Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 2 Aug 1978, p. 15

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MONDAY AUGUST 7, 1978 EVENING 6:00 eHo20o00o0 NEWS 3 COM- O eat GAMES Live coverage of events in athletics and bowls. (6) GLOBAL NEWS (9) DEFINITION Guests: Blake Emmons, Kate Reid. (R) POLKA DOT DOOR CE SOIR 6:14 TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 6:30 (@ NBC NEWS CBS NEWS @ ADAM-12 Clinic On 18th Street" The officers initiate an investigation into medi- cal fraud. WORLD NEWS TONIGHT © NEWS @ PARTY GAME @® COVER TO COVER 'Mine For Keeps"' PROPOS ET CON- FIDENCES Invite: Emile Leqault. (4e de 6) 6:45 @ _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Parlez-Moi: Sol Goes To The Beach" 7:00 @W®O BOBBY VIN- TON Guests: Patti Page, Steve Bluestein. (R) @) LIARS CLUB CROSS-WITS @@® WINNER'S CIR- CLE Host: Mike Darow. TO TELL THE TRUTH @ LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE "Meet Me At The Fair?"" @ LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE @® _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Suivez La Piste: Fin De Piste"' DANIEL BOONE "L'Agent double' 7:30 @@®OQO HEADLINE HUNTERS Three guests attempt to iden- tify famous people, Places, objects or events by means of Clues in headline form. @ IN SEARCH OF... "Immortality" Is science on the track of "cures" for old age and death? @ NEWLYWED GAME [6] SANFORD AND SON "My Fair Esther' Fred decides to transform Aunt Esther into an elegant lady. HOLLYWOOD SQUARES @ BASEBALL @ MAGIC SHADOWS "Gorqo"' (Part 1 of 4) 8:00 @®O Six MILLION DOLLAR MAN 'The Return Of Death Probe" Steve Austin desperate- ly tries to immobilize a seemingly indestructible robot programmed to destroy a city. (Part 1 of 2)(R) @) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE "Be My Friend" Laura finds a mysterious message ina bottle which leads her to an abandoned baby. (R) @® ROYAL VISIT '78 "Royal Tour' A recap of Queen Eliza- beth's visit to Newfoundland, Saskatchewan and Alberta, including open- ing ceremonies at the XI Commonwealth Games and her Speech to the Nation. 90 THE JEFFERSONS George regrets his decision to bring another child into the house over Louise's objections. (R) BASEBALL @ SPEAKING OUT "Slipping Standards In The Schools -- Myth Or Reality?" MAITRES" ET VALETS "Mariage blanc" (8e de 13) 8:30 (3) RENE SIMARD Guest: Ren Woods. (R) (4 6 22) GOOD TIMES The Evans fami- ly discovers that their new boarder is the only surviving witness in an important trial. (R) 9:00 @W MOVE «xy "Night Moves" (1975) Gene Hackman, Susan Clark. A private detec- tive with marital prob- lems goes to Florida to find a teenaged runa- way. 6@o COM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in cycling, diving, gymnastics, swimming and weightlifting. M*A*S*H Haw- keye falls in love with a beautiful Korean woman. (R) @@® SECOND City TV Television game shows are satirized in sketches which include "Dante's Inferno" and "Madame Blitzman."" © MOVIE «xx "The Next Man" (1976) Sean Connery, Cornelia Sharpe. A Middle East diplomat stuns fellow U.N. delegates with a controversial plan for peace. (19) ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS 'Jude The Obscure" LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH Evenements choisis: Natation, gymnastique et cyclisme. 