Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 30 Jul 1980, p. 12

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frangaises Reunion du CCLF, vente- trottoir Vente-Trottoir La Boutique Chez-nous et le Cafe de la Cour participeront a la _ vente-trottoir de Penetanguishene qui commencera jeudi, le 31 juillet. La Boutique contribuera un prix approprie et le Cafe de la Cour offre un repas pour deux. Les participants seront eligibles a participer au concours general des marchands de la ville. Beergarden au centre Samedi le 2 aout, le Cafe de la Cour, a l'arriere du Centre d'activites francaises, est licencie sous "occasions speciales'"' du LLBO. Voila une belle occasion de se detendre en ecoutant un artiste local en spectacle, vers 20h30. Reunion - CCLF Jeudi, le 31 juillet a 20h00, reunion men- suelle/du Comite consultatif de langue francaise au Centre d'activites francaises, 63, rue Main, Penetanguishene. Veuillez noter: la reunion n'aura pas lieu a la librairie de P.S.S. tel qu'annonce, mais au Centre. Depart - Encore Cette fois c'est Soeur Juliette Maurice, csc, qui nous annonce son depart pour Gaugama, prevu pour la fin d'aout. Soeur Juliette secondera Soéur Rita Quesnelle, deja en place, dans son travail paroissial. Nous souhaitons bonne chance a Soeur Juliette et lui disons un gros merci pour son devouement toujours constant et present. Sachant que son sejour est un essai, nous gardons l'espoir de la revoir parmi nous bientot. Theatre-anime - une piece de theatre La troupe des "Enarves" de Theatre- anime, subventionne par Emploi et Immigration (projet d'ete) a travers du Centre d'activites francaises, vous presente: | "Caline de binnes". C'est une piece creee\ collectivement par cing etudiants qui parlent de la vie des gens de _ Lafontaine, Penetanguishene et Perkinsfield. La piece sera presentee au cours de la semaine du 18 aout aux trois localites. L'heure et l'em- placement ne sont pas encore determines. Offre d'emploi - Ottawa Direction-Jeunesse recherche' un(e) secretaire general(e) pour assurer la coodination de ses activites. Le lieu:de travail est Ottawa et la date d'entree en fonction est le 15 septembre 1980. Les exigences sont: connaissances et experience en _ gestion financiere - connaissance de 1'Ontario franca's, de ses ressources, ces organismes et des agences gouvernementales - con- naissances en techniques d'animation et de developpement communautaire - maitrise du francais parle et ecrit; bilinguisme requis - aptitudes a travailler avec jeunesse (15 a 25 ans) - aptitudes et experience au travail d'equipe. Adresser votre demande ac- compagne d'un curriculum vitage avant le 11 aout 1980 a l'adresse suivante: Comite d'embauche, Direction-Jeunesse, 173, rue Dalhousie, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7C7. Tel.: (613) 238-1213. Offre d'emploi - La Federation des Jeunes Canadiens Francais La Federation des Jeunes Canadiens- Francais recherche un(e) Directeur(trice) general(e) pour assurer l'administration, la planification, la coordination et la bonne marche des projets de l'organisme et ce, de concert avec le conseil d'administration. Les exigences sont: capacite a travailler avec les jeunes - bonne connaissance du francais parle et ecrit - connaissance du milieu franco- canadien et du milieu jeunesse - formation en animation et (ou) en administration - trois ans d'experience relies aux domaines ci-haut mentionnes - facilite au niveau des relations publiques et humaines. Lieu de travail: Ottawa - le (la) candidat(e) aura a voyager a travers le pays. Date limite: les personnes interessees au poste devront faire parvenir leur curriculum vitae (avant le 20 aout 1980 a: Federation des Jeunes Canadiens-Francais, 1, rue Nicholas, piece 602, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7B6. La date d'entree en fonction est le debut de septembre, 1980. Artist's landscapes out of this world On display at this year's show of art sponsored by _ the Georgian Bay Art Society were the ex- pected: landscapes, sketches, and portraits. But back in the far left corner of Midland's Centennial Arena were two very large canvases with space ships and moons and a large figure inside a very red armoured suit. Also in the far left corner were some mildly sexy portraits of women in_ various stages of undress. Randall Promm was the name on the bottom Cormenr: The Penetanguishene re- sident sold three pieces during the show. Two were science fiction. The third was a land- scape, in the Van Gogh tradition, he said. Promm, a graduate of Georgian College's Creative Art course, would like to "give a shot"' to making a living out of art. An ideal career would be creating cover