Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 4 Jul 1857, p. 2

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ETT ERT OE AERTS ee PTE eT TIT NPR TE NM rN ere Ae EET EDPBOWERAT AL IN ENRE AR age aaa gen PROVINCIAL FREEMAN VERTISER. BSN OO II OOO EA Peta Ia yma DBsAL ss SLR aS RAGE De NTN NO SHH a Lee Sa os aI . oo Ia Ft POLL AOE A CPS" a te INI LO NA NA > A aN" i i ea aoe > Se Sram OPN ID lr LPP ce IN NNO IID aA Mg - " ee ee ' TF nN { rea] YY wa ad Ne 5 NCCNGT FONT TQ Ber HOME. |NEW SCHOOL PRESBYTERIANS-- it INS Y oes a 3 : i | issued, inviting subscriptions to the capital | will be ex ; . -- oo ooo Salhe ee ee i ae pital | will be exempted from the obligationte tary ah- We learn with reat satisfaction that in UNLTED STaTtES. stock of the Company organizing under the | ing and of residence, (except upon the lot ee ; ty | io oe Sra eee oy als ic 6 bir | f hich 5 i ; ; e by the Refugees Home | We bail the action of this body, at their} auspices of the Government for the con | ™ bich they live) provided that the re quired cleaing 1e las ae a iY BL, g of the lashine made cn each ot @ e pon-aceomplishment of these con- : A ee ditions will cause the imediate loss of the ties of the island. "hey have sent to Eng- | assigned lot of land, which will be sol land for proposals to build them --I N. C.| given to an other. fi oA : ry : ft will be seen by the above that Hayti Che road having been opened by the Goy a J = emnt, the setilers are required to keep it in repair. the suit brought © = > ; Q i s ™~ 9) = > ake } si Socisty's Ageat, C. ©. Foote, against cer- | recent mecting at Clev eland [Ohio] as thd fag tween the northern and southern extreme- tain poor settlers, our British courts nave j first momentous defiant challenge of Struction of a line of steamers to ply be- ee MAL AADS OS a te | : . . } + . 7) Sarl wT : ee es Reet ass é Z 2 : decided against the Society, upon the Pree North against the cursed institution o PROVINCIAL FREEMAN. eroand that as the purchase money for the |S \ Slavery in the Seuth. We pray that the g 4 \ d or | a and wis: beoved | ie nawe of the fuei- |examzle so publicly given, may be liberally RAN RR AA RAR 1 bean i geed In the ue | i S a : 5 . es) 1 : 4 iy > Sie Sees Sears Saye eee é : 3 itives, they are entiiled to the land with- | copied by ail Bodies which have not yet as designs to keep apace with other progress- 8 eres CHATUAM, SATO RDAY, JUNE 27, 1867, | | Pout payment. 'Lhe decision is said to be | openly declared against the cruel and hor- ive nations: PRR, CR RRR ERR RAR NAS DALE OA } y i i ss a : | | ivery aureeable news 'to the settlers. in- | rid system. Let the Northern Methodist prune ond there are tion abundant; and there are throughout, numer ~ « y ee ous streams and falls of water, capable of being use > Manufacturing : g used for Manufacturing purposas, every where { -33*Mr, William Still, of Philatelphia PA. 1. WAT crib cat Belk ce eather ont del Hakico Mn: dal ited States. i ely apr fr ale ee Mr. Wil ' deed |! Wonder will "brother" "ioote | Eviscopal Church, United States, in thei FREE GRANTS. - , Bah pudden.. crey Gets Fe OWS Geo is nathorized to receive Subscriptions for this | boo i line but the clotl i ly Conf I ial { naper, and give Receipts for the same. 'coutinue to be@ iw any Jine Dut toe clulbes | yearly Conterences, have tae aovove exam> 1 .y (APTA ah 4 aper, and g 8 uy Pycele GH THe GRE n ee LINES. oD : aaa business now? 'According? to brother | ple before them. But will they act? Free- ate Ree = <a : Yer Mr. Isaac N. Cary, Front sirest Tapantoc .Ueiess. 5 BOW: as |? ee ye . ROAD. ee he heavy timber land is almost always. | Hotenkiss he will certainly leave. And so'| dom shricks and Christianity stands abashed the best' and of it, the ashes.of three tree t 8 ae rized to act as agent for this paper. | ee s authori ag | NOW IN COURSE OF COMPLETION ARE well taken care of and covered he should.