* en . a sent i ae Oe Seat ce « The gece has been pleased to«appoint Be William Thomas Denison, Knight, Cap- tain in the Corps of Royal Engineers, to be Captain. General and, Governor in Chief in and over the Colonies of New South Wales; Van Diemen's Land, Victoria, South Aus- tralia, : and, Western Data « Her Majesty has. also. been: pleased. to appoint Sir Henry Edward Fox Young Knut. to be Captain General and. Governor in Chief i th 'and over the colony. = Van yap men' 8 Land. shieec Rey es eld IN Sopa ke Westmeath "Grarkan, speaking of the scarcity of harvest labourers, announces that two shillings a day had been 'refused by reapers, and 'so y high! as 28: ded. given 1 and adds, " We have | ito doubt many a fine stalwart fellow. now hard wrought. on American railways would gladly wish 'himself once more in. our' streets to askand obtaih sich ample remuneration for his day's work." This journal cannot. be aware that labourers in: Canada. can and do earn from 6s..3d. toTs. 6d) a day, and: in harvest time they had their board in addition. Ths, 925,000. farm. labourers, dress-makers, domestic servants, &c., were to land at Toronto to-morrow, they 'would find employ- ment for years at from 3s. 9d. to:5s..a' day. Canada has good' wild lands enough to give one million . "Immigrants . ten acres. each ! Upon, this fact the Goverment Oh Canada ought to act!--ld Country YMA» Tue Tren THOUSAND, Jop.--JupGMENT Renperep.---J udgment was given yesterday | in the Court: of Chancery, on the case of Paterson et al vs. Bowes. Mr. Chancellor Blake and Vice Chancellors Estén and Spragge delivered their opinions at length; with perfect unanimity agreeing in finding for. 'the Plainiffs, and ordering the Defendant to refund'to the City Treasury his profits on » the job with interest, and to, te the costs of | the suit.--- Globe. Fire in Coa. --A fire Sree out in the large pile of.coal in Messrs, T..& W.. Mol- son's yard, "St. "Mary's Street, on 'Sunday, apparently originating in spontaneous com- bustion. "Water. was, poured on it 'from, hydrants four or five hours, bgt did not, it seems, effectually reach.and quench the fire, and it was found necessary : yesterday 'to commence: the removal of the coal, in' order | to o wet : at 'the fey of aes cumbustion. -- Mon- treal Herald... Ade: Bak Goi is' 'Canapal We learn from Three Rivers thatthe party who left. there. some time since to "prospect" on the: St. Maurice, have returned with the gratifying of the mining 'capabilities of the. District, of St. Francis. They brought'to Three Rivers, a specimen' of the St. Maurice gold dust,. and the formation of a' company for mining purposes 18 'spoken of. So far as a company is' c¢ jncerned, we view with | pleasure this news. With means at their disposal, and machinery, and tgols suitable for the working of the mines, they may be'made to pay 3° but for individuals to crowd to the gold diggings in the hope to make a fortune nothing can be more foolish. However, we scareely think there is much: danger, sof this, the | "people have had some experience--many of our citizens having returned from California considerably poorer than they went.) "Out of the many gold-seekers who left Canada for California, we have not heard of a single instance of one making é a fortune; much less. a ebinpetonty: sree ncniiamth seeuae yo: we Lord Elgin' s journey 'hidi¢e to Quebec: he 'was "welcomed by the people and autho- rities of all towns where the boat touched. Some of the towns were prettily decorated 'on' the occasion, and Brighton' 'was illuminated. As his Exeelleney Janded 'at the place, tar barrels; d&e., were set on fire, as a token of weleome to the Governor General. - At: Cobourg, Belleville, Brighton, and Kingston, addresses' were presented to him. 'The addresses were highly complimen- 'tary, 'but were of a non-political character, | parties of all political shades having "sub- seribed to them... His Excellency's S. replies were | in ne usual ae taste. | aint H The 'St John; N B., Courier of 'ng 30th ult, says :---" We understand that it is very probable that a short Session of the Leois- latire will be held immediately,to také into -consideration. the Reciprocity Treaty. . Ae was supposed that, it might, have been - sible to secure the benefits: of the 'Treaty a the action: of the Government; but'as. it' ap- 'pears*by 'the way Mr. Secretary Guthrie reads the Treaty, that the President cannot 'Assue his proclamation until Legislative assent is given by each | of the Provinces alfected, it may become necessary that) New 'Brins- eee or otherwise to allow our citizens at wick and Nova Scotia 'should legislate | ose sume one or iwo hundred 'thousand pounds: which, they might gain Ng 'the | "new. + ' aiaiaey intelligence that the, same. stratification' pre- 'vails as 'in California and report favourably | L walked like Christian men,' been oppressed 5 and hence the legal regulations, Pin nearly. every 'slave State, to 'prevent them | "| FROM } walking like Chr istian men in the light troy the foundation of our liberties," 5» 'the matter'; on their part, the Provincial Legislature will |. hereafter 'exact' from Negio i immigrants a poll'tax fe st general, if not an. universal 'manumisston, N ANY PLAN yet devised t in England or Aaiea? it seems proper that we shoula ex: préss' Our.copihion, 'and' saythat' OUR "EX. opposite 'result would be true ; 5 ee it is a Notorious fact, that