Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 13 Jun 1857, p. 2

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' rs € Re Ne NON ON oN ON An Fe gro PROVINCIAL SAGARA ALON RRR CHATHAM, SATi RTAY, MAY 16. 1&07. BREN AWA PikMAN PRR LRT RES te Mr. William Suill, of Philadelphia P. A. is authorized to receive subscriptions for this naper, and give Receipts for the same. oe Mr. Isaac N. Cary, Front street Toronto s authorized 16 act as ag nt for this paper. SPREING "NOTICES: SUBSCRIBERS; EDIPORS, BOSTMAST- ERS and TEACHERS, "are invited. to obtain subscriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREEMAN, torwhieh twenty per cent will beallowed. "No papers will be sent until the cash is received, ss The terms of the Fyeeman are payment in | advance, and no paper will be sent longer than paid for. Specimen numbers will. be sent. gratis upon application. a Christianity and the profession of it, had + but little*to do with that sin. This is sad. j against slavery, 'an pears against intemperance, dancing, use o! is but seldom encouraged. PROV df the same cafnestness were shown its perpetuation as ap- tobacco, and a hest of otber things, which we sce in columns upon columns of printed matier filling up reiigious perlodical-,--some more indeliblemark would be made agiiDst that prince" of sing,=chatiel slavery. No, the greatest readiness is betrayed tu have Missions to the Aeathen,--whvw are colored people, -- Lut the ciaims of the color- ed. people, in the lands from which Mis- sionaries gu, are not vividly put before a Christian people. "here must be a reason for this. A eall for a 'Revival, will oceu- py much atttention, but a Revival of heatt- Jecling" on behalf of the despised. Afiiea, Can the ears of Jehovaly in His great compassion, be bent to listen to ti.e pray- ers Ufa people, amengst whom exist with- Appress I. D. SHADD. Chatham, C. W. REMITTANCES. Allesubscription monies for this journal enclosed in lettersand duly revistered,-- | which can be done at any Post Oilice on paymeat of twocents in addition to the post- age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Sub- scribers willobli-e us and relieve us from many difficulties by forwarding their sub- scription money. by mail, as the trouble and expense.of collectiong through the country Is.very great.---1.D. s. BILLS! BILLS!! BILLS!!! We have sent a laree number of bills, to | Subscribers and hope they wth remitt to us at the earliest possible moment, as -oursub- scriptions are our only*denendence. SCHOOL FOR ALL! er's Buildings, wherein young people o both sexes are. instructed thoroughly in the primary and higher branches necessary tova goodspractical English Education, at mode- rate charges, to those able to pay. reasonable terms. and other respectable, but desfitute persons, be: «obtained. The: enterprise is praiseworthy, and will, we competent. -assistance ~ will sincerely hope, enlist public a'tention, as the tact and qualifications of the.principal. pecu- liarly fit.her for. the managementof-such a | sehool ; and an "institution 'wherem those least cared "for can have ample instrne- tion side by side with those able to-pay, must meet with general.approval.: No com- plexional distinctions: will be -made---w. a. 5. C. SATAN'S -SMILES--"REVIVALS" AND SUANERY. Itis with no irreverent 'inclination that we title this brief article as "Satan's Smi'es." Wecame-from aland-of "Revivals" and of the Bible;--from the most foremost of 'na- tions as to Education, and we trust_a land as much renowned for its "patrivtism'" and liberality, as fur Bible knowledge and» dis- eipline:*=*May*the 'land*which gave birth toa Wallace, a Bruce and a Douglass, ever be classed as one "where freedom. has.a 199 dwelling! But to-the cause of the title.-- Weeweekiy -observe notices of "Revivals," in various chureles and congregations in the United States. We "sroaning"' article (weemust -be truthful. in uiso. notice a our terms ) occasionally iv our Canadian | religious periodicals, of an. imprecatory kind, that. such revivals should be *n. Cana- ada... We-ask, do these churches 'which.so "ery aloud," in Canada,. know the position they~are in, as to the Slavery question ? They will,--their_editors we. mean and. cer- respondents.as > well,--likely point to vari- ous" references in their "religious periodi- cals" as to Slavery, and though short, as they seem all to ne, yet express a kind of horror .at the trade and traffic. But do they look farther.--No.--If they did; and searched such perodicals from their com- menceiment, and their chureh records also, they would not find. any article against fel- lowshipping with pro-slavery bodies of the United Statss.- No.