Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 26 Jul 1978, p. 25

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MONDAY JULY 31, 1978 NING evo" oe © @ ot ooo HOLLYWOOD ) Poe @ CBC NEWS @ @ GLOBAL NEWS (9) DEFINITION Guests: David Doyle, Lois Nettleton. (R) () POLKA DOT DOOR 5 CESOIR | LOVE LUCY "Homecoming" When they return from Holly- wood, Ricky is hailed as a major celebrity. 6:14 TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 6:30 NBC NEWS @ MARY TYLER MOORE @ CBS NEWS @@® ADAN-12 'The Pilgrimage" Christmas Eve brings mixed bless- ings to Malloy and Reed when they have to arrest Santa Claus WORLD NEWS TONIGHT © NEWS @ PARTY GAME Guests: Murrany Langs- ton, Rosemary Radcliffe, Catherine O'Hara @® COVER TO COVER "The White Archer" "At The Mouth Of The Luck- iest River" @ PROPOS ET CON- FIDENCES Invite: Jean- Pierre Aumont. (Der- niere de 6) @ BONANZA 'The Hayburner" The Cart- wrights wind up fighting each other as the Virgin- ia City Sweepstakes draws near. 6:45 @® _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Parlez-Moi Sol And The Tomatoes"' 7:00 @W®O BOBBY VIN- TON Guests Lane, Michael Rapport (R) (2) LIARS CLUB © COMMONWEALTH PREVIEW @ CROSS-WITS @ MARY TYLER MOORE @@® WINNER'S CIR- CLE Host: Mike Darow. TOS TELLS THE TRUTH @ LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PR¢IRIE "The Stranger' An unloved but wealthy boy learns about family love when he becomes involved in the activities of the Ingalls during a stay in Walnut Grove. @ OREGON TRAIL "Scarlet Ribbon' Evan is caught in a perilous situation with a group of bitter soldiers selling guns to Indians from an isolated outpost. @ _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Suivez La Piste: L'Inspecteur N'Est Pas Content"' @_ DANIEL BOONE "Les Deux Escrocs" 7:30 @ HEADLINE HUNTERS Three guests attempt to iden- tify famous people, places, objects or events by means of clues in headline form. (@ TRUTH OR CONSE- QUENCES CANADIAN STARS NEWLYWED GAME COMMONWEALTH PREVIEW Profiles of Ontario athletes who will be competing in Edmonton. @@® SANFORD AND SON "The TV Addict' Lamont tries to cure Fred of his constant television-watching hab- it by placing him under hypnosis. HOLLYWOOD SQUARES MAGIC SHADOWS "Dark Waters" (Part 1 Abbe~- MOVIE **'% "Contract On Cherry Street' (1977) Frank Sinatra, Martin Balsam. A New York City police inspector becomes frustrated by the underworld's suc- cess in avoiding prose- cution and devises an unorthodox plan _ for bringing them to justice. (R) (2) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE "The Fighter" Charles Ingalls helps an injured aging boxer (Moses Gunn) start a new life. (R) (58) HAPPY DAYS 'Fonzie For The Defense" Howard Cunn- ingham and Fonzie hold Out against their fellow jurors when they doubt the accused man's guilt (R) 14 6 22) THE JEFFERSONS A furious Florence quits when the Jeffersons forbid her to entertain her boyfriend overnight. (R) @ BASEBALL @®_ SPEAKING OUT "The Myth Of Hyperac- tivity" (25) MAITRES) ET VALETS 'Deception (7e de 13) 8:30 6o RENE SIMARD Guest: Martin Mull. (R) [4 6) GOOD TIMES Willona anxious- ly awaits the adoption board's decision about her pending mother- hood. (Part 4 of 4) (R) 9:00 @@@Q M'A'S*H Long awaited mail brings with it an assort- ment of personal prob- lems for Hawkeye, B.J., Hot Lips and Klinger. (R) M*A*S*H Long- awaited mail brings with it an assortment of per- sonal problems for Hawkeye, B.J., Hot Lips and Klinger. (R) @@® SECOND CITY TV Sketches include takeoffs on the televi- sion series 'Leave It To Beaver' and the movie "The Exorcist."' (19) ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS "Jude The Obscure" TELE-SELECTION "Columbo: Au-Dela De La Folie' Peter Falk, Jose Ferrer. Un cyber- neticien apprend que son fils n'est qu'un escroc scientifique. 