bh we tee RE a ee VOLUME IIL} ERY PAPEETE SES c = Sri ae " SELF-RELIANCE IS THE TRUE CHATHAM, CANADA WES PROSPECTUS PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser. Mary A. S. CARY, H. F. DOUGLASS, Editors. I. p. SHADD, Tre Provincial Freeman will be devoted to Anti- Slavery, Emigration, Temperance and General Literature. [t will opeu its columns to the views ef men of different political opinions, presston on al) questions or projects affecting the people in a political way; and reserving, also th: right to express emphatic Condemnation o, all projects, having for their object in a great on remote degree, the subversion of the principles of the British Constitution, or of British rule in the Provinees. Not commiited to the views of any religious sect exclusively. it will carefully observe the eights of every sect, at the same time that a reser vation shall be made in favor of an existing dif- ference of opinion, as tu the views or actions o! he sects respectively. As an advertising medium, asa vehicle of in formation on Agrice!ture,--and as an enemy t vice in any and every cenecivable jyem, and a promoter of geod morals, it shall be made worth the pattonase of the pahtlic. dpe Lerrees, to receive attention whether for publicatiot or oa B tsiness, must be ad iressed, osi-para Ll. DB. Suavpp, Chathain, ©. W. a a ae THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser, 1S PURLISURD EV&RY SATURDAY MORNING. AT THE OFEICN OF THE PAPER, King St West, Opposite the Markst, CU ATLAS (CW Tern: @NE DOLLAR AND A HALE. ENVARIARLY IN ADVANCE. Laves Ge ADVERTISING, &. oD. ix ta ten lines, fitstinsertien, - - - 3 4 Rach xwbsegitent tuscan, mete a Ue 10 Orer ten lines, dirscinscrtion, per line - G4 Kuch stasequent insertion, por dius, - tt Ve A discount allowed whee advertisomeents re continwe:d ever Uirce montis, te Moecchants, and others, eoutracting ton ace car adyertis: on advautascots terms. te Alla iveriis torents, witha? dustracttua as 4 pelength of time, ? Ul be inserted aatil forbid, and charged accoriingly. ott aa, i t+ Aiba PRINTING OFFICH, Kine Street xt, Qupasete the Markel, CHATIOAIL Co OW. Tike PROPRIETORS OF TIA PROVINCIAL FREEMAN euid informa their Friends aad the Public, that their Oflice is supplied with all the Requisites for the execution +f every descciption of OGM & VOL PS ateter-s, EXCLUOINE PAMPUHLIETS, BELL WOARS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, FUNERAL LETTERS, LABELS, INVITATION CARDS, STEAMBOAT BELLS, STAGE BILES, CONCERT ELLLS, PRUGRAMMES, POSTING RILLS, LAW BLANKS, HAND BILLS, HANK CHECQUE PKEDS. PROMISSORY NUTES, MURTGAGEKS, MEMORIALS, he. £0... ~ &e, Ana every dexcristion of LEULTER-PRESS PRINTING in the best and Nandsontest style, with accuracy and despatch, SF" PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZRS. £73 | LAW, RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS | ed Subscribers who do not give express notice the contrary, are cousidered as wishing to con- | tinue their subscriptions. Ii Subscribers order the discontinuance Oi their papers, the publishers may coninue lo senc them tili all arvears arc paid up. If Subscribers negivet gr refuse to take their > papers froin the olfice to which they are dircetes, they are held responsible till they have settle. their bills, aad gruered thtir papers to be dtsvun- | tinued. If Subscribers remove to other places, without jnforming thc Publishers, and the paper Is sep a@ the former direction, they are held responsi bie reserving theright,as an indepen lent Journal, of .1 | ex- fae kom } GEORGE KERR, ~RALER IN No. 5, PARK ROW, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, §¢., §¢., Pratt*'s Block, Chatham, Ce w. + ANDREW HENDERSON, No. 32, Yon@e Srreet, Toronto. the Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire, Messrs. A. Ogilvie & Co.; Messrs. Howard & Fitch; Messrs. D. Crawtord & Co. faction will be given. CHARLES