-m. ais. €. from wet,-- OTTAWA AND. OPEONGO i produce a Baurel ol Potash, worth from to £7 currency. The capital required to manulacture Potash is very small, and the process is very simple and easily under- stood, and red with shame, at wat is done in is SA iene : name! And who, in Canada, fellowships (4 The keeper of anew confectionery | with any acknowledgement of the vile sin? ROAD. TH ADDINGTON ROAD, THE HASTINGS ROAD, cs step a slams orc NS SSS. SENSE SAL eS ------ BPEGIAL NOTIGA=. -- shop on King Street, Mrs Curtilet refused | Let the pro-slevery Canada' Wesleyan an- KUBSCRIBERS, EDITORS. POSTMA P| to sell ice cream to.some respectabie.colored | swer, with the [Baltimore] Maryland pro- ERS and TEAGHERS, are invited lo.ootain ' : ae subscriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREE! ne /younemen on Sunday last,unless they would slavery preachers in Toronto at the last Oj : ' : ' : /eat outside of the saloon. . phese couk and Conference there, the other day,--and on ee ; | ee al he expense of clearing and enclosine THE OTTAWA AND OPEONGO ROAD. | beavily timbered lands, valuing the labor ae the settler at the hiohest jy: i e se at ; est rate, is ab rN 7 > D) iE Q ve : ou | POUR. Z OUNES Currency per Acre which the first Wheat crup, if an avélave one, will nearly repay. The very est timber for fencing can be bad in abundance. es ea these lands, possessing a capital of trom 429 to £50, accord} to 90, according 'o the num- ke himself ber of his family, will soon ma bis Investment. The single man, able and willing to work, needs little capital, besides his own arm and axe--he can devote a port: tion of the year to elearing his Jand, and in h 4 : Baca . the numerous lumbe ring establishment, he cap, at other seasons, obtain a fibera! re- muneratifin for his labor. fer which twenty per cent will be atone: papers will-be sent.until the eash is recenvea. | 1 ; eA ule siche Ey 139 The terms of the Freeman are Rar en 0} other shopkeepers, who keep open a back | British grouad. Write about fellowship: ve ' aper willbe sent longet than | : oe: : he : an ae and no paper will he f door, and thereby induce young men to why the thing was too apparent by that Pp stor, : re | ae : Roy Specimen numbers will be sent gratis Upon Cisreoard the Sabbath, that they may get | act, to be conceded. And to see declara application. ys Reena ; a en ee oe : peer a a we = ' Apnneee 1D. SHADD. Chatham,C. W-,| thelr pence, need hardly be quite so tas' | gions by them, in Canada, [when made] Commences. at a point on the Ottawa River, known as "Farrell's," a little above the mouth of thu Bonchere River, and runs | in a Westerly direction, passing through the Northerly part of the county of Ren- frew. It is intended to connect this road with a projected line of road known as "Bell's Line," leading to the Lake Muskoka, and Lake Huron, by a branch which wilidiverge from the Opengo Road tn the 'Township of enclosed in letters and duly revistered,-- | Bradenca, at a distance of about 53 miles | which can be done at any Post Office on | | New Buoxs on AFRICA AND SLAVERY. from the River Ottawa, forming with" Bell's pavmeat of two cents in addition to the post- | tee, Fhe population uf our world is stated | --Messrs Thompson & Co., Toronto, Have ee great ee ee o Dest fine 'always on hand, and can get, at any time, ee Ottawa 18 ake Muskoka, ii Phe Seaq oe Fi | z miles in length, passing through the heart 1e Sections of Country opened iby these ef the Ottawa and Huron Territory and roads lie in and to the Southern part of the opening up for settlement a vast extent of Great Ottawa Region, stratching from and Holand volable land: beyond them to the shores of Lake Huron, tis road, and the country through}whiech Lake Nipissing and to the Ottawa River== it passes, now open for settlement, 1s easly | an Imntense extent of country whose re- accessible and the Agent for the granting | S0UrCeS Aare now seeking and will rapidly of Lands