9:30 @ NBC MOVIE xxx "Columbo: Murder Under Glass' (1977) Peter Falk, Louis Jour- dan. Lt. Columbo inves- tigates the murder of a gourmet restaurant owner who was being blackmailed. (R) @ = THREE'S COMPANY 'Will The Real Jack Tripper...?"' A young pregnant woman arrives at the house and names an absent Jack the father of her baby. (R) (4 6) ONE DAY AT A TIME Barbara pays a high price when she tries to help a lonely classmate. (Part 1 of 2) (R) 10:00 (8 ] cBC NEWSMAGAZINE Host: Peter Kent. @ _ LOU GRANT Lou suffers from guilt when his search for a mysteri- ous hero brings tragedy upon the person. (R) (6 | GLOBAL NEWS @ TALKING FILM "Cinematography" 10:30 @ @_ BARNEY MILLER "The Sighting" Wojo shocks the detec- tives when he claims he was late because of a U.F.O. (R) @ THE NATIVE AMER- ICANS "The Six Nations"' s is ese LE TELEJOURNAL 10:47 TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 11:00 Q2eoe8o eo NATIONAL NEWS @@® NAKED CITY "The Face Of The Enemy" Finding disillu- sionment after he returns home, a war hero goes on a shooting spree 19) NIGHTMUSIC "Blue Mountain Winds" @ MOLIERE, POUR RIRE ET POUR PLEUR- ER "L'lllustre Theatre" (1re de 6) 11:20 [ 2) © NEwS 11:22 @ @® News 11:30 (2) TONIGHT @ CBS LATE MOVIE ** "McMillan And Wife: The Deadly Inher- itance" (1975) Rock Hudson, Susan St James McMillan"s mother and an old crony find their lives threat- ened when they ques- tion the sale of a com- pany in which they own stock. MOVIE * *'2 "Island Of Love' (1963) Robert Preston, Georgia Moll. A producer and a writer try to escape from a gangster. @ LYNNE GORDON Guest: Linda Thorson. @ CORPORATION Bilingualism' TUESDAY AUGUST 1, 1978 EVENING 6:00 ooH82000o0 NEWS (3) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES @ CBC NEWS © @ GLOBAL NEWS QO DEFINITION Guests: David Doyle, Lois Nettleton. (R) @ POLKA DOT DOOR @® CESOIR @ | LOVE LUCY 'Per- son To Person" Ricky's new fame leads to the Ricardos considering moving to a larger apartment 6:14 @® TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 6:30 (@) NBC NEWS © MARY TYLER MOORE @ CBS NEWS [6 22) ADAM-12 "Sunburn" Reed's over- anxious attempt at a tan complicates the day for him and his partner WORLD NEWS TONIGHT © NEws @ PARTY GAME Guests: Murrany Langs- ton, Rosemary Radcliffe, Catherine O'Hara 19) COVER TO COVER "Zeely' (25) PROPOS ET CON- FIDENCES Invite: Emile Legault. (1re de 6) @ _ BONANZA 'The Way Of Aaron" Adam is attracted to the daugh- ter of an itinerant ped- dler on a business visit to the Ponderosa 6:45 @® BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Parlez-Moi: Sol At The Hotel" 7:00 @ @®Q_ SEARCH AND RESCUE "The Egg' Two poachers capture Jim when he tries to save two rare birds and their unhatched egg. (R) (2) LIARS CLUB © LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE @ CROSS-WITS @ MARY TYLER MOORE @@® WINNER'S CIR- CLE Host: Mike Darow. TOR TELS The TRUTH @ THE MUPPETS @ ONE CANADA @ _ BRUSH UP YOUR FRENCH "Suivez La Piste: Nationale Six" LE MONDE MER- VEILLEUX DE DISNEY "Pour L'Amour D"Un Chien' (1re de 2) 7:30 @ CARTER COUNTRY 'Out Of The Closet" Chief Roy is requested to be a char- acter witness when one of his best friends is fired after announcing he is gay. (R) (@ THE MUPPETS Guest: Jaye P. Morgan. @ NEWLYWED GAME @ _ RYAN'S FANCY "Skipper Mack" Mas- ters recalls his life on the sea, the songs that weary crew members sang and the amazing bravery during rescues (R) @ @® SANFORD AND SON "The Sanford Arms" As_ landlords, Fred and Lamont find problems in getting tenants and paying the mortgage. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL "The Sellin' Of Jamie Thomas: (Part Il)" A runaway slave family tries to build a new life in a Quaker town in Pennsylvania @ MUSIC SCENE @ PETER APPLE- YARD Guests: Mark Twain Showboat Banjo All-Stars and Vanda King @ MAGIC SHADOWS "Dark Waters' (Part 2 of 4) @ MY THREE SONS "My Four Women" Steve reluctantly agrees to be a model for a fash- ion show, but refuses at the last minute 8:00 @W® NEW AVEN- GERS "Obsession" Purdey's former lover plans to take revenge for his father's death by killing the Arabian V.1.P who Steed, Gambit and Purdey have been assigned to protect (2) NBC MOVIE *x*'2 "Contract On Cherry Street') (1977) Frank