Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 11 Apr 1857, p. 4

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REAL 43% 44 cz Please Call before you Buy. £3 _. eireulation. "liberal share of patronage, peste eS tas, A a ER ar Eh ce PS PRI Gh NETS Sp er a oT ge - WE? NOTICE. WIE undersigned begsto inform the public generally, pirat he is prepared to furnish the following articles by elesale and Retail: AXE HANDLES, PICK AXE HANDLES, {ADZE HANDLES, BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &e., Made in the best manner. so, BY RETAIL, : of the best quality, in complete Also, AL Hew BUCK SAWS. F fg fer service. Also, Axes ready Handled. fandies put into Axes. and other Tools. T. SMALLWOOD 'S Saw Factory. York Street, No. 88. NOTICE. ERSONS afflieted with the FEVER and AGUE or the CHILL FEVER, ean be speedily cured by applying to JOHN HATTON, Shoemaker, Bronte, Township of Trafalgar, Halton County, Canada West. Brice ten shil "lings currency. JOHN HATTON. Bronte, July 17th, 1856. 14-ff. "The Children's Paper." PUBLISHED AT TORONTO T. HELSONS SOR: &. FFN\ERMS.--12 copies' monthly, per annum-- one dollar, eighty cents. 100 copies, monthly per annum-fift-en dollars, Sent post free through- out the British Provinces. No subscriptions for Jess than twelve copies received.--Is issued in Toronto on tht first of each month, payable in advance. Post Cffice orders payable to T'. Nelson & Sonus. é (Mesers, Nelson's Works and "Children's Paper' are weil known in Britain, and in Canada, and recommended as faithtul and pure.) Stratford, Dee, 10th 1856. v3-n2] PSHE Subscriber would inform the citizens of Chatham, that he has removed his LIV- ERY SLABLE, to the Corner of King & William Streets, where wil be found, at all times, Open and- Covered Buggies, GOOD HORSES, And Steady DRIVERS, if necessary Charges will be-as moderate, as the times will admit. 'Persens are requested to call and examine the Turnouts ABRAHAM -RAYNO. "Chatham, Dec. 8, 1855. 22-1y G. W. BRODIE, ESTATE AGENT AND General Intelligence Office. ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a » Corner of King and William Streets, CHATHAM, CW. {5th August, 1855. 18-tf COTTAGE FOR SALE. . NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. For parti- culars apply to D. LEONARD, at the of J. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., Rankin's Building. Chatham, June 6th, 1856. tf PROSPECTUS. RIE ILLUSTRATED, Ses A NEW FIRST CLASS Grama ilys NM GUIS DAwSrre, Devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts bo Entertainment, Improvement.and Progress. PusiisHep WEEKLY, AT $2 a Yuar. BY FOWLERS & WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. _ office > Itisour purpose to furnish a journal, which, "bound to no patty, sect, or theory, embracing every human interest, and furnishing food for all the faculties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide LITERATURE, in the form of Original Essays, Historical, Bio- graphical; and Descriptive Sketches of Travel and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, ana Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, * "with choice selections from the leading periodi- eals of Europe, will form a prominent feature, The great field ot SCIENCE, in all its departments, will be explored, and all new discoveries laid before our readers in a popular torm. Tue Arts, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, 'and Manufactures, will receive attention, and 'ne invention or improved process will escape our netice. AGRICULTURE § HORTICULTURE, = in which so large a portion of our people are en- gaged, will demand at our hands special con- "8ideration. We shall endeavor to elevate still more the standard of Mecaanicat INpusrry, and te .develop and bring to light the latent talent and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans, PHYSIOLOGY _) and:the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- sical development and the promotion ef health will have a prominent place in our columns, EDUCATION, in its broadest sense wil! be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col- lege, school, and shop, we snall try to render the pursuit of knowledge easy and attractive, He NEW BOOKS ~--will be carefully and candidly noticed, and where » their importance seems to demand it, critically teviewed. In the department of : +:» GENERAL NEWS, we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a tarefully prepared summary of passing events, bath foreign and domestic, and recording all signs ef progress in every department of life. 