in this district is Mr. 1. P. French | 0bt@in development. who resides at Mount Saint Patrick, near The Ottawa Country, lying south of Laks Renfrew, on the Opeongo Road, a few miles | Nepissing and of the oreat River Oi one from the Lands which are to be granted. | and embracing a large portion of the afi To reach the seetion of Country under Mr. | offered for settiement, is capable of sustaine French's charge the settler must go from ing a population ef Eleht Milfiers of Pople Montreal up to the Oitawa River to a place land it is now abtareting venéial attentions called Bonchere Point, and thence by land | as the more westeran portions' of Canada are ESeays Kes i Bites neelvann acts Sey MEL ; = Bac a -tidiows about any little "one horse" salooe ayainst Slavery, made in such a_ position REMITTANCES. they may have.--M. A. 8. 0. |one might picture of Satan on his knees atj }a throne of grice ! - | | THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD | Al subscription monies. for this | Asan | | a aii << @ & ------$--<$--$<$ rt 8 -- re s r----- Hook Notices 33 Let the axe be brought to the root of the age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Sub 'ty be ode thousand millions. "All Gud's re- seribers will oblize us and relieve us from | sible and ac able creatures,--- | the various Books relating to this subject.-- a |spousibl: and accountable crea ; | e many difficulties by forwarding their sub- | "as they live? Of that number, at least | We regret however, that the influential scription money by mail, as the trouble and ow hundred millions are colured;--and | parties in New York, do not cirewlate widely expense of collectiong through the country if HAblion Wert thle! white/ortmigedly dol"! -- "Were! and'there" ad ensC Miadaas Well that so smul a | liste of Books which should be consulted ; is ry vreat.----!. D. 8. | : ay YOLe ETeabeou! | What presu uption then, i 5 ees ee | Sieces SSH eG eins. Do taar 'pumber, comparatively, and smaller yet _ Showing not only the capabilities of that -when the educated and christianly tutored | much reviled land of Africa but the base BILLS! BILLS!! BILLS!!! oe 2 : : ie ie pe Ae Bee abl = That land. as b anil | portion Is numbered,--that that number | usave of her sable sons. Yat land. as ave § a large number of bills, to_ : ip aad ah : ge sa a a i re should try to ignore the positon of the will yet be shown, when divested of the cb- scribers and hope they will remitt tous |, | : : ee P , ; majority. All of God's creatures never- | structive means furnished by those who ¢rade at the earlivst possible moment, as our sub- some twnty-five or thirty mules westward to | being more filled up. the Township of Grattan, In which Mount | me : : | St. Patrisk 1s situated. | theless,---white and coiored, and there is 10 in her sonsand daughters, will yet appear as | Caristianily given to us to authorize the | a brighter country 5; and when some further /enslavement or the degrading of t @ ma-/' proper incitements are made to induce to a sctiptions are our only dependence. OU EL, GAN ASAAEN G: -- Ten TMT - PR NEWS BY THE «)NDEAN" | jority by the minority, or the enslavement | more re/ying dependance on crvilized habits -as chattel slaves. of any human beings!-- | than bave been,--the land of Africa and THE ADDINGTON ROAD i a jie ais RY EL a EV he, Messrs. I. D. Shadd, & H. F. Douglass, «Shall 1 buy and sell my mortal brother or [her inhabitants will show differently. The i ~ ' eit ve , Pit hes | tee oe : < 7 SY) : . Ai both of this office, will visit many of the sister, or their children ? Who am '1?"---- | various tiavellers say much in favor of the ; z ree 5 le Ra Ae Commencing in the Township of Anelesea, Phe remains of Douglass Jerrold were' o eae spel VT : 51) J Mlerred on Mondayythe 15th, at Norwood A re in the northern part of the County of Ad. | ita j } caster ey ey Q SAAN | 1 : , ; rat een yey Cemeiry ap : : ae towns and cities in Western and Eastern | Enslave them, is laying down the principle | people. 