VOLUME IIL? "PROSPECTUS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN ""° And Weekly Advertiser. 3 Mary A. S. CARY, H. F. DOUGLASS, I. D. SHADD, Editors, The Provincial Freeman will bedevoted to Anti- Slavery, Emigration, Temperance and General Literature, {t will opeu its columns to the views of men of different political opinions, reserving theright,as an independent Journal, of tu 1 ex- pression on al] questions or projects affecting the people in a politica] way; and reserving, also. the right to express emphatic condemnation o. all _ projects, having for their object in a great o1 remote degree, the subversion of the principles ef the British Constitution, or of British rule in the Provinces. Nut committed to the views of any religious sect exclusively. it will carefully observe the rights of every sect, at the same time that a reser "vation shall be made in favor of an existing dif- terence of opinion, as to the views or actiens o! he sects respectively. As an advertising medium, as a vehicle of in- formation on Agriculture,--and as an enemy i vice in any and every ceneeivable form, and a ~ promoter of geod morals, it shall be made worth of the patronage of the public. Au Lerrees, to receive attention whether for publicatiut er on Bilsiness, must be addressed, pst-para, {. DBD. Suapp, Chatham, C. W. THE PROVINCIAL FREEMA) And Weekly Advertiser, {S PUBLISHED EVER Y SATURDAY MORNING. AT THE OFFICE OF THE PA PER, Ming St West, Opposite the Market. CUIATITAM, C. W Teams: BOLLAR AND A HALF, [INVARIABLY YN ADVANCE. Raves OF ADVERTISING, Bi oD. ix to ten lines, first Insertiam, - - - 3 4 Eich subseguent insertien, Re See ARD) Qver ten lines, first inserien, ger line -Q 4 Hach subsegtient insertiea, perdiue, - U0 4 fae" A discount allowed when advertisoments Fe continaed ever three avwaths, foe Merchants, and others, contracting tor pace can advertise on advantageous terms. fe All atverusevients, without instruction as pelenmzth of time,7 Ut be inserted until forbid, Bad charged accordingly. ; 2 8 . SW 23 2 AM ike PRINTING OFFICE, 'King Street West, Opposite the Market, CHLATIEAM, C. W. THRE PROPRIETORS OF THE ' PROVINCIAL FREEMAN auld Meform theic Friends and the ®ublic, that their Office 15 supplied with all the Requisites for the execution of every description of BOOK & FOE PRUNE G, | {INCLUDING PAMPHLETS, BILL MEADS, CARDS, FUNERAL LETTERS, ENVITATIGN CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, STAGE BlLLS, CONCERT BLLLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTLXNG BILLS, HAND BILLS, BANK CHECQUES, DEELS. E PROMISSORY NOTES, MORTGAGES. MEMORIALS, &e.. &e., &e, And every description of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING : in the best and handsomest style, with accuracy aud despatch. £7 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZES. £4 LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS é ; CIRCULARS, LABELS, Subscribers who do not give express notice te the contrary, are considered as wishing to con- tinue their subseriptioas. If Subseribers. order the discontinuance 0: sheir papers, the publishers may continue to senc them till all arrears are paid up. _ [ft Subseribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the otlice to which they are directec, they are held responsible till they have settlec their billw, and ordered th-ir papers to be disvon- tinued. ; ; If Subscribers remove to other places, withou' mforming thc Publishers, and the paper is ser! othe tecmer direction, they are held responsible. Business Directory. Ce en Se RGR NIN IX TET TS IDA PT - gTONE & TURNBULL, CHATHAM CLOTHING TALL DRY GOODS, ' Grocery Establishment, KING STREET, CHATHAM, C. W. September6th, 1855. Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. WwW. L. HUMBURT \ | TOULD respectfully announce to the Citi- VY zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the most satisfactory manner. Having had ample experience in his line of business in he Cities of Charleston, S. C., and Boston, Mass., he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor,C. W., Sept. 9, 1854. 2) 201- the Board of Trade; sale at the smallest possible advance 'upon the wholesale prices. Mixed Paints, Putty, fnamelled and Plain Win FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terms. information apply to. Office--CuHuURCH Street, next door to the Court House Over " The City Bank" A Law BUANKS. | speedily cured by applying toJOHN HATTON, Shoewaker, Bronte, Township of Trafalgar, Haltea County, Canada West. Price ten shil- lings currency. