Shoppers Mart NOTICES NOTICES NOTICES 'FOR RENT : FOR RENT SERVICES _ WANTED Family Planning | Umpires for Elmvale 5 CerciegtG selling. |-recreational fastball The Simcoe County Board of Education |: FOR SALE OR RENT Fee th control. | league Thursday night 2 Professional condominium office pexugtty, pregnancy aati bet peal ae anne or un- : . - KI N DERG ARTEN for sale or rent. Fully prepared for |} planned), sexually | 2249-Mike. E35 i j transmitted" diseases. (= = oe Medical/Dental/ Legal practice Sa eret Rinaictes pickers Yar Contact available, Contact the ppreparatetely May Simcoe County : one - for Orillia and District Schools 1-416-773-5191 2: oso Deset, Heann uri. | 9m. _____ PB, 1 i , i All contacts are free sin) 8 dale tll alta will take place April 22 - May 10, 1985 | to Pedrgom main _ SERVICES --_ | and confidential. | Your home, Mon-Fvt 7 heat, fridge, stove, oe aeraniy: a LEED CORE AY abaoe LAN NR (gd ba ade peal Oe aA Please contact parking included. | Recorded announcements} | Clinic Services | GonyNG EVENTS Adults only, no pets. ot. currest tuaraig in pro- eee iD Rapie ph tA a ema le } ilabl 1. 526- | gress at: ease call 526-9325 for | A Community Shower your local schools for details Abate aes 35,36 James H. Lynn further information. will be held Mon. May 13 R B Boswell ae St a Funeral Homes TF | at 8 p.m. for Verna s s v7] W. MacKenzie, Large one bedroom, "Midland and Elmvale Trace and John Knuff Ln ene oa Chairman Director of Education 31,32,35,36 TENDERS NOTICE TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDITORS AND OR CLAIMANTS AND CLAIMANTS All persons having All persons having claims agains! the claims against the Estate of CHARLES LAIDLAW WHEELER, late of 68 Lincoln Street, Chrystal Beach, Ontario, (formerly of the Town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe), Retired The Vex Technician, deceased, who died on or about the 19th of November, 1984, are required to file the same with the un- dersigned solicitors on or before the 3rd day of June, 1985, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. DATED at Midland, Ontario, this 25th day of April, 1985. HACKER, GIGNAC, RICE Barristers & Solicitors, 226 King Street, P.O. Box 518 Midland, Ontario L4R 4L3 Solicitors for the Executor of the estate of Charles Laidlaw Wheeler. 35,af;o0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS All persons having claims against the Estate of Venard Roger LeCamp, late of the Pow n of Penetanguishene, in the County of Mechanic, who died on the 26th day of February, 1985, are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 22nd day of May, 1985, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. eA T 7). D a al Penetanguishene this 26th day of April, 1985. MACKINNON, DEVILLERS PEET AND DEACON Barristers & Solicitors 90 Main Street Penetanguishene, Ontario LOK 1P0 Solicitors for the Estate of Venard Roger Camp 39,317,309 * Simcoe, : Estate of May Evelyn Rogers late of the Town of Penetanguishene, in the County of Simcoe, Homemaker, who died on the 18th day of December, 1984, are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 15th day of May, 1985 after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. Db A. TED at Penetanguishene this 19th day of April, .1985. MACKINNON, DEVILLERS, PEET AND DEACON | Barristers & Solicitors 90 Main Street Penetanguishene, Ontario. LOK 1P0 Solicitors for the Estate of May Evelyn Rogers 33,35,37 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTHERS AND All claims against the Estate of Beulah Betts, late of the Town of Penetanguishene, who died on or about the Ist day of March, 1985, must be filed with the undersigned Admini- stratrix on or before the Ist day of June, 1985; thereafter the un- dersigned will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to those claims then filed. Dated May Ist, 1985. Mabel Betts, Administratrix of the Estate of Beulah Betts by her solicotor ELISE M. DeVILLERS Barrister & Solicitor 1 Simcoe Street Penetanguishene, Ontario LOK 1P0 35,37,39 ist Annual Re-opening Sale Sidelights _ 72 Main Street, Penetanguishene. Bring this ad for a 20 per cent discount on any item your heart desires in our store. Good for Mother's Day! Valid _until Friday, May 3, 1985. 