Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 28 Apr 1982, p. 3

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+ Senos Four of the pickets, members of the Communication Workers of Canada, who picketed the Bell Canada building on Hugel Avenue in Midland last Friday morning. The men are em- YON STRIKE c.W.C. STRIKE NORTHERN TELECOM 4ERN TELECOF eiuan Bae + BELL CANADA ployed by Northern Telecom, a Bell Canada subsidary. The union struck Over a month ago in search of better wages than they were offered. Did You Know 1982 budget Ui &.5 per cent by Adrienne Graham Gardner Penetanguishene Reeve Art Stewart, chairman of the Finance Committee, brought down his budget for 1982 Monday night. The total budget is set at $3,052,333, just under 8.5 per cent up from last year. Municipal expenditures were held down to an increase of only 3.5 per cent, however increases of 24.75 per cent in County Requirements and 12.59 in School r overall increase up. Stewart was congratulated on "a very realistic budget' by Mayor Ron Bellisle, and "on bringing it down so early" by Deputy Reeve Francis StAmant. 28 per cent of the three million dollar budget will go to Public Works and Sanitiation (in- cluding the new turning circle at the foot of Main Street.) Other slices of the 1982 fiscal pie are 26 per cent for education, 17 per<*,cent - "for protection to persons and property, 10 per cent for recreation and cultural services, 9 per cent for Administration, six percent for Planning and Development and 4 per cent for the County levy. The money raised for these expenditures will come largely (68 per cent) from taxes, with 28 per cent coming from grants and the remaining 9 per cent from other boards, reserves and revenues. The net effect on the average assessment of $ 3-5: 0-0 to Penetanguishene re- sidents will be an in- crease Of $56.45 over last year for a total 1982 tax of $724.65. Of this amount $170 goes to public schools, $147 to secondary schools, $365 to the town and $41.27 to the county. Meanwhile approval has been given for expansion of the Dock Lunch by town council. The municipal ar- chitect will examine expansion plans to ensure that they will fit in with town develop- ment plans for the dock area, and the eventual site of a neighbouring hotel. Dock Lunch owner Nick Boudouris has six equirements pushed the months to double his floor area to ap- proximately 4000 square feet. In making its recommendation to council for the approval of the expansion, planning board cautions that "the development should not detract from the hotel site such that someone would be discouraged from building a hotel at a later date." The review by the town architect 'could be done this week,' according to councillor Ron Baker. The town will also grant Bourdouris access at the south by means of a easement over town land. Parking requirements will be determined by council following the architects recomme- ndations. PENETANGUISHENE CURLING CLUB Winning smiles The 1981-82 curling season came to a close in Penetanguishene last Saturday night when the Penetanguishene Curling Club held its annual. dinner and awards night at the Curling Club Lounge. Members and guests were treated to a delicious spagetti dinner, after which it was down to the business of presenting the seasons' spoils to the winners. Four sets of trophies were presented, one set in each categary of mens', ladies', mixed and individual awards. Shown above receiving the Penetang Okeefe Mixed Trophy from club president Ted Ross (left) are from left to right, the members of the Bob Ruston rink, Bob Ruston, Diane Ruston, Mary Bell and Les Bell. -Photo by Bob Murray Rubber stamps condofor mall Town of Penetanguishene has given its blessing to the conversion of the High Poyntz Mall to con- dominium units. Planning board had objected to the use of the ocndominium act by the developers of the mall, Edilizia Canadese, to obtain two severances. However, the developers have now agreed to include all their holdings int he condominium conve- rsion eliminating the severance question. Councillor Ron Baker explained that under the new condominium corporation "from a tenants point of view they