AA CTR LITT ais 4 Terente, August 12, 1854, FEW SLORE, * @ROCERIES § PROVISIONS, §-. ilo MON TIM, french Boot and Soe maker, . XONGE STREET, ---- Third Door below Elm, West Side, EGS leave to inform the Ladies. and Gentle- ut) mey of Toronto, and Vicinity, that he is prepared f execute all orders in the above line, | @ their satisfaction. He also keeps constantly on band, a supply of BOOTS and SHOES, of ever~ variety and finish. ; Jee. Fed, 1855, Mi 31 et a" oe Liars SS aS ee ees A % Wy - NOTICE. ~t MVE -undersigned begs to inform the public generally, Bina he is preparee to furnish the following articles by elesale and Retail: ~~ PICK AXE HANDLES, ee jJADZE HANDLES, © oss 'BUCK SAW ERAMES, and es , SAW-HORSES, &e., we © Madein the best manner, : ALSo, BY RETAIL, = New BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, in complete e:der fer service. Also, Axes ready [andled. Also, Wandles put into Axes. and other Teols. 'T. SMALL WOOD'S Saw Factory, York Street, No. 88. AUSTRALIA HOUSE. FYNHE undersigned begs leave ts call the atten- E vion of the Travelling Public and Citizens of Hamilton, to his present commodious and ~torafortable quarters, fitted up, as they have been, _ especially for their convenience, and which were * farmerly under the management of Mr. W. C. GkRorp, ©. Boarding, Lodging, and Meals, may be had on the most reasonable terms, and every atlention requisite to make their stay agree- » @aele,is gratefully and promptly given. ae els ae DANIBL LANE, King William Street, Hamilton, C.W W_B.--Luncu at all hours; also a line of Cass al the service of the Public, atthe most reason- abe enarge, _ oo September, 1854. 26 "BOOTS AND SHOES REPO Riawtiywz, CORNELIUS H, CHARITY ERT GULD respectfully call the attention of his every 'description, constantly on hand, at his Establishment on King, between Fourth and « EBitth Streets, which he will sell for Cass, at ~eheaper rates than can be afforded at any other 'Store inthe Towa. From the Farmers of Kent | me would invite an examination of his Stock. | From his luag experience inthis branch of Busi- | ness, he feels confident of being able to execute | all orders with which le may be favoured ; and he will guarantee neainess and promptness on his _ part for the work be may be entrusted with. €.H. ©. would aiso return thanks to his old eustomess for the patronage heretofore extended te him, and hepes to merit the continuance of their favovrs. : Chataan, Judy 39, L854. i9-ly REMOVAL. Fashionable Hair Cutting ! FINTIE SUBSCRIBER grateful to his old patrons, and the public generally, fer their past favors, would respectfully invite them to visit him atthe CITY BATHS, Front Street, Bast of Church Street, to which place he has lately removed, where he will take great pleasure in waiting on all who may favor him with their atronage in the line-ot HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, HAIR CURLING, or SHAM: Se Wado and COUDBATEDS ar allh £4 2 Warmand Cond BATHS at all hours. ia y ga THOS F. CARY. "ANDREW SMITH VR 'A [7 OULD respectfully announce that he has establisheda NEW STORE in this Town, en the Corner of King and William Streets, where ke will be happy to receive the calls of all wish- wg to purchase @ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A. &. is prepared to keep ccuscantly on hand, the best assortment of SUGARS, TEAS, COF- FEE, FLOUR, TOBACCO, &6. &c. Chatham, Aug. 20, 1855. TN - PROSPECTUS. » ELLUSTBRATED, eae A NEW FIRST CLASS. "Maa mmily Mew SDA iperwr, BDeveted tu News, Literature, Science, and the Aris Bhp, te.Entertainment, Improvement. and Progress. PesLisHeED WEEKLY, at G2 a Yuan, >¥AL IBY FOWLERS & WELLS, " 308, Breadway, New York. -Itis our purpose te furnish a journal, which, bound to ne partly, sect, or theory, embracing every human interest, and furnishing food for all the faeulties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide eireulation. -- ; : LITERATURE, in the form of Original