Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 3 May 1978, p. 3

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MS Read-A-Thon a unique project The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is presently sponsoring a unique project that is keeping children in the Penetanguishene-Mid- land area quite busy. The project is called PSS News by Peter McDonald As of Friday April 28 the students Council had received five nominations for the various: executive posts on the council. Since the nominations were closed on Friday the candidates are as follows: running for president will be Lisa Robillard and Marnie Ridout, for vice-president will be Wayne Quesnelle and Bernadette Marchand and Irene Lau has been acclaimed secretary. The candidates are to be congratulated for their interest and best of luck to all of them. On Friday May 12 Disco: "Rockin Rollers Royce"' are coming to P.S.S. With the immense popularity of Disco this experiment is a first for P.S.S. All of those disco dancing lessons you've been taking for the last few months are finally going to pay off. Advance tickets will sell for seventy-five cents while those at the door will be one dollar with a Students Card and a dollar-fifty without. And as usual guest passes will be available at the door. The doors will open at 8 p.m. Last Wednesday the Rome-Sorrento group trip got together at the school for one last meal together. This was designed as an opportunity to re-tell stories of their experiences during their trip and to bring light to some of the educational experiences as well. There are only twenty-seven days left in our school year. Yes we've started the count down but who can blame us with the nice weather we experienced Friday. It is not too conducive to studying in a drab school and everybody is complaining. But that happens every year at this time so we'll probably survive... Centre d'activités francaises télé: 549-8594 Penetanauishene Théitre "La Vieille Souche" ; La troupe de Théatre "La Vieille Souche" avec la collaboration de I' 'ACFO Simcoe est heureuse de presenter la piéce Ecrite par Angelina Robitaille qui s'intitule "Le Réve". Cette piéce sera sur scéne le 30 avril a l'€cole St. Martyrs canadiens de Perkinsfield & 19:30 heure, le 2 mai & J'école St. Joseph a Penetanguishene 4 19:30 heure et le 3 maid l'école Ste- Croix de Lafontaine & 19:30 heure. Cette pitce a, ily a3 ans, gagné 2 prix en compeétition de ThéStre pour les &coles du sud de |' Ontario dont 1e prix de mise en scéne et 2e de meilleur acteur par Pierre Mullie. La troupe vous souhaite 4 tous la bienvenue et est heureuse de vous accueillir chaleureusement. Le prix d'entrée est 50 c pour étudiants et $1.00 pour adultes. Ona bien hate de vous voir. Rencontre 78 Voila... ..La Rencontre 78 est a notre porte! Cette année, Hamilton sera la Ville-Héte de ce grand événement. C'est a Université McMaster, les 2,3,4 juin 1978 que se celébrera cette _Féte du Sud- Ontario. Nombre d'activités sont _prévues pour cette cir- constance. Au programme on trouvera films, kiosques, visites de Centres francophones, soirée canadienne, Concours de Mlle Sud-Ontario 78, banquet, grand bal avec orchestre etc. Pour plus de détails, vous pouvez contacter Jean-Félix Desmarais (529-4979) et Mariette Fraser (Bureau 545-3776 et résidence 525-2171). I] n'est pas nécessaire d'appartenir & une organisation pour participer a la Rencontre 78. Tous sont les bienvenus. Inscription pour les Garderies: au Centre d'activites fara ises, 63, rue Main, Penetanguishene de 9h00 & eures du lundi au vendredi. Vous pouvez obtenir un formulaire au Centre. Pour tout autre ren- seignement, composez 549-8594. Concours Oratoire Du Sud- Ontario Le concours eut lieu dimanche, le 23 avril 4 Oshawa. Voici la liste des lauréats: Grand lauréat- Yves Marchand, fils de Roméo Marchand, €cole Ste Croix Lafontaine Lauréate: Michelle » Gagnon, Niagara Falls Lauréat: Yves Lube, Toronto Mention honorable: Patti Murpht, €cole ;St. Joseph, Penetanguishene Mention honorable: André Frenette, Welland Les juges venaient de différentes villes du Sud- Ontario et le concours a @té dirigé par M. Omer Deslauriers, president du Conseil consultatif des Af- faires franco-ontariennes, Messieurs Gaston Beaulieu et Germain Bourgeois du Minist@re de l'Education et M. A Haché, directeur de 1'école _Corpus Christi d'Oshawa. A titre de gouverneur régional du Club Richelieu, M. Ronald Hamelin de Penetanguishene a présenté les trophées. L'occasion était gaye par les