'Classified Market ---- Midland Times Penetanguishene Citizen Elmvale Lance Wasaga Times 526-2283 549-2012 322-1871 429-5300 SERVICES SERVICES PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL _._ SERVICES = ----_ SERVICES _ ee ee ee a ai Ee ee, ie coe eee ee eee eS ee Ellen Price would like to Daycare! Experienced, 3 Call Eszter the Great announce the opening of _jeliable mother will pro- ee - 'eas New In Canada Psychic Seer, for palm and A240) Pianowuning; hen "iaodenderlavida care for Community Pa E z 3 8 Recorded ennaisicements Mini State card. reading. Also piano tuning and repair your 1 - 6 month old baby, of current funerals in pro- T.V Antenna specializing in numerology service. Tuning $45.00 days only, Elmvale. I have gress at: ar charts. Call 538-1223. ($41.85 plus $3.15 p.s.t); most baby-care basics (crib, System Package includes UHF VHF colour head, rotor, signal amplifier and 60' of cable. Our regular price is $249 but, until July 30th, they are just $199. For further information James H. Lynn Funera! Homes "Midland and Elmvale Are available 24 hours a day by calling: 526-4019 tf you require further infor- mation please call our business numbers . . . Midland 526-6551 Elmvale 322-2732 phone: We have brochures per- Eady Antenna Systems taining to all aspects of Funeral Services and wit 835-2077 , mail these out at no obliga- 48,50,52,54 'tion upon request. TF Alterations, electrical, ae plumbing, roofing, rec. Classified ads rooms, painting & wallpapering. 534-3148, get results Wilf Martin. 534-7779 Alex Ross. YW 41 to 50 Birthright - Are you pregnant and distressed? Birthright really cares. Call 737- 3550. 166 Bayfield St.. Barrie, Ont. 89WTE (Berry Ef ef on | Lon See G No Saree | major or minor repairs; fine regulation. Inquiries invited, appointments can be made at (705) 322-2905. 44,46,48,50 playpen, etc.). To start im- mediately. Receipts given. Please call 322-1801. 48 MILLER'S CONSTRUCTION LTD. FREE ESTIMATES e Renovations e Additions e Basements ° Cottages e Log Cabins 32-54 e Patios e Roofing call collect (4164)9638-8090 Jim Lalonde Excavating and Landscaping. Backhoe and Bulldozer Work. Trucking SALES SERVICE * Topsoil * Septic Systems * Manure * Lots cleared *¢ Sand * Tree Removal * Gravel * Lawns built * Fieldstone © Driveways built ° Clay * Basements * Fill ete * Septic pumping Phone 322-3134 FREE ESTIMATES | Y>Young Drivers of Canada ; DID YOU KNOW? We offer individual lessons $17. per lesson - 45 min. 590. 6 lessons - 45 mins. each Call us today 526-8500 Buying or Selling We Get Results Lz Om \ 7m Z Zz. oe Complete Marine & Auto Upholstery & Repairs Guaranteed workmanship Sx< 1017 Vinden St. Midland. Se? UPHOL "eo 4 : 526-3079 eee and. Systemis Installed Excavating. MIKE TINNEY Res. 526-3069 \\__TINNEY'S \, SEPTIC SERVICE - AND CONSTRUCTION Sand. Fill, Gravel (Crushed or Pit Run) Bulldozing, BRUCE TINNEY Bus. 526-7269 Topsoil Grading why CLARK PIANO SERVICE 519 376-6202 Tuning - Repairs Craftsman Member of Piano Technicians Guild. Saari Rr if BERNIE PILON DANOR ENTERPRISES RAMON'S GOLD * ie: Bbiet i) | 8 CONSTRUCTION Wintite Magnetic Insulating Windows JEWELLERY sonable *% GRAVEL Replacement Windows All gold sold by weight q Rea Bs SUPPLIES SEPTIC TANKS and Patio Doors ; : Lawn care caeeteihs SEPTIC TANKS Siding, Soffit and Fascia eGold Chains eAnklets : Wasaga 7 thal napa SYSTEMS INSTALLED Roll Up Awnings eEarrings ae ae " 499.2596 EXCAMATING 6B DOFING Hineele SALES, SERVICE, INSTALLATION eNecklaces eCharms Bracelets 24 ir answering MASON SAND SNOW REMOVAL Be mate oe OFFICE - 361-1639 Costume Earrings 3 for $5.00 Z service ELMYALE - PHONE 322-1051 Wyevale, Ontario pees caidas (ge io We also do repairs! rae RADIO DISPATCHED LEE TFN 244 King St., Midland 526-3496 Road Service Available MAGIC CARPET Door Closers Rebull L.J. WOODWARD ROOFING JAROSLAV (YARO) CLEANING PAINTING Safes Opened and Reset 4 Auto Keys made by code & GEN. CONTRACTING WOJCICKI D.T Saas rae Interior & Exterior OLS /vin. WEBCO oe Sune Bee eee Painting INDUSTRIES * hot asphalt * cold tar process DENTURE THERAPIST (Denturist) Hall sas en ee * shingling e custom mini barn $49.00 534-7121 * renovations storage sheds PERKINSFIELD : % Dennis Turner e . . a ° ree estimates LAWRENCE HORTON painting patios MIDLAND on any area 322-2476 Diy psi a isa Ask aban aati! Gubrabteg 526-8833 or 526-YARO nd 28-9197 is aie ly work guarantee insured a HOURS BY APPOINTMENT . De ee | [COMPLETE SMALL AIR SE pias «| TV: LES? DUQUETTE HOME Bookkeeping COTE er ae nEE RMIGE Morandale Farms Sentectna QuB ELECTRONIC ¢ Custom homes TR call Done * Cott CENTRE Tune-Ups @ Repair @ Overhauls Pick Your Own ottages Strawberries e Renovations 526-3117 Reasonable Rates Offering prompt. Courteous service e Additions We do house calls 11 years Py 2S CUR SERV ECL BE ERCVEIE engine ¢ Foundations for expert repairs to Experience hina an bone of Flos © Basements T.V., Stereo, Antenna SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS nd Farm, East ° Buildings raised & Satellite Systems 322-3196 ANDREW BOWMAN of Hwy. 27 Fe d gilhie, ee After 5:00 p.m. RR 1 pes Mountainview Mall, Midland Phone 705-322-3160 Wyevale, Ontario LOL 2T0 46-511 | 429-5630 322-2237 Richron Building Products Ltd. eReplacement Window & Doors eFlagstone & Stonefacing 526-3222 29 to 50 ROOFING SERVICE Ken Laycock & Sons 322-2149 All work guaranteed TFN ll For All Your eee, Repairs ll ae .) e Renovations Sn ~=67-- © «~Remodeliling - Cottages - Sundecks - Roofing - Siding - Sandblasting - Eavestroughing FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL L & K CONSTRUCTION We 549-8033 39 TFN ~ WYEBRIDGE SUPPLY COMPANY Hwy. 93 Wyebridge 526-3865. eComplete line of ePatio slabs, paving stones, eCustom-made brick and eCustom-made rain caps masonry products ceramic tile re+od, wire mesh, steel lintels paving stone splitters MASONRY TFS Tuesday, June 17, 1986, Page 19