An A Tea of Finer Quality e Banner Se ents John "McDonald, RY this on your overalls! If they're HAUGH’S “Big 88’s” they'll not rip. (This famous —; -war test proves the rugged Sarthe etal of overalls that are ae — d drill (t strength), triple-stitched and ead- siveted at points of greatest wear. Workers know “Big 88’s”—the over- alls with the new patented safety pocket. Ask for them by name. Look for the printed guarantee when you buy. J. A. HAUGH MFG. CO, LIMITED - TORONTO Haugh Work 88 Clothes —— Sold exclusively by 4, ing holding an Old Boys’ Reunion *, Paid 8500 Fin 4, ed running around the tree, with the ‘| result that.Mr. Campbell became en- NEWS OF THE - DISTRICT cr Cuped vom Eee The town of Wingham {a consider- ext year. oy Lands Large Pike— Erle Ze'gler, sevem year oh? son of dr. M. L. Zeigler, of Cargill, landed a monster plke whilé fishing- in the Teeswater Hiver ¢at Cargill on Sat- urday afternoon. The pike, weighing eight pounds and nine ounces and measuring 34 inches in length, was Che largest fieh caught in Cargill this season. —Mt. Forest Confederate. A fine of $500 and costs was meted ow: to Bert Schmatltz, proprieter of the. Commercial Hetei, Mildmay, by Magistrate Walker of Walkerton on Tuesday. The accused, whose prem- {ges were ralded on, the opening ai of Mitdmay’ s Old Home Week t July, was charged with having pre on h's premises illegally, and he pleaded guilty. to the charge “hrough his counsel, Campell Grant of Walkerton, after it was changed x charge of keeping for sale. Provincial Officers Nelson of Walker- ton and McClewes of Hanover ana Inspector Rae of Kitchener "pond wet ed the ral Suffered Broken Collar Bone— Mr. Edward Campheil, who resides at the southern limits of the village, was the victim of a painful acc:dent Sunday terncon. He had a calf tethered In the orchard, and was un- tylng the rope to remove It to a fresh grazing piace when the animal start- tangled in the rope. This caused him to fall, and he-sustained a broken eollar bone. For a man of his advan- ced yelfrs euch an accident is serious, but we are glad to report that Mr. Campbell is making good progress, — Fordwich Record 8S. J. Miller Wins at C.N.E.— Congratulations are due to ur townsman, Mr. S.J. Miller, Neto is the only one showing horses at the C.N.E. th's year from Milverton ana we helleve from the township, ; Miller entered four. horses, three? colts and one Shetland pony at the Toronto Exhibition and gs there eng 100 more horses entered ‘in ~* than any, previous year .Mr. did well Lwin g0 many prizes. On the e‘ght'animals he won 16 prizes as follows: Shetland pony, lst and 3ra under 15.2 hands, carriage, Ist ana 4th, in eleven entries; over 15.2 BUILDS HEALTH TAKE Beamsville Band Dis- -| issue of the Beamsville Express. The elass as Listowel. —rent, food, you. lessly, People We you make up ¥ your monthly budget electric light, amusement, . etc., do not forget to include savings. Even if the amount is only a few dollars, place it regularly in a bank where it can accumulate interest for A Savings Bank Account ‘spells untold satisfaction, for it is a fund with which to life—it provides ease in the twilight of life. Every deposit is a compliment to your good judgment in regularly setting aside money which otherwise might easily slip away use- clothes, gas, oy THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Reserve Fund e hands carriage, 3rd, in ten entries; under 15 hands, carriage, 4th, in eight entries, Mary Lou Was second in artillery class {In elght entries. Other prizes were on the halter and team Dass, —Milverton Sun. satisfied with Contest— The following is from last week's Beamsville Band was fot in the sane When the winners were announced Found Dead at Mitchell— Mitchell, Sept. 7th—A coroner's jury, inquiring here tonight iifto the death of Chung Whu, a Chinese, who was found dead in hia bed yesterday morning in his room under the Can- ada Cafe, returned a verdict that death was due to natural causes. Only three witnesses were heard and the jury required anly 15 minutes t.o reach a verdict.” Coroner Dr, Arm atrong was in charge of the Inquest, and