ass € arket- control, blankets, etc. feed & farm supplies." assortment - saddles, halters, medication, fly HAMILTON BROTHERS, GLEN HURON (10 miles south of Collingwood) (705 )-466-2244 or 445-1166 ASK FOR MIKE "Also see us for our complete stock of building, T30-40 HURONIA NURSERIES Ltd. Tel. 322-1994 Shade and Ornamental Trees Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs Roses, Perennials, Annuals and Sod Open: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat.8a.m.-5p.m. Sun. 1-5 p.m. 38, 40 Frontenac model material package- double garage $33,390 HOLIDAY- PACIFIC HOMES The most beaufitul » energy efficient '\ homes in North America mm dealer / builder = fora free catalogue Phone 322-2237 or 429-5630 Mortgage Financing available TFN 322-1311, after 5 p.m. call 322-2644. 1980 Cutlass Supreme, 2 dr, V8, auto, p.s., p.b., air, AMIFM cassette, power window, power door lock, cruise, power seat, blue with white interior, ex- cellent condition, safety certified. Call 322-1311, after 5 p.m. call 322-2644. 36, 38 1981 Olds Cutlass LS, 4 dr, small 8, auto, air, p.s., p.b., two tone paint with matching inteior, 1 owner, like new condition, safety certified. Call 322-1311, after 5 p.m, call 322-2644. 36, 38 1980 Ford Econoline Van, 6 cyl, p.b., p.s., 4 spd. with overdrive. Excellent mileage, factory insulated, certified. 361-2059 or 361-2282. 37, 38, 39 1983 ~ Olds Cutlass Supreme, 4 dr, 6 cyl, auto, p.s., p.b., air, power door lock, AM/FM cassette, like new condition, light blue with dark blue velour in- terior, certified. -Call 322-1311, after 5 p.m. call 322-2644. 1968 Cadillac Convertible, good condition, black, red interior, 1981 Ran- charger, 4 x 4, like new. Call 361-2532 or ask for 526-2305. 1979 Dodge Van, auto., wrangler radials on Turbine style rims, cap- tain's seats, stereo, C.B., cooler, only seen 2 winters, 70,000 miles, ask- ing $3,500 or B.O. Call 322-2557. 1977 Monarch 4 door, 8 cylinder, automatic, 549-7010. 35 to 38 BOATS & MOTORS For Sale: marine railroad. Sixty feet of track. Dolly & winch included. Excellent condition. 534-7108. 30 to 41 1984 Doral 18 ft., 170 i/o. Boathouse stored, im- maculate condition. Call 1-416-482-9951 any time or 526-8143 this weekend. 38, 39 17' Kennedy ski boat, with 135 HP Evinrude, showroom condition, $3,995.00. 429-6283. Your ad could be here June Schedule. TOWN OF MIDLAND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF VEHICLE SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to con- tents, will be received by the Public Works Superintendent until 4:00 p.m., local time, Friday, June 6th, 1986 for the supply of: One 1986 Model 50,000 Ib. G.V.W. Tandem Axle Drive Cab and Chassis with Dump Body and Snowplow Equipment. Tender form and further information may be ob- tained from the Public Works Department,]: Municipal Office, 575 Dominion Avenue, Midland, Ontario. A.B. Roach, Mayor R.M. Brush, Chairman W.G. Wallace, Superintendent 38, 39 "wedding to take place May 31, at 3 o'clock at Guthrie United Church in Guthrie, Ontario. Midland Times Penetanguishene Citizen Elmvale Lance Wasaga Times -526-2283 549-2012 322-1871 429-5300 FOR SALE eee eet ema er a en eee Se ca cues pc Pe Per IP a Ce eG . _ FOR SALE = = ~-- MOTORCYCLES CARS & TRUCKS SERVICES WANTED WANTED bs nities Mesemetigcanl, seer. reriearrnn ik icone aie Gdie 2.) lk ee git wee Se ee ie . ope , 1980 Chrysler Cordoba, 2 pweeweeww ewe eB we es ee ee Se SE iA lam Aer ater os ee good condition, newly gr hardtop, 8 cyl, auto, = Alteratious, electrical, + | CRIPPLED OR DISAB LED i Furniture a.m. Featuring antiques painted, new battery. Ask p.s., p.b., air, cream with plumbing, roofing, rec. CATTLE WANTED I "Your Home buildi terials, dishes, 475 $1,200.00. Call gold velour interior, ex- rooms, painting & § Highest cash prices paid a of Quality aa eR ewes ' zat 322-2325 after 6. cellent condition, safety wallpapering. 