Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Banner, 13 Aug 1928, p. 8

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\ 1 \ i BIG SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Real Leather Hand | -: 5 Speen eEe Ladies’ House Dress- es 59 White Bath Towels, . ye Cc Children’s Hose, black or camel Cotton Batts............ Men’s i al Flannel Shirts... 7 Buller’s Variety Store 69c c SOCIAL and PERSONAL... || "Mr. Sidney Hill was home from Wingham for the week end, —i— Mr.and Mrs. Richard Mason spent Sunday-with friends in-Blora: —j— Miss Mabel Loughran, 4th con Wallace, spent the week ed with friends In Palmerston. ‘ ee hoe Mrs. Alex Murray of Lakelet spent Monday in Listowel with her-sister; Mrs. Edgar Wahl. —)y- = . Mr. Alex Whitten of Windsor spent the week end at the home of his mother in town. ——(j}— Mr. and Mra. Tate of Orangeville were guests over the week end of ta Harry Tate. m —o— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Routledge and daughter spent Sunday at Port + Elgin. | | Mrs. John Greenman of ToplHabee, | Mich., visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. Dan Mg age other | relatives, 4th -™ * Wallac Mr. and Mrs. a. G. Zilliax, accom: panied > Mrs. C. Zilliax and grand- !aon Jack Ruppel, motored to Flint, | Mich. on Sunday and visited wit Ba Zilliax and Tack Temained for a ee Ee and Mrs, J. A. Bailey. Mrs. * fr The P-K Mills, Listowel .—————————————— _ Young Men Wanted . | e have openings in our Knitting Depart- ment for three aggressive young men who are | desirous of learning a good trade. Permanent | employment i is assured those who are willing | and anxious to learn. Apply in person to | | | W anted All Kinds of Live Poultry taken first four days of each week Highest Cash Paid. Wright & Gibson Phone 146 [ Give us a call Listowel Soe HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Live and Dressed Poultry Bought first four days of each week at C. P. R. Freight Shed Andrew Clements Phone 450 Listowel + Tailored to your Measure R. F. B. COWLE, of the house of Hobber- lin, Toronto, willbe here Tuesday, Sept- to measure you for your Fall tember 1/8th, Suit or Overcoat. JOHN McDONALD. ———— ee The Loaf of Health! Young Canada is constantly on the go— full of pep— and we wonder will they ever stop. Mothers know that -Zurbrigg’s Bread gives their youngsters that vim and vigor so necessary for their devel- yopment. And there is no greater body builder than whole- some bread such as ours, the rich, valuable ingredients found-in Milk Made Bread. The Bread for Toast ZURBRIGG BROS. Grown-ups, too, will appreciate Mr. Campbell of the C. N. R. staff spent the week end at pct —j—— - Mr. ‘Jack McKay of Wingham spent the -week-end—at—his-home—tn |— own. Mr. -E.-. ¥s Siowar rt of Wingham cent the week end with his family n town. —p— Mr. Hugh Hamilton and Mr. L. A. Fleming were in Toronto Tuesday on business - I - Miss Edna Liebold returned honé ueeday evening after a pit weeks’ visit at Windsor and Detr -—o— Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Filsinger’ spent the week end visiting in North East Hope and Tavistock. —_—)— Mr, Heward Brown of Toronto apent a few days last week visiting tn Listowel with friends. ae 5 Mr. and Mrs. G. Mel 4 oe! Sunday at Doutta Wal ative as 4 —fi— Mise Mae Tunbridge of Toronto is visiting in Listowel 2. 0 home of Mr. and Mrs. W. hada rd ig cg: Mrs. GA. “A. MeDonald spent a Exhibition in suerte Mr. and Mrs. tk L Fleming spent Sunday in Elora at the home of the former's parents sniping Mr. Norman Schatz of Fiint, Mich., called on hia sister, Mrs, Dan Lough- ran, 4th con. bia acoigs Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geores Hopf and family of Milverton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westlake. — r. and Mrs. J. R. Ross and family of Ye Harriston spent Sunday at the near Harriston, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Calder. —o— Mrs. J. A. Howse of Timmins was a guest’ over the week end at the home of Mrs, Jolly, —(— Mr. Rodger J. Ross of The Banner staff spent Sunday at his home near Harriston. —o— Mr. and Mrs. H. Hemsworth and family spent the week end in Til- bury and Leamington and vicinity. —i}— Miss Sadie Theodorf returned home Monday after soenting a week with friends in Tor Bic Mrs. Walker of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited last week with her sister, Mra. Alex Ferguson. — Mrs. A. H R Hutchison is vane friends in London this eek and also attending the Western Fair. Mrs. Purcell and