Page 2, News, Tuesday, February 4 1992 Community briefs Keep raising money for Freddy The CEO of the McCaus- land Hospital apologizes for giving inaccurate information to the Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, regarding the article "Donations push Freddy over the top" in the Jan. 28 edition of the paper. Donations are still neede to push Freddy over the top. In fact, $100,000 remains to be raised to reach our goal of $350,000, because $100,000 from the Hospital Capital Equipment Depreciation Fund was erroneously calculated into the amount given for pub- lication. Please continue your fundraising for Freddy the Fracture Finder. Terrace Bay Library News New books at the library: McNally's Secret, Lawrence Sanders; Deadly Perfume, Gordon Thomas; Fugitive Nights, Joseph Wambaugh; The Sum of All Fears, Tom Clancy; Evidence of Blood, Thomas H. Cook; Remember, Barbara Taylor Bradford; Hideaway, Dean R. Koontz; The Prince of Tides, Pat Conroy; Arthur, Arthur, Arthur Black; Mulroney--Pol- itics of Ambition, John Sawatsky; Wild Swans, Jung Chang. The Terrace Bay Public SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION SALE OF USED STUDENT DESKS 'OLD MARATHON HIGH SCHOOL February 14, 1992 from 2 p.m. to § p.m. Total Price: $1.00 each For more information contact: Cc. Deller, Manager of Plant Services (807) 229-0436. LAKE S HIGHVIEW ANIMAL CLINIC Dr. Benz & Dr. Peterson will be in Terrace Bay at the Community Church on 'Feb. 12th @ 13th, 1992. ' For appointments call Cathi at 825-3330 The Schreiber/Terrace Bay Adult Learning Program is having a Tutor Training Workshop, on Saturday, February 22, from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Topics to be covered will be: - what is expected of a tutor - profile of the adult learner and learning styles - reading and writing strategies - spelling strategies - lesson planning Interested in taking part? For more details, or to register, call Diane Linstead, at 824-3164. | | Cosme om emcee = 2 Sec Tr aa a at Library Board has been appointed by Council for a three year term. Members of the board are: Mrs. Marjorie Graham, Chairperson; Mrs. Gwen Black, Vice-Chairper- son, Mrs. Betty Stuttard, Mrs. Diane Aitchison and Mr. Chris Joubert, Council Representa- tive. Crime Stoppers crime of the week Shirley Payette, 44 years old, was last seen alive in her Terrace Bay home Friday, March 23, 1990. Nine days later, on Sunday, April 1, her body was found in the Steel River, which is located 25 km east of Terrace Bay along compiled by Darren MacDonald Highway 17. Approximately one hour after Payette was-last seen alive, witnesses saw a white vehicle just east of Steel River Bridge stopped on the north side of the highway. The autopsy report indicat- ed that Shirley Payette was beaten about the face and like- ly rendered unconscious. Investigation was conclusive that she was thrown off the bridge into the river 70 feet below. The recovered body was clothed in blue jeans, pink socks, pink blouse and a white cardigan sweater. To date police have not been able to locate Payette's black purse, her grey winter jacket and white boots. If you have any information about this crime, please con- tact Crimestoppers at 1-800- 465-6844. Remember, a reward of up to $500 will be offered for any information. Calendar winners Calendar winners (all for $10 unless otherwise indicat- ed); Jan. 27, Joe Wong, Ter- race Bay; Jan. 28, Jim Forbes, Terrace Bay; Jan. 29, Aileen Dykes, Thunder Bay; Jan. 30, Mr. A. Mulligan, Schreiber; Jan. 31, Linda Speziale, Ter- race Bay; Feb. 1, Dick Moher, Terrace Bay, $50; Feb. 2, Doug Burnett, Manitoba. Students found out what it would be like to be disabled 2) Chelsea Fairservice is pleased to Seenoance \ the birth of her sister Alyssa Nicole Proud parents Lloyd & Sue Fairservice. A granddaughter for Gail & Alice Fairservice and Jim & Margaret Smith of Schreiber. 8 lbs, 10 1/2 oz on Dec. 1, 1991. y) Special thanks to Dr. Rohani, Dr. Wilkes and the nursing staff of McCausland Hospital. J Imperial Restaurant Cicillian or Croissant Pizza Opening Day --~ oF | February 8/92 ao | at 5:00 p.m. ae Regular Hours: Sun. thru Thursday 12 noon - 11 pm Fri. & Sat. until 1 am - FOR PIZZA ONLY j Offering 14" - 12" - 10"- 7" Students experience disabilities first hand Students at Terrace Bay Public School spent last Thurs- day afternoon finding out what it would be like to live with a disability. The students were separated into 15 different groups, and then took part in 15 activities that simulated different disabil- ities. Among the activities that simulated vision impairments was a trust walk, in which one student was blindfolded and was guided around by another student. While blindfolded, they had to perform everyday activities such as going to the washroom, continued on page 3