Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 28 Mar 1857, p. 3

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gerd wes en a = 'number settled--and the Rev. Mr. King, 1 Sak leadiae deserves every praise for Canada and the begging system so shame- » fully practiced also, out of Canada, fin! a complete exposure in the Freeman, and there is something yet to be reviewed as to »' St. Catherines, as to Dawn, [British insti- tute!] in Canada, and some other things.-- But truthful information can be obtained at Chatham, As yonr paper circulates in Britain, may the humane hearts there, re- collect, that on Britesh soil, at Chatham, oC. W., there is a centre for usefulness,----as & "well as at London, C. W., and donations, _&e., in that direction, on British ground are "required, if needed at all. And there are d menin this Province, who ean appre- ciate the intention cf this reference. Finally, on a review of the question of fellowship, there is no wonder then, that the good men and the true, of the United States, who advocate the slaves and the secolered men's rights, hold up their hands in surprise and in sorrow, and exclaim, " lhere | " indeed in Canada is the free soil, but it is "trod by ministers of religion, who worship " by look, by support, and by act, the sla- very vermin of the South!" Tam, Dear Sir, & , J. J. E. LINTON. es VS" Por the attention of all Temp-rance re- formers, Legislators, Ministers of retigion Sec.) "(SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED) PROVINCIAL F extensively read as its thorough perusal will effectually cure the African emigration fever. satisfy anyone that the country is not fit for Americans or British emigrants.--c. During the four months that T was absent from my men, [I traveled, either alone or accompanied by a single native, sometimes on foot, and at others on horseback or ox-back., over upward of a thousand miles of country, parts of it emulating the Sahara in scarcity of water and general inhospitality . Tongue is too feeble to express what 1 suffered at times. 'To say nothing of narrow escapes from lions and other dangerous beasts, I was constantly endurjng the cravings of hunger and the agonies of thirst. Occasionally I was as much as two days without tasting food: and it not unfrequently happened that in the course of the twenty-four hours I could only once or twice moisten my parched lips: Sometimes I was so overcome by these causes, coupled with bodily fatigue, that I fainted, Once both my steed and myself (as seen in the sketch below) dropped down in the midst of a sand-plain, where we remained a long time ina state bordering on uncon- sciousness, and exposed to all the injurious effects of a tropical sun. I would at. times pursue my course with a pained and _ listless | step, scarcely konwing what I was about, and staggering like a drunken man. "T his,' says Captain Messum, when speaking of the hardships he had undergone in a short tour in- to the interior of the West Coast, "'was the pleasure of traveling in Africa. It requires imentally, with the trae value of WISTARS BALSAM. From this truly valuable prepara- it to those alike afflicted. Itis a scientific prepa - ration, and worthy of confidence." _ This Balsam is made from materials which Nature has placed in all nothern latitudes, as an vntidote tor diseases caused by cold climates. "Nature is buta name for an effect, Whose cause is God." Let us not neglect her plainest dictates. None genuine unless signed 1. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sale by Pegtey& Cross, Chatham C, W Mr. Peary Davis:--I feel it to be my duty to bear my testimony tothe efficacy of your Pain Killer. I have used it for years for com- plaints of the stomach and bowels. [hada very severe attack a few days of the ague, and such a pain in my back for three days and nights that I could gef no rest. 1! sen: and got a 25 cent bot. tie of the 'Vegetable Pain Killer." I took a lit- tle inwardly, and bathed according to directions and one application has removed all pain, and | am abte to write to-day, though witha trembling hand. The application was made last nighia- bout 9o'elk and I had a sweet nights rest. I have recommended it for sevcral years, as I have tra velled a good deal, and it has given universal. satsifaction where it has been used according to directions, Yours gratefully, L. PERRYCHILDS Pastor of Baptist chuhch Troy Ohio For sale by Pegley & Cross, Chatham, ©. W is wnostentatious mana - The tm- ; toe , rently | ¢ is w | management. The Whe Naa rtewet heregiven from iaeh-- et oe ion ve have a present benefit, having peceny : positions practised on the humane at a dis-| cae ; ; sed it in a case of severe cold and cough, with A | I T a : | :/ tance, as to the trials, &e., of the fugitives in tion contains in a nut-shell sufficient to sa- entire success, and most cheerfully recommend | + iD GOODS REEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVE OF Tire Farmers' and Wechanics! Combination Store! Flave Now Arrived! hk) THIS STORS was opened on the 15th of Octo- ber, when, and until NOW, not ONE. HALF the Goods had arrived, and it bas been perfectly CROWDED ever since. The sales have aver- aged asout $200 PER DAY! REMEMBER. The CAUSE of this GREAT RUSH is,--The old fogy system of doing business is reversed ! THE COMBINATION CONSISTING OF Forty-Five Farmers 2nd Mechanics. All large buyers themselves, have establish- ed this Store in order to HS SAVE MONEY in buying their own necessaries,--instead of establishing it to: MAKE MONEY,--hereln cousists the difference between this and the other Stores. In order to male the Farmers & Mechanics Store self-supporting, the Small Advance of Fifteen Per Cent, is charged on Cost, and the whole public placed on an equal fuoting with Members of the Com- COMBINATION CO'S COLUMN. |. RPI MAHOGANY : STL Pervert Gy" ay arf ee wy ' Ge ---- WALITeT oo re eo SOFAS Rue SUBSCRIBER takes this opportunity of informing the people of CHATHAM, and surrounding Country that be has taken R. SMITHS OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, BESIDES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICH FURNITURE. He also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally, for their liberal support; and hopes, by strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. His STOCK is composed eof the FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: MAHOGANY AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREAUS Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. : ALSO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, SHE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. NAYES ote: ere = A Census List the endurance of a camel and the courage MARKE I eS bination, sothat the RULE IS 2 : ofa lion." Se s One Price to ALL! @othoes PWwrmisined at tre Shortest Notueee OF Chatham Markets--Prices in York C'y,. Whether Members of the Combination or not. ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. oe : f ae : . : SAP ARR ae TURNIT 4, will find it to their advantage to eall and examine The "a een of Stratford SEATOF GOVERNMENT Baseman Orrice,March 28 h, 1857, | The Combination are determined to make phew Persons wishing to buy Deebeie ieee seers = 2 . | QUESTION. 22D SR Store as POPULAR AS POSSIBLE, so that ° Nor 1857,she wing the religious denominations, | Die < FI: oP _ . : W ool, per Ib 2 U0 @ O20 as fastas its deficiences are ascertained, they J. O. SMITH. --those who use intoxicating drinks atd | a BE NRKE'O eh riday on this question Wheat, per bushel, 8 0 a 3 8 will be supplied. Chatham, December 14, 1855. 