Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 22 Jun 1977, p. 19

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classified Elmvale 322-1871 Midland 526-9369 Penetang 549-2012 marketplace NOTICES | NOTICES TENDERS | TENDERS Village of Coldwater Ministry of Tender for the Government Structural Reinforcing Ontarig, Severs of the Coldwater Arena. GOVERNMENT TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- GENERAL CONTRACTORS dersigned. At the Municipal Offices, Coldwater, Ontario, until 12:00 noon local time, on 27th of June, 1977 for the structural reinforcing of the Coldwater Arena. Contract documents, and drawings, may be obtained, from the Village Office, Grey Street, Coldwater, for a non- refundable fee of $25.00. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Julian J. Tofts Clerk Treasurer of the Village of Coldwater, Ontario. Notice Township of Tiny Notice of a proposed by-law to stop up and close for: vehicular traffic only and not for pedestrian traffic the whole of the Beach Road as shown on Registered Plan 670 and also being all that portion of Lot 27, Concession 2, of the Township of Tiny, lying between the High Water Mark, Georgian Bay, and the Westerly limit of the said Registered Plan 670. Take Notice that the Corporation of the Township of Tiny will take into consideration the passing and if approved, will pass at a meeting to be held on the 14th day of July, 1977, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at Council Chambers in the Township of Tiny, a by-law to provide for the stopping up and closing for vehicular traffic only and not for the purposes of pedestrian traffic all that part of the road shown as the Beach Road on Registered Plan 670 and also being all that part of broken Lot Number 27, Concession 2, in the Township of Tiny, lying between the High Water Mark and the westerly limit of the said registered Plan 670. And take further notice that at such time and place the Council will hear representations by any person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who has applied to be heard. Dated this 14th day of June, A.D. 1977. Guy Maurice, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Tiny, Perkinsfield, Ontario XGohpsond CENTRE insectrolite" 1. Alterations to the Staff House and Main Building at the Ontario Fire College, Gravenhurst, Ont. 55616-4 PAINTING CONTRACTORS 2. Exterior Painting of Eleven (11) Houses at the Mental Health Centre, Penetang, Ont. 67084 3. Sandblasting and Painting of the Iron Fence at the Huronia Regional Centre, Orillia, Ont. 67059 4. Exterior Painting of Roof - Barn and Storage Buildings at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Residence Farm on Lot 22, Concession 3, East Mono Township. 67098 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday, July 12, 1977. Combined Tenders will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Georgian Bay Regional Office, 24 James Street East, P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. NOTE: For further information regarding the Ten- ders, please call Mr. B. Mclsaac at the above address, telephone no. (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Community calendar Saturday, June 25 -- Garage Sale - at the home of Reg. Dundas, on the Old Fort Road, 10:00 a.m. Proceeds will go towards the Old Fort Community Playground. Saturday, June 25 -- The Cawaja, Balm and Ossossane Parks and Recreation Committee will be having a flea market and bake sale at The Surf, Balm Beach, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations of baked goods would be greatly appreciated. To rent a table, please call Brenda at 361- 1279 or Eileen at. 526-9400. Saturday, June25 | -- The 4th Midland Cub and Scout Ladies' Auxiliary are having a used book sale in Zeller's parking lot. For book pickup, please call 526-4596 or 526-8656. Saturday, June 25 -- Big Centennial Garden Party and Family Fair will be held on the lawn at All Saints Anglican Church, Penetanguishene, from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Auction Sale at 4:00 p.m. The place where you will Notice to Tay Residents Dog Owners are reminded that all dogs in the Town- ship must be licensed, and that from July Ist, 1977, the Licence fees shall be as follows: Single neutered male or spayed female $5.00 Single male or female dog $10.00 For the Second Dog (regardless of sex) $15.00 Kennel Licence fee $25.00 Licence tags are obtainable at the office of the Clerk. | Township of Tay W. Lumsden, Clerk FIRST AID TIP from Notice As of June 9th, 1977 I, Maurice Savard of 213 King Street, Apt. 7, Midland, Ontario, am no - TO CONTROL SEVERE BLEEDING © Apply hand pressure to the bleed. ing part, over a dressing if available If one dressing becomes bloodsoaked, don't remove it -- place another over meet your friends. Friday, July 1 -- Midland Rotary Club will hold its seventh annual BARB- B-QUE at the town dock, from 12 noon to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, July 2 -- Bayshore Senior Citizens, Woodland Beach will hold a bazaar and bake sale, tea room, at their Hall, Woodland Beach at 1 p.m. Call George Whitten 361- 2595. Saturday, July 2 -- St. James Ladies' Guild are holding a strawberry tea and bake sale, from 2:00 until 4:30 p.m. at the