--Slavery is one thing and "crying oul" in a pungent and a sincere style against perpitualing the of Slavery. is another. sin It does seem 'strange to a sincere ob- ? of slavery embrace server, that the "woes' but.a small share. ofthe space of any,:of our religious spapers; and that is, whena comment of 'any kind is made. ~ How sel- dom that is done, in a Jand and Continent whére-tiié horrors. of chattel slavery» exist, must bé apparent to every one who reads a religious paper. It would seem that as a | enrlaving their feilow men? The School taught by Mrs: Amelia Free- man. Shaddy is' still' in operation in String- -- Drawing, Painting, are also taught, on most | Mrs. Shadd will afford: Educational 'facil- | ities, gratis, to the children of poor widows | really needing «such. aid,. and fto that end, | oul the protest or remonstrance,--plans fir We read in | the public press, day by day, accounts of the fitting -out of Slayers in the land. of the 'revivalists,--in that land held 'out -- to us ii some of our Canadian papers, as au There in that land of revivalism, we read | | | | examp'e fur "revivals !? | eVsN | | hsuch as this-(May 11, 1857)--"Hurly this | Spling three men of color actuated by the | 'loveof liberty, made an attempt. to gct to the: countay where the sable: sons of Africa are regarded as men, but they were scen and pursued by five men (one a meniber of the Baptist Oburch at Vienna, two mem- {CIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY AD Oe EE ee as ! and so long as such exists, the indian, Af- | be Bl tican and Asiatic, and their descendants, | Henry Jackson of this Town, has opened will look in vaiae for a recognizing of the | claims of common humanity. But there are "revivals" in the States, north and south western and Pacific, and because such are recorde{ in the journals of the day, they must be acknowledged as of divine origin! Aud our Canadian Wesleyan Methodi t, Baptist, Congregationalist, and Methedist Episcopal also, must put the records of | such before us, and continually by their fu'- -omeness, pollute a Canadian atmosphere, by calling on Canadians tofollow the exam=- ple! "From all such may the good Lord déliver us," should be in Canada" the ear- nest pray of every truthful follower ef Je- Anotber.taken. from the land_of "evt- vals" we here add--"(May 1857) A man in Pulaski county, in the state of Kentucky a few days since, whipped his slave to such an extent that he died. He punished him six mornings in succession, and on the sev- enth the slave died. The negro desired to see his wife, who was owned by, and lived with another:party.. The master re- fused permission. 'The negro disobeyed and visited his wife in the evening, return- ing carly nent morning: For this the wn- fortunate man.was whipped to death. The who committed the inhuman = act But we could fill vo!- brute made his escape." umes from our exchange papers, and other authorities, as to. the.atrucity of Slavery, and its manngement, and of its brutality and inhumanity. Do the churches in the United States rise in their misht, and frown the system of iniquity out of their bers*of the Christian or Camp! ellite church (Baptis's) and two' others, and final'y eap- "tured and taken to Louisviile--for which , valiant.deed ther orpressors received the -sum-of $450. Oue of these poor oppressed creatures was an old grey-hatred man, who 4 _was thus taken and sert back to perpetual pjoy the blessings of liberty. for) which r fathers fought, and which they declared This icked deed, done by..prefessed Christians be the inalienable rights of all. but an' example » of: thespiiit which «still Music, © na) -Am. Baptist N.Y. viewed: by manyrin "that land of revi- 39 7? asia Very iunocent thing. "The other y we saw the names of several Divines, _atWNew -Youk, who had withdrawn from the . Young Men's. Christian Associ ition, there-- vandas the: subject of other member. also the 'associztion on seceded from same grounds. -- A. "land: of ~reviva!s",--style such, a "land. of. Satan's smiles. | Again «we read--+'Recent. intelligence , states that the slave trade in Cuba has been revived with all its former vivlence. Haidly a day passes. .without.we hear of a vessel -_being-despatehed to the Coast, aul it is to "be regrelled that~ the Americans are the most willing to engage "in the prohibited 'traflic, Several fine vessels have been pur- | chased quite recently, and lefy New York port for parts 'unknown, -- certain New PYork merchants are large shareholders in | this kind of . speculation,--doubiless. sore | of the principal fortunes in New York at | this present time, owe their origin toa suc cessful venture in the African trade. Orleans has also furnished a