'lag Markets. will be carefully reported, and such general, commercial, and financial intormation iven as the interests of our readers demand. THE FAMILY CIRCLE. We shall make our paper a w?lcome and valued 'sitor atevery irsside, Tae 'Jutoren will find, sachnumber, 2s nug corner set apart for their gsemec! andif: fruction.; -| i e Of CAL wm GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY TAD Ae | ALTERATION OF TIME.. o ie ' ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the 281 GOING h NOVEMBER, Traias will run as-followss-- |; EAST. OF On GOING DDI RRR RRA AR ARR RRR RR en ene PRD NA Ne eI mM e Mm wa z a : 5 bd a Oy a s STATIONS : ° : H 3 a z x s | 5 B Z <4 ~ : é ; = < = jetty = A.M. A.M. P.M. Peo. Windser, departs.¢./.|) 9... 6.00 ~ ees 10.25 12.20 7.45 PROCH OSL Rysee oS Gseaicaretll emieiesd eos ee Sats 1.15 --. Baptiste Creek... ...| sas = Ses whee 2% 2.00 oo ehagibam.. <3. 5 occas 7.40 Spek 12.05 2.50 9.25 Ehamesville .s...3.031-"255° fh (ES? Ae Ae as 8.30 bid. POL Willan Hees ee ee oe 8.38 <tt3 P.M. 4.05 e665 WWerrdsvill@s. conc, 5 ocala a 8.45 St aes 1.05 4.30 10.25 Mosa2 i Ak oe Sroces 9.00 Sos ose Sons 4.55 Sse Die ee cc oes oe: a eiee 9.23 eres 1.40 fo 27 vie ee DEE DEG COS 4 a, 3) os acess 9.38 cane nde 6.00 As ISOMOkan ces ee See 9.48 ete 2.04 6.30 11.25 (acs WNRIVE 62.5) AM 10.13 sees 2. S6 7.00 Ft.50 Wepart.. tee 0. 00 10.25 asec 2.55 pee 12.00 Edwardsburgh....... 4620 S soos Sore on 14 AG ots A.M. EAPersol kes PAS 11.05 late, 3485 cere | 12.40 DEACHVINC es Saco sc | 1. DD Ee! 70 2 3.45 ee 8 oes Woodstock, ..-......| =8. 10 11325 ae 4.00 ae 1.00 Hastwood: vie ee ec. 8420 oe Shek 2 S5o2s Bare icc Brntétons.. 05s. sen 8.42 eat Sects 25d ebie4 Pet ne Arrive 24 Pog eo By P.M. wid bee sees Brel alits 6 Depart... ...-| 9.06 12510 eed 45 BOG) 1.45 P.M. Preston, depart ..«:... ~ 6-60 sae 1.95 fie Bt Sask od coos Galt domes. 8.45 arene Le20 ORO LAGE aes Gari airive Se 5. 2 217 14. 85 eos b cbas 6.50 sens DOae Preston, dG: ts... e.5 1: E150 atk Sis Ts 10 Bras <AR Fairchild's Creek.....| 9.30 12236 2.10 5.10 «tase wack VianSiekOs: oe sc oo 9699 ee 2 OF Betas Sa Bsc COpetOW A. as eb es 15) Oe bd eee 2.45 | sees ue Boo PlamDOr0' sts, oa oc) 0 9 ee 2.585 ware eae ae ee Duwdasé&. "cit pea iry 10.68 Sens 3.05 5.40 ee Sees Hamiltea ATtiVer «m,| 10.30 ln 15 3.30 6.00 a 2.55 Depart ons ele OO 1.40 3.40 6.15 eueses 3.05 Orntarides «sae os ew Sd BLD Ses 4.17 Sides S ie St Des Grimsby oi Pee sit P6122. 16 4.43 6.47 Tela Plci ge Beamsville ..0.. 0.2.22] 11.40 dees 5.05 sas ees Sie HOTUNDSSS «seal ke onus. Bee lol. OS Sic OE Ses es ee P.M. Si Catharines: ..c pes. 112320 9255 5.53 Lala rem 4.15 dehoraldes s 5.50 ecees aa | L230 3.05 6.25 oe a iene Niagara Falls, arrive ..| 1.00 3230 7.10 7.50 rene 4.50- a | WEST. {zg The Company's Time Tables can be ob * Flag Stations. a of vi ad a e g 5 W FS = 5 S STATIONS. s B SI S 4 : a = bs 3 = = 2 < S) 2 "2 Pa S) Zz 5 oes | : te a ee es P.M. P.M. Niagara Falls, depart..| ..... He aes 11.15 2.40 A Th.20 Helrolde-..... Seles 8.07 Ree 3.05 Rees eet Sta Gathtritvess? . ..27. EES} @. S217 12250 3.20 Share | jis keaan JOLUAN Steed oe Aree 8.33* ecaes 38.42 COGS ised Beamsville:. .... ss seeds aha Ns 8.48 P.M. 3255 se Boe TLC le tee ee a eee SoS, 9.03 12223 4,07 Peta See OnUAHO ce . gers: sas ca SO 9.167 ere A* 20) AEE AM. : Arrive ... Neer 9.40 1D BE 4.50 P.M. ¥205 piston ae: Leaning 9-007 PTO 75.00? Stee Ee BY) DGS <n oe cl ee 10.10 cde 5.20 445 | Se Hlamboro ts ye oo Coe 10.20 "Ae 5.30 5-00 Bee Copetown. «2. ces ss, Se ors 10 130 ee 5.45 5.15 Boos NMansickles' fei 292h% wees 10.42 ae De OM 5.50 pe Fairchild's Creeks.) > 24 i L053 2.10 6.09 6.02 Seek ELOStOM, GEDalts css sys 2 4s a 8.30 1.05 baie ects ae Galt 0.2 sas ee aes 8.45 1220 a. Soe wee Gil S7alllve MASE shies oe 11.30 go 6.50 6.50 A oe Prestow, UG ft. sce os | 11.50 Ae o TAO Pepe vee Pans Se0 60-00 see oe locas lee 2.35 67337 oH 2545 Princeton: 2. Sa Ue Ss 8S HP 11 45 Aol 6.52 rs Srile HASIWOOUl: Saree cel ee P.M. oe fos Uy i aA aca ee WVG0dS10Cks.~5 siebeeucras ecusas 12S 3315 To21. en BeOS Beachvillesed esse Sl wv ve os 12325 on 7.40 char nee, diiversetls -s0sai yt. we 1 Bw 8.235 T2d5 ancl fi 3.59 idwardsburg.s-...2c, -o--* | te. 05" Spe 8.15 ae ae Avuivets 93 | a. Ms Tes 1b 4.15 8.35 Reon 4.40 London Boom cc B60 |. 