Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 27 Dec 1856, p. 3

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BP cs . AH REQUISITION |, ae wate os Bee & 3 THOMAS HOLMES, ESQ aware that you are allow yourself to be cillor at the en 70 wi dibs ott and support. m.. is Rg JP Ps Rig Co "ee ~~ < nas To the Electors of Eberts Ward. i CAN'T GEM EN, «* the undersigned Electors of Ebert@ Ward eeling confl lent of your ability, and being: largely. interested, in" the erity; of our ward request - that you will]. e put in nomination for Coun-| ~ Election; and we waccordingly Keough B. Barefoot, John L. Dolsen Kenneth Urquhart, "Thomas Snook, Isaac Smith Salem Traxler, Georee Babel, Thomas Davidson James M,- Jones, TY. Weuhak A Nelson. James Freeman, ames Hast, Daniel A. Jahnke, Louis: Nettle, Joseph Campbell, John Curtillet; , So Beatty,. A. B. Baxter, Francis: Dez: Hiay 'Davis, Robert Thomas, 'Jobn erate : "Marqnand. Stantn. hicid gee C McFadden. ot cz oo ot REPLY, Stringer, 'Hunton, John Fe Messrs. Wm: Seen B. Barfoot, and others. EN TLEMEN,--Please except my sincere thanks for the ve ory flattering compliment: you have paid me. It would be ungenerous on my.pitt not to zeknowlede> your requisition ; I therefore, accept your invitation, and am willing 3 «.tovallow. myself to be put in nomination for one of the represeniatives of your Ward. I will state that if I am elected you may rest assured thatthe interests of this Ward will be my inter- est, and that it will be my determination to meet you on 'the day of nomination, when [shall en- ter more fally-(if. required ) on the leading sub- Pe ole which are now agitating the people of this ard. . emeee eg] pibare 'Gentlemen, es? Your ob dient servant, THOMAS HOLMES cusinin® Dee. Sth, 1856. v3- 019 Eanthe. Electors of Chrysler Ward. GaNte EMN,--Havi ing been solicited by a number at El eetars, to allow myself to he- BRE a Candid ate " the above Ward, at the oming | unieinal Electi: m, whieh mill take lace on the Fifth and Sixth of January next, | ave consented to allow myself to be nominated, and trust you will extend towards m> a liberal support. [fh elected Lowill endeavor to carry out the principles [have always advocated through sib sealiinas of the P'anel, in recard «to improve- mnents, of which you must all be aware, On the day of nwmination! will be prepared to express fo yon my WieseS on. all leeal sa! yects. meantime allow me, Gentlem-n, to remain. PM /a phils a ot Your hunmbl> servant, qu iis & Qa ox MILES MILLER, Chatham, on Dee. SES (Nonce No: 15.) "<BOMINABLE DISHONESTY, HYPOCRISY, AND mposiTion!! 3 ~The American Tract Society very --A. 8. School ope and Sla- ~ THat ABOMINABLE Cringe, THE Stave Trave." --(Npeech. lately by Lord onal anc at Manchoster, Ling- land.) VEE, HAD SUPPOSED THAT 38 true cause and prosperity, and pure in- Tn the | ay Of Christianity with losal princi: | piss, in Canata, wou id, by this time, have Hei en 'the heart's delig ght of every Christian. af fucis ire i ny gnide "to us, it does zvé so app -ar.? | y and who are they. in Canada. of | sters. of Religion, Relizions Traer | S.icieties, Colportetirs, &e, and of our Religions | ers, who wet Pupp tne Amorican Traet Society or Aimeriean Sunday School Union? See the A: ivertisement, dated 23th November ae he Childs Paper ipa Amo-riean Messoncer for 1837 of said ee Society, in the Montreal Witness of 2th Nov Mber, and compare such with she Mowing article of the Sirsetsville Rvie 4 'of same date, as to said *Ameari- can® Messenger, ic. Will the: Montroai W/ness by John D. waza. its proprietor, me mer be cured of hypocrisy. or Geatine -wefairdy in religious matters? --for there is an article in his.said