goodly number | of fast sling schooners and brigs, the most 'of whie » were despatched there for lawful | trade on.the Coast, but are now believed to | have gone on some other errand," ithe Alta California of 20th April, states | "that a bill was introduced into the assem- | bly for admitting the testimony of Indians, _Negroes and Astatics,in judicial proceedings _ where whites are.concerned, but was de. But this is in the land of "revivals," for we see feated br a'strong negative vote!" "in Canada papers the revivals in Cal.fornia | referred to! Sheer hypocrisy,--for if the | professed Christians tz all the United States, north and south, would purify their churches, and expel Slavery and Slavery fellowship, from within, them honest people might look favorably on a reference to "re- vivals;"---but where that iniquity is kept within the church, and countenanced by ministers of religim, the "revivals" with such honest people cannot otherwise be looked upon, but as "Satan's Smiles!" See in thé lind of the Turk, the reidi ness of compliance with a demand for jus- tice... In the. European news per Ocean Steamer, May 18, we notice that 'letters from Smyrna-state that a ship belonging to Tripoli, with 45 slaves on board, had been seized at I'chesme, on demand of the British Consul. General--and the Munici- pal Council of Smyrna had given orders to have the slaves set at liberty." This is in Turkey, Yet we admit that in Massachu- setts, and other States (north) we find noble declarations against Slavery; but such are of little avail, whiére, in the aggregate, the priine sin and iniquity 1s nursed 27 the churches and amongst professing Christians bondage for no other crime thin a desire to | Slavery must | New | Also i paleand bounds ? NO! "The American Cteurches are the bulwarks of Slavery 2'-- _ (Birney ) | 'lo the consciences of the Regulat Baptist, Episcopal Methodist-and of the Congregationalist, in Canada, we Wesleyan, appeal, and ask of them,---is it right that.any 'system or process of fell. wshipping with | pro-slavery, silent and dnmb religious 'bodies, of the United States, should be en- ecuraged and tolorated by you, in. Canada, when 'a gross iniquity as chattel slavery stares you in the face? Is it right that you should evale the rights and humanities of the colored people in Canada? And it 'you deny this, on any oceasiur, be sure to | produce proof of some satisfactory kind, 'that your respective bodies have all along | "been free from the fellowship alluded to, land that you have condemned: the same in ithe pulpit, and out of the same and that "your religious periodicals show a similar | | testimony. But this is vanity. _ Atas! thay lwe are are compelled to write so. Tn conclusion we beg to refer our en 'quiring and thinking readers to the May | ; * . 'number of the "Canadian. Pre:byter"? for F Be Ew CapineT Ware Rooms.---Mr. Cabinet Ware Rooms next door to the Weslevan Methodist Church King Street, where the citizens of Chatham and the coun ty will find articles of furniture, dura- ble, beautiful and cheap. Mr. Jackson is one of the best workmen in the Western Country, is polite honest and industrious, and isin every way worthy of liberal patro- nage.--M. A. §. C. Propicious.--The Rev. Thos, I. Da- | -vidson, of the Regular pro-stavery Baptists, at Brantfurd C. W., bas been' serving his cause through the Brantford" Herald ~ by publishing a vituperative aud to him no doubt, a very powerful articlé against Mr. Douglass one of the Editors of this paper. The "Chris- tian Messenger" of the same persuasion and town is "out" in a similar strain. They shall be'attended "to next -week.--™M. a.s. Gc. Te 2 3 eee Very Smart [ypgep.--Whencoppying the able Under Ground *R. R. "Report fur- nished for ¢his paper, in the "Frederick, Douglass Paper," the words 'of our corres- pondent commendatory of the "Freeman" were magnanimously (7) omitted---M. A.'S, C, : £#" We beg to call attention to the advertismentof a cottage sale, to be found in another place; the prurpeity is in god location and will be 'disposed of on most reasoable terms. cent <> > Nae A large number came into this county lately ; a great many of Emiyrants have singly, and in one company night before last, four families from Pennsylvania. The U. J G. R. R. also does handsomely.--m. A. 8. 0. Miss.. Greenfild the '"'Black-swan" will be in Chatham ere long: A rare musical treat may be anticipated. 