Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 27 Dec 1856, p. 1

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ites. ne tis STO. ieagr x Se er YOR WAM - Mit ¥ ivinpesd Sih sh Bia Se en ee ee See ee - "SELF-RELIANCE IS THE TRUE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE." 'CHATHAM, CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1856. Gee re Terns: ; ONT : DOB de AND INVAREABLY: IN eae Nags! NUMBER! 19)! Pe : ae PROSPECTUS ' OF THE may | ° the Pr enincial Fr eemnan wiil be de fied to Aw anti sc oe 'Temperance and General Literature. Lt will open its columns to the views ef men ot diferent: political opinions, reserving _theright,as an. independent Journal, of «1 | ex- oPression onl) questions or: projects: affecting the people ina political way; and reserving, also. othe wightto express emphatic condenmation 0. al! projects, having for their object in a great 01 *reimete degree, the subversion of the principles e British Cunstitutien, er of Gritsh rule in : Provinces. siNot committed to the views of any religious ee exclusively. it will carefully observe the rights elevery sect, at the saine time that a reser "vation skall be nade in fevor of ab existing lif "ference of 'opinion, as fo {he views or actions o! -- re spectivelys AS an alyertising: medium, as a vehicle of in- 'Err ination on Agriculture,--: tnd as an eneiny tc 2 in auy aud. every conceivable. form, and a *pro:noter of gad morals, it shall be made. worth a the patronage ef the public. Pees, i. receive aitention whether. for -pablicativs, or en: Business, must be addressed, ecb? O24 I. D. Saapp, Chatham, CG. We. .» gs earpes era aS a PROY INCIAL - FREEMAN Sv And Weekly Advertiser, SA TIM "1S PUBLISHED EVRY SATURDAY MORNING. 433 OTHE OFFICE OF THE PAPER King St. "Wes', Opposite the Market, "CHATHAM, C. Ww 4e>° oe aw ae goONE DOLLAR AND AHALY. grec a inWaRtapey IN ADVANCE. figibios 1 xine $ai ; . Rares, OF. ApvErrisixa, ngod B25 iD. ix -- ae a insertion, - - - 3 - Mee subsequent insertion, sigs O: UO: Wer tendinss, firstinacrtion, perline - O- 4 ach stibse quent dassttion, perline, sini t oe Aiscount, allowed when ac iin -Tisaments she cg tinset over three, months: .§0e. Merchants, jand others, contracting for HIER Faw advertise on advantaveous terts. AU adveriisepients, without instruction as Ti h be inserted ;antil forbid, ength of time, ft Uy aad charges see Lines aly. = ia "a IAS wad oe Lo "PRI NTING OFFICE, i King Street f¥est, Opposite the Market, oe al CHATITAS, Clay. Petis] THE PROPRIETORS Gs ieitins "or THE PROVINCIAL FREE MAN enld inferm-their Friends'and the Public, that their @fice is supplied with all the Reqiisites for the exectttion ef every description of 29k Sarwisws, : INCLUDING ; PAMPHLETS, BILL M1BADS, Ff) t CARDS, | (>. irc FUNER feed cs LABELS, INVITATION CARDS,: STEAMBOAT BILLS, STAGE BILLS. CONCERT BILLS, CIRCULARS, | PROGRAMMES, ; ad ea | BLLLS, cF : : LAW BLANKS, pee. PBILLS, "BANK CHECQUES, wiley > PROMISSORY NOTES, = _ MO: arG AG ES, MEMORIALS, : ete ' mince we. 5a Ol 6 'see or tiah of LETTER- PRESS PRINTING ander if the BRP and handsemest style, with "oT bas 38 KG PRINTING | IN COLORS AND BRONZES. ee LAW Bese EC NEWSPAPERS asi? 2 "not. bers aie do not give express notice te the cont ary, are bonsidered a5 wishing (0 con- ir subscriptions. ' Eber. order. the Aiseanlinwarice ror publishersmay.contiiue to-senc roars.are paid up. DTS neglect er relus: to mb their A Lhe gilice to. which they are directes, d responsible till they. have settlee nd onlered their papers to be disvon- sin ' TSI re.nove to other places, without mforming tho Publishers, and the paper is sert eee direction, they are helt responsible > ¢ accuracy and despatch, S 9 Est isiness 'Directory. ae ar SEARO IPRA LYLE IOI "ist TONE: & TORNBULL - CHATHAM CLOTHING WALL i < AND | Establishment, mroisd * rE OST Re ieicd, sow (le oo CHATHAM, C. W. Septembersth, 1885. DEY GOODS, | Messrs. A. Ogilvie. & Go.; Messrs. Howard & Fitch ; NEXT;DOOR: : Copy atts Accountant t, Collector | Joseph Southwick, Esq, 201- DROSAMUBL RUSSELL. BOTANIC. MEDICINES. | RAPID CURES, AND p LOW 'CHARGES ! | toe Brick Buildings, next door ta the, reeman" Office, King Streel East, ei GHATHAM,.C., W. _Angus 2, 9 h855: j "3 "GEORGE KERR, ee WERGHANT, ad ihre Motes! AND RE Tall, 4 BALER IN JiGA OY and Shelf Har divar e, "moa CUTLERY, FC. oGtc., si >ratt?s . Bioek,, Chatham, Co. w. Sipe O2, 1855. 