Sinatra, Martin Balsam A New York City police inspector becomes frus- trated by the underworld's success in avoiding prosecution and devises an unortho- dox plan for bringing them to justice. (R) C3) @ THE SHAD- OW CATCHER The work of photographer, anthropologist and film- maker Edward S. Curtis is chronicled; Donald Sutherland provides the voice of Curtis. (R) @ = SHIP-SHAPE An ambitious female ensign (Deborah Ryan) is assigned a group of misfits by a resentful superior 6 | WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT! Joseph Campanella and Tiiu Leek present: an Israeli discovery that laughter helps creative thinking; a new kind of truck which seats its driver between the front wheels; a painless form of dentistry that freezes the mouth with electrici- ty; NASA space sensors which help crippled chil- dren to walk; and a radioactive necklace which can trace queen bees. HAPPY DAYS "Fonzie For The Defense' Howard Cunn- ingham and Fonzie hold out against their fellow of 4) aia Bo SE 11:40 ONEDIN LINE "Undercurrent James Onedin is forced to compete with his sister in the shipping business, and must make some decisions about his daughter's future 11:47 @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: The Bee Gees, Peter Frampton 11:50 © MOVIE *** "Liv- ing It Up" (1954) Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis. A railroad worker gets a free trip to the city after the doctor says he's suf- fering from radiation 12:00 (2) MIKE DOUGLAS Cohost Andrew Stevens. Guests: Bob Hope, Maureen O'Sulli- van, Charlotte Chandler, Peggy Johnson and jurors when they doubt the accused man's auilt (R) © MOVIE ** "Shell Game" (1975) John Davidson, Tommy Atkins. A cheerful con man tries to outwit the crooked head of a major charity fund. @ _ vic FRANKLYN Guest performer Clark Terry; guest musician O'Neal sisters and a tribute to Michel Legrand. @ DOWN TO EARTH "Hydrophonics III" @ LES FILLES DU CIEL (29) GUNSMOKE "Quaker Girl' The iden- tity of a criminal is confused with that of a deputy marshal when a Quaker party rescues the pair from a do-or- die fight 8:30 @ cBS MOVIE *&*& kv "The Russians Are Coming, The Rus- sians Are Coming" (1966) Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner. When crewmen from a grounded Rus- sian submarine land at Cape Cod to get help, the townspeople assume it is an attack (R) [6 22) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY '2001... A Comedy Odyssey" Lav- erne dreams that she and Shirley are 80-year- old spinsters with Lenny and Squiggy as _ their only remaining marriage prospects. (R) @ WHAT IS TRUTH? @ THE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS "Al Purdy" @® _ PULSION Invites Marie Philippe et Chris- tian Gauthier 9:00 @W swiss FAMILY ROBINSON G ®@ SZYSZNYK "Welcome To The Club" THREE'S COMPA- NY 'Will The Real Jack Tripper 2?" A young pregnant woman arrives at the house and names an absent Jack the father of her baby. (R) @ MOVIE **' 'The Impatient Heart" (1971) Carrie Snodgress, Michael Constantine. A social worker can't solve her own problems because she's too busy solving everyone else's @® POWER PLAY WITH JUDY LAMARSH "Trades And Tariffs' LE PONT 'Jeux D'Hommes" (Derniere de 2) ANDY GRIFFITH "Andy, The Marriage Counselor" Andy tries to solve the marriage problems of Fred and Jennie Boone, who are constantly fighting. 9:30 @ CFL FOOT- BALL Edmonton Eski- mos vs. Ottawa Roughriders EEL LEED ITE Charles Del Rosso 16) MOVIE ** "Go Naked In The World' (1961) Gina Lollobrigida, Anthony Franciosa. A young man falls in love with a wom- an of easy virtue, much to the dismay of his tycoon father @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: llie Nastase, Susan Anton, Bobby Kelton, Bill Daily, and Mark Yetter @® _ LUCIEN LEUWEN (DERNIERE DE 7) 12:04 © IRONSIDE 12:40 @ DANGER MAN Two Birds With One Bullet' John Drake steps into a murder trap set for him by a beauti- ful double agent in the Caribbean and is accused of the killing 3] CANADIAN EXPRESS @ ROMANCE "House Of Men" Recuperating from an