FLETCHER, MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, HABOWARS WERCHANT > Steveotypers, WPrintirs, any Mind WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELL Opposite Astor House, New York, And 107, Genesee Street, Auburn, C.N. MILLER --WM. ORTON,--E. MULL November 22, 1855. S01¥-) ONT TIN AT Ce ae ne See NORTH STAR SALO No. 40, Jefferson Avenue. : es - c ; Ay RON Qe eo Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, TR. JOHN WILLIAMS has jus lV up his splendid DINING SAI References--T homas Clarkson, Esq., President of | where all kinds of Choice Eatables ¢ had at any hour, Superior drinks § on hand. Friends give a call and ful JOEIN. WELIEAI BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857, -y3-n: No. 54, YONGE STREET, sale at the smallest possible advance apon the CIFARLES MARCH, ored Visitors to this City. dow Glass andLooking Giass, tor Saie, Toronto, Oth April 854. 4 NOTICE. TI ASHIONABLE BAND, are prepared to play for CON- CER Ts, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terms. Tor information apply to. EF. . JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dec.26th. 1856 v3-n19 DU, FARRAR & Co... TORONTO. GEENA aS ca Din ise, Groceries, Wanes, Liguors, §¢., No. 1d, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. REEEREN CES: Barristers-at- Laie, ATTORNEYS AND SOL Ic] LORS, fessors Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. WELLING LON STREET, TORONTO. A Bad ONES, No. 314, DUNDAS STREET, SG ee Sas I a es es C. CAYLEY & CAMERON, Ufice--CuorcH Scxger, next door to the Court House : TORONTO. WILLIAM CAYLEY MALTHEW CROOK well. TORONTO. AMITC + TA sritish and American Works imported and for AD A MS HOU S wholesale prices. SNOW OPEN at No, 38 Je ae Avenue, for the accommodation of House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, C. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will (trainer, Glazier, and Paper Hanger, in their power to make Boarders cor CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS NTAINER. | ble, and give general satisfaction. No. 29, King Srraur Was. A = Caw Hage ixed Paints, Putty, Mnamellod and Plain Wi : " ES Mixed Paints, Putty, Huamellcd and Plain Win Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3n2 at the lowest Cash prices. sci Die ON es Goi ae Be aa en eC P RROWA ae ae ie BROW N, iter Members of JONES' SANTIORN BOOT & SHOEK M Ay No. 90, King Street West, Mortimer D. FRENCH, M. D., D. UM PORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRALERS 18% i Office, cor. of Bay & Melinda Sts. PO BRONCO, Ga Wa Misses. Be ADAM Cc ROOKS, BaLtiMore Rer.--Chapin A. Tattis. A. M.. M. D. S., Thomas E. Bond, A. M.. M. D., Phillip FH. ¢ A.M.M.D.,D D.S., Washington R. Handy. M.D Dr. FLESCH has the honor of publishing the tol recommendation from the Lord Rishop of Torong also of referring to the following gentlemen:-- Toronto, Oct I&th, 1856.--*' The best reeommendation that lcan give of Dr. M.D. French Surgeon Dentist. is and moaning. At 9 oO last evening Dr. Blackman reported hij improving, with prospects of recovery. DEALER IN } that he has been employed in this family and given much ~ e Y NE - Pra ee or tb Xoo ) a i Ppp Pe f aOchey 'e satisfaction. JOHN TORONTO. Gi OCETLES ane C7) uch C1 Y va € } GoveRNMENT House, TorontoJan. 15th, 18 7.--*Dr M PD. FFench, surgeon Dentist, free both Extracted and Stop LONDON, ©. W ped teeth for me, with perfect #aceess, and with less-pain : ae to thyself than I thought posgible."