33 to 37 Avenue, MIDLAND, -}Ontario, until Noon, E.D.S.T. on TOWN OF MIDLAND Contract 85-CS-01 for Supply of Work Clothing for the Public Works Department SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by P.A. Ehler, P.Eng., Commissioner of Works, Municipal Building. 575 Dominion Friday, May 24th, 1985 for the supply of work clothing for the Public Works Department. Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the Com- missioner of Works, 575 Dominion Avenue, MIDLAND, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A.B. Roach Mayor C.E. Buck Chairman Public Works Committee P.A. Ehler, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works 35 3 bedroom FOR RENT 2 bedroom house available May 15-Sept. 15 in residential area of Wasaga Beach. No pets please. Call collect (416) 690-7729 days 2 bedroom cottage, winterized, furnished or unfurnished. Available now until June. Balm Beach 361-1749. ETF19 Furnished apt. for rent. Call 322-2595. E35 Wasaga Beach Restaurant on Main St. with equipment. 3 Bedroom house for rent. Seasonal or year round. 2 & 3 bedroom cottages for rent. Seasonal or weekly. .Call Barbara 429-5816. apt. $475 mth. includes utilities and stove and laundry facilities. Call 322-2636 after 6 p.m. ¢ E35 central, available June 1. $330 monthly. First and last, references required. After 6:30 p.m. 526-7435 35,36 2 bedroom apt. Heat, water, close to park and downtown, yard and parking , renovated, $300 monthly. Adults preferred. 526-8742. 35 to 38 2 bedroom furnished house Thunder Beach. $400 monthly, first and last month. No pets, only 1 child. Phone 533- 2729. 35,36 Modern clean 3 bedroom __ bungalow, near hospital in Midland. $650 month includes fridge and stove. 526-4857 after 5:30. Large furnished room, own entrance, private _ bathroom, waterfront with beach, meals available. 526-8678 between 10-4 p.m. 35,36 2 bedroom house for rent on quiet street available May 15, 85. Call 322-2814. E35 2 bedroom home for rent. Centrally located in Penetang with fridge, stove. $420 per month. Available June 1/ 85. 549-7136 after 5 p.m. 35.36 1 or 2 bedroom apt. Adults preferred, no pets. Everything in- cluded except phone and cable. Call 526-7998. TF 3 bedroom cottage, winterized on 59th St. Wasaga Beach. $400.00 monthly, plus utilities. First and last months rent required. Call 429- 3669. EW21 TF E33,35 ANNOUNCEMENTS Fredon Plumbing & Heating, would like to advise all his former customers that he is back at Wasaga Beach Are available 24 hours a day by calling: 526-4019 If you require further infor- mation please call our business numbers... Midiand 526-6551 Etmvale 322-2732 We have brochures per- taining to all aspects of Funeral Services and will } mail these out at no obliga- tion upcn request. oF WANTED Crippled cattle: wanted highest prices paid for disabled cattle. We also Jr. at St. John's United Church. Donations may be left at Campbells Hardware and the Gala Gift Shop until Sat. May buy old horses. 705-326-5509 Mes Everyone. is JRILLIA LIVESTOCK | Weicome to _at- ae EXCHANGE ' tend. E35,37 We do nol pick up REAL ESTATE dead animals. 5 ; WTF} Mini-farm-near Elm- Marilyn's Sewing Needlecraft & Alterations. 42 Queen St., W. (Below Elmvale Footwear. Same day service on most ad- justments - hemming, zippers, seams, pat- ching and repairs. 322- 1803 or 322-1202. EW7TF 35 to 38 ° Impressions in Colour Save money and prove your appearance by being colour coded by qualified expert. Call Joan Roszmann 549- im-} vale, modern 3 bedroom bungalow, 30'x34' matching barn, 2 acres, RESTAURANT KQUIPMENT Charboiler, ice cube acking $58,900. Private. maker, cash register, aj] 322-1037 after 5:30 air conditioner, dairy p.m. E31,33,35 case (2. sliding door -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- refrig), pie case, House 'for sale (in microwave oven, 8 Elmvale) 2 bedroom flourescent ligh! fixture. possible 3rd, large kit, Call 429-2543. EW31 to finished in Oak cup- Wwa4l boards. Close to main Toes Oe ee ee SLNER ls Gall, 4322-27011 REAL ESTATE after 4 p.m. E33WTFN 2269. 