paintings for a major paperback line, such as Ballantine Books of New York, in the style of popular illustrators such as Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo. In his sf paintings Promm tries to create the same effect he feels when watching a movie like Star Wars. Ray Bradbury is one of his favourite authors. Omni Magazine is a good source as well for stories and inspirational graphics. Promm has found that painting sf subjects requires attention to perspective, detail, and colouring. A _ large amount of patience is also needed. After doing a series of sf subjects Promm turns to a more prosaic landscape because he finds painting a landscape a good way to relax. Monday in the basement of his parents' home he showed a work in progress. The large canvas showed space ships hurtling through a mountain pass guarded by a spider-like machine. A number of the details were only sketched. Promm doesn't use oil paints. He _ prefers acrylics and water- colours. Acrylics are faster drying and more brilliant, he says. He uses a palate knife and paints directly from the tube, or slowly builds a scene working with watercolours. He is considering taking photographs of his current work in Failure to yield Causes four accidents Three minor car accidents occurred Monday and one on Saturday in Midland because one of the drivers in each accident failed to yield. Monday ' afternoon Marlene Dickinson 21, of Queen Street, Midland failed to yield at Dominion Street while driving north on Queen. Hit was Marilyn Jackson, 31, of Lindsay Street, Midland who was travelling east on Dominion Street. Dickinson was charged with failing to yield at a yield sign, and with not possessing a driver's licence. Damage to the front of Jackson's car was $1,000, to the left front and hood of Dickinson's car $1,200. At 12:50 p.m. Daniel Desroches, 19, of R.R. 3, Penetang, pulled out of a driveway at 586 King Street into the path of Maynard Leduc, 28, of King Street, Midland. Damage to _ both vehicles was estimated to be $1,300. Desroches was charged with failing to yield from a private drive. Twenty minutes earlier Cathleen Tietz, 42, of Balm Beach Road, Perkinsfield, pulled onto Hugel Avenue from Fourth Street into the path of another car. Damage to the other Page)12, Wednesday, July 30,:1980 | Watch your step Safety-conscious Steve Mannshardt of Oakland, California relaxed in his bath reading an article 'Water falls and how to avoid them.' Stepping out on to a wet, tiled floor, Mannshardt slipped and fell. car, driven by a Toronto woman, was $900. Damage to Tietz' car was $1,200. Tietz was charged with failing to yield. Saturday around 5:30 p.m. June Trosty, 42, of Queen Street, stopped in the middle of King Street when she saw a motorcycle approac- hing her from the south. She was driving east on Dominion Street. The motorcycle, driven by Harry Ferris, 20, of Burke Street, Penetanguishene, st- ruck her car in the side. Damage to both vehicles was _ $300. Ferris received minor injuries. Trosty was charged with failing to yield. ne! ae We THE WORLD IS YOURS.../F YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Welcome Wagon hostess is the right person to help you find a place in your new community. Call 526-8574 Man in progress to obtain, when complete, an effect similar to an animated movie. Music is a source of inspiration as well as fiction and movies. A favourite of Promm's is "Snowflakes are dan- cing," an album of electronic music by the Japanese composer Tomita, which Promm describes as a take-off on the work of classical French composer Debussy. This is the last week of a two-week course in cartooning and watercolour _ painting that Promm is teaching 2 which Moon Kirstin Morrison takes a close look at Surface Patrol on the Planet Krupp during the show of art Sunday at the Midland arena. The large painting under the auspices of the Georgian College Summer School of the Arts. It's not hard work. His class of 10 students ranging in age from four to seven years of age take in the techniques he shows them and then "they just take off on their own." * ' * was done with acrylics on canvas and was priced at $175. Kirstin was visiting her aunt and uncle. Shop and Save at Open Sundays for your Convenience CANTELOUPE | Produce of U.S.A. 99°. Ont. Grown Canada No. 1 Grade ROMAINE LETTUCE Sel. Ont. Grown, No. 1 Grade ceLerY 49°., Local Canada No. 1 Grade pLums 49%, BANANAS 19° From the Tropics Ib POP SHOPPE ON PREMISES SPECIALS EFFECTIVE JULY 30 TO AUGS WHILE SUPPLIES ust} (Eee Located on Hwy. 27, Midland Orchard Fresh Wholesale is Zellers/Dominion E Hwy 27 Hugel Ave. RE i

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