would feel more secure; now they have nothing, but at least then they'll have equity." Under the conversion proposal, tenants can buy their shop and join the ocndominum cor- poration. Councillor Baker said Monday "I'm in favour of anything that will get that place off the ground." i; mots employer pour decrire la fin de s2maine du 23 avril? La nature elle-meme etait dela fete! Ce fut... fantastique! Pour moi, le tout commenca vraiment a la ceremonie d'ouverture de |'ecole secondaire Le Caron. Enfin, le travail assidu de tant de fran- cophones courageux et tenances, etait reconnu - devenait une realite acceptee et annoncee partout dans le pays. Notre message d'espoir etait visible: une belle ecole toute neuve. Les larmes aux yeux, la gorge nouee (non, je n'exagere pas!), j'ecoutai les paroles bien choisies du Pere Viateur Laurin: "Dieu n'aime pas les vieux. Non Dieu n'aime pas les vieux, I] aime les jeunes"' . . . "'Les jeunes tout rides, les jeunes aux cheveux blancs, les jeunes courbes par l'age..." 'Je vous souhaite de ne jamais avoir de vieux dans votre ecole. Je vous souhaite des jeunes"'. Vous pourrez lire le compte-rendu complet des ceremonies dans le Gout de Vivre. Suffit que je finisse en disant que je suis fiere d'avoir pu participer aux evenements qui menerent a la fete du 23 avril 1982. Je me sens heureuse d'avoir pu connaitre et d'avoir travaille avec des gens formidables d'ici et d'ailleurs. Ce fut une experience unique et inoubliable. Nouveau Coordonnateur Il faut bien revenir sur terre et annoncer une mauvaise nouvelle et une bonne nouvelle. La mauvaise, tout d'abord: Serge Prud'homme, notre coordonnateur au Centre, nous quitte. Il participera au projet "Destination Ste- Marie" de la Mission Ste-Marie et partira du Centre le 12 mai. Nous le regretterons beaucoup et du meme coup, nous nous comptons chanceux de l'avoir connu et d'avoir travaille avec lui. De toute facon, il a promis de revenir dans la region a l'automne, Bonne chance, Serge. Maintenant, la bonne nouvelle: Jean Laporte, natif de Rockland, Ontario est le nouveau coordonnateur a la programmation du Centre d'activites francaises. Jean a une tres bonne connaissance des ateliers suivants du Centre: photographie, serigraphie et poterie (son pere est potier en residence au Centre culturel Ste-Famillle a Rockland). Jean est egalement muscien chevronne. Il a eu de |'experience a organiser un festival plus gros que notre Festival des quenouilles et a travaille avec des jeunes dans des ateliers socio-culturels. Nous n'avons au cun doute qu'il sera un atout ap- preciable a l'equipe des directeurs et des employes du Centre. Jean, nous te souhaitons une bienvenue chaleureuse. Emplois D'Ete Au Centre Offre d'emploi dirige a un(e) jeune etudiant(e) fancophone du niveau collegial ou universitaire pret a commencer lundi le 3 mai. Poste: assistant(e) au coordonnateur a la programmation. Duree; 18 semaines. Contactez le Centre d'activites francaises au 549-3116. Nous attendons une reponse favorable d'Experience '82 et d'Emploi et Immigration Canada afin de pouvoir offrir un camp d'ete et le Cafe de la cour, ce qui voudrait dire un total de dix (10) emplois pour etudiant(e)s des niveaux secondaire, collegial et universitaire. Boutique Chez-Nous C'est la Fete des meres dimanche le 9 mai. Voici quelques suggestions de cadeaux pour la Fete des meres et des grand-meres a la Boutique Chez-Nous: 1) ensemble de the pour deux. Le service comprend une theiere qui comporte l'inscription 'The pour deux" et deux tasses, sur l'une "MOI" est inscrit et sur l'autre "TOI". Se range en empilant chaque piece l'une sur l'autre. Le tout mesure 10" de haut; 2) ensemble the avec une tasse, la theiere comporte ]'inscription "The pour maman" ou "The pour Grand'Maman": 3) des tasses personnalisees ainsi qu'un assortiment de tasses variees; 4) des napperons, des tabliers, des poignees, des sacs a main en catalogne, des porte-cles personnalises, des epinglettes, des roses en epinglettes ou coursage, des disques, papier a lettres, ete .. Nous avons aussi de jolies cartes pour la Fete des meres. Wednesday, April 28, 1982, Page 3

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