18-ly Indeed all 30-ly Fi ape ace "HENRY. 'LOTT, "BAKER, T NG OLD (BST ABLISAMENT, REPD, BY ue Be <4 gs Sirset, Bust, ay iam: < Aogast 30, 1895. 18-1y | ra a RODONELE™ Barrister, Atiorney-at-Laio, ' NOTARY PUBLIC, §., Fs ~éf J WINDEOR, C. Ww, a Seas ANDRE W HENDE RSON, Auctioneer and Commission Mer onan? No. 32, Yoxeu Serer, Toronto. References--Thomas Clarkson, Ssq ; President of the Board.of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire, Messrs. D. Crawtford-& Go. 'OHARLES FLETC UER, "BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER; No, 54, YONGE STREET, TORUNTO. British and American Works imported and for sale at the smallest possible advance upon the wholesale prices. CHARLES MARCH, Flouse, Sign, ant Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Glazier, and Paper Hanger, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAIN ER. No. 29,. Kine Srrezet Wrst, Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win- dow Glass andLooki ing Glass, for Saie, at the lowest Cash prices. Toronto, 10th April t8o4. 4 PUNCTUALEL?TY 341 > +a J, BROWN (LATE OF PHILADELPHIA, 7 * dps i ee Sas } Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker. : No. 63, KING STREET WEST. Atb-work Warranteu to be done in a superior style Repairing done wiih neatness and despatch. Ver Feetmeasured of ainotontical principles: 23 Voroute. Marclr sth, 1854. y DP. FARRAR: & IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Grocert rea, Hiines, Lepuors, &C., No. 15, DUNDAS STREET, 7; GRINDON: ©. =. Nassrs. R. P. ADAM CROOKS; » Bari -- ai- Law, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, WELLING-PON SEREET, TORONTO. Ano Boe PON E'S, ree oe IN Groceries ait &? uokery ee No, 314, DUNDAS STRiELT LONDON, .C.r W, CAYVUGY & CAMER LON, Barristers, §¢.;.§¢., Ufice--Cuvncnt STREET, ae door f the Conk House TORONTO: WIGLIAM CAYLEY, t MATTILEW CROOKS CAMERON, Vi NKOUGUNET & "BROTH ER, Barrist ers, Altvrneys, §C., " Ojice--Cucrc H STREET, Over *The City Bank" Agency, two dsor South : of St Audrew's Charch, +, TORONTO: DR DAVID HAWKINS. BOTANICAL PLYSISIAN, CITA EEL AM, Cow December 18, 1759. 82-ly HILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, Steceatpyers, Yrintivg, and Winders, PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS, No. 5, PARK ROW, Opposite Astor House. New York, And £O7, Genesee Strect, C.N MILDER = WM. ORTON, MRS. 8. WILKINS 1BOAIR DIN G IOUS 18 Auburn, WN. W --E MULLIGAN. No. 168, PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. November 1855. 31 » ANDREW CURRIE, DEALER IN THE 2 LED WY AA FR | CfRON, NAILS, TIN-WARE, CARPENTERS TOOLS, BLACKSHITHS BELLOWS Anviis, Paint-, Ous, 'Lurpentine and * Colors. TO- Di RR, VAN JALEENS; CHATHAM, C.'W, L850. KING Chatham, STREET, Jue 13th, 6m WiILLiAM C: NELL, = aD: UBepodia Sees PASS, REGISTRY. iW OR HELP, - 21, COMNHILL,. (Up Stairs,) PSF SRO9 PONY REFERENOSS: Wendell Pliltips, Esq. Dé. James W. Sione. Samuel 15. Séwall, Esq., Lewis Hayden, William: 1. Bowditch, Esq., Mr and-Mrs. A. B. Alcott, | James Egan, Hsq Francis Jacksoa, lisq ; Joshua B Smith, Robert E. Apthorp, Lisq., | George Adams, -- Joseph K. Hayes, Pub. Boston Directory, Sup t Tremont Teniple- Boston, November 20th). 1855 36 LEWIS HOUSE, | XENIA SPR NGS, 0. x TT HE PROPRIETOR anes sparec no pains or expen for the fitting wp of his establish- -ment, for the comfort and pleasure of his visitors, sospeettully informs them that he has opened on the first of June last, for tneir reception, the Jo- sali is well known fur its being the healthiest summer resorbin, the States the "house has beer enlarged and newly furnished. 