Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 2 Aug 1978, p. 14

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Ui i ee ee Satarday, Continued ENING @ EIN PROSIT @ COME TO THE TEA" @ MY THREE SONS "Red Tape Romance" 8:00 @ BW ACADEMY PER- FORMANCE xxx "Return Of The Pink Panther' (1975) Peter Sellers, Christopher Plummer. The inept, yet fearless Inspector Jacques Clouseau starts a search when the famed Pink Panther dia- mond is stolen from under a _ supposedly- foolproof security system. (R) (2) BIONIC WOMAN "All For One" (3) CANADIAN EXPRESS @ EMERGENCY ONE! "The Hard Hours' Dr Early undergoes open heart surgery CLAUDE LEVEILLE "If Tonight We Fall In Love" @@® PRIVATE LIFE Host: Peter Desbarats Guest: Tommy Shoya- ma FOOTBALL Buffalo Bills vs. Detroit Lions © OPERATION PETTI- COAT "Gray Is Beauti- ful' The nurses succeed where Lt. Holden had failed when they scav- enge enough gray paint to cover the sub. (R) @ BOB NEWHART Dr. Hartley's profession- al integrity is strained when a new patient confesses that he is a burglar. (R) 19] MOVIE *x* "Dodeska-Den" (1970) Yoshitaka Zushi, Junza- buro Ban. A group of slum dwellers interact, but each also dwells in his own private joys and sorrows. @ LES HERITIERS 8:30 @@® MY COUNTRY "Bill Johnston: Buc- caneer Of The St Lawrence' An _ 1830's Pirate carries out raids from a safe haven in the Thousand Islands. @ ACADEMY PER- FORMANCE xxx "Return Of The Pink Panther' (1975) Peter Sellers, Christopher Plummer. The inept, yet fearless Inspector Jacques Clouseau starts a search when the famed Pink Panther dia- mond is stolen from under a _ supposedly- foolproof security system. (R) @ GEORGE HAMIL- TON IV Guests: Burton And Honeyman And The Stringband @ LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH Evenements chosis Natation et halterophi- lie 9:00 (2) NBC MOVIE *x', "The Land That Time Forgot' (1974) Doug McClure, Susan Penhaligon. Survivors from an Allied subma- rine and their German captors land on an island ruled by prehis- toric animals. (R) (3) COM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in badminton, boxing. cycling, weightlifting, swimming and diving @ CBS MOVIE xxx "Burn" (1970) Marlon Brando, Evaristo Marquez. An 18th cen- tury British agent is sent to a Portuguese colony to instigate a revolution eo THE CHAL- LENGING SEA "The Aqualunq"™ @ CELEBRITY REVUE Guests: Kaye Stevens, Skiles and Henderson, Itojo, Marty Gillan 9:30 @ @ MARY AND MICHAEL "Thro B6, Wednesday, August 2, 1978 10:00 © @® $128,000 Ques- TION Alex Trebek hosts this high stakes quiz show @ FANTASY ISLAND A young woman (Melin- da Naud) seeks approv- al for her revolutionary homemaking concepts; and a plumber (David Doyle) dreams of being a king. (R) IMUS, PLUS... 10:30 [2] WRESTLING @@® SECOND CITY TV The Second City group spoofs TV game shows and televised dramatic productions MOVIE x* Of Blood" @ LE TELEJOURNAL 10:45 NOUVELLES DU SPORT NATIONAL NEWS [6 | MOVIE x*** "The Secret Of Santa Vittoria" (1969) Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani. LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH Evenements choisis Plongeon et halterophi- lie. Aussi, il y aura une discours du _ premier ministre Pierre Elliott Trudeau et une allocu- tion de la reine a la nation 11:05 @ JO GAILLARD "A Strange Crossing" SUNDAY MORNING 6:00 @ WW UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR Go CAVALCADE © CARTOONS @ HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN 6:30 @® UNCLE BOBBY (@) THIS IS THE LIFE CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP @ CROSSROADS 7:00 @ ® HOMER JAMES (2) ECUMEDIA NEWS @ PUBLIC POLICY FORUM @ @ NIVEN MILLER BROTHER TED'S WORLD OF GOSPEL © UNCLE BOBBY @ CROSSROADS 7:15 . 