Page 11, News, Tuesday, May 12, 1992 Family for rent at bargain price by William J. Thomas It's being widely reported that the people of Japan are suffering "burn out" and suc- cumbing to stress-related dis- eases because they work 14- hour days producing expensive electronic gadgets which we Canadians can only afford to purchase by holding down two jobs and logging overtime on weekends. (Boy, are those people screwed up or what?!) The Japanese population is also aging and with their chil- dren off chasing the almighty yen, the older folks are lonely. That's why Nihon Kenkasei Honbu (NKH) a personal ser- vice company in Tokyo is offering to rent--not making this up--a stand-in family to lonesome Japanese couples to fill the void left by their real family. The fee for these "entertainers" is $1,300 for a half-day of company and com- munication. Can you imagine? What kind of people would actually rent family members out to stranger for monetary gain!?! Has the devaluation of human life come to this? Did NKH of Tokyo think for one minute they could just run an ad in a newspaper and find "spare" family members that LADIES SELECTED T-SHIRTS & TOPS Up to 8 ALL DISCOUNTS ARE OFF OUR REGULAR RETAIL 33 SEE OUR 12 PAGE GREAT | OUTDOOR SALE FLYER FOR te ele elie elie ele sie e's sie ee . dio tee Vee ero t oie eet oe Veet 8, would just pick up and........ did they even once consider the feelings of.......... did anybody not notice the..... Did I mention my mom is living with me now? My brain is a bit addled these days mainly because I haven't had a night's sleep since the middle of February so just so we're clear on this--did I mention the fact my mom was living with me in a recent col- umn in this newspaper or did you see my FREE TO A GOOD HOME ad in the classi- fied section? But seriously we're getting along just great, Marg and me. A lot better in fact since I've started eating all the greens on my plate and brushing after every meal. You know, I don't care how old you are, you have no idea how much dirt collects behind your ears until your mom actually shows you that wash cloth. Me, Marg, Malcolm--we' re a real family, not some stand- in lease-by-the hour family with easy monthly payments in Japan. And do we have memo-. rable moments or what? Me: "I gotta go to the store and get some litter so I can clean out his we need milk?" continued on page 12 Of particular interest is what isn't on the table, at Tories continued from page 10 least on budget day: The Min- imum Corporate Tax. The Ontario's spending growthis budget speech refers to it only as a matter for further study, which will result in a "techni- cal paper" later this fall, and also well in excess of any other provincial government, among those who have tabled budgets so far this year. can only aggravate business Considering the Rae gov- _--_- uNcertainty and investor wari- ernment has also downloaded _ ness between know and then. at least $541 million of its deficits to transfer payment receipts such as municipali- ties, it's not much to boast about. Those measures which are contained in the budget tally up to a billion dollar tax grab. LE CONSEIL DES ECOLES SEPAREES CATHOLIQUES DU DISTRICT SUPERIEUR NORD (, PO. of \ . ee Lt recherech une secrétaire administrative billngue a plein temps (50% niveau scolaire; 50% niveau administration) a 'école i LOTS OF #2 FANTASTIC VALUES IN YOUR : MAIL BOX NOW:.! Seg i435 AT OUTDOOR =) NOM hen GRE 'TILL SATURDAY, MAY 16TH bs oe Ee 'e ele ele ele ele ele ele ele sie elie e ' ' SPaetsic tes tan sist aie tale taiat as Cae taie tia tes tse tele eis tae tsiet eat actecte ete tee. Notre-Dame de Lourdes de Manitouwadge pour le mois d'aout THE CORPORATION aoe. pet OF THE TOWNSHIP Le demandes d' emploi ainsi que références devront étre achemineés par té écopieur au ou par poste OF TERRACE BAY h | 1-807-825-3885 prioritaire au plus tard de 20 mai 1992 a I'adresse suivante: TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE Monsieur René Trahan Departement des ressources humaines C.P. 610 . Opens Terrace Bay (Ontario) Friday, May 15, 1992. POT 2wo 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily "LE CESC DU pISTAICT SUPERIEUR NORD i PRECONISE L'EQUITE EN MATIERE D' EMPLOI" Regular Hours begin June 20th from get OS ae a iso j ejean renette ene rahan 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily Président, Section Surintendant des de langue francaise ecoles frangaises Selle ielienieliehienieiehsecieielielielies leliel isl ielieliel lel ielieltel tel ielielieliel el ies ies tel ioc its ceististaeta Sf ee, ee, ee, eis, sie +3,5*eataatnatae SALE ele ele +e,0% sis OUTERWEAR Pei | LADIESCASUAL/ | -- TS, BLOUSES DRESS PANTS 3 Up to All size ranges Selected Styles a9 cer Styles Up to <3 50% OFF P to 0% OFF | # 30 % OFF a : MEN'S A SENIOR BOYS 5 WOVEN SPORTS SIZE 8-18 i: SHIRTS CASUAL PANTS 3 ree Selected Styles TR 25% OFF Fe: MEN'S SENIORGIRIS | CASUAL SIZES 8-16 & PANTS 2 PCE SETS ¢ Selected Styles ee ¥ p to - 0% OFF ; - 40% OFF| §& iT) e ' e 1@ @10 @18" ere Ce Ce