Determination pays off, sometimes Kevin Rawson strains as he attemps to toss the athletes competed for spots on the team. The top discuss during the ESPSS Annual Intramural qualifiers will compete tomorrow in the annual Track and Field Meet last Thursday. Over 75 Golf cart makes an impromptu desk Georgian Bay Best Ball Golf Committee chairman Andy Wicksted. signs a cheque for $100, under the watchful eyes of Wayne Quesnelle, sales representative of. Penetang Bottling Company, and Gayle Leroux, co- Aerobic classes start aos ordinator. for Rosewood Transition Homes. The Golf Committee made the donation in co-operation with Penetang Bottling Company. 0 4 CKMP 1230 Meet with Midland Secondary)" School, hosted this year by ESPSS. A new series of aerobics classes begins tonight in Midland*s © Monsignor Castex Schoel. "Starting May 6 and May ie 8 we will be offering a new ; five week mini-session in Keep Fit 'With -Aerobics", Vicky Duncas..says. Beth women, and men are welcome 46 attend. 4 WATCH . "McN LOOK at Registration is a require- ment. Cost is $10 for once a week for five weeks or $20 for twice a week for five weeks. Classes each even- ing run from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. ' For more information and io register, tetephone Vicky, Duncan (544-7311) or Sue - Rooney (534-3746). -- . McDonaid's = £8 *. ay Adult Judo Classes are back in Midiand at ty. KASPERS : \MARTIAL ARTS. ACADEMY Mon. Nites 8:30 - 10:00 258 King St. Midland 526-3822 AOS a * aN J a s World's first for Huronia This sign was espied on the front lawn of Mr. and Mrs. J.D.F. Orr of Coldwater on Saturday. Unfortunately-none of the educated worms was available for an indepth in- terview. Perhaps another time. A Great Gift for Mom... i CHEVETTE This snappy little two tone, 4 door Chevette would 'make any Mom smile. It isa 4 cylinder automatic with power brakes, plus, a block heater, rear defrost, white wail tires and wheel trim rings. AM/FM radio and tinted windows are added features sure to please. Come in and see Marc about #1511. ° wore ip Heed t6r EES & The Biggest Chev-Olds Dealer in Victori4Harbour' 3 ec LOCKHART MOTORS Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Dealer Park St. Victoria Harbour 534-3161 534-7251 835-3813 Tuesday, May 6, 1986, Page 15