the more the, NEGRO.RACE on this continent "have 'walked like' CHRISTIAN MEN, in the light of the Gospel," the LESS have slavebolders' fears been TRANQUIL: ZED ; hence the internal scheme of Coloniza- tion, &e, , &e,'; and itis especially true, that the more the Negro race, who are slaves, and those who are. nominally free, in slave States, ' have the niore have they of the Gospel,' the use 'of the. Scriptures and other Religious means." "We recommend the adoption of. the fo! lowing. Resolutions, by this Meeting, to wit: eed "Resolved, That we assure our friends jin England, and especially the.' Colonial Church and. School Society,' that we are truly. grateful, for their "sympathy with, and regard for us, as an exiled and wronged peuple ; and that we can but hope. that their 'efiorts tor. our good | may be | directed Gtherwise 'than through 'Novmat Schoals, of 'which there is no need, in this country, since siich schools here, ate open: to us, In common with all other citizens. 2 2. Resolved,--That, should' such schools be opened, and'! efforts | 'made - "by! the. ' Colonial Church and School Society,'.contrary to our ex- pressed wish and interest, wecannot, consistent- ly, and will not, as colured cilizens, give them our support." BBR Resolved, --That. we caution. our people throughout the Province; to-be.eareful, as to how they gige, their influence and support to institu-, tions' and efforts, whether established and made by friend or foe--white or black--that ' tend to make distinction on account of color, and to des- ae toa » Commibleess oW:. P.. A avaan WwW. _R, Aszors, he M.. Jounson, Ay Hi. JuDaH, . Taos. SmMatuwoop. The 'report being received, on motion ' for its adoption, an animated discussion sprung up between Messrs. : Harris, Lewis, Judah, and Smallwood, and the Revs. Messrs. Dil- lon, Johnson, aid Newman? The Preamble and: Hesalutons were sustained, with much charity towards the Mission referred to, and also: with great' ability by: 'their advocates. "An amendment was. moved by, Mr. Geo. Cary, but voted down by. a. large majority 5, after which the Preamble and Resolutions were adopted, with much enthusiasm. M4. Resolved, aeial, the proceedings -of this Meeting be published in the Provincial Freeman, and that other newspapers friendly to: our inter- est, be requested to. publish the same." "5. Resolved,--T hat 30 copies of the Provincial: Freeman, containing the doings of this Meeting, be taken. by. thes Chairman, who shall be a Com. 'mittee to forward the same to. friends in different paris of .the country, and that a collection' be taken oF at our oes ateeting to npey for the same,' The ee, of the =e being ¢ over, the Chaiitman.s stated ! that he: 'held in his hand an amendment to be moved by Mr. garwill,, toothe. resolutions' in reply: to, the Speech from the Throne; atthe opening of the present Session of the Legislature, which he would call on the Secretary to read; and after which, 'he hoped (the Meeting would take some': action.' The: Secretary read as followst=+~, That' 'all the irda" after " That," in the twelfth paragraph be struck out, afd the follow- ing words inserted in lieu therdof '= This: House. will gladly show a liberal: spirit and friendly disposition towards the United' States, for their generous conduct in legislating upon 'and that in proof of such disposition equal in amount to that t now imposed upon other foreigners ; and will 'not incorporate any asso- a_ class, will discourage the promotion ' of any in fitution, the object and end whereof would be a janction with the Abolitionists of the North- er States, to bring about a' severance of: the American Union, ne ey The Committee tendered their most cor- dial thanks to Angus Morrison, Esq., for a copy of the above "amendment, which read- ing produced no little sensation, indignation, gre. After some severe «strictures respect- ing Larwill: and 'his: position, a Committee of seven was appointed, namely, Revs. Messrs. Ne éwman, Johnson, Harper, and Young;, Cary, t to prepare business for. another meet- ing, to be called by the Committee, respect- ing. Larwill's Amendment. ~The Meeting then adjourned. W. Re Asporr, Chairman. WP. Newman, ed cn Davo ie 2dth, 1854. sale of Crown. Vande' | Crown Ladue Dees wives: reget 'Quebec, 4th August, 1854. poe is wey' given, that'the undermention- d. Lands in' the Township of Minto, in the Cduiey of We.LiNneton, U. C., will be open for sale to actual seltlers, upon application to ANnprew Geppas, Esqr, at Elora, on and after the: TEN PH of NEXT MONTH, on the following terms ; The price to 'be 'Seen Shillings and Sixpence, per acre, payable in Ten. equal Annual Instal- ments, with' interest: the first instalment to: be paid upon' receiving authority to enter upon the land, . Actual 1 occupation to be immediate and continuous :. the' land to be cleared at the rate of two, acres annually: for each hundred acres. dur- ing the first five years: a dwelling house, at least sixtéen. feet by 'eighteen, to be erected: the tim- ber. to be reserved until the land has been» paid hae Bae Ve kbs) ° PERIENCE 'TEACHES (US; that: just: the \ 'to be erected ; Violation of any of the conditions; the Settler. to be: entitled to:obtain-a Patent npon: complying ciations for the special benefit of men of color, as.| and. Messrs. Abbott, Smallwood, | 29.121]; 30 [78h 31 [40]; ° 39 [90]; 40.0 42 ine 100 each 15th Con 12 to 32 inc [about 100 each]; 40 [33]; 41 [74]; 42 [115]. 