Essays, Historical, Bio- . graphical, and Descriptive Sketches of Travel and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, ana +, - Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, "With choice selections from the leading periodi- eals of Europe, will form a prominent feature, The great field of eee SCIENCE, in all its departments, will be explored, and all mew discoveries laid before our readers in a pepular form, 'Tue Arts, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, and. Manufactures, will receive attention, and ' ne invention or improved process will escape our notice. ~ AGRICULTURE § HORTICULTURE, ' ja which so large a portion of vur people are en- "gaged, will demand at our hands special con- si'leration. We shall endeavor to elevate still more the standard of Mecuanicau Inpustry, and t@ devslop and bring to light the latent talent and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans. PHYSIOLOGY ot cath 'silor at ~ "and the Laws of Life, in their application-to phy- 'e essieal development and the promotion ef health +. will have a prominent place in our columns, ees EDUCATION, im its broadest sense will be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col- ~~ Jege, schoo}, and shop, we shall try to render the pursuit of knowledge easy and attractive, rail cedar: NEW BOOKS sheir importance seems to demand it, critically reviewed. In the department of "= GENERAL NEWS, _we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a garefully prepared summary of passing events, _ both forcign and demestic, and recording all signs | "@f progress in eyery department of lite. "Tus | _ Markers will be earefully reported, and such | general, commercial, and financial intormation iyven as the interests of our readers demand. _ THE FAMILY CIRCLE, We shall make our papera welcome and valued eyeryireside. 'Tug Cnivpren will find, bernis Rug eorne! vet j ae SB aS Ee > ee ae ae Fee ane "PROVINCIAL FREEM ES il: ef . GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY 6F CANADA, | @< ° ALTERATION OF TIME. ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the 28th NOVEMBER, Trains will run as follows :-- GOING EAST. | ! | AXE HANDLES, ~~ . IG * YY 'Friends, and the Public generally, to his. large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of | will be earefully and candidly notieed, and where | _ | for Cash, to make it an inducemer t to purchasers e = a - Bf) OB fagrale gor poig mL neg é < ca a Py STATIONS 8 . 5 cf 4 - : = 3 a 2 oS < x ie eee = AM. A.M. P.M. P.M. Windsor, depart .....| ose. 6.00 ees orp F0--25 12.20 7.45 PD WOL. fe s FAC Fe Boe TE The See coos Te Seas eae epee | WOCBestele ct. sas es | ke a ewer oe Saws 1.15 ees Baptiste Creeko......) 220. a eae sao 2.00 | «... Charhata cis otis 1s sae y| 7-40 ven' 12.05 2.50 9.25 EHQMCSVING: 60s 6a ees | ee 8.13 -- owes 8.30 eae womwelbGin. . ies .. 8.33 = P.M. 4.05241, "acl es >) Wardsville ........00) sees 8.45 <aue | eee 4.30 | 10.25 Mos@.aresvanceyesecs| ever 9.00 ee oe 4.55 yee PVs cepa sr. aS eee 9.23 ese 1.40 5.27 Nx Mile Bruges... a scs|, ons 9.35 ity.) | ody 6200 entk Komerari Vi. .ecsek ceeds 9.48 hee 2.04 6.30 .|. 14.25 } Arrive .....{ 4M. 10.18 sky 2.30 7.00. y.11.50 pore) ep | GA | 10.88 | dca. tt eas | Sere. 00 Edwardsburgh. .cesere| 7:20. | 00 ees 3.14 Vesa ALM. PAGOISOI vee ss ss ne ete 11.05 os 8.35 sees 12.40 Beachville<ucsqese00|.:%-55 | t1.14 --s 3.45 bate woes Weodsteck.......-..{ 8.16 | 11.25 ae 4.00 ES. 1.00 Flastwood 2. sitaesce| S20 soak és a oe. oor 56 PrinGet@iheT . ais wa deinl.(O<42 eae vas 4.25 ian as Paris § Attive ++ eee eee P.M. ee «aes Pe dla SMS Denart foos.5-1 0608 | 1271D LAO IN VER Bo Wi.. | 1-45 P.M. Preston, depart......; 8-380 eee 1.95 m8 S% ies tee Galt le Oe a ee ee Galt, arrive' v2.03 66) d1s35 wees ae 6,50 | wees Here Preston, do... esses} PE.50 Sides i 7.10 ee ee Fairchild's Creek.....| 9.80 | 12.35 2.10 5.10 vee sigs | Vausiekles.. f.2. 3 2ss|. 