Ontario Community Newspapers

Listowel Banner, 25 Oct 1928, p. 5

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Mr. aatee Phere of Toronto visiting in gaveeiy “Miss Inez Ballantyne js visiting ‘friends in Woodstoc i! a . and Mrs. A. M. Robinson ieee eencey flim ‘Teeswater. - Mies Laura MeDonald is staring 5 ‘@ month with Mrs. Earl Switze —i— Miss Gladys McNichol ol Fires spent the week end at her hom =<} and Mrs. J. P. pig Boog and Nellie motored t ford on Thursday and visited friends. aacctypinnee - Mr. and Mrs.-G. P. Greensides and aon spent Sunday with friends at Mitchell. —— - Mrs. R. EB. Switzer has .returned e home after spending the pest few Et ewneks fn : aaens> ‘Mr. page MeClory of Henifiten spent a ew days last week with friends Ra the village. —f— @ Dahmer spent the week end at the home of Mr. H. Lovett, Luck- now. —— Cyrus Harvey and Mary and pees. Huston spent Monday In ith friends, Mr. and Mrs. Luddington, 16th con, Elma spent Sundey at the home ons Mr. and Mrs. David Hood. =—f— Mr. John Roger left parereey, for): M “sensi where he spent a few days friends, —— . Hammond returned boma Tu esday — Stratford where oe visited her 5 ine Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smith of Strat- ford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Smith. r. and Mrs, Wm. Adams, a line, spent pagal with Mr. and * Michael Little. : oe Mrs. Nutt Sr., of St. Marys is vis- it<ng at haa home sf her son, Wes- » ley, 8th 1 ‘ —o— G. P. Greensides ag es Mrs. 2 Tuesday and Wednesday in ae with “triends. —t— and Mrs. G. E. Harron of girettord spent ponaig oA in Atwood at _ the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ham- oe Cc, Liersch and j Harold aad Mrs. ‘Giedon Prier and baby of bernard apent Sunday with friends at Elm = wikia . 7 Mrs. Sherwood of Teeswater spent a few days last week vigities at the ‘hain of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rob eon. — Miss Pearl] Dahmer spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sippel and Mr, and Mrs. Peter Hartung. Milverton. —j—— Mr. and Mra. Toronto spent a with their teal ME vesite, Ray Halliday of w dass last week Mrs, [Harvey -| Glass Was the auctioneer. Rev d Mrs. Oldham end Mrs. M. z Oldinenn visited on pier with Mr, and Mra. A.’ Mrs. Whitfield, ean. 14, of Grey. Mubbece. and son Neil of Prsiy con. Elma spent a few days this week visiting at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hood. pe ie Dulcie, Joyce and Thelma Cogh- lin visited from Wednesday until Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Myles at Harriston. —o— ae James Denmen and Miss H. nman spent Sunday at the home of Miss Laura ‘McDonald in Grey township, —_—>r— Mr. ‘nd Mrs. D. F. Hymers, Violet and Mae of Srattors pr epcargghr oa ‘Done- gal anniversary and spent the day with friends Miss Margaret Thompson return- ed to her duties in Toronto General after spending two weeks holidaying with her serentsy Mr. and Mrs, John S. Thompso te rs. Wm. Greensides and Marion of Brantford spent a few days this week visiting at the home of Mr. and ra. J. P. Greensides. —j— Mr. Wm. Cole of Lakeside and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray and- son of St. Marys visited on Sunday at ‘the home of Mr. amd Mrs. Donald Mur- ray. a eens on sunday at the home of Mrs. Frank Dennis were Mlases an ilda Porter and Hilda Oon- ley and Messrs. pyro Stewart and George Porter of Hamilt —o— Mr. and Mrs. George Coghlin, Mr. R. B. Hamition and.Mrs. A. McBain of Mil¥bank attended the birthday) party given on Thursday last in hon- or of their sister, Mre. Agnes Cogh- n. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Inglis and. family of Atwood and Mr. and Mrs Vallance Inglis and baby daughter Margaret of Grey spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holman, 14th con. Elma. SeTeerereeeeenees eter errs) DORKING cali ad H & sfocleeforfonfoalooLeefocfoefenlealnatantentanleslecles[eeloelesies]ee]eeleele Messrs. H. M. Coote, J. C. Me- Kay and W. N. Allingham' and Mise A. EB. Coote attended the Perth County Educational meeting in Mil- verton last Saturday. Mrs. M. (Hokt held a amas auction sale’ last Thursday. bidding wae brisk and the ‘seneade amounted t> over $2900. Mr. G. G. b e of M. arold Nurse Mrs. and ‘Mrs. Getmecenen visited with Holt one day this week. Mr. and Mns. Logel. who spent the last few mos a. Western Canada has returned h Mr. Geo, Wells was In Elmira last Friday on business Messrs. Willam “Baty and A. Lavery were busmess visitons neat Stratford last Saturday The Quality Store Buy your Winter Dry Goods at Anderson’s and save money at, per yard New Dress Flannels in various shades coeeee 90c Cotton Flannels, suitable for children’s school dresses, etc., at, per yard ......._ 3c | 19c 4 300 yards of Flannelette, 36 inches sdiniaos to clear at, per yard... a A REAL SNAP ae 69c, 79c and $1.00 Silk and Wool Hose at.. Prices are low. SATURDAY A: 29c SALE 3 packages Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 3 packages Bran Flakes ; 3 packages Lux rcs 7 cakes P&G Soap 4 cakes of Palmoltve Soap 4 bottles of Vanilla . 3 packages Corn Starch | We have just received a shipment of Men’s and ties . Boys’ Overcoats, realbup to date, and our ; Look our stock over. Highest Priczs paid for Eggs Splendid Soccess REV. ERIC ANDERSON OF MONK- TON GIVES FINE Al i LISTOWEL CONCERT PARTY RENDER FINE PROGRAM TUESDAY NIGHT. Sees Impressive anniversary services were held Sunday at Donegal United church. Rev. Eric Anderson of Monkton aor tenes splendid address- FINE ADDRESSES— | the thief es at both morning and evening ser- gregat! ‘ : rogram i The t muniiet part of the ser-| g¢ ae c any b n the which M ; ; ooeniin send. a which was supplied by the} midst of a small clearing in the bush.| short address and Mrs, Coghlin was angelica! church choir of Milver-| Mr. Davis, father of the late r lg sever il " ton, respi by Dr. T. J. McDowell! asacon @ mission in The ha gathering aoa of a abe m, Was particularly fine.| 1869. The same log school was| by singing ror She's A aT GOON The church was fill at | also by the Methodists for} Fellow Lecperth vi ces and many were unable ch as far back as 1864. er. In 1869 a neat frame Dbuilding,| The fowl’ ‘guppér: anid «autartaisi-|whek wee kebwe ce emis Gna Seed ratchet se eaten ase adem Seem | Oe Tee e chu f Elma. t i i anniversary on Tuesday evening prov- picneerh, ears 20, one of the rey Joint Meeting In Atw ed very popular indeed and was at-| gaye the logs, which were drawn by : < tended by a big crowd, The tempt- A pleasant time was spent in the ing and generous helpings of fow! and all the d by all. e had evidently anticipated the popularity of function so that all were well pro- vided for. The program which followed the serving of supper was a splendid one. ‘The numbers were put the Listowel Concert Party which consist of Mrs. EB M Lavery De * Scott, Miss BhylMs Hewitt, Miss W. Anderson, Messrs. Karges, Hallman, Blackmore, Hudson, Pastries. and Bennett. ev. 5. F, trong Arm gave a monologue ‘Mixology. * The ne of the supper amounted to Monthly Meeting Of Elma Farmers’ ners’ Mutual Co. | A meeting wena the directors of the _— Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur- e Company was held in the Agrli- ealtarai Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, sheng Rg 1928. : ig @ absence of Dresident the vice president took the The minutes of the last tea were read, confirmed and signed. A communication was r from T. G. Turnbull, secretary “Ot. the London group of Insurance Companies giv- Ing notice of the annual meeting of the group at London on October 27th 1928. The president was appointed to attend the meeting. Claims for losses were pald to the pS m. nnglly, Logan, $85.00 for damage to a colt by Meht