9:30 (@) NBC MOVIE xxx "Columbo: How To Dial A Murder" (1978) Peter Falk, Nicol Williamson A noted psychologist specializing in mind control uses his expertise to slay his per- sonal assistant. (R) (4 6) ONE DAY AT A TIME Barbara is con- vinced she is responsi- ble for a lonely class- mate's overdose of sleeping pills. (Part 2 of 2)(R) 10:00 @ LOU GRANT A kind-hearted Lou can- not find the courage to reject the unwanted attentions of a lonely widow. (R) @ @ GLOBAL NEWS @ TALKING FILM "Designing Movies" 10:30 THE NATIVE AMER- ICANS "Cherokee" @ LE TELEJOURNAL 10:47 @ TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 11:00 @ ® O CTVNEWS @O@O®O NEws 3 [5] CBC NATIONAL NEWS [6 | NAKED CITY "Let Me Die Before | Wake" When he discov- ers that his wife Rosie is involved with Nick Carvine, Joe Calageras becomes so shocked that he doesn't leave the block on which he lives for three years. 119) NIGHTMUSIC "Short Turn" LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH Evenements choisis: Plongeon et halterophi- lie. MARY TYLER MOORE 'You Some- times Hurt The One You Hate" Ted takes advan- tage of Lou's new image as the office "pussycat." 11:22 @ NEwSs 11:30 @ TONIGHT Guest host: Rob Reiner. Guests; Cheryl Ladd, Billy Crystal. @ CBS LATE MOVIE ** = "McMillan And Wife: Downshift To Danger" (1974) Rock Hudson, Susan St James. The McMillans compete in a sports car rally plagued by mysteri- ous pranks and freak accidents. COMMONWEALTH GAMES A wrap-up of the day's events. MOVIE xx "Sullivan's Empire" (1967) Martin Milner, After Linden Chiles. their father disappears following a plane crash in the jungle, his three sons begin to search for him. @ LYNNE GORDON Guest: Frank Drea. @ CORPORATION "International Opera- tions" 11:47 @ MERV GRIFFIN 11:50 MOVIE **x*'% "Good Morning, Miss Dove" (1955) Jennifer Jones, Robert Stack. A stern schoolmarm changes the lives of a generation of New Eng- land townspeople 12:00 @® MIKE DOUGLAS TUESDAY AUGUST 8, 1978 (6 ] GLOBAL NEWS DEFINITION Guests: Blake Emmons, Kate Reid. (R) POLKA DOT DOOR CE SOIR 6:14 TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 6:30 NBC NEWS COM- 5] MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in athletics, boxing and shooting @ CBS NEWS 16) ADAM-12 "Camp One--Part |' The partners try to help a rebellious youth WORLD NEWS TONIGHT © NEws @ PARTY GAME @ COVER TO COVER "Favorite Fairy Tales Told In Japan" 'Tales The People Tell In China' @ PROPOS ET CON- FIDENCES Invite: Emile Legault. (5e de 6) 6:45 @ _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Parlez-Moi: Sol's Birthday Cake"' 7:00 @@®O STARS ON ICE Guests: Barbara Berezowski and David Porter, Tommy Curtin, Ginnie Greco and John Rait, Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones, Ziggy Woch. (R) (@) LIARS CLUB @ CROSS-WITS G@®@® WINNER'S CIR- CLE Host: Mike Darow. LO) TELE THE ' TRUTH @ THE MUPPETS @ ONE CANADA [19] OUTREACH ONTARIO "Landmarks Ontario" LE MONDE MER- VEILLEUX DE DISNEY "Pour l'amour d'un chien' (Derniere de 2) 7:30 @®@_ SEARCH AND RESCUE "'Thun- der Of Silence' The Alpha Team tries to res- cue a deaf boy who wanders away from his school and into great danger. (R) (@ HEE HAW HONEYS MARY TYLER MOORE @ NEWLYWED GAME @ = RYAN'S FANCY Fisherman-fiddler Mike MacDougall is visited in the Cape Breton com- munity of Ingonish. (R) @ @ SANFORD AND SON "The Greatest Show In Watts" Fred stages a Circus in a junkyard, complete with an elephant and Aunt Esther - eating fire. ALL-STAR ANY- THING GOES 'Wives Vs. Husbands" Games - - ball bearing, tread & retread, blindfold fieldgoal, get on the beam @ MUSIC SCENE @ PETER APPLE- YARD @ MAGIC SHADOWS "Gorgo"' (Part 2 of 4) @ MY THREE SONS "Office Mother' Steve hires a grandmother as his secretary, only to find her running his off- ice like a kitchen 8:00 @®@ CFL FOOT- BALL Ottawa Roughriders vs. Toronto Argonauts (2) JUST FOR LAUGHS Jack Albertson, John Ritter, and a variety of famous comedians are joined by up-and-com- ing comic talent in a topical humor special LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE @ FAMILY FILM CLASSICS 'Charlotte's Web" A friendly