9.00 Piet 2.25 dud $46 < ys Copetown. -sescccnes| 9.51 pb ele 2.45 aoe ioe 2ehs Flamborolisi. sisi isa 9.59 eevee 2.50 eee bese ore} Dundas ¢..2 25 5 59 9s bes | £10508 sees Hamili { Arrive....] 10.380 145 acts ) Depart ...| 10.45 1.40 +H OAtKrOLY. os een) je tobi dd Eads Grimsby" oso vaaese ws) EP TSS B15 Beamsville % Se. . eesccl: 14640 | eens SDIGEO FF wee ci ven css | 41.55 oe de PM. St, Catharines .......| 12.20 2.55 Thorold*? £535..2455. ..{ 12530 8.05 Niagara Falls, arrive ..} 1.00 8.30 Nee --S eee PRR ODIO sh PAP RAR OAL PRD AVR ARIAL SOLE, ADIDAS OO PAL Ra ~~ GOING 8,05 5.40 = 5s ogue $.30 6.00 eore 20D 3.40 6.15 cece 3.05 4.17 och s even ses 4.43 6.47 comet ries 5.05 esee eoee cee 5.27. ida ea aged 5.53 teld ose 4.15 6.25 eeoe e@eee 2 9828 7.10 7.50 eeose 4.50 WEST. a si | = A = J ° & 4 & ¥ | S| iS s . a a 2 STATIONS. 7 s a 3 ie a g x » S 5 m4 x <4 fo} ~ E a 2 = =z < ite Sd he ay A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. Niagara Falls, depart...) ... fa: SASL 2.40 sacar (tbls pO MOTE eo cc ne he 8.07 "uate 3.05 AEE ee ot. Catharines 4.5.G.6.1 aid... 8.17 11.50 3.20 warts 11.55 BS lcigi ctigeutre ue enemy pales See 8.33* nse 3.42 eee visas Beamsvil® 2) .343 659 tees 8.48 P.M. 8.55 ee grt ORNS OS Seas er an eee 9.03 13.23 4.07 Rm £5 ee RUINS Gate GuB cs 6 eo 9.16* ae ies 4.20 Le kis AM. ; ATEWO). csi kc < xnecoso 9.40 12.55 4.50 P.M. 1.05 Harnulige ree deiaoul abo 1 1sth "S700! 1) 48 | v.16 pues ceases te ee 10.10 coer 5.20 4.45 <a Blambore' cineca ss ioe 10.20 once 5.30 §.00 ce Copetowd ¢ .sc-ewes ened ops 10.380 eeee 5.45 5.15 ps Vansickles eu 0-08 «0 oe oe 4 0o 6 10.42 seee 5.57 §.50 eeee Fairchild's Creek.....| see. 10.53 2.10 6.09 6.02 wihide Pyést0nl, Uepatt fe. 6 S.4* tees 8.30 1.05 sine x a eles J ewid Galt Obs: Ss 2 Os BS. 8.45 1.20 re Se ee AG al bers GATING: 6 pee a ends 4 5 68 11.385 ees 's 6.50 6.50 eS ANOCUAN, GOr cc cas Cl gi ae 11.50 oeee 7.10 7.10 whe as Parig.2 533602 sae et SS 11.25 2.35 6.37 sé? 2.45 Pripehida 6 pi ssial See ta all. © eves 6.53 sires ra JunstWOed cen ooo s> |) dle ox P.M. coos iolt nee 2280, WM DGUStOOK <te.0's Fis 0 pte kc o's 12.15 3.15 Leal 00 Sac: | Beachvilles:c< é: cede b ot bie oe 12,25 etek 7.40 UE. e soit 9 Tisérsoll). 6056 225. 1Si408 12.35 $3.35 T1565 $8 8.59 Edwardsburg.......-, «es0° | 12.55° ees 8.15 Soe Bes, 4 Artive. .o..1 > 438 115 4.15 8.35 ne eee 4.40 London } Sonat coc, 8.30 | 1.40 | 4.30 i ite 4.50 Komoka sis. bes cee 97 0F 2.05 4.55 Sk Gig 5.15 Mt. Brydges....0s2.-} 9.30 2.18" 5.10 ee ees Re TRH gos vse 2 1 Oe 2332" |. 5.27 hes eee aps WWOStics ae oe oes ce 10.50 ooece 5.50* eevee eecoe eee Wardsvill@ .-.sesaece| 11620 $3.07 6.10. eae a Nice wo 6.30 Bothwells sa singae s 11.40 'le $3.13 eee én 6-8 ecee eoee Thamesyville oeoneacoce 12.20 evve eeee onoe oeece eoeee P.M. Chatham.....esesees) 1,295 4.07 7.15 sees ove 7.85 Baptiste Creek ooceoe 2.10 coos enee e@oeve ecee ooee Trochester <324.-%>.<|- 2.58 cies sits eoceace eS: sauce PUCG sGicg pete ces! anes one eee see tine se Windsor, arrive.s..e.} ~8.50 5.45 9.05 PAE wees 9.20 ice The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. * Flag Stations. ODDO PAE PAAERAAAAAAAILAPA ARIE A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE COMPOUND IS A'TKINSON'S UNRIVALLED PARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, A UNIQUE PREPARATION, Quickly Cleansing the TEE TH, arresting decay, producing a delightful odor to the Breath, and. ruby color to the Gums and Lips, WITHOUT ACID, OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THB Enamel or outer Covering of the Teeth, Fe celebrity in the fashionable circles of Paris and London, and the continual reeommenda-. tions of eminent Dentists, and those who have been using it for years, establish its superiority over all dentrifices in use, while its miraculous effects upon the Teeth and Gums, even where there has been considerable neglect, proves it merits all | the eulogium bestowed upon it, fsule Proprietors, W. T. ATKINSON & Co. Cuemists & PerFuMERS, 48, King