ning; Mrs. Minnie Horn, Elma, $23.20 for damage to house by fire and smoke from stove p pes; M. McKeever, Elma, $121.41 for dam- age to roof of house by fire from chimney. Applications fcr Insur- ance prtiy ses to the amount of $155,850.0 dee weeting ea till Tues- November 20th, T928, to meet nani at the usual time and place, a a oa a SIXTH LINE ELMA atetntneteeteecteetenfeteeteeteeeettecetch The Maple Leaf Institute-of the 6th Iine held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Alexan- * i) + ag D der but Swing to the Inclement weather, here were only about twenty preve Mr. Robert MecCart of Listowel spent Sunday with “Mr. George Jones. The ‘Artistas Music Club of the pups of Mr. Percival Headley, Lis- towel, intend holding their monthly social at Miss Margaret Vipond’s, Donega Mr. — ene and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander and Miss Alexia ee to Goderich on “and epent the day there with A number of people from North ‘kosnizeem. intend spending Wo2d- nesday evening wth Mr. and Mrs. Milpsn Leslie, Drayton. ' SPECIALS Kitchener Bread Tasty Bakery Delights Let us supply you with your bakery needs. Fresh go ids daily and asplendjd assortment. Our Special Ths . “The by incumbent at Millbank and Crosshill at that time. Church Oldest The Anglican church at Millbank by Pio: of the oldest established con- in ington and was Seeganioed in 1856. Inthe early days services were held in the Pre church and the Rev, Mr. New- man, obviate was the a le o alan oop n ‘the North, frequentiy officiated. ari 1862 « Seale Be building was Layne This under the pastorate Rev: H. Caulfield. paprrid pie reh, Elma, was attached the Millbank appointment which di twosd and aaa Fg ed A The E ureh at Atwood was organized in 1886 by Rev.”M. ffin. As schools were boilt first and churches next, the congregation also lc in the hy two years, when a frame wes doustru , at a oxst of $1200. In 1898 Milverton and Trinity came one appointment. In 1899 the present brick edifice was erected In where the first frame church stood, When completed the building was almost entirely paid for. Rev. Can- pl Hill, of St. Thomas, conducted e opening services, which were of essive nature, 24th of the same year Rev. Mr. 8 Baldwin, Bishop of Huron, confirmed a-chase When Christ Church, Milverton, and Trinity, Elma, became we 4 po e Rev, W. E. Millen. was placed in wes ordained a deacon at’St. Thomas in 1899, the year the present church in Elma was ‘built. sfestenfoufnnfecfouonfeaTooloetostonleofosfestealenlosfoelendeelesleclortee]s 7 i TRALEE + * telelefeleeleieiieleleieletsteleieleisieletetole! Mrs. J. Brooks, Mrs. L. Smith and Mies Mille Smith visited Thursday with Mrs. Ww. Holt, Glenallen Miss Grace McLaughiin spent a few days laat brine at Mr. W. M. Watson's, 10th lin 7 E. jveunanhy attended the Teachers’ Convention held t Stratford last week, Mr. 8t, Clatr Little, Mrs. Me- Eachren and Miss Helen. McEachren of Toronto visited Tuesday with Mr. Allan McLaughlin. Mesrs. Thos, Beavan and John Anderson visited semonsts with Mr. Glen Davis, Listow Mrs. Allan SicLaugblin. and Dor- othy are spending a week with friends in Toronto and Bolton = Davie spent Sunday on Newton Mr the lin Mr. Hugh Waddell of a on the line on Monday. and Mrs. C. BR. McLaughlin iat ‘faingy A a Sunday Ww. M. 10th lige. Weenas; *9 ‘s, t BRITTON Ps ; ae chee tet ™ Mr. and Mrs. ponerse of days w to . R. J. Boyd spent a with friends at Clin- Mr, aud Mrs. Risbinson of Toronto spent the bien =e with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tea Mrs, Silas Smith ee Millbank epent a couple of days with her big Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mayburr Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Scranton epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott at Seaforth. r. and Mre, Andrew Preston and Jessie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jickling. The