= =z PR OVINGIAL FREEMAN. <9 ~ S ~ IRR IIIT I I IES I Wn CHATHAM, SAT: RDAY, JULY WU. 1857 ~--N PROPRIA PIRI hee barr. Ww is authorized to receive subsc 'aper, and give Receipts for the same. illiam Still, of Philadelphia P. A. fiptions for this PD NIRS ESS (2 Mr. Isaac N. Cary, Front street Toronto @ autherized toact as agent for this paper. ~ par Mr B. Bowser, Muscatine, Iowa, ig an authorized agent of this paper. NOTIGs co BSPEGIAL So SUBSCRIBERS, EDITORS, POSTMAST- ERS and TEACHE RS, are invited to obtain subscriberstothe PROVINCIA LEFREEMAN, fer which twenty per cent will be allowed. papers will be sent until the cash is receiv ed. No The terms of the Freemun are payment in advance, and no paper will be sent longer than paid for. Specimen numbers will be sent gratis upon application. Appress 1. D. SHADD. Chatham, C. W. <2 2 &> REMITTANCES. enclosed in lettersand duly which can be done at any Post Office on payment of two cents in addition to the post- age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Sub- scribers will oblice us and relieve us from | many difficulties by forwarding their sub- scription money by mail, as the troubl e and expense of collectiong through the country is very great.--t. D. s. PILLS! Bids? BILESU? We have sent a large number of bills, to z H Subscribers and hope they will remitt to us | at the earliest possible moment, as our sub- scriptions are our only dependence. OUT CANVASSING. Messrs. I. D. Shadd both of this office, towns and cities in Western and Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pro- stat & HI. F. Douglass, will visit many of the iastern moting the interest and prospects of this pa- per. and the cause of humanity generally. | Mr. Shadd will act as canvasser &c., while | Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from a_ tour in the Western states, where spcken with great acceptance, will Lecture | extensively as well as canvass, and we know satisfactorily. Sabourt 11g, fer the spread of intelhgence among Canadi- on refugees. yir-the-vause uf human Tis hts; and | We hope the Liberty-loving people of these Provinces and the States will give them | aid in their work.--m. Aa.S. Cc. WHAT COLORED MEN ARE DOING IN CANADA. While a few disaffected among our colored brethren in one or two) 'prevented us from complying with little county towns, self styled the colored people of Canada, are "fret.ing and fuming' busay at work honestly trying themselves by day labor, ee turn a penny in trade," Our far- | mers are planting, clearing, tending crop | smpathysing with distress at home and pay ing for the slave in chains, and God's bless- ing upon the poor. The Raleigh Plains, are being settled by earnest men--industry or farming. keeps up a musical buzzing throughout the country and in town the working bees are preparing to store away. Men and women and planting who never all inzly intent upcn keeping out the u:well are gardening dreamed of the necessity before, seem- ¢ome intrusions of two formidable enemies, a | eold Winter and superannuated begears. Last Winter, we were blest with "revi-- among black and white, which are good enough in their place, but little if any thing else, with no abatement of intolerance, ignorance, mendicancy, vals" very menda- city, nor any other of the eviis that should, would and will flee when the right spirit is abroad--taking more forethouzht, al- ready two new singing schouls are cpen un- der, Messrs. Johnson.and Day, and we may safely predict some stirring lectures and other literary cfforts to alternate with the other winter meetings and thereby improve the head and heart as well as the heels of the community.--MA. Ss. c. MISS ELIZABETH T. GREENFIELD THE BLACK SWAN. This justly celebrated lady will give a concert in this town on Wednesday evening next, the 29th instant. Miss Greenfield is not excelled by any ore of her profession in America, aud in compass of voice is vast- ly superior tothe world renowned Madame, Jenny. Lind. Goldsmith, or any other liv "the sure enough people', are | individuals-- | he has | | Both are yours men, and are | | | | eumstances | | i i | | | g to SUPPOrE A aust | strations they propose tomake, The Color- | 3 All subscription monies for this journal registered,-- meeting the aspirations of the ori | under which we PR In addition her music: | culture and genius, Miss. Greenfield, is in- telligent well informed and refinmed--has en- joyed the countenance and patronage of Her Majesty, the Dutchess «f Sutherland, and other noble ceived ing vocalist. personages, and was re professionally and othe: wise by the most famous persons and circles where ever she traveled when in Europe. Price of admission 50 ets, A. S. C. see adv¥ertisement.