Dass hacd:skapslty of the Roman Catholics when he knows he ongeht to iknow ,*as'the® con- dnetor of a. 5 p: IEE and Aelizgioas jomrpal--that the BAI Bihe American Pract Society is rank repubbicanasne besides sp-rrtows printing and pro-slavery ahasemen!! The publications ofthese Societies he bas. previously reviewed and recom- mended, Without agy rei nopstrance. (See throuch- oul 'Home Evan zalisati: wn," p.p, by American Liha! Be 'ty, with its. reflections avainst the Trish _ and Which book, and others of that Society's tae dhl A S'S" Union. for | | ise afel are sold?t by the Upper Catraca "Tract Si iad Toronto --and said adsrcetts -ement in the 1 ness is signed "Jams Milne." as Depositary of thiedidanecd al Union Tract society. For shame!) The American Sund ty. S Union dare not pub- lish a sentence in favour of the freedom of the slave al mies tore subject of-slavery, and is aig ate republican! As he sighs and tears, blo» Istaias and groans, of wumanity. -areextorted for the support of the ixstes. of, books of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, (old school ,) at Philadelphia, Hear that,.ye Free. Presbyterians of Canada. who - "eolporteur" their "books! The Wes sleyan M-thvodists of Canada are cane by thir prea- chers for a similar support of a. more dismal. direct and fraternal kind, as'o their system! The" Facts for-B aptist Churches" speak in un- mistak ale langiag? as to those the Regular Baptists of Canada fraternize with, eLour own | bom> and. Birti~h r liable religious" literature bo pat Insone chile iren's hands, such as 'The Children's pip 2," publishe! by T. Nelson & Sons il Toronto, Se, and so worthily re- coanenied by a Canadi ian press, Re Phe article from the Streetsville Reviw is in asecperate Extra SRB AE eK PINON Stratford, oF aye Bike 'c. 5, 1856. gee 9-5. NOPIC oe : Meiners of JONES' SAX HORN BAND, are ae! to play for CON- | CEE15 , BALUS CELEBRATIONS, E AIRS, &e., on rersouable terms. For | da apply ie ' E.ts. JONES, Leader. Chattiam, Dee.2 oe 1856. v3-n19 To "the Independent Electors of .&berts Ward. ENTLEME Ni+-If the course I have taken in the COUNCIL, 'during the last FOUR YEARS? hasmetvour approval, I trust I may Jook withreonfi lence for a continuance of your support at tbe souacus MUNICIPAL ELECTION, whieh takes p'acc on the FIFTH and SIXTH of JANUARY NEXT. During the time I have had the honor to serve you eee lways adveeated those Measures whiel ved) Were niost beneficial to your interests ; and should you~ think proper again to elect m>,-your Maunieip ibRe presentative, I shall endeai Or So serve you faithfully, and will dis-- charge my duty'to the best of my belief, dade- pendently and honestly, for all. \ Your Obedient $ ervant, 2ISG2. THOS, A, IRELAND, Q 2 12th, 185 assortment of Capes, Circulars, German Plaids: _ Chatham, Dee. 12th, 33 wi Bie TRS Dresses, Yelvels Trimmings, &¢., of the latest "To the se mer of the Eberts styles, direct fram Enrope, and will be sold so saterves Ward. (LENTLEMEN The time for a new election of municipal officers is at band, I intend to present myself again for your suftrages. Iam willitg to let my conduct at the Council Board, for the 1 siiyear. speak for my zeal in the pro- motion of your interests, and ny eafnestness in therradvocacy. Z Ifitbe youre opinion: that J have. faithfully dischaged Sat HapOPaRY trust which You confi: ded in me at the beginning of the municipal year, I shabb-eontidetily look for a renewal of 'that trust on thaday.of election, when [will fally enterdnty the | gabe age rete whieh oeupied | -- se" our attention, and the action J considered it my = daty tovtalke tpon them. tile have. th honor to be, 3G 'CROC OCRERY: See pn eee ae : Gentlemeii, es 100 a "SETS 'of China. Pearl --Granite.