Ontario Community Newspapers

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 13 Dec 1856, p. 4

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at f ; ie x im Heres ERIS GRE GERI : = z = - 3 é : - ® < ; it Elo MON LIBR "oy, i | THE CANADA- Tariff of Duties, rhc he ne as Veneers, ie tog o MON TIER, GREAT WESTERN RAIL ee Duties, | gon inyoarh ornee at: Tee pg io French Beot and Soe maker : = Tey tL D8 ASE 2S ant $ eee on ImMpoRTS INTO es UNDER THR ee eee used solely in dyeing, and ind; oe ae oe Rees cr 12 Vicroria, cap 1, aND THE ACTS AMEND- | prisiles, bur-stones unwrousht ¢.o ' : Re an ig Ab Ye . ra = es : é 2 3 : - : rought, eo it anc YONGE as, CGF G AIN AIDA ® COM P A | \ zs ING SAME OF ApriL, 1853, AND DECEMBER, 1854. | grease and soraps, hemp, flax and ley wi: a F* a ne oy if BRS 3 epee aah) z . ¥ = pont j s 7 = ae. ) . e : oe on ge in, H au Rida, To take effect on the th of April, 1859. oe ee oakum, lard, lead (pig or s'Weet), UGS leave to inforin the Ladies and Gentle- acct a SE : : evtec OR ET ee - ee e in blocks unpolished, oil, cocoanut, pine meq of Toronto, and Vicinity, that be is > EN CORPORATER | Animals, specially imported for the improve- ae palm only, ores of all kinds of métals, pipe- prepared te execnte all orders in the above line, ALTERATION OF TIME. --< ment of Stock, Free; Anatomical Preparations, oa resin and rosin, saw logs, ships? '"Water- S avi? satisfaction, fle also~ keeps constantly : CAPITAT, $200,000. do; Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda, do. cea in use, teazles, broom corn, wood usid in aX nfvand a supply of BOOTS and SHOKS, of ---- : Acids, nitric and oxalic, two anda half per es Ne Greats ee tools, | allow, tar : ery variety and Anish. ie : = : : HUGH C. BAKER, Esq., President. cent; Strong finid, do; Alum, do and pitch, type metal in block -or pee oe ay y TER IW 28 "f EMBER, Trains will ran as follows :-- z : a. . ee ia et aed? ee AOU BE A eo ae ay Ree eA Re) WOOL, ~ Jee. Ist, 1855. 31 | ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the 26th NOVEMBER, JOHN YOUNG, Hed pee ; Biscuit, twelve and.a half per cent. es ee of pe saitcloth, cop- ae "ORS ma es cae et ee es in bars, reds or in s avid GOING RAST 4 SSURANCES -- a ee ie : Books, printed, free. = : Ld een ae a sheets, yellow metal in Nhe GAO E. - | £% Company on single or joint lives, or on the | Books, reprints of British copyright. works, sheets, bright or black varnish, marine coutingency of one life surviving another ; for the | twelve and a half per cent; Books, Blanks, do. | Cement, trenails, bunting, felt sheeting, printing 5 B B whole term of life, or for a jimited poriod; by a Books and Drawings of an immoral or inde- | presses, printing. types, printers' ink, printing z eS @ 4 siagle payment, or a limited number of pay- | cent character, prohibited. implements of all kinds, bookbinders' tools aud = x : 3 : = ments; or annual payments only ceasing at Boots and Shoes, twelve and 2 half per cent. presses and implements ofall kinds, old mets and : iS rn a ls eB s death ; to secure a sum at any given age, or at Brandy, three shillings per gailon. ropes, colton and flax waste, rags, fire-clay, and STATIONS a 5 x. By ai ee _ death, should death occur before the attainment Brooms, twelve and a half per cent; Brushes do. | Russian hemp yarn, eee ; = 2, = a ' of that age. Endowments for children, imme- Bulbs, Roots and Trees, free peceree iY oer 4 pH ia) i o : ole ? Sy S$ S, a : KK és Z A 2 | diate or ct es ae 8 ee any Burr Stones, wrought, twelve anda half per ORDERS IN COUNCIL, 5 'transaction coatingent on the value and duration | cent The following icle a" S 5 ans 8 tt bt. owing articles are admitted a a z = ___ | of life, may be effected in this Company. Busts and Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster | rates set after them, by orders in Council ig = AM. A.M. P.M. P.M. Among the advantages offered by this, the only | or Plaster of Paris, free. ships' sails, prepared rigging, tin zine mee a > ~ Life Assurance Company ever established in Bleach rg powders, two anda half per cent; | iron, candle wick, and spelter, at 24° vegee Windsor, depart oc...) «.-. 6.00 ae 10.26 12-2 =49 British North America, may be enumerated mo- | Blue, ultra marine and paste, do; Borax, do | Order of 4th June 1853. se ERE Cole 3 is , may ated mo- | Blue, ste, do; ; é 1 June, 1853. Fb et WEI Et Puce sa ee eee < oes esse cose 20.00 derate ratesand small expenditures; local manave- | Brick, fire, do ; Brimstone, do Brass in pi . : gry me Spe ee Ae 3 } s Ke cal Manaye ick, fire, do ; Brimstone, do. 8s In pigs or sheets, magnetic telegraph } eS NOTICE Rochesten iss 265 sosek eee Sean 50D ISS C005 ment and speedy setilement of claims ; liberal condi- Cabinets of Coins, Medals, ar Gems, and other | sulators, relay magnets, registers and ee HI42 6) oN BNd tots me eal 2 tions, especially in reference to lapsed policies. collections of antiquity, free. at 22 per cent.