Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 18 Mar 1981, p. 3

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2 eee It's that time | of the year again Each winter Penetanguishene's Historic Naval and Military Establishments faces the major task of hiring a sizeable staff of summer students (as shown in the above photo of last year's contingent) who will work as colourful guides and interpreters. The bulk of the hiring is now completed for the coming season and with a sizeable number of students coming from outside Huronia, they are in need of summer accommodations. If you have a place you would be willing to rent, with or without board, from May 1 to Labour Day, please contact Huronia Historical Parks at 526-7838. Photo by Odesse Summer students | Huronia-home away from home for interpreters... Huronia Historical university and college tegral role in bringing terpreters in first part of May to either of the two towns as liaison for the Parks received over 500 students have now been history alive at Sainte- exhaustive two week Labour Day," said and of course are more _ students and landlords. ! applications this winter hired for the coming - Marie and the orientation session Armstrong. than willing to pay a Anyone who has from students in- season following an Establishments this beginning in early May. reasonable fee," added accommodations for terested in working as extensive recruitment summer. "You just can't un- Fee Milligan. rent is asked to contact | 'summer interpreters drive. derestimate how im- "Our students are Huronia Historical Kathy Voorzanger by and guides at the Two employees from Session portant these students also eager to accept Parks will handle the calling Huronia Historic Naval and each site blitzed 15 Frank Milligan at the are to both sites for offers of room and assimilation of in- Historical Parks at 526- Military Establishm- colleges and univer- Establishments and giving our visitors a board from residents in formation and will act 7838. | ents at Penetanguishene and Sainte-Marie among the Hurons at Midland. The staff of 90 sities around Ontario in a two week campaign in search of top notch interpreters and guides who will play an in- Sainte-Marie's Sharon Armstrong are responsible for developing the students into first class in- Cash stolen from Bavarian House An investigation is underway into the theft of the cash register of the Bavarian House restaurant some time Saturday or Sunday. Midland OPP report that a person or persons forced a window to gain entry to the rural restaurant and that the the cash register. The $600 of estimated lost cash is the lesser part of the $1,600 total estimated loss, the larger part being the value of the cash register. | Midland OPP are also looking for a snowmobile stolen from person or persons took a cottage utility shed on March 19 -- Protection against tetanus, polio, red measles, German measles and mumps is available at a clinic to be held in the Midland Health Unit office, 578 King Street, (rear entrance of the Department of Transport building) between 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Thurs., March 19. For more information, telephone 526-9325. Baxter Lake, Georgian Bay Township, between Feb. 1 and March 15. The OPP was in- formed Sunday of the theft of the snow vehicle, the property of David Heathfield of _ Burlington, Ontario. Cases of break and enter led the list of occurrences _ investig- ated by the Midland OPP between March 9 and March 16. There were two fewer cases of theft. six. Eleven charges were laid under the Liquor Licence Act. Seven drivers were charged with driving while impaired. colourful and accurate impression of two ex- citing periods' in Canadian __history,"' commented Milligan. Half of last summer's staff are expected back this season and just under one-third of the students are from Huronia making this area the greatest single source of student em- ployees. However, there are still a sizeable number of students coming from outside Huronia and one major problem is fin- ding temporary ac- commodations for them. "We are appealing to residents in the Midland-Penetangui- shene area to contact us if they know of ac- commodations that could be rented out to our students from the February patrollers School safety patrollers for the month of