Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 8 Apr 1981, p. 3

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francaises Cafe Le 4 avril au soir environ 110 personnes etaient presentes au Cafe Chantant, plusieurs d'entre eux revenaient de la "Nuit sur l'etang"' a Sudbury, plusieurs autres etaient trop "fanes"' pour s'y rendre... Malgre le petit groune, l'atmosphere etait amicale et detendue et la soiree se deroula parmi les chansons et la musique de nos talents. Nous tenons a remercier les membres du Choeur de la Baie Georgienne, qui se presentaient en spectacle pour la premiere fois: Mile Elaine Paulin qui nous chanta 'Un enfant le sait," "Evergreen" et "En par- tant": Mme. Claire Robitaille qui raconta et chanta son "Petit Pierre' compose par elle- meme: M. Yves Marchand avec "Visage de parole", "Tous les enfants" et 'Pour gravir la scene'; Mme. Madeleine Dubeau et '"'Mon amour", "Could I have this dance?" et "Chante-la ta chanson"; Mlle Lisa Robitaille chanta 'Ange de mon berceau", "L'im- portant c'est la rose"' et "'Don't cry out loud"; M. Denis Chartrand nous presenta 'Pour mon p'tit gars', "L'hiver en Huronie" et "Pour moi c't'assez"; M. Pierre Lamoureux et Mile Nicole Lecuyer avec 'Un autre', "Reflexions", 'La plus belle saison de l'annee"; M. Pierre Marchand interpreta "Le nic-bois", 'Les blues du metropole"; Miles Nicole Marchand et Louise Cadeau le suivirent avec "'Les cloches du hameaw", "Le frigidaire", 'C'est beau la vie' et M. Yves Marchand revint clore la soiree avec un pot- pourri franco-ontarien. Merci a tous ces talents qui donnent leur temps pour faire plaisir a nous tous. Merci aussi au Comite de spectacles du Centre d'activites francaises. Reunion Annuelle Mardi le 31 mars avait lieu la reunion an- nuelle du Centre d'activites francaises. L'ordre du jour etait assez charge; c'est la qu'on s'apercoit que le Centre est tres occupe et actif! Suivant la lecture et adoption de l'ordre du jour et la lecture et adoption du proces-verbal de la reunion annuelle de 1l'annee derniere, Basile Dorion, directeur du Centre, fit la presentation des documents suivants: 1) Rapport d'activites et 2) Rapport financier de notre annee fiscale 1980-81; 3) program- mation et 4) prevision budgetaires pour l'annee 1981-82. M. Roland Desroches, president du Centre donna un rapport des reunions du Conseil d'administration ensuite vint les amendements a la constitution. La lecture de tous ces rapports nous donna soif et un bon vin et fromage ou cafe nous prepara pour la seconde partie de la soiree qui comprenait la dissolution du Conseil d'administration, la nomination d'un president d'election, M. Denis Levert et une secretaire, Claudette Paquin. L'election, comme telle suivit et les membres elus furent: Soeur Priscilla Maurice, Claudette Paquin, Gilles Maurice, Rosita M. DesRoches, Victor Moreau, Roland Desroches, Bernard Desroches, Joan Nor- theott. Denis Levert et Adrien Lamoureux. Les nouveaux elus se retirerent pour se nommer un president: M. Roland Desroches - un vice-president: M. Adrien Lamoureux - un tresorier: M. Denis Levert - deux secretaires: Soeur Priscilla et Rosita M. et des con- seillers: Mme. Joan Northcott, Messieurs Bernard Desroches, Victor Moreau et Gilles Maurice et Claudette Paquin. La date fixee pour les reunions du Conseil d'administration demeure la meme, soit le troisieme mardi de chaque mois. Un petit rappel: les reunions sont ouvertes a tous puisque le Centre appartient a tous les francophones de la region de Simcoe. La soiree se termina par la degustation de vin et fromage. Nous aimerions signaler la presence de Mlle Monique Guibert du Secretariat d'Etat a notre reunion annuelle. Session d'Evaluation, d'Orientation et Plan d'action L'AFCO regional, par l'entremise de son animatrice, Rejeanne Guay, a organise une session regroupant quelques groupes fran- cophones de la region. La premiere rencontre a eut lieu lundi soir le 6 avril au Centre d'activites francaises. La prochaine rencontre se tiendra au meme endroit mardi le 14 avril a 20h00. Cette session est composee de trois phases: 1) Evaluation, 2) Orientation et 3) Plan d'action. Des gens actifs au sein de differents groupes fran- cophones sont bienvenus. Chantant Z. a Fisherman's point Bert Higgs of Midland had the point south- west of the town dock all to himself Monday. The wind was so strong that it blew his line to shore. Casting under these conditions was impossible. He fished the previous day from the town dock, in the background, but said Monday that day his line would have gone under the dock. Fishermen dot the point from early light to dusk from spring to fall. Fishing from the town dock is prohibited by bylaw between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. RC trustees receive homework assignment Trustees of he Simeoe County Pas Catholic Separate School Board received a homework assignment at the April 1 meeting of the board. A 130 page discussion paper on continuing education labelled the third system was presented to the trustees with covering memorandum from the Minister. of Education. The naper discusses the whole part-time education scene as mounted by _ school boards,~ community colleges, and univer- sities. Trustees were asked by the Minister to complete a 13 page questionnaire for submission to the Ministry's Continuing Education Task Force. Meanwhile