Miss Amy Pur- cell are visiting this week in Ripley with Mr. and Mrs. David Park. —}— Mr. and Mrs. S. J Poag and f fly spent Sunday in Kincardine with the former’s brother Teas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulligan and baby of Detroit visited last week at the home of Mrs. J: Riehm _— Mrs. George Dippel of Kitchener visited this week at the home of Mr. Henry Fisher. Miss Margaret_J Jacques of ms Bell Telephone Co. 3 on two eeke’ vacation. Be ‘Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koch attended the London Fair on Wednesday. ye Mr. and Mrs.’C. M. Buller were In Londen this week attending the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caruso spent Sunday in Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs| Sam Caru —o— Mr. Wallace Collie of the Bank of Montreal staff, Toronto, is spending his vacation in Listowel at the home ct Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Howe. Stratford spent Saturday last visift- ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. L A. Fleming. —o— Miss Margaret Nesbitt of London spent the wee a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Chamney. Miss Reard, home Friday evening after an enjoy- able month's vacation at Owen Sound and Corunna —_—Oo— deaconess, returned Sen . and Mrs. John 8. Cowing are returning Saturday to their home in Philadelphia after spending the past two weeks at their homes in town. Prime Qual ad Meats. - - All of our meats are. sel- ected for their prime and choice qualities.. You pay no more here for extra rich- ness and tenderness. Also, the, chceicest cooked meats, bacon and sausages. Meats that Taste as Good last byte eS the b mes o . and Mra. John McDonald of wie ceo ‘the week home of their son, ° bank SEES Mra. ts. Richard Paul has returned | to her _bome. after Ane, Mich. “ sya ee Sis Ne —— i r son at ico G. Gordon of North _ Went: Miss chester Hospital, Mt. Kisco, N? Y., & spending’ a few weeks with friends In Listowel. _ —s Mrs. Poag and son Bobby of Kin- cardine are «pending this week dn Listowel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Poag. ; ih in Mr.*and Mrs. Archie Reberts and rs. Wm. Roberts of Fordwich and Mr. Waldo Gibson “ Listowel were In London on Tues es ea W. A. Sonnaeana: ‘Mr. Ww. J. Piltax and Messrs. Wilbur Johnstone and. Jolinston Kelly attended the Fair at London on Wednesday. —i— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davey and Mr. A. Davey and son Kenneth of Tor- onto spent the week end visiting at the home of Mrs. Kelly, —— Mr. G. E. Cooke, district commer- cial manager, Stratford, visited the local office of the Bell Telephone Co. on Tuesday —j— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crispin of Co- alt, fens viaiting In Listowel, teed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Russel. ° — Howson of Toronto is Mr. G. N, spending a few days ee at the home of Dr. and. Mrs. W. G. E. pence. Fi Mr. rton George of Queen's Uni i Kingston, , is spending two weeks at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. George. —}— Mr. and Mrs. Bert McIntyre and daughter of Brussels spent Tuesday In Listowel at'the home of Mr. and s. J. A. McIntyre —ik Miss Alexia, Kemp of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is visiting in Lis- towel at the f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kemp. anagem Mesars. Homer, Leroy and Gordon Zurbrigg and Miss Gertrude Zurbrigg of Stratford and Mrs. (Dr.) Muir of St. Marys called on Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Adolph on Sunday. —t Miss Hornfelt of Wingham, a for- mer member of th High School staff, was a guest over the week end - me lane cf Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Benn Mr. and Mrs. ieckinetee, Mrs. J, Ralph of Ethel have returned to their home after a.week's visit at the home of the former's Ganghter, Mrs. W. E. Willis, GOREAECY ts Mrs. A. B. George, accompanied by her guest; Miss Mabel Hemsworth of London, visited at the home of Mrs. W. BE. Willis, Gowanstown, on Wed- nesday last. —j— Mr._W. J. Karges spent Sunday in Elora at the home of Mr. and Mra. Melvin Rapp. . Mrs. Karges accom- panied him on setara after spending a week in Elor ee Mr. and Mre. Emerson McLaughlin cf Detro{t, accompanied by Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin, Misses Gertie an Olive ‘McLaughlin motored to Elmira 4 Wednesday afternoon and visited riends — - Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Hall, Mrs. James White and Miss Mae White of Owen Sound