23S ae fia The Errickson arrived at New York,| June 10th no foreign news of importance. oom Townsend' the the Murder is safely lodyed in Toronto Jail. EE 28 eee Asa means-of removing pain _frum-the | body, no medicine has.ever acquired a re- putation equal to Perry Davis' Pain Killer. The sale of this article has exeeded all be- 'lief. ~But ithas | sufficient -- Newport & Covington (Ky.) News. Sold by medicine dealers generally. real merit, and that is 4 A Word of Caution We are satisfied 'that ina majority of eases where coughs terminate in Consumption, a resort to some Balsam of Wild Cherry, weuld have saved the life and healt of the sufferers. | . : f 'a good article on "Revivals," which has | come are con- under our notice as we "eluding this paper,--and t)ere are ccecaslu! ally, very earnest and solid thoughts. to i found in the Evangelical Witness of Lio don, C. W., a publication worthy of ul New Connexion Methodists of Canada, y * May 25th 1857. NV ASS _ISN G. Messrs. I. D. Shadd & H. I. Douglas both of this office, will visit many of tl towns and cities in Western and Easter Canada, immediately, for the purpose of prq 'moting the interest and prospects of this pé per, andthe cause of humanity. generall Mr. Shadd will act as canvasser &c., whil Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from tour in the Western states, where he ha 2 lobes ba Si) spoken with great acceptance, will Lectur extensively as well as canvass, and we knov satistactorily. Bothare young men, and ard labouring, in the cause of human rights, an for the spread of intelhgence among Canadi- in refugees. We hope the Liberty-loving people of these Provinces, will give them aid in thei work.--M. A.S. C. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. smart, active and intelligent boy abou fourteen years of ave. Apply at this Office. One able to read and writs pre- ferred. : Re Emigrants and others intending to purchase farms or other property and recentl arrived fugitives &c,desiring employment, in formation about lands, &c., will find it ta their advantege to enquire for, and to cal at the "Freeman Office," where they will be enabled to get such information as will sav4 them future trouble, and. will be profitable to them, free of charge. As parties at distance and-hereabouts;-frequently write to and confer-with us concerning lands we | have decided to open an agency also, wher | their businesss will be attended to on reason able terms. { az potent .yet. simple remedy, like Wistar's J For the Provincial Freeman. Messrs Kprror:-- Having inan article written for your journal somotime since, made inquiries into he causes why so few of the colored: portion of Her Majesty's subjects were at present ta- king. advantage of the enticements afforded | by the institutions of learning in this our {: Canada, and receiving no reply to my inquis- itive, but I hope pertinent questions, } beg t, | lay before the minds of your readers a few of '4# the many that through my mind on the important matter of thouchts, enligthning the minds of a mass of this com=.tdpap a few "healthy, fat fellows," and thus munity. Whilst I write perhaps some youthful ming have crowded' is pondering how to commence. the underta- king ; to such, and J hope there are many of the kind, allow me to address myself ina manner, which I hope they will duly appre- ciate, as comiug from one wh» has their case at heart. If you, pondering youth, have ac-{ ing them all aside, I mean by bad habits, such evils, as, are countenanced in fashiona- | ble sociaty, for instance "smoking" -"'chew- ing," card playing inall its forms and dan-4,. eT who follows these vices up, need no more ex- Leth 2 cing, the latter two particularly, as any one, pect to make true men and women of them-4 at free negroes awa quired any bad habits, you must b2gin by lay- | keep g y mo selves, than' to look for "Figs of thistles." fan Cast away all such heathen® Gods, all such suicidal practices murderers of both body and soul; then having pnt on with Divine help a breast plate of steel, press for. ward towards that great prize, your moral re depmtion : Once having taking in hand to cultivate th intellect look not behind, "sigh not for 'ig flesh pots of Egypt," neither manifest Bs such symptoms, by reading the romantic tra fi with which our young country is fast bene tlooded, as it can never help to form ides but on the contrary, is well suited to eaten every young mind and totaly unfit one fora : high mental action, such works may be ed teemed by Yankee ladies, but should notte suffered to remain one moment in the " ds of Canadians, just think of people liyin in . country, where the y are phy sically Tes sf making themselves slaves toa t ny ofth named vicces. eae Your time is precious, every mo be carefully hoarded, -- a mine hoe ee specie, but unlike.that article, these Wir ae should be used ina wise manner, if yon fe a sire the.result.to be-felty-as~it --should ~be suid has been in many past