--M. Tue Case Or Drep Scorr, Unitep Srares Supreme Court.-- With the full opinion of Chief Justice Ta ney, AND Curtis, &c.----Published by Gree- ly & Me. Elrath may now be purchased in phamphlet form from J. C. Pankharst, bookseller, King St, Chatham. 25 cents. wee eS ety pom GE -- Raz A Mentine is to be held on Mon- day at the J C. Brown and to take into consideration Gol. fin | ont IN THE Price «nly instance of Mr. others what Prince has been saying, and to whose paper the Provincial Freeman is &s. A grand Celebration will take place in i Dresden August we Shadd ae Douglass, are working S. at present.Mr .D, Mess:s. industriously in the U. S$ ed Anexcellent Delaware. that Mr. speaker, | leetur in a slave -- state, ju Douglass,is the best young man dee writes us, we have had amongst us for a long time. Planet, retiring (<= Our cotemporary, the las Mr. Miller and Messrs. Stephenson & Stewart assuming We changed hands. the editor and proprie torship. wish them success. ----_88 -@ 2 & Bae | POLITICS Colored men of Sandwich, and Windsor have been holding Indignation meetings, and we have been informed that a_ pro- position from the Hon. Mr. Rankin | ----S | and his friends has been made to get up a to call upon Col. le ef- fort to make 'cats paws' of colored eG | similar meeting her and ; ; eee : | Prince to resign. 'This comtemptib | be frowned upon by all right-minded men. Y | An offer has also been tsade to furnish resolutions, and other matter needed for the indignation meetings ; thus making pack | horses of colored men to carry into the Legislative Council a party, who, to judge from the petition of four hundred from Hs- sex, will not be hikely to run fur the lower Hou-e again. 'The colored min who wrote the Windsor ree ONS and address, would be-as-hard to find as a needle in a hay stack. t He does not exist we dare to say So there are the documents not ony "cut and dried," to order but actual'y telling oul 10 vinators, + e | Shame Shun! ---M. A.S. C. INVITATIONS 1'O SPEA Weare sorry that our pecuniary cir- and the many embarassmentg labor at tials time in our efforts in connection with the exrnest labors of - Mr. -Ie= Dw = Shadd- and M. A 5S. Cary to sustain a Paper among our exiled fellow countrymen in Canada, has the nu- meious invitetions we haye received from various sections of the West, to address Ist, Anniversaries, &c., we can only ' hope that the friends in Richmond, Amherst - burg, Chicago, Alton. Niles, Fairfield and Wilmington, may havea very pleasant time the | Societies, Masonic Celebrations, of and be succesful in various demon- ed Citizens of Wisconsin Celebrate the Indies, on the 4th August, and our the AV est- services emancipation of the slaves in have been secured for the occasion.-- H. F .D. ©. 8 ele Mr: Haywood Day, formerly keeper of tie Provincial House has fitted up a neat Sa- ] loon for the sale of Ice cream Cakes. furnish the best cream and more and fancy Mr. Day is already known to cake for ready cash than any of the purveyors in his line. Give him a call. Mr.,Armstrong, n ext door to the corner tf ol ] King & William Sts. Keeps on handa arge supply of new and second hand Cloth- Mr. A. has had a long experience in the business, and the ing of every description. necessity ofan enterprise of the sort in Chatham is apparent judging from his rapid sales already. See advertisment. If you can paint fire with charcoal light chalk, and make colors live and breathe, then you can with words give a faint idea of the excellence and magic effects of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Its reputation 1s ot world wide renown; its introduction js re- ceived with great favor in foreign lands. en <8-2 ee Cherry Balsam.--We hive heard so much said of the wonderful curative power of Dr. cased lungs, that we feel perfectly Wistar's Balsam, in all stages of dis- Safe in recommending it for general use for coughs on colds, bronchitis, &c. OQ VINCIA AL, FREE M AL DVERT ISER. iit had b ] t Sout] iit had been a moneyed transaction outa: FEL |B TS ACS : 2 NEW HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN And the result; from the nursery even now there comes a soft lullaby, and if you were to look therein, you would see a small white to that black IN CHATHAM. The following, which we copy from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, of March 12th, ace in clouse juxtaposition is a list of those receiving d'plomas at the cheek oe clinging gC Cae Bound A ber neck, loving voices in her ear. Lal commencement of the Clevebind touioe- starved, s scantily dressed, and ignorant she pathie College, and among