2 CHURCH INVITA- TION 7:30 @@®6@ _ CROSS- ROADS @) DAY OF DISCOV- ERY G6 @ GOSPEL SINGIN' TIME DIRECTIONS Rabbinic Roots @ FRENCH SHOW © ROMPER ROOM @ CAMERA ON CAN- ADA @ ERNEST ANGLEY 8:00 ® 700 CLUB Qo JIMMY SWAGGART @ DAY OF DISCOV- ERY @ INSIDE ALBANY © HOE, HOE, HOE SUNDAY SURPRISE @ CROSSROADS © FUNTOWN @ FATHER MEEHAN 8:30 (@) JERRY FAWELL © JIMMY SWAGGART U.S. FARM REPORT © HOBBLEDEHOY @ @ REVIVAL HOUR ROCKETSHIP 7 @ THE CHURCH THE WAY IT SOUNDS 9:00 @ BW © DAY OF Dis- COVERY JERRY FALWELL @ BISHOP HEAD © CROWN COURT © REX HUMBARD () IT IS WRITTEN 5 ROQUET, BELLES OREILLES LEROY JENKINS 9:30 @® REX HUMBARD (@ ORAL ROBERTS @ REPORT CARD @@ SEARCH THE QUIET HOUR SUPERFRIENDS @ IT IS WRITTEN @ HORST KOHLER @® MON AMI GUIG- NOL 9:45 LES HISTOIRES MERVEILLEUSES DU SIGNOR FRANCO CAVANI AUGUST 6, 1978 10:00 @) OPEN RAP PEOPLE'S CHURCH @ BEHOLD WON- DROUS THINGS 'The Governor" @ @ GREEK SHOW @ REX HUMBARD @©@ DAY OF DISCOV- ERY @ !TALIAN PANORA- MA LE JOUR DU SEIG- NEUR 10:30 NIVEN MILLER (@) REX HUMBARD a) ROBERT SCHULLER @ MEETING PLACE @@® _ PORTUGUESE SHOW @ JABBERJAW © PARADOX 11:00 @® ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH @ REX HUMBARD GRAPE APE CHRISTIAN REFORM SERVICE @ _ THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH @ RENCONTRES 11:30 (2) REVEREND JAMES ANDREWS @ FACE THE NATION @@®_ CBC-ACCESS Members of the Blind Athletic Association of Canada are shown pre- Paring for the first out- door Olympics For The Blind ever to be staged in Newfoundland. ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS Hal Linden explores the world of "The Whale." (R) @ CINE-MAGAZINE 11:45 [6 | FESTIVAL ITALI- ANO Host: Johnny Lombardi AFTERNOON 12:00 @ B® TALENT SHOW- CASE (@) WORLD OF SUR- VIVAL 135] OM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in athletics, bowls, shooting and the Clay Pigeon final. @ MOVIE ** "Man With The Icy Eyes" (1971) Keenan Wynn, Faith Domergue. A young reporter, cover- ing the murder of an eminent senator, dis- covers the assassin MOVIE *** "The Big Gamble" (1961) Ste- phen Boyd, Juliette Greco. An adventurous couple leaves to find a fortune in unexplored Africa E) ALBUM TV 25) LA SEMAINE VERTE 12:30 (@) MEET THE PRESS @ NEws 12:45 @ AGRICULTURE REPORT 11:15 © G © NEws 11:20 @®O News 11:30 (2) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Charles Grodin. Guest Paul Simon. (R) @OGaQaqo RoyvAL VISIT '78 Queen Eliza beth delivers an address to the nation live from a state dinner in Edmon ton, Alberta, in honor ot the Commonwealth Games @ MOVIE ** "The ater Of Death" (1966) Christopher Lee, Lelia Goldoni. Several mur ders occuring in the streets of Paris appear to be caused by a vampire MOVIE ***! :00 UNTAMED FRONTIER "Grey Goose" @) MOVIE ** 'The Guru"' (1969) Michael York, Rita Tushingham. © FLINTSTONE FES- TIVAL @ ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY "Mystery At Whaleback Bay @ O'HIER A DEMAIN "Un Pays, une musique: la Hongrie"' 1:30 e QUESTION PERIOD Moderators Bruce Phillips and Charles Lynch interview top Canadian and inter- national newsmakers. @ cBS SPORTS "International Grand Prix Tennis Tourna- ment" @ FOREST RANGERS "Santa McCloud" 2:00 [2] (9 ) TENNIS "American Express Challengers Circuit Masters Tennis Championship" @ HERALD OF TRUTH [5] SUMMER COUNTRY CANADA @ @ ORAL ROBERTS MOVIE **'% "We're Not Married" (1952) David Wayne, Ginger Rogers. TO BE ANNOUNCED SECOND REGARD "Les Chretiens" 2:30 (3) ROYAL VISIT '78 Queen Elizabeth @ @ THE PEOPLE'S