2TF Certified art teacher (B.F.A., B. Ed.) offers individual instruction to small class, maximum of six students. Oil painting, for beginners and ad- vanced. Tuesdays 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Second- class possible if interest warranlS. \526-9731. 35,36 Klean Kut maintenance & general cleanup. Call 549-3886 for Spring cleanup. Mr. Fix-it repairs toys, household odds & ends, wind instruments. Call or visit Steve al 538- T2233 John Dt. Waubaushene, evenings or weekends only. 34-36 | Attention gardeners! Small garden tilling done. Call 526-7714.31 to ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jones are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Donna Kathleen, to Peter Edwards Sawyer for all plumbing needs. of Tahoe City, Big or small, we do California, son of Mr. them all. and Mrs. Brooke Fredon Godeau _ Sawyer of Santa Bar- (Frenchie) bara, California. The 807 Mosley Ave. wedding is to take place Wasaga Beach May 25, 1985, at St. 429-2365 Paul's United Church, E35toW41 Midland. 35 TESKEY, HEACOCK, FERGUSON & MAIN Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries 361 King Street P.O. Box 640 Midland, Ontario L4R 4P4 (705) 526-7886 Are pleased to announce that their offices for the practice of law will be open Saturdays between the hours of 9a.m. and 1 p.m. Effective May 4, 1985 35 to 40 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias, to me directed and issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, wherein MILDRED JEWEL is the Plaintiff and JOSEPH ORIOLD, also know as JOSEF ORIOLD is the Defendant, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said JOSEPH ORIOLD, also known as JOSEF ORIOLD in and to the following described property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Tiny, in the County of Simcoe, and being composed of Parts of Lots Numbers Thirty- Three and Thirty-Four ((33 & 34) according to Plan Number 670, registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Simcoe, and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the North-Easterly angle of Lot Number Thirty-Four; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly boundary of Lots Numbers Thirty-Four and Thirty-Three, to the South-Easterly boundary of Lot Number Thirty-Three; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly boundary of Lot Number Thirty-Three a distance of fity feet; THENCE Northerly and parallel with the Eastern boundary of Lots numbers Thirty-Three and 'Thirty-Four to the Northern boundary of Lot Number Thirty-Four; THENCE Easterly along the Northern boundary of Lot Number Thirty-Four fifty feet to the place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH all interest of the Granto in a strip of land twelve (12') in width lying directly west of the land above described and being part of Lots Thirty-Three and Thirty-Four. MUNICIPALLY known as 61 Moore Ave. (for- merly Birch Ave.) approximately 200' from the beach at Woodland Beach. IT IS SAID TO BE KNOWN to be a single storey frame cottage. ALL OF WHICH said right, title interest and equity of redemption of the said JOSEPH ORIOLD, also known as JOSEF ORIOLD, I shall offer for sale by public auction at my office at 114 Worsley Street, Courthouse, Barrie, Ontario on Wednesday, May 22nd, 1985, at the hour of 2:30 in the afternoon. DATED at the City of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, this 2nd day of April, 1985. TERMS: Cash or certified cheque. Deposit 10 percent of bid price at time of sale (Minimum $600.00). Ten days to arrange financing. Delivery only on payment in full This Sale is subject to cancellation up to time of sale without any further notice. EARL G. BOWLES, SHERIFF COUNTY OF SIMCOE E35,37 Wednesday, May!1, 1985, Page 25