1.40. | 4.30 ase cane 4.50 Komtokay . 08. 208. Poa 29.07 2.05 4.55 foes means yes tg) MteBrydgesy. us ee] <O.80e 2 18% 5.10 sities cues cies Hlcinid es. cee sees 80. 05 2.32% 5.27 teas wéie wget MOsat sin. ses 2 bonis 1 OZ50 oss 505 nee ae 1d. Wrardsvilleze. «is ese. atv 11.20 B57 6.10 es oe. 6.30 beth wall. sin . Sarde. cote 1b. 0 3.15 a2 be Peeyee se Sees Ahamesville...¢ 6.2 cl 12.20 S teks eee Seles Sty oe eis « P.M. Chitiiam..c. nce 5 e 125 4.07 tere doce yoo i ai) Baptiste Creek ......| 2.10 es si see coe. eee eee Rochester 4.2.5). 622) 29-55 ek coee Silene o 786 sews Wioindson, arrives. ..02i7. 3.50 5.45 9.05 DoOO6 5006 9.20 OIA AMAA ARADO) PAAR AADADAAAAL ARN AAANL AAA AANA AAA AAA RADRNAS tained on application at any of the Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. NEW DRUG STORE. CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Youge Street, one door south ot Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFES, &c., and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accurately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or a competent Assistant, always in attendance. Toronto March 30, 1855. 6-ly a R & RES YW & y iY BARGAINS. OF BOOTS AND SHOES, aT Lhe English House, No. 80, Yonge Street, One Door North of Adelaide Street, poey HAWKE begs to apprize the Citizens of Toronte, and the inhabitants of the sur- rounding neigbourhood, that he has on hand a choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- tlemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOKS, Which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for Cash. BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER, By superior Workmen, from the best materials and at the the shortest notice. ; Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the above Stock. ia" Remember the "English Boot and Shoe Store," | STREET. No. 86 Yos ge Street. PROVINCIAL FREEMAN ANI DOGTOR DELANY, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,| N AS permanently located his Office and Re- URRAY.STREET, First de-sidencezon Med door .East | TTE practices in Chronie Diseases, and the AL Diseases of Women and Children, in par- jooU. MONTGOMERY. & € ti€ular, #3 f= & e oucts BAe Ca AERENCES t J. P. Gazzam, Esq. M.D., Grorce M. Cook, Esqg., M. D., Late Prof. of Surgery inthe Washington Medical College, Baltimore, Md.--Pittsburgh, Pa. . Chatham, March Ist, 1857. is Kontreal Boot & Shoe Store, ------$- CORNELIUS H. CHARITY NA OULD respectfully announce to his nu-~ merous Customers, and the Publie gehe- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Siior -EsTaBLISHMENT- of his Brother, J. H.-CHariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assortment of, ; BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS of every'deSscription, and of the latest style, suit able for Spring and Summer wear. He will keep constantly on hand, a large stock of his own Manufacture, of every description. Measures will be taken, and work made to order. LADLE LE? WRAR will be kept in endless varieties, and of the lates fashionable style, viz.:-- Boots, Gaiters, Buskins, Shoes, Shippers, French Tres, Sc. Having a thorough and practical knowledge of t 'e business, he feels prepared to render satisfac- t 'onto all who may favor him with a call. COUNTRY VSARCRANTS vishing to purchase, by wholesale, will find it c their advantage to call, as he can supply them cheaper than any other Establishment in this part of the Province. Repairing Gone with neatness and despatch. ie Cattat Comnettus H- Caarrry's; just four doors below the Royal-Kzchange Holel, King-St. C. H-CHARILY. Chatham, March 7th, 1856. 43-tf PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, THE SATURDAY KV ENING--POST: ESTABLISHED AUGUST: 41u, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 N issuing their Prospeetus for 1856, the propri- etors of the Post take it for granted, that the public are aiready tolerably well acquainted with ihe character of a paper that has grown strong during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY- FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been as it remains to be, to publish a weekly paper for the family circle, which shall not only amuse but also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. .To accomplish this object, the best artiy cles are selected orcondensed from foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original artielcs of an instructive