Street West, And sold by their Agents in Lower and Upper Canada and the United States. Wide Circulars. Two Shillings and Sixpence per dozen, allowed for empty Tooth Paste Pots, Toronto, October 3, 1854, 29-3m. NEW GROCERY 1 STORE. (pus Subseriber having openeda GROCERY PROVISIO and PROVISION STORE, on. £ QUEEN STREET, -: (Third door East of Dammer,) Would respectfully solicit a share ef public | patronage. He willendeavor, by selling Cheap, | to give him a call, and by strict af tention to busi- ep ga ee : AT | Lhe English House, No. 80, Yonge Street, 'Uemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, for 'Cash: KEP Remember the "Knglish Boot and St Hela ox No. & OT fe NEW DRUG STORE. CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Yonge Street, one door south of Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFEFS, &c., and trusts, by strict attention tu his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accu ately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and 'Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or a competent Assistant, always % in attendance. Torento, March 30, 1855. 6-ly GREAT BARSAINS OF - BOOTS AND SHOES, One Door North of Adelaide Sireet. atid ' HAWKE begs to apprize the Citizens of 'Toronto, and the inhabitants of the sur- rounding neigbouthood, that he has on hand a choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- which will be sold at the lowest possible prices BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER, By superior Workmen, from the best materials and at the the shortest notice, Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the abeve Stock. ce Store," | =e) 7x) THE CANADA 2 = | | paid) Bai "LIFE ASSURANG & COMPANY. _ INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT CAPITAL $200,000." HUGH ©. BAKER, Esq., President. JOHN YOUNG, Esgq., Vice-President. A SBER ANCES may be effected in this 44 Company on single or joint lives, or on the contingency of one life surviving another ; forthe whole term of life, or for aiimited poriod; by a single payment, or a limited number. of pay- ments; or annual payments only. ceasing at , death; to secure a Sum at any given age, or at : death, should death occur before the attainment /of that age. Endowments for children, imme- diate or deferred annuities, and generally any transaction catingent on the value'and duration of life, may be effected in this Company, Among the advantages offered by this, the only Life Assurance Company ever established ih British North America, may be enumerated mo- derate ratesand small expenditures; local manage- ment -and speedy settlement of claims ;. liberal condi- tions, especially in reference to lapsed policies. Prospectuses, forms of proposal, and full in- formation as to the prosperous condition of the Company, mav be had from SAMUEL'S. MACDONELE, b iS on figent. D. Cuarves A. Coserain, -for.Sandwich and Windsor, Medical Referee. : FORGERY. The Counterfeit hadway's Rea- dy Relief in Canada. THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IN DANGER. ue public are cautioned against purchasing a counterfeit of Radway's Ready Relief, which is now circulating through the Canadas.-- We are informed that parties at Hamilton, C.W. have been selling a spurious article-of our Rea- dy Relief, for the genuine todealers. This is not only afraud upon us, but is'a most wicked im- position on. the public. The wretch that will knowingly lend himself toso vile and treacherous a trick, for the gain of a few extra sixpences, is unsafe to deal with, and should be shunned by all respectable dealers, for ifa few sixpences will induce him to rob the distressed sufferer of hope and health and to place the invalid's life in dan- ger, he would not scruple to deceive his best customers, ' Dealers who wish the genuine, purchase only of established credit, not of irresponsible pedlars or travelling adventurers and impostors. Dealers who have R. R. R. offered to