spider schemes to save her friend Wilbur the pig from the butcher. (Part 1 of 2)(R) @@®_ CELEBRATION OF SHIPS Bill Cook Jr hosts this coverage of an international gather- ing of great sailing ships and naval vessels in Vancouver to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Captain Cook's explora- tion of the Pacific coast. [6) WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT! Joseph Campanella and Tiiu Leek present: an ingenious device that Prevents trucks from jack-knifing on slippery Pavement; a remarkable wheelchair that moves with the command of the human voice; an emergency electronic device that can analyze a heart patient's condi- tion and instruct him to administer his own drugs; a method of con- trolling mosquitos; and a golfer's umbrella used as an aerial capable of ending out a radio sig- nal over a thousand miles away. HAPPY DAYS "Rules To Date By" A romantic weekend turns into disaster when a lumberjack decides he likes Richie's girlfriend. (R) @ _ vic FRANKLYN Guest performer Barba- ra McNair; guest musi- cian Guido Basso and a tribute to Hoagy Carmi- chael. @ DOWN TO EARTH "Hydroponics IV" LES FILLES DU CIEL GUNSMOKE "Muley" A young gun- man falls for one of Kitty's saloon girls while waiting to finish off Matt and rob the bank. Cohost: Ben Vereen. Guests: Max Gail, Rich- ard Belzer, Dion, Maxine Cheshire. oe MOVIE *'z "Five Man Army" (1970) Peter Graves, James Daly. Five men set out to heist a gold shipment from a train with most of the proceeds going to Mexican revolutionaries @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Totie Fields, Dr. Rex Kennamer, Dr. Jack Moshein, Dr. Richard Treiman, Keith Vinnecour LE DOSSIER SECRET DES TRESORS "Les Oiseaux de Petros- sa" 12:03 @ POLICE STORY 12:04 © IRONSIDE 8:30 @@@ LAVERNE & SHIRLEY "'The Slow Child" Laverne and Shirley witness the development of a mov- ing relationship between Mrs. Babish's '"'excep- tional child" and Lenny. (R) @ WHAT IS TRUTH? @ THE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS "All Of Baba's Children" @_ PUuLSION Invites Robert Paradis et Micheline Scott. 9:00 (@ NBC MOVIE *x*'% "Deadly Game" (1977) Andy Griffith, Dan O'Herlihy. A small-town police chief is hindered by government officials in his investigation of an auto accident involving a chemical-carrying truck. (R) (35) COM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in swimming, gymnas- tics, cycling, badminton and weightlifting @ CBS MOVIE **'% "Hell Boats" (1970) James Franciscus, Eliz- abeth Shepherd. An American naval com- mander is sent to the strategic island of Malta during World War II to break a Nazi blockade @@® SszySZnyk "A Star Is Burned' Nick Szysznyk is attracted to a glamorous singer at Hap's Bar, but ruins his chances THREE'S COMPA- NY 'Jack In The Flower Shop" Jack takes a Part-time job working for Janet in the florist shop. (R) 11) MOVIE *x* "Marriage: Year One" (1971) Sally Field, Rob- ert Pratt. A young Amer- ican medical student and his lively girlfriend find themselves in a large city. @ POWER PLAY WITH JUDY LAMARSH "Money" XIE JEUX DU COM- MONWEALTH Evene- ments choisis: Natation, athletisme et gymnas- tique 9:30 @@ MARY AND MICHAEL "Uncle Miltie" Michael's Uncle Miltie arrives with a young girl, causing everyone to become suspicious CARTER COUNTRY "Chief To Chief" Chief Roy confronts his archenemy Fire Chief Thorpe (Kenny Mars) over his use of dirty tricks in the annual baseball game. (R) 12:30 @ ONEDIN LINE "Quarantine" A plague breaks out on one of the three steamships James Onedin has chartered from his business rival and sister, Elizabeth 1:00 @@® GUNSMOKE "| Have Promises To Keep" Festus is caught in the middie when an Eastern preacher tries to bridge the