character, procured when possible, Letters from-E'oreign. Lanids;.the.most interest- ing portions of the Weekly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adventnre and Character; Se- lected and Original Articles upon Agriculuure ; Account of the Produee aad Stock Marlrets; and a Bank Note List are included ameng the solid information to be constantly found in the Posr, But the mind requires a wider range--it has faculties which delightin the humorous and lively the imaginative and povtical. These faculties also mist have their appropriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in- tellect becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not ableto take an enlarged and generous-view of human natureand its destiny. To satisly 'these fleaven-implented cravings of our mental being, | we devote aefair proportion of the Pos to FIC: TION, POETRY ang HUMOR. Among our contribators itt the first two 'of the above departments, are several of the most gifted | writers in the land, We also draw freely for Fiction and Poetry, upon the best periodicals in this country and Great Britain. We design com- mencing a New Story by Mrs. Sournwortra, author of " The Deserted Wite,? "Miriam," &c, in our first paper for January next, Engraving s--illustrative ofimportant places and actions, of Agriculiural and other new lnven- tions, with others of a ELumorous, though refined character, are also freely given. The Postage on the Post to any part of the | Unite States, pail quarterly or yearly inadvanee dt the ollice where it is reecived, is ouly 26 cents agycar: Terms.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, il paid in advance; "Fhree Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, one copy 1s sent three years. _We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Oliice. 4 Copies, - - 8 do 13 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do (and f to the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in British Norlh America nus remit (menky-five cents in addition to the subserip- tion price, as we have to prepay the United States postage. LIGIONS TO CruBs.-- Any person having sen the money and names for a Club, may add new names to it at the same rate, provided the latter will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listds. We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have "all the subscriptions in each Ciub end atthe same time, and thus prevent confusion. ; The money for Clubs must always be sent in advance. Whenthesum is large, a draft should be procured if possible--the cost: ot which may be deducted from the amount,: Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one address, when they can e753 con veniently, The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have subscribed. A New ARRANGEMENT.--Our subscribers will take notice that we now have no collecting agents out of this State. 'hey will therefore please remit to us direct. All persons addressing letters to us should be careful to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live. Ald letters must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, wil] please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Post- Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &e. DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia. ia N.B.--Any Person desirous of recewing a copy of the POST, as a sample, can be accommo- dated by notifying! te Fublishers by letter, (post paid) perannum #5 |. ADELAIDE (and L to the getter up of the Club) #10 | AL shall be. offered'to their Gusto ope y "coops, Come One!--Come All! "And if our friends from the Country and | And they are determined | ot the Societies and Religious: bodies: in the ssuch <principles to Tor aer } humane practices, ina Free ant a Brarrisu Pro- Ne _ Were brought into this market k y s od SUCCESSORS TO BROOKE & MONTGCMERY, d-tha partments of STAPLEAND FA -- PULLIN ERE, : GROCERIES, LIQUORS, §c, ) Our Stoe ateT rim, sand wey ean show the Flandsomest, t heap nd the mosv-Gom plete Steek ever brought intothis Towu. f dtis onr determi ination..that. 9ur..prices shall.be., REDELY LOW. Town, will bear in mind that there is *« Glove money wade by sabing it, than there "48 tm eavning tt"? No doubt our Store will be crowded by those wishing to Make the most of a pollar!? We advise an early call, as those who come first, will get the first Bargains!! C-MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposite the Royal Exchange. KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May 2nd, 185%.. ly. Elo MON PIB, French Boot and Sve maker, YONGE STREET, Third -Dvor below Elm, West Side, ¥2EGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle- i) men of Toronto, and Vicinity, that he is ¥ Xtra inducements | mers in=all the de=} - IOY «fs: prepared to execnte all orders in the above line, o their satisfaction. fe also keeps constantly | on hand,.asupply of BOOTS and SHOES, of evers variety and finish, s Jec. 1st, 1855 31 'NEW GROCERY -- PROVISION, STORE, HE Subscriber having openeda GROCERY = and PROVISION STORE. on OTE ION |S Be ET. z (Third door East of Duimmer,) Would respectfully solicit a share of public 4 patronage. He willendeavor, by selling Cheap, for Cash, to make it an induceme! t to purchasers to give bim a call, and by strict aention to busi- Ness, to merit the confidenge of 14 public. JOH.' WURPHY. | Torento F :e. 23. 7854 (New Notice--1856--No. 10.) Slavery--Republicanism. -----. --_---- In the name of Iumanity I make this APPEAL to Cawaprans! Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Period- icals, &e., &€., (some of theny icorret copies) Unitep Srares, which are named 'below, are circulated and sold in Canada, by colporteurs (book carriers) by Tract Societics and by others. These American societies and bodies Lhave un- remittingly forsome time past, publicly denounc- ed and.proved,.as..PRo-Shaver vor SiLpnr,-and some (if not all) formed specially on a Repusnr | CAN Basis, or foundation, and Opposed even on | our .BrivisH institutions. | Though many of these Societies, &c, have been | SHAMBD- as it were, (since religion', humane, and | Godwise prineiples are apparently trampled un- foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in-. vinee, yet Lam ledto believe that clandestinely or otherwise, such evil practicés are Gontimued and ehicourageéd. [ therefore apparar to all Laymen in Canada,-- to all men, and women of Humaniry who are op- posed to the sin and curse-ol Sravery, aue who hail our noble Province as a'land and: an asylum for the:free,--for the oppressed,--and for the Fu- gitive trom American Chrisiian. slavery,--to aid in discountenancing in our free Provinee of Can- ada, the ciretlation of such books, tracts, &c., and having any fellowship with syeh societies The Societies referred to are :-- 1. The American Tract Suciety--New York. 2. 'The American Sanday School Union, Phil- adelphiay ~* : = 3. The Presbvterian' Board '6f-Publieation Chesnut street, Philad elphia. 4. The Methotist' Episcopal Church, [noi th] Book concern, 200 Mulberry stre't New York. || 5. The Amerivan Baptist Publication Socicty, --Philadelphia,--and American Baptist Mi-sion- ary Union, Boston,--[All Baptists of Unitec States, excépt the "Free Will" and the " Bree Baptists," are either pro-slavery or silené--see " Bacts for Baptists Churches,,' pp: 408] 6. American and Foreign Bible Soci: ty, [ Bap- tist,] and the Amyvrican Bible Union, { Baptist, ] Nassau and Broome strects, N. Y. 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, New York,---with many others,--ot whose pro-slavery and siené. character, reliable information can be obtained at 48 Beekman street, New York. Let the touchstone question be put: " What " books, tracts, &c., do you publish, circulate, or '"sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles cireu- "lated amongst the bond and the tree'--and let proof be produced onthe spot, as Canadians have been deceived. "As a resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in-Canada, I have been deceived--sin- fully so. cabo i tides Otel de JEJE Ee ENGEON: Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. (VALUABLE BOOK ) FACTS FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. OLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed by Revds. A. T. Foss and E. Marurws. [Free Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N.Y. Pub- lished by the American Baptist' free Mission Society-- [with portrait. | "This is a book which no Barris in Canada, --lay or clerical.--should be with ut. It shews the support given to Slavery by the American Baptists. The " Free Will Baptists" and '"Free Mission Baptists" are exempted from that charge, as they openly denounce slavery and receive not its bloody gains."