33 tise wnodo not, with the religiois Denomina- | which gave to Ministers a sinall, but sufficient Oats, per bushel, 3 3 a4 3.6 {ce The Large Yard and Comfortable Shed ae ee Aignsapp-nded,--also taverns and seljersot in- majority from each section of the United panes bushel 8 / a in the rear of the Pia is found to be a great ee SS a Se ee 3 tokicating drinks, with also such religious de- | Provinces. is a cor justificati JAG BSN SK d £ : convenience by the Customers. : ' van! sinomination appented -Lists of Distilers and | | . ee ee eon of the Potatoes. per bushel, 5 U a 5 6 National predilictions are gratified here also, Auction! Auction! Auction!!! ~ Brewers, with the s: me-- List' of Ministers of | step PEO Usee bee esters to refer the vexed Corn, per bushel, 5 3 4 5 6 an Englishman will find a Countryman to deal he County of Perth.--(Lists of members &e , of ; Wuestion of the Seat of Government to the} Beet, p-r 100 Ib, 40 0 a 40 0 with, so will a Scotchman, an Irishman, a | Sa Saa ee Be congrezitions may be alded.) Names of the) Queen in Council. Pork, per 100 Ib, 53 0 a 60 0 | Dutchman, a Canadian or a Frenchman. | A SALE of TOWN LOTS will take e : 2 ae : een are) tr hy 5 y x x YAT | nea s as 2 Peacher: of Schools &- & --Acit ix Stated "The aumbers stood this at the close of Mie el go kk ERE MEP neUN TE) See EG ee nat tne hramek and drinking habits, and the ae : PG at : 4 ap ' eee } 7 TRBSGR "R having reecive is 25tk F next, at eieven OCciOcK on _cdrankenness of eur land. are confined to Preshy- ne mete phe oer a; mt 0 A) pate eee ee See eae fae ® ' NEERING © LOCK a ates a he The lots average from one-fifth to a terians, Episcopaliats, ant Roman Catholics, wloruing. Chickens, per pair, 1 34 3.0 Fi WILL BE WELG OME! h ie te ee halfacre each, and are very desirable to those such lists will practically shuw awh corms resol Hay, psr ton 81 0 a 100 0 1 US Bl eg ee ishing to purchase a handsome resi The such lixts will practically show the truth or un-: For the resolutesas, 63 Sai Ie ' ees ZAPEST AND BEST wishing to purchase a handsome residence. "The trai ofthe statement. Against them, 53 Eggs, per doz, Teh a. Hans ack LARGEST, CHEADES 2 * | lots are lovated in the vicinity of the Rev. Wm. Bate eer om oe tratickers) ae enough of sees E To enumerate items would swell this Adver- ASSORTMENT OF King's School, in a perfectly temperance ugigh @nr bloo 17'--Hon. Mo Camoroa--"the next best =k = -- . : oF 3 Tan aes P m5 RG, ' ¥ bourhood, where spiritous liquors are not allow- : wi : ; Be ont to several columns; it must therefore Ep A&A BD 2) KY i ea) §m0 pournood, ere sp a ugu legacy and gilt to every woman anlehild of our : : Majority 10 New Advertisements Pie io sntthtk the AER Enis ce the follow- tel AX, ny a) Ww LN, abe) abe ed to be sold, anc on the line of the proposed new dand, will be the freedom fro:n th: wa fiek E--, Upper Canadian yotes fo 5 31 = as ing different kinds of Gocds to be found in the | eyer brought to Chatham, at Southern Ra:lroad. Persons wishing to pur- : By "AMat!-- Lower " 79.99 32 63 de ee GO a a LP ARMERS 2 MECHANICS SIRORE,/ are Wholesale or Retail! chase, will not fail to be present as such rare Sraarrorp C. ee | Upper Canadian votes avainst 24. Crown Land Depart nent very COMPLETE, ViZ: : ree chances seldom offer. : tae March 1857 aoa s pe Rae ome eA I RB © BAM Consisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Terms op Saue:--One half Cash, and bal- OT. Th= attention of all Temperante OEE 24 53 Toronto, 18th Fesruary, 1857 STA iy iy &S iy AMS ¥ Stcel of all kinds; Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils, lance in one and two years. Associations Sons of Cemperante, Lee . -- 63 DRY-GOODS! Screw Plates, Diesand Taps; Carpenter's Tools, THOMAS W. STRINGER. No hereby given, that al! persons rho have payments to make an actvuunt ol Public Lands in Canada West. must. in future, deposit the amount to the credit of the Recerver General, on account of te Crown Land Depart- ment, in the Bank of Upper Canada or its Agen- cies The g. vernment will not recognize any pay- ments on account of Public Lands