petits chanteurs 'Les Tournesols" de cette meme ville. Nous offrons nos felicitations aux parents et personnel enseignant qui ont si bien préparé ces seize concurrents. Il est a remarquer que l'assistance & une &ole de langue frangaise, en Ontario ne nuit pas a la connaissance de Vanglais chez les @tudiants: Patti Murphy, tout récemment, & remporté le premier prix dans deux concours oratoires anglais, soit de la zone 3 du comté de Simcoe et de tout |'Ontario pour la Catholic Women's Leage. La Télévision Francaise-Radio-Canada (coup-d' oeil rapide) Le samedi, 6 mai a I8h00- Genies en herbe-Jeu questionnaire I8h35- Ici, ailleurs- Les francophones se sentent-ils dépendants, culturellement, des 5 millions de Québécois qui forment la francophonie nord- américaines? 20h00- La soirée du hockey (aussi le mercredi et le vendredi) le dimanche, 7 mai I0h00- Le jour du Seigneur- paroisse Ste. Cécile de Masham I9h00- Les beaux dimanches du lundi au vendredi, a 12h00- Les coqueluches- du Complexe Desjardins, Montréal THUR- FRI- SAT Whole wheat & Regular white Bread "for the Best in Baking" /*1 HOLDER'S BAKERY "MS Read-A-Thon', and according to a recent press release from the MS Society, it's purpose is to encourage' school children to read while helping to fight Multiple Sclerosis at the same time. The project is somewhat similar to a walk-a-thon, except that the children must-read books as opposed to walking a number of miles. Representatives from the MS Society visited local schools, and explained the idea to students, teachers and administration. The children have a set time to read as many books as they can, and they collect pledges for their efforts. Although sponsorships vary, an average figure might be 10 cents per book. The read-a-thon program originated in the United States where it gained "tremendous response' according to the MS society. One of the organizations backing the project is the Inter- national Reading Association. "In the MS Read-A- Thon, we have a method of motivating our elementary students to read outside of the classroom. It won't take much time for a reader to read, but it takes a lot to make a non-reader want to try it," Dr. William Fuller, president of the reading association said. On April 3, the program was initiated in Simcoe County, after both the Simcoe County Board of Education and the Simcoe County Separate School Board gave their ap- proval. The program is open to students to grades one through eight, and over Thefts keep OPP busy A string of early spring thefts continue to keep Midland OPP officers busy. On April 29 Mr. Herman Cole of Alliston reported that someone had entered his Forest Harbour cottage and had stolen a 14-foot aluminum boat. He told police that he estimates the theft oc- curred between April 27 and 29. The boat is valued at $565. Police are still in- vestigating. Shingle Theft hes VORP) 7 isy ain- vestigating the theft of 20 bundles' of roofing shingles from a new home site in the Sunnyside area, just outside Midland town limits. The theft is believed to have occurred between April 16 and 22. The shingles are valued at about $200. Theft From Boat Police are investigating a theft from a boat belonging to William Wallace of Hugel Avenue in Midland which took place sometime between March 26 and April 26. Police say that the boat was parked at the Wye River Marina when thieves forcibly entered it by prying open a hatch. A quantity of property valued at $315 was taken. PGH births Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Park, 30 Peel Street, Penetanguishene,. a boy born April 19, 1978. Mr. and Mrs. David DeVillers of R.R. 3, Penetanguishene, a boy Obituary Mrs. Clarice Roy (Contois), at the Penetanguishene General Hospital on April 26th, 1978 following a lengthy illness. Mrs. Clarice was born in Lafontaine February 13, 1900, and lived for many years up the lakes at Gognashene and Moon River. She lived the past few years in Penetanguishene. Bel- oved wife of Henry Roy of Penetanguishene. Mrs. Roy was a member of the Ladies of Ste. Anne of Penetanguishene. Predeceased by parents Napoleon and Delina Contois. Mrs. Roy is survived by two sons, Armos Roi of William's Lake, British Columbia, Jimmy Roi of Perkinsfield and four daughters, Mrs. Theresa Duval of Oshawa, Mrs. born April 21, 1978. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crake, 61 Woodland Drive, Woodland Beach, a boy born April 23, 1978. Mr. and Mrs. James Conn, R.R. 1, Elmvale, a girl born April 27. 