16th Con 12 to 32 ine [about 100 ou 33 [158]; --34[ 118]; 35 [79]; 36 [40]. 17th Con 12 to 37 ine about 100 each, 18th Con 12 to 37 ine [about 100 each], 38 [165]; 39 [125]; 40 [84]; 41 [53]. Con A I to 16 ine fabout 125 each]; 17 [186]. Con €.55 [12]; 56 [58]; 57 to 115 inc Pebbat 100 eden L1G [Ta] Con D 58 [39]; 59 [75]; 60 to 110 ine rabow 100 ey lil [53]; 112 [98]; aS LN 114 82] Gaoee LanbDs DEPARTMENT, Quebec, 4th August 1854, Notice i is hereby given that the undermentioned lands' {set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12 Vict ch 200], in the Township of Huma, in the county of Perra, U.C. will be open for sale to actual settlers, upon application to Joun SuagMan, Esquire at Stratford, on and al- ter the TEN FEL of NEXT MON TH, on the fol lowing terms, viz': <The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, paya- ble'in.Ten equal Annual Instalments, with inter- est: the first sastalment to be paid upon receiving authority to enter apon the land, Actual occu- pation to: be immediate and continuous; the land to be cleared at the rate of two acres annua ily fer each hundred acres during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen feet by eighteen, 'the timber. to be reserved Until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereaf- ter; a License of Oceu pation, not assignable with- out permission; the Sale and License of Occupa- tion to becume null and-void in ease of neglect or with all: the conditions; not more than two hun- dred acres to be: auld to any one poteons on these terms.) Ist Con 1 to 71 ine 100 acres each, '72 [51] 2d do { to Sine 8'to'36 inc about 100 each, 3d 'do 1 to'5 ine 8 to 36 ine about 100 each, 4th do 1 tc'36 ine about 100 acres each. 5th do 1 to 36 ine. do 6th do 1 to 35 inc.' do 36, 114, 7th do : to 35 ine. co 30, T23. 8th do 1 to 35 ine. do #30, 119, 9th do 1 to 35 ine. do 36) 129; 10th do I to 35 ine. do 36, 129. Aso, The undermentioned CROWN LANDS in the same 'Township, subject to the same conditions of actual settlement and term of payment, at' 7s 6d per acre: 11th Con. 1'to 3B i inc abot 100 acres each, 36, oy 12i:h do 1 to 35 ine do 36, 140 Ldthy do. L.tooo wie... do 36, 146. 14th do. 1 to/35 ine do 36, 146 15th do, 1 to 35.ine, do 36, 151 16th do Lto35ine _ 0 36, ee {7th do 1 to 35 inc 36, 157 18th ,do 1 to 35 ing from ef . 80.acres 86. 123 Crown LAnps ba Quebec, 2th July, 1854, : PBouices is hereby given, that the undermention: ed land [set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12 Vic ch 200] in the County,of Huron, will be open for sale to actual settlers, upon ap- plication to the Resident Agent, "'TJoun 'CLARKE, | | Esquire, at Goderich, on. and after the thirty- first -of next month, on the following terms, viz: The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, paya- ble in Ten equal Annual instalments, with inier- est: the first instalment to be paid upon receiving authority lo enter upon the land. Actual oceupa- tion to be immediate and continuous ; the land to be eleared at the rate of two acres annually for each hundred acres during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen teet by éighteen, to be erected ; the timber to be reserved until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to, be subject to any general t timber duty: thereaf- ter;a License of Occu pation, not assignable with- out permission; the Sale and hicsase: of Occupa- tion to - become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the conditions; the Settler to be entitled to obtaiu a Patent upon complying with all the een not more than two hun- dred acres. to. be sold to any one pEtAOR on' these terms, - TOWNSHIP OF GREY: Ist Gon 1 to 70 inclusive, 100 acres each. 2d. do=1 to 35" "do about | do | 3d do 1} to35 do do do 4th do*°1 to 35 do do" Yap 5th do 1 to 35 do do do Gib due T tose. ~* do do do Th U0 .-1too0 |. to do do 8th do 1 to 35 do do do 9th do 1to 35 do do -- do 10th do 1to35 do do do 11th dolto10,16to35 do do ' do 12th do 1 to 3D do do do 13th do' 1to 35 do do do 14th do 1to 35 do do _do TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. Concession A 1 to 10 inclusive, 100 acres each. do Bo 111640 > odo. 'do do C 1 t0.33 do about 90 do 34, 76. Ist Con'11 to'60° inclusive, 100 acres each. 2d. do 1, 290; 2, is 217; 4, 180; 5, 147, 6, 106;.7, '59; Ses 3d Con,1 to. 8 inc see '100 acres each, 9; 95 4th Con Ito 9 ine about 100 acres each, 10, 160 ain 122,12, 85; 13, 49; 14, 13. 5th Con. 1 to 14 j inc about 100 acreseach 6th Con 1 to 14 ine: do 15, 182; 16, 139; 17, 103; 18, 67; 19, 83 7th Con 1 to 19 iue about 100 acres each, 20, 95; 8th Con 1.to 20 ine do:.. ~ 122;.93, 86; 24, 65 9th Con | to 25 i ine about 100 acres each Ath Con! to 25 ine edols 143; 28, 107; 29, Th 30, 35 1ith Con 1 to 30 j ine about 100 acres each 12th Con 1 to3dine |. dd... 31, 199; 32, 7 **""163;) 33,128: 34, 99. Ba rag ENG TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. gen C° 11 to 40 inclusive, 100 acres each LONDON, (Corrected from the Prototyye.) Fall Wheat, per bushel, 5s 7d to 0s 0d. Spting do. 5s 0d Os Od. Barley 3s 9d to Qs Od. Oats per bushel, 2s 0d to 0s 0d. Hay per ton, 60s 0d to 70s Qa, Potatoes per bushel, 3s 9d to 5s Od. Beet »per 100,:20s Od to 25s Od. Pork per 100, 25s to 27s 0d: Butter per lb. ts Od to 0s Od, Eggs: er doz., Os 0¢ to10d. Apples' per bushel, 7s 6d to 0s Od. Chickens per pair, ls 3dto 1s 104d, Tur- | Servant Boys, site Eh a3 21.158; 22). _ 26,178; 27, | Printers, (Compositors) .