thém be- low our regular price, may rely upon the same heing a counterfeit preparation. We never sell R. R, R.in large quantities for less than 10 per/ cent. from our regular gross price. Dealers who purchase the cuunterfeit and offer the same for sale, render themselves liable to prosecution. All ofour travellers and authorized Agents havs a power of Attorney signed by us, authorizing them in our namé, to transact our business. The tollowing are our only Agents in Hamil- ton,C. W. T. BICKLE & SON; HAMIL- TON, KNEESHAW & CO., In Toronto, LY- MAN. BROTHERS, & CO., are our general agents--we also sel] to SIMPSON & CO, RADWAY & CO. Toronto, Apri] 24th, 1854. ~~ PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 41x, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 N' issuing their Prospectus for 1856, the propri- etors of the Posr take it for granted, that the public are already tolerably well acquainted with the character of a paper that has grown strong during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY- FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been as it remains to be, to publish. a weekly paper for the family circle, which shall not only amuse but-also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. 'To accomplish this object, the best artiy cles are selected orcondensed from. foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original articles of an instructive character, procured when'possible, Letters from Foreign Lands ; the most interest- ig portions of the Weekly News of the World: Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character ; Se lected and Original Articles upon Agriculture ; Aecount of the Proluce and Stock Markets; and a Bank Note List are included among the solid information to be constantly found in the Post. But the mind reqnires a wider range--it has faculties which delight in the humorous and lively the imaginative and poctieal, These tacultics also must have their appropriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in- irllect beeomes narrow and one-sided, and is not ableto take an enlarged and generous view of human nature and iis destiny. To satisfy these Eleaven-implanted cravings of our mental being, we devote a fair proportion of the Post to FIC. TION, POETRY, and HUMOR. Among our contributors in the first two of the abeve departments, are several of the most gifted writers inthe land. We/also draw freely for Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in this country and Great Britain. We design eom- mencing a New Story by Mrs, SouTuworru author of * The Deseited Wife," " Miriam," &. in our first paper for January next. Engravines illustrative of important places and actions, of Agricultural aud other new Inven- tions, with others of a Humorous, though refined character, are also freely given. The Postage on the Post to any. part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly in advance at the onice where it is reecived, is only 26 cents a year. : Terivs.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, it paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance. one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, - - - - eranntin # 5 8 do eu I to the getter up of the Club) $10 13 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in British North America m us remit éwenty-Ave cents in addition to the subscrip- tion price, as we have to prepay the United States postage. Lidions To Ciuns.--Any person having sen the money and names for a Club, may add new names to it at the same rate, provided the latter will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listdsa. We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have all the subscriptions in each Club end at the same time, and thus prevent confusion, 'he money for Clubs must always be sent in advance. Whenthesum is large,a draft should be procured if possible--the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent te one address, when they can do so conveniently. The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have subseribed. : A New Arrancement.