Octoher meeting of the Elma Ladies’ Sewing Circle was held at the home of Mrs. J. Pretswell on Thureday, October 18th. Fourteen menrbers and four visitors were pres- s A social hour was spent quilt- ing for the hostess. After this th meeting was “opened with the prea: dent In the chair, after which th Week Will Be | Buns at Ic each Phone Us Your Order ' Barly minutes of the Iast meeting were read and adopted by the secretary. $25 was voted to the Hospital X-ray fund. The 4 n exchanged the books brought’in and roll cal was answered: by quotations a Sarr A very dainty luncheon Bailey of Los sCal.,. were guests, ; at the i fone of Mrs. W. el over’ the: ‘week end. Elma, within a few hundred feet of able On Comer { A visiting relatives and {rte Mr. A eeeneaseteestetisieieeese a6 by ‘ae hostees and her Miss Margaret-Thsmpscd\tas te. ‘turned to Ber duties. at the Toraato General ‘Hospital. re| Forrester's Hall, ees on Thurs- day evening when Mrs. J. S. aaa the past president of the z F. W. O., addressed members of the Listowel, North Perth, presided ing was opened by singing the Maple Leaf Forever amd“ repeating the Little Souris Women's Creed, _ Amos explained the proposed men’s Bureau yery fully and sald that she felt very sure that we would have in Ontario a Women's Bureau similar to the one in he also stressed the need of the U.F.W.O. societies working for temperance leg- falation and for world peace. Mra. Amos is very Mm in favor of U. F. W. O. Clubs and urged the forming of such in this district. She said hydro line in East Oxf in measure to the U. F. W. 0 the township. Violin selections by ‘Mrs. Howard anied Mrs. Percy was tendered le address and the meeting closed by singing God Save the King. hp hbhbiethttt t HESSON wh ote eeeenapeeeeeeeeeeeeetes | te Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kocher and family of Detroft spent the week end nds bere. bert Moser and friend o Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. re Mrs. Jos. Helm Mrs. Albert Hately of London fs visiting her parents, Mr..and Mrs. Jos. en this week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schnelder of Elmira were Mga at BE: C. Knob- lauch's recent! Misses Coddette and Collins, teachers of the local separate school, attended the teachers’ con- vention at serettors last week. 3 Ed. Ranahan spent Sunday with “Mr. and Mrs. Herb Walte Mr. oe P. Hanley of Oxford Mile! sene¥ed oe here over the week M'ss cana Basies Fpent Sunday with Mrs. Melvin Hanley. COORSPOT PRET ATURE TE TROWBRIDGE Pad Senden festonfeed ofacteatacTonfnateatea ey anfeneaesTaateclesTeelosleofe Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and Mies Edna Smith mptored to Waood- stock, Norwich and London last week. There was no schcol on Thursdays and Friday cf last week due t> the ear ef the teacher, Mr. Hector Knight, who was ear rp Teachers’ Institute held in Stratford. Mn:. J. Robson, Mr, and Mrs. 1 ‘Robehbn and young daughter of Toronto and Mra. J. Philp and Miss Gladys Philp of Listowel called on rs, G. Adams and Mrs. 8. Robo last Saturday. Dr, and Mrs. Wardlaw tf Ethel were guests of Mr. and Mra, El Vine — Sunday Mr. and Mrs. "Hart of Essex, Mr. and Mrs. Maddock of Michigan, Mrs. Savage, Miss Margaret. Savage of Richmond HiIl were anes over the “ee bee § at the parson Rus- EB,G, } x ‘Ma rk attended a banquet in Fda on Monday . even'ng. which followed featured, qathitie: tie addresses in the interest of the miszionary and maintenance fund of the United Church. Seertebetedeceteceeilosnie ated letentetinininine GOTHAM be al SS a ee ee monthiy meeting wf the Maple Leaf Institute was ‘held on Thursday os on + Fe ©) at the home of Mra. T. R. Alacaties, Mr. and Mra. J. 