Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 28 May 1975, p. 23

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Outdoor education: Mill now 63 years old The mill by the old mill stream at Wyevale turned 63 years old this year, and it is still very much a going concern for hundreds of schoolchildren from across educational experience, and, says Harry, "when pupils and teachers live together for a few days, they see each other in a different light. There's more to it than just It's Hunt's Hilarious Happenings for Ontario kids at the Wyevale centre by the old mill stream our life here, and hard to keep their family anecdotes which she jots tended stay. a success that Phyllis and trips, Swimming, although it's demanding life separate and private. in a notebook loosely The kids themselves Harry were able to enjoy canoeing, 'cookouts and and ties us down, we are Harry's office is the called, "Hunt's Hilarious contribute to the smooth a two week holiday in hay rides. our own bosses. buffer zone between. Happenings." running of the mill. "They Jamaica last January. 4 3 The property was family life and the "T really think I could all pitch in," says Harry. Hunt's Hilarious In August, Phyllis will known for years as business end of the write a book some day,' 'They look after their Happenings are put the spaghetti pot Withall's Mill. The first Operation. "Harry can she says. "There was the ownroomsandtaketurns scheduled right into the away for a month, and mill was built in 1907 but was washed away in spring flooding five years later. In 1913, the present mill and dam were built, and for more than 50 years, Bill Withall of play school principal in here when he has the time," grins Phyllis. With the help of Madge Holt, Phyllis manages all the cooking, baking and cleaning in the lodge. She time we caught one of the girls hanging parts of her wardrobe out her window on a fishing line, to the boys' windows down below; the time the grade eight teacher announced clearing tables and taking dishes to the dish- washer." Vandalism has been almost nil. There are no telephone numbers scratched on the walls of summer. And when school's finished, there will be two week-long camps for July with field she and the family will relax and enjoy 100 acres of paradise, down by the old mill stream. 14 Flavours - Di | Wyevale operated the bases her weekly menus at breakfast that all girls the washrooms, and there Diets, too! mill and farmed on the ©" Canada's Food Rules, whoweren't wearingbras is no litter on the property. He sold the site @94 has a stock answer shouldgoand put themon property. This, says to the Hunts in 1972. As well as building the for picky eaters who whine "'I don't like that". immediately; the time we found our big goofy Harry, is a tribute to the teachers who come with lodge, the Hunts have "Sorry," she says with Newfoundland dog_ the school groups. "We worked hard to maintain @ Smile, "There are no sleeping in a bunk with don't provide staff for the beautiful natural Substitutions." one of our guests; the outdoor education work, surroundings in the valley setting. At the moment Harry, who was born and raised in a rural com- munity, is involved with the Ministry of Natural Resources in a planting program. Ten-Thousand trees are being rooted on the river bank, to prevent erosion. The mill is a family operation. Robert is 15, She finds that appetites improve after a day in the fresh air. "The food is really important to the kids,"' she says. '"'It's the first thing they report if they' phone home."' Roast beef, turkey and stews are menu basics, but the big favourite with youngsters is spaghetti, with hamburgers running a close second. There is little boy who visited the dairy farm and an- nounced that the reason cows have such big mouths is because that's where the calves come out; the inner city Italian boy who made