|, Your Obd't Serv' E : Malberry, &c., very, ay SASUMBHOMS Cross. (| 4 tS P. LAIRD. haha, Do IBIG. yond. 4 veinte tic, ; 171, pablished } . and extensive & MILLERS' Bloek, Streets. support. . Yours, obed'tly I~ myself asa CANDIDATE for ee suf- frages at the Coming" MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION, and trust 10 'obtain from sg a liberal THOMAS KEATING. - Chatham, De 22th, 1856. v3-n18 to offer To the Blectors of Rherts Cx ENTLEMEN,--At the tequesf of many of T mytriends in the EBERTS WARD, Lintend when f ry inyselt asa PLR AL io cc VOTES 'at the ENSUING "ELE JANUARY EXE, comiug year, yon will allow mete he, Your Obit. Servant, CTION. trust--for t} Pee y 5.4 ASKIN, "Chatham, et. 12th, 1856. vo-nt&, Ward. Pe [COunINATION COS COLUMN.) New B BOARDING NOUS, [have "determined to Offer ai OF, THE Farmers' and Mechanics' 'Combination Store! Have Now Arrived! Se OEP Pcs In We ber, when, and:until NOW, the G rods hall arrived, and it has been perfectly CROWDED ever since. aged aout $209 Pik DAY! Gentlemen's rfesTy WITH NEW AND ON THE Purnshing CHATHAM CLOTHING TALL Is SUPPLIED in every DEF ARLEN , PALL AND WINTER Ready-m ade Clothing Cr LOTHING MADE TO ORDER MOISE. Cheap for Cash, is our Motto. STON] & TURNBULL. ws n1S-1f q HE D DARGE 4 sp In Chatham; PURC sl ASED for v. ASH, ania POR GASH demand, far or Produce only, at prices a8 low as such terms BE LO W COMPETITION The of those who buy or sell on any other terms, Old Store, JOSEPH S. BEATTY to STA os a ete Rt GOODS a sé LIQUORS. FS &O0O LS, 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SILOT, tGO°KEGS GUN Sole POWDER Agent for vy BURNING FLUID. JOS. Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1855. S. BEATLY, v3 n18-uF ernerally, that they are about to leave their pre- sent place of busisess, fur the more commosions And being-desirons of Premises in Messrs. dh SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfully to inform their Custom: 'rs, and the Public BARFOOT Corner of King anid Fifth having little to move, are now selling off their whole: Stock: of DRY-GOODS, &C., he res at gre: eatly reduc:d prices. Parties favouring them with a CALL may rely on getting decided BARGAINS, WHITING. & THOMAS, Opposite the Post Office, King Street. T Chatham, Nov. 24th, 1855. v3-n16-4f. 1856 VINTER DOLSEN & PRATT'S BRICK BLOCK, King Street, Chatham, C. W. HE Subscriber is daily expecting ex Amity, Peerless. and G. W.R.R., from Montreal, ais Balband, Winter Goods, embracing a com. plete assortment of Dry Goods, 'Groceries, Crockery end H ardware. This Stock has the advantage of being cont. posed of entirely New Goods, "and. scriber is determined to dispose of them at LOW PRICES, for Cash or Heady Pay only, bargains may be exp 'cted. as the suh- The Publie's Obd't Servant, O.-P. EAERD, TO THE LADIES. ILL be opened on or in. Dolsen. Chatham, a splended November, Briek Block King Street, BERLIN WOOL GOODS, T this M ues HE most magnificent Stock ever brought to | Latest Styles and low piices. C.P. LAIRD READY-MADE: OLOTHING.._ HE_ best and ,cheapest. assorment ever of fered in Chatham, : oy Pet MRD < ' ay Cxt low as to perfectly astonish you. to save phe ersh for these Bargains. | 'os PE. LAD. about the Tst of & Prattcs Don't forget Goods. OFFERED gredt | LKIND & REMEMBER. eld fogy ses eases oa business is reversed ! THE COMBINATION ~~ CONSISTING OF Forty-five Parmers znd Mechanics. ed this Store in order to we SAVE MONEY establishing it Stores. In order to make the Farmers & Mec Store self-supporting, the Small Advance of Fifteen Per Ceni, bination, sothat the RULE IS One Price to ALL! W hether as fastas its deficiences are ascertained, | will be supplied. fe The Large Yard and Comfortable Shed >rear of the Store, is found to' be a great in ie convenience by the Ci astomers. Nationa! nredi lictions are gratified here also. with, so will a Seotehman, an Datehman, a Canadian ora Erevehman! 