in Canada West that are rot made in accordaance with the foregoing notice, JOSEPH CAUCHON, Shoemaker's Tools, Nails ef all kinds and sizes ; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Hoes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of 'all kinds; Harrow Teeth. Cultivator Teeth, Patent Pumps, Pump chain | and Gearing , Pots. Pans and Kettles; Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Iames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Screws, Hinges of all kinds; Knives, Forks and Spoons of every Tfthe following votes do not further strength en the argtiments used by hhe Ministry, and sustained tn the Upper House by a majority of 20 to #, and in the Lower ILonse by a ma- jority of 10, we don't know what can. tna Llou-e consisting of 116 Member 'out of the whole number of 180, the votes 'ayaiust the only five places ever suggested, Were islators, Ministers of relegiea, and others fa- vourabls te the pains down of the'CURSE: and . tee "DISGRACE? of our and every Christian eetonatry.--the public Trofi: in Tatoricating e Mrinks{the savage, uneivilized and duchristian lands ex -epted)--that attention is called to the a- | dopting of such a Plan as the above. to skow | e STATISTICALLY and more EXACTLY, ethose who in or several municipalities and . communities, coumenance the public evit aed ae disgrice of our day, "the Thafec in Intoxica- Buxton, March 6th, 1857. v3-n2s-td CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL Is SUPPLIED in every DEPARTMENT CLOT EU Go Boots and Shoes,--Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., Stationery and School-Books , Oil Painted & Paper Window- Shades & Self-Adjusting . 2 2... aor cued = = | = . ee ee -- 7 2 - 3 < Ses aIS¢ by Sa plan, to ael) to | Agains Toronto, majority 51 Commissioner. : 'Rollers, Wall Paner; deseription ; Brushes of all kinds ; WITH NEW " ; puuity a British Colony whieh is the most lore- G Riceiréal = 37 \ } & Willow : 4LL S AWS _ eeftaost of Great Britiaw's possessions; and moke it | : eee Crown Land Department. Vooden Le MULLY Mi 3 : ae T © ==Canada--more relivtie as a hone: for the Eine | " ., Otter, "2 91 ware, Cordage Circular Saws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Miles. Ee \\ iy igrant, under a frea, liberal; aad tepal govern- "© Quebec, a! 86 Toronro, 24th Fesruary, 1857. P 1 ee PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS, ur iy | See : i | Kingston, es 57 OTICE is hereby given, that_in accordanee AN k vi (\\ uW ARE With other acticles quite too numerous to men- : aoe ae Census' ee in its aoe A gains¢ the peratbulating system, AT ee ie ce eee os per- \ 8 | L 9 | tion. He will also, in a few days, have a large _ Yon generally, a Listshonld be sabjuined of the eg is Tne oor eee Ost S10 We Bank FOF ec pper oe 7INDOIVGLASS. (all sizes. | quantity of names of those resipekr inhabliaats, whe pub. , LEAS eR UURSS Canada, ot its Agencies. on account of Publie| CROCKERY, WINDQ| eas "i LTING hiely use Intoxicating drinks ator Pudlic bars | Ege Apes Lands in Canada West, will receive a Cerificate Champagnes MACHINE BELTING, and. Sizdvons"--the latter commonly nained as' t Deposit in triplicate from the Bank, ore of Wines ' Kes of all widths. Atlof which he wilisell at prices tthe "Hells" ofour comm inity.--Sober farmers, | "ONE THOUSAND FARMS T7 waich they will retain, the other two they must oy 5 : that defy competition. y mechanics, millers, carpenter, laboures &@ ,are ONE nas eo - ARMS IN transmit to the Local Crown Land Agent. Porters, Brandies, : : x CURRIE Ready-made Clo thing tause, DJ. who realize a competence aml pros- perity in Canida and meee avith ready employ- | mont. --All those connected with one Railways. | = must be sober men.-- Ask Mr. Brvdges, the Rai= way manager at Hamilton C. W.--Is the same sobriety neeied as we move through life?