'He has also ad- ded to the pleasure of the establishment, a Billiard, Bowling and Ice Cream Saloons thecomfort and convenience that might be required for the Public, will be fully met with by the Proprietor. a ae OST RATES 'OF. BOARD: "Par months' sine - $14.06 Per aveekyaict 3 = 400 oP OF; fay, fe EWS - 1.09 Chil dren Hal 1s Price, Persons wishing to obtain the large frent ) roony,-will be-charge sdextra,: > 9-3 Conveyance to town or back, 25 eenis Siliscellaneaus Adverttsements. SII III PRED ENDIAA PRDIRADNAAAAARD SARARAN 1 DOCTOR DELANY, PAYSICIAN & SUBGERUN, WILL, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK, Have his Office in. the front Private Parlor of THe VILLA MANSION. : Entrance on William Street, East of King. i practices in Chronic D Diseases, and the Diseases of Women and Chil dren, in par- ticular. REFERENCES! J.P? Gazzam, Esq. M.D., George M. Cook, Esq., M.D. Late Prof.of Surgery in the Washington Medical College, Baltimore, Md. --Pitisbuigh ) Pai Chatham, February 22nd, 1856. ry, = [ak Be is Hat 4Al-t CAL NOTICE MOCTOR Ao ARAT WA OULD respectfully announee to the Citi VY zens of this Vicinity, that he has" Opened an Office in Chatham, where he is prepared to attend to the TREATMENT OF DISHASES QF ALL KINDS. He proposes not only to dreat, but to Cure Diseases. DOCTOR ARAY, [n his Onde does nut confine himself to anv particular ee bat makes free use of all such means as he finds available inthe treatment of disease, from whatever School of Medicine it may have eminated. He wishes it distinctly unde aS that he is directly opposed to the use of ceriain agents, such as Mereury, Arsenic, Sates oe in the pol- sonous forms in? which th ey have been, and still are bing administered by maby Physicians, Spécial attention will be given to Disease of a Chrome character, and to Diseases of Children. Wo charge made for Consultation at his Office. at which time he will give all information in his power, as to the natnre of the. cases. presenting ihemse Ives, and in explanation otf the rationale vi his mode of treatment. Chatham. March 7th. NEW CABINET SHOP, ON COLBORNE, STREET, Adjoining Charteris § Baxter's Saw 1856, 43-tf Mull. A el mvs ot Ey S2NITURE: such as BiiD- Te STEADS* TABEES, CUPBOARDS, STANDS, &c., &e., can be had -on the most reasonable teims. HY. CHARLES ay RAMS Chatl C: Wi, Feb. t3th, F355 40-ly 1am, uO sua IN THE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS. STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, And lately: erected by Alessrs. Mvore g- Ralph, LE, D HP OP D HP a FEXH ES SUBSCRIBER, would inform his old and numerous Customers and Friends, that he has again DipSeneAh WiwsimssBa With a Large and entire New Stock ef DRY GOOBS & GROCERIES! ide thanks them for past favors, and hopes to receive of them ani the Public at large, a LIBERAL SHARE CF PATRGNACKE. The S ubseriber is determined to Sell as Low as possible. A. B JONES. London, Jan. 7, 1856. 36 Noutreal Boot & Shoe Store, some One !--< --Come flit! CORNELIUS AL CHARITY OULD respectiully aunounee to his na- y merots Cusiomers, and. the Publie gene- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Suon, Esta BLISH MENT of his Brotiem 3. tt. Caariny. where be has OPENED, with @p unrivalled assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND ROBGERS ot _¢ very description, apd of the latest style, suit- able ior Spring and Suouper wear. Ee will ke sep cobstanily on, band, a large stock of his own Manufacture, of every description, Measures owill be taketl, and work made to" erder. FR TR LAD 9 SEP iS ANS Will @¢ kept in oes varizlios, amd ef the lates fashivnable style, vig.-- PS pe DA Nee BA if ees (ard ; Boots, Gaticrs, Bushtis. Shoes, ra, 2) Slipper s, french Pres, &e. H-ving a thorouch and practical knowledge o Y« business, be feels prepared to render satictac- jou to all who may laver him wiila call Lo ES VOUKTRE Vga Ga visiing to purchase, by wholesale, will find is c their advantage fo call, as h* caa supply them sheaper than any ether Estabiivbnventin this part of the Province, Re af ORY done with neatness and despateh. ar Cail at Counenius LH, Caariry's a ast four me below the Reval Exchange Wulel King St © H, CHARITY. Chatham, March 7th 1855. 