--Or Sima Baptiste Creek i een ae Sores C seeee Pp ¢ ¢ quity, 4p er of 4th Nov., 1853 ~ARTIiC# HH cease : - eos Soe ee ee eee = rospectuses, forms of proposal. anc in- andles. tw : e 5 a a eee cca 9 HPMIS andersigned begato inform the public generally, | Chatham ....eeececes Soo 7.40 coe. 12.05 2.50 9.25 (obaatiod as to the ros Dee are a : eee Ae ce ih oe half- SP, eae baggage, and freig ht me wy He is prepares te furnish the following artici:s by es ule 8.13 3.30 cay Ae Be he ae dition of the assia, oe oves, three-pence hal posh ay upon any line of railroad crossi; 8 Whelesale and Retail : : lamesy ee cceeces ecce : O2a.0 see 2 seo fe omy ) nad tron : pehhy per pound. the frontier between Canada and th ae" PER' & we PREPS : ; z x ; x bie : : e Uni oN BXE HANDLES, Bothwells st2 2. Pa > abe Ss 8.33 Snes P.M, 4.05 Doon SAMUEL 8S. MACDONELL, Castings, twelve and a half per cent. States, free.--Order of 13th Jan., 1854. = MOR ADEE HANDLES ees es es eee gas | | 1.05 | 4,80. | 10.25 Agent, | Tron Chains of all sorts, two anda half per cent, | Iron wheels and axles, imported expressly 4, jADZE HANDLES, D. Cuarues A. Coserain, for Sandwich and Cider, twelve and a half per sent; Clocks, do. | railroad purposes, 24 per cent.--O d ne : BUCK SAW FRAMES, and Mosa 9.00 pes ae as 4.55 s6.6 8 : Medical Baier ! 2 R=P ---~Order of 13th AEE : SAW-HORSES, &c., MEDREY S getielt ¢roeitie see ° OOU0 a se 5.97 Windsor, Medical Referee. Coffee, green, one half-penny per pound. Nov., 1354. : » > ™ Made in the pant magnon. Ekfnd. SAOCUC OH CO OOD GOGO ae Goud : os ; "an ose. Coffee, other than green, three pence per pound. Printing paper, draining tiles, and oif cake, 2 4 : pi | - ALSO, BY RETA t as / Ss Se é 4 Ae XN r . 5 c : 5 ee > 2 Spe ae 3 = Rew BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, in complete Mt. Brydges. Se ae ae bien 9.39 = in O RG > R ¥y = Coin and Bullion, free. oe PeuGeo Order of 6th Dec., 1854. aa after fur service. Also, Axes ready Handled. Also,| Komoka..csevcecece cea 9.48 ae 2.04 6.30 125 Coin, Eee oe, prohibited. -------- , ~ - "flandles put into Axes. and other Tools. , ; g Cordials, four shillings per gallon. ; ¥ : T. SMALLWOOD'S Saw Factery. y ALYINY @: oss ere A.M. | 10.13 coe. 2.30 7.00 L158 The Counterf it Rad ria TR = Cc W Re ee Ulises EXEMPTIONS, --. , tieyary --o York Sireet, No 88. | London Denar 700 10.25 255 12.00 £ nverielt hadway's Rea otton Wool, free. AgroseClainge (it pee octal FU Si 3 epart «6... 5 . ese s a ee -- dy Relief in Canada. Cotton Manufactures, twelve and a half per} (po veny decehione re any Gan and stores 58 is Hdwardsburgh. ......| 7-20 ose cee. .. coe. -M. cent. : eee eae Y Vommissary (1 ---- 2 MAW AF qa ay Sy a8 se = : z 2y5 we : ae ie : Commissaries, Contractor or Contractors sh G2 AUSTBSAL: mA aa ey Inwersall assis a sys pny 205 one oe : 12.40 THE LIVES OF THE PROPLE IN DANGER. ee two anda half per cent, Copperas, jwpact or bring, or which' may He OE et : eo Beachville is) 1.14 Sane 3.45 Sives Gob : brought by the principal or other Officer" AROMATS 2 See 4 @e@eeeeeeoe a . 7% : o 7 7 = > Bab eg i c or @) s Era eatersieicatbers leavete call ihe allen" | Woeodstock....<..<.<«| 8.10 | 11.25 tas 4.00 so 1.00 ge HE public are cautioned against purchasing ce ae TW ae 4 etait per ced cave Ol Eten Males): Oni ang eats the Provines £ tien of the Travelling Public and Citizens Rastwood 8.20 : fs ead counterfeit of Radway's Ready Relief, Dr a a anc fi ic , anda a oe a for the use of her Majesty's Army oF Navy a Se Jet Hamilton, to his present commodivus and | - a5 RY QOD 58 oy err' oe ON 300 0 O00 er 2 which is now circulating through the Canadas.-- ea I Weinge dG as wav Del Cent) at for fe Gee oe Indian Nations in this Province: ~ gemfortable quarters, fitted up, as they have been, Pip C CEOs eine se fea 8.42 cone eoes 4.25 eecve coos We are informed that parties at Hamilton, C.W. a ae 8 Pievine an prar acon provided the duty otherwise payable thereon especially for their convenience, and which were Eel ANTIVe so. cos as es P.M. Sere Sooo coe eoee have been selling a spurious article of our Rea- Poihe ta ; ae ae: a ao ae would be defrayed or borne by the Treasurer o} formerly under the management of Mr. W.C. Patis } ioe 9.05 12.10 -- cee = 1.45 dy Relief, for the genuine todealers. 'This is not Se dees os a em Peycee the United Kingdom of this Province," tore: p only a fraud upon us, but isa most wicked im- HLS) HI AGU ORS BOON Y ROR DUVEES: oo ee Horses and carriages of travellers, and horse ee Toine ad Real eee position on the public. The wretch that will ius; tvielve anda hall per cent; Hunmiture ca; cattle and carriages and other veliicles wh oe Boarding, Ledging, aha lstaisy aso -- ae knowingly lend himself toso vile andtreacherous | Felts, all kinds, two and a-half per cent. Sloved in Cairne Sacchi ee ay be had on the most reasvnable terms, and Preston, depart..... I 8.30 oe one = pees spores 5 (riby (or ecu a Panes - Fisheries, the following articies for the use of, ee Teese Slee together with efy Altention requisite to make their stay agree- | Galt do. sees '| 8.45 Sa 1.20 sete eee mos unsafe to deal with, and should be shunned by all Seines, Fishing Nets and Elooks, Twines, and same shall be in fid i a 'f ay long as the asle, ix gratefuily and prompily given. as > 5 = : 2 sspeetable dealer fee eee eos) | ines = Boat Saus and, Elasvsens buchermen si Ba Bet DEE eed ae! that purpose, eS