534-3148, § as also fae Tidraes | j = om - 36, 38, 40 og x z ¢ x Furnuure" cessories, etc. tine Fa EPEE RE gw om ee ecoelmmeaastcngs hae Call Collect (705) 737-3106 i a7 Sau Vina Tt ck! aati iewel'd ory cae SE co a TTF 4 PLEASE NO DEAD ANIMALS rl CUS gee LN via Se 3 SS ; | 1978 BMW motored, Saal Tudhas owes ! GAGE LIVESTOCK! R @ quit 800 a sa sport model, 4974 Corvette, 454engine, © Bookkeeper with 7 years i i eS my 80,000 miles, 549-8756. re-done interior, new experience will set up and ; F Boge) Video 27 TFN a p Lic. No. 1097F'P T8ITFy ity, enn brakes. 90% original, maintain books or show TCE EB ee ee eS eee eee es eee 2S Le al GaN 1st wt faainnt ER $9,800. Call 526-3967 you how. Reliable and ra. da Motorcycle Insurance - after 5. reasonable. Call 428-6832. ; Crippled. cattle: wanted es itis Weddings phone quotations. John 37 to 40 38, 40, 42 COMING EVENTS highest prices paid for : ine Woo : ceitragite sta (Girone gel baal, 2 SES aa aS le te ee erie a ee Ir = disabled cattle. We also ExquititeCeattsmanehip Home Inventories | 335-2644 COMING EVENTS June 17-Diane Greenfield Jy old horses CEDAR POINTE MALL Video Wills 24TF Get 75 mpg large car, _ Historical Wildflowers. Dunlop St. & Hwy. 400 R.V.'s ete. Build and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- June 26 - Trip to Cullen RMATALIVESTOCK Seon Tn el ey eat a PS Sa es en install a new covey gas Thursday, May 15th at 'nearing > HAUS shenaaet tn corte us Dansum Enterprises : Yy invited Gardens. Upcoming - Fa EXCHANGE : UCKS vapour carb. Fit any 7:30 p.m. Sou are invite' Flower Show, September : 549-3031 CARS & TR car, truck or R.V. For to attend an evening of | , Call Collect Vv Heights F Se ne . info. send self- slides and movies of : ee | Fy ifer, For eae Vaustive agee. Ford en Be addressed stamped Australia and New he a 326-5509 Prk auto, p.s., p.b., excellent Cnvelope to: | Thrift Zealand at Bayshore -- ---- ---- "Hie oot biel ASPARAGUS cond, black with red in- Garp Fiat kan g Geo. Seniors Hall, Woodland Open house, the family of | PERSONAL Be aiiehnn hed aires f atcked. at Robl terior, safety certified. Hwy. Surrey, B.C. V3T Beach, free admission. Alex and Bertha all Eszter the Great Ae ait shai Woule. BGucs Fres maa = a ee) Call 322-1311, after5p.m. gy¢ 3TF87 Presented with com- Carpenter invites friends -- pygchic Seer for palm & ee ee ee eel seee ee pliments of Goway Travel. and relatives to their card reading. Also lated bl. dli Heer ee eae 38 parents 40th Wedding An- available students' ribs pace peat Wyebridge. A ee cee 1978 Ford Short Box Van. NV a hone A OM aks LL niversary on Sunday, May reading for only $6. Ask Fad be sat i -Follow Signs- 1982 Kawasaki Spectre Customized inside with Community shower for 25th from 2-5 p.m. at fo; Steve. Call 538-1223. & +3 es To order phone Motorcycle 750 cc, 3000 counter, fridge, table and Ken Madill and Susan Carpenter's home, R.R. 1, 22-45 organ. 7 pai is 526-7077 miles, shaft drive, air fork benches (folds: to a bed) D'Amato on Friday, May Wyevale. Best wishes on __ ss __ __ ss 21 38-45 shock, new battery. In- and captain's swivel 23 at 8 p.m., St. John's ly. Birthright eS cludes 2 certified helmets. S@als- Must be seen. Ask- United Church. Donations 38, 40 pregnant anid MF Tractors -- Fresh asparagus for sale 549-3245. aa 2 aerial Call may be left at Elmvale _ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- distressed? Birthright Up to 113 off at Morandale Farms, 37 to 43 pg ae Footwear. ANNOUNCEMENT really cares. Call 737- 4TOGO conc. 2, Flos Township, 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 38, 40 3550. 