unhappy love affair, a woman takes a job as secretary to a crippled, bitter old man who lives with several family members and servants (6 | MARY AND MICHAEL 'House For Sale'"' Jim passes his real estate exams, and Mary allows him to try and sell her house as his first attempt -- but panic sets in when he succeeds. @ CARTER COUNTRY "Out Of The Closet" Chief Roy is requested to be a character wit- ness when one of his best friends is fired after announcing he is gay (R) @ = CHIPS 'Highway Robbery' Ponch and Jon have their hands full when a circus elephant breaks free of her van in the middle of a traffic jam. (R) PREMIERE PAGE 10:00 @ @ GLOBAL NEWS 20 / 20 Hugh Downs hosts a broad- cast edition of a newsmagazine featuring four major stories done by various correspond- ents @ DEJA DEMAIN :'Le Monde Du Futur" 10:30 © @@ Across CANADA 'Les Anglais" French residents of Quebec offer their views on English-speaking people who make the province their home as well © LES OLYMPIENS Haier) Et Decath- o LE TELEJOURNAL 10:47 @ TELEJOURNAL REGIONAL 11:00 @OQ@OD NEws 8eo CBC NATIONAL NEWS 6 ) NAKED CITY "Portrait Of A Painter" A struggling artist finds his wife murdered, but his professed innocence is made harder to accept because of the revelations of the man's psychiatrist @ THE LAW AND HOW IT WORKS "Impaired Driving' @® AINSI VA LA VIE "Le Viol" 11:22 © @ @ NEWS 11:30 (2) BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Carson Guests: Robert Blake, Marsha Mason, Burt Mustin, Marty Liquori (R) 4 | cBs LATE MOVIE ** = =6"'The Hunters" (1974) Tony Lo Bianco, Don Meredith. Police- men investigating a rob- bery are aided by a woman being threat- ened by one of the crim- inals. (R) MOVIE *** "The LEE, she commits 1:00 @W® GUNSMOKE 2 TOMORROW @ LE TELEJOURNAL 1:04 © MOVIE **'% "The Chase' (1966) Marlon Brando, Jane Fonda, A sheriff tries to prevent the tragic meeting of an escaped convict and his adultress wife 1:40 @ @ NEws 1:50 i 3) MOVIE **'» Walk Like A Dragon (1969) Mel Torme, Jack Lord. A man fights neighbors and a young Chinaman when he invites the young man's girlfriend to stay in his home @ EMERGENCY ONE! (1967) Flim-Flam Man George C. Scott, Sue Lyon. A con-artist and an Army deserter join forces and the old man gives the boy a course in flim-flammin @ LYNNE GORDON Guest: Allan King @ THE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS Al Purdy" 11:40 @ POLDARK A sor- rowful Prudie gives Jed a lavish funeral after he is found beaten to death. (Part 12 of 16) 11:47 @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Carol Burnett, William Colby, Tom Wicker, Maxine Cheshire 11:50 © MOVIE *** "Lit- tle Minister" (1934) Katharine Hepburn, John Beal James Barrie's story about a little Scottish pastor 12:00 @@® MOvicE «x 'Maya' (1966) Clint Walker, Jay North. Two boys journey to a fara- way temple to return two valuable, sacred elephants which have been entrusted to them @ MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Joey Bishop, Mel Tillis, Phyllis Newman, Stan Kann @ CINEMA "Un Jour A New York" (1949) Gene Kelly, Frank Sina- tra. Trois marins en per- mission visitent New York 12:30 @®O CTvNnews 12:40 @ MOVIE "A King In New York"' (1957) Char- lie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard. A man whose factory job is to tighten two bolts on a moving belt, becomes caught in the machine age in the modern world 12:50 © NEWS 1:00 (2) TOMORROW 1:15 @ KOJAK "A Long Way From Times Square Kojak and Crocker are sent to a small Nevada town to pick up an important witness in a mobster's trial © IRONSIDE 1:40 @ NEws 1:45 @ LE TELEJOURNAL 1:50 @ WW NEws 2:15 13] MOVIE *** "Every Girl Should Be Married" (1947) Cary Grant, Betsy Drake A bachelor doctor becames the target of a shopgirl's dreams of marriage © MOVIE **'% 'Liv- ing Free" (1972) Susan Hampshire, Nigel Davenport. Three mis- chievous lion cubs get into all sorts of trouble while being transported to a game preserve. PIII Wednesday, July 26, 1978, B7

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