his bed by carefully spreading one sheet under the mattress and the other on top...the list goes on and on." The Metro Separate but we find that the teachers are keen and knowlegable, and that everyone pulls together as a group." This is, in Harrys eyes, the most important facet of the mill experience. "When pupils and teachers live together for a'few days, they see each other in a different light. There's more to it than Shoppe 24-10 oz. Returnables '(That's 11.2c per bottle) Midland - Hwy. 27 & Hugel FOR YOUR Ontario, who come to Harry and Phyllis Hunt's outdoor learning. The whole class becomes more closely knit." 2.754 4 student at always a cole slaw or School Board books just learning. The whole education centre with their teachers. It offers a unique Staffphoto Penetanguishene Seco- /ettucesalad,andthekids heavily with the Hunts. class becomes more ndary School. David is in COnSume vats of milk and Other groups have come closely knit." by Shirley Whittington 1 Ri doors. The 100-acre site by tractor-pulled wagon grade 7 at Midland's Juice. _ ,,, {from Guelph, Peter- Hunt's outdoor or a e ote Aaa a the ites bile Tue: includes a hardwood to neighbouring beef and Bayview School. Susie is I find that the kids borough, Windsor, Sarnia _ education centre is totally Fourth line of Tiny which thecentreisnamed bush, a springfed stream dairy farms. 6, and attends kin- from privileged homes go and Niagara Falls. In a private enterprise Township, it seems as if the Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe had moved down By the Old Mill Stream. Amost every week during the school year, Harry and Phyllis Hunt was built 63 years ago, the lodge is spanking new, and designed with kids in mind. The Floors are car- peted, the furniture is confortable and casual and the washrooms are and valleys and fields that form a perfect out- door classroom. The mill is located in the heart of historic Huronia, within easy distance of the Martyrs' Shrine, Sainte Marie, the And there's the mill itself, a two storey structure on the river bank which is_ still operable. The use of water power to grind grain fascinates youngsters who go home dergarten in Wyevale. David looks after the tuck shop in the lodge, and all the Hunt children take part in the chores. There's lots of grass to mow, and the Hunts have a large garden as well as for the juice," says Phyllis. "The inner city kids who come up here just can't get enough milk." Porridge for breakfast is a new experience for 'most of the youngsters April, a group from Brockvill was snowed in, and enjoyed their ex- undertaking unsupported by government grants, and it has been enough of 14 Flavours - Diets, too! Needs Let someone : : i " ' ; ho come to the mill. host. groups of school gleaming, bright and Museum of the Upper With a whole new un- six registered Hereford W 1 children from Ontario's Sdippeds with a are: Lakes, Penetanguishe- derstanding of terms like heifers and a pony. -- me restate they urban centres, for live-ins The huge cafeteria-cum- ne's Military and Naval "dam", "flue" and "mill Phyllis Hunt describes ti ae ne says wh at their outdoor education common room with its Establishments, the pond"'. herself as chief cook and yils, ju e nex oO centre - The Mill, near Wyevale. The kids come with their sleeping bags and their teachers for a week of Huronia life. Most of them are surprised at the comfort and modernity of the accommodations _prov- ided in the huge Pan- Abode lodge that stone fireplace is the focal point of activity. There are separate dorms for girls and boys, and downstairs there is a classroom with facilities for audio-visual aids and native oriented projects. But the most important experience, at the mill comes from the out-of- Simcoe County Museum Springwater Part, the Wye Marsh, ski areas at Moonstone and Mount St. Louis, and the sandy beaches of Georgian