Crown Attorney McPherson, inPerformance and Appearance. IDAY’s Pontiac Six is the most impressive example 1 of vale giving the whole sey of the low priced Substantial gains in motoring pleasure and economy from important advancements, we Wm. Stricker & Son. Listowel, - ‘Ontario PONTIAC Six GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMFTED Scott’s Emulsion Listowel the decision was not at all popular with the large crowd ewaiting the results. There seemed ‘to be many ex ———————— ki - Cheating the Junk Man ‘ HAT’S our ualtiens Yes, sir! Keeping worn tires away from the scrap-heap is where we shine. Some folks figure that when a tire “blows”, it’s “through,” done, down-and-out and ready for -- junk-man. Sometimes-they’re right—but not often. ad Usually a repair—made by a good repairman— will build that tire up and put it back on the car as fresh as a daisy and ready and able to give the rest of its mileage. That’s the kind of tepairs we make. How about : letting us save for you? E Paya 207 Service Station Listowel, Qnt. Phones: jen 207, - --- Ren ice & 287 ode la 73 , pert musicians around who were tak- that the Beamsville Band would be sure of 2nd prize, and that the Port Dover Band would not be in at ah, and everyone was greatly surprised at the results, even Port Dover them- selves, hesides some of the other bands who considered Beamay‘lle should have second prize. — Port Dover was another band that did not receive the right test piece Land they only recelved the further helped the uw popular decision of the crowd that it was nearly (mpossfble to get it up In that short a time. There certainly needa some shake |) up in the executive of the Bands As. |" | seclation under which this contest is | held, for the way In which the test pieces were sent out, for the léast that could have been done when te | band found that they were pract: {ing the wrong plece would have Noon ;,to notify every band to find out ir | ‘they had the right one. We understand that is the reason some of the other classes in the con vest were not filled, on account ‘of previous decisions being conslderea dasatisfactory. + + SEXTH LINE V + | whee deefee Deedee leeleedecaelaslee[aelnatnntaataalleaaaliesleatos lealeslenlea!s Mr. and Mre. Norman Bean and family of Listowel, Mrs. Geo. Bren- | nen and son Colin of Toronto visited ; Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. John Quanz and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quanz, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vetter’ and s0On Donald of Waterloo spent the week end with friends on this Hne. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruppel ana idona returned home with them) | after visiting a week with relatives | here Mr. and Mrs. Sinrsn Walter and/ family sore Sunday with relatives in By tags Sain ‘Heinmiller and childre en, of *palinerdoa visited Sunday with , D spent thes ; week end with friends {n eee Falls... Mr. and Mre,. N. K.- Weber and | family, wath con., Motored to St. Jacobs on Sunday. Mrs. Weber Sr., who. has been spending the ~paast week here, accompanied them: to Ties . Home Sweet Home A tourist saw a colored lady s‘t- ting ‘on her bec wringing her hands and achbing a heart-break- ping manner, Tolukine’ that «disaster had befallen her, he went to inquire the cause of her distress, “My. good” wenie, is sonté one “Oh; no sah; it’s wue'n that. stan a henhouse. da no count man left de Stratford, Dr. A. body was the chief witness. The other witnesses were Arthur Heckman, who was In the cafe when the discovery of the body Leong, proprietor of the restaurant Evidence showed that Chung Whi was not addicted to tobacco, Dba or opium smoking. acted for the crown. . Smith, who examined the equ Print was made, and Charlie Printing! Our Job Print t is ; = hy paps {milly lug. Only the better grade work fone. Phone OF and a represefitati~s will call on you. The. Listowel Banner for { — _- ee SS ———————————————— — Head and shoulders above the cars of its-‘class —CHRYSLER _Plymout eins Spe rage Sotmcsinn sew sey grace and ted radiator, “air-wi fenders and arched-windo: iw h- ‘850 an0 UPWARDS 850