2NeD 'ou WELCO ME! A Lt Wabh tisern 'nt to several. co'umns; it: must therefore suffice to. say thatthe Assortments.cf the follow- ing different kinds ot Goeds to be found in the FARMERS & MECHANICS. STURE, 'are Very COM °LETE, V. lz way Ss FANCY Ut / eS *OO, Ss! ULOTHING Boots and Shoes Hats _ gee Trunks, Valises, &c., BA Stationery. and School-Books Oil Painted & Paper Window- Shades & Self-Adjusting Rollers, Wall Paner, Wooden & Willow- ware, Cordage, GLASSASTONEY CROCKERY, WINDOWGLASS, (all sizes, Ch: umpagnes, . Wines,' Ales, Poniers Hiindice, AND ALL OTHER LIQUOR Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Var nishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., &e., &e. ice Bear in Mind, kind Headey: oaly FiF CEEN PER CENT is charged on the eost of any Article in all the ahove numerous clas- ses of "Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to find some particular Article as Cheap in some other Store, you must not imagine that every thing is s0, because about FIFTY PER CENT. is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE, ltis claimed for the Farmers & Mechanics Store, that its Customers SAVE, all round, Fully 30 Per Cent, 1 HUNDREDS who have boneht Goods there CLAIM. ATVENTIGN is directed to the following ALL THE GOODS F THIS STORE was opened on the 15th of Octo not ONE HALE Thesales have aver- The CAUSE of this GREAT RUSH is,--The All large buyers themselves, have establish- in buying their own necessaries,---instead of to MAKE MONEY,--hereln eonsists the difference between this and the-other hanics is charged on Cost, and the whole public placed an an eqnat footing with Members of the Com- Members of the Combination or not. The Gombination are determined to make their Storz as POPULAR AS POSSIBLE, so that they an Enolishman willfind a Countryman ty deal [rishman, a ALL are HERE REPRESENTED To enumerate items would swell this Adver- | under said church. Se will willingly. certify to the JUSTICE af the | WILLIAM. STILL. EGS to announce that he has Opsnep a BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374 SOUTH. a accommodate ~ 'respectable persons, perma* nently or transiently, who may favour him. with. their patronage. e House is Commodious and in good order, and the location Central and Respectable. i" No pains will be spaired therefore te give every satisfaction. Parilade shia Oh 29th. 1835 KET N | Lh VV F] i A at i yu. IST RECHIVED AT WH, H. NELSON'S STORE, At the corner of King and Fifth Streets, and ad- joining the Royal Exchange Hote ~ Chatham, C, W., the LARGEST AND MOST COMPETE STOCK ---- Opes HARDWARE. & 18, © es aus mL ng m2 g Glass be Cen SC. Thermometer C: urns, Corn' Cul-; fwwators, Ploughs, '§e., &e. floes, Spa des, Cradles, Snaths, Scythes, Forks, Rukes, SC, Ge. PAINTS! Lead in Oil, Raw, and-Boiled oil, é&c., ever brought into Chath am at onetime, <All of which will be sold Cheap for Cash, NELSON. WM. If. Remember the Corner Store lit ap with Gia. Chatham, June 13th, 1855. COTTAGE FOR SALE. A: NEAT COTTAGE forSale Bor parti. XX culars apply to D. LEONARD, at the office. of 9. tf J. B. WILLIAMS, Exq,, Raukin's Building. Chatham, June $ i a 855, = if MRS. A. M. STERRI TT & ADAMS. FASHIONABLE % GLOAI MAT North slee King Street, Nearly opposite the Town. Hall, . R )Y ESPECTFULLY solicits the p patronage of \& the Ladies of Cuatuam, and Vicinity, They are prepared to execute the orders of those w ho may favour them. with a call> wiih neatness and lespatch. ja? The latest patterns for Ladies' Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, yt tS = DRESS Presses, Sacks, §-é. Shildren's Clothing made to order, styles. 