eins, alabte abe Pa) § es she pagers es gc iis =e (O'S COLUMN, Combination Store! aged asout $200 Pek DAY | eld fogy system of doing business is reversed ! "All large buyers themselves, have establish- ee 3 ema 8 ALL THE GOODS OF THE. Farmers' and Mechanics' 'Have Now Arrived! ee "THIS STORE was opened on the 15th of Octo- ber; when, and until NOW, not ONE HALE the Gools had arrived, and it has been perfectly CROWDED ever sincs. Thesaics have aver- REMEMBER, The CAUoE of this GREAT RUSH is,--The THE COMBINATION CONSISTING OF Forty=-Five Farmers 2nd Mechanics. ed this Store in order to Se SAVE MONEY "in buying their own necessaries, st) tead ol | establishing it to MAKE MONE te TO _. consists the difference between this and the other _ Stores. ze Store self-supporting, the Small Advance of In order to milce the Farmers & Mechanies Fifieen Per Cent, is charg 7d on Cost, and the whole public placed en an eqal fo ovting with Members pt a Com- bination, sa that the RULE One Price to ALD! Ce Whether Members of the The Combination are determined to mate their | Sfore as POPULAR AS POSSIBL,-so that | as fasias iis deticiences are ascertained, they | will he spp Hed. | The Lare> Yurl antl Camfortable Stel | ynbinatiod or not. in re rear of the Stor: >, is foand (On DE sd .Oreat FARMERS & Convenience by the Customers. National prediliciions are gratified here also. an Enelishman will find a Country mint: deal with, so will a Scotchman, an ftrishman, a, Dutchman, a Canadian or a Frenchman. BALL ove HERE REPRESE! TED. "ALL WILL BE WELCOME! To enumerate items would sivell this Adver- ED ment to several colimaus; if must therefore uffice to say that the Assortments cf the foliow- | -ine different kinds of Gocds to be found in the MECHANLES SPORE, . are very COMPLETE, Viz: | | GLO Boots. aul a Trunks, Walises, &c., Stationery and School-Books Oil Painted & papek Window- shades & Self-Adjusting Rollers, Wall Lier Wooden & Witlow- WC, Sa ROCKERY, WINDOWGLASS, (all sizes, Ca Mpauncs, Wines, Altes, Porters, Beandies, Ao AL OTHER LIQU Ons) Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES Foreiga and Domestic Fiuits, ELL 0 G-oseries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., &e., we: <3" Bear in MinJl, kind . Reader, only Fina EEN PER CENT is charged on the co-t «f any Article in all the ahove cae GUS Clas- ges of Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to fi: id some particular Articleas Cheap in some other Store, you must not imagine that every thing is so, because about ETE PY PE CENT is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE. Jtis claimed for the Farmers & Mechanics _. Store, that its Customers SAVE, all round, Fully 30 Per Cent, and HUND2EDS who have bought Goods there will wilingly certify fo the JUSTICE of the CLAIM, ATTENTION is directed to the following Resolution of the Combination, passed at a Meetiing of its Membors, held on Saturday, the first instant: "ResotyeD, That it is not at all times convenient for many of the Members of this Combination _éo pay down for their necessaries; and in order to meet the case of such parties, it is the wish ofa "majority of this meeting that the Manager do open accounts with Members requiring the same, as also with ALL responsible Persons: upon such Members er other Persons consenttng to 'pay 5 per cent on the amountof there Account, _to cover expense of keeping such Account. All 'such Accounts to be due and rendered on the First of January, First of April; First of aay = and First of Gctaber; on which days, to be closed "KIND & OBLIGING -and interest charged till paid." All kinds of Farm Produce will always be BOUGHT, and FOUND FOR SALE at the "FARMERS & MECHANICS STORE" THOSE who have NOT YET visited the Farmers and Mechanics Store, are politely re- quested to do so; those who have, know toe well where their true interest