer Y oar : 5 Ae in discownlenancing in our free Province of Can-! Carpenters', Juiners' & ada, the cireulation of such books, tracts OOEs, nee = : ASCE 26f the beac and naving any fellowship with snch soc A145, Ol the best descriptions, Ws srranted. ea je : Phe Societies reierred to are :-- Wi a¢ i fee BOE ES aE With an assortment of 1, Phe American Tract Saciely--New York. 2. The American Sand LU Dini Set Be a ED 2, The Americe unday Sehool il- Sy fend fea fH cy poy bn W A n Sunday School Union, Phil ond PE hee I HARD RE, ade] phia, 3. The Presbvterian Board. of Publicatio | which is not to be surpassed in Town, and which Chesnut street, Philad elphia. is offered tor Sale" Cheaper than ever i for Case f= 4. The Methodist Episcopal Chureh, [north ] Bouk concern, 200 Mulberry street New York. norm oO. fe Buyers will find it to their advantage 1e Phe American Baptist Publication Soci Ss as eg ae > a --Philadelphia,--and hone rican Baptist Mi-sion- Glothon 99 nee <GE KER R. ary Union, Boston.--[All Baptists of Unitee EEE Oe gry States, except the "Free Will" and the " Free A Copi eS, < = 2 : per annum # § 8 do (and | to the getter up of the Ch nb) $10 13 do (and f tothe getter up of the Clab) B15 | 20 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $20 | Persons residing t British North America mus LIGions ro CLusps.--<Any person having sen ames to if at the same rate, ] provided the latter ct is to have all the subscriptions in ach Ulub end aithe same time, and thus prevent 'he money for Clubs must always be sent it is large,a draft shoul --the cost 'of which may amount. é lot 1 Ve aeducted Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, Clubs are invariably stopped at apers to Cl the exp ation of the period for which they have et 1 5 SoA A New Arrancement.--Our subscribers wil i Se They will therefore. please persons addressing letters to us should } } a 1 A}] lotta town, in which they liv ( ¢ is pete oes: ful to give the hame of the State, as well as eC, Ll LELLErS MUSE iheir paper changed, will of the Post- Office to be 5 : as the Post-Olfice the S) d to-take one ante \ m1P will show out ible ; Of recewwing accomm D 45 Fase NLB.--any £ at 1, DNQay the POST; } Gs Cai ee yp {9 L by notifying ve 1 (Po Fs " Facts for Baptists Charches,,' | »p: 408. ] York,--with many others,--of whose pro-slavery and silent character : reliable information can be | of Sipe nto? eee suitable for Country 'Trade, obtained at 48 Beekman street, New York. Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N. Y. Pub- of lished by the American Baptist Free Mission Society--[with portrait. | --lay or clerical.--should be with it. Itshews Mission Baptists" are exempted from that ee ze, as they openly denounce slaver y and receive not its bloody i Baptists," are either pro-siavery or si/ent--see (3 U) NUE O iN SMOIGIESR} SY & SYORRe | 6. American and Foreign Bible Socicty, [Bap- PENT } ; tist,| and the American Bible Union, [Ba ptist, E Subscribers would intimate to thei Nassau ani | Broome streets, N. Friends, that they are receiving, and opening ut, an Extensive Ass 'nt of Tt. ae Bible Socie Ly, Actor Place, New 0 20 eae ei ve a ssqurmenr ol CS ro@ecerekt: SSyu which they will sell at the lowest remuacrative Let the touchstone question be put: " What | prices. GG S A j > 3 > a Boo tracts, é&c., do you pablis h, circulate, ot Produce will be taken in exchange - for Grecer ies, sell, against sa and arethe B ibles cireu- (= Call and see our Stu=k "Tat ted amongst the bond and the free'--and let : ees ) B) ] ae NI ey a proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have s VANBRANKEN & Co. bee n deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of Buxton, ©. W., Dec. 1, 1855: 3i-t¥ 3 years in Canada, I have been deceived--sin- tually so, : JJ EIN AON: Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1858. ARN " t T als A 2 O ir SALE os BOOK LE that Easterly part or Lot 24, situated FACTS FOR BAPT.S8T CHURCHES. a On seis egor 2 Oreste being sixty 'by thirty~, i : nine feet Also, a Tw f 7 , K NOLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed by consisting of Two sive Siow Bean oneal \/ Revds. A. T. Foss and EK. Maruews. [Free : Rooms and a coe 'There is an excellent Well | water in the yare. ay. For T ering, adept 'MBS. M. STEWARD, Aaa On the Prenrises, < : North of King Street, betwee 7} orf give to Slavery by the fmeniog eS Se S aoe ae ae and isis. 'he " Free Will Baptists" and' Bree Dee 5 oS 8. im. Ne HOUSE. OLBERT_ »¥ announces.to the citizen' and the Public generally, fitted up the commodieré " This is a book which no Baptist in Canada, 1 Jeohin te de Public are notified that eo . HL this Societs y, (Yonge street, ' known as , an House | Avenue, a opposite "S$ Street; : DHERO FL ior Pb with ote of the pfo-slavery ract Society, of Nassau stree ot, , : ne : where he will enaeavonr to give-satisfaction to Joss ols. hose who may favour him with their patronage tratford CvW. Julyi7tiv f856. ey, Detroit August 21 ,J855,

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