'Bergey of Sagin- nw, Mich., spent the week e#id with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. a ard, Mra. R. Boyd of Britton vikited at the home of Mr: and Mrs, J. Corry tast epee Mr, and Mrs Leonard punthy oman thet dingo, Hers oft Bright. spent Mrs. at the home of Mr, Robert | recently Ooghlin, of the 4th con., when her | ceauy urchased a7 StF Ps his ranch.. great and pee many other improvements) edifice = Mire. A. Starsbell was in Operation for Appendicitis — Mrs. ot Ferg, 14th Feeds Grey, underwent an operation f - dicitis at ae Listowel Merete Hospital on Friday last, and is im- proving nicely. Has Leg Fractured— Master Archie Smith, son of Mr. and agi Jam: ~ Se 16th con. Elma, had nis fight leg fractured just above Knee last week when ees fell and eit his leg caught in a Silver n W Go last M d Mrs. J. I. Ballantyne and Mi Thos. Inglis motored to Alliston gee a Mr. Bal- foxes He has a fine now, having fourteen on his lantyne p Beef oe to Seaforth— Rev. I, B. Kuine, = rd of Orange- ville, won of Rev. . Kaine, At- pare De i Presbyterian church, “séafort rth, his induction will take place early in November. Convalescing At Home— Mr. Horace Peachey, whe o-repente underwent an opera le na dicitis at ene. Toronto Ganeral pital, arrived home Monday n t and will spend some time here before resuming his phsition. Hunters Hold M “The J Atwood Hunt held a meeting on cane evening at the home of Mr. Chas. Valla and nrede pl Sari to leave for the French River district on the 8rd of November, where they will spend a few weeks. Ma She ‘s Gathering— Mr. A. M. Robinson was in Strat- ford on Saturday last attending the half-yearly gathering of mana and accountants of the Bank of Com- merce for Perth and Huron counties. Robinson Sen rented her — ce to Stratford. Improving Following Operation— _ Frvends of Mts." Ernest Cardiff of jDrasale rit be glad to know that}: ee is topo ss nicely eee her operation ‘appendici Wednesday taat t at her home rage ‘Brus- gels. Mrs. Cardiff is a former resi- dent of Atwood and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norval Hall. Bi Nicely— ends of Mrs. Earl Switzer are glad Po ‘thear that she was able to re- turn homeJast Thureday after being where she was in the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital fir a few days taking a rad'um treatment and ts getting ' along E LT. B. Meeting— he LP No. 473, Pride of “Ima, held-a special meeting in the Orange Hall on Tuesday laat,. with M, Bri. A. mer in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the business then proceeded with. Five members were nivanced to the second degree. A motion was passed ft) have another special meeting on Thureday, Nov. Ist members ‘taking the > degree. aeet was gerved at th close. Infant Daughter Dies— The sympathy of the c»mmunity 4; extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Inglis-in the ‘loss of daughter who passed awe day morning, October 22nd, at the ageOof six The funeral was held on Monday afternoon at o'clock, conducted by Rev. W.J. West ofthe Presbyterian rage and in- terment was made he Elma Centre Cemetery. Saccessful Grandmothers’ The Women’? Guild of St. Awan’ s Chureh, Atwood, held a very success- ful grandmothers’ tea at the home “f Mrs, P.. Ducklow on Wednesday, October 17th. About thirty mem- bers and guests were present and they were dressed in old fashioned eostumes such ac our grandmothers iste. e program oonsisted of singing the old time songs, followed by a quilt plec’ng-conteet, the win- ners being presented with a hox of frome made candy. roll cali was answered by “One Reason Why We Appreciate Our Grandmothers.” A delight#nul Innch was served by the "hostess assisted by Mre.. Neus- tadt and Mrs. Simpson. Sebedetbe detrei eecde esindeteeingecietedeedeteiet BORN -, Ce se esa ona a ee vat ee Sa aaah INGLIS—In Atwood of Wednes- day, October 17th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Ropald Ingle, 4 daughter. GRAY—At the residence of Dr, and’ Mra, D. A. Kidd, on senses October 21st, 19 Mr. and M ‘D. Gray, nee Clara Parker, a be ter (#tflborn). STEWART —at Molesworté rae tet ee reife Tiere Tuseday, Ox etober wot one pe to ar. | of in Toronto for the past two weeks, _| Rev. M. F. | ho is Take BR visiting 10 a. m.