43.1 New Tailoring Establishitent G. W. LAWRENCE, ie PAS THIONABL'S TAULOR, KING STREETS EAST, Fine bee recently REMOVED his Pai,or- ING EEstaBLisuMeNT to the Building now occupied by Mr. FP. W. Wiuson, Buol @ wie, Shoe ) Maker, respecttully solieits a continuation of that liberal support! wiich he has. formeriy received al his old stand, from the citizens of Chatham, and surroun ding country. G. W. L. having the'most thorough and prac- tical. un Jerstanding of the Trade, in Al its Branches, he is now prepared to CUT, PVE, and FINISH MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING | in the mest approved and durable manner, and at the lowast rates. fia" Repairing and Scouring done on the most Fteasonable Terms. THE TORONTO CIRCULATING LIBRARY, AND FANCY GOODS And Stationary Store, No. 16. KING STREET EAST. N RS. THIGGLNS informs her friends and the public that she has opened the above Li brary, containing over 2000 volumes of Standar Ww orks i in History, Biography, Belle Lettres an Novels, which will be kept up by the addition » new Standard Works and Periodicals as they issue from the Press, One Year . : . £1.00 0 Six Months 0 15. 0 Three Months ee 08 80) One Month es oe 9 Entitling the Subseriber to Thitee Sets of Books. lo be kept no longer than one week : One Year aes £1.10: 0 Six Months : 12) 36 Three Months 012 6 N.B. If not paid at the time of subseribing, the terms will be. 10s; 3d. for two sets, and 16s 3d. for.three sets for every three months. NON-SUBSCRIBERS To deposit the value of the Book, and to. pay foi asingle volume 3d. for four days: for a worl: in two or three volumes 6d. for one week; fora work in four or more volumes, at the rate "of 2d per volume. For conditions see Tickets, Mrs. Higgins further offers for sale a well as sorted stock of Fancy Goods and Stationery, te which $1¢ invites attention. Toroato, May, 10 1854. NSW BOATR SUING MOUSE. BENJAMIN T TOLBERT R ESPECTFULL ¥sanpounces to the cities of DETROIT, and the Public generally, that he has recently fitted up the commodioeus house fommerly known as Wilson's Boarding House, Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, DEFFICOLT, where he will endeavour to give satisfaction te those who may favour Ae with the 'ir patronage. Detroit, August 21, 1855 18-ly Clothes Made, Lepaiel & Cleaned. MW. Ll. HUMBURT VV OULD fespecifully announce te the Citi- 'Y¥.-zets of Windsor, and surrounding coun: try. that he i"prepared-to _M AK fis REPAER orCLHEAN CLOTHING, at ihe shortest notiee, and in. the most satisfac Api manner. Having had ample experience in his line of business in the Cities of Charleston, S.C., and Boston, Mass. he flatters himself that, by diligence and striet alteption to business, he will be able to please. Windsor,C. W., Sept < 9, 1854. 23 HOUSE AN Dd LOT ARMOUR se A Lh Eg 344 bd 208, ON Wis erecrowr SVRBIst, CHATHAM. ice Enquire of FG. JONES. ong: ¢ Street, near 'ae Royal Buchenge. Sept. QI, 1855. "29. tf JUST CALL AT THE RAILROAD HOUSE No. 33, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, For Rare Bargains in Spring and Summer Men's and Boys' Reapy-MApE Goby OP HET NG: FLATS, CAPS, &c., Staple and Fancy Bry Goods, MILUINERY, &ce. &e. HOMAS LAWSON'S Stock is unusually large ; and as it must be cleared out ina the pext: few weeks, to male room for large Fall [mportations, be will give Great Bargains te Puréhas ers at Wholesale or Retai. Clothing made to measurean the first st fale. ~anstoy and fit warranted. T. LAWSON. JOHN SPARKS Clock and Watch Make WILLIAM STREET, CHATHAM, C. W., FEXAKES this method of announcing to the Citizens of Chatham, and Kent County gen- erally, that he has opened 'the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING Business, and is prepared to wait en 2°. who may favor 'bim. with a call. and hopes t¥ goo attention to business to share a portion as e@ public patronage. He has just received a} wiety of CLOCKS & WATCHES, of a superiy class; also, a beauiiful stock: of JEW ELEY, -to which the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen are especially direeted. ge All kinds of CLOCKS, WATCHES A ND JEWELRY Cleaned and Repaired, on the most reasonable terms, for cash. Chatham. Aug, 22. 