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, that he has again DRY GOODS & GROCERIES! He thanks them for past favors, and hopes to LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE. The Subscriber is determined to Sell as Low as "SELF-RELIANCE IS THE TRUE CHATHAM, CANADA WEST. GEORGE KERR, __ RARDW ARE MERCRANT, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEALER IN Heavy and Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, Fc., &c., J. R. BROWN, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOE MAKE No. 90. King Street West, Pratt's Block, Chatham, C, WV Bi J November 22, 1855, 30-ly oe no oe : iow ANDREW HENDERSON, MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Se No. 32, Yoneg Srreet, Toronto. PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLE References--T homas Clarkson, Esq., President ef No. 5, PARK ROW, Moe dsGgivie Sek Me te ae PE EO EG WLESSTS, 5 g © 5 4eESSIs, Owar * . Pitch: Meee' D Cawe And 107, Gemesee Street, Auburn, a rd & Co, C.N MILLER --WM. ORTON,--E. MULLIGA CHARLES FLETCHER IOR'TH ST = BOOKSELLER AND STA TIONER, NORTH STAR SALOO No. 54, YONGE STREE', TORONTO. British and American Works tinported and for No. 40, Jefferson Avenue. Me JOHN WILLIAMS has just fit up his splendid DINING SALO where all kinds of Cho%ce Eatables can had at any hour, Superior drinks alw on hand. Friends give acall and full sa faction will be given. JOHN WILLIAMS Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3-n21- AUT eg ADAMS HOUSE be NOW OPEN at No. 38 Jeffer Avenue, for the accommodation of C ored Visitors to this City. C. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do } \EIE Members of JONES' SAXHORN | In their power to make Boarders consfort BAND, are prepared to play for CON- | ble, and give general satisfaction, ERT'S, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, Claw. Hs: For Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3n CHARLES MAKCH, House, Sogn, and Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Glazier, and Paper Hanger, CARVER, GILDER AND GLABS STAINER. No. 29, Kine Srreer West. dow Glass andLooking Glass, tor Saie, at the lowest Cash prices, Toronto, 10th April 1854. NOTICE. = . Wr Ae Fin JONES, I iuortimer Chatham, Dec. 26th. 1856 FARRAR IMPORTERS AND WHOLE Groceris, Manes Na. 15, DUND: LONDON, C. eH Eat = Pa A.M.M.D.. DD hing Misses. R. P. & ADAM CROOKS, ms Dial 7 ee : -E\CH has the honor of publi Barristers-at- Lai, ation from ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, ne to the follo : Toronto, Oct 18th, 1856,-- WELLINGTON STREET, TURUNTO. Ban Ten 0 oa D. I ling the tollowing Lord Rishop of Toronto, and ymmendation that kean give of Dr. M. D. Nn Dentist. is that he has been employed in this 7 satisfacti OH? GoverRNMENT House, Toronto, Jan. 15th, 18 7. : D. French, surgeon Dentist, hes th Extracted and Oj ped teeth for me, with perfe and with less:pa to myself than I thought possible."--A. P. DouGLass, A.D Cc. AY Ds dO NES, 3 DEALER IN Groceries and Crockery Ware, No. 314, DUNDAS STKEEY, LONDON, C. W. [ime Dr. Burns, Rev. A. Fyfe, - t, Dr. F. Baagley, Dr. N. FRc nb, I Rev. 1 J. Grassott, Hon. Judge MeLean, Dr well. Odice hours from 9 A. M., to 6 P. M. ke TORS CASH. v3-n37-ly, CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, Fc, §e., TORONTO, WILLIAM CAYLEY, MATTHEW CROOKS CAMERON. Ss Ev Ee SE jaanedi' Lliscellaneous. RANE IN Ale OF I PR Zo the E:ditor of the Colonist. Toronto, July 2nd, 1857. Dear Sir,--My attention was directed to a letter from the Hoo. Colonel Prince in your paper of the 27th ult., called forth evi- dently by the indivnation meeting held by t.e colored puople on the 9ih alt.,in which he expresses In very strong and unmistakea- ble languaye, his opinion of the African race, designating them, with one exception, aS "rogues and thieves, as a graceless, worthless, turitless, lying set of vaga- bonds ;"" pretty strong lanyuage, certainly L shall not say "all lies! lies! ties! from be- ginning to. end," but will certainly say that my knowledge of the colored peuple of this Province has been very different, and mak- ing due aliowauces for their disadvantayes and thei autvcedents, L think ti.ey Compare favorably, vot in morality and intelligence, with the white population. Had the Colonel been at all moderate in his remarks, | should not have troubled you with this letier. But as he seems to im- avine that old Richard Harter is the only man of color for. whom there. is salvation, irom one end of this Province to the other, Ltuought it bat right tu express my views on the subject, more parucularly as they are so entuely opposite to his. 1 am not prepared to justity all that the colored people did at tueir meeting, and think thst much said tuere would have been betier unsaid, But ina day like ibe pres- ent, When we boast of our freedum of tuvuglt, of var inciessed and Increasing VANKOUGHNET & BROTHER, Barristers, Attorneys, &., Offce--Cuurcu Steerer, cy, two dvorsSouath of St. Andrew's Church, TORONTO. eo NOTICE. ERSGNS afflicted with the FEVER and AGUE or the CHILL FEVER, can be JOHN HATTON. Beonte, July i7th, 1856. 