lies, nut to repeat and eontinne their visits will be extended to all who visit the Store. faeTe Parcels of Custemers will be delivered at their Hotels, or Residences (if in town, ) REE of CHARGE By Brdby ofthe Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. Chatham, Nov. 24th, 1856 v3-n16-1y COMMODIOUS OFFICES OVER THE Farmers and Mechanies Store. S the above Store is doing more business than any other in 'Chatham. Professional Men "would find this a good locaition. Apply atthe ' office of the Farmers and Mechanies Store for further parti iculars. lever brought to Chatham, at ie Shoomaker's Tools, Nails al TREATMENT | Silks, _; NRW BOARDING HOUSE. WILLIAM STILL EGS to announce that he has Oprnep a BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374 SOUTH SETRiET, below Ninth, PHILADELPHIA, where he will accommodate respectabl € persons, perma- nently or transiently, who may favour him with their patronage. The House is Commodious and in good order, and the location Central and Respectable. (ce No pains will bespaired therefore to give every satisfaction. Philadelphia, Ovt. 29th, 1855. MAO Ly, NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT WM. H. NELSON'S STORE, At the corner of King and Fifth Streets, joining the > Hotel, Royal Exchange Chatham, C. . the LARGEST AND MOST COMPETE STOCK and ad- --oOF--- HARDWARE, GROCERIES, BESUVOS, Glass and Crockery-ware, &c. fdhermometer Crurns, Corn Cul- tivators, Ploughs, &c., ec. floes, Spades, Cradles, Snaths, 'Se thes, Forks, Rules, 8 Gree, ie PAINTS! Lead in Oil, Raw, and Boiled vil, &c., ever brought into Chatha im-at onetime. All of which | will be sold Ch licap for Cash. | ee ll. NELSON. ve Corner Store lib up ) st Pemenrvder ty th, Ga. : Chatham, June | EN SUBSCRIBER having received. his A SPRING STOUS, is prepaied to offer to the public, the t LARG Est, £5 aN 3 Ba® eli) eed Wholesale er Retail! Gonsisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Steel of ali kin is; Biacksm'th's-Bellows, Aavils, Screw -Plates, Dissand Taps; Carp> nter's Tools, all kinds aud SiZos 5 Spades, Shovels, Sco! ups, Elues, Forks, Garden lakes, Bry Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of ail Ieinds -. Harrow Teeth. Caltivator Teeth, Patent Pamps, Pump chain and Gearing', Pols. pels and Ke les Eo Tinware and Tinsraitt alesis SADDLER'S HARD WARE! Flames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Serews, Hinges of all kinds: iKrive Wor ws and pee of every deseription; Brushes of all kinas ; MM UL LY MILL BA Nee Cirealar Saws, Crosscut ani Pilt Saws, Piles PAIN®S, GILS AND COLORS, me With oiher articles quite too a.ueroas to men- tion. fe will also, iu a few days, have a large ae of MACHINE BELTING, of alewinths Ab of wl that defy competition. rhe wilisell at prices Next door DER Vane Alloays cine strect; Chatham, C. W. ne a ne 13th, 1855. Gm COTTAGE FOR. SALE. A' NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. f parti. fX ealars apply to D LBONARD, at the ofiice of Jt Be OW Pet AM Ss, Es Rankin's in fee "Chatham, June 6i1h,.1855. if 29; Worth slice King Street, ry Nearly opposite the Town Hall. | ESPECTRULLY sol-cits the pa of ea the juadies.of CHatHaM, and Vicinity. Tl ey :e prepared to execute the orders of those who 5 ee favour thei wilh a eall, with neatness and hele sspaich. fee he latest pattern s for Liadies' Dresses, Cloaks, Muntilias, Talinas, Sacks, §c. Ehitdren's Clothing made to orwe, an the latest . sti le . | | | | gal ae i Pt } and having any fellowship with snch Sonicties ig NEW SPRING GOODS. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends THAT THE FIRST LARGE STOCK OF New Spring Goods Were brought into this market by GO, MONTGOMERY & Co., SUCCESSORS TO BROOKS & MONTGOMERY, And they are determined that extra inducements | shall be offered to their Castomers in all th. de- partments of STAPLE AND FANCY Bs oGidO.LS, WILL LIN DRY, : ROCERIES, LIQUORS, $c,,, Our Stock is now in first-rate Trim, and we can show the Handsomest, the Cheapest, and the most Complete Stock ever brought into this Towa, It is our determination that our -- »s shall-be And if our friends from the Stns ry and _ 'Town, will bear in mind that there ts ss (Blere money nauoe by ga bing tt, than thexe ig im earning tt. No doubt our Store will be crowded hy those wishing to Nialke the most ofa Dellar tt 38 We advise an early call, as those who come first, will get the first Bargains! ! Cc. MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposite the Royal Ficchange KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May 2nd, 1855. ly. A GOGD CHANCE 2% FOR A SNUG HOME! BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! IN. THE NP alliage £OM aah Pes Be Village of mast Guxton, IN THE CENTRE OF THE FLIURISHING Peo ZrmSsinilip or ue Baleigins EITHER IN me sy é Five, Three, i Be Acre Lots, WITH ae EH POSSESSION "Nits Land is dry and rich, and mostly cleared ; the situation, pleasant and healthy, with the great advantage of having a Church and school close Ly, and both under the judicious and fosteriug care of the Reverend Wm. King, which tact alone would be considered by many. to be the greatest indacemeat this locality .pos- 3; also, a new Saw Mill, in fall operation. The prices of these Lats are moderate, and terms Casy. TITLE IND SPUTABLE. All doubts in regard to which, ean be satisfied on application to Wanrse McGrua, Esquire, | Barrister-at-Law, Prevx Block, Bing Sirceb, | i ge" For further particulars, as to price of Lots, and Verms, apply to Mir. A. EE EES; Royal | Huchange, Buzlon, who will show the Property or, to the Proorictor, CHARLES WOOD, Grocer, Mourth Sireet, Chana. October 19th, 1&5. 25-6m & Sar Noric ae eee gee a In the name of Eiumay Appgau to Canadians! Varions Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Period- icals, &c., &c., (some of th rem ineorreet copies) of the Societies and Relk igious bodies in the Unirep Sratres, which are named below, are eirealated and sold ia Canada, by colporteurs (book carriers) by 'Tract Societies and by others, as jese AwNerican Societies 'and bodies [have ua- nittingly forso me past, publicly denoune- ed and proved, 48 Pao-SLaverRy or PILENT, and some (if not a! ny fol ae speck an 2 Repusht- caN Basis, or foundation, and opposed even on such prineiples to our BarrrisH institutions. 4 eu many of these Societies, &c., haye-been SEE fhD as it W ete, , (since religious, humane, and Coin ise principles are apparently trampled un- der foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in- humane practices, in a Free anda Bririsu Pro- vince, yet | Iam ledto believe that clandestinely or otherwise, such evil practices are continued and encouraged, : I therefore appanan to all Laymen in Canada;-- to all men and women of Humanity who are op- posed to the sin and curse of Suavery, and who hail our noble Province asaland and an asylum for the free,--tor the o ppt ssed,--and forthe Fu- sitive from American Christian slav ery,--to aid in discountenancing in our free Province of Can- ada, the cireulation of such books, tracts, &c., TY The Societies referred to are:-- 1. The American Tract Society--New York. 2. The American Sunday School Union, Pail- adelphia. 3. The Presbyterian Board of Publication are street, Philad elphia. The Methodist Episcopal Church, [north] Boot concern, 200 Mulberry strect New York. _'Lhe American Baptist £ Publication Society, Bh} ladelphia,--and American Baptist Mission- ary Union, Boston.--[ All Baptists of Unite States, except the "Free Will?' and the " Free Baptists,' are either pro-slavery or silent--see * Facts for Baptists Churches,,' pp: 408. ] 6. American and Foreign Bible Society, [Bap- list] and the American Bible Union, [Baptist,] Nassau and Broome streets, N. Y. 