-- ... of Will papers favourable to ths canse, please copy, We take great pleasure in giving inser | tion and drawing attention to the above. Could a census I'st of the kind betakett for Chatham, it would no doubt subserve a great purpose, Many a profane man here- _ «vabouts, will find an isebriates grave, because be has an excuse for his drinking practices, in the examples set him by Deacons, Elders, preachers and other professors of religion. fhe church in Canada is the bnlwark of the -Mentable fact, that tippling by the pious prevails to an alarming extent among our | - Canadian churches, buth white and colored. «-./That its no bar to meinbership, one would Sone hair branived fllowW advertises im 'the Canadian Neivs that he has "1000 farms 'of 100 aéiés each, 20 cleared 30 fenced _and good houses, to be sold for £10 each cash, and £10 per annum"! Now we will tindertake to say that this schemer has not and never will have, any cstch farms for sale. The Government ot | Cattada will allow Ao sich speculat:ons: to ibe made of any lanes they have for sale. | 'They insist upon actual occupation for the . benefits of the settlvr, and not for thé enrich- /ment of a pack of land sharks. Canada has | suffered too much already by such grants, -and they will never be repeated but witha _view of encouraging and securing national | objects, such as railroads and canals. We *tiquor traffic, as the same body in the Uniit- | earnestly warn intending settlers against » ¢d States is of the slave trade. It is a la- these cold-blooded robbers!-- Tuvronto Times, Dr. Beall, of Keutuck, sued the Cinein- nati Inquirer for libel, in charging that he 'enticed a freenegro man from that place to _Kentuckey, and there offered him for sale to JOSEPH CAUCHON, CoMNISSIONER. PUBLIC NO'TICE. Crows Lanps Department, Toronto, 14th March, 1857 "INALE undermentioned Crown Lands will be offered at public Auction at the Court House in the Town of Chatham. on Friday the First of May next, at the hourof Noon, atan u p- set price of eight shillings per acre, payable one- fith down, aad the remainder by 4 equal annual instalments, with iaterest on each as they become due, JOSEPH CAUCHON,C.C. L. MERSEA. 8th Conceseion, Lot E 1-2 1; 100 acres 9th _ Lot S_ 1-2 20; 100 acres 10th as Lots N 1-22,$ 1.23,N 1-2 6, N 1-220, N 1-2 2 N i-2 22, 100 acres each {ith es Lots 20, 22, 168 acres each N part 23, 68 acres; N 1-2 24; 95 acres. ROMNEY. Lot 6; 150 acres Lows N W 1-215, 8S E 1-217, N W t-2 20; 100 2nd concession, 3rd a AND ALL OTHER LIQUORS, Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, NU'TS, - &c., Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., &e., Ge. fog Bear in Mind, kind Reader, only ELE TEEN PER CENT is charged on the cost of any Article in allthe above numerous clas- ses of Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to find some particular Articleas Cheap in some other Store, you must not imagine that every thing is so, because about FIFTY PER CENT is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE. ltisclaimed for the Farmers & Mechanics Store, that its Customers SAVE, all round, Fully 3O Per Cent, and HUNDREDS who have bonght Goods there will willingly certify to the JUSTICE of the CLAIM. : ATTENTION is directed to the following Resolution of the Combination, passed at a Next door to D. R. Van Allens King Street, Chatham, C. W. Chathain, June 13th, 1850. NOTICE. 6m ANNY JACKSON, of Brantford, Can- I ada West, having heard that her sister Mary Jennings, of Berks County, near Read- ing, Pennsylvania, is dead, Wishes her brother-in-law, David James Jennings, to bring the children to Brantford, C. W. January, 23rd, 1857. v3-n22-tf. Important to Eousekeepers. I offer forsale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been-sold-the. past year for $5 a | piece. No housekeeper will grudge GL for one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address WM. BrumBack, Point Pleasant Pa., ahd the whole number of recipes will be forward- ed by mail. : AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ON THE RTEST Cheap for Cash, ts our Motto. STONE & TURNBULL. vo-n fot. 