—Sunday rast 11. a. m—Re of . Laymen’s the dele 7.00 p m.- Mass mene three of the treme wood Branch Dyper Canada Bible — Society in ch urch,. ag G. Pinnock of Toromto will be the s ir. : Monday, 7.30 p. m.—Young People’s bain pd Evening—Prayer meet- ng. Presbyterian Phuvely Rev. W. J. West, M.A., Minister Sunday, October 28th, 1928 ing worship. W. Gq. - Weat of — College will conduct tos services. a] p. meeting of the Atw U. C. Btble Soc twood branch of Pin- nock, one of the secretaries of the oo, Monday, 8 p. m.—The Young People . will give a Hallowe'en soc!al and entertainment. Admission 15, Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service, Thursday, 8,80 p. m.—Choir practise, — St. Glban's Coen Rev. Maurice F. Oldham, pd Sunday, October 28th, 1928 - 2ist Sunday After Trini nity, . 4 St. Simon and St. Jude 10 a. m.—Sunday Schoo 1. 11 a. m.—Morning Prayer and Holy © nope Pinnock k of Ot the "Bible 8 mpl ick © in e e Bociety. All 7 D. Sap service of village. churches in Presbyterian church for Bible Society. ST DAVIDS HENPRYS gers |.2 p.» m,—Sunday Sch 3p, m.—Evening etal and Holy Communion. Lae ig at "2.30 Pp. m.—Confirma-~ —- C. C. Kaine occupied the pul-- > Rev it on 8 Sunday at the United b sarees * * LJ at oe M. Smith, Mre: P. Ducklew, Mrs. M. R. Oldham, Rev. M. F. and: Mre. Oldham attended the ft alg at Millbank on ‘Thu ast : : e LJ . Mr. J&mes Hird, delegate to the Laymen’s Convention held In Tor- onto recently will give his report at the morn®ng service on Sunday next {n the United church. The Sacrament of the Lord’a Sup- per was observed in Atwood Pres- byterian church last Sunday. A very large congregution was pres- ent. Nine new members united with the church. td] td] * Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Coghtin, Mr. and Mra, Fred: Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond, Mrs. Pope and Mr. Sidney Bissett were at Mitchell on Monday attending a banquet held ‘in the United church ee Children’s Day was observed in St. Alban’s and St. David's churches last Sunday.. At the m-rning ser- vice in St. Alban's church, Mary Margaret Kathleen, Infant danghter of Mr. and Mre. Clarence Smith, 12th eon. Elma, was baptized by Oldham. * * . The Young People’s League of the United chureh held their meeting on Monday night under the leadership of the president, Miss Carrie aula Miss Joyce Coghi'n read the Script- ure lesson. Roll call was answered by a- yerse on “Love.” The tople tiven by Mr: Halley Hammond was “The Myeteries of the Kingdom." Miss. Margaret Love gave a reading. The meeting was closed with the Benedict‘on. . * * The annual meeting of the Atwond branch <f the Upper Caneda Bible Society will be held in the Presby- terlan church on. Sunday evening, Octsber 28th at 7 p. m, and Rev. §. G.-Pinnock, one of the eecretar‘es ef the Soclety, will give the ek He will ales preach In the church at 11 a. m. aan in at church at Donegal at 2.30 p offering will bé taken at the evening service in the Prebyterlan church in aid of the Sreciety, The Anglican and United churehes are withdraw- ing ther service In the evening. ‘nited The Annual ‘gall Deanery meeting of Perit was held ‘ Grace urch, Millbank, on Thursday, October 18th. roe Communhion was ¢elebrated at a. ™. Bid Reve. Ceighegan and ey clergy and laymen moet in Fe rectory at 11 a. m. and } the women in the Sere. Lunch . In the bace- piers of the share At 2.30 the noon sessi nn € A “| splendid dra sh B habe & by Misa oy nie easage.” Rev. B. LL. bong ep of wo Saint's church, Baie vet weaker tis iatiecacas: ‘Rev, or in MON m.—Evening worship. <A mass ES ee lbs ees he Ae ge! = eee

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