J oes ea Galt. arrive Soe eee Soe eae 6.50 ane A Bee respectable dealers, for ifa few sixpences will eee Pad , except the horses, catile, carriages, vehic] . DANIEL LANE, : Re n TAO induce him to rob the distressed sufferer of hone Boots, Tarred Rope and Rigging, do. harness, of persons ha king e { enue ye King William Street, Wamilton, C. i Preston, doe ee OG eecees Fees iho Goa 5000 and head ei eee ac Ha ae See Gin, two and sixpence per gallon. Rees 50k pe sons wking goods, wares and Py: ae 8 ee eu and health and to place the invalid's life in dan- ee 5 i ees | merchandise through the Province, for th . ex ~... N.B--Luencu at ali hoars; also a line of Cans ger,,he would not scruple to deceive his -best Ginger, three pence per pound. Peer of retailing the s d the horse ate atthe service of the Public, at the mosi reason- - ald? 30 12.35 0 5-10 ae omicrs : Glass, and Manufactures of, twelve and a half | Beret ee ae Loa Ae e horses, cattle eee eireo: Kawenidés Creek. ...:| 9.3 se Ro 5 See aes Se ee a _| percent. Give, do; Heir, and Manafnetares of do; | C@/T@8es, and harness of any circus or equestrian = O16. Vansickles 9,39 9.95 : : : ae who wish the genuine, purchase only Ha rneseioe aie or a oe ok j "4. | troops for exhibition ; the horses, cattle, carriages Son thes ae eee : reese Sous a ee -- f established credit, not of irresponsible pedlais | '7 o!D ESS: GO; Phalawate, Co; tras, Go, 0ney,°% | and harness of any Menageri fe S F _ September, 1854. 26 Copetowa cece sce cee 9.51 eee 2.45 cree eeee once or travelling adventurers and a postors ae Indian Gorn, free, . Dovarions af elute See alee ee ae fe @ af x ee. : ee = 4 ' i-- a SRE ce , > a5 i lian R ye deta 'act Hex ev a Ess a 7 ne sets : s 2M or = Plamboro'.....+..-6. 9.59 este Lise 2 oO oeee ooee coe Dealers who have R. R. R. offered to them be- Indian Rubber, and Manufactures, twelve and the use of or to be distri buted gratuitously by an BCOTS AND BETORS Dire 10.08 SE. LOS 5.40 oe a pete low our regular price, may rely upon the same | * half per cent; ink, do. charitable society ia this Dig. papa BY APY oe ey Pe ee ee : Ses $ hein counterfeit preparatior is P well Ir hen imported to be used in the manuf = alin earni OA se rwrad. ee 5 heing a counteifeit preparation. We never sell | | 4?on, whe pot | Sean Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils an = eS va Eamilfoh § Arrive... -- 1.1 3.30 6.00 eg 2.95 R.R. R.in large quantities for less than 10 per | facture of Locomotive Engines, two anda hal | menis of husbandry. che speviaily im te ( Depart ...| 10.45 1.40 3.40 6.15 cee. 3.05 cent. froin our regular gross price. Dealers who | pet cent; Bar and Rod, do; Sheet, do; Hoop, not) good faith by any society incor ovate ty est . Onten0 <2 ts eee al 2 Goo AAT. coo SOUC Ou purchase the countertcit and offer the same fo: | over two inches broad, do; Hoop or Tire for driv- | fished for the encouragement of cement = KENT Grimsby = Ee. 25 | DD as AL a) 6.47 oe ae sale, render themselves liable to prosecution. ing wheels, bent and welded, do; Connecting Salt for the use of the fisheries tilitary 'cloth F ASE . B . nll 11.40 5.05 All ofour travellers and authorized Agenitshaw | Reds, in pieces, do; Frames and Pedestals, rough ing and wine for the use cf resimental messes ae) F eee SOG 0 : Bete eke G = peeled peer cee beso a power of Attorney signed by us, authorizing | from the forge, do; Brass or Copper Tubes do; The foliowine Articles in ihe occupation or ORG ON s5. ogee ee eee oo ooo 9 Dero nee ece OO 0:6 eee them in our name, to transact our busines Boiler Plates, ao; Railroad Bars, do; Seran, do: eras ee ; £ : : es ee Se CO SUES. - ea 1s ii et GO; | employment of persons coming int ted P.M. The following are our only Agents in Hamil- | Rolled Plate frou a quarter to halfan inch thick, | fop the purpose a actual seitling ieee a ert ¢ sees : nee 20 - ® 55 x ton, C. W. T. BICKLE & SON: HAMIL- | do; Round and Square, four inch and upwards J 2 : = y oe - eee d ar aeeceveee i @ he 200 568 Teo lls) ee 4rd EN Se ? t = u : f é t } Tear ¢ es aloes . gai CORNELIUS E. CHARITY St Catharines 12 a0 Sacks 2 S : ee TON, KNEESHAW &CO., In Toronto, LY- | 40; lronCranks, wrought, six ewt. and upwards, Wearing Apparel in actual use, and other per OULD respectfully callibe attention of his | LNOrOId . css sss e- e F2e50 8.08 6225 ecco ecce eoee MAN. BROTHERS, & CO., are our ceneral do. sonal efiects not merchand ise; horses and catile SS 3 : ¢ fs 2 é 5 : age : 5st c x Wy ante anc = : e ' J = AY riends, and the Public generally, to his Niagara Falls, arrive .. 