14-tf, MRS. S. WILKINS, BOARDING HOUSB, No. 168, PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. November 1855. 30 OWE IN THE SGUTH SIDE GF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET And lately erected by Messrs. Moore ¢ Rolph, LOW DORMa HE SUBSCRIBER would inform his old and numerous Customers and Friends, Opened Bwmsimess, With a Large and eatire New Stock of kuoWied se, of our superlority over our American neighbors, in our freedom from the damning. sia of slavery; wheu we ad- vocate through our journals, our utter ab- horeuce of Wwe systeia, and assist in any le- giutnate way to annibilate 11; aud in every other respect to benefit the condition of the sons of Africa, we are not prepared for a letter uke the Colonel's. Such sentiments we are prepared to expect from an Ameri- can Seuator advocating the extension of slave territory, the infringement and viola- tion of order, the severance of the social ties vf life, with all the horrors of the abomina- bie system. But such sentiments we are hot prepared to hear from a Canadian Lug- islative Councillor. receive of them and the Public at large, a possible. : A. B. JONES. London, Jan. '7, 1856. 36 NEW CABINET SHOP, ON COLBORNEI STREET, Adjoining Charteris & Baxter's Saw Mill. LL kinds of FURNITURE, such as BED- 98, TABLES, CUPBOARDS, &e., &c., can be had on the most reasonable terms. CHARLES H. RAMSEY. Chatham, C. W°Feb. {3+ 1856. 50-yr We are not denying that there my many of their "George Washingtons," t "James Madisons," their Dinahs, ane L nas, who are not quite up to the m: But is the method proposed by the C« nel to elevate and improve them the bd Are they down-troden? Should we them for falling? Are they degraded slavery and its associations ? Tvuorant cause they dv not possess the advanta and cpportunities of their more highly voured white neighbours. We are tl far more likely to improve them by. act rather as philanthropists than foes; by a ing to make them vaiuable citizens, ratl than banish them from the Province. But, Sir, let us look at the other side the picture, tor "I,se got a sperience." have known more than one Richard Hug but it was were the colored man was neit er looked upon as a tainter of the atmd phere, nor a corruptor of white society; b where he is recoguized as a rational and telligent member of the community; wh worth, and not cclor, was the standaj where he enjoyed, in comon with the pc ulation, the confidence and respect of citizens; and where he was eligiole, for al of the positions of trust and responsibilty the bestowment of the Government. Th is the position which the colored man oct ples in the Island of Jamaica, the finest Britain's west Indian Colonies, 'here tl first magistrate of the island is a color man. Many of the members of both Ho ses of Parlianent several of the lead*ng off cers of police, some of the most popular, ir teligent, and evangelical clergy men of tl island are colored men; goed citizens, goo legislators, good mavistrates, and yood sol diers, (the islands being garrsoned prince pally by the various West India regiment who are under jhe most pertect diseipling and I am satisfied that with a different |i of policy, the James Madisons and Thom Jeffersons to whom the Colonel has allud may, in many instances, be transfered in Richard Hunters. Pardon me for encroaching so large on your space, 'There are two sides to e ay story.and I have thought it best, a your'readeis have already had one, th they should havethe other and judge fo themsclves. Yours truly, MoDERATION. eer PARADE OF COLORED FREE- MASONS. Wecopy from the Philadelphia Sunda Dispatch the following account ef the recen parade of the colored Freemasons of tha city. lhe parade of the colored Freemasons on Wednesday last, in honor of the dedica tion of their new Hall, was a very credita ble affair. The meubers were all wel dressed, respectable in appearance, and gen tlemanly in their deportraent. 'The banner were in good taste, the regalia handsome and every participant went through his ai lotted. part in the ceremony with dignity, and gravity. It was somewhat of a nove! ty to see the colored bands of musicians ir this parade. Since the days of Frank Joho- son, the white musicians have nearly driven the dark melodists from the vocation. The colored brethren seemed to mingle Ancien York Masonry with the Scotch rite. The x charter comes from HEreland. They not recognized by American white Free masons of the Ancient York ritual. Th an Biue Lodges, as appeared by their y are