Ontario Community Newspapers

Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 2 Apr 1975, p. 19

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'Huronia~*~ . Commanteni Calendar : Thursday, April3 -- Goiic meeting re proposed official plan of the Elmvale planning area at Elmvale Board of Trade Room at 7 p.m. Friday, April 4 -- Coldwater and District Men's Hockey League is sponsoring the following benefit hotkey games: CKMP Radio vs. CKVR-TV No-stars at'7:30'p.m! Walter Dean Real Estate vs. Ingenious' Devices ° Ltd.' for 'the championship at 9 p.m. "Wyevale' Courtry'*' en: tertaining at 9 p.m. All events are to be held at Cold- water Community Centre. Saturday, April5 a -- The first annual S.P:E:B.Q'S.A.° Incorporated Midland Chapter Parade of Harmony (Midland Barbershoppers' concert) at 2 _p.m. Be the MSS cafetorium. -- Penetanguishene Senior Citizaiis aré! pokoriny a dance at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall from $ P.! m. to 12 midnight. -- Achievement Day for 4-H Homemaling Club, Elmvale-Huronia eutietidel Elementary' School, starting at 1 p.m.' -- Rummage Sale in' St. Pail s united -ehuiveti "ya. Doors open 1:30 p.ti:'Auspices Sp Paifts UL ew? Stinday, April 6-22%2'79qx9 Mis -- Seminar on RRO RE Oey tel soRGciNE Re eAIDS. sponsored 'by*the Adult AGtiVitid? CorhMiifteds4B Stil Paul's United 'Chur¢h4 in°the Chtfch Aa at's pan' Tickets may. be "obtained 'thiidagh ithe Chifreh "office" (526-6077) or" Mrs.oJeah Wagg (526-7677). M9209 | oc! 101 coiMenday,Apripe! Ail blsow voy <> The} regular? nivrithly ime tags OE thee "NuAses° Alumnae Association Will be Held! #Ptheaining tom of! | StolAndrews' Hospital, at 74855". sharp. MrsaBuek" © 'will speak 'on/ new ntotivations ir the mentaay Peta ded. Allonurseswelddihe. 515 lice s00mia div! aft DoPaesday, Aprils 701g T ) Gord: >=! Annual meeting: Gf theoProgréésive! Consdtwinttve! Assdtiation/of 'Mitiarid ands Districtiiat the odd! Fellows' Hall, Dominion Ave; Midland!" The Association is pleased to host Ontario Housing Minister Hon. Donald R. Irvine and Gordon E. Smith, MPP. Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. with a question and answer period to follow at 7:45 p.m. Thursday, / April 10 -- A fashion presentation by. the merchants of Georgian Mall at the Georgian College Theatre at 8 p.m. (Also Friday, April 11). This showing will truly be "the fashion show of Simcoe County" with over 100 separate outfits revealing the exciting new fashion and styles for 1975. Tickets are available at the Georgian Mall administration office and various mall stores. To finalize the event, there will be a wine and cheese party after the showing! on: Friday; 'April '11) as] Sou 'Friday, April,i1' ee Bean -- Elmvale Maple Syrup 'Talent Festival and "Queers : Contest. Night, 8 p:m:,-Elmvale District High-School.? | = Saturday, April 12 -- Midland District Shrine Club'will host its annual © Stiriners*Dance at the €ountry Mill. 'Fhere will be a | iv roast' dinner followed with dancing from 9 p.m. 1 a.m. Dress is optional. Tickets are available from Vert Pweeting, George Scott or Don Johnston. 6: 30 p.m. & AMIRI Nurses' anenee Association. 2 SA AOR NCE EE NN AE TEE Organizations are invited to publicize their upcoming events free of charge in the Times Community Calendar. Please call the Community Calendar editor at 526-9369 or drop your message into The Midland Times office at 289 King Street, (upstairs). Poem in memory of Elsie Prowse - F 'Ole tte Gerdes Von [ os evening arch 24, the members of Margaret Rebekah Lodge held their annual open house. Thereswerej84 peeve and approximately 100 visitors in attendance. Members of Couchiching Lodge, | Orillia, Beaver Lodge, Barrié;> dear Lodge, Midian and Glen Lodge, Elmvale came by chartered bus. Mrs LvypAmoresay ed the visiting members prior to opening the/lodge meeting. There were four 'distinguished member: sent: Mrs. Sally Laidlaw, "past assembly president; Don MacEachern, grand lodge centinal; Mrs. Freda Heels, past assembly chaplain; and Mrs. Dolly Burnett, district adeuly president. Since our last lodge 'meeting on Neneh 10, the. Margaret Rebekah lodge musiciaii, Mrs. Elsié Prowse, | passed away suddenly, on March' f During" the meeting Mrs. Kay Caudle presided at the pian ' John Tobin sang Mrs. 