Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 25 Jul 1857, p. 1

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--------S = ee ee Sa es 'VOLUME TIT. nn a aeeemeaesincmesenee eee INDEPENDENCE," CHATHAM, ATURDAY, JULY 25, 1857. PROSPECTUS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser. Se Mary A.'S. GARY, H, BY DOUSGI, ASS, Editors. ee HY Qerr a 1. BS Sits The Provincial Freeman will be devoted to Anti- Slavery, Kmigration, Leinperance and General Literature. [t will opeu its columns to the views of men of different political opinions, reserving theright,as an independent Journal, of tu | ex- pression on gl] questions or projects affec the people in a politieal w remote a ofthe | the P rovinees. Not commiited to the views sect exclusively. it will rights of every sect, at tt vation small be made in favor ference of opinion, as to ihe Views oO phe sects respectively, f wiee in any and « proinoter ot s of the i SHADD, Chathain, C. W. PrP OI lO a ata oN NIN IN ON eet EVR Y AT THE OF FICK OF THE Pa PER, King St. Wrst, Opposite the Market. CITA AM, C..W TERMS: ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. : INVARIABLY IN ADVANGE. Raves of ADVERTISING, ix te ten lines, firstinsertion, - - ~ 3 4 | es ee eee RAISES ee oes Over fen lines, first insertion, perdine - 0 4 hhach subsequent insertion, peviine, <0. 4 Le fF A discount allowed when advertisaments re continiedl ever three months, tle Merchants, and others, contracting for pace can advertise on advantageous terms. aad charged accordingly, ee <8 Do ty gob Sey the Ah, > RP T Ay E Soe a a Bing Sirect (West, Opposite the ftarket, CHATHAM, © W. BYDOTIZ r ROP RIE COR OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN Bry Py BS es ras auld inform their. Friends and the Public, that their, Oflice ts sepplied' with all the Requisites for the execution of every description of Joy +551» AT Gere RF SS eURL EN Bel RSE des INCLUDING ' 3 PAM REVEIWES, He) TRA Be A, 3 Ke UP Oa OB BILL HEADS OARDS, CIRCULARS, FUNERAL LETTERS, LABELS STAGE BILLS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, P@STING BILLS, LAW BLANKS, MAND BILLS, BANK CHECQUES, DEEDS. PROMISSORY NOTES, MORTGAGES. MEMORIALS, &e., &e.,) é6% And every description ef LETPER-PRESS PRINTING fo the Best aud handsemest style, with accuracy and despatch. TF" PRINTING' IN COLORS AND BRONZES. £79 LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Subseribers who do not give express notice tc the coutrary, are considered as wishing to con- linue their subsériptions. i Suoseribers order the discontinuance oi their papers, the publishers may continue to senc them the all arrears dre paid up. If Subseribers neglect: of refuse - to 'take thei Papers from the otlice to which they are direetec. iney are held responsible till they have. settlec their bills, and ordered thir papers to be diseon- tinued. It Subseribers remove to-other places, withor, mforming the Publishers, andthe paper ds ser, © the former direction, they are held responsible LIARS SL SS EL DOV VY BIRDS GRE Do fs) MTT KT wWwIT Tr oT & TURNBULL, \FT aringy 4 na WTATHLAA CHA HAM CLOTHING I Din GOODS, AND 5 B. man, = aLEILeG HT ee) I-A NT (t QPP Phy LAN Go iaSTREE® ' CHAT LEAR (a Feae keys] Ope ya septemberbth; 2 1635: 201 Clothes i ; i : O- 4\t ny £ } Yeo EPR ND it, Ov Uitdi ville ao) =) ee UMBURT ly announce to the Citi- and surroundi in 0 MAKE, x, at Uné Shortest notice, sfa¢tory. 'nranner. | Having e in his line-of- business in ton, S.C., and Boston, Mass., by diligence and strict 2 will be able to please. : S v try, th or CLEAN ¢ and in thée-most had ample.experi he Citic 1a) e Hatters himself allentioa to business = 43 E x= Ses T. ; eo DOLLAR AND A HALF; ERMS: INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE 'NUMBER 4 SS GEORGE KERR, HARDWARS WERCHAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL author of the whole mission of the Church of Scotland, which had now vast dimensions." Brown and others of Toronto have poorly rewarded the venerable doctor for his early «xXertions, but e ary enterprise | ment--made aecording to rule--and the jobbers and speculators who have bribed a live, by, the total per week, is 17, 500, 000; scoundrelly Crown Land Agent to dispose | and in a year of forty-eight weeks of those improved lots in secret, at the price | ber amounts to 840, 000, O90, for wild land, will eject those who ought to | dollars per thousand, the valuation of this be the rightful owners, and reap a large | quantity is $5,040, 000, and ad harvest by the transaction. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, n their persecutions may yet produce good results.x-- Berlin Tel. November 22, SELF EMANCIPATION. Oe, SS THE ORANGE ORDER. ANDREW HEN Auctioneer and Commission Yoneg SCREET, ToRoNTO. «son, Eisq., President of bertson, Esquire, Messrs. Howard & References--T homas Clar| the Board of Trade; Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co.; Mitch; Messrs. D. Crawford ting y; and reserving, also the right to express emphatic condemnation o. all projects, having for their Object in a great o1 sree, the subversion of the princeiy Constitution, or of British rale in FLETCHER, STATIONER, YEES BOOKSELLER AND No. 54, YONGE STREET, purposes of persecution and pro- The principles tf Orangeism, when rightly understood are found to be generous honourable and truly Orangeism acts cheifly on the 1ews altogether persecu- iples leads us to succor yersecuted for top not to ask the of any religions carefully observe the 1e Same time that a reser of an existing dif- By no means! British and American Wor! sale at the smal] wholesale prices. s imported and for SBE bGaS GI est possible advance upon the fT GQ? xT c Umesh AGE ig a / Flouse, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Grater, Glazier, anc aS an enemy i tble form, anda be made worth Paper Hanger, GLASS STAINER., | we are the friends aitention whether for fixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win ; dow Glass andLooking Glass, for Sal at the lowest Cash prices, foronto, 10th April L854. ~ y ina | ay ly VC rat 3S, M.tst be addressed, 16én to de perse Sr prot as Members of JON ND, are prepared to play for CON- S, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, 5, &c., on reasonable terms. ormation apply to. FF. . JONKES., Leader. Chatham, Dec.26th. 1856. 5 E es were carried ou pa people throughout the whol ind and tender hearted one towards ano- er" doing unto others as we should wish We are unflinching ily, and do not believe in the cullar tenets of the Papal church;we wis) r principles to be universally disseminated; p hesitate not for a moment to say that we lieve the Church of Rome an impure urch; but as Orangemen we cannot, nor 2 we inclined, to force Protestanism upon y of our fellow subjects by fire and sword; br will we bear to see our Roman CGatho- away from their mes and ied to the piace of execution, in en defiance of our laws in y destroy a church which has fallen into We will enjoy our rights and privi- res as Britons, Protestants and Freemen. spite of all the Balls of the Roman Pon- ism of perecuting crowds; we will give others the same privileges ch we elaim for ourselves, b; educaiton; the Bible; Prayer; forbear- e€; an explanation of the truths of our er with a firm rel 1 the sword of the spirit, and the bles- of Alm'ghty Gop are the w . ' the propagation of our we expect to gain the 'ferm of error; and ) se- ations of our fellow subjects 'hich-are their. birth opie and loving subjects " C. W. ELLIS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. READ ATT RTM HLORNIN em D. FARRAR & Co., pee eeiee 208 ob WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c., No, 15, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, ©. .W. PE Os Sa Wa REFERENCES: BALTIMORE ReF,--Chapin A. Harris. A. M.. M D. S., Thomas E. Bond, A.-M., M. D., ASN Mee DDS. Washington R. fessors Baltimore College of Dental Dr. Fi.escu has the honor of publishing the following - the--Ford Rishon of Tarcnto, and lowing gentlemen:-- Phillip H. Austin, Handy. M.D., Pro- fissrs. K.P. & ADAM CROOKS, Barristers-at-f aap, ATTORNEYS WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO, also of referring to ine fo ToRoNTO, Oct 18th, 1856.--"T'he best that lcan give of Dr. M.D. French that he has been employed in this far SOLICITORS, Surgeon Dentist, is mily and given much JOHN TORONTO. OVERNMENT Foust, Toronto,Jan. 15th, 1897.--°Dr.M TD. French, surgeon Dentist, hes both Extracted and ped teeth tor me, with perfect success, and witl to myself than I thought possible.'