instances. he many of the Janguages have' been studied how many of the sciences acqiured to . greater or lesser extent throngh the medium of what might -have been considered leisure moments, by your Franklin's,Clarkés Burrits pnd many others! What has once been done ay be done again. Sthive 'then to do like. wises _ Chose as a foundation for yout studies trea les on mathematics, with this solid basis to begin with and having a determination to keep your foot on the first round of the ladder till you have strength to attempt anotier there by saving yourself the mortification of slip- ing backward, pry into the hidden bewarios of learning with the staff of acquisition. Thug equipped and with the Bible for yoar guide go forward with ploding patience toward the object you wish to attain; stand to yor pur- pose with the steadiness Hes : i exemplified by the planets in their orkits and my i eee nd my word you will ALONZO PRY. "Dr. BARKEB'S VIEW OF KENT. AND CHATHAM, <= "The wheat crop looks well, _and there seems a great breadtit sown; but an intelligent farmer at Chatham tells 'me that be fears a failurie, on account of the _back wardness Gf the season; for says lie, "if we cannotitake off the crop before the 15th of July, the wheat is sire to suffer from must, caused by the 'fogs of that time!" | Wha mission! And then, the un- h i climale, "Fever and Ague, Even and other low fecvrs, are the neteee "inmates of every. mai's domicile; gs that we occasionally hear of mm Eas- 1 Canadas Why, th-refore. should. the aving to go West exist? There is nothing here equal to what we have at home--= neither good schools. good suciety, good roads, or good he tih;' and yet there is the continual craving for it. Wel, we must bide our time--and when this section of the Province gets filled-tp, and immigrants can iot go to the rocky shores of Lakes Huron and Superior, they will begin to turn their tention eastward, and find out, too late for fie satety of thir pockets, that they bave assed by and despised better and cheaper nds than they have come to come to 'oc- upy. *% * ® * * * * 4 Chathamn is a lively and stirring town, of ve or six thousand souls. "Jt was at one ime cursed with a black pop dation," but be colored race is decreasing rapidly and yi.l soon be no more troublesome than those h the more eastein "cities.--Slavery is oubtless a great crime and a great evil, ut-keep-negroes away from Canada, say I. 'bey are unfited tor: this: cold climate; the eople generally are unfiiendly to them: and br their own happiness they should not be peouraged to emigrate hither. Or if rought here by abolitionisis and_ other fa- atics, the same people should be induced or ompelled to assist. in their emigration to untires farther south; more congenial to leit indolent habits "and "dispositions. To which the Planef of this town replied. Then the truthful Doctor dialates upon he unhealthinss our climate, a finer than hich is not in British America or any of e Northern States. 'That "fever and ague, eittant, and other low fevers, are the bastant timmates of every man's domicile," a libel of the grosses and toulest nature, be object of which it is wholly imp issible rus to perceive.--It 1s passing strange if skness isso provaleut in Kent and Chatham Ww it rewains so. remarkably healthy! 'hen the country was without clearings, diainsor improvements as in all new countries fevers were of somewhat common, occur- rance; but we will gurantee to say that now and for the past six or eight years, Chatham and the surrounding country will bear com- parison, in reference to health, with even the egotistical Doctor's own beloved Kings- % * 2 : owike a Briton the Doctor talks about "Geplored race," how philanthropic he 1s, vow he compliments them! We almost Wonder that, as.the Doctor was on his way to StLouis, that he did not endeavour to "Assist io their emigration to countries further Soth!?: He might:have made a handsome He ek" out of it, seeing that "money is very: icht bere " The Doctor like his friend "IMitehell,"? probably would not object to a Plantation. well stocked with negroes, Alabama" © 'The Doctor too, is, a charm- ely consistent man: he abbors slavery; but from Canada" says is large hearted and loyal Editor! He fies,the stave--Canadians treat them badly GQ the country is' cold," "and "for their n happiness they should not emigrate here?" es, he sympathizes with them; he is as 'as a bowie-knife,--as affectionate as Wiahawk! Ifthere is one thing more nanother that we detest it is to heara pieondemn slavery, curse tbe slavcholder H¥et refuse to put outa helping land to Ure freedom for the slave. Dactor Bar- sig

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