166 Bayfield St., Call 322-1309. fae cides Supreme (2. fe, Spee ee Ne ae, ee -- Guitas piano, banjojace. DomeOnt 89WTE Model List New 38, 40,42 dr, buckets, console, small 1983 Dodge Omni, 73,000 ULAR ABIANO BAO C a eet heed Scale ne 20 oka. 16.656 fut 8, auto, p.s., p.b., AM/FM km,' 4 new all season COQMINGEVENTS coli ipaaeeps mate 283 19,500. 16,080. Skok Te cele stereo, rally sport wheels, fadials enews muffler; 40), Rapwiwek, "ich lipid in instruc al THANK YOU 1 & : ' 690 37,600. 25,299. 2 a eEER RE BoEeee RIGA cei wed velone iit door hatchback, 4 sp. Call Penetang Horticultural ™ Midland and Elmvale. amell and"White sewing : Seat sean Agog toyadult, 322-100ten. eo ie Geo. C. maching & oak table. terior, and half vinyl roof, 549-3817. Society will be holding it's naar awe wish to express our Soe Vise kt ' tld 38 like new condition, 1 37,38 spring flower show and : sincere thanks for the CE aelpae pen, tec ee ke owner, Sn eas a Fate ie ea ae iy meeting on May 20, begin- Giese a ee ee wonderful shower held for - 538-1660 1 Massey 20A seed & fer- 322-1311, after 5 p.m.c 1 pirit, 6 cyl, ning at 8 p.m. All entries us. The gifts were all love- ae ese tilizer drill 15 run, in good 322-2644. standard, brown with to be in by 7:30 p.m. Also, ANNOUNCEMENT fy catids Weroreallye apr no charge in 519 ares_ working order, call 36, 38 matching interior, safety g Board of Directors -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- preciate the efforts of DOIG GG her bk Yet 4 | ae e csinaln egg Sah certified, $2,950.00. Call meeting at 7 p.m. Trip to CLARK - TURNER everyone who helped to 38, 38 1980 Capri RS hatchback, 322-1311, after Cullen Gardens, June 26, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clark crake. it such, a. epesial TEs te, ec ae pe ee ee ga ge eee buckets, console, '6 cyl, 322-2644. please arrange to bring of Shanty Bay, announce , evening. An extra special auto, p.s., p.b., AM/FM 36,38 fee, seats still available. If ne A ag ae ORE thanks to Mary Bertram. cassette, gold with mat ---- -- -- ---- ---- interested call Kay St. aughter, Emily Maidie,to =\yi6 Townes & Sand EQUESTRIAN SUPPLIES ching ae aeeilon: 1985 Hyundai Pony "L", Amant,549-8818for more Paul Asacaeey ues Elliott. y : : ' 45 13,000 miles, 4 spd., cer- inf tion. All welcome. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloy One of the biggest stocks in this area. Full pend, Saisty car aoed, Gal tified, $5,200. Call Kirk st as Turner of Elmvale. The 3B Classified ads get results Ontario Government Tender Midland, Ont. period at JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS 1. Provide Janitorial Services for a 22 month period at Sainte Marie among the Hurons, TENDER #ORI-86-058 2. Provide Janitorial Services for a 22 month the Historical Establishment, Penetang, Ont. TENDER #ORI-86-059 Naval & Military Note: For further cepted. Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 Combined Tenders will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the On- tario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L8V 6K7 information Tenders, please call the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- @Ontario wes regarding the Ministry of Government Services 38 Tuesday, May 13, 1986, Page 15