- Af Pawer-Pressmen, Tailors, Male, S 2 os ' Female, peu eee: Shoemakers, - Upholsterers - MY Coopers, - Farm fanbiers: wii board Day Laborers... - Boys and Girls, (12 to, ih Dressmakers, with board Railway Laborers, oe Needlewomen, with board - Servant Maids, per month, Servapt: Wheat e 68 aet ie (She Wires uae Sen Iai Sr eee ania Fae ce -- ¢-= aay 4 " SDOSSMIWROSOOCOSBAAWEAAGWOM OO: ceowscenoocosocosooeoceesooese Od oF VS. : : ; RSeSuoawr-escoocoeceoseteecoc#% i hs C is Sot ' : ca wee PA SSOWAWHAWAWIW AOI HSS Carters, per load, +9 - 13 10}: iar 5s. Currency is equial to 1 U. 8 ene MARKETS. Tonosro, Octobe 12, (ioe D. D. Ploar--Millere' ex. sup. per bri. 33 9..@, 36 3) po armers',s per496. Ibs. 31 3..4; 33.9 Wheat--Fall, per bus 60 Ibs 0 4B G7 nS Spring - -0 0. a4 0.0 tide open bri of 196 Ibs - 37 6 a@40 0 Buckwheat Flour--per 196 lbs' 50 0 a@ 0 07 Indian Corn Meal--per 200 lbs' 24° 0a 26 3 Rye--per bnshel of 56 Ibs -) 0 0 a0 0, Barley--per bushel of 48lbs- 4 0 @ 4 4 Oats----per bushel of 34.1bs +2 3 @- 2 6 Peas--(small) per bus. 60lbs 3 6 @ 4.9 Timothy Seed--per bus 58ibs 0 0 a:0 0. Clover Seed--per bus, 60 lbs- 33 9 a 35 0 Hay--perton «= - == - 80 0 a 90°°0 Straw--per ton + - - - = 60 0 462 0: _Cordwood---percord: = + =: 27.6 a4 30 0 Beef--per100 lbs -- - 5 - 0 .0;\2...0: 0 Pork--in the hog, per 100. Ibs 0. Oece 30..0:, 0 Bacon--per 100 Ibs- - - -. 55 0. a@ 62. 6. Mutton--per |b, by the quarter 0 6 @ 0 7 Veal--per lb, by the quarter 0 4 a 0 5 Lard--per lb." 20 2022 86 a 0 OT Tub) Butter--per Ib =e = 0 9 @. 0°10 } Fresh Butter--per}b.- -.- 1 0@ 0 0, Eggs---per dozen. - - - - 09 a 0 0. Turkeys--each ---:- - « 0.0.4 0. 0 Geese----each =". . = 2 =" 80. 60.0 Dacks---per couple - - - - 2 6¢@ 2 9 Fowls--per pair - - - - - 2 6a 3 0° Potatoes--per bushel - - = 110 @ 2 6 Turnips--per bushel - - - 0 0 4a 6 0 Onions--per bushel- - - - 6 8 a 0.0 Wool--per dbs nile flyers BO Did Sheen: SKINS foe ire oe oO a ee Coal--per ton'. 6 +... ia@- 32 612 88, 0. FLO pS---- Per 1D. sere gl, = Oh RO Bread--4lb loaf - - -- - 9 0 @ 0 7 SST eee oO _. .CHATHAM. "Blige Prices given: in York Cy. s d i d ee Grain--wheat per bus. a +4 Py Qa 0) 00 Oats ber-bus. - <o Rois Gare Ae ea Corn 0, = 78s - ed a (Oe at | et Ue Barley do = = - = 6 OF a 0 08 'Hay, per ton - = = -80 0 a 0.0 Provisions--Potatoes per bus. 3.3 a 0° 0. Beef per 100lb.. - = e 08 0a 0 0 Pork do alts - = 02.0 a..0 0 Butter perIb- - = .- 1 0 a.0, 0 Eggs per doz. oor, +2 OAD 2.00 New Ayvei tisements, DPDLLILL DINOS A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE COMPOUND I8 ATKINSON'S UNRIVALLED PARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, ; A UNIQUE PREPARATION, -- Quickly Cleansing the TEE TH, arresting decay, _ producing a delightful odor to the Breath, and avuby color to the Gums and Lips, z : WITHOUT ACID, » OR OTHER 'HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE | Enamel or outer Covering of the Teeth. ) Ree nee TS celebrity in the fashionable circles of Paris 1 and London, and the continual reeommenda- tisns of eminent Dentists, and those who have been using it for vears, establish its: superiority: over all dentrifices in use, while its miraculous effects upon the- Teeth and Gums, even where there has been considerable neglect, proves it merils all the euloginm bestowed upon it, Sole Proprietors, W. T. ATKINSON: & Be Curmis?s & PeRruMeRs. 48, King Street. West. And sold by their Agents in Lower and Upper Canada and the United States. Vide Cireulars. Toronto, October 3: 1854. 29-3. " SAAARAALAAL | drawn, which may be done. at any time. 5. Interest is paid from the last- day in each. month in which the deposit is made, and» con- tinues until the day that the money be. with- 6. The services of the Trustees and Directors are entirely | gratuitous, and it.is not permitted that they shall derive any advantage whatever | from the funds--even as accommodation. Office on Colborne Street, Corner of the. Old Post Office Lane, D. K. FEEHAN, Manager. Toronto, Oct. 12 » 1854. : : ew Week] y Hlust rated Perna, "DOUGLAS E. . JERROLD'S "NEWS-BAG." |. * ILLUSTRATED BY: BRYCE : SMITH, ILL contain Original and Selected Tales : --Poetry--News of 'the: Week--Town 1 Talk--Fashions--Leaves from various Authors 1 --Court Circulars'of all Nations--Fine "Arts--' Music, and the Drama--Our Portrait Gallery' --Serap Book--Foreign Gleanings--Glasses of. Punch-Regeipts, and Miscellaneous Information, This Publication' is intended to fill up. the vacuum now existing among the very excellent' papers of both Provinces, and will be more' par- ticularly adapted for Ladies:than Gentlemen, and as it'will contain matter of an amusing and' in- structive class, Party Spirit and Politices will be : avoided: 'It will consist of 16 quarto pages, of a Hatta! size to the London " Punch ;" and will be printed | with new type, on good paper. The price will be three pence per number, or twelve shillings and six pence per annum, "paya- ble quarterly in advance. Booksellers atid others desirous of acting as" '| agents, will please send their orders to the' pub- fs lishers at once, as no larger: humber of copies will be printed' than are actually required.' Payment will be required on receipt of' the first number, which will appear about the middle of August. -- Advertisements wil be inserted on the usual terms. ks