18 ash "AVERN STAND FOR SAGs, chat ek A EEARE WORRIES Gorner of Chatham and Thames Sires Work. VILE SUBSCRIBE aR offets for Sale, the ~TAVERN STAND in Chatham North, known as the a5 ELUGRAROG HOUR, (being Lot 9, and par! of 10.) The House is a Jarge two Story Brick, and in good repair, with Kichens and Ont- Eiouses al- tached, atd is in every respect vite calculated for : Hotel. There is on the fréemises anew Bain, 1 543.45, ee person wishing to procure a Stand for a Public House, coull not do better, as the House is situated near the terminus of ihe ORGS ome Camden Plank Road, the travel 'over alone.secures a good run of Custom. The Proprietor would say to. intending pur- chasers, that the Efouse will at any lime bring one hundred pounds rent, per annum. Terms made known on application to the Proprietor, on the premises, or to W. Hf homp- con, at the Kent Advertiser Office--if by letter, + post. paid. J.M: which | -A°T DISUNION VOLE AT. THE NORTH. THE GRE Tue smok has nearly cleared away from the fietd and while it is evident that Mr.. Buchanan is elected by a clear majority of the electoral college; it ought not, to be disguised from our readers that the signs of the tines are inauspicious for any settlemeat of the vexed question which constituted the great issue of the late contest. Conspicuouly prominent amongst the phenomena connected with the result is the startiing and significant fact thatone buud- red and twenty-five of the Northern electo- ral vote has been recorded for a disso.ution of the Union.' We mean what we say. livery vote polled for Fremont wasa vote registered in favour of severing the present union of States... Fvemont. was the image of this idea.. tle was the representative man of diswiiou-blood and carnage. 'Phe nomince of a sectional Convention, in which the South was never asked to_ participate and in whieh she could not have. parucipated without a total sacrifice of her honour and self-respect, he cordially endorsed its plat- form of dogmas, which, carried into. pracuce. would have degraded her people to a con- dition of the most abject servitude. 'lo his government. under such cricum- stances, the Southern people would never have submitted. A large majority of them, in the event of his election, were ripe and ready for revolution, and a free people like ours. with arms in their hands, could not have been easily conquered. If. any of those men who voted for Fremont did it under a belief that "the" Southern States; would have acquiesced in his adiminstration they laboured under aamost egregious error. His election would have sourided the tocsin of resistance from the shores of the Potomac to the Iio-Grande. In stating these things we do it for the benefit of those men at the North, if there be any, who, though they voted for fremont still desired to preserve the Union of the States; and never did a set of people iun a creater risk than those who love the Union and yet thought his election would not en- dan; per iL rom the stand pointat which re view the result, we cannofsee in it. augbtelse than, a simple truce for four years. Would. to- God it were otherwise. Would that the spirit Of judicial blindness now throttling and obscuring the Northern mind could be removed, and it coulu be brought to look caliniy at the ebasm*nto which 1 is rapidly drifung. But when we scan the past, whet we scriutinize the actual present, we confess there is: little lelt to hope fur in the future. Wehavenodoubt that isuchanan, in bis adminstration: of the government, wall. do ail ia his power to allay the hercely rags. lng Hames of sectional strife. He has nar- rowly escaped destruction from them himself, and reaches bis present exalted position with his garments scorehed. But unless history lies, Uuless the book of the past affords no text for the philosopher to write of the future, this fire isnot likely to