--Qur subscribers wil] take notice that we now have no collecting agents out of this State. They will therefore please remit to us direct. _ All persons addressing letters to us should be careful to give the name of the State, as well as of the tuwn, in which they live. Al letters musi be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. fo We trust that such of our old friends, the Post-. M asters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, Ke. _DEACQN & PETERSON No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia. | ba" N.B.--Any Person desirous of recewing @ copy of the POST, asa sample, can be accommo- dated by notifyingi te F ublishers by letter (poet NUE Land is dry and rich, add mostly NEW SPRING GOO THAT THE FIRST LARGE STOCK OF Were brought into this market by os)» SUCCESSORS. TO. = ae BROOKE & MONTGCGMERY, And they are determined,that extra inducements shall be offered to their Customers in all the de- partments of © , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY "GOODS, MILLIN DRY, Our Stock is now in first-rate Trim, and we can show the Handsomest, the Cheapest, and the most Complete Stock ever brought into this Town. It is our determination that our prices shall be EXTBEDELY LOW And if our friends from the ( Jou Town, will bear in mind that there is '« Here money made by gabing tt, than there 4g im earning tt" 2: No doubt our Store will. be crowded by those_ wishing to_ Make the most of a pollar tt We advise an-early call, as those who come first, will get the first Bargains! ! CC. MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposite the Royal Exchunge. KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May 2nd,-1856. © 'ly. ie" A GOOD CHANCE 23 YOUNG FOLKS; OLD FOLKS, We take pleasure in announcing to our friends | New Spring Goods | GROCERIES, LIQUORS. &c,,| | Banjos, Flutes, Fifes; Piece ountry and} ™ FOR A SNUG HOME! BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE Village of Hast. Buxton, IN TH! CENTRE OF THE FLOURISHING (Wow mesini~per Gaicigtna, | j | Fry ¢EIFAWR INe 5 5° Five, Three, or One Acre Lots, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION = cleared; the situation, pleasant and healthy, with the great advantage of having a Church and and fostering care of the Reverend Wm. King, which fact alone would be.considered by. many to be the greatest inducement this locality pos- The prices of these Lets are moderate, and terms easy. q _ TITLE INDISPUTABLE. All doubts in regard to which, can be satisfied on application to WaLrer McCrea, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law; Phenic Block, King Street,: Chatham. (ei paen {2a For further particulars, as to price of Lots, and Terms, apply to Mr. A. H. Wast, Royal Exchange, Buxton, who will show the Property | or,'to the Proprietor, ~~ ; CHARLES WOOD, 'Grocer, Fourth Street, Chatham. - Oetober 19th, 1855. - ; -- 25-6m (New Notice--1856--No. 10) Slavery--Republicanism. In the name of Humanity I make this Appa. to CaAnaDrANs! "s Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Period- icals, &c., &c., (some of them incorrect copies) of the Societies and Religious- bodies. in. the Unirep Srarres, which are named below, are circulated.and sold in' Canada, by colporteurs These American-societies and bodiesI have un- remittingly for some time past, publiely denounc- ed.and proved, as Pro-Snavery or Sitent, and some (if not all) formed specially on a Repusut- caN Basis, or foundation, and opposed even on such principles to our BririsH institutions. Though many of these Societies, &c., haye been SHAMED,as it were, (since religious humane,and | Godwise principles are apparently trampled un- der foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in- humane practices, in a Free and a Bnirisa Pro- | vinee, yet Lam Jed to believe that clandestinely