THOMPSON & Co," : . eh Publishers. King Stréet, HTaRnY, i i July, 1854. : | GREAT ATTRACTION ! New Fancy sy Dry Goods, vt WARD. ye Soy BSS MARLRG ESTABLISHMENT, .. -- 'York Street, between Richmond cee Adelaide, . TORONTO, MRS > i. Os AUS usTA ESPECTFULLY announces to the Citizens of Toronto, and vicinity, that she has just OPENED, at the stand formerly occupied by Miss Sry Lis, York Street, a 'handsome assortment | of FALL GOODS, which she will sell as cheap as can be elsewhere obtained in the City, The Fashions, 1M. O. A. a also invite the attention of the Ladies to the Dress Making 'Department, where will at all times be found the LATEST PARIS AND. LONDON PATTERNS, For Ladies Dresses, Mantillas, Cloaks, Sacks, and Children's Clothing. | All of which will be made to order on the shortest notice, and by the most competent hands. eae An early call is respeclfully solicited .. 2) September: 23rd, 1854. 4 27 "AUSTRALIA 'HOUSE. HE undersigned begs leave to call the atien- tion of the 'Travelling Public and Citizens of Hamilton, to his present commodious and comfortable quarters, fittedup, as they have been, especially for their convenience, and which were formerly under he ese cen of Mr. W.. C. Cropp. Boarding, 'Lodging, and Meals, may be had on 'the most senate terms, and | every attention requisite to make their stay agree- able, is gratefully: and promptly given. ; DANIEL LANE, King William Street, si laeias C. Ww © September, 1854. » N.B.+Luncr at all hours : also 3 a line of ves at the service of the Public, 'at the most reason- able charge, : ea : CDiski WANTED, 'ROM Four to Six. WOOD CHOPPERS, to Chop Wood about two miles from Town. Apply to T. F. Cary, City Baths, Front St. e Toronto, Sept (22nd, 1854. ST . : GREAT WESTERN DAGUERREAN ROOMS, No. 693, Yonex STREET, ' TORONTO. PICTURES. Executed. in any kind of weather, equal, if not superior, to any in the city, and , WARRANTED TO RLEACE: OR NO CH: ARGE MADE. LIKRENESSES Inserted in Lockets, Breast-Pins, &c., &e, 'Sick or Deceased bevsons (oko at their own Residence. PLATING WITH GOLD OR SILVER, "On all. kinds of Metal, done to order, and in the most superior manner, going elsewhere, yess will: be to" -- own advantage. : Be bh eae mart . its ee a to Os Od. Toronto, Sept., 1854. 233m [ce Call and judge for yourselves before. 1 York He Remember No. ook Vane Street. ma Clothes Nal, Repair & ete W. oe HUMBURT v TOULD respectfully announce to: the Citi- zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared. to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the most satisfactory manner.' Having had ample experience in his line of business in the Cities of Charleston, 8. C.,and Boston, Mass., he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor, C. W., Sept..9, 1854... ; 25 HATS! HATS! HATS! LIGHT, DURABLE, BLEGANE, AND CHEAP. HE Subscriber would eall the attention of thé' Hatting public, to the extraordinary THREE DOLLAR HAT, which his manufactory is. daily produeing in large quantities. These' Hats, for durability, lightness and: style, will favorably compare with any Four or Five Dollar Hat in the City. N. B.--Wholesale buyers can get at this es- tablishment, New. York Hats, superior in every way, and at as low prices as they pay in New , by which "gt save 20 per cent of duties. and charges. J OHN SALT. A Se ae Hatter. Kings Toront, Aig 2, 'asin ; i ens ewe four weeks, to make' room for large Fall ae 3w | "As'W: HEA. intends to adhere strictly to the CASH SYSTEM, he can 'promise those who } | favour him: with their custom a First vate Article | atthe Lowest possible Price. Children's Fancy Hats in weal Variety. fa NO SECOND PRICE. atte Toronto, May 6th, 1854. "GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS AND SHOES, : AT. | The English Hou No. 80, Naina 'Sire; | Qne Door North' of Adelaide Street, OHN HAWKE begs to apprize. the Citizens of Toronto, and the' inhabitants of the.sur- . | rounding neigbourhood, that he has on hand a : choice and Well-selected stock of. Ladies' tlemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, Gen- which will be sold at' the lowest possible' prices for Cash. ~ BOOTS AND: SHOES 'OF EVERY PIPETTE ION 'MADE TO ORDER, By: mup ari Worked} from 'the best: materials anil at. the the. shortest notice. above Stock. we Renenber the "English Boot and Shoe Pal ee "No: 86; Yor ge Street. i is JUST CALL. AT THE Bie RAILROAD HOUSE, No. eas KING STREET. EAST, 'TORONTO, ; For Rare 'Bargains i in Spring and Summer Men's and Boys' Rmapy-maps COLO FA TNC HATS, CAPS, &c., Staple and. Fancy. bry Guols,. 9 'MILLINERY; &e. &e. NHOMAS LAWSON'S Stock is unusually, large ; and as it must be cleared out during Importations, 'he will give Great Bargains to Purchasers at Wholesale or Retai:. ; Clothing made to measure in the furst str yle.. manship and fit warranted. PARE AWSON. Wor k- 'PHENIX FOUNDRY, Machine and Stove oe bea foo. _ JOHN McGEE.._, ) ESPECTFULLY announces that he is ma- nufacturing, at the above establishment, 58, Yonge Street, GRIST and SAW MILL, | "AND, - Machinery. Castings and Forgings, Of every. description; also, plain and ornamental. CAST IRON COLUMNS, foe Pilasters, Window Caps, Sills, 'AND GRATES, BARK MILLS, Oven Mouths & Cauldrons os SUGAR RETITES, -- ' SLEIGH SHOES, DOG IRONS, - PLOUGH. CASTINGS, &c., on the most' 'improved principles ; and etter la- bor nor expense will be spared to turn out work, | passed. He is 'extensively