be extinguished. Alone olad the bends that once knit the two sections toyether, but one remains--the balances have been gradually gnawed in twain by the angry tooth of fanaticism. The single ligament is the Democratic party at the North--still porcrae, but, we fear, slowly yielding 'to the same baneful in- fluence. , itis this great party that has, in this elec- tion, rescued from sectionalism New Jersey, Indiana, Pennsylvania and - California--that. has given the South an armistice for tour years----that 1s now the last ray of hope for a preservation of the Union of these States. liow Jong it will be able to sustain itseli against the 'odds that assail it we cannot un- dertake to predict, but on its shoulders rest all the hopes of peace and good yuderstading between the sections, and with its dovwntlail perishes our present form of government. At all events the South has a lease of protection form invasion four for years, and her people will be guilty of a fatuity unequal- led in, the world's bistory i they do not meanwhile sedulously employ ali their ener- gies in preparing to meet the impending issue which, after that. period, is likely, aye, almost certain, to stare them full in the face. Lhe volitical zodiac indicates that four years hence we are to bave presented to. us the solemn question of degradation or revolution. Letus get ready to make the answer of freemen --fLyrom 'fhe Eee eee ( Va.) Souli- Sule Democrat. Nir Pro-Sravery Rurrianism in Norrolk. A gentleman who"has been doing business in Norfolk, Va, for some years, and who | was former'y a resident of Fair Haven. vot- edin that city on the 4th inst. for Fremont. No sooner was it discovered, than he was beset by a mob and compelled to confine himself until Thursday morning, when, a fire occurring, public attention was diverted, 'and he leit in disguise and fled to a_ vessel in the harbour, upon which he came home. lie was in danger of losing his life during tue excitement There is freedom for, you, witha vengeance. Since the above was in type, we have heard more of thiscase, Mr.. Stannard: is the citizen referred to, and beis said to be one of the best and iost inoffensive men in Fair Haven. This Norfolk is the spot that was once disolated by yeilow-fever, andthat ealled fort the pity, the money and. thed personal aid of the North.-- New . Haven Palladium, Nov. 12, Or GR The first Liffect of Hearing Restored.-- Ttis amusing to watcl the movementst and to note the expressions of astonishment of JOSLIN, Proprietor. each way. ANDERSON 'B. LEWIS, 13-16 13 3} rai Proprietor. Chatham, August 20, £855. -- 18-ry Chatham, Feb. 29:h, 1858. 42-if, some of those patients who'aré suddenly Pati H réntar kabler when 'ue es has existed for years. 'The patients look around for an explanation of the unusual. 'sounds: they hear, and then the very inovement of look- ing round rustles the dress; heating 'the noise of which, they become quité bewilder- ed, They" cannot be brought to believe that the sounds they --hear are natural, 'Uhe noises in the street are at first ter fe s A diverting case occurred in a short and remarkably, corpulent old gentlema ny resid- ing somewhereat Pimlico. fe related that on leaving the house in. which his hearing had been restored, he bore it pretty well, puntil be got into Piccadilly, when {iSitbise of the omnibusses (every one of which he thought would: be upon him) so 'frightened him, that he started off ina run - ae never sfonped untill he got into Green Park.-- Does Paper. Miss site ATKINS. Saree "alented young lady. -Las commenced ber labours as a lectarer in diaatern Pennsylvania, under encouraging. a ee 'Wherever she 'has spoken, thus. rar, she has given the most decided satisfac- tion. 