1855. ate an the latest Ghatham, Sept. 21, TREET, below Ninth, PuivaDeLPHay where he|= == EIS he TEA) pal be 4100 the 2yov Fl: a, FOR SALE OR FO LET. TWO.STORY ER 48 ME HOUSE and 'ast half of Lot No. 43. the Shouse; is newly finished and situated on St. John Street, in the flourishing village of Dresden. © For particulars apply to Wm. H., Wilson of Dresden, or at the office of the Freenian. Dresden, July 10th, 1855S. (Notice No. 14.) 13 ee SLAVERY FELLOWSHIP AND METHO- DISM--IMPOSITION. Ist.. The spans oe Chureh, a continues by HG discipline to coun! enance, "the iniquitous-system of Suavery! Of the holding, buying and selling of human beings--souls and bodies of men, women and. children. "Their Class-leaders, Ministers and members, buy, hold and sell: slaves. . Ministers of religion, " yrith authorily and license to preach the blessed Gos- pel of Christ, being slaves, have becn soldin the public market as "eoods and chattles--as a pig or a horse! Their chiet a place is 'at Mo. 200 Mulberry. Street, New York.--(See title ee oftheir books, &e., andas. referred. to in the Christian Cia on. of Toronto, C: Ws 2nd. The Canada Wesleyan Methodist Chureh Rev. Enoch Wood, of Toronto, President of Conference, fellowships with, ecountenances and receives, the above Methodist Episcopal Churéh (north) as a church equally as_ one with them- selves. © They sell and circulate their bucks, &c. in Canada; nay, more; got their Canada Sunday Advocate, printed at- No. 200 -Mulberry Street being a copy next to. one, of the same kind. of publication printcd and. circulated from New York by the M. E. Church (north.) They also eall it "Our Church" and our "Mother Church." They demit, or send .ministersof their churches in Canada, to preach and labor .in the U. States They hal delegates [Revds. John Ryerson and Richard Jones] at the One: rennial General Conference of the Methodist E. Chureh (north) at - Indianapolis ¢indiana,) - in May, 66, at which these Rev. gentlemen deliv- ered speeches, which contained nat a word of remonstrance or advice as to the sin and evil of | Slavery--so.existing in their midst. And they also preached. The Resolution of the Combination, passed at a Mectiing of its Members, held on Saturday, the | first dustant: "Reso.yep, That if is not at all times convenient | for many of the Members of this Cambination | to pay dewn for their necessaries; and in order to | meet the case of such pattics, it is the wish of a} majority of this meeting that the Manager do | tropen atcounts with Members r quiring the same, as aiso with ALL responsible Persons: upon such Members or other consenttng ee pay 8 per cent on the Pmountofth ir Account, | to cover expense of keeping such Account. Ail 'such Accounts to be due and rendered on ihe | | First of January, Pirst of April; First of July | Pand First of Octaber, on whic 4 davs, to be clos d | and interest charged till paia,' | Persons silane a and. FOUND- FOR. SALE ai 'ache | IHPARMERS & pies HAN CS SIFORUE é | fee THOSE who have NOL VET visited thed Lis armers and Meclanies Store,.are politely re- ! | quested to Go so; those who have, know too well ; where theit true interest lies, nol to repeat and continne their visits 2 OBLIGING TFREATMENT, will be extended to all who. visit the Store. je Tne Parcels of -- rs willbe delivered at their Hotels, Residences ~ in town,) FREE of CH ARGE. ; By Order of the Manager, JOHN 'D. MchEOD, -- = Cashes Gan ated Nev. osag! ets % ss -ty = CO M MopIOUS" "orrites" 'OVER THE _ Farmers and Mechanics Store. Ss the above Store is doing more business than' any 'other in Chatham. Professional Men -woull fiod this a good Jocaition, Apply at the office of the Farmers and Mechanics Store for further particulars, | proceedings are in my possession, | Are we, Canadians, underthe humane and gen- i eral government of. the British Empive,are we; | money, of any such Body or Bodies, whieh cown- | lican maxims, religious and politic al, to our Hoe i flesh and blood of Slavery, : cash|]--we Slavery Frraowserp; and 'religious imposition thereby, which has Ralherto been, and continues 'to ba, (for shame!) practiced ona Canadian and eH loyal peoples by. several of our religious Tract Gnardian was there also. Reliable copies of the 3. The British laws declare Sla avery, and all traffic and participation. in the same, as Friony! loyal people, to be supporters by ai - advice or tenance and fellowship with pro- -slav ery Bodies! Are we! Whilst the highest and noblest in: Britain's land, as well as 'the lowest,. who sup= port and tre fie or have property in slavery, are liable to the pains and penalties of that British law, are 7c free from itt_ Shall we prefer repub- monarehical institutions 2 4 Vhe inhabitants of Stratford,-and its viei- nity [wherein also live the purchased human yes, bought with our are called nipon, by public. large« i handilts. 1a contribute on Sunday, the e 8rd No- vember, instant,-and following "days. bv. our | money: os the support of the said Canada Wee} Levan Becthodist Church! The names: of 'said Rev. Enoch Wood,--also Rev: Bohert Cooney, D. D., of Guelph, and Rev. Lewis Warner, Dis.' trict Chairman, are stated in these bandbil = as to re present at the mee lide see. The Subscriber - will, D. V. owed aS 2: eee to fake every means in his powe (while the evils of said fellowship, &e,, oan SU Sil 2 which time, influence' and ee give him, | with the aid 'of humane people, to endeayour 10 \os REE extripate- and do away with every kind of pro- ae ve and Book.and other Societies, ministers;of religion, in Canada. J. J.-E LINTON. Churches, and CAUTION! Se) ways season. always-on hand: Meats can be had from Six wcloekstw the 7 ning Still Miduioht.. editor of the Christian | -- -ed her. MAF Ob GL _FPREN the DEPOT, lit Bor community, ge ri CHOKE _He also tenJleus his.sincere thanks to the Public generally strict attention to basiness, to retain their patronage in future. FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: AND WALNUT VENEERED 'BURGA OS, _Mahogany.and Walnut Sofas, D-SPRING SEAT PARLOR-CIA IRS 25 Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, NOH, COLPAGE, SERPENTINE, 7, ee NY CANE AND a R. <> Es o> RO "ple G su BoOCIIBER. takes.this opportunity of informing the | peoj ple af CHATHAM, and surrounding Country that he has ti alza ast ean R. SMITH'S OLD EST rABLISHED ST AND, WITH A LARGE STOCK @F SEASONED oo em BESIDES, A LARGE FURNIT. SSSORTMEN™ pe Sees ng Bes y, for their liberal support ; and hepes His STOCK is fephponede "AND PLAIN' BEDS S'TEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH pa "ALSO, A SPLENDID. 'ASSORTMENT OFA $ Bere oY =: ae Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, - a 8 fiom Sy TAT Ris | ot gage) Persons-wishing to: bay I ee Chatham: December 14,°1855 ; 3 y ROVINGIAL | FYE S has he ~has already ¢ ofly-the mostpleasant jocation, co! nmodations that can be obtaines d. Persons stopping at the Provin-ial per eah be accommoda ited with CARRTA GES, on the shortest notice," Pérsons arfiving at~Chathan Hose, insight on ihe ee alarge and beautifing olage building incial t Chatham, August 21, pis beg: regently © PINE and pabli ic-£ gained; "of" HOUSE. to announce, ah D. his; New atei 'commodious House, on PMOURTH STREET CHA THA VE C6. WwW, and he_trusts that his experience: ine Hotel Keeping witl enable him fo give. sarisfaction:to the tracves- generally; and he will spare no € ffort to deserve end retain Lhe _ye- having - no! ebut the beet a 'C- "TIE BEST MANUFACTURED IN: CANADA. Stk : EE ee 9 will tethember ysign oft H DAY. the Bue 18-ly "CW BI General= Int hg 2ODIE,. REAL ESTATE AGENT renee Office. 