'Rowse!s favourite: eRe "How Great Thou Art". Following this Mrs. Jeannie Brown recited a poem shé had composed in her memory. At the close of Lodge the visiting guests were ad- mitted and welcomed intu the lodge room by our Noble Grand. The members entertained them by putting on a comical fashion show and wedding skit. There was also a penny auction sale and some raffles. At the close of> the evenings activities a lovely. dJunch was served. An Ode To Elsie Prowse We salute the musician merermeresiioem She has gone to her rest, Like a faithful Rebekah She gave us-her best, Her memory: is sweet We will follow her trend, And be good Rebekahs To the very end. Jean Brown ¢ UP TO 1 30% OFF* "WALLPAPER IN STOCK Ready to take home Hundreds of patterns pre-pasted *Maker's book $t.Clair t and paper f eople GEORGIAN ee nent players and Charlie Brown °"The Covenant Players" go through one of their Charlie Brown routines during a per- formance atthe Calvary Baptist Church last Wednesday in Midland. Here, Lucy shows Hy Charlie's faith in her is poorly placed, as she pulls away the imaginary football at the last minute. Charlie, as the photo shows, is on the way to a crash. landing. CWL meet at Victoria Harbour by Lorraine Kindy | ;The .Catholic Women's League of St. Mary's Parish held its annual St. Patrick's Day a March 19. Mrs. Emery' Cadeau opened the fea, by lighting the candles at the head table, while welcoming everyone present. Mrs. Irene Beauchamp, Mrs. M. Juneau, and Miss Alma Juneau did the honours of pouring tea during the af- ternoon. Reverend O. Maloney, Mrs. Emery Cadeau, Mrs. Ann Lachapelle, Mrs. Grace Brousseau, and Mrs. Dianne Moreau greeted people at the door. In charge of the collection were Mrs. Adrianne Alphonse, assisted * by Rose Juneau. Mrs. held a raffle on a large two- layer cake which was won by Mrs. Griffiths of John Street ; in Victoria Harbour. Mrs. } Mary Roskaft, Mrs: Savage, and Mrs. Evelyn Roy, were in charge of the bake sale from which the | proceeds will go to the medical centre: The CWL would like to thank everybody who helped to make the bake sale such a success. Mrs. Anne Lachapelle would like to thank her many helpers in the kitchen and the ladies that waited on the tables. The next CWL meeting will be April 10th with a potluck supper at 7 p.m. in the parish hall. Election of officers will be held the same evening and everyone is invited to attend and have an op- portunity to become involved in their parish. ELMVALE Cecil ,MacDonald» Hida 3 Mrs: 'Marg Bivant wisited with her, mothen in {Toronto _for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. , Emery), \Cadeau returned from their trip to Florida. Debbie Juneau,and ' Christine Cadeau visited Pennsylvania with their class for the Easter break. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brousseau and children spent the Easter weekend in North Bay. Harry Price, jr., was home to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price. Eleanor Levee and Joan Evans were home visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans. Carol and Jack Park and baby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Evans: and Neil Evans was also home for the weekend. Colin; jJJune, and Carol Ashworth had lots of family home with Hillary and Neil McCormick, and Carl and Jeyce Strand and children, nd Jim Ashworth Jr., and boys, visiting for Easter. Don and Barb Eplett and children were home for the weekend visiting all their relatives. Jane Gracie and Sheila Evans of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. Pellett and three children from Thor- nhill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jarman. Harbour Hits in Humour" "Harbour Hits in Humour *75"' community concert will be held April 14 and 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the public school auditorium. The cost will be $1.5Q for adults and $1.00 for children: Everybody is in- vited to come and have a wonderful evening of songs and music and old fashioned humour. MOKE _ SPORTING GOODS Featuring: Cooper - Spalding - Jelinek -" Adidas - Pony - Bauer' 'Your Sporting Goods Headquarters' att John J..Geere, Chief of Police Address all correspondence to the Chief of Police, Box 462 TOWN OF PENETANGUISHENE POLICE DEPARTMENT bicycle. bidder. Apri' th 3975. with hose. The ea ne Police Dept. have in their possession 4 unclaimed bicycles in good condition which have been found over the last year. These bicycles are to be sold to the public any person interested in purchasing a bicycle can do so by - lst, attending at the Police office and view the bicycles, 2nd make a written offer for a The written offer will be reviewed on April 17th and the BI vElS a go to the highest 09 -Any--person-having~cta bicycles Rea =I au, OF GA F4PS-Potore One 5 gallon outboard gas tank complete Ji2zbG OS iSsebU im to any of these LAB ASAA AAR AAPA ABABRRARA On' "March" 27, guides ahd brownies under the leadership, of Liz Webb, Mrs. 'McColgan, 'Evans, Lorraine Kindy, and junior'? 'leadérs | Debbie ! Juneau' ~ 'and ' Christine Cadeau visited the senior citizens for an Easter party. the ' girl" Marg ° by Alberta MacDonald 835-5274 Naws fry last week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Henriksen, in . Brantford. Mrs. Stan Healey spent last weekend visiting with her father, Mr. Stephenson, in Bracebridge and while there attended a birthday celebration in honour of her father's 90th birthday. Lynn Healey from Orillia spent the holiday weekend visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Healey. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bannon were their daughter, June, from Willowdale. Dr. and Mrs. David Lepard, Sean and Catharine from St. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Thompson and family of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs., Ron. Deyitt and, Doug from Oshawa spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. Hazel Taylor,and Orville. k Mrs, Taylor returned with the Devitts to spend a few days. Last Friday visitors with the Taylors were Mr,yand Mrs. Arlie® Taylor from Orillia) 0 yalls\ I Mr. and, Mas, Arghié 3 5 Bowmay and, Peggy Any from Kinmount visited last ,0 ji jas) go 1909 Thursday mir Min an Mrs; : Don Bowman family. | Onch sSundayliv "Mis| « Rosemary Arch@and{ family from Scarborough "visited with the Bowmans!®? \ Ian Vasey from Western University in London, spent ~~ Mrs. Wayne Healey spent -- Announcement A. W. Rubens Law Office Now Located at 134 Main St. Joorees> PENETANG=: 1 Formerly Georgian Bay Travel & Licence Bureau _ 549-7487 908 a couple of days last week Visitors during the holiday __visiting with his parents, Mr._weekend with Mr_and-Mrs- and Mrs. Horace Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Vasey and Bernice, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drury, Darren and Billie-Jo of Crown Hill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ashworth in Waterloo. Janet Stewart from Toronto spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Stewart and family. Mrs. John Voegtle returhed home last week after an enjoyable trip and holiday in Halifax! Gwen Faint from University of Guelph spent the past weekend visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faint. " COMIPL PLETE £998) FERTILIZER onl. SERVICES A) e CTR a2 deniid aoa ¥) Vs sie ae dtiy 194792 rar CHEMICAL SEED Wamce siege VARIETIES Sa | ME a= egy CO-ORDINATED | GRAIN PROGRAMS MARKETING Simcoe District Co-Op 259 Innisfil) St... Barrie + rn | 726-6531 "A pleasant place to deal' oma {il Roy Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunn and James of Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodrow and family from Coulson. James Dunn returned home with his parents after spending the past week visiting with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards. Joan Robinson from the University of Guelph and Jill Robinson from Canadore College in North Bay, spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Robinson, Janie, Peter and Paul. Visitors during First the nvaseyang. district -- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. --Charles Brown-were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Webb and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Nixon and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Griffith, and Mrs. Delmer Brown and Vincent, all from Toronto, Mrs. Ken McLeod from Livonia, Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell and family from Crossland. Vincent Brown of Toronto returned home after spen- ding a weeks holiday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Brown Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barnard, David and. Tracey from Newmarket visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Brian Jones and family Mortgages! Mortgages 'to 90% of the appraised value of your property. E,.Prime fates. " First Mortgages on commercial dustrial & in- properties. At Municipal we care. the municipal SaVINGs & loan corporation P.O. Box 147, 88 Dunlop St. E Barrie, Ontario (705) 726-7200 BRANCHES. Georgian Mall Barrie 726-0340 221 King St Midland 526-9364 105 Muskoka Rd. N Gravenhurst 687-2212 Member. --+, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation RETIREMENT SALE Flotron's, Elmvale This is areal DOOZER of a sale!! Men/'s WINTER ~ » JACKETS: 0. % to. 50% Off 25% 43 ) SNOWMOBILE SUITS Men"s, Ladies, Children's ¥3 OFF reinforce Sater Hie -I'NORTH STAR: Casuals Sporty nylon_uppers.... _foam cushion insole. . Weomes in blue, red, gold and brown" 'R6g:'16.99 40K rey 2 AW Be twin-striped with _ padded -top-tine y Bety rubber sole . . pgsome at 6.97 MENS TIES to $5.00 value 5179 e:cu \Men's Levis Pantela SLACKS Size30-34 only Reg. $16.00 £8.00 a. 's GWG, me nae sexs $15 Boys' $13.95 $1 0.95 FANS ALL TOYS 25% Off All Men's Dress and Work BOOTS LESS 25% 90% Men"s, Boy's Ladies', Children's MITTS & GLOVES Off SLIPPERS Reg, $4.98 2.50 Boys' V2 Price Size 1-5 Boys', Girls', Ladies', Men"s SWEATERS 25% to 50% Off Stainless Steel _, TABLEWARE Setof6 <x 6 knives, 6 forks ($ ablespoons teaspoons fone 25.99 Oe ALA ADLDAA ARI AAMAAAAASL Men's, Ladies', Girls', Boys' WINTER HEADWEAR EL smi%o tO Men"s Green WORK PANTS Canadian Reg. $9.95 Balance of STOCK CLEARING UP TO 10a.m. fo 5 p.m. Closed all day Wednesday and Friday nigh! Wednesday, April 2, 1975 age 19 AAA RAAB SAS

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