Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 23 Jun 1982, p. 3

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UE ENR He ERR Tem TRERT See pI er AMER ae et demain, le 24 juin. Ici, mercredi_le 23. autour du feu. Joyeuse Saint-Jean a tous! Et Ca Continue... frangaises Un peu partout au pays, des localites comme la notre fetent la Saint-Jean ce soir Penetanguishene, nous pouvons nous joindre a tous ces francophones en par- licipant au defile de la Saint-Jean ce soir, Le depart aura lieu du Centre d'activites francaises a 7h00, nous rendrons au Curling Club pour un delicieux souper aux "bines" prepare par Mme. Gerard Maurice. Vers les 9h30, nous allumerons le FEU DE LA SAINT-JEAN. Les violoneux, Paul Genier, Basil et Gerard Lafreniere joueront des '"'tounes" et nous danserons La Saint-Jean Centre d'activites francaises sera ouverte de 19h00 (7 p.m.) a 1h00. Nicole Marchand et Elaine Paulin seront les artistes in- vitees. Vendredi, venez vous detendre et rire...rire...rire...car nous fetons le festival du rire a la Brasserie de l'etang. Deux long metrages fou, fou, four: 'Le petit baigneur'"' et "La carapate" vous feront passer une soiree agreable. Yves Marchand est l'artiste invite. Samedi, la Brasserie sera ouverte de midi a 18h00 (6 p.m.), a l'exterieur si la tem- perature le permet. A 20h00 (8 p.m.) nou nous rendons en foule au Curling Club pour le clous du Festival des quenouilles: le SUPER SPECTACLE mettant en vedette: Michel Payment Decouverte '82, Paul Demers, Julie Laporte et le Pere Gedeon. Bonne quenouille! Le Camp Bivouac Denise Jaiko est le superviseur du camp; Denise Pauze, John Currie et Marc Dupuis viendront completer l'equipe_le 28 juin. Ils preparent un camp tres in- teressant qui saura offrir un bon melange de sports, culture, arts et activites communaulaire de Lafontaine du 5 au 23 juillet, pour les enfants de 6 a 12 ans. Le coul, pour une session de trois semaines est de $20 par enfant, $35 pour deux enfants et $50 pour trois enfants ou plus. Nous offrons aussi le cours de natation aux participants du Camp Bivouac. Pour de plus amples_ renseignements, telephonez Denise Jaiko au Centre d'ac-, liviles francaises, 549-3116. Le Cafe De La Cour Venez au Cafe de la cour pour une ex- perience gastronomique unique dans toute la region. Avez-vous remarque le beau cedre qui forme trois plateformes sur lesquelles nous installerons nos tables, chaises ei parasols bien a la vue, devant le Centre? Elles furent construites par notre super- concierge Albert Laurin et notre menuisier par excellence, M. Gilbert Gignac. Romeo Laurin a refait le ciment des marches du person du Centre. Votre hote et vos hotesses au Cafe de la cour sont Monique Marchildon, Lucie Maurice, Madeleine Blondin, Nadine Lalonde, Michelle Maurice et Gilles Marchildon. staller le gros auvent au-dessus de la porte principale. Le Centre a maintenant son nouveau visage tout pimpant, tout frais prevu par Joan Northcott depuis quelques annees deja. Ceci m'apporte a annoncer une nouvelle moins heureuse pour nous: Un Hommage a Joan Northcott Un grande dame tres appreciee par tous ceux el celles qui la connaissent a donne son avis de demission du conseil d'ad- ministration du Centre d'activites fran- caises el du poste de coordonnatrice des garderies effectif le 11 juin. Joana oeuvre dans la francophonie de la region depuis 1973. Elle est co-fondatrice du Centre d'ac- tivites francaises dont le premier mandat ful d'ouvrir des garderies francaises, ce qui ful fait en 1974. Par son attitude positive et conciliante, par ses idees in- novatrices el son devouement inlassable, Joan a mene a bien tout ce qu'elle a en- irepris. Malgre sa "retraite" nous savons que nous reverrons Joan bien des fois, nous |'espersons du fond du coeur, et nous Le Festival des quenouilles est en plein essor ... jeudi la Brasserie de l'etang au sociales. Nouvel Auvent lui assurons un accueil chaleureux a tout 'emps. La premiere session aura lieu au centre Barrie Tent & Awning sont venus in- Establishments War of 1812 period captured at Liberty Days The War of 1812 determined the future of Canada and this volatile period will be brought to life with cannon thunder and flashing cutlasses as part of the "Liberty Days"' program at the Historic Naval and Military Establishments in ee Circa 19th century Cuisine of the 19th century will be a popular feature at this month's "Liberty Days" event presented by the Historic Naval and Military Establishments in Penetanguishene on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27. The public is invited to enter dishes in two categories represen- ting desserts and preserves. Three win- Penetanguishene, this Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27. Gun crew and cutlass demonstrations from the early 19th century will be presented by two Toronto corps representing the Royal Canadian Sea ning submissions will be selected by a panel of '"'celebrity" judges and 19th century reproduction kettles (foreground) will be awarded to each winner. Anyone interested in entering a dish should contact the Establishments at 549-80644 for further information. -Photo by Odesse Cadets. The demonstrations are intended