1978. of Olive Mrs. Chevrette Toronto, Mrs. Brunnelle and Velma Robitaille of Penetanguishene. Also survived by sisters, Mrs. Felanise Cascagnette, Mrs. Rose Larmand and Mrs. Mary-Anne Parent all of Penetanguishene and one brother, Philip COMO Onin s of Penetanguishene and 23 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Zeta Funeral services were held April 28th, 1978 at St. Ann's Memorial Church Penetanguishene. The service was conducted by Father J. Harrington. Pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased, Jimmy, Gary, Roger and Martin Duval and Gary and Larry Robitaille. GRAND OPENING OF ORCHARD FRESH WHOLESALE 534 Bayfield St., Barrie (Next to Pop Shoppe) WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 The freshest fruits and vegetables in town at prices YOU can afford A FREE Rose to the first 200 customers each day Wednesday to Sunday also FREE COFFEE FREE case of pop from Pop Shoppe with all orders over $15.00 (Offer expires ends May 6) Hrs. Mon. Tues., Wed., and Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thurs. and Fri. 9a.m. to 9p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Midland 526-5651 - x The Home of Buttermilk Bread 1,000 elementary students are participating in Simcoe County. Corpus Christi school in Penetanguishene is one of the schools where children have joined the read-a-thon. Hundreds of students at that school - in grades three to eight - are busy reading various books. The type of book is up to the student, as long as it is not part of the regular course of study at the school. Parents are given the responsibility of checking the number of books read by their child. TAUGTION LTD. OT, a ee = _~ Bayview Public School in Midland is another area school where the read-a-thon program is underway. This is the first year the read-a-tthon has been i tried in Canada, and . GEES Ue Road construction ociety, it has been an i ee. é unqualified success so Construction of Burke Street recently resumed, and the road is the road became solid again after the spring thaw, so heavy far. presently closed except for local traffic. Workers had to wait until equipment could be brought in Staff photo ARENA BUILDING FUND ONSTER DRAW MAY 6th YOU CAN WIN * 1977 Chrysler Newport * 1977 GM Chevelle * 1977 Ford Mercury Monarch , * 1977 16' Starcraft boat with 55hp. Evinrude motor and trailer * Trip for two to Portugal courtesy of TAP Airlines, Portuguese National Tourist Bureau, Travel arrangements by OK Johnson * 2 RCA Colour TV's with AM/FM radio * 2 Panasonic Microwave ovens * Plus over 70 other valuable prizes Kentucky Fried Chicken, Rolfoto Studios, Office Supplies, Graham Swales Clothier, Yard, Olympia Sports, Muffler Shop, Mamma Maria Trattoria Rest., Odeon Georgian Home Bakery. Penetang-Midland Coach Lines, C.K.M.P., Theatre, 'Freda's Restaurant, Holders P.D. Murphy Jewellery Ltd., Riviera Midland Build-All, Beaver Lumber, Adco Bakery, Fields Hardware, Perrins Flowers, Restaurant, Midland Sewing Centre, Moody Tire, Kelly Boys, Ron's Steak House, The Uptown Billiards, Midland Fish and Chips, G Blues, Cartier's Colorific Centre, Twin Lakes Place Setting, Home Hardware, Huronia and M Shoppe, Orr's Jewellers, Pizza Sports, Midland Grill, Shulman's Furniture, Head Hunters, Midland Curling Club, F.K Delight, Crawford's Men s Wear, Walter People's Dept. Store, Mathers Confectionery, Machinery, The Sea Horse, Captain's Woods Shoes, Edwards Specialty Shop, Kid's Stuff, Voorzangers, Dynasty Inn, Quarters, The Beauty Stop, The Friar's Watson's Camera Shop, F.W. Woolworth, Chit-Chat, Arcade Pharmacy, Central Sports, Fred Hook Ltd., Walker's Electric Ltd., Ideal Supply, The Parlor, Huronia fable, Peggy's Ceramics, Brooklea Golf and Country Club, Furnitex Corp. Ltd., Karl Berdan, Jack Frame and Russell Hargraves Insurance Hutchison Home Furnishings, Country Style Steak House, Windrifter Restaurant, Gun- ther's Watch Centre, Huronia Travel, Canadian Acceptance Corporation, Hair A chance at over 70 valuable prizes eAdmission to Gala Monster Draw night-with music by Huronia Harmonizers, Huronia District Band and dance (9-1) featuring 2 local bands INCLU DES: Buffet prepared by women's service clubs. TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE AT Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank cf Commerce, Rene Martins, Walker's Electric, HOS, Seahorse, Mac's Milk, Lamers or from any service club member. GET YOURS TODAY Wednesday, May 3, 1978, A3

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