Classified Market TENDERS TENDERS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE MIDLAND MIDLAND & AREA & AREA Room for rent, kitchen privileges, gentleman preferred. Phone at noon 526-4390. 79, 80 3 bedroom home Old Ford Road and Highway 12, $500 per month plus heat. Fridge and stove not included. Require references and first and last month's rent. Phone 526-7713 or 526-6141 after 6 p.m. 79, 80 3 bedroom apt. for rent, 434 Elizabeth St. Vacant Oct. 1. Call 361-1745. 65TFN Mature, working female has 2 bedroom furnished apartment to share with same, non-smoker preferred. 676 King. $260 month. 526-8189. 80, 81 2 bedroom apartment, $530.00 a month and utilities. Heat in- cluded. Call 549-3268 after 5:00 p.m. 80, 82 Midland, three bedroom house on Fifth Street close to Yonge. For executive family, available now. Call Tammy 526-3848. 80, 81 3 bedroom - 248 Sixth St., fully renovated, modern country kit- chen, $750 plus. Call for ap- pointment. Nov. 1. 526-5573. 80 1 bedroom apartment, $449 per month. 2 bedroom apartment, $523 per month. Available Nov. 1. Quiet, adult building. Utilities included. First and last month's rent and references. 526-4556. 80, 81 For Lease Two - 1,000 sq. ft. inex- pensive commercial retail space available, 401 William St., Midland. For more information CALL: 526-0211 after 5 p.m. 70T TFN SERVICES Leather, Sheepskin and Suede garments beautifully cleaned. Send to: Peter Pan Suede and Leather Cleaners lItd., at 2531 Yonge Street, Toronto, M4P 2H9. "The Suede King' 52 years same location. 80 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" Licence. For pre-screening inter-| view and job placement; information, contact: MERV ORR'S TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING BRAMPTON 1-800-265-1260 TF Private Sale - 356 Manly. Great neighborhood, large lot, 6 rooms completely redecorated. Im- mediate possession. $69,900. Call 526-7828 (526-6907 after 6). FOR RENT Furnished room in new home. Cook your meals in household kitchen. Call 549-2246 after 6 p.m. 78, 80 BLUEWATER & AREA New, 3 bedroom, lake front bungalow on private sandy beach with walkouts and decks. Available immediately. $650 plus utilities. Phone (416) 447-7802. 80, 81 BALM BEACH & AREA Balm Beach, two bedroom cot- tages and two studio suites, an- nually or seasonal, winterized. Call evenings 361-1617. 68 WF TFN AT VICE <0 ROER I FOR LEASE Two - 1,000 sq. ft. inexpensive Commercial Retail Space available 401 William Street, Midland For more information CALL: 526-0211 after 5 p.m. 71F TEN Flassified Market SERVICES MIDLAND & AREA SPOT CASH PAID For unwanted articles, antique furniture, glass, silver, gold, costume jewellery, old wicker, tobacco memorabilia, wanted-- old books, records and tapes. Buy - Sell - or Trade Call The Crow's Nest 236 King Street 526-6131 = 16TTFN Insurance Brokers Ltd. 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity PLEASURE USE * With Matured Driver Discount 8379090 for 12 months 512 Hugel Ave., Midland GERVAN «associates 512 Hugel Ave., Midland, Ont. Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:30 Sat. 9:00 - 1:00 SHOPPING FOR AUTO INSURANC RATING EXAMPLE | COVERAGES $1,000,000 P.L. & P.D. Accident Benefits | $250 Ded. Collision $50 Ded. Comprehensive SEF 44 Endorsement (Underinsured Motorist) 526-9345 eorex FOR RENT FOR RENT SERVICES MORTGAGES. ARRANGED ELMVALE o . & AREA A440 Piano Tuning and Repair Service. Ellen Herring 326-8285, 322-2905. 74, 76, 78, 80 tcl i Representing A.M.C. DENIS BERTRAND a As a Service to Our Community: Recorded announcements of current funerals in progress at: We have money James H. Lynn available at prime rates Funeral Homes for all types of proper- Midland and Elmvale ty. Are available 24 hours a day Whether you're looking by calling: for a better deal, con- 526-4019 struction mortgage, or you've been turned down elsewhere, call me, | can help. Please ask for me at Bus. (705) 737-4277 evenings & weekends 737-2096 If you require further informa- tion please call our business numbers... Midland 526-6551 Elmvale 322-2732 We have brochures pertain- ing to all aspects of Funeral Services and will mail these out at no obligation upon request. 