to give a general idea of the training and evolutions that could be carried out by a group of seamen who landed during the 19th century to conduct operations on shore, either independently or in support of. troops and marines. "This is the first time the cadets have participated in Liberty Days and I really feel they will bring an added dimension to our event this year and the public shouldn't miss seeing the well-trained corps go through their paces,"' commented Burke Penny, Coordinator of Programs at the Establishments. Liberty Days runs from 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The Royal Canadian Sea Cadets, a youth movement co-sponsored by the Depart- ment of National Defense and the Navy League of Canada, will perform only on Sunday, throughout the afternoon, starting with cutlass drills at 1:45 p.m. The cadets are between 13 and 19 years of age and the young men and women receive extensive training in citizenship, 'physical fitness and related nautical subjects. Nautical technology and skills in the 19th century will also be featured at Liberty Days in the Seamen's Barracks. John Gilbert is one costumed interpreter who will be demonstrating intricate ropework of the early 1800's. Gilbert points out that many of the skills are still used today on pleasure craft for such ropework as mooring, anchor and docking lines. "Sailors at the Establishments are in- viting boar owners to bring along any three-strand rope to Liberty Days and the interpreters will demonstrate their skills in knotting and splicing to make lines to each boater's specifications,' said Gilbert. Comestic crafts in the 19th century will also be highlighted at Liberty Days in the Assistant Surgeon's house, including quilting and spinning skills along with other activities designed for children. The immesne naval storehouse provides an ideal setting for a forty-five minute dramatic presentation called "Nexus!"', focussing on a desertion which took place at the Establishments in 1818. Rounding out the impressiye "Liberty Days" program is a 19th century food fair as visitors sample cuisine from the 19th century. The fair includes a cooking contest and the public is invited to enter dishes in two categories covering desserts and preserves. Three possible winners will receive attractive 19th century reproduction kettles. Further information on the cooking contest can be obtained by calling the Establishments at 549-8064. Visitors who wear an Official pin or costume commemorating Penetanguishene's centennial celebrations will be admitted to Liberty Days free of charge. The Historic Naval and Military Establishments are located at the end of Church Street in Penetanguishene. Monster bingo this Sunday Despite last Saturday morning's fire at Penetanguishene Curling Club in the building's lounge area, plans are proceeding to hold a Monster Bingo in the curling club, 8 Owen St., Sunday, June 27 starting at 2 p.m. Doors will open at 12 noon for this gala affair which will help kick off Old Home Week in Penetanguishene which is marking its 100th birth- day this year. There's a $1,000 jackpot at Sunday's Monster Bingo in Penetanguishene with proceeds to Penetanguishene Community Centre. IN THE NEWS... by Flora Hutton Volunteerism is alive and well. Anyone at- tending the meeting Thursday morning at 7:45 a.m. to help plan Midland's Homecoming '82 will agree with this statement. It was a very active and dynamic group of volunteers who formed committees to plan events and promote ideas to publicize Midland. We are all proud of Midland and wish this energetic and enthusiastic group of volunteers success with Homecoming '82. Make your plans now to participate and invite your friends or relatives to your home in Midland for the weekend of October 1-3. I don't believe that the spirit of volunteerism is dying in Canada - on the contrary, I believe that more than every today, people are looking for truly meaningful ways to contribute to their community, to help make our society a better one in which to live. They are looking for challenge; they know that changes are necessary in our society and they feel alienated because big government, big business and big labor no longer seem able or willing to provide effective leadership. @ Cont'd from pg. 1 that the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office had been advised of the fire and under what circumstances officials belive it started. Local authorities say there's evidence of the curling club being broken into and that the fire itself originated in the bar area of the lounge. None of the plaques or trophies were harmed as they had been placed in another part of the building for safe keeping. Meanwhile both Light and Player are currently conducting a full-scale, round- the-clock investigation into the fire with samples from the blaze already being sent to the O.F.M.O. As for exhausted firefighters they didn't return to the hall until just after daybreak after extinguishing the stubborn inferno and then mopping up. Wednesday, June 23, 1982, Page 3 a ES EE NE NES ee Oa ae eee nS ee RS Ok Oe SS a eee Neem Ce PSTN eer tee +3

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