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, New Yoik,----with many others,<--ot whose pro-slavery aid silent character, reliable informatian can be Obie eed at 48 Beekman sire et, New York. shstone question be pnt: ' What 3, tracts, &c., do you pabiis a, circulate, or 1 eee rainst Siaver y--and are the Bibles ceircu- lated amongel the bond and the tree" --and let proof be prodacet | on ihe spot, as Canadians have becn deceived. As a'resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in Canada, | have been deceive ed--sin- fuily So. Ji J. 20, LANTON. Stratford, C. W., July 8, 185%. for mart as Ss ny ire (va JU ASE b OF) aus AQ WAN Hey ogy "ACTS FOS Barve? Br Ci UR CHES. fNXOLLEC Pet Dd, arrang ee and :eviewed by oO Rewis. A.D. Poss and i. Maraews, [#ree hee Baptists. | pp. 408--Utica, IN. ¥. Piab- lished by the American Baptist Pree Mission Be res seeita ly to acquain! the Ladies of Chatham end vicinity, that she has remov- iedher MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING 1D) STABLISS Mites NE io ste i fat ly ocenpied by Messrs. Brooke & Montgom et posite the RUYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, a eee op- isnow open for the Fall Trade, containing all | kinds of LADIES and CHEEDRAGNS? Wi AR as i such as Shawls, FRonnetts, Satins, Cloaks, Ribbons, j Plaids, Mantillas, Plumes, Children's Clothing and all kinds of Trimmings in great variety. fie As her- stock 1s very hager t<S complete in the call from her custumers, and the ladies generally | asshe can assure them that she can supply their every want, her stock being the largest, "the best and most varied, of any ever before opened for the inspection of the Ladies in this vicinity. Nov. @ist, 1856. vo-nig-Ly. TITAN ES do NOVTICH ERSONS. afflicted wi the FE Vin and AGUE or the CHILL FPEVER, can be speedily cured by applying to JOLIN HATTON Shoemaker. Bronte, Township Gi Er afalgar, Halton Pe Canada West. Price ten shil- lings currency. : JOHN HATTON. Bronte, July 17th, 1856. 14-tf. above departments, she re specttully solicits ad | i BEES consiantly on hand, at her Residence, YOUNG FOLKS, OLD FOLKS, LISTEN! ONE THOUSAND PIECES Of SHEET MUSIC, JUST REG@EIVED, AT ALFRED MOORE'S MUSIC HALL, TWO DOORS EAST OF THE POST OFFICE, CHATHAM. SSrolemaktg wa lipwimms, in Morocco and Gold Bindings. ELEGANT ANNUALS, Or New VYear's Present Books, In every variety of style, from $1 to #6 each. From ae to G10. Wf Gib ET APES » From $3 to $20. 133 DD WY S35 5 From $2 to $20. IY G3 9° Harps, Guitars, Tamborines, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Piccdlos, Fiageolets, Clarioneétts ; Vnlin oe Guitar Stri Ms, Music Books, Note Books, Music Paper, Sheet Music, And all kinds of eee Merchandize, always on hand. Cil Paintings, in Gold Frames. School Books & Stationery. CARD BOARD. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Ballous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dollar Monthly, Flag of owr Union, Brother Jonathan, lilustrated American Newspaper, Fyank Leslie's Gazetic of Fashion, Frank Leslie's New York Journal, New York Picaywne, Boston International Journal, Yankee Notions, Godcey's Lady's Book, Elarper's Magaz ine, Gsc., Gc., RECKIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. Catholic and Protestant Books. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PICTURES, Framed and Glazed. LSluagmmis LROOmR Ss. ALMANACS FOR ope lely [7S AIO Y= TH AN ADE el OTRUNG, | CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, SATT one JEANS, TWEEDS, &e., &C., &C. HARDWARE, AND TREACLE. 2 God Save the Queen! December, 1855. 