7ROM a séockbdaate acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, Corner of King and Willi lam Streets, CHATHAM, C.V. Picuse ] 855. Call before Me Buy. SR pean I3tf STRANCE'S HOTEL, FIFTH SERVED) position in the town. ~easonabl Chatham, Aug. 2 22, 1855, Bei een Kine: CHATHAM, e ternas,. and, Wellington Streets, "Ces TRANGERS «visiting 'this place will find i: fo.tneir advantage to-call-at this HOTET; bieng one cf the largest, and in the moat centra} j The best accomodations, on JOHN STRANGE. 1R1e 2h) ONT how. ELS 5) i I the season. WINES, SaRpinte r-ARIO SxAP..2 ay af SBE. PpRiL above ESTABL in prope r order, tte Ga Sen teamed" 60 AU SPEARE RESTAURANT STREET OLP OS a : ISI IMEN cE being | the Proprietor is_al- prepare ed fo. Récommodate any number. of Ladtes- and Genthenren with: ****> TMP RSET aS, which will consist'of the best-Viends to:be found in Buffato, Hanaiiton, or Toronto: Market, during He will have a constant supply yr the best Oyst ters, and Game, ) LoBsrers, 'Suton, Oe; &e., of all kinds in LIQUORS, and . CIGARS, # tdci best quality. Dintér and other Parties' édn he supplied, with as. eee everything suitable, on very moderate terms, MILLIS Private Families can also 'be 'served with *E OYSTERS, &c., GAME prep tred tvthe best style. LUNCHEONS supplied; &c.;ean-be-had at the _. Restaurant in a Peiyate.Room. eae Eke Proprietor a always endeavours. to Bele to the wantsof his Customers, as to merit their steady supporl and patronage, CLARK THOMAS. Stratford -Oetober 26, 1855. Jr ly Ei K ae RY STORE [ WET E GLCD EBDPTER. ~~ MISS GuBR, EGS respecifally to acquaint the ie of Chatham and vicinity, that she has -remov-- MIG LINER Y and ESTABLISMENT tothe stand tately™ ocenpied ; by Messrs. Brooke'& Mon itgomery * directly op- | posite the ROYAL b XCHANGE HOTEL. where ber. DRESSMABKING yeh as: ilks, | Satins, laids, Noy, fess her is now ee for the FE 2 kinds of eet and side Cloaks, Weare |tas 1856. Bae ae 'containi ing all CHILDRENS? WEAR, f Bonnetts, aPbonss : Plames, Children's Clothing apihall kinds. of: Tri immings in great variety. : ¢ Sock is very com ple te insthe depaitments, she -respecttullysolecits~a all from her custcmers, and. the ladies as she can assurethem that she can' stipply their every want, her stock being fhe largest, . and most varied, ef any evér before: opened for. the snspection "ot the "La Its f, generally the hest idies in this vicinity. NSA ee Stratford, ©. ane Nov. 7th! 856. vent 7. Important: to: } ousekeepers. -- J offer for sale 35 aifecae recipes for $1, many) & of which have been sold the pat' vear for. #5 a piece. ~ No housekeeper will srudge #1 for enc ef those recipes alone after 'trying jt once, Address Wm. BRUMBAck, Point. -Pleasant Pa. and the whole number of recipes will be forward- og by mail. Dean RSC Shoemaker. Halton County, . Canada West. lings currency. Bronte, AGUE or (NOTICE. aS. Bronte, atdicied. a the. BE VER, ea the CHILL: PRVER. ean be speedily citred by applying to JOELIN HATTON, Tow nship. of. Trafalgar. Price ten shil- {JOuN HATTON. July 37th, 14-tf, wiPrmisinecd at thie Shoress- Notion. ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. aed will find it to their Ail anlage | to Ga ue and ex nine before purchasing elsewhere.