06) | 3580) 7.10 (50) see 4.50 agenis--we also sell to SIMPSON & CO. iron Manufactures, twelve and a half per cent; implements and tools of trade of handy-erafismen $35 » darge assoringent of BOO'PS and SHOMS, of pg ee ee RADWAY & CO. Jewelry, do; Lamps, do; Lead Manufactu res, do; = i By eo) household effects, not merchan : avery description, constantly on hand, at his GOING WE o7p Toronto, Apri] 24th, 1854. Leather; and Manufactures of, do; Lemon Syrup, ; C14 Of INHabliants of lois province, being sub Establishment-on King, between Fourth and a = : do; Linén, and Manutactures of, do. : te ol er Nrajesty and dying abroad. ®ifth Streets; which he will sell for Casn, at , Agi Ts Liquors, four shillings per gallon nd the tcilowing -articles, when imported di- oe se oe pA ree pee LRN PR RAN Ae, NON NI NLA al ll CN , > {DORN ONTOS --~ a atG@dors, Our Sunes pe Savon, ee 2S ae ee) t 18 eaper rates than ean be afforded at any other B : ; PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, Maccaroni, one penny per pound. recily frou the United Kingdom, the British 'Btore'imtee Towns. Erom the Farmers of Kent fa B a : = 8 Mace, sevenpence half penny per pound. N orth Amer ican Provinces, the Island of Prinee ne would invite aa examination of his Stock. | e e a a AE | Machinery, all kinds, twelve anda half per cent; iad ward and wewloundland, and being the growth ...~ rom his long experience in this branch of Busi- | = 4 a " a = : - 2 zs ae | Mahegany, do. produce, os manufacture of the said United King- "mess, he feels.coafident of being able to execute STATIONS. S, s as 8 ie = SAI U RDBAY KV KN ING POST | Manures, all kinds, free; Maps do. _ dom, ot of such Province respectively, viz:-- all orders with which he ane be favoured ; and 3 | z 3 3 = 5 : Marble, twelve and «half per ct; Medicines, do. Animals, beef, pork, biscuit, bread, butter op as aor oO Re EGEL vale - a < 2 = SSeS Models of Machinery, and other inventions and fen a ae a Seah, a eee fish PALE OD Ene ye Be eae ness | OST TE i "14 improvements in the Arts, free. esa OF Sattea, rica or preniea, fish oil, furs or C.iH.'C,° wzould. also return thanks to his old | g = EST TEESE AUGUST 47n, 1821. WG leaded cae 'ce per gallon skins, the produce ef fish or creatures living in 'eustomers for the patronage heretofore extended Se a a oy 'Site ae Weekly Edition between 80,000 aud 90,000 Wuosieal lostramente tree 'and achalf per | the Sea, gypsuin, horns, mess poultry, plants to him, and hepes to merit the continuance of : eee ee aos se ptNraniec da: = : ae PS") shrubs and trees, potatoes and vegetables of il i 5 Niagara Falls, depart HAA Tiggto 2,40 : 14,20 az cent; Nails, do. : 12 Bek bee Oe their favogrs. la@ara bauis, cepart.. oeee eto ° ° Se 0 ye oa - see : 5 3 kinds. Seeds of all kinds, pelts. skins. furs ee, : sg 1 : WN. issuing their Prospectus for 1856. t] " Nutmegs, seven pence half penny per pound. : : S; PelS; SKINS, 1UTS OF Chatham, Fuly 2, 1854. 19-ly SU Olas Gn a eon alice 8.07 yoOe 3.05 eres 6 ones ee ohne P ake ae oe an a eae Ie Nitre, two anda half per cent z tails undress Wood, viz: boards, planks, e@e lietz. SS ee : T1350 83.20 ae jes Se OST take Tol Shanteas tat Tae ees = : : staves, timber and firewood, Si Catharines: <1. 102. Peer 8 ite io : | oublic are already tolerably well acquainted with Gil, twelve and a half per cent; Oysters, do; And the follerrine articles when imported di 9 { @ Jordan EO uD OOD CO OOOG Con G 8.38 eeee 3.42 TOO eoee the character Obed paper that has grown strong Packages | containing free 250s, or goods rated rect from ee ee & Nova Se ee : 5 Beamsv lle seseerer reese eee 8.48 Bevis 8.55 Ces tr) PAE OOO during the storms and 5 sunshine of THIRTY- rode is ake and a Balt per cent, do; Packag-s, Piranseae Be, p a Si ; Kd NV oe al a a SE Ss sn Fo Ngee } Grimsby 9.03 ns) A607 Gens oss FOUR YEARS. Their object always bas been | othe, charged the same as the ad ralore pate on eh he } pe Seg J) "Bashionable Hair Cutting i ALINISOV e+e ev eeeees O00 0 98 1e% 4.20 sce as It remains to be, to publish 4 weeily paper | ieir contents, Paints, do es the growth, produce, or manulacture of . ntarl s aces be cone .M. or aA (aoe one ua = dog ee Se ee said Provinces, respectively, viz: ta = OND: ces ee cet el ses | : : 2 for the family cire!s, which shall novoniy amuse Paintings, free. oo oe FRHE SUBSCRIBER grateful to his old Hamil ive tc etre 9 40 12,55 4.50 P.M. 1.05 'het also instruct = improve, those Se a Paper and Paper Mannfactares, twelve anda | , Grain and Breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, 9 ¢ a ic rey ra ly ey hey at te a H = a ~ A Ree - a =e ce ee 73) oe 1 Las 2 Prigits. seeds qv ¢ 4 etre , - as aes Cer 3, paige an eC geuerally, for their | +4amlton Depart....| .... Demos ry ealicls | 5-00 | 4.15 | 1.15 {.cawat. To accomplish this object, the best artiy | balt per cent; Perfumery, do. 3 pee ee abe SuaW, HO ae +7... ee, oe pesca oe oe @ 1. i cles are selected orcondensed from foreign and- Philosophical Instruments & Apparatus, free, | {D4 (TCem meals, Paes cheese, chocglate, and ? Pee. ITY B apeee undas HOR O) aA 8.20 | 4 a : here Weert : : » : @cvisithiim atthe C ATHs, Front Street, | + oe ett etl ess | 2hy rites : : ose domestic periodicals, and original articles of an Pickles and Sauces, twelve and a half percent | OMer preparations of cocoa, laid, tallow, hides, 3 ; hic ae th ae at '¢? g pee eee . see ere Das = = eee ete : ns. woe ndress ara Bh a oan Aaa 7 Be & ee ue ee a Hlamboro ere lo Wis wo eee 10.20 sees 6.30 5.00 coee instructive character, procured when"possible. Pimento, Pepper and Alspice, one penny per !b ous ee See ee a ae all tp ftp oe pee ee | opelownerres ss cl ws 10.30 tee. 5.45 5.15 OODS Letters trom Foreion bands the moct interes Pipes, smoking; twelve and a'hali per "cent; | "10S; Obes OP att eines, 10) Mii iN ViCGR $ © (imewaiting on all who may favor him with their Vansick] ; 5 Or DY 5.50 te ee Bey Sg ee oe oe Pork, mess, do. _ ") copper, lead in pigs, grindstones and stones of all 1. Patronage in the line ot LAIR CUTTING, Soy ence a eee ees oe ieee ae ee soe ae ie i ore rae os Preserved Fruits 122 10 per cen kinds, earth, coals, lime, ochres, gypsain ground . ""SEPAVING, HAIR-"CURLING, o: §Jt4 3. | Fairchild's Creek..... eae 10.5: DEAE 6.09 6.02 naeeces el hoa enue pee ae and Character ; Se- Phospnorous, two and a half ner cent: Potash. | OF waground, rock-salt, wood, bark, timber and se SEL apy ) iecte ( eine Ariieles 7 onienliire > : : 2) SRS Say SUESIET aS Ser oe Se yee : a 3 : sg _ POOING. sees Re ee ees Ce ee prussiai ct, do. z lumber of all kinds, firewood, ashes, fish, fish OS See Wann and Coup BATHS 4: al! hours, = : cae eee ee) rotee anc Loc « Markets; and ! Qui < twelve and a half per cent, oil, viz: train oil, spermaceti oil, head matter and Beanies = TOS F. GAR Preston, depart. a Sane 8.30 1.05 Shoe Soo ss a ank Note ue are ree among the solid Quinces, thirty per cent blubber, fins and skias, the produce of fish or ee y 46 : : information to be constantly found in the Pos? Siege eee): oe ener Ce ae nesshivie ane te , Torente, August. 12) 1854, Galt G0. 5 7 ee SVB S35 8.45 1.20 «hee coos cvenehe pie ees staoty fe nd in the Posr, Raisins, one penny per pound. creatures living in the sea. Comoe : == Beer 1@ mind requires a wider range--it has Ric velv da half per c -- -- : cs : 2 : : e : ; : ; : 5 Rice, twelve and a half per cent. ois BR) RR ep eo ARG) I Tee Galt, Bean occ eeee cose 11.35 SEES - A : an Scar faculties Which delight in the humorous and lively Lope old. two and a halt per cent CONSTITUTION ee eee Ry wen WY S fet) D) iy, ain g Py eston, do. PaO B ere; 2 ee (32th EEX i 1. 50 pone Guan Pee oso LE the imaginaty eo and poctical. Thes u faculues Rum, at broat by Sykes' Hydrometer one = os Se ; -- atl = ae ri 2 > Pp 2 - 2 3 Bisi z, ROCERIES PROVIS is = also must ha e their appropriate food, else they | shilling and eight pence per gallon Cl ai 2} * T ) a a1 f Je) ee NR aS SPAN TSN ee Aa WAS eos > i = SD -~ mak me ttn} & of § LONS, §. ete 11 £98 35 6.37 9.45 become enteebled, and, as a Colac guence, tne 1n- | Sail Cloth; twond a hall per cent, LPreavinmeialk Woallenne ~ & se & AUISiehs s «ciate Sic%e01s «0 DoD SO B29) ae ns cece ae oe RES narrow and one-sided, and is not Salaratus, twelve and a ball per cent, eS eres Princeton ee 4 5 a0 60 2o2% Prereie Boon ableto take an enlarged and generous view of Si pe Cte Arricus tacnm a41 56 bic ; oe revecerven eevee e Bue) so t Salt, free; Seeds, do. SLR LICE 4b, € mee" ANDREW SMITH Wastwoods <... oe estedel PPA Bnioe (Sale 556 oe te eae natu . and its destiny, To satisiy these | Segars, two shillings per pound. We, the undersigned, assceiate forthe purpose sete by Ih 5 | -teaven-implanted cravings of our mental being Sean Bon eae ope te tee [ees es ee : osieeiovacWELOULD respectfully announce that he has | Woodstock..+..cecces Sst | York R15 on Bet ee 3.33 HbA p ees oe e ; tal ie. Soul, fom penee per poun ef carrying out ge lollowing Pledge :-- S515 Se | 2 eis bs nedoayte ests . te ONC ! i the ONE t ane r= Cera Telye anda half per een 2 : = = establisheda NEW STORE in this Town, | Beachvillesseeeeeeeee| coos | 12225 ees 7.40 you csv © PION, PORTRY. and HUMOR ee BELIEVING in the necessity of measnres to farther pra ez en.the Corner of King and Wiiliam Streets, where : z \ ; 3.35 HBB 3.59 } ee eee Specimens of Natural Histery, Mineralogy and | mote Literature, General Intelligence, Active Benevolence ee tee ei ba happy to receive the calls of ail wish- Ingersoll SO Ee Re ee 12530 020 t. eeee a Among our contributors in the first two of the | Botany, free. the Prinerples ¢ ae ee and a British Union ee y to purchase : Gavan Sbnis. cr oe eee 12.55* On oo 8.15 cone D005 abeve departments, are several of the most #iited Spices, unenumerated, three pence per pound. NOE DAES espa aac tae consider quan pad 1s ie 1s eee ung to p B : : as 5 i I perative duty now resting upon us to thavurt the plaus now ah GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ATUHVO Ss o. 551 Aen, 1S 415 8.35 eae 4.40 writers in the land. We also draw freely for | Spkes, twelve and a half percent. - maturing loc arfey_one lass af Her Maieaty's subjecta pee : : ; ; London D a To40 4.30 4.50 Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in pirits, except Rum and Whiskey at proof | agaiusi another. aud increasing class en the grounds of the .. . A.S. is prepared to keep ccuscantly on hand, | | epart.....; 8.30 40 eal oboe cece +? this country and Great Britain. We designeom- | two shillings and sixpence per gallon. complexipnal characteristics and origin of the latter, we Sto, thelbést assortment of SUGARS, TEAS, COF-| |Komoka......eee00. 9-07, 2.05 4.55 0000 poe o.EO -- (mencine.a New Story hu Wine Sopreercn © onints or Cufdiais: sweetened so that the' pies Cunselves [0 dosall in sour power in our apeontaied oe £033 PEE FLOUR TOBACCO eer ° pad Ewe tory Dy MRS. SourHWorvu, Pirits Of UPALALS, sweetened so trat the capacily, as members of this Union, and in our private FEE, 8-20. 