33-t! MRS. BURLEY, (LATE MRS, JACKSON,) EA. 382, South Ninth Street, 'below Catherine, a supply of choice Herb Medicines, Cintments, Pills, &€e, which she will warrant to give satisfaction. Among which are the NERVINE CORDIAL, for the cure of Diseases depending on Nervous Debility; the ALTERATIVE, for Purifying the Blood, Serofala, Scurvy, &c.; and the INDIAN SPECIFIC OINT 'MENT, for Piles, Old Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains, Chay ppe ed Skin, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Frosted Limbs, 8c. Give tl them a trial. PuintabeLypaia, Nov. 20, 1855. 30-ly gpARDWAR ty WHOLESALE AND RE ETAIL, HE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, a eetl - choice sele " oh Heavy "and Shelf Hardware, AMONGST Wilich Voll BE FOUND, IRON, of every de oe Cast, Buster, and Sle jen Shoe STEEL. Cut, Wrong! lt eal Ho rse NAILS. Coil, ae ee and ras bh CHAINS. ANVILS, Ber, | BELLOWS. a ot nt assortment of TABLE AND DOCK Es CU DEE RNS Carpenters', Joiners' i Cabineimakers' Tools. AXES, of the best ee Warranted. With an assorfment of ol Se SHELF HARDWARE, which is not to be surpassed in Town, and which is offered tor Sale-'* Cheaper than ever" for Casu ! he Buyers will find it to their advantage to call before e purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE KERR. Chatham, Noy. 22, 1855. 30-Ly BURTON GROCERY STORE a pees Subscribers would intimate to their a Friends, that they are receiving, and opening out, an Extensive Assortment of 5 Groeeriess, ef superior ne suitable for Country Trade, which they will sell at the lowest remuncrative prices. Produce will be tak-n in exchange for Groceries. {= Call and see our Stock. R. VANBRANKEN & Co. C2 W.. Dec. I 1855: ol-ly Buston, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, LL that Easterly part of Lot 24, situated on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Stor y Frame Houvss, consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four Looms and a Closet. There is an excellent Well of water in the yare. (c= For Terms, apply to MRS: M. STEWARD, On the Premises, Norlh of King Street, between William and Princess Sir eel, Chatham, C.W. Dec.. 1st, 1855. 31-1m Duciely -- {with p portrait. | ae Ebi a bee ik which woe Barrisy in Canada (ea of clerical--should ae with at. It: bews | ihe support givea to Slavery by the A-nerican Baplisis; Phe™ Mission Bep eee xe es from thal churge, tiney "OF Yond very and recelve Ot { } : (Notice No. 1.) Uppver Canada Tract Societs ---Slavery- v J pe Public are notified that colp norteurs from his Society, (Yonge street, Vorunto,) con- trary to all just and honest expectations, --are | perambulating the streets, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books "of the pro-slavery Silent American 'lraet Society, of Nassau street, New York. JJ. Stratford, C, W., Jaly 17th, 1856. eS GALL AND SBBS? A ES Me "9 2 fd fas C3 a Ml. Z. HARRISON OULD respeottulty inform the Citizens of W Cie aAsdek AM, that be has OPENED a 'Public House-in Detroit, ON THE CORNER OF Jefferson Avenue and Mrout Streets, & where he will be happy to accommodate those who may favour him with a call. Detroit, November 0, 1855, 28-ly Free VWill-Baptists"® and * Bee! VE Subscriber would inform the citizens of Chatham, that he has removed his LIV- ERY SLABLE, to the Corner of King & William Streets, where wil ee found, at all times, Oven and: Covered Buggies, GOOD HORSES, Jind Steady DRIVERS, tf necessary. Charges will be as moderate, as the times will admit. Persons are requested to call and examine the Turnouts ABRAHAM RAYNO. Chatham, Dec. 8. 1855 32-ly Information Wanted. OHN A-MU RRY. takes this method of ascer- taining the whereabouts of his i ather, Alfred Hagerstown, Maryland, U.S., in the year 1835. and came to Canac da, where he is yet living, Any person having a knowledge of the loeality of Mr. Murry, will confer a great favor by addres- sing-- JOHN A. MURRY. 