prejuidice of the townspeople and Indians TOMORROW LE TELEJOURNAL 1:04 [9] MOVIE *x*'> "Three On A Couch (1966) Jerry Lewis, Janet Leigh. A man tries to cure his psychiatrist- fiancee's patients so that they can go on a @ 700 CLUB 10:00 © @ GLOBAL NEWS 20 / 20 ABC NEWSMAGAZINE @ DEJA DEMAIN 10:30 @® LES OLYMPIENS "Sprints" LE TELEJOURNAL 10:47 TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL [6] NAKED CITY "To Walk Like A Lion" To pay his mother's medical bills, Arnold Platt steals $7000 from the loan company where he is employed. @ THE LAW AND HOW IT WORKS "'Buy- ing A House" LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH MARY TYLER MOORE 'Lou And That Woman" Lou's romance with a cocktail lounge singer makes him feel 25 years younger, until he hears about her active past. 11:20 © NEws 11:22 © @ @® NEws 11:30 (@) BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Carson Guests Steve Lawrence, Jill Ireland, David Sayh, Dr. Paul Ehrlich. (R) @ CBS LATE MOVIE xk 'Counterfeit Green" (1971) David Janssen, Richard Jaeck- el. A United States treasury agent attempts to trap a brilliant master counterfeiter @ COMMONWEALTH GAMES A wrap-up of the day's events (7) MOVIE **'% "Nobody's Perfect" (1968) Doug McClure, Nancy Kwan. A man attempts to return a Buddha to a small vil- lage after he learns that its absence has brought bad luck @ LYNNE GORDON Guest: Jerry Orbach @ THE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS "All Of Baba's Children" @ SERGEANT BILKO "Bilko's Sharpshooter" 11:47 @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Joey Bishop, Mel Tillis, Phyllis Newman, Stan Kann i Paris honeymoon THE RIFLEMAN "The Executioner' A former friend of Lucas' is released from prison and asks Lucas for a job 1:30 NEWS 1:40 @ NEws 2:00 @ MOVIE xx "it's Your Move" (1968) Edward G. Robinson, Adolfo Celi. A distinqu- ished Englishman attempts to rob the bank in Majorca by replacing four of the bank's employees with his co-conspirators 3:10 © EMERGENCY ONE! 11:50 © MOVIE xxx*'e "Love Is A Many Splen- dored Thing' (1955) William Holden, Jenniter Jones. A Eurasian doc- tor and an American reporter fall in love in Hong Kong in 1949 12:00 @ ®W MIKE DOUGLAS Cohost: Ben Vereen Guests Phyllis Newman, Jacques Belli- ni, Hines and Hines @@® MOviceE «x "Seven Seas To Calais (1963) Rod Taylor, Keith Michell. The King of Spain becomes enraged when he discovers that the Queen of England has hired someone to plunder Spanish ships @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Lucille Ball, Rex Reed, Loretta Lynn Sarah McClendon, John Engstead @® AINSI VALA VIE 12:03 @ ABC MOVIE ** "Cleopatra Jones' (1973) Tamara Doloson, Shelley Winters. A female private eye sets out to destroy a power- ful drug ring 12:04 © IRONSIDE 12:30 @ MOVIE **'% 'The Great Dictator' (1940) Charlie Chaplin, Jack Oakie. A satirical spoof on the historical rise in power of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini 1:00 GUNSMOKE "The Busters" Two bronco busters risk their lives to raise money for a ranch in Montana (2) TOMORROW 5 LE TELEJOURNAL 1:04 © MOVIE *'% "Fanny By Gaslight" (1948) James Mason, Stewart Granger. The effects a man can have on the lives of the people he comes in contact with are detailed. 1:15 @ CBS LATE MOVIE kkk "Outrage"' (1964) Paul Newman, Claire Bloom. Conflict- ing stories are heard in the aftermath of one man's violent crime spree. 1:40 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE ke, "'Kidnappers"' (1954) Duncan MacRae, Adri- enne Corri. Two young orphans find a baby in the woods and decide to keep it there asa "pet." 2:40 NEWS 3:10 © EMERGENCY ONE! an 'Wednesday, August 2, 1978, B7

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