February in Penetanguishene were: Jana Zylich, Corpus Christi, 'left: Terri Anne Price, Burkevale, centre, and Sandra Marion, St. Joseph, right. Behind is Constable Arthur Lizotte, who recently gave the three patrollers their prizes. « francaises S C'est ce samedi soir! Une facon garantie de chasser les "'bleus'"' du mois de mars: un "RIGODON"' au Centre d'activites fran- caises. Emportez votre musique, vos chansons, votre joie de vivre et venez les partager avec vos amis, vos parents, vos voisins ... Artistes invites: M. Alcide Robitaille, le gagnant du con- cours de violoneux du Carnaval; et Messieurs Paul Genier et Ovila Desroches. QUAND: Samedi le 21 mars, 1981 a 20h00. OU: Au Centre d'activites francaises, Grande Salle. COMBIEN: $3.00 / adulte - $2.00 / etudiant. P.S. Nous servirons du P'tit Caribou et un delicieux gouter a la Canadienne pour ter- miner la soiree. Vous avez votre mot a dire Le Centre d'activites francaises veut repondre a vos desirs et a vos attentes - nous sommes la pour vous servir. Mardi le 31 a la reunion annuelle du Centre d'activites francaises, venez donner votre facon de penser et elire des personnes competentes au Conseil d'administration du Centre. Cette reunion est pour tous les Profitez-en rigodon francophones de la region. La soiree se ter-. minera par un vin et fromage. La nuit sur l'etang Les grenouilles sont la! Les grenouilles fetent! A la Nuit sur l'etang - une nuit de musique francophone, surtout franco- ontarienne par des artistes connus dans leur milieu, des artistes de la releve. QUAND: Vendredi le 3 avril a 20h00. OU: A l'Universite Laurentienne, Sudbury. COMMENT: Par autobus. COMBIEN:. Entree au $5.00 / etudiant, $7.00 / adulte. COMBIEN: Transport: le cout est a determiner dependant du conducteur d'autobus. Nous sommes a faire les demarches necessaires - les resultats seront connus aujourd'hui, vous n'avez qu'a telephoner au 549-3116 et demander a parler a Chantal ou Ghisele. L'hebergement se fait a l'Universite, apportez vos sacs de couchage. spectacle: Cafe Chantant Le lendemain de la Nuit sur l'etang, donc samedi le 4 avril a 20h00 a la Salle Paroissiale de Lafontaine, le Centre d'activites fran- caises presentera un Cafe chantant. A date, Mme. Linda Desroches (Denis) a accepte de s'y produire. Nous avons contacte plusieurs autres ar- tistes de la region et attendons leur reponse avec espoir. Octroi du secretariat d'etat Le Centre d'activites francaises est recipiendaire d'un octroi de $13,000 du Secretariat d'Etat a Ottawa, pour completer le projet special "Centre culturel - reflet de sa communaute". Ce projet a debute par un sondage aupres des differents groupes francophones de la region, incluant les ecoles, afin de prendre conscience des desirs et des attentes de nos gens, jeunes de 3 a 90 ans et plus, face aux activites artistiques et culturelles que le Centre d'activites francaises est en mesure d'offrir. Cet octroi aidera a defrayer le salaire de la coordonnatrice a la programmation et les frais de la programmation que nous avions prevu pour l'annee derniere. D'autres questionnaires doivent etre distribues aux parents et groupes francophones de la region - lorsque les resultats seront compiles, le _ personnel du Centre sera en mesure de mettre sur pied une programmation qui saura mieux repondre aux besoins et desirs de la communaute francophone. Calendrier d'activites a venir Samedi 21 mars a 20h00 au Centre d'ac- tivites francaises: "RIGODON"', Samedi 28 mars a la cabane a sucre de Paul Desroches a Lafontaine: fete d'un groupe du Centre francophone de Toronto. Les gens de Penetanguishene et Lafontaine et region y sont invites. Toute la journee. Vendredi 3 avril a 20h00 a 1l'Universite Laurentienne a Sudbury: La Nuit sur l'etang. Samedi 4 avril a 20h00 a la Salle Paroissiale de Lafontaine: Cafe Chantant. Vendredi 24 avril a la Salle Paroissiale de Lafontaine: groupe professionnel. Samedi 9 mai a la Salle Paroissiale de Lafontaine: piece de theatre "'La Mesure Humaine" par la Corvee et la Vieille 17 (vous vous souvenez surement de Jean-Marc Dalpe dans "Les Murs de nos Villages' et "Protegera nos foyers et ...") Samedi 9 mai au Centre d'activites fran- caises a 21h00: "On s'fete"' en collaboration avec le club Richelieu. Wednesday, March 18, 1981, Page 3

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