43 &t. Catharines, C. W. Murry, who lived with Colonel Hollens worth of Casnmeren Orleans, Alpacas, French Merines, Laces, Se ngs, Cambrie and Book Musiin } Frock Bo dies, Chemisettes, Linen and Cambrie il: MERCHANT We have Jacquard, Twist and other iT weeds, Black and svll, as CHeap as any House in the District. Chatham, Sept. 3, 1855. TELS, COFFE A I RE SS, coe French Trowser Patterns, 'Napolean Tufted ditto, Woollen Cord, and a ROW SERINGS; Worsted and Silk Plush, Rich Velvet and Satin Vestings, Silk and Satin vent Shapes, and other VESTINGS. We keep constantly on hand, a consplete assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING,,. Well Cut and well Made, suitable for FALL and WINTER wear, all of which. fo Abihand wik , RE now receiving their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of the Latest Fashionable Styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Merinos, Cobour 2, Brocha Cloths, Gala and Wool Plaids, Plain fe Plaid Dress Silks; a choice lot of Plaid and other Long and Square Shawls, Ribbons, : Muslins, Vv ndeiiceres: Sewed Muslin Bands, Collars, Caps, wid! kere hiefs; a good assoriment of Hosiery and Gloves, Elabits, Vests, and Pol lkas; Ladies' an! Chil lren's Boots and Shoes; Flannels, Cloakings, Tickings, Denings, Drillings, Sheetings, and other Domestic Goods. our customers, we keep on hand a choice lot of And for the convenienge zr, of . TOBACCO, $e fc. ~y TAILORING. _ e now received a yon oule assortment of Fan & WINTER | GOODS, which, upon inspection, our customers will find superior to anything ever offered in this market, consisting of fine Black and Fancy Cloths, Venetian and Mixed Milton Cloths, Cassimeres, Deerskins, Doeskins, Reverseabie, Beaver, Whitney, Milton, Laseo, Lionskin, Silistria, eienan Canada, Whitney, and other OVE R- COATINGS. Omar Pasha, Napier, Danubian, Petersham, Vixed Bea e 'Superi or Grey, anda great variety of other COATINGS; Plain. 'and Bordered Faney Doeskins, Odessa. and pup Does for host of other STONE & TURNBULL. P.S--FIVE OR SIX GOOD JOURNEYMEN TAILORS WANTED, Due GA 20-0 MAHOGANY WML and surrounding Country that he has taken BESIDES, A LARGE C Mahogany and : ALSO, A SPLENDID Se Ponte iSiae@a as Persons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will Chatham, December 14, 1855. "PROVINCIAL HOUSE. HE Subscriber begs to announce, that he. bas recently OPENED his New and coanenea: 4ouse, on FOURTH STREET, near the DEPOT, CHATHAM, C. W,, and he trusts that his experience in Hotel Keeping will enable him to give satisfaction to the travel- ling community, and public generally; and he will spare no éffort to deserve 'and retain the re- pulenes he has already gained, of having not only the most pleasant location, but the best ac- commodations that can be obtained. Persons stopping at the Provincial House, can be accommodated with CARRIAGES, on the shortest notice. Persons arriving at Chatham, will remember the Provincial House, in sight of the Depot, a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Flag. H.. DAY: Q1, 1855. 18.1 y Chatham, August = GW. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT General Int lelligenee (Office, ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, Corner of King and William Streets, CHATHAM, SC, = Pleuse Call before you Buy. £1 me August, 1855. 18-tf STRANGE'S HOTEL, FIFTH STREET, Zero Between King and Wellington Streets; CH ATHAM, Copy. GIiGK= EY fe also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public genera lly, f for their liberal support 5 strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: MAHOGANY AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREAUS, {TRANGERS visiting this place will find tt to their advantage to call at this HOTEL, bieng one of the largest, and in ths most central position inthe town. The best accomodations, on ~easunable terms. JOHN STRANGE. Chatham, Aug. 22, 1855. 18-ly Dhl ase RESTAURANT, ONTARIO STREET, SLALALPORD. 