21F 62 TFN BUSINESS SERVICES COLLECTION AND CASH FLOW PROBLEMS? Let us purchase and collect your delinquent accounts receivables, NSF cheques, pro- missory notes and other negotiable in- struments. Service throughout North America. Guaranteed results. Call (416) 631-2223 or write Judgment Recovery Services (of Canada), 10 Kodiak Cr., Downsview, Toronto M3J 3G5 80, 82, 84, 86 "Page 26, Tuesday, October 6, 1987 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Cloris Hut- chinson who passed away Oc- tober 8, 1986. Forever remembered, Forever missed. Lovingly remembered by daughter Dorothy and Albert Swan and family. Schepers, with loving thoughts of Tina who passed away Oc- tober 8, 1983. To us you were someone special, Someone good and true You will never be forgotten For we thought the world of you. Lovingly remembered always by Cath, Mike, Chad, Chris and Todd. 80 Playford, Joshua - In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin who passed away Oc- tober 6th, 1980. Those we love we never lose, For always they will be loved, remembered, treasured, Always in our memory. Forever.remembered - Aunt Pat, Uncle Bob, Rob, Randy and Rick. 80 Schepers, Tina - In loving memory of a dear daughter, sister and aunt who passed away October 8, 1983. | often think of bygone days, When we were all together. The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. To us she has not gone away, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's eternal home, And left the gate ajar. Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews. 80 PERSONAL Need help??? Listen to the Back to God Hour! Sunday 7;30 a.m. CHAM 820 Hamilton, 9:30 a.m. CHAN 1480 Newmarket, and at 7:30 p.m. FM 108 Burlington, or watch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday - Friday at 5 p.m. PENETANGUISHENE & AREA An elderly gentleman with car would like to meet companion. Write to Penetang Citizen, Box 429, Penetang, Ont. LOK 1P0. 79, 80 Make new friends worldwide. Become a ham radio operator. Easy correspondence course shows how. Free booklet. Nor- thland Academy, Dept. 811, Box 3532, Thunder Bay, Ont. P7B 6E2. 80 Divorce by Mail. Low cost legal action without court visits. Money back guarantee. Also separation agreements. Ex- perienced since 1979. Free in- formation: Divorce Aid Kitchener (519) 578-5959. 80 Dates Galore: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to rreet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours noon till 8 p.m. 80 What's Happening in Ontario in both urban and rural areas? Subscribe to the OCNA Clipping Service for valuable information clipped weekly from over 300 community newspapers. Monitor the competition; get sales leads, read related opi- nions, discover market trends. For prices call Ontario Communi- ty Newspapers Association (416) 844-0184. 80 TOWN OF MIDLAND Tenders For Winter Control Sand SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Public Works Department, Town of Midland, 575 Dominion Avenue, Midland, Ontario, and marked as to contents, will be received until 2:00 p.m. Local Time. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1987 For the supplying, delivering and stockpiling of approx- imately 3,500 tonnes (3,175 tons) of Winter Control Sand in the Town of Midland. Tender forms, Information to Bidders and Specifications will be available at the Public Works Department Of- fice, Municipal Building, 575 Dominion Ave. on or after October 7th, 1987. Each tender must be accompanied by a marked che- que in the amount of $500.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. K.F. Cave, General Manager Public Works Department 80 Notice The Township of Tiny is offering for sale by tender us- ed office equipment and furniture. Some of these items are listed below: Fluorescent Lights Slab Doors Various Assorted Panelling 4 x 8 Steel Entrance Doors and Frame Steno Chairs Thermo Pane Glass Windows Other articles too numerous to mention All can be seen at the Township Office in Perkinsfield, Ontario. Tenders for all material will be received by the under- signed until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, October 14th, 1987. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G.L. Maurice, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator Township of Tiny 80 Tenders Will Be Accepted For: Renovation - Alteration To The Simcoe County Museum Sealed tenders will be accepted by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 1987. A public tender opening will be held at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 1987 at the Simcoe County Ad- ministration Centre, Highway 26 West, Midhurst, Ontario. Tender forms, instructions to bidders and specifications will be available as of October 9, 1987 from the under- signed or the Architect at: Christopher Borgal Architect, P.O. Box 276, 66 Victoria Street North, Goderich, On- tario, N7A 3Y4 or can be viewed at the Barrie, Orillia, Toronto and Cambridge Construction Associations. Specifications and drawings may be obtained from the undersigned or Architect on deposit of a $100.00 che- que payable to the County of Simcoe which will be returned upon receipt of the specifications and plans in good condition. A certified cheque in an amount equal to 10% of the tender price payable to the County of Simcoe and an agreement to be bonded for 100% of the contract must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. A.F. Pelletier, AMCT, CMC, CMO Clerk, County of Simcoe Administration Centre Midhurst, Ontario LOL 1X0 Hwy. 26 West, % mile from Hwy. 27 (705) 726-9300 ext. 246 80 <inmaisnninsciiinaniii ise