--A. P, C. Ao B. JONES: Groceries and Crockery Ware, No. 313, DUNDAS STEER Ne All aavertiserents, without instruction as briength of time, ¢ Ul be inserted watil forbid, ------ Rev. Dr. Burns, Rev. A. Fyfe, A. W. Str Dr. J. Richardson, Dr E. Clarke, Hon. Rev. H J. Grasseit » Hon. Judge McLean, Dr. F. A. Cald- CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, §¢., §c., Ofice--Cuurcu Srreet, next door to the Court House raT co » Et aes] ING OFFICH, Office hours from ® A. M., to 6 P. Hi. WILLIAM CAYLEY r Feligion, toget MATTHEW CROOKS CAMERON, VANKOUGHNET & BROT ne As ae Wid Ox 0 rs, Altorneys, §«., Ofice--Cuurcu Srreeer, Over ** The City Bank" Ageney, two duatsSouth of St. Andrew's Church, NOTICE filiscellaneouns. SS LNTIN INI NSN NAAN INS. NINN INNA NAAN 9 REV. Dk. BURNS IN PAISLEY. A Paisley pa per states. that this Rev- ! yy = eioved Queen. cigars in a week, which is as few as he can , the nums At seven ding fifty per cent prolit of jobber and retailer, thé total is $7, 560, 000. Uncte Topy. THE CENTRAL AMERIVAN DIFFI--- Y TIVE ITO T aaa WAT aes And what my brethern, are the charac- CULTIES, AND THE TRA NSIT er--the principles of our POUTE, RECOVERED BY THE: ution? Are they opposition to the Ro- ae aaa ; Ba COSTA RICANS FROV" ¥ . man Catholi¢s, simply because they differ VEEN EVO MDE He ed from us in their theological views? they such as to crush 'the riohts of otk Vay Are| BUSTER WALKER. The readers of this journal will doubtless" remember, that the Costa Ricans, several montis since, seized all the steamers on St. Juan River, which had been previously in the possesion of the filibuster Wal- ker, that these steamers were chiefly, if not. solely, owned by Comodore Vundderbilts and other extensive steamboat proprietors: in New York; and their capture by 'the j vas the most fatal blow Wal-= cer ever receievyed during the whole con- moment, indeed. he lost the_ | forts on the St. Juan River, ' se : ( SO 8 sealed 'er,--if we are to' journals,--that_ the Hive got into difficulty with' York steamboat Princess, and ale be minor powers in Centra! Amere ica. Since the expulsion of Walker. inter-. nal division a:e said to have sprung up be-- tween the several governing powers' inthe country; and the aid of the United States, or some other vagabonds like Walker, is openly sought by some of the Centrak. American powers. At least,so the New. York papers say. The whole looks to us very like as if the steamboat transit compa~-- nies of New York were busy lotriguing, ma, king difficuluies w. ere none had previously existed , and complicating old ones.-- Colo. nist, ibs so with es Mcrpger.on rag Higa Sgeas.t-At the' Livepool Police Court on Saturday, Henry'. Cogers, the captain, Wm. Miles, the chief' mate, and C. Iu. Seymour, the second mate of the British barque Martha and Jane, of. Sunderland, weré committed for trial at the assizes, ¢ arged with the murder of An--- drew Rose, one of the crew of that vessel.' he evidence, which. wus very voluminous, ° established the facts that during the voy age from Barbadoes to Liverpool, the deceased who was filthy in his habits, and not always to be depended upon when wanted on duty, ¢ was repeatedly rope's-ended by the prigo- ners; that they whipped 'him with a whip -- like a' hupter's whip, and set a savage dog upon him. whieh tore pieces of flesh from his limbs; that the captain stuffed the de- ceased's mouth and nose «with excrement ; rolled: hinnabout the deck in a cask; éhiined iim naked tethe deck in the broiling sun} erend gentleman, who is at present ona visit to that country, In the prosecution of a mission in connection with the Canadiin Church, has been during the past week in Paisley--for about thirty years the scene of his active ministerial labors. he preached twice in Free St. George's his late place uf worship, the building being fillea by bis former hearers and many ot his friends and' admirers from all the religious denominations 'in town ofa peculiarly interesting Character. the close of his eloquent discourse in the forenoon, the reverend doctor referred in touching terms tu: his former connection with Paisley, aud the lively interest he had also felt, and would ever. continue to feel, for its well; re, temporal and spiritual, On the chanves which time had wrouvht since his departure {rc spoke most feeling! VERA , 12 before Brant. Orange Association. NVIPATION CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS STAGE BiIA "LONCEET MILLS | Ty ERSONE "aifinah wih, he BEER and AGUE or the CHILL FEVER, can be speedily cured by applying to JOHN H ATTON, Shoemaker, Bronte, Township of Halton County, Canada West. lings currency, ANTI-TOBACCO APPEAL: nember ofthe M. RK. Chureh, South, Mhorington by name, has published a nly appel to his brethren against the Some of his paragraphs articular'y pungent, and ouvht to be icing, If not conve: ting. 1e gambling-house