manufacturing improved | ' plain and ornamenlal Coal and Wood, Air-tight, COOKING, PARLOR ano BOX STOVES, of various. sizes and patterns; Hottow- Wars, &c., which he offers to the Trade on as, easy "erms and at as low vates as any, ether, establish- ment in Canada. "Orders from the country nronnptly fulfilled, _ BRASS FITTINGS Of every description made and finished. A large supply of Tin, Sueer-[ron and Gene Wane, kept constantly, om hand. Be eld ey 6th, 1854. . ICE! TC Bl! IOB!! HE Undersigned begs tov return his best. "thanks to his Customers for the liberal pa- tronage he'has received for the last nine years, and to announce that he has enlarged and added | to the number of his Ice 'Houses, having now four, which are filled with pure . and wholesome Springwater Ice, from Yorkville. He is prepared to supply the same to consumers, by contract or otherwise, during the season, commencing from the Ist of Tune. In consequence of the increased cost of labor and. materials, the price will this year be raised in the same. proportion. he Ice will be conveyed by waggon, daily, to places within six miles.of Toronto. All orders sent to T. F. Cary, 68 King Street West, will. be Panes mally attended. to. R...B. RICHARDS. ae iia sane LAB 4 oases STOLEN .OR STRAYED, ROM. the Subscriber, on or about the 10th or 11th of June, 'A SMALL GRAY COW, Three years old; short horns, with black tops. --ALSO,-- A SMALL RED HE LIFER, ive 10: months old;- short horns; on her forehead; red sides 5. ee hind legs, fae Any person giving 'such iaayWadon as will lead to their recovery, to ROBT. LENNOX, |No. 16, Victoria' Street, or' Mr. WARD LENNOX, Crown {nn, Francis Biiicet will be handsomely rewarded. Any person detaining them after this date, will be prosecuted. aecording to law. ROBT. LENNOX. white on the back Foronto, 3ist agi 1854. a Hosiery ,--in 'all sizes ss Wool Sleeves, Purchasers are invited to. call and inspect the }. Schenheiti Warehouse, 'every | description, 'constantly on hand, | Fitth Streets; _| Sent post-paid, gray bales is reported that the vussians: ad tecentered : ee Qovanniseent) | for in Fall and patented, and to be subject sale TABLE se ~Poronto Savings Bank, | HOUSE OF ALI: NATIONS,» NEW 60018 - 1. COOTS | \ ig 2 = x Bi ca ryy : s the ne ischa 'with 60, 000 n men, and would The Adjourned Meeting 'of the Colored Pert tor BEd eine perneston the ae Calan Dif en Sterling Established under the authority of the Legislature |,))| | 40, KING STREET EAST, "Yin ar citizens of 'Toronto met; according to adjourn- | Sale and' License of Gcéipitiod to'beesing "wall ney @ ee and under the patronage of his Lordship the (opPosrre TORONTO STRERT,) PALI ree ne British "Governtnent ordered the | Ch ee 'i ber | i e f . Rt. Rev. A.B, M, DeCuannonnenn. a Al¥ tb WINTER ae €{ ment, at Sayer : 'Street Hey eptember | and void in case of neglect or violation of any 0 'eoune No N i AR THE PO ST OFFICE, bombardment. 'of Reyel, Before the Bae) 25th, 1864.1 Fi fy | the conditions; the Settler to be entitled obtain a Currency. Sterling. | Currency... Sterling. = : D ED y © © O D S! fleets return home. rey ' ke Patent upon eomplying with ail the conditions ; ar a SL) Behe. £ - Honorary irectors : 'TORONTO, Cc. W. ae The: Viceroy of KE te hee ye W. R. Abbott Chairman, called the Meet- | not more than two hundred acres to.be sold to i 0-6 ane! to 01 boa eqnal to J Hon. J. Elmsley, Dr. Hayes, Dr. King, Dr. ae rs dis toh 10.000. oye S given. or ers: ing to order, and' stated 'its object. ' "After | one person on these terms, 0 0: 2 0 2 9) BB < 2| Trenor, Messrs. M..Scollard, Chas. Donlevy, ~ AMUEL. HE AKES again respaetfially in 4 Rat sed POpEsEbid? oa by.. Mr, Baker, , the , Secretary, Rev. . 'Ast Con.1' (127); 78 (80); 8 (146); 9 to 49 inc. |9 0 32 at 0.48) | 4/43 d3970 re 3; Albert Furniss, Francis O'Dea, M..P., Hayes, |: vites public attention to,one of the best as ing artillery, to take part. in the war in the WwW po Néwman, read the Minutes of the |» about 100.ac . oe : @ O75 Ove Or 4 4:14. 4 uA 4| Jas. Halliman, John McGee, T'. J. O'Neil, J. sorted and cheapest, Stoel ks in the City... Kast. Austrian General Hess entered Bu- last Meeting; .after, which, the Busin 2nd Con 1.(113); 2 (59); 9 (85); 10 to 42 ine, |9 9.6 "© 0 5} 6.1.8 # \ 5] ODonohoe, P. J. O'Neil, D. Kohoe, Jas. Stock, Fl ummer Shawls ; charest, 22nd inst. E oR as CCUNS ss peace. about 100 hi : 0 0 7 fs 0 6 7: 6..0 2 Gur. Fou, W.. Macdonald, Jobn. Shea, M. As egant Summer vere 'mperor of Austria | Committee reported. the re ene Preamble Ca aeewike eac oe a eA le o 8 dy ae oa 4 7 | Macnamara, §. G. Lynn, J. Wallis, Chas. a oe ey ree i hed hion make no agedimeate | aiid Resolutions -- a watins vai Gay it s @ " L (eo) 0.010 ©, 0 8}, 914.8 -- 8} Robertson, Angus Macdonell, J. P. DeLaHaye. | lida eres e cones of thi \Jlies, j Or Ode 2" 0 O1nd0 1970 4 9 SILK, SATIN, TUSCAN, STRAW, AND FANCY ee ttc ect welt gy sean a tment: RMb HSS 2 al qocmmmenaman fuel te Arrival of the. 'Buropa. wane Meeting, beg leave to report, as follows: ee se Sed a eee Ob GP 1 Oy 1412 oF : 12 W, J MACDONELL, pot aaa : i - Very Fashionable and very Gheapy BR oe 'e Whereas, the ! Colonial Church and Schoo | Sth Con. 1 (113); 2 to 6 ine. (100 each); 7 (98); 0 ie 24 ' 1 6 3 eB : '" - Messrs. 