Parish Hall, Church Street, Penetanguishene. Saturday, July 2 -- Wyevale United Church Annual Strawberry Festival will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tickets will be on sale at the Wyevale Church Centre at 2:30 p.m. July 4-8 July 11-15 -- Welcome - All children - age four years to Grade 8 - to Daily Vacation Bible School, at Calvary Baptist Church, 598 King Street, Midland, from 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Games, crafts, bible study and singing. Thursday, July 7 Friday, July 8 Saturday, July 9 -- The Senior Citizens' Club of Midland is having an Arts and Crafts Bazaar in their Club Rooms, corner of First Street and Hugel Avenue. Thursday, Friday - 10 a.m, to8 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m. to6 p.m. July 19, 20 and 21 -- Auxiliary to Huronia District Hospital summer "Antique Market" at the Country Mill, Balm Beach Road, Midland. July 19 from 7 p.m, to 10 p.m. July 20 and 21 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Notice -- Tiny Township Adventure and Sport Camp is once again operating its summer camps, First camp in Lafontaine, July 4 to 15, Stott Park, from July 18 to 29, Perkinsfield, from August 2 to 12, North West Basin, from August 15 to 26. Children between 5 and 12 years can sign up. Registration forms are available within the Township. More information available at Tiny Township Municipal office or call 526-4204. Notice -- Canoe excursions are again being held at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, Midland - led by naturalists - every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for July and August. Reservation in person or phone 526-7809 (family groups welcome) Canoes, paddles and lifejackets are provided. No canoe experience necessary. For safety, all participants must be swimmers and weigh over 45 lbs. -- Organizers are invited to publicize their upcoming events free of charge in the Times Community Calendar. Please call the Community Calendar editor at 526-9369 or drop your message into the Midland Times office, 525 Bay Street. Local actors star as squaws, braves CBC pilot shot at Huron Village The CBC came to town on the weekend, complete with miles of cords, cumbersome cameras, a flurry of production, make-up, script and prop people - and at least one dazzling actress to draw gawker's attentions away from the beehive of ac- tivity (and seeming disorganization) which accompanies mobile filming ventures. Midland's own Huron Indian Village was the site for the shooting for a pilot situation comedy set in the days when Huronia was being settled. It was a rare op- portunity to catch an inside glimpse of the intensity of a television production. Seeing what goes on behind the scenes during a filming session reveals hard work, patience and stamina among the people involved. Co- ordinating film, sound, acting, makeup, 'set decoration, special ef- fects and coping with the many- idiosyncrasies of such a venture is, to say the least, a complicated business. The special effects department was been heavily taxed in this production. They've had to locate or create everything from Hudson Bay blankets, beaver pelts, tee-pees, and the interior of trading posts to large paper pumpkins which explode nicely when used as am- munition. There was little of the glamour we normally associate with the finished product - only hours of patient toiling. One section of the play took two hours to get down pat, the finished product will likely last only a few minutes. The situation comedy is set in early pioneer times when the French and English came to settle in the area, According to the script, a conflict between natives and settlers over the hunting rights of the Blue Duck resulted in the capture of one settler. His fate was death by burning at the stake or marriage to one of the Indian squaws for a time the captive thought the latter was his best way out. But as luck would have it, out sauntered Gloria, the ravishing blonde rincess pictured on our front page. Small wonder that it was all the cap- tive could do to contain himself. ¢ longer connected in any way as a partner in the firm known as G & M Painting and Decorating and therefore will not be responsible for any debts acquired under the above name from June 9th, 1977. it.@ Lie the casualty down and ele. vate the injured part above the level of the heart Cover dressing with a pad of soft material and hold dressing 'and pad in position with a firm bandage ® If there is a foreign object embedded in the wound, don't re. move it. Removal may cause more Serious bleeding Loosely cover the object with a light cloth to prevent infection then apply pressure around the object ELECTRONIC BUG KILLER FOR SALE insectrolite 1 $93. insectrolite 2 $114. For those pest - free evenings OLYMPIC Red Wood Stain reg. $16.75 SALE $10.75 FLOAT MIRRORS | 13x24 x Sim $7.95 each 24" x36" x 5mm $14.95 each 30" x48" x5mm $ 21.95 each FIRST AID TIP from Thomson, Michele Hackstetter, Lena King, Carol Elson, and Shirley Harvey played squaws and'braves in the CBC A number of local people provided their talents for the production, mostly as 'extras', Ray Holt, Byyn Davies, Chris production. There's no doubt that newcomers to the film scene enjoyed every minute of