or otherwise, such evil practices are continued and encouraged, I therefore appara to all LayMen in Canada,-- to all men and women of Humaniry who are op- posed to the sin and curse of Suavery, ané who hail our noble Province asa land and an asylum for the free,--for the oppressed, and' for the Tu- gitive from American Christian slavery,--to aid in discountenancing in our free Provinee of Can- ada, the circulation of such books,- tracts, &c., and having any fellowship with snch societies The Societies referred to are :-- ' 1.The American Tract Society--New York, 2. The American Sunday School Uiion, Phil- adel phia. 3. The Presbyterian Board of Publicatio: Chesnut street, Philad elphia. 4. The Methodist Episcopal Church. [north] Book concern, 200 Mulberry street New York. 5. The American Baptist Publication Sicicty, --Philadelphia,--and American Baptist Mi siep- ary Union, Boston.--[{All Baptists of Unitec States, except the "Free Will" and the " Free Baptists," are either pro-slavery or si/end--see "Facts for Baptists Churches,,' pp: 408.] 6. American and Foreign Bible Society, [Bap- tist,] and the American Bible Union, [Baptist,] Nassau and Broome streets, N. Y. 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, New York,---with many others,--of whose pro-slavery and silent character, reliable information can be obtained-at 48 Beekman street, New York. Let the touchstone question be put: " What 'books, tracts, &e., do you publish, circulate, or 'sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles circu- "lated amongst the bond and the free" --and let proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in Canada, I have been' deceived--sin- tully so. JJ eEO BRINTON. Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. (VALUABLE BOOK.) FACTS FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES, OLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed by | Revds. A. T, Fossand E. Maruews: [Free | Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N.Y... Pub- lished by the American Baptist. Free Mission Society--[with portrait. | is: " This is a book which no Baprist.in Canada, --lay or clerical.--should be with ut. It shews the support givea to Slavery by the American Baptists. The' Free Will Baptists" and " Free Mission Baptists" are exempted from that charge, as they openly denounce slavery and receive not its bloody gains."--J. J. EB. L.. a4 July 1856. (Notice No. 11,) A Upper Canada Tract Society---Slavery: | if Naas Public are notified that colporteurs from | _ this Society, (Yonge street, 'T'oronto,) con: trary to.all just and honest expectations,--are perambulating the streets, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books of the pro-slavery Suent American Tract Society, of Nassau strect, New-York. ~~ o : Jo ee Le Stratford, C. W., July 17th, 1856 15 CALL AND SINR?) N. Z. HARRISON WS respectfully inform the Citizens of CHATHAM, that he has OPENED a Public House in Detroit, ~5 |) ON THE CORNER OF : Je#fersan Avenue and Front Streets, 7 where he will be happy to aecommodate those ENGLISH: AND: FRENCH. :PIGLU School close. by, and both under the judicious |. sesses ; also, anew Saw Mill, in full operation. | | Debility; tre ALTERATI VE, tor Pacilyin ; Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains, .Chapped o | 6eg. Give them :-a:trials<.% (book carriers) by Tract Societies and by others. | ~ | . { Fo! Terins, apply to 7 VY i. x whe may favour him with a call. 4 ONE THOUSAND PIECES: OF SBE ug AT ALFRED MoORE'S MUSIC} my ' = ¥ PW DOORS HAST OF THE T OFFI ats Mordeco and Gold 'Bindings. HSEgT 4 ELEGANT ANNUALS' © Or New Year's Present Books, "In every variety of style, from $1 to $6'ach, CO ¢ © From $2-te $10! ff SPT ye a From §3 to $20." SS J 5 . ob CEB D> NAY 653-92 olsyegs (0 HOM $2 10.820. oy owe . Harps, Guitars, Te ainborr Volkan and Guitar Stringsy: a fee S245) : UG Pl vith §j Music Books, Note Bost Music Paper, 'Sheet Music, And all'kinids of Ntdsical Merchandize, 4lways on hand, Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, School Books & Stationerys® CARD (BOARD. Flageolets, Clari LNovels and Miscellaneous Works. rs - t3 eS ht te ts Ballous' Piclorial, Ballous'. Dolla Hag of our Union, Brother Jonatha Hilustraled, American Newspaper, Frank Leslie's Gazette of, Fashi Frank, Leslie's New, York Jou New York Picayune. Boston Later Yankee Notions, Gudey's Lady' ) Harpers Magazine, G26. O05 °° RECEIVED. AS, SOON «AS PUBLISHED, . Catholic and Provestant 'Books, ys 'Efi st cet Ve $2 Framed -and <Glazed.