which we find came tous. When we look now upon our of Dr. Samuel C. Watson : sable Lillie, smiling and happy, we simile the pume oolutiar ip ae yet furor of sympathy which Mrs. Stowe's firest book aw oke in uur hearts. Isaac Lf. Lewis, d..C. Bivcer, Fulton Baker, J.Q. M. Cratsley, Ann L. Avery, Lewis Springer, Ra We do not believe one word the r T al bare aye j S:mucl C. Watson N. RB. Seeley, Detroit "lady" wrote; bat if such heart- xs pas BRS oer ES 5 - Ki. Penfield, W. Rowley, lessves3 were true of a colored woman, ma- PF. B. Hoyt; Palmer Covill, dames I. Johnson. E.R. Edis, Thos. B Hancock. ny white women might be found equally cen- s.rable. Thomas Heownt, R. 0... Sanderson, L. IL Fenner, ir. W. Parke, D.C. Vanrenssalaer, S H. Guilbert, C. Pearson, Gh. Patch, tT. P. Wilson, FB Gardner, M. D., J.S. Beach, M. D., Phil) Hatch, M. D. J, W. Sawin. Dr. S say, opened an office in Stringer's Buildings King St., Mast, where he will be happy to attend to and to answer calls in his profes- We gave publicny : a few days ago to the strange wed interesting narrative of Dim- mock Chalton. a native & rican, whe clams to have been takén prisoner of war from on board the British brig "Peacock," when she was sunk by the American schooner Hornet in the war of 1812, and to have. been sold. and kept im Slavery in Georgia ever since We aie now happy to announca thit Lord Napier, Hf. B. Majesty's representative at Washington, having had his attention cal- led to the subject. ht is already commenced an investigation for the purpese of ascer tain- ing the true state of the case, and witha view to vindicating D.imm: ick's rights, if the accuraey of his statements can be substan tiated. amueL Watson has, we beg to ? sional capacity. Dr. Watson ts skilful plysician of the a thorughly accomplished Pannemann and School, of modest gen lemanly address, and strictly moral principles and is in every way worthy of ashare of the public patronage ARRIVAL OF > SIR WIL ILLIA M ieee Ara EY RE. Soon after four oclock yesterday after- noon, the Administrator of the Government Sir William Tcyre,arrived at the Queen's W barf, from Kingston, on board the steamer Vane The Royst Canadian Riflea, and several companies of the Militia tovether with a detachment of police under the com- mand of Mr. Sherwood, were in attendence to receive his Excellency. 'The crew and offcers of the Adeance were diessed in avery neat and sailor-like uniform. As soon as his Excellency landed from the boat, the signal was given, and a_ salute of nineteen guns Boomed fourth a welcome; the different corps ae arms; tbe bands struck up "God Save the Queen," and Sir Willham and Lady Eyrerode off in a carriage and four, direct to the Government House, at- tended by the York C iwalry, which acted as aguardofbonor. The rifle companies and police then wheeled off fo their respec- tive quarters. but the artillery, preceded by their baad, marched, through several of the principal streets of the city. The heat, which was very oj) pressive, kept many of Qorres Pow dence our citizens away, who would otherwise An ~ | have been out to welcome his Excellency. 1014 Crab Street, Philadelphia, There were few present; among them we June 16, 757. obseryed Mayor Hutchison and tvo mem. bers of the Cabinet, Hon. Col. Tacha and Hon. P. Vankoughnet. 'he different vol- unteer corps, as well as the regutars, pre- sented a es so} lier-like appearance. THE REAL-OBJECT OF Mit: AT- TORNiEY GENERAL McDONALD M. A.S. Cary.--My Dear Friend: Ata meeting of "The Philadelphia » held on the t ith inst., on motion of Lucretia Mott, emale Anti-Slavery Suciety,' Ten ollars were voted to the "Provincial Free- bo eT firs st See Se a eee GAM is Wo Wisp PRE OES WA ee MEN Ace in thts citys There was much int : eres mpithy yurse pursded by that the Le Canadien, of Quebec, has the follow- ing in re elation to the opie of Mr At- tore rey General Me Donalu's visit tolngland. Our readers should know th.t L Ca lis the avowed French Canadian organ of the Government official, and invariably gives whether in correction of others'. statements or in making an original one of its own, the Ministerail version of matters. It says of Mr. McDonald's visit;-- 'xpressed in the ¢ ournal, particularly in ludepende nt init it expresses und strives to inculcate, velieving with the editors that the principle only true ground p svharacter wortauy the respect and reliance if self-hetpfullness is the n which to build a true and permanent nankind. * * % "The Upper Canada papers announce the departure of Attorniy Geaeral McDogald lor England. 