Bay. Harry arranges ex- cursions to these at- tractions using his school bus for transportation. A top-rated outing is a trip eee crossword ae Harry and Phyllis Hunt are fugitives from the city. He is a former principal of an elemen- tary school in York County. Phyllis is a teacher with 12 years experience. "We saw a need for this kind of operation," says Harry, "and we had both had it with city living. We like the independence of bottle washer. "I come from a big family," she says, "and there were always a lot of people around the place, so it's no big deal arranging the meals for the kids who stay with us." The Hunts home ad- joins the main lodge, and although they eat the same meals as their young guests, they try morning , they empty the pot!" When the youngsters are going out for an ex- cursion, Phyllis and Madge pack box lunches for them. Phyllis Hunt has a warm sense of humour, and between bouts with the yacuum cleaner and the oven that bakes 20 pies at a time, she collects 24-10 oz. Returnables (That's 11.2c per bottle) Midland - Hwy. 27 & Hugel Peter Reino Sports Golf & Water Ski understands fulfill them. "We're an approved lender under the NHA and with the Mortgage Insurance Com- pany of Canada." BM iE 6 Specials 19 20 2 2 ae: & E B EB 2 : ; re Golf Package includes: 30 31 Eas al sis an er =| iD | eee a a ae , yen) RR Ned Spalding Starflite 7 pc. set pi 7a ian ae me P E he ; (men's right hand only) Savings & loan corporation [3 M6 a7 8 9 5051 52 e@ Aluminum shafts e Vinyl bag P.O. Box 147, 88 Dunlop St. E. 33 54 5 56.157 58 ' ' Barrie, Ontario (705) 726-7200 5 ~ ™ cs 7 e Tees & three 252 balls reacniene lige Suggested Price $93.00 BRANCHES i 72, 173 4 (\75 mele ale Fe ik ! i SPECIAL $48 88 Georgian Mal: 221 King St 105 Muskoka Rd. N 76 7 7B 73 80 al 82 u Bare MAldl G = hie jane . . 726-0340 626-9364 ee fas 6 87 ( is Spalding Starflite 11 pc. set 30 31 92 93 94 195 (same as above) Member -- Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation gare) gene | 97 98 991100 10! flo2 103 104 Suggested Price $133.00 105 106 }107 108 109 110 MM} L2 SPECIAL $78.88 113 114 115 116 7 118 119 4 . CC a. os ie All Water Skis 2 Price For 126 [127 [128 129 130 131 32 | 133 }134 |135 1136 AME VOIT ad Cc x 202 Conversion Pair = = 7 138 T9_fi40 Ml 12 Suggested Price $90.00 NX ie | ing wee $ ras 144 145 [146 147 148 149 150 OUR PRICE $45 00 tS and . 151 152 153 154 155] 156 157 158 ial im Sip enen era fertilizing | 189 160 161 162 163 164 165 Suggested Price $100. 00 |] g awns wae 166 167 168 169 170 i OUR PRICE $50. 00 ° 172 173 | & 175 7 Biggest stock of Sport Shoes ACROSS surface article vehicle 101 Cast A tra nquil scene in Central Ontario at the Best Prices. 71 Convened 150 He was: 19 Difficult off : ae F vont 151 Female 21 flecenaay se paths Animals are a definite part of the scene at the Wyevale P AT Phone 726-3232 e Barrie 7 CIA 76 Greediness chicken British King 103 Miled's outdoor education centre run by Harry and Phyllis The Baymart e Bayfield St. N. agent ABS D Win gb Cees eto2 sedual 23 subposition ae eae Hunt, a pair of refugees from city living. Along with a lor eney Be Mass ise Bene ecoonabic ate chance to live and play with classmates and teachers, LALO N DE 13 Scissors 83 Vine fruit 155 Abundance _ 36 Festival letter the young students who come to the centre have a 19 Church eA Monerably 158 Paid 38 Japanese 106 pystheae chance to learn something of nature -- too often buried official ilitary notices coin rain . A ' 20 Mountain absence 159 Oral pause 41 Conjunction 107 Blush under concrete in the city jungles to the por h FENC]I N science 88 Right-hand 160 Andes 43 Pluto's 108 Soak Staff photo 22 Small page country domain 112 Connecticut car 89 Eye: 161 Flowering 44 gage god : pci! 24 Biblical Scottish shrub 46 Small bird 11 ie king 90 Seine 162 New 48 Spread hay slice 14 RISvCUrs ELMVALE 25 Aloe 91 Network zeblape 48 Grandicse 117 Baseball - Diets, Too! fiber 92 Jokes ort ootba eam 26 Behold! 