Native legends perform at Ste. Marie A% Bruno Marchand Représentant des ventes Sales Representative CFRH Radio-Huronie is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruno Marchand as sales representative. Bruno is a resident of Lafontaine. He grad- uated from Georgian College with a diploma in Marketing. Our sales represen- tatives will be happy to advise you with your publicity purchases from Radio-Huronie. kk CFRH Radio-Huronie est fiére d'annoncer l'arrivée de Bruno Mar- chand parmi son personnel. Originaire de Lafon- taine, Bruno déetient un dipl6me en marketing du Collége Georgian. Notre représentant des ventes Saura vous con- seiller dans vos achats de publicité a Radio-Huronie. Saturday night's per- formance at Ste. Marie among the Hurons turn- ed out to be a trilogy - of two. The third West Coast native creation story had to be cancelled because the day before one per- former from Inner Stage was pierced in the eye by the long beak of the Raven. In the stories, it was the Raven who changed the order of things. He started the tides by unseating the Man who Saton the Tide. The second tale told the story of the first seals. The company explain- ed that the missing tale was about Yes-No, a little spirit, who can't find a body to live in. The Raven gets him to choose the body of a shaman. Inner Stage, with members from Canada and the United States, black, white and native, calls itself a company of mixed nations. Members answered questions from the audience aiter the performance. They use drama, dance, music, mime and mask work to tell their stories. Ron Cook, a native per- former from Winnipeg, played the drum and chanted. 1P0. appreciated. = =, Ont IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PENETANGUISHENE TAXPAYERS The 1989 Interim Tax Bills were mailed out January 25th, 1989. If you have not received your bill, please call 549-7453 or write to the Tax Collector, Box 580, Penetanguishene, LOK Even if you don't receive a bill, you are still responsible for paying your taxes on time. The first instalment of taxes is due February 28th, 1989. Payments received after that date will be charged a penalty of 1.25%. You may pay your taxes in person at the Town Office, Mon- day to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or by mail to the address above. Your co-operation in paying your taxes promptly is E. Valentine, AMCT, Tax Collector & Deputy-Treasurer. ! You can save Ve taxes every year receive our FREE newsletter. It will be mailed to you three times per year and will keep you informed on important legislation that could affect your RRSP investment. You'll also learn valuable tips on how to maximize the performance of your RRSP savings. 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RSP BUILDING FOR YOUR FUTURE WD Tide man | The Raven (Bruce Beaton) threatens the Man who Sat on the Tide (Charlie Rheindress) at the Saturday night Inner Stage performance of Pacific Coast native creation stories at Ste. Marie Among the Hurons. Water and sewer rates to be hiked in Tay Township Tay Township water users will pay 4.57 per cent more in 1989, with rates going to $183 from $175 a year. Again this year the municipality will have watering restrictions in case of need. Watering lawns or gardens, car washing and topping off swimming pools can be restricted or prohibited. Swimming pools should not be filled with township water at any time, councillor Lynn Morton pointed out dur- ing last week's council meeting. Vacant lots fronting on a municipal water system will pay a $25 lot levy. Sewer users in the township will pay an ex- tra. dollar a month in 1989. NAME: "Send for your Viceroy homes calalogue now! ENCLOSE $10.00 Viceroy's exciting new designs for 1989 are not only dazzlingly beautiful, but they also possess the finest specifications in America. And they are extremely reasonable in price! Call or visit us today for more information. ADDRESS: APT. CITY: POSTAL CODE: PHONE: Hwy. 93 LOCATION OF LOT: tcéeroy The Finest Homes Of ThemAIlL... Independently Distributed by A & R CARPENTRY 13 Years Experience Building Viceroy Homes Mailing Address R.R. Ontario LOK 2E0 (705) 322-0152 Waverley, Ont. #1, Wyebridge Page 8, Wednesday, February 15, 1989 ns