'hey say they do not know the object of his voyage, and furnish divers reasons more or less prubabie. Yours truly, SARAH PUGH. We beg to tender to the ladies of the fees os 5 Ae ga iiey Sa IY (eee Oe above named society, through Miss Pagh, ae oie our grateful acknowiedgem=nt of this gen- | part, we xre in a position to announce, with erous token of their remembrance of the ae oe a not vemyg aed that . oe the object of the Attorney General? aoe Freeman, and their appreciation of our 4 y oY Oss I is to obtam the assisianceoi the other t F, REE} : 1 eee \ eee : : huinble efforts. --Hps. 'reemay Country for the opening of an mer-colonal . 1 E ve ye * a railway beiween Canada and Halifax, and Mr. Doucrass' Lecture --On Sunday | that he wili meet at London a deputation fternoon last, a Mr Douglass, (not F a sent for the sauie purpose by Nuva Scotia. which has taken Lue mitiatiye in this schetne, --\Weleave cur readers to make their own | commentary. A leiter peceryed by us from | alitax, of the highest authority, has furni- shed us wiih this news, which is confirmed by what reaches us liom the Seat of Grov- ernment. We have reason to believe that this is only a preude to the Confederation of the British Ainer can Colonies, and that the Governor General to Hagland his some- erick,) one of the editors of the Provencial | Freeman, Canada West, made an anti-sla- very speech in the Baptist Chureh of this place. Mr. D. appears to be an eduzated min, and a fine speaker, with the exception that he is in style teo sentimenta Panda niun- ciatory. Benz a British subject, we thought his remarks a ittle too harsh to be in good taste. Must an Anti Slavery man suppress the truth because he happens to be a British thing to do with this que is Coming subject? We thiuk friend Augee in bis | evens cust their shadows before. contientious moments will revolt at the | === y thought. Na During the recent riots 1: New York, John Myers received a stray bullet in his side as he was passing in the locaiity of eDar RKIE-poM" iN CaNaDA.--Jn a letter written from Detroit apparently by a lady,; the fight, and remained in utter ignorance to'the Boston Saturday Evening Gazelle, | of his wouney condition for nearly three we find the following: quarters of an honr. He crossed Bayard street to Cautre e, walked down. Walker 'Windsor, which is directly opposite from : ius streat to West Broadway and there touk Detroit, joins Sandwich. It is the com- street to West Broadway and we Ges one ieee) roe N . . Fee as yan ye { He "Oye mencement of the Great Western Railroad | of the Kighth avenue cars. He then rode and the rendezvous of darkiedom. The place | UP aS far as Nineteenth street, and it was not until the car stopped and he attempted to rise and take his departure that he dis- covered that he wasshot. ['e was assisted to his home and there attended by a physi- cian, and subsequently died from hemor- rhage produced by the wound. is redolent with their misery, their sae to take care of themselves. If the hundreds congregated there and. at Chatham, that Abominatic m of civilization, are the a of negro freedom, Inever desire to see another negro freed. Itook a httle wench of fiften myself fr om there, some six months ago, as nursery maid. Her mot ther had the impud- dence to represent herself to me as the the veritable Eliza Harris, of Uncle Tom cele bhG. The grin of irrepressible delight with which she consigned her child to us, entire strangers, and beheld the train start which was to put sone hundred miles between them scemed to mea gentle libel on those tortous parting's in Uncle Tom, over which have been rained such copious showers of senti- ment. The girl was given away, the same authorty to be exercised over her, as though er The Coroner's Jury on the late steamboat accident at Montreal, returned a against John Wil- son, dr,, owner of the unfortunate steamer; John Charies Rudolph, the Captain; Jean Baptiste Daval, the Pilot; and Louis Ro derge, the Mate of the vessel. verdict of Manslaughter fa The Cayuga Sentinel says that the crops in that neighbourhood never lovked nan,' Canada,--the Society desiring that Visir TO ENGL AD: --- -OLONIALA he paper be sent to the ANti-Slavery Of- Ee EDERA MON] = BUT UNDER i ea ee aaa eri Sena ea eee. | CPLR" LN NN NA AANA NAD NAN ND Nea NPN RANI crag better than they do at present." We hear similarly encouraging news from nearly le parts ot the Province. Submarine Cable acioss the Detroit River iaid down on Thursday, was yesterday put in Operation, and found to be in complete working order. Toronto, Detroit, and inter. raediate places are nuw in me communis cation. i? I. E. B. Stowe. a son of Mrs. Har- riet Beecher Stowe, a member of the Fresh- min Classin Dartmouth Cullege,was drowne ed in the Connecticut river on Thursday afternoon. Srx Hunprep Sonpiers ano Tran. sTers KriLLeED BY THE INDiANs.