'Phe inhabited creeks, coasts and dington, few the village of Flnvs Mills,in; Vemeuvy. Lhere were presest, in addition p + ' =| ae ie ee bortat ha bine a lnoet Gienar yh dt beige a medwembers of Ove hones MeO Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pro | that. Z.also can be enslaved, whether 1am | jnlets,-- the scenes of infamy and heatken- Kalader, runs almost due north to the Riv- | i bine ned ee ~ (he Tamily, Mr. Charles, 5 ' ' | se | rf a Miadawiclz atone aiet tot Ata oiilect sid | wiemens, Mi Miter aA Pe a ; Por oe = : de pate eect ria : ae da : er Madawaska, a dist nce of 85. ules" aud §, Mr. Muuer, Me. P, Sir J, Pax : moting the interest and prospects of this pa- white or colored." And for christians-- ism by christian bands and trafickers,--fur- ae ee ; 1: "eh As eM rt Bot ov ta gy Fen shod ucnctacar tenn See ee ne ae his ' to be continued thenee for the distance of | #4: 1.5 Min, forster, Mr. HH. Dixen, Mr. Ce per. é y 8 | christians--stealthily to tratiek m the souls nish uo certain reliable source for thos» at 25 miles till it intersects. the Ottawa and | Bight, Mr. W. M, Dhackeray. Mi. Horace' Mr. Shadd will act as canvasser &e., while | and bodies of Africans, invade their lands, | a distance to judge from. Opeongo Road. Maybew, Mr. By Webster, Mre Buckstone. { 5 . mA =e R bas . * Mr. Wilkiusen, Dr. Erasmus Wilson Dre Lhe Agent for the granting of, the Land in this district is Mi. 1 Peiry, who, for iupence to his fumil fees ; : ae sSIxpence to has fanoily. anck thal purpose, is naw resident ab 'the Villave |. oamahindo of kc : Yo ance er rm 1 ie ou y # committee of bts principal fsends has been of Fiint's Mais --Phe-outines offive town--a-p orem ea ) er oe an ee ao ppb ted, tok the DINveSe wh Ra lsiner ev dared Ships Oo] very superior land are already sure | fle the sian : oe en : / . = fe support of ls wife and family. -- diel ! Nir. UsariessDiekens T° to Superintend a | . | r | Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from a j|,, : gees +e ~ bace re W, t + hed jand hold out the bribes of | Dre Livin gston's Life and Adventares.-- our in the Western states, where he has | yo... givilize and GaWeu GuenOe RS! | a 8 oa. : tian's civilized rum and intoxicating drinks, | &e., by H. Gi Adams, p. p. 293,-Thomp- the Chris- i eevee Wea aN : peur, we Dy. derrold bas died withcut leaving a single epcken with great acceptance, will Lecture |. der trinkets. Ge.. to ionorant heathen uee g I 5 p : | powder, trinkets, dc., to 1g 3 son & Co., Toronto, with map and engray- extensively as well as canvass, and we know | ojiefs to part with l/ esr sand prisoners. | - : ; y , chiefs,to part with ¢/ eir people and p ; ings. 'Che interesting details and observa- reyed and ready for Settlement within the | Re : j : | ae : , satistactorily. Both are young men, and are : : seo has to. sit@hihem tel & 7 Jouus ' | And failing all these bribes, See i tions, and this valauble book, we tatend re- limits of the Agency, lying north of Lake | 3 | semes ol performeances by an : : s : 5 t AANUCS OV AD atbate dr Ccoume= Massanoka, and between it and the iRiver | : yt tt | MW | | { | 4 € ° | z ) | labouring, in the cause of human riybts, and | And then, what usage afterwards,physically | joo) 49 ¢ | ae { 13s ° Hoe sire oral > ! spr intelligence amony Canadi- | 2 orwis wards these poor people, | . ; ~ lor the spread of i g mong adi- | and otherwise, towards t I peoples American Slavery and Color.--By Wil- | YNany fy ie j >S t a & ewe or > \ Ry \ 2 | y Of laWeswid yventlenen, Amony the Madawaska The 'PFownuships are eal ae ore i : } Le le Misses Dickens wi] Pppeare 14 he }it is too degrading to our human nature to! ). 