4 above ESTABLISHMENT being now in proper order, the Proprietor is al. ways prepared to accommodate any number of Ladies and Gentlemen with REPRESHMENTS, which will consist of the best Viands to be found in Buffalo, Hamilton, or Toronto Market, during the season. [le will have a constant supply of the best Oysters, and Game, of ail kinds in season. SArDINES, Lopsrers, SALMON, &c., &c., always on hand. Meals can be had from Six o'clock in the Morning till Midnight. WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, of the best qualiti Y. Dinner and other Parties can be supplied, with everything suit table, on very moderate terms. Pee. Families can also be served with GAME, STERS, &c., preprred inthe best style. fae HEONS supplied, &c.; can be had at the Restaurant in a Private Room. 4° The Proprietor will always endeavour so ime) eater to the wants of his Customers, as to merit their steady support and patronage. CLARK THOMAS. $ 3 & Es SUBSCRIBER takes this opportunity of informing the people of CHATUAM, R. SMITHS OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, ASSORTMENT OF NITURE. and hopes, by His SPOCK ou of the Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. ~~' ASSORTMENT OF Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, : THE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. = : ae Cae Saortvest. Hrotiewe ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. find it to their advantage to eall and examine before purchasing elsewhere. J. O. SMITH. a 33 SSS SSS Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ATWOOD & JACKSON, (PHANKFUL for the patronage they have received from the Citizens of Chatham, and environs, beg to say that they still continue in the Grocery Business, ON KING STREET, A few Doors of the Market House, Chatham, Where they have constant ly on hand, a large assortment of -- G@ROGBALR B Sy of the first quality, which will be sold on ne most reasonable terns. Come and examine for yourselvés, before: purchasing elsewhere. i= Salt Provisions always on hand, such as Hams, Shoulders, Pickled Pork, Fish, We. Fc. August 29th, 1855. -- 19-1y New Grocery and Provision Store. ANDREW SMITH, le returning thanks to the people, for the very liberal support he has received, Legs to an- nounce to his Friends, Customers, and the Publie generally, that he is receiving and. opening eut a large assortment of Groceries and Provisions, AT HIS NEW STORE, On the Corner of King and William Streets CONSISTING or Sugars, Molusses, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Meal, Butt.r, Lzgs, Cantles, Pobucco, Sniff, Bc Geet A LARGE QUANTITY OF PICKLED PORK AND BACON Constantly on. hand. ~ te Reo in the Town and_ gar coanding country will fiad it to their. advantage to call, they will be accommodated on the pst healoe able terms, for Cash, __.. Chatham, Augtist 20, 1855. oe : 18-ly Produce, Provision & ay Store, G. W. BRODIE.& T. STERRITT, AKES this method of informingas generous public, that we have bought the well knowa and repatable Pork, Bacon, and Grover "y Store OF MR. THOS: BELL. We will continue to keep constantlyon hand the the best quality, all in the above line of our busi- ness, and hope to give satisfaction to all whe may - favor us with a call, CORNER OF KING AND. WILLIAM STREETS, CHATHAM, C. W. August 15th, 1855. ar 18-t¢ TAKE NO" NOTICE. NY person or persons. acqainted with THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Louisville, K'y., would render satisfaction to his Father, by Ww riting to the Provincial. Freeman Office, Chat- ham, C. W. Thomas Williams, some years past, lived with Chapman Csleman, of Lou's- ville, and after leaving Mr..Coleman, wen: to Pittsburg, Pa.; but after. the passage of the F.. fi- tive Slave Act, he came to Canada, since w toh time [ have not been aby, to Jearn his vo #6. abouts. WILSON Stratford October 26, 1855, Q7-ly Chatham, C, W., Auges ie = 19