--J, J. E. L. July 1856. (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada' Tract Society ---Slavery. Le Public are notified that colporteurs from this Society, (Yonge street, Toronto,) con- trary to all just and honest expectations,--are perambulating the streets, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books of the pro-slavery Sdent American Tract Society, of Nassau street,|° New York. JL, Stratford, C, W, Jaly 17th 1856. 15 UNG FOLKS, "ONE THOUSAND ss J " In' Morocco and Gold Bindings, mn ELEGANT ANN UALS, Or New Vear's Present Bookg 24 Elnekeyeve ries oletrls, from $1 to $6 : : Se From $2 to $10, _ VkOoOmoas, cH =F rome $3 to $20.4 See | TO wy = From $2 te $20, Guitars, Tamboranes, Harps, Banjos,... Ei WES. AT fO85-.A>recales, Flageolets, Clarionetts ; Violin and Guitar' Strings' | | Music Books, iNote Books, +03 Music Paper, Sheet Music, And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on hand, Gil Paintings, in Gold Frames, "School Books & Stationery. ,CARD BOARD. ,. LVovels and Miscellaneous Fore, Ballous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dollar Monthly , flag of our Union, Brother Jonathan, Illustrated American Newspaper, Frank. Leslie's. Gazette of Fashion, Frank Leslie's New York Journal, = New York Picayune. Boston International J tn al Yankee Notions, Godcy's Lady's Book, : Harper's Magazine, -., &:¢., RECEIVED AS_SQON..AS. PUBLISHED... Catholhe and Protestant Books. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PICTUR ss, 'Framed and @lazed. (Blaeamis Weeks. ALMANACS FOR 1856. ¥ READY-MADE CLOTMNe, CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, SATTINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS BENET &C:, &e 2 Og a SPER HARDWARE, AND TREACLE! God Save the Queen! December, 1855. coli ail anh ones TD MRS. BURLEY, ' ¥ ; Se! a (LATER MRS. JACKSON,) Pee FCAEES consiantly on hand, at her Residenee, 382, South Ninth Street, below Cathersne, a *| supply of choice Herb Medicines, Qintments, Pills, ke, which she will warrant to give satistactiea, Among which are the NER VINE CORDIAL, | for the cure. of Diseases depending: on Nervees Debility; the ALTERATIVE, ta Purilying the Blood, Scrofula, Scurvy. &c.; and the INDIAA / SPECIFIC OINTMENT, for Piles, Old Se. sa, Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains,» Chapp-d | Sain, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Frosted Limbs, &c. Give them atrial. PritadeLupata, Nov. 20,1835. . ~ 30-ly WHOSE AND Berg) 'THE SUBSCRIBER offers, for, Raley a choice selection of Es ' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, AMONGST WHICH WILL BE FOUND, IRON, of every description, Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STEML, Cut, Wroaght, and Horse NAILS. 3 Coil, Trace, and Plough CHAINS. ANVILS, VICES, and BELLOWS. An excellent assortment of TABLE AND-POCKET-CUTT Ents 5 s : : "ivih i Carpenters', Joiners' §- Cabinetmakers' Toals, AXES, of the best descriptions, Werraitited. With an assorthent'of ~S wel SHELF HARDWARE, q which is not to he surpassed in Town, and which is offered tor Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Caen! §27 Buyers will find it to their advantage te call before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE KERR. Chatham. Nov. 22, 1855. 30 ty BUXTON GROCERY STORE. AXHE Subscribers would intimate to their Friends, that they are receiving, and wpening out, an Extensive Assortinent of Groceries, ef superior quality, suitable for Country 'Trade, which they will sell at the lowest remuo: rative prices. Produce will be tak-n in exchange for G.eser ies. (CS Call and see our Stock. R. VANBRANKEN & Ce. Buxton, C. W., Dec. 1, 1855: 3i-ly HOUSE AND TOT FOR SALE. LL that Easterly part of Lot 24, situated on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Story Fram» Housx, consisting of Two Tenements, having ear h Four Rooms and a Closet. There is an excellent Weil of water_in the yar. fa" For Terms, apply to MRS. M. STEWARD, On'the Premises, North of King Street, between William and Princess Street, Chatham, C.W"* 31 Im NEW BOARDING HOUSE. BENJAMIN. TOLBERT ESPECTEULLY 'announces to the citizens of DETROIT, and the Public generally, that he has recently fitted up the commodieus house formerly known as aro) aie Dee. Ist, 1855. Wilson's Boarding House, Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, DETROIT, . where he will endeavour to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patrenage Detroit August 21,1855, I-ly ;

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