Page 3, News, Tuesday, December 10 1991 Pays Plat centre will help "break down barriers" by Darren MacDonald The News The Pays Plat First Nations Business Centre is set to open for business in a month or two, about a year and an half ahead of schedule. The centre is the brainchild of Byron Nawagesic, who says he was originally only going to | open a Craft shop. "I was always interested in crafts," Nawagesic says, "That's how this whole thing got start With 6,000 square feet of commercial space, the centre will not only house a crafts store, it will also have a restau- rant, a laundromat, a combina- tion gas station and conve- nience store and a pool hall/arcade. "Originally the laundromat was going to be 800 sq. ft.," he Says.- "But a gentlemen expressed interest in opening a pool hall/arcade. And since you really don't need that much room for a laundromat, we gave him have the space." Byron Nawagesic stands outside the centre last week. It should be open next month, he says. for natives. They have difficul- ty getting bank loans because they lack collateral." Nawagesic says that building the mall helped eliminate the barriers, and gives people a chance they wouldn't have had otherwise. "At first, rent will be kept to a minimum," he says. "But they know that they can expect rent increases of up to 50 per cent after the first year. "After the third or fourth year, the rents will be at market value," he says. By that time, the-centre is expected to bring in about $50,000 in revenue for the band, he says. "We're also building eight houses, so right now, unem- ployment in Pays Plat is about two people," Nawagesic says. "That was. behind the whole idea of his, to create employ- ment," says Benno Friedrich, whose company, North Shore Quality Homes, designed and built the Centre, and is also building the homes. "The kids around here will grow up working in businesses, rather. than mowing lawns or maintaining the highways and picking up rocks," Nawagesic says. Although the population of Pays Plat itself is small, Nawa- gesic says highway traffic is the key to the success of the centre. "There are 2.2 million peo- ple ovine on that highway every year," he says. "If we can get one per cent of that traffic, we'll be successful." Financing for the centre came from three sources; a non-repayable loan, a Business Development Centre loan secured by the Pays Plat Band, and the remainder is from the band. "(Pays Plat) Chief Aimie ' Bouchard said 'we'll give you the chance, now let's see what © you can do with it,'" Nawa- gesic says. "The object of the whole thing was to create employ- ment" he says, adding that all of the businesses opening up are brand new. "For the first time, natives will be able to purchase what they need without going off the 0 ©°0 G0 ° © 0 6x6) Royal Canadian Legion , Br. 109, Schreiber - eed on Tuesday : ay, December 31, 91 "- 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. € $20 Single - $35 Couple Se. usic by- PARTY SOND 4} Tickets can be purchased in the / clubroom commencing Monday, Dec. 2nd, 91 to Dec. 7, 91 to Legion Members only. Commencing Dec 9, 91 tickets will. reservation," he says. , "There are economic barriers a coer THE ; WEALTH Dear Santa: All | want for Christmas is enough food and one toy. -- DONATIONS MAY BE MADE AT: SCHREIBER SCHREIBER MEDICAL CENTRE ST. JOHNS ANGLICAN CHURCH OR RECTORY +t Dee Sante, TERRACE BAY TERRACY BAY COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION CASH DONATIONS ACCEPTED FINAL COLLECTION DATE DEC. 14/91 HAMPERS TO BE DELIVERED DEC. 22/91 NO USED STUFFED TOYS PLEASE Benno Friedrich's company designed and built the centre. fs) be sold to the public. SORRY NO MINORS! An) °.8&.0, Oo ?e neGork fo) TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER PUBLIC NOTICE PARKING AND SNOW REMOVAL The Township Parking By-law 88-26, restricts parking at the CP Rail Station as follows: FROM TO Brunswick Westend of Eastend of North no longer than 30 min. (parallel only) Street Station Station Brunswick Westend of 22 meters North no longer than 15 min. Street Station Westerly and By-Law 88-26, also regulates snow removal parking control as follows: SNOW REMOVAL PARKING CONTROL 4 (a) No person shall park a vehicle on any street in the Township of Schreiber, between the hours of 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM, from and includ- ing the 15th day of November in each year to and including the 15th day of April in each year. That By-Law provides, that any vehicle discovered to be in contravention of the by-law, may be removed, and the owner or operator of such vehicles is subject to a charge of $45.00 It is the intention of Council to enforce the provisions of the By-Law. Please govern yourself accordingly. REEVE AND COUNCIL TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER December 5, 1991