1855 1 FC. GC, Mt. BryadlGeSa ss ade. « 9.30 We 5. 10 siete ses sao5 author of * The Deserted Wile," " Miriam,' &c. | strength cannot be found by the Hydrometer, | capacity. ascitizens,--lst: To promote a healthy harmony . Chatham, Aug. 20, 1859. 18 ly Ekfrid 10.05 2.32* 5.o7 Se arE es Seles in our first paper for Jauuary next. four shillings ner galicn. anid to difuse a loyal spirit among those of Her Majesty 'a _ Bed : -- : coe ors Oo Ore oe ee e e 4 - s ae . ad Syirits of Turpentine twelve and a half ver ent subjects with whom we may associate or come in contact 2) PROSPECTUS Mosa.. eeoeoree oer ee eee EO. 50 eoee 5 ° OE eovee eeeve eoee Engraving s-- illustrative of Mnportant places a : ay = 3 ee nh e = ie = ee ee ee 2nd. 'Po Encouraze and support a Press, or those Presses Vist sei pc! 3 Wardsvill 11.20 2.07 6.10 6.30 and actions, of Agricultural and other new Inven- wleel, wo aid @ pail percepts ae . in Canada, which will stanc on the watch-tower to notify. te de et Boe AYGSVILC © ee erercce e Qe : eo ee: ere . tions, with others of a Humorous, thoueh refined mleel Manuiactures, tWeive anda aaif per cent. | the citizens of this country against the unjust imputations, pag ee =e ae Bothwell... ot 4.0 Saale SOO 6 arouse OC aekee character, are also freely giver : 2 Sagar, Refived, in Loaves, Crushed, gr Candy reflections and designs of many in the United States and + eh bas La s Te A BA Bs Bs : : araccer, dl€ als rely given, SS err ee Fi Sate hid beat BANSAL Js DE CPs who would carve outa policy for emigrants, . Bade QO WES A " Ee 'Phamesville 454.152 «. «| 12.20 Soc ooo. cee sees cece (hs! Postage ou the Pos) eanwpert of he, imerelo Hy "Any | formerly bond. and free, different from white emigrents A NEW FIRST CLASS ; United Stat aa. aso eee pe -- ~ | process, tWeive Shillings per cwl who tnay and do settle herein, by counselling the former te £ eitras Z P.M. nitea States, pala quarterly or yearly in advance Thite and Brow Claved or Yellow Bastard | bea geod peasantry" for the latter, ¢ eir hi i: 'Draeametany New SDD Src . "ined Ga ean h CCG pe: 1 Or White and Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard | > Bek $ afer, as their highest ambi: ROM oe y ae tee | Chatham. oss et a oe 8 4.07 7.15 sees soos 7.35 at the ohice where it is received, is only 26 cents'| Suears, or othe' Sugars rendered by any process | 100s oF to aggregate themselvesinto exelnsivécommunities Deveted bo News, Literature, Svience, and the Arts ; As ae a year. : See he ee 'y PFoces* | or to look upen the West Indies as the home for the mass, 3.40 Entertainment, Inprovenent and Progress. Baptiste Creek o1<5, 13 210 cree cece cone eee eoee or a = : ; equal in quality thereto, €1ght SQuungs Aha s1X | in preterence to the freé soil_of Canada ; thereby promul: ". Puevisney WEEKLY, at $2 a Year Wochester sc. .e..3..| 2.50 clare sees aie cose eee Lerms,--The Terms of the Post are Two | ence per cwt | gating the dangerous doctrine that Gou s children of diffe: tee "UB og eee eae pee Mae : Dailars, it paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not Sugar, Raw, and other kinds not being equal | Te¢nt complexions, cannat live together under the British BY FOWLERS & WILLS, PCC os veers ohn: COOd coe OF OG CO O0 0000 see ree, paid' in advance. For Five Dollars, in advanre, |to White or Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard | Won a Pulish America, unless those of darker hue, - 308, Broadway, New York. Windsor. arrive 3.50 5.45 9.05 ee ae 9.20 ERIS eve "4s senteiiiee: ve W SUS ae = oS ces eee SNe ee : 2 ee ooesver | become "hewers of wood and drawers of water' to those 4 Sor, aiade eheeee EL PO ee A eee Se eee ee. ue copy : = wee Vv cls. e continue ihe | SNsars, Six Shuiygs ana Six pepee per cwt of white com lexion. 3rd. To «o allin our power to re Aree -- SE following low terms tor Clubs, to be sent, in the Syrups, twelve and a half per cent. move the stain of Slavery from the face ofthe earth, and _*s \tiseur purpose to furnish a journal, which, =--*bound to ne party, sect, or theory, embracing _ ,every human interest, and furnishing foud for ail ' ~ the faculties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide eirculation., "Oo YrirvivDLdLERATURE, vo imtheform of Original Kssays, Historical, Bio- graphical, and Descriptive Sketches of "ravel _and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, ana Sess ore ated : < "Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, seg, , With choice selections from the leading periodi- shine eee 7 A 'of Kurope, will form a prominent teature. The great field of wt Be 25 2 SCIENCE, ~----------~tn all its departments, will be explored, and all SIRZ a: w discoveries. Jaid before our readers in a °.) * gooular form. THe Arvs, particularly. in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Lndustry, TTL id» Manufactures, will receive attention, and no invention or improved process wil! escape our PuISHSS 5 notice. on : BWOnA "AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE, _ Ja which so large a portion of our people are en- eco, « gaged, will demand at our hands special con- "sideration. We 