CHURCH © DENNY'S SHO 3:00 @) SolHES FB! cine Innocents" © GO HYMN SING @ HEE HAW Guests: Billy Carter, Barbara Mandrell, Larry Mahan. @ LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH 3:30 6o COM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in athletics, badminton, bowls, cycling, gymnas- tics, shooting, swim- ming and diving. (6 | NATIONAL FILM BOARD ISSUES AND ANSWERS 4:00 OPEN ROADS 'Jack Miner" (@ SPORTSWORLD @ CBS SPORTS Live coverage of the USAC Texas '200 summer edition from the Texas World Speedway in Col- lege Station, Texas. @@® PRIVATE LIFE Host: Peter Desbarats. Guest: Tommy Shoya- ma. GOLF Finals of the National Open Long Driving Championship featuring amateur and professional golfers from Oakmont Country Club in Oakmont, Penn- sylvania. The Group (1966) Shirley Knight, Elizabeth Hartman. Mary McCar thy's story of eight inseparable college friends @ GOOD NEWS 12:00 @W® MOVIE x*', "The Abduction Of Saint Anne' (1975)E.G Marshall, Robert Wagner. The Catholic Church wants to certify rumors of a young girl's miraculous healing powers, but she is being held a virtual prisoner in her gangland father's estate @ MOVIE x**xx*% "Kaleidoscope" (1966) Warren Beatty, Susan- nah York. A member of the jet set devises a scheme to beat the casi- ope. @_ UNTAMED FRON- TIER "Grey Goose" A study of the work of Conrad Lorenz, whose examinations of geese have provided knowl- edge and insight into human relationships. (R) @ TINY TALENT TIME 4:30 12) © GOLF "PGA Championship" Live coverage of the final round of play in this $300,000 tournament from Oakmont Country Club in Oakmont, Penn- sylvania. © @ MONEY TALKS Host: Raoul Engel. WILD KINGDOM "Call Of The Whale' (Part 2) @ ELECTRIC COMPA- NY 5:00 @ @ BUGS BUNNY / ROAD RUNNER @ LAWRENCE WELK "Tribute To Young Composers"' @® SESAME STREET 5:30 @ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS EVENING 6:00 @ @ NEws GLOBAL NEWSWEEK @ FAMILY BROWN POLKA DOT DOOR ¢5) HEBDO-DIMANCHE 6:30 (@) WILD KINGDOM @ A CONVERSATION WITH... (11) NEW FACES Norwich is highlighted. @_FOUR FOR ADVEN- TURE "'Andre, Son Of Malavate"' 7:00 QO HARDY BOYS / NANCY DREW "Arson And Old Lace' (@ WORLD OF DISNEY "Hog Wild' A city family's attempt to start a pig ranch in Idaho is marred when the head of the family (John Eric- son) is seriously injured. (Part 1 of 2)(R) @ 60 MINUTES G WILDLIFE CINE- MA 'Off Seasons" NEWS @ SMITH AND SMITH @® ONTARIO SCENE "Agriculture" @ AVEC LE TEMPS 7:30 6 oO RHODA Benny Goodwin believes himself to be a business tycoon when he invests his life's savings in Gary's store. (R) [6 | CAUGHT IN THE ACT THAT'S HOLLY- WwoOoD @ BABY I'M BACK "Olivia's New Job' 19] NIGHTMUSIC "Short Turn" LES BEAUX DIMANCHES "Camp Fortune" Invite: Claude Gauthier. 8:00 @@W®OQ_ PROJECT U.F.O. "Sighting 4006: (@ PROJECT U.F.O. "Sighting 4006: The Nevada Incident" Desert @ COMMONWEALTH GAMES A wrap-up of the day's events. (8) MOVIE **'% "Pleasure Of His Company" (1961) Fred Astaire, Debbie Reynolds. The bride's father is disappointed with her choice of a mate and sets out to break up the relation- ship. © MOVIE **'% "You Lie So Deep, My Love" (1975) Barbara Ander- son, Don Galloway. A man's marriage is threatened by his des- perate determination to keep secret the fact that he is leading a double life 11) MOVIE *'% "Thieves Like Us"' (1974) Keith Carradine @@ KING OF KENSINGTON "The Teacher" @ RHODA © @® MONEY TALKS Host: Raoul Engel. @ HOW THE WEST WAS WON (R) (19) YOU REMEMBER DON'T 8:30 © @@ ALL IN THE FAMILY @ ON OUR OWN @@® POINT BLANK Host: Warner Troyer. Topic: "The Automobile - Where Is It Driving Us?" @ ISSUES 'The Unit- ed States And Canada"' LES BEAUX DIMANCHES 'Rencon- tres" Invite: Roger Schutz. 