--A.P. Dovue.sss, A.D At 5 o'clock last evening the wou negro was consi drd much better. ----____----t <8 6 & ee Rev. Dr. Burnes. Rev. A. Fyfe, A. W. Strachan, Esq. VW CARADA y ; : = je ee Dr. Sceatt, Dr. F. Badgley, Dr. N. Bethune, Dr. Herrick, Barrisfe $s, 5 Ges & C., Dr. J. Richardson, Dr E. Clarke, Hon, Judge Rev. H J. Gragsett, Hon. Judge McLean, Dr. F. A. Cald- Juue 14, 1857. Hexe Iam on the soil of Queen Vict The blessing I feel disp | to bestow every time L meet a black and itis very often), and reflect that v , Qe99) uy OAanOn, Office hours from 9 A. M., to 6 P. MM. eae a | Ae RS CASE God bless her! ean tSiiAe WN OTE CE. CINATI. ERSONS afflicted with the FEVER and - AGUE or the CHILL FEVER, can be lings curteucy. eS + NER A TP OM TP BOARDING HOUSS, No. 168, PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. November 1853. _ : 30 IN THE 6 DIRE INI ON SY OI NS GENT LLNS SOON STONE & TURNBULL, CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL DRY GOODS; AND Grocery Estabiishment, KHING STREET, : CHATHAM, C. W. SeptemberGth, 1855. 20 Wo. HUMBURE q OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- zens of Wind-er,-and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN: CLOTHING, at the shurtest notice, ae are = ae and in the most satisfactury manner. Having LL kinds of FURNITURE, such as BED- shals Joho B- Bb. Anderson, B. P. Churchill : ! STEADS, TABLES, CUPBOARDS, | J.C. Ellioit, J. KK. Lowe, Jas. Woolward he Cities of Charleston, S.C., and Boston, Mass., STANDS, &c., &c., can be had on the most | and KB. Carty, proceeded lo bee the game he flatiers ,himself that, by diligence and strict | -easonable terms. : : attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor, C. W., Sept 9, 1894. 25 had ample experience in his line of business in Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. ITH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET SOT Sn see "g ie tees : side, a few doors above lfuusta. OPPOSITE THE MARKET And lately erected by Messrs. Mvore § Rolph, FRE SUBSCRIBER would inform his ald and numerous Customers and Friends, that he has again QDpmened WBwuqginmess, With a Large and entire New Stock of receive of them and the Public at large, a [LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE. | rom py W. M. Connelly. od C > yal London, Jan. 7, 1856. 36 Adjoining Charteris & Baxter's Sao Milt. just the breadth of the Niagara that m all the differance between Safety anu Ua to so may of them. obliged to step and bay across the sti which bars the passage, while the hi prey can laugh at his ease at their tinp¢ A stream of running water W always stop the pursuit of withes and d4 when those public characters were openly active than they are now; an devil of Slavery, with all his incanta and spells of Compromises ; Slave Laws, has to turn back baffled v his victim has once interposed rushing of this glorious river between hi and his infernal pursuers. The bloodicunds : e GQ VANKOUGHNE? & BROTHER, vd n37-ly. Barristers, Attorneys, §c., pre eee retenntrneman ir Ofice---CHURCH STREET, ;: aS : Over "Phe Ciry Bank" Azeucy. two door South Siiscellaneous. of St. Audrew's Church, Bo ee oe ANOTHER SLAVE-HUNT IN A Triecrapnic despateh from Cincina- ti June 13th, says. 'This forenoon, eedily cuied by applying toJOHN HATTON, four of the U~. 5. Deputy Marshals were ar- Shoumaker. Bronte, 'Township of 'Trafalgar, resting a fugitive slave and his wite, the Halton County, Canada West. Price ten shil | stave stubbed one of them, Mr, J. and Boe a JOHN HATTON. with a long sword kaife, upon which anoth- o te Bronte. July t7th, £856. 44. | erol the Marsnals shot the slave Inthe ab- eS | denien dour vimes: » The neyrues were: then MRS. S. WILKINS, taken ino custody. 'Phe marshal's wound is dangerous, and the vegro's is considered to be moral. 