the next phase of the review of secondary education in Ontario will occur about Mav 1. Director of Education W. P. Bolger explained at the April 1 meeting of the Simcoe Countv Roman Catholic Separate School Board that all students in Grade 7 to 13 in the province will receive a Discussion Paper that dav. The paper is expected to be taken home to parents for reading and comment to be directed to the Secondary Education Review Project Seeretariat. The discussion paper 'will also be distributed to the Ministry of Education's standard mailing list and to other constituencies such as Chambers of Com- merce. labour unions, _ ete... This phase of the review will represent an opportunity for massive public response relative to secondary school education for the future in the Province of Ontario. And the _ superin- tendent of schools D. G. Carroll explained at the April 1 meeting County Roman Catholic Separate School Board how students in the board's schools would be involved in the 1981 Census. Students will learn from prepared material formation gathered in a ment decisions' on grants. legislation, and even Members of Parliament how important the in- census is for govern- the number ' of we have. census forms. Mr. Carroll noted that it would be an excellent opportunity for children and parents to learn together and practise good citizenship in the process. The aim is not only one of understanding for students but hopefully the transmission home of the need to readily respond and return Transport for disabled The priority of the Huronia Tiny-Tay Han- dicanned Association for the Physically Disabled is to create a transportation system for the disabled, volunteer co-ordinator Ray Lalonde savs. Other aims of the fledgling group are opening a recvcling centre for donated items: -- raising public awareness of lack of, and lobbving for, easier means of physical entry to public places and shopping; -- helping the handicapped to help themselves to live a personal life regardless of the obstacles in the community. A survey is being run to determine the need for special transportation for the disabled. The association also is forming a social club with. Lalonde says, six objectives. To provide an opportunity for the handicapped citizens to meet on a regular basis. To assist handicapped people with any problems thev may face due to their handicap, family benefit rights, recreational needs, and so on. To develop a recreational program that will provide an outlet for handicapped citizens to achieve happiness and to continue personal growth. first priority of new group To increase public awareness towards the needs of handicapped citizens. To sive handicapped citizens, through their own collective efforts and leadership, the opportunity to better conditions in their community, both for themselves and for others, and the opportunity to be recognized and to be integrated into their community, thereby strengthening their com- munitv. To utilize a transportation system. The social club's purpose is to reach han- dicanned citizens who would normally not be in- volved in the mainstream of community life and to provide an environment of social friendship and interaction with other handicapped citizens. On Feb. 15 the association, which is still organized itself, applied for a grant from the International Year of the Disabled Committee in Ottawa. a committee set up in recognition of 1981 as the United Nation's Year of the Physically Disabled. The association's temporary office is at 9A Simeoe Street, Penetanguishene (526-2702). The mailing address is Huronia Handicapped Association, Box 621, Penetanguishene, Ontario. LOK 1P0. We asked you Should lanes' names be changed? The Some of the residents cit. of the lanes have petitioned council to leave the names of the lanes alone, citing financial costs if a This week Penetanguishene izen asked the question, What do you think of the recommendation to council that council run into problems over the names' historical value. People know the lanes as what they are now and it tends to be confusing if there is a and T have had three different addresses. I don't know what I want to see a change now because of the trouble. I wouldn't want to see it change the names of the town's lanes? The town's eight lanes have had their unofficial names for years, in some cases decades. The main point in favour of name changes is that confusion would no longer result from having a lane with the same name as a nearby street. e.g. Robert Street and Robert Lane. change is made, as well as predicting confusion. Jeannette Tracey Thev wouldn't be changing the names drastically. Just. one name fo another. It doesn't seem to have a purpose. The old people of this town are con- fused enough without thal sort of thing. Denis Marchildon I live on Robert Lane changed. Marg Boucher I believe that the peonle who live on the lanes would like to see the names stay as they are known by that name. That's where you changed. Andy Dupuis wt doesn't matter to . T don't live in the re I can't see any need for the change. Whv change it? April 25 -- Rummage sale on Sat., basement -- of St. April 25 in the Ann's'~ Church, Penetanguishene, tween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League. Wednesday, April 8, 1981, Page 3

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