'shall endeavor to élevate sti] more the standard of Mecuanica Inpusrey, and to develop and bring to light the latent talent -and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans, ie He PHYSIOLOGY and the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- _____siea] development and the promotion ef heaith "© TS"" "will have a 'prominent place in our columns, 09 MEMIBDUCA TION, Bi in its broadest sense wil! be encouraged, and ou... aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col. le e, school, and shop, we suall try to reader the uit of knowledge easy and attractive. NEW BOOKS ... . _, will be earefully and candidly noticed, and where few So" their inieortance seeins to demand it critically ee yeviewed. In the department of tel t} "GENERAL NE WS, fi we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a "°° earefully prepared.summary of passing events, 2 nO. Bice both foreign and domestic, and recording all sigas & moe © 6t progress 'in every departinent of lie. 'Tug "3 88 Markers will be carefully reported, and such So © 99°" general, commercial, and financial intormation == © °S ven as the interests of our readers demand. iM yy <pie THE FAMILY CIRCLE. er - We shall make our paper a welcome and valued 'sitorateveryiceside. 'lug Cuiiparsn will find, :aehnuniber,t> nug corner set apart for their qsemezi ani ctruetiong © 'Canada and the United States. Roe 'The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. * Flag Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE COMPOUND I8 ATKINSON'S UNRIVALLED PARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, A UNIQUE PREPARATION, Quickly Cleansing the TEETH, arresting decay, producing a delightful odor to the Breath, and ruby colar to the Gums and Lips, WEPTHOUL ACiD, OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE Enamel or outer Vovering of tue Teeth, ere celebrity in the fashionable circles of Paris and London, and the continual recommenda- tions of eininent Dentists, and those who have been using it for years, establish its superiority ever all dentrifices in use, while its miraculous effects upon the Teeth and Gums, even where there has been considerable neglect, proves it merits al] the eulogium bestuwed upon it, Sole Proprietors, W. T. ATKINSON & Co. Cuemists & Perrumers. 48, King Street West. And sold by their Agents in Lower and Upper Vide Circulars. Two Shillings and Sixpence per dozen, allowed for empty Tooth Paste Pots. Toronto, October 3, 1854. aW GROCERY 29-31 NHE Subscriber having openeda GROCERY and PROVISION STORE, on UEBEN STR EE (Third door Kast of Dummer,) Would respectlully solicit a share ef public patronage. He willendeavar, by selling Cheap, for Cash, to make it an indacemer tto purchasers to give him a call, and by sirict a' tention to busi- ness, to merit the eonfidence of (2 public. JOH MURPHY. 1854. Toronto Boe, 23 NEW DRUG STORE. CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Yotge Street, one door south of idlm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFEFS, &c., and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to tmerit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accu ately prepared. : LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or acompetent Assistant, always in attendance. Toronto, March 30, 1855. 6-ly GREAT BARGAINS. BOOLS AND SHOES, AE The Huglish House, No. 80, Yonge Street, One Door North of Adelaide sureet. OHN HAWKE begs to apprize the Citizens of Toronto, and the inhabitants of the sur- ivunlding Neigbourhood, that he has on hand a choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- llemen's aud Children's BOOTS and SHOES, whieh will be sold at the Jowest possible prices tor Cash, BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESORIPTION MADE TO ORDER, By superier Workmen, from the best materials and at the : the shortest notice. Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the ug above Stock. ia" Remember the "English Boot and Shoe Store," No. 86 ,¥or ge Btrect. city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, - - - - perannum #5 8 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $10 13 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in British North America mus remit éwenty-five cents in addition to the subserip- tion price,as we have to prepay the United States postage. Lidions ro CLuss.--Any person having sen the money and names for a Club, may add new names to it at the same rate, provided the latte: will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listdo. We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have all the subscriptions in each Ciub end atthe same time, and thus prevent contusion. The money for Clubs must always be sent in advance. Whenthesum is large,a draft should be procured if possible--the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent te one address, when they can do so conveniently. The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have -subseribed, A New Arrancement.