'The alffray odcured im a room in Vine street, near the Post Tsawa black man eating his dinner terday in the yard ot a-house [ came pectedly upon in an exploring expediti Ile was a negro of th tensest kind, with no bleachery about and he had all the marks and numbers 4 As he was eating his meat wit fingers and then licking them witha r that was comfortable, if not elegant, 1 expression, L asked him where he came fr where the nezrocs were secreted." was engaed in. After the above was in type we received i Ver feb iARY 7 ces a if oe oar t ¢ uh > affair As Ge Wr MGR gaye ey VAs the fuilowl.g@ accouut of the alalr. KURWY SLOW : From the Ciucinati Commercial June 15. Lae ; TONG About te 'clock Saturdey morning a COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, | Aboat ten o'clock Saturd F bloody affur took place on Vine street, east "Irom the lower part of Virginny, m United States Marshal J. GC. Ebiot was se- e verely stabbed by a runaway negro, SOR LO Oats he was atte nyt TO Col, and the NEYO shot and desperately wounded by another of the United States Marshal's Puss. appears thit two negroes, brwin Broadus | and Avgetine Broadus (inan and wife) slaves or Colom de (le Ak NMS Oe ete | on : } annals RAISE ae ee co ae ae DRY GOODS & GI Ou RLS! ington Railroad, had for sime Gays been | concernied ia reon of the | He thanks them for past favors, and hopes to adjoining the Gaziiieotice va ths north; | "Jlow long have you been away ? 4 if Sree =; rel Sy 95 | 5 «Better than seven years, massa," he «Do youfind it easy toget along be |prsterate?? sail he, "I've lived with - time, and J reckon he won ¢ ave hept me so tons if} haln't suited, "You domt want to go back to Old Ces Was ied is rd sige | oipna, th-n. do you?" J asked db zi ee : he "Yah! yabt I, spects not!" he guffa oo out; adding, "Lf saw my old boss t' othe: The Sabscriber is determined to Sell as Low as It is said that information concerning their | possible. whereabouts was given by one uf the Une | A. B. JONES. Ae a . dJeryround Tvatlroad © folks--whether from oa se the prickings of consience, the temptations ATE Wy CABIN eT SHOP, of guld, or the instigavon of malice, we have aoe not been informed. Friday night the room ON COLBORNE STRERT, was watched, and Saterday morning ware Prants having been paocured for the arre:t ot the fugitives Deputy United States Mar- «Awd did he know you?" I asked. iy ; oP) > OY "Ife knowed me fast enough," he rep offered me six bund-ed doilars if 1 w o back wrth bin.' a 7] i lea 5 "That was very kind him.' sa "T suppose be could sell you for twelve | red in' a minute." "More'n that! said with the air of a man who did totc to be undervalued, "but I told bin thi ' ; ae repay e 5 el ger would n't go back just yet! yaly! ya massa CHARLES H. RAMSEY which had been treed. Woodward was Chatham, C. Ww Deb, 13th 1856. 50-yr | #ationed at the tray door on the roof ef the See eee eee a <A z ree a=. LAE eae" YS ONE DOLLAR AND A. HALF « INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. }SNUMBER 43 bol if re 18 heri- ues- r of tke, bec. at the bien hese iren. mer rom the the eSS, of ot gin of Alle. at, a was Be apie ross and and the The cc lv to Rail- of WIS- the uch man Ik to ive. in ert- rahi ie it rra- ake om ex nd, ub- am: 100: an- iY, Dr. hat the ve the nd ' Ze Cds ree "ith cl of } ools | Ou- | nld, { ion ---- BAYARD TAYLOR WITH THE PINNISH GIBLS. B. Taylor' kas some novel adventores tiv bis northern European tour, and met with some strange customs and cvriositiés.. In his last letter be tellsus about stopping eou- ple of nights witha very friendly old Fin- nish lady, where' he got a bed with sheets. The first night the mother and her sons were so amazed to see' him undress before rétirieag , that they were evriosity-bound, and did! dot leave the stand-pomt in the room umtil He was snugly covered up, The revelation of what they had sees, to other members of flh# fimily, produced a most wonderful audience the second night. On this oecasion, be writes:---*"hree buxom daughters, of aged ranying from sistecn to twenty two, ap¥ peared about time for retiring, and stationed! themselyes in a row near the door, where' they watched us with silent eunosity. Ags we bad showm no besstation in the first case we determined to be equally courageous now, and commenced t emoving our garments with the greatest deliberation, allowing them Levery Opportonity of inspecting their fashion red | 'thes proceeded in mutual silence, until we . ' A e and the manner of wearing them. The wor were nearly ready for repose, when by pal- ling off a stocking; and displaying a rmus+ cular calf, suddenly alarmed the youngest who darted to the door and rushed out. ° 'Fhe seeond caught the panic and followed, and the third and oldest was obliged te do like- wise, though with evident reluctance. The perfect composure of the girls and the steadiness with which they eyed us, showed that they were quite unconsious ob having committed any imporpriety." nt ee i ge A Por-SLAVERY PREACHER JN A PREE- picAMENT.