8S. G. LYNN, P.FOY,& Dr. HAYES, Every 'kind of DRESS GOODS 'that 'can, J 2 Hauirax, October Ts a Set hae ace out NSSONST CS aula re (24); : re ee 18 [146] 19 to. 0 3 iS te a ory 18. & 0 " 15 | BANKERS--BANK 'OF UPPER CANADA, jaa Reeroe a eta : i ers to this country, lor the purpose of ' Bvange- : inc. about eac : ( é 7 SO R--JAS: HALLINAN, Esa. } r d "The es arrived at this port wh. = lizing the Colored Settlers" by the means "of | 6th Con. t (113); 2 to 7ine. (100 each) 8 (168); 0. a Bt s : : a AN ; % fe maid ete : rice avi MUSLINS, (FAST C ©) iT) ORS 5) ANCHE rEREGL aye (ater dates' thar the' Unions Normal Schools, for us, as a distinct class. And, (130), 10 (89), 11 (ea. As Hoya RMI gO orto g Tak geaturaetniton ys) netvaenenel (or the Bante Oe Te a a cia No tidings of an engagement, yet Belly baw whereas, the said oe is to be made, because of ie -42 ine. about 100 each. ap a ae aa Olin 28 2k 10 uch ot ee en iO. eye ae pe a rom 7}d..per yard ;. th 3! jans in the Cri a. a misconception of our true. condition, as Her | 'th'Con 1 (113); 2 to 9 ine, (100 each); 10:(90 eS i Veet ee a ? ' . tne and Russi aS : Ae Majesty's loyal subjects i in this 'country where |. 41 [+00]; 12 [99]; 20 [25]; aH rer 3 ) 0... 8: 62: f yee 24,6 8 ® 20 | p. m., when SUMS | from One 'Shilling upwards | COVES S AND: ASHTON 8) PRINTS; Ic afixtety 'at? Liverpool | was' at its iad d ig LOT}. 93 in ; Gi Bo BOP eas wt 100 | willbe received on deposit, and Interest allowed a Hives pitch . when. the. Europa sailed. a if ne CRN kak oa oe: vet UA eee Pe i 100 O10-11¢ " 9 0} 2436.8 % 200] according to its Rules and Regulations, which Par aso S, Ribbons, Howers; - N16 ' 5 e " e sea eg News 'of an engagement was. being looked citizens, to say, that the Report which gave rise 8th Con 4 to 9 inc. [100 each], 10. [91]; 11 anid, nibis a ; e [ pd i Fe oe Bale seen at any time by "applying atthe | Saute IMmanMses Slo Cees Sceao | for at any See Pee Nee the before- named, mission, as published in the 12 [100 each]; 13 [171]; 14 [130]; 15 0.15; 74 "712 0) 60: 6.8 £500) Whe. Toranto Savings Bank has been founded. : i The: allies have Sent.a heeon ; ibe S Seventeenth Annual Repoit of the Colonial ath 16 [54]; 24 [86]; 25 to 42 inc. about 0-15 10 «43°01 730.0 0 i. G00 dolely with bavelids encouraging habits All offered at the lowest remunerative prices. of ine, fh! ue interce . Russian trans ons a Hae Se ete Eee de pies atzue + | Cc ae iat 0 od : «4 0 851 iA 700} of un anee he operative "classes, by | An early call is respectfully solicited. ee hs ents Sich nsports. ae sae ae Saye, that Phey 9th eee oe ee ieutenn ie OO 118 3 15 0| 973 6 8. * 800 | offering them a place for the secure deposit of} ma, 20.--tf. SAMUEL HEAKES, : = een Le ae / creo eaan pavhs O.192 5 > 16 01 1095,: 0. 0 '© 900 | their savings, and the most liberal terms of in- . ' é i F _ | Lowest slate of ignorance of Reicion, and even [98]; 25 [25]; 26 [66]; 27 [108]; 28 [143]; 0.8 «© 79 .011916.13 4 -- % 1000] terest for th they pay in--to ac- + Appointment of t the New Governor, ~ | of secular knowledge ; ; and according to accounts 29.10 42 inc. about 100 each,' : ae ; ie eer ts or the money J Pay, that have been received, ulterly "neglected by all | 10th Con 4 to 17 ine. [about 100 each, 18 (16%): 1. 114 ; fh 18 0 }.2433, i a fs 2000 Come these ends, and to ensure public con- PEOPLE' Da vit "From the London Bngland) Offitial Gazette. around them ; and, though per mitted to live in 19 [126]; 90 [84]; 9] [48 99 [87]; 30 to 1 3 1} J 19 0 |4866 pr s 4000 ence in the Institution, the. Rules provide--. ; HAT D, FUR WAREHOUSE sett D Se g.' | freedom to a.great extent, it is to be feared are as 42inc. about 100 each ; pe ae £1 0 0/8305 6 8 5000| 1. That there shall always : 'be a numerous |: AN "Th Sag Ra d ept, 1 much the iebims: of Popular' Prejudice as their | 11th Con 4 to 22 ine [about 100 each], 30 [28] DEOL we ETT ae voit by the Offi- | - ge Sec oe | Sir' The Que a | at a, Bi ee ie gaa goat ey. ee NEW YORK." 31 [70]; 32 [110]; 33 [151]: 34 to 42 inc . "WAGES ° IN "CANADA. =~ cers aaa ioe ROR OMGcrE: given by the bs : u yt s, g aleeeai eee at ss Ge iy Ae re tls "And whereas, the * Colonial Church' ana 12th Pane eat 108 eae? 4 Ties : ra q, | Sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, W. Ase is SH W 0 R , un Pp eral, an overnor in Chief, of | Schoo!' Society' Shas been crediblij informed, on oA 156 oe ase co 63 i? | i" ie a 3. That the utmost publicity shall be given to ESPECTR ULLY informs the public of To. || the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, the authority of persons conversant | with the views 49 se af Del a J; 34 [89]; 35 to | Bricklayers, -, + - tq | the manner in which its affairs shall be conduet- routo and vicinity that the above Establish- | Nova. Scotia, 'and of the Islands of Pine and feelings of the SOUTHERN PLANTERS, 13th @ 4 00 c kr "ee Masons, r * S Ei : ed, by submitting zx a statement at every Session ment is now open with a very fei: and well that the spectacle of a large.body of the NEGRO . on 4 [100]; 5 and 6 [each 80] 7 and 8 | Stone-cutters, - - - - is Edward ;_ and Governor General of all the RACE, Vlevateds rd onal cul veneta oh [each 85]; 9 to 27.ine (about 100 each); | Joiners - : ot Parliament o each eet es Legislature, | assorted stock of = 4 a if 3 and publishing the S@ine in the city newspapers. i Provinces. on the Continent of North | tion, aud WALKING LIKE CHRISTIAN 35 [81]; 36.[ 72]; spate 38 [152];.39.