were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. White. —o— L Mr. and Mrs. John Dory and fam- ily of Mount Forest and Mr. and Mra Wm. Nutrie and family A. Guelph were’ guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. L. Hethein. han Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Allan of Tor- onto and Miss Jean. Nicol of General Hospital, Toronto, are visiting in Listowel at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Nichol. ey ; Mrs. R. G. Brennan and son Colin f Toronto spent the week end visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Bean. rs. Brennan was formerty Miss Ethel Watfer. — Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stricker and Dorothy, Mrs. M. Jackson, Nancy and Robert and Jean Smale motored to Elora rocks on Sunday and spent the ay. —o— Mr. and Mrs, Alex Livingstone and son returned to their home Guelph on Saturday after spending a week visiting at the home of the fortuer's mother, Mra. Annie Living- - =] ——— ‘Mr. Joe Stewart returned to Wind- sor on Sunday after spending two reeks with his-parents-on the Srdj|{ con. Wallace and friends in L'sto- wel. —j— Miss Violet Brock of the office staff of Blackmore-Hamilton Furni- ture Co., Ia on her vacation and fs visiting In Freelton. a few days this week in London at- tending the Fair capac d Mrs. A. G, Stelm of Han- over oaeat Sunday with Mrs. H. Pep- pler. n Prast and Master Elmer Selim, who have been spend- ing the past week - eee: re- turned tira with t ee W. J. Moocre, taller at ‘the Bank of Montreal, with Mrs. Moore have been holidaying in Toronto and this week are visiting friends in Wiarton. They are returning home on Spturday. H. . Mr. and Mra. J. Bender and Miss Lilllan Bender spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreler, Zurich. They Were accompanied on he past | past ceed in Listowel, accompan- Mr. and Mrs, David Carro it, Gads- hill, were Mrs. cLaughlin, M Gertle and Olive. McLaughlin, Mr. Elmer Thompson of Listowes an Lanahtin of Detrolt. on Sunday at the home of Mr. and fed him on return on Monday. re od Mr. k Grege of Forest spent Pe Ag an Listowel at the home of r.- and . J. A. MeIntyre: On Gregg and little son, who have been visiting her par-| [== ents, they motored to Catg visit with Mr. Gregg's parents, be “to Visitors on Sunday at the home of and Mr. rs. Emerson Me- soo ; Mr. Jack Climfe: and Miss Marie Maybee of Tilsomburg and Mr. and Mrs. McLeod of Drayton were guests Mrs. W. J. Climie. WESTERVELT SCHOOL LONDON, ONTARIO. Established 1885 Offering Advanced Courses In usinees Education For details write to J. HILES TEMPLIN, Registrar The Bazaar In Plain Sight | A Wide Assorlment Of New Designs In Dinner Sets Ai Prices Which to You Must Seem Much Below y Cost! J Itisa beautiful Line. The CLEAN SWEEP Sale of all Lines is now on, but = recom Phone 288 I will pay the biphibae market price in cash < for Poultry. Phone or write oe I will call for your Poultry. - Sy ~~ L. SCHURE. Fall ent and Tan Leathers, Listowel 1S - eeetiey WE ARE. shoving Strap Slippers, in Black Calf ‘Pat _ Footwear % completa Ties and. Priced $4.00 and $4.50 ARCH SUPPORT SHOES * 4 in one-, three-strap and tie patterns. Black Pat- ent and Kid Leathers. Cushion Insole... Try @ a pair of these for real foot comfort. Priced frorm $4.00 to $7.00 “We Fit The Feet’’ . THE KOCH SHOE CO. Next door to Van's Drug Store especially see our Dinner Sets and low priced White- wear. i Use our Rest Room and. Trade At THE BAZAAR! ~_ She also spent): CHINBEIN’S Store News Ladies’ and Misses Coats We are now show- ing one of the finest ranges of Ladies’, Miss- es’ and Children’s coats and we invite you to our store to see thern. Silk Dresses — This, week we open- edup a big range of Silk Dresses. Among them are a lot of oe les, regular ce to $30, on a agp $15 to $17. New Dress Goods Big range of all kinds of New Dress Goods. 54 in. Flannel. Beauti- ful quality at $1.50. See our Black Silk at $1.49 Men’s New Fall Hats, Suits and Overcoats at Special Bargains — nder’'s -mother, has TOP NOTCH | Let eh at ante ad thes cha hors ep ; (8 P= eee ite bls Ye F 4 Tailored to your Measure $2 Suits & Overcoats All One Price from Coast to Coast and Grey Sergex included Canada’s Greatest Values. SIMMS, THE CLOTHIER PHONE. Built on Value Ladies’ Fall and Wintei Goats & Dresses: Thursday, September 20th ° A Disghis of * . —— by Mr. Harrison, of Tiesto in our store JOHN McDONALD 16D, + Mairitained on Value eee ee gee ee a oe

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