it, despite long, often tedious shooting. Here's hoping the CBC pilot will turn into a series and the film crews will be back for more. A'captive' among 'natives' ala CBC Commission investigating use of aluminum wiring welcomes public briefs of the inquiry by an Order-in-Council in April of this year, has been on the staff of the Depart- Dr. J. Tuzo Wilson, CC.) Bh:Ds, P-Eng,; recently appointed Commissioner of a graduated from the University of Toronto following service in World War II. After working man of the Centre for the Study of Materials. Professor Srivastava was born in Kanpur, India Science Research Council Those wishing to in England until 1966 present briefs at when he came to the hearings, should notify, in University of Waterloo writing, Mr. D.V. Fowke, David's Sales & Service Motorcycles MINOR BURNS AND SCALDS. © Lessen the spread of heat in the tissue and relieve pain by immersing the burned area in a basin of cold water @ If a sink or basin is not available apply cloths soaked in cold water @ Don't place a burn under extreme water pressure as that pres: sure may damage the tissues further New Honda CB-200T 899.00 CB - 750 F1 $2399.00 New Cam Am 125 TNT - 1049.00 175 TNT 1199.00 © Periodically add ice to the cloths or cold water ® This process should be 175 O.R. 1299.00 Ciniei ean Seman 250 TNT 1359.00 oil dressings ® Cover the area with a Laas eee RSMO 0) cee Used Motor Cycle 1976 Yamaha 400 R. FIRST AID TIP 1099.00 1976 Yamaha 400 D. ree 999.00 6 1976 Cam Am 175 O.R. 1199.00 1974 Kawaski 400 Dz 999. FRACTURES UaTd Honda, Xi °-250 te g cestbiey fas aittred 4 trac 699.00 tured limb, support the injured part at once to prevent further demage © immobilize the injured. part by securing it 10 a sound part of the body @ Splints and bandages should David's Sales & Service corner of Dunkerron | & used if medical aid is not readily available ® Bandages should be placed and 19 st. (behind tightly enough to prevent movement Wheelers. IGA) 429- but not so tightly as to cut off the circulation ® Immobilize the joints above and below the fracture ® Immediately seek medical aid, 3549 Wasaga Beach 16" x 60" x 5mm $16,95 each DURAL Red Wood and Walnut Stain zl $5.49 466 Hume St. Collingwood 445-3800 mS Mon. - Thurs. 8am.- 6pm. 4 Friday 8am. - 9pm. Saturday 8am. - 5pm. Notice Heavy Garbage pickup for Orr Lake Area. June 27, 1977 and Sept. 1, 1977 Township of Flos Provincial inquiry con- cerning the use of aluminum wiring in Ontario homes, an- nounced today that the Commission's first of a number of public hearings took place on Monday, June 6th at 10 a.m. at the Auditorium, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St, West, Toronto. Dr. Wilson, who was appointed Commissioner Course | ment of Physics, U. of T. for the past years and is an internationally known scientist. Since 1974 he has been _ Director- General of the Ontario Science Centre. Two Technical Advisors to the Com- mission are Professors George B. Craig, Ph.D., Peng.) and Kod; Srivastava, Ph.D., P. Eng. Professor Craig n basic ceramics at Georgia n this summer Wendy Munroe, an award-winning third year ceramics major at Georgian College, will teach' a 60-hour basic ceramics course and conduct a four-week studio workshop at the Barrie Campus during the College's Summer School of the Arts. The basic course, operating June 27 through July 8, will introduce the novice to the broad world of ceramics and will offer expert instruction on wheel, throwing, pinch, coil, slab and decorating techniques. The cost is $75.00, supplies included. The four-week studio workshop commencing July 18has been arranged for intermediate and advance ceramists who wish to enhance their skills and produce, partly on their own. The cost per week, including supplies, is $35 Students may register for all or any number of the four weeks. Wendy, a_ recent graduate of the three- year Design Arts program at Georgian College, was one of five students to receive awards for academic proficiency, _ precented annually by the College Faculty Association. She was also awarded a $2000.00 Ontario Crafts Council Scholarship to study ceramics and drawing at the Alfred University in New York this fall. For further information on this and other Summer School offerings, contact Georgian College, 401 Duckworth Street, Barrie, Telephone 705- 728-1951. all 00 with the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources in Ottawa he returned to Toronto to become Professor of Metallurgy and Chair- and received his doc- torate in engineering at the University of Glasgow. He worked at the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory of the where he is Chairman of F.M.C., Secretary of the the department of Commission at Hickling- Electrical Engineering. Johnston Ltd., 10th floor, Counsel for the Cem- 415 Yonge Street, mission is William J. Toronto, Ontario M5B Anderson, Q.C. 2E7. Let'er rip! Here Walt McGilvray, a Lawn Bowling Club director, sweeps low to bowl an accurate shot at the "jack" at the other end of the green. When the idea of the organization first took root, the club had nothing, save stout determination and a willingness to work together. Staff photo Wednesday, June 22, 1977, Page 19

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