5 ett ise in refugees. | t is too degrading ut | liam Chambers, of Edinburgh, [Scotland ] bectively Abiveer, Denbieh, Ashiey, isting | 1) : 5 ° . SPAS r ete aif 5 yp } | } ul AUOE, LACM City Aste yy sare he fas sees Neen on : -lov | reveal | ne but Christians ave done it, | ; : ) ae P| ihe Iégsees OP various Theatres ure dell t We hope the Liberty-loving people of hein ee ")p. p.216---[ Do.] with valuable appendix vam, Anglesa, and. Barric, dogot&te. ni ate Pe S | COVote w@ DIRE to the same benevolent be ry) 8. an $ i. ! five (irect route to whis. oUCUOn Ie Dy lo, . bw] mee | Jei (GG. vanilerivMer. Le iiexcicren ey . pate Siva Pa way of Kineston, Canada West, thence to parece Ne Dele BURCORT OY RAO: Olena? bls ay OF SST » Vantaa Vest, tCnuce | contribiation te en fe Yeh cer nil. : ; a % 3 Z G = | | OlUOT tO tbe und for dae bencht of: Vapance, either by metvamboai, ana thence Cine aacie: Gisele bos Ne av : | ti liOwW and familly ef Abr; dertold, the Poe rier ; x : s | proceecs of one of the nights of Jectures: : {] g Christians do i}! Unbelievers, | |. ¢ ae ee ape ut ae = "lof facts. 'Lhis isa book of stern facts, and work.--M. A.S. C. | Deists, and Atheists, blush, (for you do) these Provinces, will give them aid in their | | | blush for humanity,--blush for such Chris- | | { | shows at once, what the South wishes to do re ; i with the stolen African's descendants. 'Lhe ee tians | 'This subject will be resumed at | ie Agee ; Be ud | opening pages,with the cited quotations from THE INDIGNATION MEETING, | ,noinertime ce pealuen Same a : |} American authorities, prove indubitavly the Rides COL. PRINCE &e. oes Os Web nesels . AO ha cee re : x | entenwtions of a Slaveholding power. Very HE HASTINGS ROAD. We devote the first page of our present); AMEPICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL BP Y issue to thecolored citizens of Toronto and UNION AND AMERICAN TRACT Hon. Co]. Prince, and we shall cheerfully SOCIBEY. ee 5 eee : : | 'They show a grade of feeling and heathen- allot space to anything further on the These are and have been (and exposed | A . ° | | subject provided that © due considera- 1. .. Paces ae i a at bene aes i e fe ae ess by us on former occasions) two of the most) ii. the nineteenth century. 'There is no PUL giles Minos de nee ee ion be paid:to the length of our columns neice »d Religious Societies | pee eee a P : 6 | hypocritically conducted Religious Socteties | surprise at all, with such desires by an indo- ihe Ottawa and Opeongo Road. and its ex- but as the question has been asked "what | iy the known world. Like the hunter o = will the Freeman do or say about these trapper of the Ame:ican wilds, we "spol" | eharges ?"' we will take this occasion to say | pem. We wish all our readers to mark it will netther do nor say anything at pres- | them. Let net the hypocritical attempt at ent. Experience has taught us that the | reform, by the A. Tract Society, at its last least said in such cases the better. And {annual meeting, the other week, in New as Col. Prince when in his sober senses! York, turn aside the truly humane or the most positively denied using the language } Christian, from any other "mark"--for the North to the Township of Kaladar. and the Saal wie nie wa . and Mr De Frere dl . ' B " " Village of Flinvs Mills where Mr. Perry re- | and Mr. Russeil will deliver one of his Cri- | mean lectures for ile sameéenurpus SAIL | pose, T eR | { i | Pi awe ee . j Phe Handel Festival rehearsals in" the | fete! Diced cl one | Crystal Palace, sydenham, in which the Almost parrallel to the Addington Road, | S ls | one interested in the welfare af his race, nd ata distance Weat from it of about thir | | | ' should be made aware of these intentions.