'THE LARGEST In Chatham, 'PURCHASED 'or CASH, and OFFERED _ $uppose to be also true, as men making loud -anegro trader, The damages claimed were ac each; 22, 24, 200 ac | Meeting of its Members, held on Saturday, the Soe iy © 183 G AX, S) int meri as ; $5,000, and the jury assessed them at $250 each. first: instaut: ae Wi wy WM 7 Wwe gePtofessions deal in the trade--and a rebuke | BO™" Joey. s eee Lois N part 16, 56 ac, | "Resouven, That.it is notat.all times convenient on o EE CRO MOG or Produce only, at prices as low as such terms A i tac Gan ! < p e rs "this bi i Wa i: a: =); 'iy RG Vy Hg Sas s suc rnTs: by the church for personal indulgence in| coer a N W 1-218,N W 1-2 EAS dia (al tilcir neescsarions ant ir iene AWK Ny. i uk Mm. Gua ft 4 A demand fr othe use of intoxication drinks is a rare OC- | vo ge eoncs tbe Petersburg of ooh ee meet the ee ee re wish ae MILUIN ERY' STO RE | BELOW COMPETI TION ; 5 3 Bees as: "uesda res Fae Bose inajority of this. meeting. the : anager do : : ereurrence, and: only then of ministers, and [ ees ae a eee to observe | 5th ' ee a baer Fccanhts with Members requiring ihe same, = == of those who buy or sell on any other terms: not then till profanity, or some other vice | . ¢ . ; ° 14, 15 (7 18 i9, 20 go9 | 8 also with ALL responsible Persons: upon LVERLESSS> Geil Th Old ST Th Brass) ti h served to viv oi ae the unusua number of slaves that are eens Sariac paeh 22 185 las such Members or other Persons consenttng to 5 (en pent) SS) A) WP eed) 2 eC h Ore, n canny ease See Oe prominence | stantly passing through Petersburg, on their 1. 45 acres: 96 50 acres | PAY & per cent: on the amountof their' Account, EGS respectfully to acquaint the Ladies of s ee tothe besetting sin. Neither is the prac-| way South; and to the minds of many the 27, 30 acres; 28, 5 acres | © ae ea a es oe seesuen ae Chatham and vicinity, that a ee JOSEPH S BEAT] ¥ ae nati an a enae eg " O14 ee ice ie such Accounts to be due and rendered on the | ed her MILLINERY and. DRESS) N : ttice confined to the denominations above result appears inevitable that it will need the | 6th peas a eae Me First of January, First of April; First of July } ESTABLISMENT to the stand lately occupied STAPLE DRY-GOODS "mentioned, here, we will not answer for oth- | work of ae ten or Se het to aun es see 1 A? | pander irst of Oftober Y wich days, to be closed | by Messrs. Brooke & Montgomery directly op- x 4 s, "EAdace i i ;. | Virginia of that part of her population. 7 Le17. "ress and interest charged till paid,' osite the RoYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. where her ' FSW SEY OF Ares places. Methodists, Baptists and Radi-_ 2 : me oe : Fe ee Ie, tg All kinds of Farin Produce will always be ne = ae OG ny! af, el ASS, _company of one hundred passed through on Saturday." 145 aic.es; 19, 45 acres; 20, 5 acres; &] NY Stal L BOUGHT, and FOUND. FOR SALE ai the "GROCERIES & LIQUORS, cals, should come in for their share of blame, gee 2 "PARM DRS CanibOHNNICS SPOnn: 9191 ee ee cee an : . in towns and country in t'.is county. That OE Ty i oe gee Ss TILBURY EAST. her THOSE who have NOT YET visited the Kinde of LADIES and CHILDRENS WEAR. PAINTS & OILS "there ig enough whisky used in the rural) PuNISHMENT oF SLAVEs.--The Mississippi us Concesrion, ot 12, 200 acres; eee ae ae pane? of such as: 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT 3 STO ae : 2 : ee f " jots 2. 