'The lady like. ease and modesty of her deportment andthe «poetic beauty and pathos of ber spesking alike delight, and surprise her hearers. In addition, to. the addresses she gave in) Phiadelphiayslie has lectured at Christiana, Bart, Oxford Meet- ing-Lfouse, Teng wood: Hamorton, Pennsyl- vania, Néw Garden-" "Hotlessing. and Wil- Inington, to good audiences, and withigreat acceptance: and she lias meetings appointed for hér at Egemont, Radnor. and other places: in Delaware County up" to the Oth inst. inciusive: / She: will continue to Weture in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia till-the time of the Parr, after, which. she will probe ably take a course towrds | the, Jaterior, of the State, Bs Persons desirods to™ rite the et SQL OP Miss Watkins, or of any of the menibers of the Excutive C Ainniaca are-.rsquested' to' cotsmunicate immediatly with J. M, _McKim. 31 North Fifth street. a A. s. Standard. -- Mrs. Stowe nym area for Dred in Canada; and the Canadian publishers -of the work--one residing in Montreal. avotly er in Toronto, and the third i in. Liondon--i a ave been or are to be forthwith restrained, irom selling their issues, by an injunction. from | the Cour of - Chater y: "It seeins- that Mrs. Stowe went to England, and, by? virtue of her residence there at the time! of: the publication of her work in London,.se= cued a copyright, which she contends. c> oe tends to all the colonies of Great 'Britain, 'lhe question is, of course, entirely new" and nobody inane bow it will: be decided." The general feeling of, the Brevinae: se against | Mrs. 'Stowe' s claim. 3 ee ay es pan -- ri =F PRESBYTERIANISM AND SUAVERY 1 4N, Canapa--The Presbyterian Church -- mn pamiks in'Synod assembled, has enjoined | 2 its Dresbyteries to be careful, in admitting to" fellowship Presbyterian . ministers: from the! United States, to examine them. onthe sub- 4 ject of Slavery, and to be satisfied before . receiving them that their views accord with" : the resolution passed by the Synod in 185, and 1853, . asserting: non- ee witty slaveholders, -- ; creme geo ot a = 4 ae selipebtas News by the: ARABIA: n oie SPAIN. --.yse oF bow At Malaga,on the 18th ult, the garrison - was aticked by persons proclaming a repub- lic. 'Lhe troops resisted, anda orders wage* soon re-established. Five of the. dnsurgents; were killed. The garrison, had 'Seven nen. , wounded. Soe Muaprip, Nov. 29+The "aPhe of the" artillery is fixed at 12,000 men. «"Tranquil- classes, SECTISY. The Governor of Palefino las oldered a strict surveillance to. be exerefséed ate on a Phe Prussian ee oe as of Berlia' last notes sent to Copenhagen by. NIA 08 aud Austria fix the 10th of 'December as the. period when those powers « will bring 'the | question of the Sound Dues before'the Ger?" manic Diet, In the event of seither repre: o* sentations being unattended to by. the Danish Government, it is announced that England has agreed i pay to Denmark, as the price _ of redeeming the Sound Dues," as capital sum calculated -op) an annual revenue of © Tue KLaST AND THE Beare pee 12 -The Paris Pays contains the, following ex~,i. g.isb eunboat at Yeni! cale:-- "We believe the affair has been explained to the satistuction- of both. parties. Phe gu boat being about to..pass the straits) a> vuploaded with powder was fired, according... 46 common usage, as a signal. "The captain explained to thes commandart-of the forts his reason for. being in those waters," -- oue was. fired, aud subsequently a thirds after which, the English vessel answered, and acé cepied the required parley. The two coms ing exchanged explanations, agreed to refer the matter to the two embassies at Constan- tinople; and this course having been taken, it was, we understnd, amicably arranged." An English frigate had arrived at Cons restored to acute hearing. This is most stantinop] e, and other ships were expected, lity is restored at.Malaga..Phere have been slight disturbances here. Numerous arrests hive been made among the lower. the French and lcuglish commercial 'Vessuli: 10 DENMARK, 01!) 0 telat Sa ae % We niga Gee a good . soutce. dint sim q o3 £45,000. The Birtish at presedt pay eee BS 000 yearly i in passing ONE Goes aati planation relative to the firing on the. Tenet hrst shot not having, been heard, a second | ananding officers, Russian-and English, have *

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