of the Jaree' city, ts costly and splendid decorations; pre- farubanks, and games of a more fash- e character,under the Joint stimulating nee of wine and tobacco. | there with the rapidity of tne puff of r,and the place denominated by its It cannot be denied but 1 the highest and : quer and tobacco hold joint dumineer Your eyes hive beheld 1 young man whose first vice was in- nce In tobacco; the habit tnereased him. as he advanced to manhood; the nd the cheerful » JOHN HATTON. Brente, July 17th, 1856. The services were OARDING HOUSE, No. 168, PINE ST Vie, PHILADELPHIA. nh bes CIAL BUILDING SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSE E Ee Ts And lately erected by Alessrs. Moore §- Folph, them, the doctor The admission in the forenoon was by ticket, to secure accom no- dation to the convregalion proper ; i an hour prior to the be- ihe serviec, a crow, have fitied the butidiog twicd over b. - outsice, and dirappuinted crowds had to turn away, and wait arot Opportunity of listening honored and revered by all while be hved among thea, and YO! PENUE. SUBSCRIBER would inform his old and numerous Custome that he has again Omosnas ee iis Character, wasted nce palsied his strength, and, with n fatal as the fany of a serpent, con- him to a dishonored grave. uf ty you in behalf of economy, clean- yoliteuess, health, mora LBvuigimess, With a Large and entire New Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCH! Efe thanks thein for past favors, and ho receive of them and the Public at large, a CF PATRONAGE. amen who was 'ke whose departure was Ipwi dasa seve @ loss to the cowaru- nd} at iFUC. Althouen twelve years lave ees ee 1 you Woud HYe OF EVEryOUE WAS SPpMsed Loew lies s Sion 6. t6 le . et e { : -- 2 } and vieor sull retained xble by the entire surrender and e@on- ye doetor, litile bodily decay having been sustained { 1¢ Sabseriber is determined to Sell as Low a iH 4 I i; TA : sas 1S DINBURGH:--- £2 onierence of the > ONE re A.B: JONES. ' : poy Jan. 7 1856 A nent man, at our t,0ondon, Jan. 7, 1356. . ya | j Tepesy| ipteileetual Raaler's l Mull tC IP CeQatec tu § Ge Baater's Saw Leh ltt, a Viluess contains his speech c<inds of FURN CUPBOARDS, STANDS, &c., &c., can be had on the most in svconding Dire ish's motion tora vole © reasonable terms, of thanks to the missic OO cigar manufactoriesia this A been 2 ; c ® Windsor,C, Vv. fe Loot. 2) strung him up to the yard-arm by the neck til his tongue lolled out and he was black in the face; that he died when the ship was approaching Cape Clear, and that his naked body was thrown overboard with as little . ceremony asif it had been the carcase of a dog. Before he was dead he had h rible sores about his body, caused by the il-usage. Mr 'T.B. Wall, house surgeon of the North- ern Hospital, and Dr Pennington, were of opinion, judging from the evidence, that the deccased died from exhaustion and debility, produced by the treatmeat-he had received, s ao | Ax The free States are guardians and escen til supports of slavery. -- We are the jailors and constables of the institution... 'here is some exeure for communities, when under a generous impnisa, they. es- Cyt use of the oppresed in other i peuss the States, and by foree restore their rights; bub lacy are without excuse in avding other States in binding on men an unrighteous ke. Ou this subject, our fathers, in fra ming the Constitution, swerved from the right, We their children, at the end of half a century, see the path of duty more 1 cleary than they 'and must walk init. To this point the public mind has long been tendin», and the time has been for looking sere bem) at it fully, dispassionately, and with manly. and Christian re olution. . = = No ble ssing of the Union can be a compensation for taking part in the enslavine of our: fel- low-c4eatures; nor ought this bond be per- peturted, if experince 'shall demonstrate: that it can only eontinue through eur par-- ticipation in wrong doing. 'Lo-this convie- (lon tending ;-- W. Elles: ra CG = ias been concluded: "its protection of the 1, davoos, and other.islands, by an fhy he government of' 1¢ guano trade as be- fore. 'Th's arranyement was intended asa armed force of the Haelishand Frenehy for i termaf ten years, Pera Was to control t| ; se y Rurnse had heen the 50-yr "ibirty years since, Dr. Burns had been the sort of colliteral security to the bondholde« 2 = is! fi . ! ' mt } if ters Crs vt L MIGUN aud Faris.

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