9:00 19) THER SAGA () POLICE STORY 135) OM- MONWEALTH GAMES Live coverage of events in swimming, weightlift- ing, badminton and boxing. @ ALL IN THE FAMILY A baby announcement from an old high school friend brings back mem- ories of Mike and Gloria's first date. (R) ABC MOVIE *x*'2 "Anything For Love" (1974) Candice Beraen. Charles Grodin @ ROGER WHITTAK- ER Selections include: New World in the Morn- ing, Durham Town, Last Farewell. @ LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH Evenements choisis: Natation et halterophi- lie GODFA- 9:30 Qo ALICE Mel suspects one of his employees of being responsible for burgla- ries at his diner. (R) @@® MIXED DOU- BLES 10:00 @@®oO Assicn- MENT MACLEAR "Under The Thumb" @ SWITCH Pete and Mac are hired to recover a complex science Project stolen from a school for gifted students. G@@® MOvic «x "The Doves" Jean Besre, Lise Thouin. (11) LOU GRANT "Aftershock"' @® _ PORTRAITS DE CHEFS D'ORCHESTRE "Karl Bohm" 10:30 LE TELEJOURNAL 10:45 @ SPORT-DIMANCHE 11:00 ® © CTVNEws Q@) e @ News E} CBC NATIONAL NEWS @ FEMMES DE CUBA @ LES XIE JEUX DU COMMONWEALTH 11:15 @ @ News 11:20 @WO news 11:30 @ MOVIE **% "The Mudlark" (1951) INEMA 'Nick Carter' (1972) Robert Conrad, Shelley Winters. Un ex-policier, temoin d'un rapt, est assassine MELTING POT 12:30 LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER 1:00 (2) ROCK CONCERT @ MOVIE *** 'For Me And My Gal" (1942) Judy Garland, Gene Kelly. The success of two vaudevillians is interrupted by World War I. GOOD NEWS CAP- SULE 1:30 @ MOVIE **% "Go Ask Alice" (1973) Wil- liam Shatner, Julie Adams. under conditions. @ COMMONWEALTH GAMES A wrap-up of the day's events. MOVIE x*x* "Help! (1965) The Beatles. A musician Is pursued by a high priest and his sacrificial cult for a special ring he received as a gift. @ GOOD NEWS unexpected 11:35 © QUESTION PERIOD Moderators Bruce Phil- lips and Charles Lynch interview top Canadian and international newsmakers 11:40 @ MOVIE **'2 "The Monster That Chal- lenges The World 11:45 @©@ MOVIE ** 'The Bellboy" (1960) Jerry Lewis, Alex Corry. An incompetent beliboy wreaks havoc in a lux- urious Miami hotel. 12:00 (2) MiKE DOUGLAS Cohost: Ben Vereen Guests: Victor Borge. Tovah Feldshuh. ©@@® MOVIE «xx "Just for You' (1952) Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman. A famous the- atrical producer strug- gles to find time for his two teen-age children (25) CINE-CLUB "Wamba: Entre l'eau et le feu' (1975) Arrouna desire epouser une griotte. 12:05 © IRONSIDE 12:30 @ A CONVERSATION WITH... @ MOVIE «*xx*% "Let Freedom Ring" (1939) Lionel Barrymore, Nelson Eddy. 1:00 GUNSMOKE "Hard Labor' Matt is sentenced to life impris- onment at hard labor for shooting a fugitive in the town of Bedrock. (7) SUNDAY SURPRISE 1:05 @ MOVIE * 'Monster Zero" (1966) Nick Adams, Akira Takarada. Planet X, which is domi- nated by Monster Zero, captures Godzilla and Rodan and threatens world destruction. 1:20 3) MOVIE xx' "Cinderfella" (1960) Jerry Lewis, Ed Wynn. A poor scatterbrained lad is bullied by his wicked stepbrothers. 1:30 @) WITH THIS RING ABC NEWS 2:00 © NEws 2:45 @® MOVIE *** "The Magnetic Monster"' (1953) King Donovan, 3:10 MOVIE **'% "The Errand Boy" (1961) Jer- ry Lewis, Brian Donlevy. Jerry is hired as an errand boy who is actu- ally supposed to spy on wasteful employees. Cilia LT SS ED pen a' Se i aN ey Der ee aS OY gaan eS ee ee Pa aha ek ee mn ae | BON tS eee eee eee |) VeiMeae =. io... 7... 7 D4

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