-- pele orauons ol tbat composer are pro- ty-two miles is the Hastings Road. This Road begining at the northern part of the vounty of Hastings. and running a distance duced by about 2000 performers, are the ost mM agnibeent canceris thar have ever taken place in this or any other country Loe Queen and ber courtare to be pre sent to- jay at the performance of Judas | Maccabeus, ish desires, We were not prepared to find in . lent slave desiring oligarchy, that these Ioan : | 'he christening of the Inf, or] a z Rel Ae stening of the Tidan mMecss Ther Government Agent, is. Mr. MoP, | took place on 'Puesday ae a TRG : 3 ee F 2 | eB PLAICE O IESOAY ineos et Dan Hayes, who resides at the Villave of Has-| a, Se ayes aa cone : ' ee ae "ve private chaple of Windsor Palace. Her tings, lately called Madoc, about 20 miles Majesty ol Ens hee a 'p = 5 an 5 ane he aya yp Cs atta AIS LOVa hur Ss north of the Lown of Belleville. The Road Attfert chtéred. the Ch Spire eee ; 5 Aibert entere e Chapel, aec anie between these places is in good order--the | eae nr AC oe ass RADE accompanied J Sey oy the Arehduke Maximilien of Austria Jand to be granted by the Crown under the | pie Brinesas' i. : gee a oe eae : t e the frencess Koyal and Prinee Fredrick Aveney extends fromm 15 to 70 miles.|.yw His 7 ee aes ae Se aa, = ny | VW Uhane of Prussia, the Duchess of Kent nerth of the Village' of Hastings. he | the Duchess of CAMB dee Py M : ; Pits ee) LCDeSS J idyve, Princess Mary. Road through this large extent of land is BUR RIDES ES Nay Southerns wish the poor down trodden slave lo be ignorant. Jie must be very weak- minded who cannot percieve this on reading this book. We shall refer to it again, at greater length. Mr, Chambers having seen the land and people in his travels,--besides { his other qualitications,----is a high authority, : Fe ; ee ' reported of him at first, we cannot but re present--than the one we have "spotted." bthe Deer ee 53 : | ive s bi : passable for 40° mimes: Sin@" moner _| the Duxe of Cambridge, the Prince of gard is as out of place to give so much im- | How unlike such proceedings stands the Lae BS ee j =? ee id f a eee | Wales, Prince Alfred: Prineess Alice. the ao "oe ' soe hei' iS soli ta eae JeIng expended to extend it 80 miles fur-| 7 ee ». Bee NS Sees portance to *the posstbly after-dinner effu- truly humane and christianly benevolent | PuLtmMonary Consumption.--Tbe great eee : ee ee eee | Hereditary Prince, of Saxe Meiningen ther, so that Settlers can get in and out ers Dp Rs * Al ) . } et 7 Prince: Kdward of Saxe Weimar, &e., &. ai NAGS iy: ' , 1} Her Majesty and Prinee Albert were atten- 1 i . ded by the Duchess of Sutherland, Duchess rood. market , br i s aysy ¢ . . . . . . . » ™ 2 - 7 47 . . | £ a) ic i owe j ve sicns of such exaited personages as mem- | institution at Cincinnati, the Amerioan Re- | SCourge of our northern climate is disarmed Gitidhetaihoulte and Ged a: bers ef Parliament even. Besides,we would | form, 'Tract and Buok Society,--a standing gf half its terrors since we have a remedy for surplus produce,as well as convenient . ies rather 'let the people do their own talking upon snch 'matters, though they should thereby do harm to themselves and their cause than incur their censure, (in this land of free thought and speech,) by giving our Opinions, for we know somethtny about their censure. In the meantime we will look after and interest ourselves in those measures designed to promote the general good, and will give those facts which no theory or private opinion can controvert.-- The item cut-from the Toronto Times is to' usof vastly more importance than all the Parliamentary speeches and pubiished let- ters against colored British subjects, or the indignation meetings that may be called to fight such verbose but harmless opinions.-- M. A.S8. Co Pee act bik pd ci far In the "Protection" furnished Colored seamen, form the Port of New York the word "native" is substituted for "Citi- zen" which was usedbefor tle Died Scott decision. t= An enthusiastic meeting was held in Chatham, June 27th, to further the Ship monument indenting on the page of passing history, that the New York A. 'Tract Socie, ty should be avoided. Letall truthful and sincere people, encourage the Cincinnati Society. Dr.°G: L. Weed is Secretary and their catalogue of Tracts, Books, &c., stamp its christian character. 