94 Miscalculate 163 Godoflove official 118 Specimen 322- 1862 27 Encourage 96 Musical 165 Daybreak 52 Fairy fort 121 Greek 28 Leave note comb. form 54 Harquebus goddess out 97 Gallium 166 Public support 122 Neither 29 Exclamation' symbol discussions 57 Greek 124 Mauna All types of 30 Downcast 98 Throw 168 Idle gossip letter 32 School ios March King 170 Pood winkes 58 puniscal 125 - a 3 f q d a assignment 103 Angry wds ats bor 34 Ga 105 Bureneene 172 Ten years 60 Peace 126 Converted ; encing an rooms 109 Alcoholic 173 Biblical a socdeEs ae pi checks 12, fs fe) lit 35 For each beverage animal 1 Mans ange ( 's 11.2c per bottle a7 Some it egyptian 17S european $2 Label part Midland Hwy. 27 & Hugel ge coaucls 7 Seth's 111 E tian 1 uropean abe par x a pen 5 landmark country eh Weeden ago Wei wy. uge ecay 11 ye wilig! ur 40 Hawaiian SMO OUS!y 1 cS 66 Shopner a nuns bird 114 Far down stopper U * 6 Buus 116 oily . 2 ae 67 aoe cag ommnene PMCL 12 Day yy, 5 Day ) 22 Day Get Green Cross light- : ronoun mistake ila Fa cath eee ATLANTIC MOOSONEE RE weight Weed'n Feed with Killex. af Negative 118) Heavy 3 Electrical y N Ss ° Y ST. PIER vote swell ad native 135 Auto _ PROVINCES z 3departures Its double-action formula eliminates weeds pk pica ID SIBIblical 4 Appendage Ee oe aneni Tienes, S| July 22 Aug. 18,25 Wp and provides balanced feeding to make your fe) woman + Yy) 47 Essential 120 Intensify SyAaualles wife 136 'Attacks CabotTraii. | 4 sharing $125. MIQUELON lawn grow. character 123 Young goat Manne 74 Sluggishness wards y 50. ¢ Forkilling weeds --Weed'n Feed contains ae 99 6 Think 138 Slow Pegay's Cove 2 sharing $150. BE 50 Mardi 124 Gravy logically iSsScollsh 140 Indiana and Mini Cruise 2 | 2departures Killex, the effective herbicide that controls ais spoon y j ats : a | 52 Urs 126 Frankness u angle aA OnS, eae e SPOAIBTS ® 40108 COACK Tava $309.00 10 Day Aug. 2 & 30 over 15 varieties of lawn weeds --including | measure 129 Twelve a 78 Detest 141 Doctrines ALL TOURS GASPE 4SHARING stubborn chickweed, clover, SPCR ye 15): Mae 9 Sailor's pon oualeU ell 44 Regions 21 Day By Mator Coach QUEBEC $519. plantain and dandelions. esque urke y chest 55 Decimal 132 Happenings Fohenes drama 14 WEST COAST DEPART FROM & SAGAGANAY. * For fertilizing lawns -- base 137 Tonic Weary 85 Baking 152 sipper 5 Departures Barrie j 3 SHARING Weea'n Feed contains two 56 Sat for Bae 11 NewYear's gz anne 153 Isinglass See: y Orillia |RIVER CRUIS ($539. types of nitrogen for growth 58 Wretched- ee onze noni article yee evoul Thunder Bay Collingwood Departure Aug. 24 aS and greening --plus potash eos 139 Absorbed 12 Fai 91 Manhandler outing Calgary Midland having $2181 2SHARING for sturdy root structures, ad 59 Atiempted 142 idolize 93 Yawned 157 Join WY yas /// 4 sharing . $599. eniuc ken. isnGadh ia 61 Man's 143 Stupefy sap anges 94 Epochal 160 Moccasin Stampede GU "t "a 2sharing $265. Ladd 4d and phosphorous fo ; Wht 144 Presidential tb edie 95 Branch 164 But g Klondike | yay Uj Va Liab bin siled om Colonel Sanders and his boys make it" ifingar lickin' good' structural strength to both ' 62 Fixation nickname 88 96 Dairy Latin Banff YY) roots and leaves. 64 Hi 145 Continent: 15 Arabian Sauna 167 Take ee na "t C chieftain 97 Travel place Jasper Yy y e One easy-to-carry 22-Ib. 68 California 147 Cordage 6) Sullabla 99 U-boat ge er clypesian The Rockies so PMCL- SHANNON TRAVEL bag covers 5000 square feet CROSS ort fiber ICEsypuans | 100%eire 171 Helm -& much more _ CANADA TOUR 36 Hurontario St. KING & YONGE ST. MIDLAND of lawn. h 69 G 148 French pons indicator position = 4 z aged de Piet pal Vea , Vey One of 61 problem solving Pee j products from GreenCross. _ problem solvers. Answer on page 3 Wednesday, May 28, 1975, Page 5

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