- aS = anes 'ADWOOD & JACKSON = : LLANKIUL fer the patronage they. epepcieed from bebe gens conta ap GEeaery" Business, ON KING STREET, Asfew Doors of the Market Flouse, Chatham, 'vere they have const: j Seth nilyson hand, a large if GROCER ae 8 5 of the flest quality, which wilhbesold "~~ Teasonable term Come and examine for yourselves, defore purchasing elsewhere. : P s= Salt Provisiois always on hand, such ase fams, Shoulders, Pickled: Bory Fish, mee fe: 2 SA USI 2th, 155. q fhe most "77 S Beige? Sy BTS Nowe Grocery and and Provision Sir ANDREW. 'SMITH, N° returning. thanks to the people, for ee yerye liberal support he has received, Legs to an- nounce to his Friends, Customers,: and the Pubhie= generally, that he is receiving and ops eae = S a large assortment of Groceries and Provi istons, AT HIS NEW STORE, On the Corner of King and" William Streets rar ae Produce; Provision & Grocery Store, We will continue to keep constantly on hand - CONSISTING Fe grr Sugars, Molasses, 'Coffee, 'Teas, Flour, Meal, Burer figss, | , Canles, Tobacco, Snug, "ae be Go P A LARGE. QUANTITY OF ; PICKLED PORK AND BACON Constantly on hand. : f-@ Persons in the Town and surrounding -- country will find it to their advantage to call, as. they will be accommodated on the. 'most reason-. . able terms, for Cash, ~ -- Chatham, August 20,.1855. "18-1y G. W. BRODIE & T. STERRITT, tee this method of infor ming a generous public, that we have bought the well mows and repat table Pork, Bacon, and Grocery Store i OF MR. THOS, BELL: 'a r the® aitin thélabéve fine' as ty the best quality; a 'ness, and hope to give Satintnatic to all eacrass 2 favor.us with a call, CORNER OF KING AND WILLIAM sreeera, ~ " CHA THAM, iG We August 15th, 1855, Seg ree yeres Fi 38 B2E*S _ kK y., would render satisfaction® to his Father, writing to the Provincial Freeman Office, ham, C. W. . Thomas Williams; 'some "years past, lived with Chapman, Culeman, of Low's< ville, and after leaving Mr. Coleman, wen - Pittsburg, Pa. tive Slave 'Act, he came to: Canada, since v. ich time I have not been abk. to Jeagn his v : abouts. TAKE: NOT E.4 ANY person. or- "persons acaauniied with THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Louisville; © tl Chat: ; but after the- passage of the F.. WILSON VILLIANS. Chatham, C. W., Augus i231 2¢t 19 ever inate to s Chaany' kath hii SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Flames, Loelks, Boltsy. Butis, 'Serews, Hinges 'of all kinds; Knives, Forks. and. Spoons of every': ad deseription ; ' Circalar Saws, Crosscut. and Pi Saws, Fige::, ve "all widths, ww hat i Size see 2b 3 secfe ne eas. A. CURRIE. esi foer fo: De R. viaenees 'King: Street Chatham, C. od Rr ad S38 VE SUBSCRIBER / Naviig ens his: SPRING STOCK, ne bos the public, the a LARGEST, CHEAPEST ANT ERE i : ABB IE, NE OF Big ome 8 Bawa 2 Whotesale- or Retail! oOEsS foceee in part as follows, mo saicon, and Steel of a) kinds: Screw -Plates, Diesand Taps; ee Shoemaker's Tools, Nails of all kinds and. sizes; Spades, 5 Rakes, El co] TB 5 k Cultivator -eeth,, Patent Pumps,. Pump. chain: lew and Gearing Blacksmtth's Bellows.. a -- hovels, Scoups, 'Eloes,; Forks, Garden Scythes, Snaths, 'Brush © «2 Chains of all kindss, Harrow. Teeth >:« Hay Rakes, , Pots. Pans and Kettles ; phe and Tinsmith's- Tools: a) 'Brushes of all. kinds.;. < «:. 4.0033 MULLY MILL SAWS. - at VS. PAINTS, OILS .AND. 'COLORS, | AV ith other acticles quite: toa. aAUMerous Hemet" 36 tion, quantity.of. He will also, inva be cepa have halite: ob -- MACHINE. B ELTING, Aik oti tcli he 6 wii belt * pro ce W: Chatham, June 13th, 1856,

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