--Our subscribers will take notice that we now have no collecting agents out of this State. They will therefore please remit to us direct. Ail persons addressing letters to us should be carelul to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live. Add letlers mus¢ be past-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Post- Masters, as do not fee] inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &c. DEACON & PETERSON, No. 68, South Third Street, Philadelphia. fa" N.B.--Any Person desirous of recewing a copy of the POST, as a sample, can be accommo- oe by notifying! te Fublishers by letter, (post paid) Do Sugar, two pence per gallon and, do. Sai Ammoniac, two and a half per cent; Seed, Mustard, do; Shellac, do; Slate, do; Straps fon Walking Beams, do; Sulphur, roll, do. Sulphar, flour, twelve and a half per cent. 'Tea, two pence per pound, Tin, two and a half per cent Tobacco, Manufactured, or Unmanufactured, other than Segars or Snuff, two pence per pound, Toys, twelve and a half per cent 'Telegraph Wire, two and a half per cent Varnish, twelve and a half per cent Vermicelli, one penny per pound Vinegar, three pence per gallon Vitriol, two and a hai: pei cent Watches, twelve anda hali per cent; Wax, do; W halebone, do W heat, free. Whiskey at proof, five pence per gallin Wine of all kinds in Wood or otber vessels not being Bottles, not exceeding in value £15 the pipe of 126 gallons, one shilling per gallon, and if ex- ceeding £15 the Pipe in value one shilling and sixpence per gallon Wine of al kinds in Bottles per dozen Quarts, seven shillings and six pence Wine of all kinds in Bottles per dozen Pints, three shillings and nine pence Woollen Yarn, twelve anda half per cent; Wool Manufacturcs, do All Guods, Wares and Merchandise not enu- merated, twelve and a half per cent. FREE GOODS, The following articles, in addition to those marked "free" in the columns above, are now made free--subject to the exception, that if the Governor of this Province Sell at any time de- clare the suspension of the Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, sign- ed on the &th day of June, 1854, then, while sueh suspension shall continue, the several articles mentionee in the schedule to the Act last afore- eaid, being the growth and produce of the said United States, shall be subject to the duties to which they are now subject ; and no such article shall then be admitted free of duty, unless it was so admitted immediately before the passing of the said Act. = Animals of all kinds, meats of all kinds (except mess pork), butter, cheese, flour, barley, buc re wheat, bear and bigg, oats, rye, beans and peas meal of the above grain, and wheat not bolted ' branin shcrts, and hops, Z particularly, as subjects of Great Britain, to check its pro- gress in America by all legitimate means; and 5th. To en: courage the risiug generation in literary, scientific, and mechanical efforts. 6th. As a nucleus of operations, te support the * Povincial Freeman,' as cur ergan, so long as limay be found to advocate sound principles, and to use. or ability to promote objests in connexien with it, to further honest endeavours in this direction. Arr. 11--For the better Success of the abore measures, the Parent Society shall consist ofa President, a Vice-President, Recording and Corresponding Seeretaries, Treasurer, and a Committee as extensive as the number of signa- tures to the Pledge. ee Arv. lif.---The annual fee of each male mem- ber shall be 2s. 6d. eur'y. ; _ Art. iV¥.--'The Female Members shall organ- ize a Committee with a Moderator, Secretary and 'Treasurer; and the annual contribution for each member, shall be Is. 3d, Arv. V.--The object of the Ladies' Committee shail be to prepare articles for an Annual Fair, to be held in 'Toronto, Hamilton, London, Chatham, and other large cities and towns, at which auxiliaries may be formed; also, to devise other measures for promoting the specfic object; namely, the support of the people's urgan, the Provincial Freeman. _ Arr. VL--Auxiliary Societies may be formed in each town, city, or village, in which parties may be found to take as their basis the Constitu- lion of this Society, provided that they, at their Option, make such local arrangements as the peculiarities of the case require, Arr. Vil--'The officers of the Society shall be elected annually, and at each annual meeting, | one or more persons shall be empowered to assist in forming auxiliaries, and in whatever way the interests of the Society may demand. Art. VUIl--The Ladies' Committee al! meet every Monday evening, for the purpose + making up articles, useful and elegant; and te them shal! be entrusted the details of their plans. Arr. [X.--A monthly meeting of memberg, both male and female shall be assembled for the purpose of promoting the literary objects specfied, by recitations of original pieces, reading, debates é&c. "wice inthe year, at the semi-annual and annual meetings, pa:ties shall be solicited to ad-. dress the Socieiy. Arr. X.--This Constitution can be altered at the Annual Meeting, bya vote ofa majority of members present and the addition ofthe votes trom each auxiliary society, through delegates from the same, provided, that at whatever place the Annual F'air may be held, the Annual Meeting chalk be held for the time being,

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