--Rev. Dr. Ross, of Alabama, preached lately in a Cleveland pulpit, where ti he had the following experience: "The distinguished gentleman, forgetting that the hymnbooks tp that part of the coun- try had not been 'revised and corrected' to suit the peculiarities of pro-slaver} religion, opened the book lying upon the desk, and commenced reading a hvm® at random. 'The first four verses went off swimmingly ; but on comtyg to the fifth, the reader's face turned suddenly the colour of a blood beet, Land his v¥orce sank almost toa whisper. "What was the matter? The congregatiow referred to their hymn-books, when a broad sméle ran ikea wave of mirth all oter the hovwse--old deacons bit their lips, and strove' to look grave, and the younger chass of the congregation almost 'Jaughed right owt, [The jlast verse pronounced a curse upow fhe op- pressor, and breathed a prayer for the suf- fering bondman }. Shades of the Supremd and | Couat and the Fugitive Law! what a post tion was that fer a minister who openly con- tends that slavery is of God, até sanctioned }by Heavan! The Rev. gentheman was for /a moment nonphussed--the sttwation was t- commonly tight--but he rallied, and proved himself equal to the occasion, by shouting tet the stugers, with a face like an Indian sum- mer sunset after a storm, You will omit' the filth verse!" From Uran.--The lates dates from Uta reach the last of April. BricHam Yound had set out on bis promised expedition to the North accompanied by Presidents KimBant and Wrens. The tour will extend into Oregon, A screntific corps is attached to' the expedition, to observe the mountain' ranges and the physical geography of the region to be traversed. On the 23d_ of April, there wag a gramd departure of Mor mo. mi-sionartes from Salt Lake Crty. 'They are assigned to fields of prosefytiny labor in the United States, the British Pro- vinces, Europe and Africa. 'They eschew' mules and horses and adopt Brictam s suggestions tcf a hand-cart Journey over the Plains. 'lhe Mormon inilitia bad beew carefully reorganized. Great rejotciny# were expressed that Mormonism was rapid ly progressing, Cuttpren Drownep By Tahik Mota -- fn Leoni, near the centre of Michigan, Isat week, a colored man named Logan, who had been at much trouble regarding the tidle to his farm, went to Jackson and succeeded in obtaining a good title anda full setlement.--* His wife had labored under great anxiety in! the matter, and while Logan was absent at' Jackson, some malicious or unthinking neigh-~ bors told his wife that the property was all' Jost, and that they bad good reason to know. that her husband would be entirely unsucces-" ful. Phe Jackson Citizen gives the sad re-" sult of théir shameful condact : "This so dist essed the wife ane mother, in® view of the bard times and their destitution, ' that she determined to put an end to their lives to prevent their starvation, and immedi-' ately afer their neighbors had left, she threw her four youngest children into the well, ane then jumped ia herself, AY dash of the water, cooled her excited temper, and she crawled out again, whea her oldest boy attempted to! rescue the unfortunate little ones. He RUG ceeded in extraefing one only,---the other vuyY whey thre: were drowned 'The unfortunate wae man was tie mother of nine children. The | jury found that she drowned her three little. ones while boring under a remiperary fit of? Tnfsalany .