}!¢ s2:3:5 LEgligi mks. La2 ODOR Seo ALMANACS FOR 1856, ~ READY-HADS CLOTHING, CASSIMERES? VELVETEENS, _ SATLINETTS, JEANS, TIEEDS, _ PAPER CL ee Balad. 7 TCO A, ROT OS VO ee Sn 200 HARDWARE,AND TREACLE. ae (sages hone ; sive ee December, 1855. RE, = : be VRS. BURLEY, (LATE.MRS. JACKSON,) } EEPS-consiantly:on hand; 'at her-Resi e,- 382, South Ninth' Slreet;; below. Cathe ve, a + supply of choice RC Herb Medicines, ohmtments, Palsy tie, Rh. awhich she. will, warrant to;,give, satisfach ORDIAL, Among. which are. the NER VINE.C Nervous wee for the cure, of Diseases: depending Blood, Serofula, Scurvy; &c4.and the INDE N SPECIFIC. GINTMEN F,.for Piles, Old & res, 1s, Chapped_ Skin, 'Letler, Salu Rheum, Scald. Head, Frosted Limbs, £ es ee Puitapernpaia, Nov. 20,1855. te -# , idee Apt sys? Bee : Vio eee } : 5 lo tieeh HE SUBSCRIBER offers: for: Sale, a ** choice selection of ; a i a | : oe poe epee os E: lleavy and Shelf Hardware, AMONGST WHICH. WILL BE FOUN "gee [RON,, of every descriptions .., Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STE Cut, Wrought, and: Erorse NAILS, Coil, Trace, and Plough CHAINS... ANViLS, VICES, anl BELLOWS. « AncexceHent: assortment of> TABLE AND POCKET-CUPDERY. Carpenters', Joines' § Cabinctniakers" Tools, AXES, of the veut déserpionde arena _ With an assortment of - : e- *i SHELF HARDWARE, seaseL ih) _eostesia' fm: which is mot to be surpassed in' 'Town, and which is offered tor Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Casu ! fe Buyers will find it to their adyantage to eall betore purchasing elsewhere. ; s Chatham, Nov! 22, 85h. © | 30:1y NW = ' OSSIAN ad 13 ae 2 BUXTON GROCERY SORE. : : ry Silt: Sci Sissi ease , : Pape cos in agiy : HE Suabsenbers would pt Pate geet Friends, that they are receiving, and opening ont; an Extensive Assortment of... =p squsee GSiirOeSGricSivus és: -ef superior quality, suitable for Country Trade, which they will sell at the lowest remuncrative prices. -- _ ---- Preduce will be takon inexchange for Groceries. Buxton, C..W., Dec. 1, 1855: roe (> Call and see our Stock. & Ce. 'S, HOUSE. AND- dice WAN BR NKEN. FOR SAL Ro LL that Easterly -patt of Lot 24, situated on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine-feet. - Also, a-Two Story. Faamecfiouss, consisting of Ewe Tenemefts, having each Four Rooms and a Closet,. There is.an excellen Well of, water ip-the yare,* ee roe = MRS. M! STEWARD, On the Premises! . North of Ring Street, between. William and _. Princess Street, Chatham Dec: Ist, 1855. oe BEEBE OS cow NEW LIVERY» STABLE. ' Tiny yoy sguads RoE Subscriber would inform the citizens > jot Chatham, that he has removed his LIV- ERY SLABLE, to the iT wee Corner of King & William Streets, wedge: where wil be found, "at all times, Open-and Covered Buggies, Lanes wea HORSES. on} ind Steady DRIVERS, if necessary Charges will. be-as moderate, .as times will ; ; adMib cioy lo weisons Persons are requested to call and examine the:Tarneuts. = ABRAHAM RAYNO. Chatham, Dec. 8, 1855. | ely information Wante. : . a iS Jaime Sed gt PRS OFIN A. MURRY takes this method Of'aseer- taining the whereabouts of his Father, Alfred Murry, who lived with Colonel Hollens worth ot Elagerstown, Maryland, U.S., in the year 1885. and came to Canada, where he is yet living, "Any person having eebpowledes ay of 'Mr. Marry, will confer a great favor by addree- sing-- JOHN A. MURRY. SS ee in Ne ee ee aE Poe