'Lhe religisus boey in Canada, which eu- dorses these two first named pro-slavery "concerns," is the Congregational Union of Canada. For shame ! Look too, how the latter has neglected the Societies,--much purer--of its own denomination in Boston. Say the Mass. Sabbath School Society and the Congregational Publication Society---- And the Upper Canada Tract Sociely,--- and the other similar Tract Societies of Montreal, Kingston, and Quebec, &c., en- dorse or fellowship the said pro-slavery "concerns!" But Canadian laymen are not blind, however,which certain religious teach- have shown themselves to be. 'There is no excuse for those on British soil, with the op- portunities for light, liberty and knowledge which one possesses. to have any kind of fellowship with such pro-slavists or the sup- (anal ente rprise. ea porters of all such. so singularly efficacious as Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, It is worthy of the high reputation which it enjoys. ee ee Every family should be supplied with Perry Vavis' Vegetable Pain Killer. Its magic effect in removing pain from all parts of the body, has given it a world wide repu- tation. No family having once used this medicine would willingly be withont it- It is what its name purports, a Pain Miller. facilities for bringing in' whatever sup} : : ibe abundance of which leey may require eh ean be had at the Villiage of Hastinys, where the Government Agent resides The direct way to reach this Secetion which is easily aecessidle, is by Kingston Canada West, thence by Steamboat up the Bay of Quinte to Beliville 56 miles--and thence by a good Road to Hastings, 28 miles. In order to facilitate the Settlement of the Country and provide for keeping it re- pair the Roads thus opened' the Govern- ment has authorized Free Grants of Land along these Roads, not to exceed in each case One Hundred Acres, upon application to the Local Agents, and upon the follow- il OR 1g CONDITIONS: That the Settler be eighteen years of age That he take possession of the Land al- lotted to him within one month, and put in a state of cultivation at least twelve acres of the land in the course of four years,-- ouild a house (at least 20 by 18 feet) and reside on the lot until the conditions of set- tlement are duly perfurmed; after which ac- complisemeut only shall the settle have the ribgt of obtaining a tittle to the property Families comprisiong several settlers entitled to lands, preferring to reside on a single lot, he & aly } i fA 4 b= of Athol, Countess of Gainsborough, Lady | Caroline Barrington, d&e., with the great officers of State. The ceremony was per- formed by his Grace the Arebbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Bishop of London, tne Bishop of Chester, Clerk ofthe Closet, and. the Hon. and Very Rev. Dean of Windsor. The royal pritcess was nam- ed Beatrice Mary Victoria. _An explosion took place at Curtis and Harvey's gunpowder factory, at Hounslow, yesierdey. It arose from frietion whilst. cleaning the machinery. One man was killed, another died shortly afterwards, and a third lies in a very precarious state. The building: was desiroyed, but the machinery thourh displaced, is little injured owing to the sma!l quantity of material in the buuse: at the moment. -- Lora Burgherrish is about. to. marry the second dauvhter of Ear) Howe. The Zimes has a leader on the impor-~ tance of the island of Penime, at the en- trance of the Red Sea, now finally occou-- pied by the East India Company. It is but the duty of the Indian authorites to take such steps as will make the overland route a sale and rapid mode of transit to repress piracy In those seas, to keep a watch over the wild inhabitants of the eoast; ana. to take measures for maintaining the passage con- stantly free and open are matters which the company can never neglect. The occupa-

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