4, 200 acrese; N | yuesteu fo GO So; se wh <nOW LOO we : ' : : districts, to clear up the lands, and more Legislature has just passed a bill prohibiting th ae aoe Hie | where their ine intehast is Sain Pepeaiant Silks, Shawls, Bopbetis 100 KEGS GUN POW ? = _ than enough by churches in town to pay off | 28Y Owner of slaves from punishing them SE 1-2 16, 100 acres ce; continne their visits ae eae ae eS : V DER, tl b . Foe 5 3 s : 2 : | s Ae as es ; ey hd bie bala (on Gai sin with more than "nine and-thirty lashes" at | sth i Lots NW 1-21,NW 1-2; KIND & OBLIGING TREATMENT|( °°" | ee eer Ge Sole Agent for ee 8 ee eS j any one time, or for any one offence, under 2 yes iz 4 NW 1-2 will be extended to'all who visit the Store. Cilgeays CIs ACNE a Ue Sea = . s < is . KD . 9 acres ea hye eae : : Real ise Jd ELAN : the bonds of truth. Let the church 2 Y | penalty of fine and imprisonment. All other 6th «" tots 24 300 adie s fg Tne Parcels of Customers will be delivered foe" As her stock is very complete in the BU RNING FLUID. take up this work, and we shall see a differ- unnecessary cruelty to slaves is also made "th '6 Lots NW 1-2 3. SE 1-9 | al their Hotels, or Residences (if in town,) | above departments, she respecttully solicits a JOS. S. BEATTY sent and better aspect of society.----M.A S.C. indictable and punishable by fine and impris- 20, 100 acres; 23,200 a; FREE of CHARGE, call from her custcmers, and the ladies generally Gt) A 5 . ge = onment. 8th " Luts 19, 20, 23, 200 ac. By Order of the Manager, as she pan gest ie ae ate ee pth eu Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1856. vo-ntS-ef. Mi 36 soe ' z 6" ; on) 91. 08 : : ry We sy SLOEK DEMS Ihe 1argest, oS <i SES BOOK NOTICi2. [ Here is another illustration of the ten- | 9! ae 21, 23, 200 JOHN D. McLEOD, att eae SPRY coe ME Mots onenedee, NEW BOARDING MOUSR ey dency of the Anti-Sluvery movement to 10th " Lat SE 12 12 100-46 Cashier. the inspection of the Ladics in this vicinity. ut sl ia ee =e Le eet ameliorate the condition of the slaves' by 16, 17, 19, 20, 200 acres | Chatham, Nov. 2ith, 1856. v3-nl6-ly | Noy, 2tst, 1856 v3-n16-Ly r ) ) 2 ) ae s » @idSl, JV. Ve g _Lake Neamt, Wanperine in Soutu- putting slaveholders on their good behaviour each, NW part 22100 a t : 3 WILLIAM STILL Wesrern Arrica.--This book by Char- | before a watchful public opinion. ] ih Lots SE ptl0, 10Wacues COMMODIOUS OFFICES NOTICE QEGS to announce that he has Orenep a «des John Anderson, is the narrative of the e ae ae aR EE O I E; E I HIS if' - Josial z G | Broanbing HOUSE, at No, 374 SOUTH pl b -- acres cach; Se ee IIS is ta certify that Josiah S. Gates and | STREET, below Ninth, ParaDeLpHia, where he ., explorations and observations ofa scientific Suecal Not 12th e me a ae oe 200 OWE Bs PHT. | : oes Ws Singer, 40 vate te 4 will accommodate respectable persons, perma- Iie : % PCT PS. ac each. 3 ACTES; 5 the business of Merchandise, in the Village of | ; ly or transient] ' ay f: i ith and Sporting geatleman Os part of e BIDS oe 13th Ss Lots SE pt a 100 acies; Farmers and Mechanies Store. Buxton, have this day by matual consent dis- fete patibin ae? YEN Wpay ern Ue frtca, lying immediately North of the Cape | ~~~ ees 8, 10, 12, 13, 200 acres S the above Store isdoing more business than | solved pastnership in said business; and the | The [louse is Commodious and in good order, _ Aft a, 1Y 2 J : P WISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. : each; NW pt 15, 100 a. any other in Chatham. Professional Men | said Thos. W. Stringer, is to collect all the | and the loeation Cental and Respectable. | Colonyr The book is clearly written, The Editor of the Boston Post says--- "We 14th "6 FO Sonate 7, 100 i would find pe a geod eae nae at the monies due, ay ws as concern j= No pains will be spaired therefore to give ' and exceedingly interesting and should be Z F eons : : ees acres each; | office of tae Farmers and Mechanics Store for | up to this date, November 10th, 1854. every satisfaction. | Paso e gly 2 have not until recently, been accqnainted, exper- 15th be Lot NW pt 6, 100 ac, farther particulars. GATES & STRINGER P jladelphia, Qet. 99th, 1855. ely, Ph V3 023-3 n- ey

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