| Carpentersy <-> - = £OML he profits Wade by ones aan eae Hats, Caps, Kossuths, &o. cite wh '< America, and: of. ane Island of conte Ede MEN in the light of the Gospel, would do more to 42 ine about 100 each DLinsmiths, 46. = wl '| be, paid to depositors, and the interest can neve : | Ww 'LLLAR i OLLEY, Rye de to TRA NQUILIZE THEIR FEARS, and t 14th' Con 4 to'7 ine [100 each]; 8 [66]; 9 [61]; 10 Painters is eens ' P depositors C4 A vy ees under his own immediate 'inspection ii caste ge x ward." coet L Legh ta) es {BB}; 11 10.97 ine [100 each}; 98 [163], autis,' i the 3 ne be legs than FOUR percent. + from the vest materials. 66, RING a RE ET teal LO RONTO,: 3EGS leave to eal eerie atten iON "to bis, Stock of . : Wrench Ghsnméte DR LESS 8, Rich Checks and Brocaded 'SILKS, Preach Merinocs, Cobourgs) [ae W ool Plaids, DS LAINES,| Shawl 8, Wool Polkas and, Vests, Rit Hbons, Ties, Collars, Veils, 'Sleeves, Habit. Shirts, Stays, Eels: With a- splendid assortment, of "Gloves" ¢ andtt Cuffs," Boas, Hoods; Bar Caps, EHead-dresses, Men's | Lamb' § Wool Shirtsand Drawers, Dress Shirts; Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufllers, Rdgings, iy Laces, Neéits, Muslins, Hair Netts, &e. , &e. Excellent value in Flannels, Blankets; 'Cou! : tons, Shirtings; Ticks; Prints. Ginghams, Bluews Drills , Grey: © loths, Satinetts, Whitney' s Broads. Cloths, T' weeds: Cassimeres, Vestings, &o, &e. Velvet Trimmings, Buttons, Se, in every, style, . This Stock i is'rep slete with every article in the line requisite for the Canadian F all and Winter Trade, and'will be found well' worthy the! aiten-" tion of intendi ing parehasers,--for style, variety, > andexcellent value is nol surpassed in, this CHL) {ce No abatement from (hese, named. |... r ties STARS, CASH. eG any WILLIAM i POLLEY, " Third Door West. Chatrch Street. Poronie ea 3, 1854. CORNELIUS &. CHARITY. OULD ey ¥ call the attention of. a Friends, and. the Public generally, to his large assortment of BOOTS, and, SHOES, of , 'at 'his' Establishment! on King, between 'Bourth. and « whieh he will sell for Casu, at, cheaper rates, than can, be afforded at any other Store inthe Town. From the 'Farmers ot Kx xt he would invite an examination of his Stock. From. hislong experience ia this branch of Busi- "ness, he feels confident of being able to execute all-orders with which he may 'be favoured ; and | he will guarantee vealness and promptness on his eee for "the work' he may 'be entrusted with. : 'GH. G. would also return. thanks to hig ota ae customers for the patronage heretofore extended -- to him, and. hopes, to mer it the continuance. of their favours, Chatham, July ash 1854. "i9- iy ae EN THE: PRESS. NEW WORK, by 'the Anthonses aa sob « Backwoons or Canina," ci T HE CANADIAN , Crosoxs, suet Forust Gu EANINGS,' ' &e,, &e.. i |The Fenale Einigraut's Guides TINTS ON CANADIAN 1 USEREEPING. BY ge 'Mees. 'C. PB. Trailt, " Dedicated, by permission, to His: Heceilendyia ds Earn of Eiem and: Kinxarpine, Ky Ty | Gover- nor General ot. British North America, oy IN TWO PARTS. Price, Two Shillings and Six Pence Each, to any sak of British North America. . get, THOMAS MACLUEAR, 2G. » Toronto, 'C, W.. A good MinLingr and Apprentices wanted | which for strength and durability cannot be sul- Printed at 'the " Old County yaan? Office,' _Loronio, Cl, We < Nearly the whole of the 'first edition of" 1000" copies has been subscribed for.' Parties Gn'the ' United -Kinedom, British North? América; and: : the States, desirous of advertising wi ll be pleas dd. to communicate immediately With the Editor of "« The Old Countryman," Toronto, C. W.., poste " paid: Only a 'Stnall nee can be devoted to this © purpose, ©. BU b Te Tey RAS August 10th, 1854, OV eday ene OG. HENDERSON & 00, CENTRAL BOOK STORE, 'GOOD BOOKIFOR: YOUNG PEOPLE. iN ow. ready of OUR FOLKS AT) HOME."--A new Book for Youth, of superior. excellence--Its pages afford great amuseinent, -- much instruction and eat pate to all young readers who delight in the happiness of ie Lae Folks at Flome," i aa ane sag to... aeactate fe aim bh its Maton TBnstratéd with ten fine wood 'engravings, fromisnew 'edecals richly bound ip cloth, gilt, price 75 cents. oon _ i There is scareely a boy or girl in the eoun- try who will not derive pleasure and profit from: this very entertaining aud weary excellent book. We heartily commend it to the notice of parents asa work which mist exert an important influ- ence over the niinds of the young, in giving thought a right direetion, and creating more - salutary impressions). All the stories and, all the .| suggestions of,the, volume are useful and whole- rey TI some. The little tarey are blended gracefully, The en- eravines are very gk odd, indeed, and 'the getting up. ofthe volume: is 'tasteful in the extreme, ! very faniily should owp,a copy of the work." * Sold: by the: Booksellers general y, ins 'the' United States and the Canadas. © C. G HENDERSON: & Co; Publishére,. Wifth and Arch 8ts., Fhe a 27-3w. ot y Info ration W aved HES Subscriber, with his wife, Mrs. Emaline Hall, desires ito hear from her brothes; WILLLAM tase {, from.' near Clarksville. Tennessee, . tt is known that he was recently in the State of Indiana, on this way to Canada West, andvit is presumed' that he has reached the Province. Any information from him; awill be thankful a at this nee HN esis "St, Catharines, © W., Sept, Ist, 185, j Me VUES OT ' is up, whilé cach admits of a' separate' application, al- '| though possessing a distinct interest. 54 *