--St¢, Louis, July, 7.--The St. Joseph's Journal of the 2nd. instant, publishes a report brought by a French tendes that 100 troops and 500 teamsters under command of Col, Sumner, were attacked by a large body oF Cheyennes and Arapahoe Indians, ; 208 nies west of ort Kearey. All were slat: "Lhe report is confirmed by a trader arriving from Pacilie City Iowa, and also by < emigrant train from Salt Lake. A Nrero Appointed To Orrice 1x Wis- CONSIN ---SECRETARY OF Stare Reroses Tro Fite tHe Bonp.--On the 9h day of July, 1857, a commission as_ notary public ° was issued by Governor Bashford, to H' Nolan' a person of nut brown complexion and negro extraction; who has resided in this elty many years as barber, ice cream. saloon keeper, and leader of a cotillion band He also invented the 'capitaluvium,' and triespherous,' two varieties of 'dog waters,' in general use and circulation lor the hair, The commission is issued with all the proper formalities, and the bond required by law Is signed by Wm. H. Nolan, and by Win. B. Jarvis, as bondsinen. Bat the Secretary of State, Col. Jones, re- fuses to file the bond, and on it we find the following endorsement: "This appointment is tn violation ofthe Con- stitution and therefore jvord.--Dladion Ar- Sus. Her Masery's Accounts.--*Do you think (said Mr Deuison, M. P., at Wakefic id) that her Majesty is auxivus toat show'd cost ber dud. per pound. when she inay oct it for SU? Lean assure you, and 1 do not speak off the book, that Her Ma- jJesty pays her bills as regular as any man [ address, Nay, FicH you more. She kuows tiie price of every article she orders before sue ordersit. She doves not order mt on credit, and take the ehanee of being able to pay; and she sets her su -- as many vthcr cases, an excellent example, which | Wish th 1ey would follow. = ber SUgAL We have news frour tole to the Ist ult. 'Phe authorities bave chanced the name of the tevwn of Puerto Cuballos to that of Cortez, in order that tt may not be con- founded with Peerto Cabello, im Venes ula Toe treaty with Great Britain gu auting the radroad, has been rattied. wate the con- veniien. retrocedins the Bay Islands to flonduras and tecmm tin th. Mosgn to Pra tectorate was stil in the lands of -- the Legisl ture Committees The Legislature was to ineet In extra session in a few days, and it was regarded as very prubable that both the propositions would be accepted. ES An investigation of facts in human physiology has submitted that the use of Yobaccu is the cause of early deaths to an extent almust incredible, yet painfully ane Argonyst the society of Friends r Quakers; who do not use 'the weed" of thot that are born one-haif live to the age of forty-seven, wuile those born in the gene- ral population of London e@nly live two yas and three-quarters. Among the Quakers ove in ten arrive at elyhty years of ave, of the general population of London only one in forty. If this difference is the result of the use of Tobacco, the sooner its ise is prohibited by statue the better. At all events, with the suppression of the Li- quor trate should take place the suppressls_ ot the use of Yobacco. The Montreal Gaz also very well informed upon such matters--cor- roburates the statement; and we have every reason tu belive that Le Canadian's version s the cor:ect one.-- Col. ee aa AS The free States are guardians and esceniial supports of slavery. We are the jailors and constables of the institation There is some excuse for communities, | when under a generous impnise, they es-- | pouss the cause of the oppresed in other States, and by force restore their rights; but they are without excuse in arding other Slates in binding on men an unrighteous yoke. On this subject, our fathers, in fra- ming the Constitution, swerved from the right. We their children, at the end cf haifa century, see the path of duty more cleary than they' 2d must walk anit. To this point the pub ¢ mind has long been tending, and the t- ne has been for looking at it fully, dispass :mately, and with manly and Christian re-s sution. No ble- ssing of the Union can be a compensation for taking part in the enslaving of our fel- low-caeatures; nor ought this 'bond be per- petuated, if experince shall demonstrate that It can only continue through eur par- cipaticn in wrong doing. To 'this convic- con the free States are tending ;-- W,. £lle- ry Channing, STRANGE SLAVE DEVELOP:' | MENTS, The St. Louis Democratof Thursday last contains the following singular state of facts among its local items. The process of ta: fa We learn by telegraph, that Thi eee: